PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ This Skills Checklist is for use by nurses with more than one year experience in their discipline and specialty. Please be accurate with your assessment. NAME: ID #: DATE: DIRECTIONS: Please indicate your level of experience by placing a check (√) in the box. Experience level: 1 2 NO EXPERIENCE MINIMAL EXPERIENCE-requires supervision/assistance MODERATELY EXPERIENCED3 requires initial review, then performs independently 4 VERY EXPERIENCED- proficient 1|Page DESCRIPTION EAR NOSE & THROAT 1. Adenoidectomy 2. Caldwell-LUC 3. Cleft lip/palate repair 4. Closed reduction nasal fracture 5. Ethmoidectomy 6. Excision of salivary gland tumor 7. Fenestration Procedure 8. Frontal flap sinus procedure 9. Glossectomy 10. Laryngectomy 11. Mandibulectomy 12. Mastoidectomy 13. Maxillary advancement w/hipgraft 14. Maxillectomy 15. Myringoplasty 16. Myringotomy/w/PE tube insertion 17. Nasal polypectomy 18. Open reduction facial fracture 19. Open reduction nasal fracture 20. Parotidectomy 21. Pharyngeal Flap Procedure 22. Radical Neck Dissection 23. Ranulectomy 24. Rhinoplasty/septoplasty 25. Selective osteotomy of maxilla/mandible 26. Sinus endoscopy 27. Sinusotomy 28. Stapedectomy 29. Submucous Resection 30. Tonsillectomy 31. Tracheostomy 32. Tympanoplasty ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES 1. Bronchoscopy 2. Colonoscopy 3. Culdoscopy 4. Cystoscopy 5. Esophagoscopy 6. Gastroscopy SCRUB 1 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 2|Page DESCRIPTION ENDOSCOPIC PROCEDURES (cont.) 7. Laryngoscopy 8. Laparoscopic procedures a.Appendectomy b.Cholecystectomy/cholangiogram c.Colon resection d.Diagnostic e.Hernia repair f.Nissan fundoplication g.Salpingo-oophorectomy h.Tubal ligation i.Vaginal hysterectomy 9. Laryngoscopy & microlaryngoscopy 10. Mediastinoscopy 11. Pelviscopy 12. Sigmoidoscopy 13. Thoracoscopy GENERAL SURGERY 1. Abdominal perineal resection 2. Adrenalectomy 3. Anal fissurectomy 4. Appendectomy 5. Breast biopsy 6. Cholecystectomy (open) 7. Colectomy 8. Colon/Bowel Resection 9. Colostomy/ileostomy 10. Esophogeal resection 11. Exploratory laparotomy 12. Gastrectomy 13. Gastroplasty 14. Hemicolectomy 15. Hemorrhoidectomy 16. Hepatic Resection 17. Herniorrhaphy – femoral 18. Herniorrhaphy – inguinal 19. Herniorrhaphy – umbilical 20. Herniorrhaphyhiatal, transabdominal/ transthoracic 21. Hickman/Groshong/Portacath insertion 22. Hydrocelectomy 23. Imperforate anus reconstruction 24. Laparotomy 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 3|Page DESCRIPTION GENERAL SURGERY (cont.) 25. Lumbar sympathectomy 26. Mastectomy, radical 27. Omphalocele repair 28. Pancreatectomy/pancreatogram 29. Pilonidal cystectomy 30. Portal caval shunt 31. Pyloric stenosis 32. Saphenous vein ligation and stripping 33. Sentinel node biopsy 34. Splenectomy 35. Tenchknoff duct cyst excision 36. Thyroglossal duct cyst excision 37. Thyroidectomy 38. Tracheostomy 39. Vagotomy GYNECOLOGY 1. Cesarean Section 2. Colposcopy 3. Colpotomy 4. Dilation & curettage (D & C) 5. Hysterectomy, abdominal 6. Hysterectomy, vaginal 7. Marshall - Marchetti 8. Marsupialization, Bartholin cyst 9. Ovarian cystectomy 10. Radium insertion 11. Sacral spinus fixation 12. Salpingoplasty 13. Shirodkar procedure 14. Suction curettage 