AUGUST 2015 8/3 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/10 8/11 8/12 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 8/13 8/14 Pre-assessments math Dibels Pre-assessments math Dibels Pre-assessments math Dibels 8/17 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 4.RL.1 Literature Inference/Details Inference: Teacher Made Materials Inference: Teacher Made Materials Selection Test: Harcourt Comprehension Assess: Inferences/Details Rough Draft Edit Writing Edit Writing 8/24 4.RL.1 Literature identify theme of a poem 8/25 4.RL.1 Literature identify theme of a poem 8/26 4.RL.1 Literature identify theme of a poem 8/27 4.RL.1 Literature identify theme of a poem TBD Identify theme of a poem Summarize/Poems Summarize/Poems “The Gardener” Harcourt Writing: W. 4. 3 “Letter” Publish Writing 8/28 4.RL.1 Literature identify theme of a poem Assess: Poems/Theme/Summarize 8/31 4.RL.1 Informational text Inference/Details in text 4.RL.7 Making connections between text and visual (film) 4.RI. 3 Explain events, ideas in historical text September 4.RI.1 Predicting, Questioning, imaging, inferring, determining importance Novel Study: “Johnny Tremaine” SEPTEMBER 2015 9/1 4.RL.7 Making connections between text and visual (film) 4.RL.1 Informational text Inference/Details in text 4. RI. 3 Explain events, ideas in historical text 9/2 9/3 9/4 Inference/Details-Informational Text Continue Novel Study: “Johnny Tremaine” 9/7 HOLIDAY 9/8 9/9 9/10 9/11 Final Assessment: “Johnny Tramaine” 4.RL.1 Informational text Inference/Details in text 4. RI.3 Explain events, ideas, in history text Continue Novel Study: “Johnny Tramaine” 9/14 4. RI.2 Informational text Main Idea/Supporting Details “How to babysit and orangutan” Harcourt Writing: W. 4. 2 Informational Text “Report” Revolutionary War Rough Draft Revise Writing Edit Writing Publish 9/15 4.RI. 2 Informational text Main Idea/Supporting Details 9/16 4. RI.2 Informational text Main Idea/Supporting Details 9/17 4. RI.2 Informational text Main Idea/Supporting Details Selection Test “ How to babysit and orangutan” 9/18 Skill Assessment: Main Idea/ Supporting Details Rough Draft Revise Edit Writing: 4. W. 1 Opinion “Would you want to babysit an orangutan? Why or Why not? Planning 9/21 Publish 9/22 9/23 4.RL.2 Literature identify the theme of a story, summarize 9/24 Selection Test: “In the days of King Adobe” Selection Story “In the days of King Adobe” Harcourt 9/28 9/29 9/30 Rough Draft Revise 9/25 Assessment: Write summary of selection story identify theme 4.RL.2 Literature identify the theme of a play, summarize “Red Writing Hood” Harcourt 4.W.3 Writing: Personal Narrative OCTOBER 2015 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/1 10/2 Selection Test: “Red Writing Hood” Skill Assessment Write a summary of the selection story/identify theme Edit Writing Publish Writing 10/8 R.RL.3 Literature: Character Analysis, setting, event Identify-character traits Setting, events Selection Test: “The Baker Neighbors” 10/9 END OF QUARTER “The Bakers Neighbor” Harcourt Skill Assessment: Character Analysis, setting, event 10/12 FALL BREAK 10/13 FALL BREAK 10/14 FALL BREAK 10/15 FALL BREAK 10/16 FALL BREAK 10/19 Parent/Teacher conferences 10/20 Parent/Teacher conferences 4.RI.4 Informational text Ch.3 AZ Story “ continue lesson 1 10/21 Parent/Teacher conferences 4.RI.4 Informational text Ch.3 AZ Story “ Lesson 2 10/22 Parent/Teacher conferences 10/23 4.RI.10 Social Studies 4.RI.4 Informational text Ch.3 AZ Story “The Paleo-Indians’ Lesson 1 Explain events, ideas, in historical text Rough draft 4.RI.4 Informational text Ch.3 AZ Story “ Lesson 3 4.RI.4 Informational text Ch.3 AZ Story “ continue Lesson 3 Edit-Writing Edit-Writing