WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 1 OF 35 REQUEST FOR BID (RFB) FOR Automatic Traffic Recorder Maintenance (Loop and Piezoelectric Sensor Maintenance and Replacement) RFB # 269704 Issued by: STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Business Management (DBM) Bids must be submitted No later than 2:00 PM CDT Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Important: See building security access restrictions in Section 5 LATE BIDS WILL BE REJECTED For further information regarding this RFB e-mail Lyman Fuson E-mail: lyman.fuson@dot.wi.gov Issued: June 1, 2012 Questions Due: June 8, 2012 ALL QUESTION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING All communication must be in writing to the e-mail address listed above. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 2 OF 35 SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF BID TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION SUBJECT PAGE # 1. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. CONTRACT TERM .................................................................................................................................. 4 3. CONTRACT QUANTITIES/NEW OR DELETED ITEMS ............................................................. 5 4. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS AND BIDDER/CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS ............ 5 5. WORK ORDER PROCESS, CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS ........... 6 6. DELIVERY ................................................................................................................................................16 7. METHOD OF BID ...................................................................................................................................16 8. FIRM PRICES ..........................................................................................................................................16 9. BID RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................16 10. METHOD OF AWARD ..........................................................................................................................17 11. MINORITY BUSINESS PARTICIPATION .......................................................................................17 12. SUBCONTRACTING OR THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS ................................................................17 13. INVOICING REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................17 14. CONTRACT CANCELLATION ............................................................................................................18 15. CERTIFICATION FOR COLLECTION OF SALES AND USE TAX ............................................18 16. CONFIDENTIALITY ..............................................................................................................................18 17. APPEALS PROCESS (SERVICES ONLY) ........................................................................................19 ATTACHMENT A – VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET ATTACHMENT B – REFERENCES SHEET ATTACHMENT C – WisDOT MBE PROGRAM AWARENESS, COMPLIANCE & ACTION PLAN FORM ATTACHMENT D – MINORITY BUSINESS PARTICIPATION REPORT FORM ATTACHMENT E – BIDDER’S RESPONSE SHEET ATTACHMENT F – BID SCENARIOS ATTACHMENT G– PROJECT LIST REFERENCE GUIDES ATTACHAED AS SEPARATE DOCUMENTS ATTACHMENT H—MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, ROADTRAX SENSORS ATTACHMENT I—TRANSFORMER BASE INSTALLATION GUIDE ATTACHMENT J—POLE MOUNTED CABINET INSTALLATION GUIDE ATTACHMENT K—GENERIC WEIGH-IN-MOTION STATION ATTACHMENT L—LOOP DETECTOR INSTALLATION LAYOUTS ATTACHMENT M—INSTALLING CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PLATFORM ATTACHMENT N—GRADING, SHAPING, AND FINISHING ATTACHMENT O—ROADWAY DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATION WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 3 OF 35 REFERENCES LOCATED AT THE DOT WEBSITE Construction and Material Specifications Manual and the Wisconsin Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (WMUTCD) published by the Department of Transportation can be found at http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/business/engrserv/wmutcd.htm Construction and Material Specifications published by the Department of Transportation can be found at http://roadwaystandards.dot.wi.gov/standards/cmm/index.htm Work Zone Safety Guide published by the Department of Transportation can be found here: http://dotnet/dtid_bho/extranet/manuals/wzsg/wzsguide.pdf. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1. BID #269704 PAGE 4 OF 35 SCOPE The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT or DOT), through its Purchasing Unit (Purchasing), requests bids to establish a contract for the purchase of automatic traffic recorder (ATR) station maintenance and installation statewide. This work will consist of removing failed piezoelectric axle sensors from the pavement, installing new piezoelectric axle sensors and pulling the cables to the cabinet. It will also include installing inductance loops, pulling loop wires to a pull box and splicing them to lead-in cables, removing and replacing damaged lead-in cables between the pull box and the cabinet and patching holes in the pavement near sensors. Additional work may include installing type 2 concrete bases, transformer bases and signal cabinets at new ATR stations. The attached Standard Terms and Conditions shall govern this bid unless specifically modified in the Special Conditions of Bid. Conditions of bid that include the word "must" or "shall,” describe a mandatory requirement. All specifications are defined as mandatory minimum requirements unless otherwise stated. If no bidder is able to comply with a given specification or condition of bid, Purchasing reserves the right to delete that specification or condition of bid. Failure to meet a mandatory requirement shall disqualify your bid. In addition, several documents are attached as separate files to this bid as well as links to documentation on the WisDOT website. These documents include standards that will be considered the guidelines for acceptance by the WisDOT project manager. Bidders must review these documents before submitting their bid. If you have any questions regarding the specifications, or special conditions of bid, e-mail Lyman Fuson (lyman.fuson@dot.wi.gov) as soon as possible, but no later than June 8th, 2012. If the answer requires written notification to other bidders, purchasing will issue an official addendum. Any correspondence, documents, price lists, etc. to support your bid, must include the bid number and be sent to: U.S. Mail: Purchasing WI Department of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave., Room 751 PO Box 7396 Madison, WI 53707-7396 UPS, Fed Ex, etc.: Purchasing WI Department of Transportation 4802 Sheboygan Ave., Room 751 Madison, WI 53705 Retain a copy of these Special Conditions of Bid for your files. Should you receive an award, these Special Conditions of Bid become your contract terms and conditions. Questions regarding this bid must be submitted in writing via email to the following: Lyman Fuson, e-mail: lyman.fuson@dot.wi.gov 2. CONTRACT TERM One year beginning on July 1, 2012, or date of award with two (2) one-year renewal options. WisDOT reserves the right to extend beyond the contract period if deemed to be in the best interest of WisDOT. This Contract shall automatically be extended into its subsequent years unless Purchasing is notified, in writing, by the Contractor 90 calendar days prior to expiration of the initial and/or succeeding Contract period(s). WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 3. BID #269704 PAGE 5 OF 35 CONTRACT QUANTITIES/NEW OR DELETED ITEMS A list of projects can be found in Attachment F. The number of projects for the 2012 construction season is unusually long due to carry over projects from 2011. The desire of WisDOT is to accomplish as much of this work as possible during the first term of the contract. The WisDOT Contract Manager will develop a prioritized list with the awarded contractor. Bidders should be aware that the work locations are statewide the priorities may or may not be determined by geographical location. Bidders should take this into consideration when submitting their bids. WisDOT does not guarantee to purchase any specific quantity or dollar amount. Bids that state WisDOT must guarantee a specific quantity or dollar amount may be disqualified. 4. CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS AND BIDDER/CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS To be eligible for a contract award, you must be qualified and able to provide the following. Bidder must check the appropriate box below and provide documentation to substantiate where requested. Included in this documentation must be a list of projects where appropriate. Respond on attached “Vendor Information Sheet” and “References Sheet”. 