Transducers [<Lat. Trans, across + ducere, to lead] • Devices to transform signals between different physical domains. • Taxonomy – Active: input signal modulates output energy; e.g. liquid crystal display. – Passive: input signal transformed to output energy; • Bidirectional, e.g. motor/generator; • Unidirectional, e.g. photodiode Signal domains • Signals may occur in many physical forms • Examples – Electrical signals on wires – Sound in free air – Light fields in free space • Transducers connect signal domains – input signals of one physical form – produce signals in a different physical form. Signals, power and energy • Physical signals are carried by energy – Energy = force x distance (mechanical) [Joules] • May take many equivalent forms. – Within a domain: potential vs kinetic; – In different domains: electrical, nuclear, heat, etc. • Is conserved: can transform but not create or destroy. – Power = time derivative of energy [Watts] • Signal strength is a measure of signal power. • Signal to noise ratio is a ratio of powers. • A transducer receives signals in one domain and generates them in another. Potential and kinetic energy • Potential energy is stored in reactive tension: – Voltage on a capacitor – Force compressing a spring • Kinetic energy is stored in reactive motion: – current in an inductor – velocity of a mass • Reactance types – Potential: voltage, force, electric field, etc.; – Kinetic: current, velocity, magnetic field, etc. Voltage, current, force, &cet. • Power is expressible by pairs of variables: – Voltage and current, – Force and velocity, – Pressure and flow, etc. • These are potential-kinetic variable pairs in particular physical domains. • Each domain has an associated measure of impedance and its reciprocal, admittance, although nomenclature varies. An electrostatic microphone Passive bidirectional transducer example • We first explore the physics relating voltage to pressure and current to volumevelocity. The result is non-linear. • We use small-signal assumptions to linearize the model. • We then represent these results in terms of two-port matrices which linearly relate variables between domains. Microphone construction Microphone is a conducting membrane stretched over an insulated ring above a conducting back plate Cross section of unbiased microphone Biased membrane under tension Insulated annular support rings Parallel plate capacitor physics Consider a capacitor with fixed lower plate and movable upper plate, both of area A, separated by distance x. An amount Q of charge has been moved from one plate to the other, causing an electric field between them to develop a voltage V. The field of the lower plate acts on the charge of the upper plate to produce a force F on it. These effects provide the A V coupling between the -Q electrical and mechanical Q domains. x Electric field of the lower plate Coulomb’s law in differential and integral forms: D E nˆda ( x)d 3 x, S V where D = E, E is electric field, is charge density, and 8.85x10-12 for air dielectric. The first integral is of the field normal to a closed surface, and the second is of the charge in the volume enclosed by the surface. Thus the field near a flat plate of area A with charge Q is, E nˆda E nˆda E nˆda Q S1 S2 S edge Q ˆ Q 2 E nda 2EA E 2A A S1 S2 Capacitance between the plates The definition of capacitance is Q=CV. The total field between the plates is the superposition of fields from both plates, or E=Q/A. By the definition of voltage we have, Qx V E dx x A The latter because the field between the plates is nearly uniform. From this we can obtain the formula for a parallel plate capacitor: x x A V Q CV C A A x Force on the upper plate The field E from the charge on the lower plate exerts force on the charge Q on the upper plate which is negative: 3 F Ed x F Ed 3 x QE , V V the latter because the field is nearly uniform over the plate area. Substituting for the electric field, we get a nonlinear force as a function of Q, which is always attractive. Q Q2 F . 2A F E Force - voltage relationship Let the total voltage VT = V0 + V, the sum of the bias and signal voltages respectively. Similarly, FT = F0 + F, where F0 is force due to the bias voltage alone and F is the signal force. Also, xT = x0 + x, where x0 is the plate separation at rest, and x is the signal displacement. The total force is, QT (CTVT ) 2 (A / xT ) 2 VT2 AVT2 FT . 2 2A 2A 2A 2 xT 2 If the signal displacement x is held to zero, AVT2 FT . 2 2 x0 This is a non-linear relationship which is always attractive. Linearizing the relationship This behavior can be “linearized” by assuming that V V0 , F F0 , and x x0 . Expanding FT and VT we make the approximation, V02 2V0V V 2 V02 2V0V F0 F A A . 2 2 2 x0 2 x0 Subtractin g out F0 AV02 / 2 x02 leaves the linear form, F (AV0 / x02 )V . Substituti ng C0 A / x0 , and defining pressure p F / A, V0C0 p V. Ax0 Velocity - current relationship If now the signal voltage is held to zero, the current and displaceme nt must vary as follows : dQ d dCT d A AV0 dx I (CT V0 ) V0 V0 dt dt dt dt x0 x ( x0 x) 2 dt AV0 AV0 dx 2 x. 2 2 x0 2 x0 x x dt x0 Let us define volume velocity as u A x . Then we have, V0 V0C0 I 2 u u. x0 Ax0 Two-port transducer matrices • Relate two input variables to two output variables. – The product of the input variables must be power – The product of the output variables must be power – Input and output variables may be in any domains • A microphone has inputs p and u, outputs V and I. • The hybrid, or h-parameter matrix H is written, u p I H V p h11 h12 u I h21 h22 V * (See Hanspeter Schmid, “Tables: Two-Port Matrices,” ) The microphone’s H matrix We have shown that V0C0 V0C0 p V and I u. Ax0 Ax0 Holding u 0 x 0, I C0 dV . dt Holding V 0 p kAx k udt (k spring force). In frequency domain, these are, I sC0V and p Thus, we can write, k p s I V0C0 Ax 0 V0C0 Ax0 u sC0 V k u. s The microphone’s T matrix It was convenient to use the H matrix because we could derive the behaviors of p and I when u and V were held fixed, respectively. It is also useful to have a u I transmission matrix T providing p electrical outputs, given acoustic V T inputs. Conversion of the H matrix to the T matrix is a V t11 t12 p problem in linear algebra, the solution of which is, t t I u 1 1 T h12 h22 h11 Ax0 1 det H V0C0 sC0 21 22 2 (V0C0 / Ax0 ) kC0 k/s The microphone’s Z matrix It is also sometimes useful to represent this as an impedance matrix Z facilitating impedance matching calculations at the electrical and acoustic ports. In this case, the solution is, u p I Z p z11 V z21 2 1 det H h12 1 (V0C0 / Ax0 ) kC0 Z h22 h21 1 sC0 V0C0 / Ax0 V z12 u z22 I V0C0 / Ax0 1