Summaries of Research Sources - Due: Mon., Nov. 26 For each of your four sources, bring a typed one-paragraph summary of the article and one paragraph explaining how this article supports your thesis. Put the correct MLA citation at the top. Example of a summary of a scholarly article: Kumar, Krishna R, and Manu Raj. "Obesity in children & adolescents." Indian Journal of Medical Research : n. p. Academic Search Premier. Web. April 2011. This article is about the affect obesity has on people and the ways people become obese. There are important points about genetic disorders that may lead to obesity, for example, CVD (cardiovascular disease), body mass index (BMI), and metabolic syndrome. Some diseases can be linked to genetics, proving that obesity is not always at the fault of the people. It also talks about how the home environment as well as the changing society will affect people, especially children. The home environment is based on how the parents eat as well as what kind of food they choose to serve their children. Both authors are medical doctors in the Division of Pediatric Cardiology, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre in Kerala, India. This article is going to help me support my thesis because it gives me information on two out of the three points I plan to make. Banzhaf should have addressed certain genetic disorders that can lead to obesity. This proves that obesity is not just the result of a fast food diet. The other point this article talks about is the home environment a child grows up in and how that can create certain eating habits. This proves that the parents may contribute to childhood obesity. (Note: We did not read Banzhaf. This is just an example.) Example of a summary of a general news article: Billitteri, Thomas J. "Cyberbullying." CQ Researcher 2 May 2008: 385-408. Web. 18 Apr. 2012. Cyber bullying is the use of computers, cell phones, social-networking sites and other technology to threaten and humiliate others. This new bullying technique has become a real problem for teenagers as well as younger children and young adults. This article discusses how cyber bullying led to suicide when a 13-year-old girl hanged herself after receiving hurtful messages over a social network. Her death is one of many that have changed the way people think about cyber bullying. Places all around the country are creating anti-bullying laws as well as creating different systems to allow parents to monitor their children’s internet sites to keep them safe. The author is a journalist with more than 30 years' experience covering business, nonprofit institutions and related topics for newspapers and other publications. He has written previously for CQ Researcher on teacher education, parental rights and mentalhealth policy. This article supports my thesis by showing the negative effects of the internet that Turkle failed to look at: how the internet can be unsafe for children and young adults. Turkle explained the internet as being negative only because people spend too much time browsing which is taking away from people’s time to read, write, think and socialize. She neglected to mention the far more serious dangers discussed by Billitteri. (Note: We did not read Turkle. This is just an example.)