Donna Dulo_Sofia University_Transformati[...]

Sofia University
Certificate & Masters Programs in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Computing and
Donna A. Dulo MS, MA, MSCIS, MAS, MBA, JD, PhD(c)
December 2014
Program Developer and Director Donna A. Dulo
PhD(c) Software Engineering Naval Postgraduate School
Mathematician, Computer Scientist, Systems/Software
Engineer US Department of Defense (26 years)
Software/Systems Safety & Security Engineer Icarus
Professor at various universities for over 10 years
Editor and Lead Author American Bar Association’s Book
“Unmanned Aircraft in the National Airspace: Issues of Technology and the Law”
Legal Writer for AUVSI “Unmanned Systems” Magazine
JD Monterey College of Law
MS Systems Engineering Johns Hopkins University
MS Computer Science Naval Postgraduate School
MAS Aeronautics Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
MA National Security & Strategic Studies Naval War College
MBA Engineering/Technology Management City University
MS Computer Information Systems University of Phoenix
BS Economics US Coast Guard Academy
Diploma US Marine Corps Command and Staff College
Diploma US Navy College of Naval Command and Staff
• Published articles in various professional and academic journals:
• Unmanned Aircraft Law
• Software Engineering
• Computer Science
• Founder and President of Unmanned Aircraft Safety and
Security Society, Inc.
Diploma Arabic Program Defense Language Institute
Diploma Paralegal Studies Blackstone School of Law
Certificate Computer Security Stanford University
• Featured on NPR “All Things Considered”, “Future
Tense”, Discovery News, American Bar Association publications
Transformative Unmanned Aircraft Programs
Transformed Industry
Time 
Transformational Event
(Disruptive Innovation)
Transformed Lives
• The masters and certificate programs deliver foundations for the latest cutting edge
unmanned aircraft computational technologies and systems/operations.
• The programs cover the leading unmanned aircraft technologies in the industry and
reflects current trends and future technologies that are transforming the field of
unmanned aircraft and ultimately transforming the aviation industry and industries
relying on aviation.
Transformative Unmanned Aircraft Programs
Designed for both professionals and those wishing to enter this
lucrative field, the professional unmanned aircraft programs
cover the critical areas of unmanned systems computer science,
systems, operations, and technology that are central to safe and
reliable unmanned aircraft systems operations.
With the Federal Aviation Administration slated to integrate unmanned aircraft into the country’s
airspace as early as 2015, the demand for safe, reliable, and resilient unmanned aircraft is growing
Estimates project that sales of civilian unmanned aircraft will reach over $20 billion within the next 5
The Programs cover unmanned aircraft computer and software technologies, vital algorithms that
support unmanned aircraft operations and system autonomy, as well as critical software architectures
that support anti-collision and auto-land technologies that are central to safe unmanned aircraft
Additionally, the Programs cover unmanned aircraft aeronautical architecture, systems, operations,
and the legal regulations which govern the research, development, and application of critical
technologies to unmanned aircraft to ensure that they all implemented technologies are compliant
with FAA, FCC, and other federal and state regulations.
Transformative Unmanned Aircraft Programs
Sofia University Professional Unmanned Aircraft
• Master of Science in Computer Science specializing in
Transformational Unmanned Aircraft Computing
• Professional Certificate in Transformational Unmanned Aircraft
• Professional Certificate in Transformational Unmanned Aircraft
Systems and Operations
Transformative Unmanned Aircraft Programs
A Master of Science in Transformative Unmanned Aircraft
The Master of Science in Computer Science at Sofia
University provides students with a broad background in
software development and other core disciplines of
computer science. It also gives them the opportunity to
further their knowledge in foundational and applied topics.
Program Features :
• Onsite and hybrid/online formats
• Combine technological development with transpersonal values and skills for the
practicing professional
• Promote creativity, cultural sensitivity and mindfulness
• Bring essential skills and values to the next generation of well-balanced leaders in
the workplace
• Small classes and close interaction with faculty
• Faculty that are experts in their field, and bring the cutting edge technology and
real-world computing experience to the classroom.
