<insert national code and title> National Training Product Training package code and title: National qualification /course code and title: Australian Qualifications Framework requirements Compliance with AQF title AQF outcome level and volume of learning (tick) This qualification has been endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council using the title for this qualification in the Australian Qualifications Framework L1 0.5 – 1.0 year L2 0.5 – 1.0 year L3 1-2 years (Certificate I) (Certificate II) (Certificate III) L4 0.5-2 years L5 1-2 years L6 1.5-2 years (Certificate IV) (Diploma) (Adv Dip) RMIT program code: School and program team details School and Dean/Head of School Contact phone: Email: Program Manager Contact phone: Email: Version Control Date of this strategy Strategy version number dd/mm/yyyy Version number for this strategy – new (V1.0) or update (increment as appropriate) Date of next strategy review Filename: dd/mm/yyyy Date: 1 Section 1: Program Overview Key requirements 1.1 Program Outcomes Details To be completed by the program team Describe the outcomes for learners, including potential occupations further study pathways preparation for further study (e.g., development of study skills, ESL, language and literacy skill development). Any additional certificates/licenses that students will receive (e.g. Certificate in First Aid, WHS) Also include outcomes relevant to specific clients. Where there are pathways agreements in place, include relevant details. 1.2 Entry Requirements Identify any requirements for learners to commence the program, such as qualifications that must be held or periods of industry experience or requirements for work placements. 1.3 Program Structure Identify core and elective components in accordance with the structure defined in the training package or course. Cluster Name/Unit Code and Title Core/Elective Pre-Requisites / Co-Requisites Timeline if a nominated WiL course Identify any clustering. Identify any pre-requisite and co-requisite units, and the sequencing of delivery and assessment. Describe who the industry is for this program and how you effectively engaged with industry to inform the initial program structure and choice of electives. Filename: Date: 2 Key requirements 1.4 Language of Delivery Details Are any of the courses in the program taught# in a language other than English? To be completed by the program team YES #= ‘Taught’ means that the language of instruction and assessment used in the course is not English NOTE: Courses and programs to teach a LOTE are exempt from this requirement NO If YES please complete the details below (a) What percentage of the program is taught and assessed in the language other than English? (b) Complete the table below to show the courses taught in a language other than English and the language of instruction. COURSE NAME AND NATIONAL CODE 1.5 Learners LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION Describe the key characteristics of the learners (e.g., are they full-time/part-time; existing workers/school leavers; new to tertiary study, limited/extensive experience in this field, remotely located, international, a wide variety of abilities, etc. International Students Describe arrangements for international students in this program including whether a CRICOS code will be required. Programs that include international student cohorts must be designed around a course duration of a minimum of 20 supervised scheduled course contact hours per week. This includes ALL forms of supervised structured teaching and learning that are part of the approved program design [see Program Approvals Guidelines and Advice]. Filename: Date: 3 Key requirements Details To be completed by the program team Online delivery to overseas students: the maximum amount of the program which can be delivered online is 25%, and the maximum amount of online course enrolment load in any compulsory semester is 75%. Trainees/Apprentices See Attachment 1 The training and assessment strategy for all traineeship and apprenticeship programs must include a sample training plan. This should be included as part of this TAS (i.e. saved as part of this document) under the Sample Training Plan heading. 1.6 Mode of Delivery Identify how the training and assessment is to be delivered—face-to-face, online, through workplace training or a mixture of different modes. How does the mode of delivery chosen suit the learner cohort? How do you know? What other factors informed the choice of delivery mode(s)? 1.7 Third Party arrangements Standard 2.3 requires that ‘The RTO ensures that where services are provided on its behalf by a third party the provision of those services is the subject of a written agreement.’ Please detail any third party arrangements and confirm that an appropriate written agreement is in place. Filename: Date: 4 Key requirements 1.8 Duration and Scheduling Details To be completed by the program team State the program duration and describe how the program duration and scheduling has been chosen to suit the learner cohort and how it will enable all learners (including those with little or no experience/study skills) to develop the required skills and knowledge prior to being assessed. (e.g. justify the Volume of Learning allowed for this program if it varies from AQF requirements) Describe the breakdown of the program unique supervised hours (PUSH) for the program. Do not include self-paced study/resources on line. Cluster Name/National unit code and title (add/delete rows as required) See Table Below Supervised Learning Structured F2F Class Workshop Workplace visit Online Interaction ie, Collaborate/S kype Structured online activities Structured Industry Engagement Activities including Work Placement Work on Assessments TOTAL PUSH HOURS FOR THE PROGRAM TOTAL NOMINAL HOURS FOR THE PROGRAM TOTAL FUNDED HOURS FOR THE PROGRAM Filename: Date: 5 Key requirements 1.9 Monitoring Student Progress Details To be completed by the program team All Programs that are offered to students receiving a state government subsidised place must ensure that program delivery strategy makes provision for the collection of one piece of evidence of participation (EOP) for each month of delivery for each unit of competency or cluster of units (that is, one piece of evidence per month per unit/unit cluster). In the space below record the mechanisms for capturing EOP. This may include SATS Rolls, and should also include mechanisms for collection of EOP for non-campus and work-based delivery; and for flexible delivery where attendance patterns are variable. DELIVERY STRATEGY EOP COLLECTION MECHANISMS Add rows as necessary Section 2: Educational and Support Services Key requirements Details 2.1 Information for learners What information will be provided to learners to enable them to make informed decisions about their training prior to enrolment including: Details of the qualification including structure, delivery, work placements (if applicable) RPL/Credit Transfer Learner rights Fees Third party arrangements (if applicable) 2.2 Pre-Training Review Describe the process followed including details about RPL and conduct of LLN Assessment 2.3 Learner support Program teams should build on the generic information provided here and provide details of program- specific supports. Do not cut and paste from policy statements and