2015 Waste Proposals: Calculation Rules COM (2015) 595 – Art 1(11) COM (2015) 596 – Art 1 (4) Julius Langendorff European Commission, DG Environment Unit A.2 Waste Management & Recycling Outline I. Recycling II. Preparation for Reuse: waste III.Preparation for Reuse: non-waste IV. Horizontal Provisions I. I. Calculation recycling Current Rules Decision 2011/753/EU (art.2, par. 2) "The weight of the waste prepared for reuse, recycled or materially recovered shall be determined by calculating the input waste used in the preparation for reuse or the final recycling or other final material recovery processes. […]. Where waste is collected separately or the output of a sorting plant is sent to recycling or other material recovery processes without significant losses, that waste may be considered the weight of the waste which is prepared for reuse, recycled or has undergone other material recovery." Decision 2005/270/EC (art. 3, par. 4) "The weight of recovered or recycled packaging waste shall be the input of packaging waste to an effective recovery or recycling process. If the output of a sorting plant is sent to effective recycling or recovery processes without significant losses, it is acceptable to consider this output to be the weight of recovered or recycled packaging waste." Key Recyclables collected for recyling Points in the supply chain at which recycling can be measured Waste collected by or on behalf of municipalities Reject and process losses Total tonnage of material collected for recycling material losses Material Sorting / Treatment Total tonnage of material remaining after materials have been sorted to remove impurities Final Recycling Process material losses Total tonnage of material that is made into final products Final Products Rationale for change Improve reliability and comparability of statistics Lack of definition of “non-significant” losses Divergent outcomes depending on the point of measurement Extensive consultation of stakeholders & MS Point at Which Recycling is Reported Member State Point of Collection After First Sorting / Treatment Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Point of Collection Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Cyprus - Czech Republic Denmark Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Output of the first sorting operation Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process () Not stated Poland () Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Not stated Sweden Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Suggest a mixed approach depending on waste stream Spain United Kingdom At the first treatment stage Malta Netherlands Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Output of the first sorting operation France Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Point of Collection Estonia Finland Stated preference for where recycling should be measured as part of the revised proposal Post Sorting / Input to Final Reprocessor Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Not stated Post Sorting / Input to Final Recycling Process Calculating recycling: the new proposal Two options to report recycling: Input into final recycling process (cf. definition) Output of sorting under the following conditions: Output of the sorting operation is sent into final recycling Weight of rejects below 10% Effective system of quality control and traceability Possibility to count recycling of metals taking place in conjunction with incineration II. Calculating Preparation for Reuse: Waste Current provisions & the new proposal Current provisions Preparation for reuse of waste foreseen for the calculation of the targets in WFD, but not in PPWD General provisions in Decision 2011/753/EU The new proposal • Waste prepared for re-use is waste that: Has been recovered or collected by a recognised preparation for reuse operator Has undergone all necessary checking, cleaning and repairing operations So that it can be reused without further sorting or preprocessing • Minimum requirements for operators to be set in a III. Measuring Preparation for Reuse: non-waste The new proposal Main change MS may choose to count prep for reuse of non-waste (products & components) against the new WFD & PPWD targets Conditions Products & components prepared for reuse by recognised preparation for reuse operators/deposit-refund schemes Use verified data from operators (minimum requirements for operators to be set in a delegated act) and use the formula in Annex VI: IV. Horizontal Provisions Rules on how to take into account waste sent to another MS and exported outside the EU: Counts against targets of the MS where the waste was collected (cf. Decisions 2011/753/EU & 2005/270/EC) + additional conditions in case of exports outside the EU Waste obtaining end of waste status can be counted against the targets (art.6, par. 3) Thank you for your attention! Additional information: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/target_review.htm