Power Point

Financial Updated for
Study Abroad Programs
Dr. Yana A. Cornish
Director of Education Abroad
Program Reapproval Process
For existing programs only
Currently for Spring 2016 and Summer 2016 programs
Received documentation for 90+% of active SA programs
Review is ongoing
All online - GoAbroad.uga.edu
Engagement of academic and administrative structures in the review
OIE will update/set up placeholder SABD course and attach approved
program fee
Budget Template Review
• New way of thinking:
• List OIE support needed (no “tuition return”)
• Complete all information requested
• Provide information on funding from other sources
• Provide “actual” expense report post-program
Petty Cash
• GOAL: reduce amount of petty cash used by programs
• Taking proactive measures to assist program leaders with using alternative
payment methods:
• Pre-payment to vendors
• Wire transfer
• P-card
• Wells Fargo account and ATM card
Petty Cash Questionnaire:
Other Updates:
• GOAL: increase student access to programs abroad
• Aligning student program fee payments with Financial Aid disbursement dates
• Use of DSS accounts to “budget” programs to be able to pay deposits and make
payments to vendors
• All study abroad students must enroll into the placeholder (SABD) course for “0”
credit (Department schedulers will need to set up PODs)
• Departments will continue to manage 2 accounts per program: (1) instructional (OIE
support) and (2) student program fee (DSS)
• OIE will continue to enroll groups in insurance, will send an invoice to departments
Other Updates (cont.):
• All student program payments to be done via student accounts
• Students will enroll into academic and SABD courses Dec. – Feb. (encourage
early enrollment)
• Program fees/tuition will be assessed in early April for all enrolled
• Financial Aid will disburse in early May for Maymester/extended
• Due date to pay program fee/tuition in full – day after Fin. Aid is disbursed
(e.g., tent. May 3, 2016 for Maymester/extended)
• Payment plans are available for summer, must be arranged early
Other Updates (cont.):
• All transient students in SA programs should be required to pay outstanding
UGA balance by no later than 30 days prior to the program’s departure;
• No more STATs sheets will be needed, as all student data will be in the Portal;
• Admin. Staff needing access to the Portal, please contact Colin McKenzie to
schedule training and receive appropriate access
Future Plans:
• Online program deposit payment (tentative - for FY17 programs);
• Working on developing a consistent deposit amount for all programs and
receiving BOR approval;
• Creating useful reports allowing administrators to check on SABD
enrollment, student payment status, etc.;
• Continuing to coordinate with Admissions on ways to work more effectively
with transient students for participation in study abroad at UGA.