Pax Romana

Julio-Claudian Jigsaw
Each group will read about ONE of the four JulioClaudian emperors who came after Augustus
1. Individually, read the biography
2. List at least SEVEN facts and key points
3. Compare your list with your group members
4. Shuffle up to create a NEW group (one member
representing each of the four emperors) and
share – NOT COPY – the information about the
other emperors
**This will be collected at the end of the period**
World History
A. Octavian (Augustus Caesar) 27 B.C. - 14 A.D.
1. First emperor ruled 40 years
2. Limited Proconsuls
B. The Julio-Claudians
1. Next 4 emperors, descendents of Octavian
a. Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
b. Started out fine, weaknesses developed
C. The Good Emperors
1. Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pious,
Marcus Aurelius
2. Good administrators, increased wealth
A. Romans excelled in ruling others and maintaining
an empire
1. Law
2. Military organization
3. Widespread trade & transportation
B. Pax Romana – 200 years of Roman peace
C. Government
1. Emperor head, responsible for all
2. Political appointments by ability alone
1. Who was the first emperor of Rome?
2. How many Julio-Claudians ruled over Rome?
3. Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pious, and
Marcus Aurelius are known collectively as....?
4. What is Pax Romana?
5. What are the three reasons Rome was excelled
in ruling over others and maintaining an empire?
D. The Provinces
1. Proconsuls held in check
2. Benefits of being Roman
a. Impressive cities
b. Consistent laws
c. Protection
E. Law
1. Helped unify Empire
2. Twelve Tables not strict
3. Law becomes flexible
a. Huge empire, different needs
b. Judges could interpret laws
4. Humans had basic legal rights
a. Innocent before proven guilty
F. Trade and Transportation
1. Agriculture
a. Colonus takes place of slaves
2. Commerce, trade, & manufacturing
3. 180,000 miles of paved highways
a. “all roads lead to Rome”
G. Living Conditions
1. Disparity between rich & poor increased
H. Amusement
1. Theater, comedies
2. Circus Maximus held 250,000
3. Colosseum
a. Gladiators
I. Science, Engineering, Architecture
1. Used Greek knowledge and improved it
2. Engineers and builders
3. Most important contribution: Concrete
J. Education
1. Trained to be loyal, obedient citizens
2. Sons learned farming
3. Daughters learned household skills
4. Rich males & females received formal
K. Literature
1. Cicero, Virgil, Tacitus, Plutarch
L. Language
1. Survived long after the Roman
2. Base of all Romance languages