4.1 Bidder must be in the business of electrical contracting and traffic sensor installation for the past 5 years. Comply Does Not Comply Attach documentation showing experience and background. A list of projects, date work was done and entities that work were performed for. 4.2 Throughout Section 5 of this document there are references to sections of the Construction and Material Specifications Manual and the Wisconsin Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (WMUTCD), the Construction and Material Specifications(CMS), and the Work Zone Safety Guide (WZSG). Bidder must have experience working within these specifications and completing projects that meet or exceed these specifications. Comply Does Not Comply Attach documentation that shows experience, background, and projects that used these specifications as requirements for the project. 4.3 Attachments H through O have been included in the posting of this bid as separate documents. These attachments include guides, installation requirements, installation layouts, and other information that will be considered the basis for acceptance and payment for work performed. Bidder must review and acknowledge here that these documents have been reviewed and the bidder is qualified to meet the standards included in the attachments. Have read, understand and comply Does Not Comply 4.4 Bidder must be a licensed electrician capable of performing the tasks outline in RFB Section 5. Comply Does Not Comply Attach documentation showing experience and background. 4.5 Bidder must have experience coordinating maintenance of traffic with the WISDOT Region Office and appropriate County Highway Departments, obtaining utility clearances, obtaining the proper permits and schedule all required work. Comply Does Not Comply Attach documentation showing experience and background. Include a list of specific projects. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 6 OF 35 4.6 Bidder must have experience in proper lane closure procedures and traffic maintenance. Comply Does Not Comply Attach documentation showing experience and background. Include a list of specific projects. 4.7 Bidder must supply a minimum of 3 references to which similar service have been provided during the past 2 years. If contacted, all of those references must verify that a high level of satisfaction was provided. Use Attachment B to list references. Comply Does Not Comply 4.8 A performance bond, certified check or an irrevocable letter of credit equal to 20% of the awarded contract’s value shall be provided to the Department. Purchase orders for the Department will not be issued until after the Department receives evidence of compliance with this requirement. Such evidence must be submitted within ten business days following contract award. Absent compliance within ten business days, the Department reserves the right to award to the next lowest bidder. The department will invoke the performance bond, certified check or irrevocable letter of credit to recover costs incurred in resolving matters resulting from Vendor non-performance under this contract not addressed by liquidated damages. Only the department can invoke the performance bond. A local unit of government may request that the department invoke the performance bond on their behalf, but the decision to do so will be at the sole discretion of the department. Comply Does Not Comply 4.9 5. Awarded contractor must provide WisDOT Purchasing a Certificate of Insurance and maintain the minimum limits specified prior to issuance of a Purchase Order. All policies must be issued with a 30-day cancellation notice, by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Wisconsin, with a minimum AM Best rating of A1, and signed by an authorized agent. Comply Does Not Comply WORK ORDER PROCESS, CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Process WISDOT shall provide the following items as need for each project: prewired cabinets, unwired cabinets, 11’ piezoelectric axle sensors, 8’ piezoelectric axle sensors, polyurea hybrid resin for piezoelectric axle sensor installation, mixing tubes for resin, transformer bases. The bidder will be required to pick up all items at the Travel Survey Shop, 3633 Pierstorff Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53704. An unofficial work order will be issued and a site visit will be scheduled between the bidder and the WISDOT field representative to detail the work items and the quantities. Within two (2) weeks of receipt of an unofficial work order, the bidder shall provide the WISDOT Contract Manager a schedule for the potential site visits. The WISDOT Contract Manger may request a change in the work schedule based on WISDOT priority. An official written work order and purchase order will be issued by the WISDOT Contract Manager, to initiate work to be performed under this contract and WISDOT may issue multiple work orders at multiple locations. The work orders are similar to the forms used in Attachment F, Bid Scenarios. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 7 OF 35 The work order will specify the location of the traffic data collection station, a description of the problem and work to be done. The bidder will be given a work order which may or may not include a drawing or sketch relevant to dimensions, road sensor placement, and all work required to make the site fully functional. All work shall be satisfactorily completed within 30 days of receipt of an official work order. Any time required for acquisition of materials and supplies shall be included in this 30 day period. Any exceptions to this requirement shall be requested to the WISDOT Contract Manager, who shall be sole judge as to whether or not such exception shall be granted. All work accomplished as a result of this contract is subject to inspection by Data Management Section Technicians, and must be approved by the WISDOT Contract Manager prior to acceptance of and payment for services rendered. The WISDOT Contract Manager shall be notified of the intended work schedule for each work order at least five (5) working days in advance of any work being accomplished under said work order, and shall have ten (10) working days following notification of completion of work by the bidder for inspection. Work not accepted and approved shall be corrected by the bidder and reinspected by the Data Management Section Technicians within ten (10) working days following notification. The bidder will review each location, coordinate maintenance of traffic with the WISDOT Region Office and appropriate County Highway Department, obtain utility clearances, obtain the proper permits and schedule all required work. Unless authorized by WISDOT, all work at a given location shall be completed in an agreed upon timetable by WisDOT and the contractor. This deadline must be met before moving to the next location. Process Summary 1. Site inspected by WISDOT field representative to determine actual scope of work 2. WISDOT prepares unofficial work order 3. WISDOT forwards unofficial work order to contractor 4. WISDOT field representative and contractor meet on site to discuss the work to be done 5. Contractor provides tentative work schedule 6. DOT reviews tentative work schedule and may request changes 7. WISDOT prepares official work order 8. WISDOT forwards official work order and purchase order to contractor 9. Contractor makes lane closure arrangements with Region, county or municipality 10. Contractor contacts Diggers Hotline 11. Contractor performs work requested and notifies WISDOT contract manager upon completion 12. WISDOT field representative makes final connections in cabinet and reviews completed work a. If work approved, the WISDOT Contract Manager is notified b. If work is not approved, contractor will remedy and notify WISDOT contract manager (see above) 13. WISDOT contract manager notifies contractor to submit invoice for work order completed. 14. WISDOT Purchasing receives and pays invoice Only accepted and approved work shall be eligible for invoicing. The WISDOT project manager will monitor the bidder’s performance and direct that payments be made after each work order has been completed and accepted, but no more frequently than monthly. Invoices for work orders completed, field inspected, and approved shall be submitted as directed on the purchase order. 5.2 Requirements 5.2.1 Lane Closures WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 8 OF 35 Bidder must follow all WISDOT lane closure policies by coordinating lane closure times with the WISDOT Region Offices. Contact the appropriate Region Office for the local lane closure policy. See RFB Section 5.4.1 Maintenance of Traffic. 5.2.2 Diggers Hotline Notification Prior to work, Diggers Hotline must be given appropriate notification. The location of existing utilities are not always shown on the plans, but can be obtained from Diggers Hotline. No excavation will be permitted in the area of underground utilities until all such facilities have been located and identified to the satisfaction of all parties. The bidder is responsible for any damage to utilities caused by the bidder's operations. At least three (3) working days prior to commencing construction operations the bidder shall notify Diggers Hotline, WISDOT Region Highway Operations, and the WISDOT project manager. 