Final Project Due Date

AP Statistics
End of the Year Project
Group Members: ___________________________________________________
Project Proposal Information: For your end of the year project, you will collect
and analyze quantitative data. You need to decide on a research question in
which you would like to find the results (must be quantitative). You must to state:
(1) your top 3 questions, (2) what sampling technique and procedures you will use
to get your data for each of the three questions, (3) your population of interest
for each, and (4) what inference test you plan to use when summarizing your data
for each question. Remember you must avoid any possible biases and your
samples must be truly random (meaning a random number generator must be
applied in some way). Every person in your population needs a chance to be
This is the first step to your project. Future objectives to keep in mind when
coming up with your questions, population, and sampling techniques:
 You will need to collect the data using a randomized technique
 Create graphs
 Find the descriptive statistics (mean, median, modes, standard deviation,
and etc.)
 Create frequency distributions
 Use inference tests to make inferences about the population of interest
Your group must have an organized binder that displays all of your information
that will be submitted by the deadline. You must also to create a display that
could be set up in the room or hung on the wall displaying that portrays your
results for your presentation.
Project Proposal Due Date: Friday, May 1, 2015 (Beginning of class)
Data Collection Deadline: Friday, May 8, 2015 (Beginning of class)
Final Project Due Date: Monday, May 18, 2015 (Beginning of class)
Presentations: Monday, May 18, 2015
AP Statistics
End of the Year Project
Assign which group member will calculate or create the following. You will turn
this in with your final project.
5-Number Summary
Box-and-Whisker Plot
o Sample SD
o Range
 Frequency Distribution
Note: calculate each class width by taking the max – min and dividing by the number of
classes you wish to have.
 Frequency Histogram
 Stemplot
 What is the shape of the distribution? Discuss the shape, center, and
spread of the histogram.
 Create a 95% confidence interval estimating your parameter (mean or
proportion) for your population of interest. Be sure to check your
 Write up a question/scenario in words you would like to investigate or
 Using that question/scenario, make an inference about your population of
interest using an appropriate hypothesis test.
 Create a display (see requirements on next page)
AP Statistics
End of the Year Project
Along with your final binder or booklet showing ALL project requirements, you
must create a display for your project. You need to decide what portrays your
data the best. You may create a poster/physical display, or you may create an
electronic display: PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. If you create an electronic display,
please print a copy for grading.
Here are the requirements: (1) a title, (2) your research question, (3) mean, (4)
standard deviation, (5) at least one graph, (6) your confidence interval conclusion,
AND (7) your hypothesis test conclusion. You may add other things to your
display: pictures or extra statistics. Your display will be graded on neatness,
accuracy, relevance, and professionalism (size of font/writing counts). People in
the back of the room must be able to read your display. You may earn bonus
points for uniqueness.
Your binder/booklet of all the requirements and the display must be turned in at
the beginning of the period on the due date. Make sure your name is on
everything. For full credit, be sure to put all of the binder requirements in the
order listed on the rubric (next page).
AP Statistics
End of the Year Project
Grading Rubric
Original and revised project proposal (with all requirements): _________/5
List of raw data:
5-Number Summary:
Box plot:
Sample standard deviation:
Frequency Distribution Table:
Frequency Histogram:
Shape, center, spread of distribution:
95% confidence interval:
Hypothesis test scenario:
Solution to hypothesis test:
Presentation (everyone must be present to speak):
Group Members’ Rating