attachment 2 - threshold requirements



The following are minimum requirements. Check the appropriate box. If any box is checked no, the agency does not meet the requirements for receiving HUD housing counseling funds.

# Threshold Requirements

1. Agency is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in good standing in the state of

New Hampshire.

Yes No

2. Agency meets the requirements to be a HUD-approved Housing Counseling

Agency, including having provided housing counseling services for a minimum of two years.

3. Agency has the financial resources to provide housing counseling to at least 30 clients during the fiscal year without HUD funds.

4. Individual counseling is offered to all clients attending group counseling and/or education sessions.

5. All employees proposed to provide housing counseling are trained and certified housing counselors, or will become trained and certified within 12 months. (This is not required of employees providing administrative support.)

6. At least 50% of employees providing housing counseling have a minimum of six months of experience in the job they will perform. (Sub-contracting actual housing counseling services is not permitted by HUD.)

7. Supervisors are certified in the counseling service they are supervising or have a minimum of five years of relevant supervisory experience.

8. At least one manager of the agency’s housing counseling program is trained as a HUD Housing Counseling Manager.

9. The agency complies with all applicable fair housing and civil rights requirements found in 24 CFR 5.105(a), including, but not limited to, the

Fair Housing Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Titles II and III of the Americans with

Disabilities Act, as applicable.

10. Comply with effective communication requirements pursuant to Section

504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its implementing regulations at

24 CFR 8.6.

11. If agency uses Counselor Max, the agency agrees to provide report access through New Hampshire Housing’s Reports Max application.

NHHFA 2014 Housing Counseling RFP Attachment 2 – Page 1


A minimum of 125 points is required to receive funding.

# Item

Points -

Select only one

1. All certified Housing Counselors completed a minimum of 10 hours of continuing education in the last 12 months in subjects relative to the core content and delivery of homeownership counseling.

Attach list of housing counselors and courses taken in last 12 months.

No = 0

Yes = 15





2. Housing Counselors providing pre-purchase education or counseling have an up-to-date working knowledge of HUD housing programs including FHA Single Family mortgage programs.

No = 0

Yes = 15

3. Percent of Counselors certified in the service they provide.

Attach list of housing counselors with current certifications and date received.

None = 0

50% = 10

100% = 25

4. The agency has adopted the National Industry Standards for Housing


Date adopted:

No = 0

Yes = 15

5. Curriculum outlines are available for all education and counseling services.

Attach a copy of the curriculum outline for each education and counseling service included in the Work Plan (Attachment 4)

6. The agency provides Housing Counseling Services:


In person


Over the phone


Through alternative modes of counseling; i.e., Skype or other internet service, online education.


No = 0

Yes = 15

A. = 10

A. + B. = 20

A., B. + C. = 25

7. Housing Counselors use either CounselorMax or Housing Counseling

Online to maintain client demographic information, counseling notes, action plans, credit scores and follow-up; to exit clients in a timely manner; and to maintain related program information.

No = 0

HCO = 5

CMAX= 10

8. Housing Counselors provide counseling, education, and/or information on discriminatory housing and mortgage lending practices and the rights and remedies available under federal, state, and local fair housing civil rights laws to all persons receiving housing counseling or education services as applicable to the service received.


No = 0

Yes = 10

NHHFA 2014 Housing Counseling RFP Attachment 3 – Page 1

9. Agency provides affirmative marketing and outreach to:


Limited English Proficiency populations


People with disabilities

Give an example of affirmative marketing/outreach in past 12 months:

No = 0

A. = 5

B. = 5

A. + B. = 10

10. The following tools are used for program evaluation for both education and counseling to determine client satisfaction with services, client outcomes, and impact of services:


Client Exit Surveys


Client surveys at 6 months post-service

Attach a copy of all surveys used and identify purpose of each.

11. The agency pulls credit reports 6 months post-service.

No = 0

A. = 5

A. + B. = 15


The agency works with other HUD programs; i.e., Housing Choice

Voucher, Family Self Sufficiency


Can offer services in multiple languages through a bilingual housing counselor



How successful was your Agency in meeting your FY2013 Work Plan goals.


Did not meet goals


Met goals


Exceeded goals


Will provide workshops using a Cost Per Household amount below:


Greater than $75


$51 to $75


$25 to $50

NOTE: Calculating cost per household - total funding for workshops divided by the number of households served equals cost per household.


Will provide counseling using a Cost Per Household amount below:

A. Greater than $100

B. $76 to $100

C. $75 or less

NOTE: Calculating cost per household - total funding for counseling divided by the number of households served equals cost per household.

NHHFA 2014 Housing Counseling RFP

No = 0

Yes = 10

No = 0

Yes = 10

No = 0

Yes = 20

A. = 0

B. = 10

C. = 20


A. = 0

B. = 10

C. = 25


A. = 0

B. = 10

C. = 25

Attachment 3 – Page 2
