International Marketing Brand Exercise December 2012 Question 1 : Degree of transferability Mean Not transferable at all Fuchsschwanz 37 1.6 Dr Oetker 55 2.1 Baygon 96 4.2 Daewoo 100 4.3 Bosch 105 4.6 Daewoo/Nexia 106 4.6 Dolmio 114 5 Bayer 115 5 Mars 117 5.1 Pentium 119 5.2 Pizza Rustica 137 6 Intel 137 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fully transferable worldwide K21-tech Case Question1: Which branding strategy would you suggest for K21-tech? Should it target B2B or B2C customers or a combination of them? Mainly B2B 13 groups Both 10 groups Some groups recommended to focus on B2B first and then on B2C Intel, as a B2B company, tries to advertise direct to end-customers However, this is rare for an industrial components manufacturer Very costly strategy as it requires heavy marketing investment and power in supply chain, which is not the case for most of the industrial companies and probably K21-tech neither. Therefore, staying in B2B with low investment in branding is a good strategy However, use of e-commerce enables B2C branding as well Question 2: What brand positioning should K21-tech adopt for their corporate brand? For product brand names? Should they in any case combine corporate and product brand names or stick to a policy of corporate name only? Some groups had problems understanding the question. These groups focused only on creating successful translinguistic brand names The question refers to the management and level of branding not only outside of the company but also within the company The more branding levels, the larger the marketing expenses and the greater of investments required for recall and recognition of brand names In Japan, use of corporate brand name In the US, emphasis on product branding In Europe product category, and product brand names are combined with corporate names this is a complex, costly, and heavy strategy Question 2: What brand positioning should K21-tech adopt for their corporate brand? For product brand names? Should they in any case combine corporate and product brand names or stick to a policy of corporate name only? Based on previous discussion: Some groups suggest the combination of corporate and product brand name as in the case of key players such as Intel and Apple Creating a link between the product and the company as Apple Using a simple letter of “I” for products and thereby enabling the consumer to relate the product with the company. Suggestion of using the letter “K” for K21-tech products Some groups suggest the use of corporate name only for simplicity, recall, and recognition of the company especially in the B2B market This is also a good strategy due to the reason that K21-tech is a small company with limited financial resources Question 3: Navigate the Internet for brand names combining Roman letters to “tec” or “tech”. Are there are still available brand names not yet registered? You have successfully grasped the purpose of this question! Many names are already used, which does not however mean that they are registered. And if so, does not tell in which countries Yet, the purpose of the question is to make you realize that there are incredibly few brand names available. In addition, it is not clear if these names are registered or not making the task of brand name creation even more difficult Therefore, the key learning is that it is very difficult to find a new brand and register it. Question 3: Navigate the Internet for brand names combining Roman letters to “tec” or “tech”. Are there are still available brand names not yet registered? One group has conducted research in two regions; the US and Europe Based on the United States Patent and Trademark Office, they have found that in the US, there are 15.332 registered brand names using “tech” and 1.801 using “tec”. Similarly, based on Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market: in the EU, 8671 registered brand names using “tech” and 16.710 using “tec” Question 4: Your proposition of a new brand name for K21-tech QUATERIA TecWan (taiwan technology) Tech-Away FUTUROTECH NETEGEN (New Technology Generation) TechMe, I'm chip hinoko (high innovation company) Tai-Tek geniusBit Poly-Computis NANOTIVA φnix (pronounced "phoenix") ANTROX (Redifined Excellence) T-Compute BANANA TECH Tektium NewLogix Blitz-Krieg Technologies CompIt Radiance Innovectro. 4tis TIPS-TECH Question 4: Your proposition of a new brand name for K21-tech AND THE WINNER IS: 1. TechMe, I’m chip Group 6 2. hinoko (high innovation company) Group 7 3. Tech-Away Group 3