Transformative Unmanned Aircraft Programs
A Master of Science in Transformative Unmanned Aircraft
General Master’s of Computer Science Requirements:
48 units (2 year program)
5 Core (4 CS courses and 1 Transpersonal Studies course)
13 Electives (11 CS courses and 2 Transpersonal Studies course).
2. Transformational Unmanned Aircraft Computing Requirements :
Innovation and Transformation in UAS Computing Technologies
Unmanned Aircraft Technology for Computer Professionals
Software Safety in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Algorithms and Computational Processes in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Computer Security & Information Assurance in UAS
Autonomous Systems and Collision Avoidance Algorithms in UAS
Certificate Program in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Computing
This cutting edge professional certificate program is comprised
of 7 highly specialized and technologically transformative
courses focusing on unmanned aircraft computational systems
and other vital supporting technological and legal areas.
Professional Computing Certificate Courses:
Innovation and Transformation in UAS Systems and Technologies
Unmanned Aircraft Technology
Software Safety in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Algorithms and Computational Processes in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Computer Security & Information Assurance in UAS
Autonomous Systems and Collision Avoidance Algorithms in UAS
Legal Aspects of UAS Computing and Technology
Sofia University is proud to lead the industry with this
groundbreaking forward looking professional certificate program.
Certificate Program in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems & Operations
This cutting edge professional certificate program is comprised
of 7 highly specialized and technologically transformative
courses focusing on unmanned aircraft systems and operations
and other vital supporting technological and legal areas.
Professional Systems/Operations Certificate Courses:
Innovation and Transformation in UAS Systems and Technologies
Unmanned Aircraft Technology
Safety, Security, and Reliability in Systems and Operations of Unmanned Aircraft
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Mission Planning and Operations
Unmanned Aircraft Payloads, Sensors, Photography, & Operations
Satellite Systems, Ground Control, and Communications in UAS Operations
Legal Aspects of UAS Computing and Technology
Sofia University is proud to lead the industry with this
groundbreaking forward looking professional certificate program.
Certificate Program in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems & Operations
Sample Course Descriptions
Innovation and Transformation in UAS Systems and Technologies
This course focuses on the foundations of invention and innovation as applied to the rapidly developing field of unmanned aircraft. A survey of
current unmanned aircraft technology is presented along with the central computational structures of those aircraft. The use of unmanned
aircraft in the national airspace and the coupling of proper technologies with their specific use is presented along with current case studies.
New and innovative technologies, prototypes, and future unmanned aircraft technologies are also studied in depth. The application of
transformative unmanned aircraft computational technologies as integrated in cutting edge airframes is a specific area of focus for this course.
The course concludes with the development of a concept unmanned aircraft equipped with sound computer systems, software architectures,
and algorithms.
Unmanned Aircraft Technology
This course introduces aeronautical foundations of unmanned aircraft structure and design. It focuses on the primary airframes of unmanned
systems: fixed wing, rotorcraft, tilt rotor, and lighter than air along with various hybrid technologies. The course also introduces avionics,
propulsion, and payload systems and their interactions and control through computer busses and architecture. A central focus of the course is
the interaction of computer structures with the aircraft to promote safety while managing the foundational stability and control properties of the
aircraft: lift, thrust, drag and weight. A survey of aeronautical principles is presented along with aerodynamics and aviation science.
Technologies such as launch and recovery systems, GPS, communications, ground stations, data-link technologies, and wireless technologies
are also presented. The course concludes with the development of a comprehensive proposal applying unmanned aircraft technology to solve
a challenging technological problem in a selected industry.
Algorithms and Computational Processes in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
This course provides an in depth survey of the algorithms and computational processes in various unmanned aircraft models. The concept of
data-link functions and attributes is covered extensively including the computational processes for data-link system processes, data rates and
restrictions, data-link margins as well as data-link tradeoffs. Computational structures responsible for aircraft stability and control, propulsion,
and payload management are also covered extensively. Autopilot systems and manual control systems are covered in conjunction with the
concepts of longitudinal, lateral and dynamic stability to ensure that aircraft and ground station software support safe, reliable flight. The use of
software to control sensors, controllers, and actuators as well as total airframe control is thoroughly discussed. The course concludes with the
development of a comprehensive software algorithm design to be implemented in a current operational unmanned aircraft.
