Ancient Rome

Review: Art of Ancient Rome
Name of the Previous Era: Etruscan Art
Approximate Dates: 509 BCE – 337 CE
Periods of Development:
o Roman Republic 509 BCE – 27 BCE
o Early Empire 27 BCE – 96 CE
o High Empire 96 CE – 192 CE
o Late Empire 192 – 337 CE
 Late Empire: Diocletian & the Tetrarchy 284 – 306 CE
 Late Empire: Constantine & Christianity 306 – 337 CE
 Republic: Heavy Greek & Etruscan influence in architecture; veristic portrait sculptures; forums
 Early Empire: Sculpture heavily influenced by Greeks; architectural innovations: concrete, arch, barrel vault,
groin vault, fenestrated windows; forums
 High Empire: Mix of Greek & new Roman innovations; hemispherical dome; continuous spiral reliefs; forums;
city planning in provinces
 Late Empire: Imperial portraits display emotional content, sadness, suspicion, anguish
 Diocletion & Tetrarchy: images had no individuality: no longer idealism, naturalism, individualism or personality
 Constantine & Christianity: Reused statues and reliefs, columns with new heads
 Polytheistic; emperor is head of state religion
 Eastern religions gaining influence
 1st Christian Emperor, Constantine
Themes & topics:
 Propaganda; art & architecture used to mold public opinion
 Portraits of Emperors, their families and ancestors; image on coins
 Illusionistic wall paintings (using variety of techniques including linear and atmospheric perspective)
 Military victories extolled
 Equestrian sculptures
 Relief sculpture of mythological topics on sarcophagi
Economics, Wars, Social Structure:
 Augustus trying to raise moral standards, increase birth rate (Ara Pacis)
 Battles against the Dacians (Trajan’s Column)
 Battle to defeat Jerusalem (Arch of Titus)
 Women not as prominent
 Soldier emperors: killed one after another
 Battle of Milvian Bridge (Constantine beats Maxentius, has Christian vision)
What caused the changes in the arts?
 Portrayal of emperors: physically, and showing their accomplishments
 Discover & use of concrete
 Basilicas for large gathering spaces
 Christian emperor
 Copying of Greek art
Major Works of Art:
Head of Roman Patrician
Denarius with portrait of Julius Caesar
Maison Carree
Atrium of the House of Vettii
Augustus of Primaporta
Ara Pacis
Arch of Titus
Forum of Trajan
Column of Trajan
Portrait of Hadrian
Portrait of Marcus Aurelius (2)
Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius
Column of Antoninus Pius
Plan of Timgad
Baths of Caracalla
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus
Portrait of Caracalla
Portrait of Four Tetrarchs
Arch of Constantine
Basilica Nova
Portrait of Constantine
Architectural Style/new contributions:
 Arcuated entablature (characterized by the new “arch” as opposed to post & lintel or corbel arch
 Barrel & groin vaulting
 Concrete: new shapes, higher & wider spaces
 Triumphant arches
 Plan of home: peristyle, atrium, impluvium etc.
 Insulae apartment buildings