5.2.3 Section 6.4: Restoration and Clean Up The bidder shall be responsible for restoration of disturbed areas to a condition equal to that existing before the work was started, in accordance with the Standard Specifications, Section 205.3.12; Incorporating or Disposing of Surplus or Unsuitable Material. In addition to the usual restoration such as removal of a pole, a foundation, or a pull box, the bidder shall correctly reattach and seal all components moved or replaced from the traffic data collection hardware and devices such as the following examples: a. If a solar panel is repaired or replaced, it must face south and have a 60 degree angle if located at a weigh-in-motion station or a 70 degree angle if located at a Wavetronix station. b. If wires are repaired or rerun into the cabinet, duct seal will be placed over all conduit opening(s) where work was accomplished. c. If work is done splicing wires in pull boxes, the pull box lid should seat completely. d. The invoice will not be processed until all work related to this item is completed. 5.2.4 Permits The bidder is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from the WISDOT Region Offices and appropriate municipal governmental agencies. Any restrictions should be indicated during the permit application process. The permit should be onsite during the work. 5.2.5 Bidder Provided Material, Labor, and Equipment All materials, services and equipment (including tools and vehicles), must be provided by the bidder, except for those items mentioned in RFB Section 5.3. This includes, but is not limited to: traffic control, loop wire, loop lead-in wire, splice kits, conduit, wiring, loop sealant and/or hole patching material. WISDOT will not provide any equipment or services (e.g. traffic control, calibration trucks, etc.) to the bidder. All equipment and materials repaired and accepted as part of the resulting contract will become property of WISDOT upon payment of such services. WISDOT staff will not provide technical assistance. 5.2.6 Acceptance and Testing WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 9 OF 35 A WisDOT Data Management Section staff member will inspect each site, either while work is being performed or after all work has been completed, to ensure compliance with the specifications. All materials and sensors shall be installed and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's documentation. The techniques used to repair or replace roadway sensors have a direct affect on the long term performance of the site. It is essential to follow both the manufacturer’s installation specifications/procedures and WISDOT’s BL piezoelectric cable installation guidelines (Attachment G) precisely to ensure a quality repair/replacement. Some of the important parameters for piezoelectric cable repair/replacement are: depth, proper curing of the resin, cleaning of sensors prior to installation, etc. See specific sections for the acceptance and testing for each type of sensor. 5.2.7 Contract Representative The bidder will provide the WISDOT Project Manager with the name and phone number of the contact who will be responsible for coordinating all repair work associated with the resulting contract. 5.2.8 General Summary and Estimated Quantities The quantities shown are estimates only and quantities may change according to actual field repairs. The bidder shall not receive an adjusted unit price for decreased quantities of work items. 5.2.9 Pay Descriptions, Measurement and Payment Pay Items are established and will be assigned for all work to be accomplished under this contract. Each work order will contain a detailed description of the work to be performed based on "best knowledge available at the time of issuance." Adjustments may be made to the quantities allocated, upon Bidder's inspection of the work site, at the discretion of the WISDOT Contract Manager. Should adjustments be made, compensation will be recalculated for the quantities actually used to perform the work required in the work order, as approved by the WISDOT Contract Manager, at the Contract Price. 5.3 WISDOT Provided Items WISDOT shall provide the following items: prewired cabinets, unwired cabinets, 11’ piezoelectric axle sensors, 8’ piezoelectric axle sensors, TDC Joint Seal Epoxy for piezoelectric axle sensor installation, mixing tubes for resin, transformer bases. These items will be provided for the bidder to pick up at the Travel Survey Shop, 3633 Pierstorff Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53704. Note: The TDC Joint Seal Epoxy is a two-part product and is provided in cartridges. A caulking gun for this product can be seen at: http://triggindustries.com/traffic-engineering-products/trafficsensors/tdc-joint-seal.html. 5.4 Work Description and Payment 5.4.1 Mobilization WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 10 OF 35 All preparatory work and operations in mobilizing for beginning work, movement of personnel and associated costs, per diem, etc., movement and/or storage of equipment and supplies, and other incidentals for one work order (project) shall be included in this item. A site visit is usually required to define the work. A site visit includes a WISDOT representative and a contractor representative. Site visit(s) are included in the mobilization cost. One (1) mobilization shall be assigned per work order. Measurement and Payment There shall be one (1) mobilization item per work order, except as noted above. Payment shall be made as each. 5.4.2 Maintenance of Traffic The following lane closures will be required: (a) One Lane Closure on a Two Lane Highway per lane (b) One Lane Closure on a Four Lane Undivided Highway per lane (c) One Lane Closure on a Four Lane or Greater Divided Highway per lane (d) Shoulder Closure per lane The intent is to perform the required work with the least inconvenience and the maximum safety to the traveling public and to the contractor. Any variance from this plan note must be approved in advance in writing by the Region Work Zone Traffic Manager. Except as modified below, the requirements for maintenance of traffic as indicated in the Wisconsin Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (WMUTCD), the Work Zone Safety Guidelines (WZSG) booklet and pertinent items of the specifications and proposals shall apply. Specifically see WZSG pages 17-18 for shoulder closures; to pages 20-25 for operation in one lane of a two-lane highway; and to pages 31-32 for closings on multi-lane highways. The contractor shall arrange traffic control devices so traffic to and from freeway(s) are maintained at all times. The contractor will be responsible to erect and maintain in proper position, and subsequently remove, all traffic control devices necessary for the maintenance of traffic. The devices shall be reflective, clean, legible, and in good working condition. Placement of all traffic control devices shall start and proceed in the direction of the flow of traffic, removal of traffic control devices shall start at the end of the construction area and proceed toward the oncoming traffic. The contractor shall provide for installation of all necessary traffic control devices before beginning work and for their immediate removal as soon as work is suspended or completed. Measurement and Payment Payment for Maintaining Traffic shall be made for each lane or shoulder closure per location, as specified below for each work order. Payment for this item shall be full compensation for all work and materials, except where separate payment is specified elsewhere in this document. Payment for flood lighting will be included in the payment for the appropriate lane closure. Payment for closing two (2) adjacent lanes on a four lane or greater divided highway will be paid for as 2 each one lane closure on a four lane or greater divided highway. WISDOT will pay for accepted quantities at the contract prices as each. 5.4.3 Grounding WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 11 OF 35 All grounding shall be in accordance with section 625.16 of the WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005. Make the permanent connection between each ground rod and the grounding cable by exothermic welding. Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made per each ground rod, and shall include all ground rod couplings and fittings, grounding cable and exothermic welds. 