Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 1. Course Code 5. School C11HL 2. Course Title Management and Languages Humanitarian and Relief Logistics 7. Delivery: Location & Semester Edin X SBC Orkney Dubai IDL Collaborative Partner Approved Learning Partner Sem 2 Sem…. Sem……….. Sem….. Sem…. Name…………………….....Sem..…... Name …………………………………Sem……….. 8. Pre-requisites C11LS1: Logistics and Supply Chain Strategy 9. Linked Courses (specify if synoptic) 10. Excluded Courses 11. Replacement Courses Nil Nil Code: N/A N/A 12. Degrees for which this is a core course 3. SCQF 11 Level 6. Course Kate Hughes Co-ordinator 4. Credits 15 Elective only Date Of Replacement: 13. The course may be 14. Available as an Elective? Yes X No PG only X UG only UG & PG delivered to: 15. Aims to define key terms and introduce conceptual frameworks relating to the humanitarian and relief response logistics to review the transition of disaster response over the past 100 years to explore the differences between business logistics and disaster/emergency/relief logistics to examine the objectives of disaster management, relief logistics and community supply chains and ways of measuring performance to outline the process of disaster / emergency / relief response and the impact on those affected by these events to examine in strategic, tactical and operational decisions relating to response and relief work to review major challenges in these environments 16. Syllabus Understand events, their impact and consequences (natural, man-made and mixed events) Definition and scope of humanitarian logistics Contribution of logistics at macro and micro levels in the context of disasters, emergency response, humanitarian relief and community supply chain environments Brief history of disasters and humanitarian logistics management Major trends and challenges in humanitarian, emergency, relief management and community supply chains Strategic planning process in humanitarian logistics Identifying stakeholders and their perspectives Issue of risk, risk mitigation and response Case studies of humanitarian supply chain successes and failures Performance measurement in humanitarian logistics Social entrepreneurship as it relates to humanitarian logistics Climate change as it impacts humanitarian logistics and disaster management 1/2 Form C4 Heriot-Watt University - Course Descriptor 17. Learning Outcomes (HWU Core Skills: Employability and Professional Career Readiness) Subject Mastery Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills Student will be able to: appreciate the contribution that humanitarian logistics can make at a community, regional and national economic levels describe the evolution of humanitarian supply chain management concepts and practices demonstrate a sound grasp of the principles and theories underpinning the response to events understand the inter-relationship between humanitarian logistics, military, community, businesses, governments, media and other stakeholders recognise the differing logistical perspectives of stakeholders in events know where to obtain relevant information about humanitarian logistics and disaster management discuss the impact of a range of business, regulatory and technological trends on humanitarian logistics Personal Abilities Industrial, Commercial & Professional Practice Assist with the formulation of logistics / supply chain strategy for humanitarian logistics organisation Develop a performance measurement system for a humanitarian logistics operation Assess the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing the logistics function. Apply logistics concepts and appropriate solutions in event prevention, preparation and response management 18. Assessment Methods Method Duration of Exam Autonomy, Accountability & Working with Others Communication, Numeracy & ICT Find and interpret relevant information from Work with others in the analysis of case studies library, Internet and database sources and presentation of results Undertake a case study relating to the development, implementation and / or review of a humanitarian logistics strategy Research, collate, analyse, interpret and present material related to the management of humanitarian logistics / supply chains Weighting (%) 19. Re-assessment Methods Synoptic courses? Method (if applicable) Group Assignment Individual Assignment Duration of Exam Diet(s) (if applicable) 40% 60% None Assignment 20. Date and Version Date of Proposal 8/10/2012 Date of Approval by School Committee Date of Implementation Version Number 2/2 V1.0