Control Charts - Practice Change Fellows Program


Control Charts

Control Charts

• On a run chart the centerline is the median and the distance of a data point from the centerline is not important to interpretation

• On a control chart, the centerline is the mean and the distance a data point is from the centerline is used to define special cause variation

• The formula used to calculate the upper and lower control limits is specific to each type of control chart

– Determined in part by whether the data plotted is continuous or discreet (measurement) or attributes (discreet or count) data

– Determined in part by whether the data distribution is “normal”

(bell-shaped curve) or not (binomial, geometric, Poisson)

Selecting Which Control Chart to Use

• Is the data continuous (aka measurement or variables data) data or attribute data (aka discreet or count data)?

– Continuous data is measured along a continuous scale

• Wait times

• Turnaround time for a service

• BP, cholesterol, or body weight measurements

• The duration of a procedure

• The number of procedures or transactions per day or month

– Attribute data can be classified into categories or


• Mortality

• Pregnancy

Selecting Which Control Chart to Use

• Attributes data are either defectives or defects

– Defectives (nonconforming units)

• Requires a count of the number of units that were acceptable and of those that were not. You know both the occurrences and the nonoccurrences

• The unacceptable units become the numerator and the total number of items observed becomes the denominator

• Either plot the number of defectives or the percentage of defectives

• The numerator and denominator have the same units

• Example: the percentage of late food trays: numerator=late food trays and the denominator is the total number of food trays passed

– Defects

• Events that occur in which the non-events are unknown and unknowable

Selecting Which Control Chart to Use

– Defects continued

• The numerator is known but the denominator cannot be known

– Example: Stains on the rug (you don’t know the number of non-stains); falls; medication errors; visits to the ED

• Expressed as rates rather than percentages. Rates are ratios in which the numerator and denominator are of different units

– Example: rate of falls has the # of falls in a month in numerator and the denominator is the average daily census for that month X 1000 also stated “falls per 1000 patient-days”

– With a rate, the numerator can be larger than the denominator (e.g. 130 falls in 100 patients (some patients fell more than once)

• Is there an equal opportunity from time period to time period for the event being measured to occur-e.g. regarding falls, is the hospital census similar from month to month?

Choosing a Control Chart

Examples of Control Charts for

Continuous Data


X-bar &S

Examples of Control Charts for

Discreet Data u-chart c-chart p-chart

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for instability

– Test #1-A single data point that exceeds the upper or lower control limit

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for instability

– Test #2-Two out of three consecutive data points that fall in Zone A or beyond

– Test #3-Four out of five consecutive data points that fall in Zone B or beyond

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for instability

– Test #4-Eight or more consecutive data points that fall in Zone C or beyond

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for other unnatural patterns

– Test #5-Stratification occurs when 15 or more consecutive data points fall in Zone C, either above or below the centerline

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for other unnatural patterns

– Test #6-Eight or more consecutive points on both sides of the centerline with none of the points in

Zone C

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for other unnatural patterns

– Test #7-Systematic variation will be observed when a long series of data points (usually 14 or more) are high, then low, then high, then low, without any interruption in this regular pattern

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests for other unnatural patterns

– Test #8-A trend exists when there is a constantly increasing or decreasing series of data points

Rules for Determining Special-Cause

Variation in a Control Chart

• Tests that occur most often in healthcare applications

– Test #1

– Test #4

– Test #8

• Tests occurring with less frequency in healthcare applications

– Test #2

– Test #3

• Tests that do not occur very often in healthcare applications

– Test #5

– Test #6

– Test #7