general web pages. Filename: To be completed by the program team Information for prospective students is available on the RMIT website Program Guides; Rights and Responsibilities http://www1.rmit.edu.au/browse/Current%20students/Admin%20essentials/Rights%20and%20respons ibilities/ Victorian Government Subsidised Places http://www.rmit.edu.au/study-with-us/applying-to-rmit/localstudent-applications/fees/fees-by-level-of-study/vocational-study/fees-for-government-subsidisedplaces/ The following forms of learning support are available through RMIT-wide arrangements: Students facing any difficulties which may affect their learning can approach the relevant Program Coordinator or Program Manager for advice and counsel. Such advice might include a deferment of study, help with a Special Consideration application, or referral to further student support service as mentioned below. Date: 6 Key requirements Details Relevant web links may be included (if doing so remember that these links must be checked annually to ensure currency) To be completed by the program team Students who specifically require assistance with language and study skills can access the Study and Learning Centre (SLC) which is located in RMIT Connect, Building 8, Level 4, 394 Swanston Street, Melbourne. The SLC is committed to maximising students’ learning experiences at RMIT. It offers practical advice on assignment writing and discipline-specific language and learning skills which students can access in person or online. Learning Resources and services are available via the Learning Lab: https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/welcome. The SLC can also integrate the development of specific skills students need for success into the curriculum, including any language, literacy or numeracy issues. Students with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition can access support from the Disability Liaison Unit (DLU). In consultation with the student, the DLU determines Reasonable Adjustments (RAs) and Equitable Assessment Arrangements (EAAs) which help to provide students with equal opportunity in their studies in accordance with the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The DLU also provides staff and students with information and assistance in relation to disability related matters. Describe the way students in your program with language, literacy and numeracy needs identified during the PTR process are identified and supported during their training. The Study and Learning Centre provides support to students with language, literacy and numeracy needs and can assist programs to develop tools and strategies to identify students in need of additional support in these areas. Describe how students with disabilities are supported during their studies. Students with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition are encouraged to register with the DLU at an early stage. The DLU works with a student to develop a DLU Plan, which outlines the support and adjustments required by the student. The DLU organises enabling assistance such as note-takers and interpreters, and provides information and support on how academic and teaching staff can implement Reasonable Adjustments (RAs) and Equitable Assessment Arrangements (EAAs). Identify any areas where learners may need additional support and/or identify whether leaners’ physical attributes may influence their ability to complete the training and assessment (e.g. if heavy lifting is required). The University is in the process of identifying Inherent Requirements and can work with Programs to unpack the Inherent Requirements and make them explicit to students. This will enable students to make informed choices about program selection, and also help to guide conversations between students and program staff should they be identified as not meeting the Inherent Requirements during their program of study. Further information and contact details available at: http://www1.rmit.edu.au/teaching/inherentrequirements Section 3: Learning and Assessment Filename: Date: 7 Key requirements 3.1 Assessment resources, methods and timing Details To be completed by the program team Identify: assessment resources assessment methods to be used timing of assessment any adjustments that may be needed to cater for different learner characteristics WIL how you have used industry feedback and/or learner/teacher feedback to inform assessment methods and timing 3.2 Sample assessment tools for a unit or cluster of units Please attach a complete set of assessment tools, including student instructions and assessor guides, for gathering evidence and conducting assessment of all knowledge and skill requirements of one (1) unit of competency (per qualification, course, skill set or unit) 3.3 Graded assessment If you do apply grading, briefly explain how you ensure that competency is determined before grading is applied. 3.4 Learning Resources Identify the learning resources used to ensure learners are able to obtain and absorb the required knowledge and skills prior to assessment. See Attachment 2 See “Resources and Equipment List” Identify how the choice of resources has been informed by industry and/or teacher/ learner feedback. Identify any resources that learners need to provide. 3.5 Learner engagement with Filename: Describe how learners will be engaged with their industry during the program. Date: 8 Key requirements Details Industry engagement refers to : their industry To be completed by the program team (A) all forms of structured learning and assessment which take place in an enterprise/other employing organisation and include: work placements, work-based assessment, clinical practice fieldwork involving structured learning and assessment (B) Involvement of industry specialists in delivery of work-based learning and assessment, presentations to learners, provision of case study material, mentoring and coaching. Where learning and/or assessment takes place in a workplace or under fieldwork conditions, explain the procedures followed by the program team to ensure it is a safe working environment, and that appropriate facilities and equipment will be available for the student to use Section 4: Continuous Improvement Key requirements Details Describe the approach to assessment 4.1 Assessment validation in this program and how this validation To be completed by the program team approach is used to inform improvements to assessment 4.2 Industry Engagement Filename: Describe the strategy for ensuring industry input into program resources, learning materials, staff currency requirements and the relevance of assessment tasks. See “Industry Engagement Statement” Date: 9 Key requirements Details 4.3 Learner Feedback Describe the approach to gathering learner feedback in this program and how this is used to inform improvements to the program 4.4 Program Team Feedback Describe the approach to gathering feedback from the program team in this program and how this is used to inform improvements to the program 4.5 Vocational currency of trainers and assessors Describe the approach to ensuring trainers and assessors have the necessary skills Filename: To be completed by the program team See “VET Staff Qualifications Matrix” Date: 10 Attachment 1 Sample apprentice/trainee training plan for [insert qualification code and name] Filename: Date: 11 Filename: Date: 12