Publish-Writing Writing: 4.W.2 Informational text “ Native Americans” report 27 4.RL.4 Literature Problem/Solution/ Character Analysis 28 Simile/Metaphors 29 Simile/Metaphors “The emperor and the kite” Harcourt 4. W. 3 Writing: Narrative, use five similes 30 Simile/Metaphors 31 Selection Test: “The Emperor and the Kite” Skill Assessment: Character Analysis Problem/Solution Publish Rough Draft Revise Edit 3 4.RL.4 Literature Mythology Figurative Language Achilles Heel, Pandora’s Box, Midas Touch 4 5 6 7 Teacher Made Materials Teacher Made Materials Teacher Made Materials Assessment: Mythology 11/9 4 RI 1 Using text features 11/10 11/11 HOLIDAY VETERAN’S DAY 11/12 11/13 NOVEMBER 2015 Assessment: cause/effect, text 4.RI.5 Informational text cause/effect, text features features “Fire” Harcourt 11/16 11/17 11/18 11/19 11/20 4.RI.5 Text Structure, Teacher Made Materials “Fire” Harcourt Teacher Made Materials Teacher Made Materials Teacher Made Materials Skill Assessment: Text Structure Rough Draft Revise Edit Publish 11/23 11/24 11/25 11/26 THANKSGIVING 11/27 HOLIDAY 4 RI 5 Text Structure, Cause and Effect, problem and solution, Compare and contrast 4 RI 5 Text Structure, Cause and Effect, problem and solution, Compare and contrast Assessment: text structure Teacher made assessment Plymouth/Jamestown Plymouth/Jamestown 12/3 12/4 Writing: 4 W 1 Opinion Favorite Holiday DECEMBER 2015 November 30 Novel Study ; Number The Stars 4 RL 1 Predicting, inferencing, imagining 12/1 12/7 Novel Study ; Number The Stars 4.RL.3 Character Analysis,setting 12/8 12/2 Number The Stars Assessment, Chapter 1-4 12/9 Number The Stars Assessment, Chapter 5-9 12/10 12/11 4 RL 1 Predicting, inferencing, imagining 4 W 3 Personal Narrative My Best, or Worst Christmas Ever Rough Draft Revise Edit Publish 12/14 Novel Study ; Number The Stars 4.RL.3 Character Analysis ,setting 4 RL 1 Predicting, inferencing, imagining 12/15 Number The Stars Assessment, Chapter 10-13 12/16 12/17 12/18 END OF QUARTER 12/21 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/22 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/23 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/24 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/28 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/29 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/30 CHRISTMAS BREAK 12/31 CHRISTMAS BREAK Final Assessment: Novel Study, Number The Stars story elements, character analysis, inferencing 12/25 CHRISTMAS BREAK JANUARY 2016 1/1 CHRISTMAS BREAK ¼ 4.RI.10 Social Studies 4.RI.6 Informational text Compare/Contrast, primary and secondary source “Gold Rush”, Harcourt Diorama-Boom Town, Panning for 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 Primary and Secondary Source gold, traveling (story elements) 1/11 4.RI.6 Informational text Compare/Contrast, primary and secondary source 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 Selection Test, Gold Rush Primary and Secondary Source Assessment 1/21 1/22 Assessment: Chapters 1- 10 Assessment first and third person “Gold Rush”, Harcourt Diorama-Boom Town, Panning for gold, traveling (story elements) Writing-Informational Narrative Letter-Traveling to the Gold Rush 1/18 CIVIL RIGHTS DAY HOLIDAY 1/25 4.RL.3 Character and setting analysis RL.6 Literature Point of View, compare/contrast, first and third person Novel Study: The Whipping Boy 1/19 4.RL.3 Character and setting analysis RL.6 Literature Point of View, compare/contrast, first and third person Novel Study: The Whipping Boy 1/20 1/26 1/27 Teacher Made Materials for first and third person Teacher Made Materials for first and third person 1/28 1/29 Final assessment : The Whipping Boy 2/3 Video: The Cricket