FAQ’s for Faculty Led Overseas Programs

FAQ’s for Faculty Led Overseas Programs
Holly Hudson, Director
The University of South Alabama
2300 Meisler Hall
T: (215) 460-7053
❖ What does the Office of International Education (OIE) do and how will they work with me?
OIE works with all students pursuing overseas study and with faculty who are leading
group programs abroad. For faculty, OIE offers assistance with marketing and
recruitment, setting up courses, developing programs and facilitating logistics and
payments. For students, OIE facilitates the student’s overseas experience from the
advisement and application process through the return.
❖ How do I propose an overseas program?
Start with OIE. Holly Hudson is your first point of contact and can be reached 2300
Meisler Hall, 251-460-7053, or hhudson@southalabama.edu. You will fill out a program
proposal that consist of academic and budgetary components. The proposals will be
submitted to OIE for review and revision and then submitted through the appropriate
channels for approval. OIE recommends discussing your ideas for program development
with your department chair prior to submitting a proposal. Summer program proposal
documents will be available four months prior to the submission deadline (early
❖ What about my expenses for housing, meals, and airfare?
Faculty expenses such as airfare, meals, and lodging are built into the program budget
and covered by the program costs.
❖ Who makes all of the arrangements for the program—logistical, academic, housing, excursions?
The faculty director makes all of the arrangements, to include housing, logistics,
classrooms, excursions, site visits and all other aspects of the program. It is not
uncommon for faculty to work with travel agents, third-party providers, and host
institutions abroad in making all of the arrangements. OIE will assist faculty through this
❖ Can other faculty teach in my program and how does that work?
Yes, more than one faculty can teach in a program. However, please note that most
classes require a minimum of ten students and the addition of additional faculty will
increase the cost of the program. Compensation for teaching and faculty expenses are
usually built into the budget.
❖ May I take an assistant on the program, and if so, who qualifies as an assistant?
Faculty can take a graduate student or other faculty member as an assistant, with a
minimum of 15 students enrolled in the program. Expenses for the graduate student
must be included in the budget for the program.
❖ May I use a program provider to set up my program?
Yes, you can use a program provider to build a custom program for you. OIE
recommends using a provider and has numerous providers with whom they work, and
can give you information and suggestions on providers. Please consult with Holly
Hudson for this information.
❖ Can I set up a program directly with an institution abroad?
Yes, you can set up a program to work directly with an institution abroad.
Holly Hudson, Director
The University of South Alabama
2300 Meisler Hall
T: (215) 460-7053
❖ How do I get students to join my program?
Recruiting students is an integral part of planning and implementing your overseas
program. OIE actively recruits for students on your behalf through classroom visits,
study abroad fairs, e-mail distribution lists, and special events. Talking to students in
your classroom and visiting other classes is the best way to recruit students.
❖ How do students apply for the program?
Beginning in summer 2014, students complete an online application through the OIE
❖ How many course credits are typical for an overseas program?
Typically, a total of three to nine credit hours are awarded for a short-term program
abroad. Credit hours depend on the length of the program and the contact hours.
Faculty will provide a syllabus and itinerary as part of the proposal process. The
department chair and dean must approve all proposals.
❖ How do I submit grades?
Faculty submit grades as they would for regular term classes
❖ Who do I turn to for help prior to departure and while abroad?
Holly Hudson and the International Programs Coordinator (vacant) will be your contacts
for all issues related to going abroad. All faculty members who participate in USA
programs abroad must go through mandatory preparation training. Training consists of
two to three meetings covering emergency planning, health and safety, risk and liability,
and finances.
❖ What kind of insurance will I have while abroad and am I protected?
USA has comprehensive insurance that covers all faculty while abroad. A detailed
summary of your insurance coverage is discussed during faculty workshops prior to
departing for your program.
❖ What is the minimum/maximum number of students for a program?
Ten is the minimum number of students required for all programs. The maximum
number is determined by some factors that include housing limitations, school
limitations, and other factors. Most programs normally have a maximum of 30 to 50
❖ How am I compensated for directing and teaching a summer program abroad?
Compensation amounts are to be determined and will include payment for teaching and
directing the program.
❖ Are there scouting funds available for visiting international program locations to prior to the
Yes, beginning in fall 2015 there will be limited funds available for faculty who wish to
conduct a site visit prior to their program abroad. Criteria for funding will be available
through the Office of International Education.