International Non- governmental organization

There is no doubt that N.G.O's represent one if
the emerging and contemporary International
Relations .The number of N.G.O's has
increased in thousands and their role has also
effectuated to the degree that they were
recognized not only by the UN but also by all
other actors in International Relations.
A)-N.G.O's Definition: 
N.G.O's are usually defined as Non – 
Governmental Organizations And Non – profit
insituations based upon voluntary
participations of its members who are linked by
a common reforming union in the field of
politics ,Economics, Development ,without
being affiliated to any partisan, religion or
ideological reference.
I.C.R.C, Human Rights Watch and International 
B)-The role of N.G.O's in International Relations: 
The role played by the N.G.O's in International 
Relations takes many different forms as the
-Submitting consultations to I.G.O through 
participating in meeting and sessions of organs
of the I.O in addition to participation in the
conference held under the sponsorship of
Ex. Many N.G.O's enjoy the consultative status 
Hundreds in not thousands of N.G.O participated in 
the UN conference on Earth summit in 1992 in Rio De
Janero .1995 Becjin conference on women ,1994
Cairo conference on population and Development
,2001 conference on Anti-Racism.
-Communicating governments and protest to them in 
relation to economic and cultural side effect of
Ex. Demonstrations led by N.G.O's anti W.T.O,I 
Monetary Fund , I. Bank ,American Intervention in Iraq.
-Participating in the preparation and 
formulation of I.O collective agreements
dealing with sophisticated international issues
and problems (Human Rights , environment
and climatic change , mass destructive,
-Participating governments in international 
negotiations dealing with international
problems. Representatives of N.G.O are
included in the official delegation of the states
As a matter of fact the increasing and effective
role of N.G.O's led some to call upgrading the
consultative status of I.N.G.O's to be recognize
as a person of International law , not only an
actor in international relations.
C)-Challenge undergone by I.N.G.O's: 
N.G.O's faces some challenge that more or 
less affects their effectively in international
manifestations of such challenges run as the
1) The participation of N.G.O's in the work and
debates of I.GO's is limited only to consult and
never extends to decision –taking
2) Ambiguity and un clarity of standards of 
accountability of N.G.O's weather they are able
to international law to national laws.
N.G.O's might be manipulated and influenced by some 
governments I.O or even some multi-national
companies, which usually contributes financial
assistance to non –G.O's in many countries.
*It remains to mention that irrespective of mistakes 
and side-effects by the work of N.G.O's their
increasing and effective role still constitutes an
outstanding and remarkable phenomena in
contemporary international relations.