Certificate Program in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems & Operations
Sample Course Descriptions
Autonomous Systems and Collision Avoidance Algorithms in UAS
This advanced course covers the critical safety algorithms for unmanned aircraft: collision avoidance algorithms and autonomous operations
algorithms. Autonomous control reflects that the control of the aircraft is maintained through the aircraft hardware and software systems. In an
unmanned aircraft this control is maintained by the onboard computer system which is fed information by onboard sensors, actuators,
controllers, GPS and navigational signals, as well as complex software algorithms which all together maintain the operations, stability and
control of the aircraft in all aspects of its flight. This course presents advanced computational concepts to ensure that all of these systems are
working in tandem to ensure a safe, reliable autonomous or semi-autonomous flight to perform the mission of the unmanned aircraft through
computer based throttle control, altitude control, attitude control, as well as control on one, two, or all three aerodynamic axes. The course also
covers “sense and avoid” based collision algorithms to ensure that unmanned aircraft avoid aerial threats and also have the ability to auto-land
should communication links be severed. The course concludes with a comprehensive algorithm design for a software based autonomous
unmanned aircraft collision avoidance system with auto-land capabilities.
Computer Security & Information Assurance in UAS
This course covers vital information assurance and computer security principles as applied to unmanned aircraft. Information assurance
principles such as availability, integrity, and confidentiality are applied to unmanned aircraft systems to ensure the integrity of data and
information. The complex concepts of data privacy, data security, and the relationship of security to unmanned aircraft safety are integral to this
course. Many facets of UAS security such as integrated circuit security, physical security, personnel security, systems security, and operations
security are discussed and related directly to information assurance principles. The concepts of risks, threats, and vulnerabilities as applied to
unmanned aircraft systems are covered as well as the mitigation them through various unmanned aircraft software and computer technologies
in a defense in depth structure. The course also includes a survey of various laws and government initiatives to implement information
assurance in the national airspace. The course concludes with the development of a NIST compliant comprehensive information assurance
plan for the complete unmanned aircraft system: aircraft, ground station, personnel, and supporting communications infrastructure.
Certificate Program in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Systems & Operations
Sample Course Descriptions
Software Safety in Unmanned Aircraft Systems
This course presents the foundations of software safety, reliability, availability, resilience and failure obviation in the context of unmanned
aircraft computer and software systems. It covers the basic safety models of software and systems and applies those models to unmanned
aircraft control systems, algorithms, and functional software. The concepts of software errors, faults, and hazards are covered as well as
methodologies to mitigate them such as hazard analysis, fault trees, failure obviation processes, and resilience techniques. Basic mathematical
software formal methods are presented to demonstrate the power of mathematical modeling to safety critical systems such as unmanned
aircraft. The course concludes with the development of a comprehensive software safety design and resilience plan for a selected operational
unmanned aircraft.
Legal Aspects of UAS Computing and Technology
This course covers the emerging area of unmanned aircraft law and regulation. It covers vital areas of the law including national airspace
integration regulations, constitutional issues, safety laws, privacy laws, as well as issues of liability for unmanned aircraft software and systems
developers. It also covers FAA and FCC rulemaking processes as applied to unmanned aircraft. A comprehensive survey of manned and
unmanned legal cases is presented as well as their implications to unmanned aircraft developers and operators. Specific laws as related to
research, development, and implementation of new unmanned aircraft models is discussed. Issues such as negligence, strict liability, product
liability, the operation of an ultra-hazardous vehicle, and criminal culpability and civil liability will be discussed extensively. The course
concludes with the development of an in depth legal case brief of a current unmanned aircraft court case.
Sofia University
Certificate & Masters Programs in Transformative
Unmanned Aircraft Computing and
Leading the industry with groundbreaking
transformative unmanned aircraft professional