World Religions World Religions Quiz - 1 Origin Founder Supreme Being Sacred Text Place of Worship Symbol Major Beliefs Go to game 2 Followers Major Rituals Go to game 3 World Religions—Origins 1 Which of the following is the oldest religion that began in Asia? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Followers 1 Muslims are followers of which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Founder 1 Which religion does not have a founder? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Place of Worship 1 Followers who worship in a synagogue belong to the religion: Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Beliefs 1 Which religion believes the messiah has come, the messiah is Jesus? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Rituals 1 Which religion’s followers eat kosher foods? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Supreme Being 1 Which religion worships Yahweh? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Sacred Text 1 Which religion uses the Old and New Testaments? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Symbols 1 This symbol is associated with which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions Quiz -2 Origin Founder Supreme Being Sacred Text Place of Worship Symbol Major Beliefs Go to game 1 Followers Major Rituals Go to game 3 World Religions—Origins 2 Which religion is the oldest that began in the Middle East? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Followers 2 Jews are followers of which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Place of Worship 2 Followers who worship in a mosque belong to the religion: Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Founder 2 Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Sacred Text 2 Which religion uses the Qur’an? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Supreme Being 2 Which religion uses Allah as the name of God? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Beliefs 2 Which religion uses the Five Pillars of Faith to live by? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Rituals 2 Which religion which is the oldest practiced ahimsa (non-injury to living creatures)? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Symbols 2 This symbol is associated with which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions Quiz -3 Origin Founder Supreme Being Sacred Text Place of Worship Symbol Major Beliefs Go to game 1 Followers Major Rituals Go to game 2 World Religions—Origins 3 Which religion is the youngest religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Founder 3 Jesus is associated with which religion? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Supreme Being 3 Which religion has many forms of its God Brahman? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Beliefs 3 Which of the following believes in karma, samsara (reincarnation) and nirvana? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Followers 3 Which religion are the followers called Buddhists? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Sacred Text 3 Which religion utilizes the Torah? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Place Worship 3 Which religion worships at pagodas? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Major Ritual 3 Which religion honors the cow as a sacred animal? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions—Symbol 3 Which religion utilizes this symbol? Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam World Religions-Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Try Again! Back to game 3 World Religions-Sorry Try again! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions-I’m sorry to say-Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions Hinduism, hurray! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions Buddhism is right! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions Judaism is correct! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions Christianity is right! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3 World Religions Islam is correct! Back to game 1 Back to game 2 Back to game 3