C16.1 Notes - Destiny High School


Mr. B: Health 2

Chapter 16 Lesson 1 Notes

Today’s Objectives:

Identify the different functions of the endocrine system.

Identify the 3 different lobes of the pituitary gland.

Describe the purpose of the adrenal glands.

Identify ways to maintain your endocrine health.

Lesson 1: The Endocrine System

Big Idea: Your endocrine system _______________ and _______________ chemical messages that

_______________ many body functions.

How the Endocrine System Works

Main Idea: The endocrine system includes various ____________________ that work together to regulate body functions. o The endocrine system sends and receives _______________________.

There are several different endocrine __________________. o Def: Ductless or tubeless organs or groups of cells that _____________ hormones directly into the


Endocrine glands secret hormones into the blood to influence physical and mental ___________________. o Def: Chemical substances that help regulate many of your body’s functions

The thyroid gland produces ______________, which regulates the way cells release energy from nutrients. o Def: Produces hormones that regulate _____________________, body heat, and ________ growth

The parathyroid glands are located in the ______________ near the thyroid gland. o Produce a hormone that regulates the body’s balance of _____________ and _________________

_______________ - Male reproductive glands that produce _______________ for fertilization

Mr. B: Health 2

Chapter 16 Lesson 1 Notes

_________________ - Female reproductive glands that produce the egg cells

_________________ - Links the endocrine system and the nervous system and stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete hormones

Pineal Gland - Secretes the hormone ____________________, which is thought to affect the onset of puberty, and regulates _________________ cycles

Thymus - Regulates development of the _______________ system

Adrenal Glands - Regulate the body’s ____________ and ____________ balance and control the body’s emergency response.

The ________________ is an endocrine gland that secretes two hormones - ______________ and

_________________ - that regulate the level of glucose in the blood. o

A gland that serves both the ________________ and the endocrine systems

The Pituitary: The Master Gland

Known as the master gland, the pituitary gland has _____________ sections, or lobes: anterior, intermediate, and posterior. o Def: Regulates and controls the activities of all other endocrine glands

Hormones produced by the pituitary gland play a significant role in determining ________________.

Anterior Lobe o The anterior, or ____________, lobe of the pituitary gland produces these hormones:

______________ or Growth Hormone - Stimulates normal body growth and development

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone - Stimulates the thyroid gland to produce hormones

Adrenocorticotropic Hormone - Stimulates production of hormones in the

_____________________ glands

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone - Stimulates production of all other _______________ hormones

Intermediate Lobe o The intermediate, or middle, lobe of the pituitary secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone , which controls the darkening of the __________________ in the skin.

Posterior Lobe o

The posterior, or rear, lobe of the pituitary secretes ___________________ hormone that:

 regulates the balance of ____________ in the body, and

 produces ________________, which stimulates the smooth muscles in the uterus during pregnancy, causing ___________________ during the birth of a baby.

The Adrenal Glands o The adrenal glands each have two parts: the adrenal _______________ and the adrenal


Def: Help the body deal with _______________ and respond to ___________________ o

The adrenal cortex secretes hormones that:

Mr. B: Health 2

Chapter 16 Lesson 1 Notes

 inhibit the amount of ________________ excreted in _____________ and maintain blood volume and blood pressure

 aid in the metabolism of _______________, proteins, and carbohydrates

 influence the body’s response to ________________

 play a role in both the immune response and sexual function o The adrenal medulla secretes the hormones _____________________ (also called adrenaline) and norepinephrine. o Epinephrine increases __________________ and respiration, raises blood pressure, and

_____________________ the digestive process during periods of high emotion.

Maintain Your Endocrine Health

Main Idea: To keep your endocrine system working at its peak, you need to follow sound health practices. o Your endocrine health is directly related to your ______________ health.

Tips for Maintaining Your Endocrine Health o Eat balanced meals to ensure that you get the ________________ you need. o

Use _____________-management techniques. o

Get _________ to ________ hours of sleep every night. o

Engage in _________________ physical activity. o Have regular medical checkups.

These Endocrine Disorders May Require Medication o ________________ mellitus, Hypothyroidisim, Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Overproduction of

____________________ hormones