5.4.4 Pull Boxes Construct and install pull boxes as indicated on WISDOT Work Order. Pull boxes shall be installed in accordance with section 653 of the 2012 WISDOT Standard Specifications and Standard Detail Drawing 9B4, except: (1) pull boxes shall be installed 5 feet from the lane edge line unless otherwise specified, and (2) grounding of the pull box covers shall not be required. Measurement and Payment The contract unit price per pull box, furnished and installed, shall be full compensation including all hardware and materials as required, all labor, excavating, drainage, backfilling and restoration materials as necessary for a completed and acceptable installation. Payment shall be made as each. 5.4.5 Transformer Base Install Transformer Base as indicated on WISDOT Work Order. Transformer Bases shall be installed in accordance with section 657 of the 2012 WISDOT Standard Specifications. Measurement and Payment WisDOT shall provide the Transformer Base. This item is for the installation of the Transformer Base. Payment shall be per each. 5.4.6 Conduit, 3 inch PVC (Schedule 80) as per plan Install Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) conduit, use EPC-80-PVC (Schedule 80) as detailed in section 725.05 of the WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005, and NEMA TC-2 and NEMA TC-6. Construct and install the conduit as indicated on WISDOT Work Order. Measure and Payment The contract unit price per linear foot, furnished and installed, for each WISDOT Work Order shall be full compensation for all work described in this section and shall include the PVC and its installation, excavation, backfill, any required restorative work, and all labor and materials for a completed and acceptable installation. Conduit, 3 inch, is paid by the linear foot. 5.4.7 Conduit, 1 inch PVC (Schedule 40) as per plan Install conduit of the type and size indicated on WISDOT Work Order and shall conform to WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005, section 625.12. Measurement and Payment Conduit, 1 inch, is paid by the foot. 5.4.8 Trench WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 12 OF 35 Trenching shall conform to WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005, section 625.13. Measurement and Payment Paid by the foot. 5.4.9 Detector Loop All loops shall be either 6 foot by 6 foot (3-5 turns of wire) or 7 foot by 7 foot (3-5 turns of wire) and spaced 16.0 feet from leading edge to leading edge. Installation of loops shall conform to WISDOT Traffic Standard Drawing TC82.10, Vehicle Detector Installation details, and have a slot depth of 4 inches plus or minus ¼ inch for a loop installed in asphalt pavement. The slot depth shall be 3 inches plus or minus ¼ inch for a loop installed in concrete pavement. Loops shall be cut in the surface asphalt course. They shall not be installed between the intermediate and surface courses. Loop inductance reading shall be between 70 and 300 microhenries. The loop inductance between two loops in the same lane shall be within 20 microhenries of each other. Loop wire shall be identified in accordance with WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005, section 632.05. Identification shall include the direction of travel (i.e., NB, EB) and the loop number as shown in the plan sheet. North and east are the cardinal direction of travel. Each loop shall have a separate lead-in cable routed to the controller cabinet terminal block with the correct direction, lane and order specified on the tag affixed to the cable. Three (3) feet of extra wire shall remain in the cabinet after the connection, with no obstruction to the terminal block connections or specified by WISDOT. Loop lead in cables shall also be installed at the specified minimum depths. Measurement and Payment Detector Loop shall be paid as each. 5.4.10 Sealing of Loops This item is for the maintenance of loop sealant in existing or replacement loops. Before applying new sealant, brush and blow all loose material from the slot and completely dry the area. Refill the slots completely with a flexible embedding sealant, pre-qualified according to Supplement 1048, Construction and Material Specifications, January 1, 2005, section 632.11. Do not disturb slots until sealant has cured. Measurement and Payment Loop Sealing shall be paid as each. 5.4.11 Recapping of Existing Piezoelectric Cables This item applies to recapping, not sealing, of resin for the existing piezoelectric cables. Before applying new resin, follow the manufacturer recommendations found on their technical data sheet. Grind down the existing Resin flush with the pavement. Rough the remaining epoxy with a wire brush. Re-tape the edges and fill with the resin. Do not disturb the recap until resin has cured. Measurement and Payment Piezoelectric Cable Recapping shall be paid as each. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 5.4.12 BID #269704 PAGE 13 OF 35 Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class I, 11 feet long The replacement piezoelectric-cable sensor shall be equivalent to Measurement Specialties Inc., Roadtrax Brass Linguini (BL) Class I axle sensor. The sensor end with the lead-in cable attached shall be flush to the shoulder edge of the lane. WISDOT will provide all piezoelectric axle sensors and resin for installation. The piezoelectric axle sensor lead-in cable is part of sensor and shall not be spliced. Included with this item shall be the removal of a failed sensor, pavement cutting of slots (if the existing slots cannot be reused), placement of the coax lead-in wire, and the application of resin as recommended by sensor manufacturer. Conduit, drilling, boring, trenching, backfilling, and surface restoration from the edge of the pavement to the pull box shall also be included. Each piezoelectric axle sensor shall have a separate lead-in cable routed to the cabinet terminal block with the correct lane and order specified on the tag affixed to the cable. A minimum of three (3) feet of extra cable shall remain in the cabinet after the connection, with no obstruction to the terminal block connections. Piezoelectric axle sensors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that the complete curing of resin takes place prior to opening the lane to traffic. The Data Management Section requires TDC Joint Seal Epoxy or equivalent approved by the WISDOT Contract Manager, for sensor installation. After the installation is complete, the minimum output voltages of each piezoelectric cable, with a 200 foot lead-in length, shall meet the following: 1.5 volts (peak) for a 10,000 pound axle, and 200 millivolts (peak) for car axle. After the installation is complete, the minimum output voltages of each piezoelectric cable, with a 400 foot lead-in length, shall meet the following: 1.5 volts (peak) for a 10,000 pound axle, and 200 millivolts (peak) for car axle. Strict adherence to both the manufacturer’s installation instructions and the latest version of the piezoelectric installation quality control guidelines listed in Attachment H with the exceptions noted below are required. Installation instructions can be found using the following link: www.meas-spec.com/downloads/RoadTrax_BL.pdf. Follow the manufacturer installation instructions except: Step 3: The installation depth of the cable has been increased by one-half an inch in both asphalt and concrete pavements from previous contracts. The depth of the slot and subsequently the cable has changed from one inch to one and one-half inches. Please see Attachment H for the details. Steps 22-29: In place of the grout use the TDC Joint Seal Epoxy provided by WisDOT. Follow all directions for mixing for it, but it apply it as directed for the grout. Step 28: Delete this step. Measurement and Payment The contract unit price per assembly, furnished and installed, shall be full compensation for all work described in this section, and shall include any special tools or equipment required, grout and other associated material as required, and all labor for a completed and acceptable installation. Payment shall be made as each. 5.4.13 Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class 2, 8 feet long WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 14 OF 35 The replacement piezoelectric axle sensor shall be equivalent to Measurement Specialties Inc., Roadtrax Brass Linguini (BL) Class 2 axle sensor. The sensor end with the lead-in cable attached shall be flush to the shoulder edge of the lane. The piezoelectric lead-in cable is ordered in different lengths as part of sensor and shall not be spliced. Included with this item shall be the removal of a failed sensor, pavement cutting of slots (if the existing slots cannot be reused), placement of the coax lead-in wire, and the application of resin as recommended by sensor manufacturer. Conduit, drilling, boring, trenching, backfilling, and surface restoration from the edge of the pavement to the pull box shall also be included. Each piezoelectric axle sensor shall have a separate lead-in cable routed to the cabinet terminal block with the correct lane and order specified on the tag affixed to the cable. A minimum of three (3) feet of extra cable shall remain in the cabinet after the connection, with no obstruction to the terminal block connections. Piezoelectric axle sensors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that the complete curing of resin takes place prior to opening the lane to traffic. The Data Management Section requires TDC Joint Seal Epoxy or equivalent approved by the WISDOT Contract Manager, for sensor installation. After the installation is complete, the minimum output voltages of each piezoelectric cable, with a 200 foot lead-in length, shall meet the following: 1.5 volts (peak) for a 10,000 pound axle, and 200 millivolts (peak) for car axle. After the installation is complete, the minimum output voltages of each piezoelectric cable, with a 400 foot lead-in length, shall meet the following: 1.5 volts (peak) for a 10,000 pound axle, and 200 millivolts (peak) for car axle. Strict adherence to both the manufacturer’s installation instructions and the latest version of the piezoelectric installation quality contral guidelines listed in Attachment H with the exception noted below are required. Installation instructions can be found using the following link: www.meas-spec.com/downloads/RoadTrax_BL.pdf. Follow the manufacturer installation instructions except: Step 3: The installation depth of the cable has been increased by one-half an inch in both asphalt and concrete pavements from previous contracts. The depth of the slot and subsequently the cable has changed from one inch to one and one-half inches. Please see Attachment H for the details. Steps 22-29: In place of the grout use the TDC Joint Seal Epoxy provided by WisDOT. Follow all directions for mixing for it, but it apply it as directed for the grout. Step 28: Delete this step. Measurement and Payment The contract unit price per assembly, furnished and installed, shall be full compensation for all work described in this section, and shall include any special tools or equipment required, grout and other associated material as required, and all labor for a completed and acceptable installation. Payment shall be made as each. 5.4.14 Loop Detector Lead-in Cable Provide loop detector lead-in cable and necessary splices in accordance with appropriate sections of WISDOT Construction and Materials Specifications dated January 1, 2005, section 632.23 and Table 732.19-1. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 15 OF 35 Measurement and Payment Payment for this item shall be full compensation for all work included herein. Payment shall be made by the foot. 5.4.15 Install Cabinet Install a cabinet on a pole or transformer base, as indicated on Attachments I and J (attached as separate documents to this RFB). All wire leads from the roadway, solar power and telephone lines will enter the cabinet from the pole or base through one or more conduits. Entries into the cabinet that are exposed to the weather shall be watertight. All cabinets shall: 1-Include two (2) adjustable shelves, movement required is up and down. 2-Include adjustable C-Channels for horizontal and vertical adjustment. 3-No police door. 4-Use anti seize compound on all fasteners. 5-Use 1/8 inch screening on all vents. Supply one extra filter for each vent. 6-All joints and holes shall be sealed. 7-Have surge protection adequate for the number of lanes monitored. 8-Include manufacturer documentation and model number. 9-Include manufacturer documentation and model number for the surge panel. Measurement and Payment WisDOT shall provide all cabinets wired or unwired. This item is for the installation of the cabinet. Payment shall be per each. 5.4.16 Standing Pad The standing pad shall be 4 feet by 3 feet by 6 inches deep and shall be level. The standing pad shall be oriented so that a 3 foot side faces the closed cabinet door. Alternatively, a pre-cast 3 foot by 3 foot by 3 inch standing pad can be substituted for the poured standing pad. It shall be installed level and adjacent to the cabinet door. Measurement and Payment Poured standing pad shall be paid by the sq. ft. Precast standing pad shall be paid per each. 5.4.17 Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor, 11 foot length The work specified in this section includes the removal and disposal of existing failed piezoelectric axle sensor, lead-in cable and associated materials. If possible, reuse the slot for the replacement sensor. Otherwise, fill the slot with tar or excess resin. Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made per each. The lump sum payment for this item shall be full compensation for all work. 5.4.18 Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor, 8 foot length The work specified in this section includes the removal and disposal of existing failed piezoelectric axle sensor, lead-in cable and associated materials. If possible, reuse the slot for the replacement sensor. Otherwise, fill the slot with tar or excess resin. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 16 OF 35 Measurement and Payment Payment shall be made per each. The lump sum payment for this item shall be full compensation for all work. 6. DELIVERY In carrying out the scope of this contract, the Contractor will be required to perform services on WisDOT property. Bidders must include all transportation and insurance charges. 7. METHOD OF BID Bidder must submit a unit price for each item on Attachment E. The pricing submitted on Attachment E must be used to fill out Attachment F, Bid Scenarios. The total price of the 4 scenarios will be used as a basis for award of the bid. All prices must be quoted in U.S. Dollars. Pricing submitted on Attachment E will become the contract pricing. 8. FIRM PRICES Prices must remain firm for the entire first term of the contract. Contract prices will be established by the pricing on Attachment E and may be lowered due to general market conditions. The awarded contractor must hold the accepted costs for the entire contract period. WisDOT will review any adjustment of costs before the beginning of a contract renewal period. Price increase requests must be justified with supporting documentation of industry-wide increases. 9. BID RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS In order for your bid to be considered, the following information must be provided. Fill out and submit one copy (unless stated otherwise) by the due date and time listed on the bid cover page. Include: 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 Bid Cover (Signature) Pages Addendum Cover (Signature) Page(s), if applicable to this bid request Bidder Response to Section 4 Bid Price Sheet(s) Vendor Information Sheet, Attachment A References Sheet, Attachment B MBE Program Awareness, Compliance & Action Plan, Attachment C and D Bid Price Response, Attachment E and Attachment F Bid Scenarios Failure to provide these forms/information with your bid submittal may disqualify your bid. WisDOT encourages all bidders to print their submission double-sided to save paper Bids may not be submitted via facsimile. It is the bidder’s responsibility to ensure that all documents are readable and completely transmitted at the DOT Purchasing Office by the due date and time. The fax number is 608-267-3609. Because of increased building security, access to the WisDOT Purchasing Office is restricted and may cause delay if hand delivering your bid. Allow ample time for security clearance to room 751. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 17 OF 35 10. METHOD OF AWARD Award(s) shall be made on the basis of the lowest cost based on the total of the 4 scenarios listed on Attachment F, Bid Scenarios. These scenarios are based on projects from Attachment G, Project List. The contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder who submits the lowest cost bid. 11. MINORITY BUSINESS PARTICIPATION The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is committed to the promotion of minority businesses in the State’s purchasing program. Authority for this program is found in Wisconsin Statutes 15.107(2), 16.75(3m), and 16.755. Bidders are strongly urged to use due diligence to further this policy by setting up subcontracts to statecertified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and/or by using such enterprises to provide goods and services incidental to this contract (second-tier suppliers), with a goal of awarding 5% of the contract cost to such enterprises. An MBE means a business certified, or certifiable, by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce under Statute 560.036(2). Bidders must submit the attached WisDOT MBE Program Awareness, Compliance & Action Plan (Attachment C) indicating their proposed utilization of state-certified minority businesses for this contract. Contact the State’s Minority Business Manager for assistance in locating certified firms at (608) 267-3293 or the WisDOT Minority Business Program Coordinator at (608)-267-2886. A listing of State of Wisconsin certified minority businesses, as well as the services and commodities they provide, is on the State-certified MBE web site: www.doa.wi.gov/mbe Monthly or Quarterly [select one] reports (Attachment D) are requested to be submitted to the Department of Transportation, Purchasing Unit, itemizing the deliveries and cost of items or services provided by certified firms. Reports should state the costs for the previous contract month or quarter [select one]. The department reserves the right to verify with listed firms their involvement as subcontractors or second-tier suppliers. 12. SUBCONTRACTING OR THIRD PARTY PAYMENTS All subcontracting shall be pre-approved by WisDOT. Subcontractors must abide by all terms and conditions of the contract. The prime contractor shall be responsible for all subcontractor(s) work and payment. The WisDOT will not pay any subcontractor or third parties directly. 