in Time Square 2/4 2/5 Make connections between text and visual presentation Selection Test The Cricket In Time Square Assessment: Chapters 10-20 FEBRUARY 2016 2/1 4.RL.7 Literature The Cricket in Time Square 2/2 Skills Test: Compare and contrast, and story elements Compare/Contrast, story elements 2/8 2/9 4.RI.10 Science 4.RI.7 Informational Text, interpret information orally and visually 4 R I 2 Main idea, supporting details, summarizing Night of the Pufflins 2/10 2/11 2/12 Video: Night of the Pufflins Selection Test: Night of the Pufflins Skill Test: Main idea and supporting details Make connections between text and visual presentations Sequencing 2/15 HOLIDAY 2/16 4.RI.7 Informational Text Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/22 4.RI.10 Science 4 RI.2 Informational Text , main idea, supporting details, summarizing 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 Selection Test: Fly Traps! Plants That Bite Back Skill Test: Main idea and supporting details Edit Publish 4 RI 8 Authors point of view Venus Fly Trap 4 W 2 Writing: Information report carnivorous plants Plan 2/29 4. RL.9 Literature Compare/Contrast, good and evil, theme, ideas, beliefs, values Figurative Language “One Grain of Rice” Rough Draft Revise MARCH 2016 3/1 3/7 3 /8 4.RI.9 Information Text 4.RI.10 Science text 3/2 4RL9 Compare “One Grain of Rice” and “The Emperor and the Kite” 3/3 3 /4 Selection Test: “One Grain of Rice” Skill Assessment: Figurative language 3/9 END OF QUARTER 3/10 3/11 Research: Saguaro Cactus Selection Test: “Saguaro Cactus” Saguaro Cactus Video: “Saguaro Cactus” Reading Rainbow Writing: Informational Brochure integrating information from two sources. 3/14 SPRING BREAK 3/15 SPRING BREAK 3/16 SPRING BREAK 3/17 SPRING BREAK 3/18 SPRING BREAK 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 HOLIDAY 4.RL.1 Unit: Inference-provide evidence from text Assessment-Inference Teacher Made Materials 4.W.2 Writing: Report-Saguaro Cactus Edit Rough Draft Rough Draft 3/29 3/30 Plan 3/28 3/31 4. RL.2 and 4. RI. 2 Unit: Main Idea/Supporting Details Assessment: Main Idea/Supporting Details Publish Teacher Made Materials APRIL 2016 4/1 Break 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 RI.5 Unit: Text Structure (chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) Teacher Made Material 4.W.2 Writing: Personal Narrative Plan Assessment: Text Structure Edit Publish 4/13 4/14 4/15 AZMerit Testing? AZMerit Testing? AZMerit Testing? AZMerit Testing? 4/19 4/20 4/21 4/22 Selection Test: “Look to the North a wolf pup story” Skill Assessment: Summarizing Rough Draft Rough Draft 4/11 ?? 4/12 AZMerit Testing? 4/18 4.RI.2 Main Idea/Supporting Details 4/8 Summarizing Selection Story: “Look to the North a wolf pup story” 4/25 4.RL.3 Character and setting analysis 4.RL.7 Novel Literature study: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 Literature study Literature study Literature study Literature study Quiz: Ch. 1-5 Quiz Ch. 6-10 MAY 2016 5/2 4.RL.3 Character and setting analysis 4.RL.7 Novel Literature study: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 4.W. 1 Writing: Opinion (What is your opinion of Lolly and why do you think she put Edward in the garbage?) Plan 5 /9 4.RL.3 Character and setting analysis 4.RL.7 Novel Literature study: The Miraculous Journey of Edward 5/3 5/4 5/5 Literature study Literature study 5 /6 Literature study Quiz. Ch. 11-14 Literature study Quiz. Ch. 15-19 Rough Draft Edit Rough Draft Publish 5/10 5/11 5/12 Literature study Literature study Literature study 5/13 Literature study Quiz. Ch. 20-24 Quiz. Ch. 25-27 Tulane 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/23 5/24 5/25 5/26 LAST DAY 5/27 5/30 5/31