13. INVOICING REQUIREMENTS Invoices/Purchase Order: WisDOT must meet a statutory mandate to pay or reject invoices within 30 days of receipt by WISDOT. Before payment is made, it also must verify that all invoiced charges are correct as per this contract. Only properly submitted invoices shall be officially received for payment. Thus, your prompt payment requires that your invoices be clear and complete in conformity with the instructions below. All invoices must be itemized showing: a. b. c. purchase order number vendor name remit to address d. complete product description as stated on your bid. e. prices per the contract The original invoice and two copies must be sent to the bill-to address shown on the Purchase Order. Invoices/Purchasing card WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 18 OF 35 Orders placed by WisDOT using a purchasing card must reflect current contract pricing. 14. CONTRACT CANCELLATION This Contract may be terminated by either party under the following conditions: 14.1 Please review section 13.0 and 24.0 of the Standard terms and Conditions of Bid. WisDOT may terminate the contract at any time at its sole discretion by delivering 30 days written notice to the contractor. If the problem is service performance, contractor will be warned either verbally or in writing of unsatisfactory performance and intent to cancel this contract. Contractor will be given a period of time to ‘cure’ the performance. If the performance does not improve contractor will be given 15 days written notice that the contract will be cancelled. Upon termination, WisDOT’s liability will be limited to the pro rata cost of the services performed as of the date of termination. 14.2 In the event the contractor terminates the contract, for any reason whatsoever, it will require written certified letter notification delivered to the Department purchasing agent not less than 30 days prior to said termination. The contractor will, in turn, refund the Department, within 30 days of said termination, all payments made hereunder by the Department to the contractor for work not completed. 14.3 If at any time the contractor performance threatens the health and/or safety of WisDOT, WisDOT has the right to cancel and terminate the Contract without notice. 14.4 If the Contractor fails to maintain and keep in force the insurance as provided in #23.0 of the Standard Terms and Conditions, WisDOT has the right to cancel and terminate the Contract without notice. 14.5 If at any time a petition in bankruptcy shall be filed against the contractor and such petition is not dismissed within 90 calendar days, or if a receiver or trustee of contractor's property is appointed and such appointment is not vacated within 90 calendar days, WisDOT has the right, in addition to any other rights of whatsoever nature that it may have at law or inequity, to terminate this Contract by giving 90 calendar days notice in writing of such termination. 15. CERTIFICATION FOR COLLECTION OF SALES AND USE TAX The State of Wisconsin shall not enter into a contract with a vendor, and reserves the right to cancel any existing contract, if the vendor or contractor has not met or complied with the requirements of s.77.66, Wis. Stats., and related statutes regarding certification for collection of sales and use tax. 16. CONFIDENTIALITY Contractor acknowledges that some of the data and documentation it may become privy to in the performance of this contract is of a confidential nature. Contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that it or its employees and subcontractors do not disseminate such confidential information. Contractor or its employees and subcontractors will not reuse, sell, or make use in any format the data researched or compiled for this contract for any venture, profitable or not, outside this contract. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 19 OF 35 Contractor agrees to observe complete confidentially with respect to all aspects of any confidential information, proprietary data and/or trade secrets and any parts thereof, whether such contents are the State's or the manufacturer's, proposer's, or distributor's whereby Contractor or any Contractor's personnel may gain access while engaged by the State or while on State premises. The restrictions herein shall survive the termination of this contract for any reason and shall continue in full force and effect and shall be binding upon the Contractor or its agents, employees, successors, assigns, subcontractors, or any party claiming an interest in this contract on behalf of or under the rights of Contractor following any termination. Contractor shall advise all Contractor's agents, employees, successors, assigns and subcontractors which are engaged by the State of the restrictions, present and continuing, set forth herein. Contractor shall defend and incur all costs, if any, for actions that arise as a result of noncompliance by Contractor, its agents, employees, successors, assigns and subcontractors regarding the restrictions herein. 17. APPEALS PROCESS (SERVICES ONLY) The appeals process applies only to those requests for bids for services that result in a contract greater than $50,000. Notices of intent to protest and protests must be made in writing. Protestors should make their protests as specific as possible and should identify Wisconsin Statutes and Wisconsin Administrative Code provisions that are alleged to have been violated. The written notice of intent to protest the intent to award a contract must be filed with Frank J. Busalacchi, Secretary, Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation, 4802 Sheboygan Avenue, PO Box 7910, Madison, WI 53707, phone number 608-266-1114, facsimile number 608-266-9912, and received in his office no later than five (5) working days after the notice of intent to award is issued. The written protest must be received in his office no later than ten (10) working days after the notice of intent to award is issued. The decision of the head of the procuring agency may be appealed to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Dept. of Administration within five (5) working days of issuance, with a copy of such appeal filed with the procuring agency. The appeal must allege a violation of a Wisconsin Statute or a provision of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 20 OF 35 STATE OF WISCONSIN DOA-3477 (R05/98) ATTACHMENT A VENDOR INFORMATION 1. BIDDING COMPANY NAME: _________________________________________________________ FEIN (Federal Employer ID Number) _________________________________ Phone ( ) ______________________ Fax ( ) ______________________ OR Social Security # (if Sole Proprietorship) ___________________________________ Toll Free Phone ( ) __________________________ Email Address ( ) __________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ________ Zip + 4 _______________________ 2. Name the person to contact for questions concerning this bid. Name __________________________ Title ______________________________ Phone ( ) ______________________ Toll Free Phone ( ) __________________________ Fax ) ______________________ Email Address ( ) __________________________ ( Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ________ Zip + 4 _______________________ 3. Any vendor awarded over $25,000 on this contract must submit affirmative action information to the department. Please name the Personnel/Human Resource and Development or other person responsible for affirmative action in the company to contact about this plan. Name __________________________ Title ______________________________ Phone ( ) ______________________ Toll Free Phone ( ) __________________________ Fax ) ______________________ Email Address ( ) __________________________ ( Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ________ Zip + 4 _______________________ 4. Mailing address to which state purchase orders are mailed and person the department may contact concerning orders and billings. Name __________________________ Title ______________________________ Phone ( ) ______________________ Toll Free Phone ( ) __________________________ Fax ) ______________________ Email Address ( ) __________________________ ( Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ________ Zip + 4 _______________________ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 21 OF 35 STATE OF WISCONSIN DOA-3478 (R12/96) ATTACHMENT B REFERENCES Vendor: _______________________________________________________________________ Provide company name, address, contact person, telephone number, and appropriate information on the product(s) and/or service(s) provided to customers similar to those requested in this solicitation document. Potential subcontractors cannot be references. Any subcontractor arrangement for the completion of this work shall be listed on a separate id page. Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address (include Zip + 4) ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Product(s) Used and/or Service(s) Provided: Company Name: Phone No. __________________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Address (include Zip + 4) ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Product(s) Used and/or Service(s) Provided: Company Name: Phone No. __________________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Address (include Zip + 4) ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Product(s) Used and/or Service(s) Provided: Company Name: Phone No. __________________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Address (include Zip + 4) ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________ E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Product(s) Used and/or Service(s) Provided: Phone No. __________________________ ____________________________________________________ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 22 OF 35 ATTACHMENT C WisDOT MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) PROGRAM AWARENESS, COMPLIANCE & ACTION PLAN As a matter of sound business practice, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is committed to “supply diversity” by promoting the use of minority business whenever and wherever possible. Further, as an agency of the State of Wisconsin, WisDOT shares in the state goal of placing five (5) percent of its total annual purchasing dollars with state-certified minority businesses. State of Wisconsin procurement policy provides that Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) certified by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce, Bureau of Minority Business Development should have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of its contracts/projects. You, as a contractor, are strongly urged to use due diligence to further this policy by awarding subcontracts to minority-owned business enterprises or by using such enterprises to provide goods and services incidental to this agreement (second-tier suppliers), with a goal of awarding 5% of the contract cost to such enterprises. Monthly or Quarterly reports are requested to be submitted to the Department of Transportation Purchasing Unit, itemizing the costs of services and goods provided by certified firms. Reports should state the costs for the previous contract/project month or quarter. Authority for the MBE program is found in Wisconsin Statutes 15.107(2), 16.75(3m), and 16.755 and 560.036(2), and details about the program can be found at: http://www.doa.state.wi.us/category.asp?linkcatid=677&linkid=113&locid=0 Your complete response on the following form must address the following components of your company’s/organization’s commitment/action plan: a) Indication that you understand the WisDOT’s goal, b) Listing of any MBE vendors with which you intend to subcontract, c) Description of the various second tier MBE expenses (goods and services procured that are incidental to the contract/project; examples are: specific office supplies to perform the contract, percentage of cost for uniforms for contract staff, travel to perform the contract/project, percentage of facility maintenance services for your facility used directly by your staff during the contract/project period) your company/organization will be able to report that are in direct connection with the administration of this contract, d) Statement expressing your commitment to complete the required monthly or quarterly reports that will reflect your subcontracts and second-tier expenditures for the period. For information on certified State of Wisconsin Minority Business Enterprises, please contact: JoAnn Moore MBE Program Coordinator WisDOT Division of Business Management 4802 Sheboygan Avenue, Room 751 Madison, WI 53705 Phone: 608-267-2886 Fax: 608-267-3609 www.dot.wisconsin.gov/business/mbe joann.moore@dot.wi.gov A complete listing of certified minority businesses, as well as the services and commodities they provide, is available on the web at: www.doa.wi.gov/mbe and Information regarding certification of minority businesses is available at: http://commerce.wi.gov/BD/BD-MBD-Index.html List here the MBE’s from the directory that are companies/organizations certified for the service or product that is being procured through this RFP. WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 23 OF 35 ATTACHMENT C WisDOT MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) PROGRAM AWARENESS, COMPLIANCE & ACTION PLAN Complete, sign, and include in your bid response. Failure to complete this form as a component of your bid may result in rejection of your bid. Our company/organization is a Wisconsin-certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Yes No Our company/organization is a minority business but has not yet received Wisconsin certification (please provide details): _____________________________________________ Yes No We are aware of the WisDOT’s goal to spend at least 5% of their total annual purchasing dollars with statecertified MBE firms. Yes No Yes No Yes No We are aware that if awarded this contract/project our company/organization will provide monthly or quarterly reports to WisDOT reporting all expenditure activity directed to MBE subcontractors or second-tier MBE suppliers that directly relate to this contract. (Any non-certified minority businesses could be a potential subcontractor/second-tier supplier--indicate these on your plan. WisDOT will work with those businesses for possible certification.) Subcontractors: Our company/organization intends to subcontract at least 5% dollar volume with certified MBE firms listed below (names, addresses, telephone numbers): Second-tier Suppliers: In addition to direct subcontracting efforts, your company/organization can help WisDOT achieve the 5% goal by managing your second-tier minority purchases. Second-tier business refers to incidental business expenses your company may spend with Wisconsin-certified MBE firms as it pursues the normal course of business supplying the WisDOTcontracted products or services. Here are some examples: Percentage of your office supplies specifically used during the course of this contract/project. Percentage of uniform costs for staff performing this contract/project. If you travel to perform this contract/project, you could use a state-certified MBE travel agency and report that expense. Percentage of facilities maintenance services for facility(ies) directly used by your staff during the course of this contract/project. These second-tier expenses can only be reported to the extent that they directly relate to your business with WisDOT. The percentage of the expense you can report is determined by the amount of your WisDOT sales as it relates to your total sales volume. Per the terms of your contract, you should actively pursue directing business towards these types of companies, and report your efforts in this regard on a monthly basis. *************************************************************************************************** In paragraph form, describe your company/organization’s commitment/action plan with regard to the planned use of statecertified MBE businesses in subcontracting efforts, as well as developing MBE second-tier suppliers. Please list your specific commitments (attach sheet, if necessary). SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: __________________________________ PRINTED NAME & TITLE: ____________________________________________________________________ COMPANY: ________________________________________PHONE NUMBER: ________________________ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 24 OF 35 ATTACHMENT D MINORITY BUSINESS PARTICIPATION REPORT Wisconsin Department of Transportation DT1230 8/2006 s.16.75(3m) Wis. Stats. Return via FAX to: OR Return via e-mail to: 608-267-3609, ATTN: Purchasing Minority Business Coordinator Report Date Contract / Purchase Order # tipscorrespondence.dbm@dot.wi.gov Time Period Covered by Report Monthly: Quarterly: #1 #2 through #3 #4 Project Name / Contract Title Prime Vendor / Contractor Name Minority Vendor Contractor Name, Address and Telephone Number Federal Employer Identification Number – FEIN Product / Service Purchased Subcontract $ Amount Second Tier $ Amount If no business was awarded to Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) for this period, please describe the efforts made to encourage minority business participation. If you have questions, please call the WisDOT Minority Business Program Specialist, 608-267-2886. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the information contained on this report is true and correct. I also certify that I am an authorized representative of the above-identified Prime Vendor / Contractor. (Prime Vendor/Contractor Authorized Representative Name) (Title) WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 25 OF 35 Attachment E, Section 1—Bid Price List Pay Descriptions, Measurement and Payment Pay Items are established and will be assigned for all work to be accomplished under this contract. Each work order will contain a detailed description of the work to be performed based on "best knowledge available at the time of issuance." Adjustments may be made to the quantities allocated, upon Bidder's inspection of the work site, at the discretion of the WISDOT Contract Manager. Should adjustments be made, compensation will be recalculated for the quantities actually used to perform the work required in the work order, as approved by the WISDOT Contract Manager, at the Contract Price. WisDOT Provided Items: WISDOT shall provide the following items: prewired cabinets, unwired cabinets, 11’ piezoelectric axle sensors, 8’ piezoelectric axle sensors, polyurea hybrid resin for piezoelectric axle sensor installation, mixing tubes for resin, transformer bases. These items will be provided for the bidder to pick up at the Travel Survey Shop, 3633 Pierstorff Street, Madison, Wisconsin, 53704. No compensation will be allowed for the pick up of these items. Bidders should consider this when submitting costs for the items below. Refer to the Section 5 and the subsection listed below for the full description of the work required for each item. Title and Description Unit Cost 5.4.1 Mobilization: One mobilization per work order Maintenance of Traffic: Cost for lane or shoulder closure per location 5.4.2 Maintenance of Traffic: Cost for lane or shoulder closure per location 5.4.3 Grounding: Ground rod, and all ground rod couplings and fittings, grounding cable and exothermic welds. Each $ Each $ Each $ 5.4.4 Pull Boxes: Furnished and installed, shall be full compensation including all hardware and materials as required, all labor, excavating, drainage, backfilling and restoration materials as necessary for a completed and acceptable installation. Each $ 5.4.5 Transformer Base: Install WisDOT provided Transformer Base Each $ 5.4.6 Conduit, 3 inch PVC (Schedule 80) $ 5.4.8 Trenching Per foot installed Per foot installed Per foot 5.4.9 Detector Loop Each $ 5.4.7 Conduit, 1 inch PVC (Schedule 40) $ $ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 26 OF 35 5.4.10 Sealing of Loop Each $ 5.4.11 Recapping of Existing Piezoelectric Cables Each $ 5.4.12a Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class I, 11 feet long with a 400’ lead-in length Each $ 5.4.12b Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class I, 11 feet long with a 200’ lead-in length Each $ 5.4.13a Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class II, 8 feet long with a 200’ lead-in length Each $ 5.4.13b Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class II, 8 feet long with a 400’ lead-in length Each $ 5.4.14 Loop Detector Lead-In Cable Per foot $ 5.4.15 Install Provided Cabinet Each $ 5.4.16 Pour Standing Pad Per square foot Per each $ 5.4.18a Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor, 11 foot length Per each $ 5.4.18b Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor, 8 foot length Per each $ 5.4.17 Precast Standing Pad $ ______________________________________ Company Name (print or type) ____________________________________ Bidder's name & title (print or type) ______________________________________ Bidder’s Signature ____________________________________ Date WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 27 OF 35 Attachment F—Bid Scenarios Bidders must use the pricing from Attachment E, Bid Price List, to fill in the pricing in the following 4 scenarios. The total cost from each scenario will be totaled. This total will be used as a basis for the award of the bid. Scenario #1 Site Information Site ID: 286101 Location: Aztalan: County: JEFFERSON Road: STH 26 STH 26 – 2.0 MILE So. Of I-94 Work to be Completed Lane(s) 4 Work: Install 8 new Class I – 11’ piezos and a cabinet. Site is Concrete. See “As Built Plans” following page Item # Description Unit Quantity 5.4.1 Mobilization each 1 5.4.2 Maintenance of Traffic each 4 5.4.12a Piezoelectric Axle Each Sensor Class I, 11 feet long with a 400’ lead-in length for the two lanes farthest from cabinet 4 5.4.12b Piezoelectric Axle Each Sensor Class I, 11 feet long with a 200’ lead-in length for the two lanes closest to the cabinet. 4 5.4.15 Install Provided Cabinet Each 1 5.4.5 Install Provided Transformer Base Each 1 Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost $ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 28 OF 35 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 29 OF 35 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 30 OF 35 Scenario #2 Site Information Site ID: 430652 County: Location: Rhinelander: Oneida Road: USH 8/STH47 USH 8/STH 47 – W of CTH G Work to be Completed Lane(s) 2 Work: Install 4 replacement Class I – 11’ piezos. Site is asphalt. Need to remove old piezos and fill slots and cut new slots for replacement piezos. Item # Description Unit Quantity 5.4.1 Mobilization each 1 5.4.2 Maintenance of each 2 Unit Cost Total Cost Traffic 5.4.18 Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor 11 feet length Per Each 4 5.4.18 Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class I, 11 feet long with a 200’ lead-in length Each 4 Total Cost $ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 31 OF 35 Scenario #3 Site Information Site ID: 090716 County: Location: Wheaton: DUNN Road: STH 29 STH 29 - .5 mi W of CTH T. Work to be Completed Lane(s) 4 Work: Install 2 replacement Class II – 8’ piezos in same lane Site is concrete. Cut out old piezos and re-use slots for replacement piezos. Item # Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost 5.4.1 Mobilization each 1 5.4.2 Maintenance of Traffic each 1 5.4.19 Removal and Disposal of Piezoelectric Axle Sensor 8 feet length Each 2 5.4.13b Piezoelectric Axle Sensor Class II, 8 feet long with a 400’ lead-in length for one lane farthest from cabinet Each 2 Total Cost Total Cost $ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 32 OF 35 Scenario #4 Site Information Site ID: 130054 Location: County: DANE Road: CTH BW Monona: CTH BW – E of Yahara River Work Description Lane(s) 4 Work: Install 1 new 6’ x 6’ loop and 25 ‘ new lead-in and splice Item # Description Unit Quantity 5.4.1 Mobilization each 1 5.4.2 Maintenance of Traffic each 1 5.4.9 Detector Loop closest to cabinet Each 1 5.4.10 Sealing of Loop closest to cabinet Each 1 5.4.14 Loop Detector Leadin Cable Per foot 25 Unit Cost Total Cost Total Cost $ WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 33 OF 35 Attachment G, Project List This list indicates projects that could be included in the resulting contract. The number of lanes at the station, the estimated repair time, a Work Group indicating proximity of the sites, estimated repair time and equipment at each site is listed. This is for reference only and is likely to change significantly once site inspections are conducted. Once inspections are conducted the DOT project manager will assign priorities to the order of work and location. The priority will not necessarily be based on the geographic location so bidders should consider that in their response. Station ID 090716 100001 130001 130054 Location STH 29 - 0.5 mi W of CTH T STH 29 - 2.0 mi W of STH 73 USH 12 - 0.1 mi W of CTH Y CTH BW - E of Yahara River 130263 Site Name Wheaton Thorp Sauk City Monona Blooming Grove 130281 196101 Springfield Spread Eagle 200003 Fond du Lac 220001 Dickeyville 286101 310001 Lanes 4 4 4 4 Data Class WIM Class Volume CTH BB - E of I-39-90-94 2 Volume USH 12 - S of CTH K USH 2/141 - W of Michigan state line 4 2 Class Class USH 41 - N of CTH F USH 61/151/STH 35 - 0.2 mi N of CTH HHH 4 Length 4 WIM STH 26 - 2.0 mi S of I-94 STH 57 - 0.2 mi N of CTH A 2 4 WIM WIM 326117 340001 Aztalan Dykesville LaCrescent Pike Antigo USH 14/STH 16 - at State Line bridge USH 45 - 0.4 mi N of CTH N 4 4 Class Class 370569 Rothschild STH 29 - btwn BUS USH 51 & USH 51 5 WIM 380001 380273 Peshtigo Coleman USH 41 - 0.5 mi S of CTH M USH 141 - 0.5 mi S of CTH B 2 4 WIM WIM 410253 Sparta I-90 - btwn STH 16 & STH 131 4 WIM Repair Time 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day Work Group 1 1 2 2 Loops (6x6 or 7x7) 1 day 1-2 days 1 day 2 1 1 day 1-2 days 1 week 1 day 1 day 2 days 1-2 days 1 week 1 day 1-2 days Piezos 11' 1 2 1 2 7 3 Piezos 8' 2 1 or 4 2 resplice (8) & leads 5 1 11 7 4 to 8 4 5 6 2 4 6 7 to 10 10 7 8 3 5 2 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 430652 480001 Rhinelander Turtle Lake 49nnnn 506052 576051 580001 590001 Junction City Phillips Hayward Wittenberg Plymouth BID #269704 PAGE 34 OF 35 USH 8/STH 47 - W of CTH G USH 8 - 2.0 mi E of CTH D USH 10/STH 34 - btwn STH 34 N & STH 34 S STH 13 - 2.5 mi N of USH 8 USH 63 - 2.5 mi N of STH 77 STH 29 - 1.8 mi E of CTH J STH 57 - 1.0 mi N of CTH J 2 2 WIM Class 4 2 2 4 2 WIM Class WIM Class Class 1 day 1 day 1 week 1 day 1 day 2 days 1 day 4 8 9 4 8 6 3 4 2 8 1 1 4 2 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BID #269704 PAGE 35 OF 35 The following Attachments and Links also establish minimum acceptable work standards required. Bidders must review this information as part of the bid response. REFERENCE GUIDES ATTACHAED AS SEPARATE DOCUMENTS ATTACHMENT H—MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS, ROADTRAX SENSORS ATTACHMENT I—TRANSFORMER BASE INSTALLATION GUIDE ATTACHMENT J—POLE MOUNTED CABINET INSTALLATION GUIDE ATTACHMENT K—GENERIC WEIGH-IN-MOTION STATION ATTACHMENT L—LOOP DETECTOR INSTALLATION LAYOUTS ATTACHMENT M—INSTALLING CONCRETE MAINTENANCE PLATFORM ATTACHMENT N—GRADING, SHAPING, AND FINISHING ATTACHMENT O—ROADWAY DRAINAGE AND EXCAVATION REFERENCES LOCATED AT THE DOT WEBSITE Construction and Material Specifications Manual and the Wisconsin Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (WMUTCD) published by the Department of Transportation can be found at http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/business/engrserv/wmutcd.htm Construction and Material Specifications published by the Department of Transportation can be found at http://roadwaystandards.dot.wi.gov/standards/cmm/index.htm Work Zone Safety Guide published by the Department of Transportation can be found here: http://dotnet/dtid_bho/extranet/manuals/wzsg/wzsguide.pdf.