15. Termination of pregnancy 16. Tubal ligation 17. Vaginal reconstruction 18. Vaginectomy/vulvectomy IV THERAPY 1. Start peripheral IV – angio cath IV THERAPY – ASSIST WITH 1. Insertion of A-lines 2. Insertion of CVP - jugular 3. Insertion of CVP - sublavian 4. Insertion of Swan-Ganz 5. Drawing blood from central line 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 4|Page DESCRIPTION IV THERAPY – ASSIST WITH (cont.) 6. Drawing venous blood ADMINISTRATION OF BLOOD & PRODUCTS 1. Packed red blood cells 2. Plasma/Albumin 3. Whole blood NEUROLOGY 1. A-V malformation 2. Anterior cervical fusion 3. Anterior laparoscopic spine procedures 4. Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) 5. Burr holes for subdural hematoma 6. Carotid ligation 7. Cervical sympathectomy 8. Craniectomy for decompression fracture 9. Cranioplasty/Craniotomy a. Clipping of Aneurysm b. Tumor excision c. Using stealth equipment (stealth craniotomy) 10. Discectomy 11. Hypophysectomy 12. Insertion nerve stimulators/medication pumps 13. Laminectomy 14. Myelomeningocele repair 15. Pedicle screw insertion 16. Posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) 17. Shunt procedure/VP, VA/LP 18. Spine Fusion – List systems you have used a. b. 19. Ulnar Nerve Transfer 20. Ventriculography procedure/ventriculoscopy 21. Ventriculostomy OPTHALMOLOGY 1. Canthotomy 2. Cataract extraction with IOL 3. Corneal transplant 4. Correction of ectropian/entropian 5. Dacryocystectomy 6. Dacryocystorhinostomy 7. Excision of chalazion 8. Eye enucleation 9. Eye transplant 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 5|Page DESCRIPTION OPTHALMOLOGY (cont.) 10. Iridectomy 11. Lacrimal duct probing 12. Lid and muscle procedures 13. Orbital Implant 14. Phaco emulsification 15. Ptergium Repair 16. Recession Resection 17. Repair orbital blowout fracture 18. Scleral Buckle 19. Vitrectomy ORAL 1. Closed reduction facial fractures/wiring 2. Excision odontoma 3. Extraction of deciduous teeth 4. Extraction of impacted molars 5. Fractured jaws, mandibular and zagomatic 6. Ginivectomy 7. LeFort osteotomies 8. Maxillary procedure with graft 9. Pediatric dentistry 10. Sagittal osteotomy 11. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with arthroplasty 12. TMJ exploration ORTHOPEDICS 1. Acetabular/pelvic ORIF 2. Achilles tendon repair 3. Amputation – leg, arm 4. Anterior cruciate ligament repair 5. Application of external fixators a. Extremities b. Pelvis 6. Application of halo traction 7. Arthroscopy a. Ankle b. Elbow c. Knee d. Shoulder 8. Arthrotomy 9. Bipolar/unipolar hips 10. Bunionectomy 11. Calcanel reconstruction 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 6|Page DESCRIPTION ORTHOPEDICS (cont.) 12. Capsulorrhaphy 13. Carpal tunnel release 14. Closed reduction fracture 15. Hand surgery with implants 16. Harrington rod instrumentation and/or Dwyer procedure 17. Heel Cord Lengthening 18. Hip compression nails & lag screws a. Jewett b. Kuntscher rod c. Lottes d. Rush e. Schneider f. Zimmer g. Others - list 19. Iliac crest bone graft 20. Insertion Austin Moor hip prosthesis 21. Intramedullary rods a. Extraction b. Femoral c. Humeral d. Insertion e. Supracondylar f. Tibial 22. Laminectomy 23. Olecranon bursa, excision of 24. ORIF, internal fixation with compression set 25. Patellectomy 26. PuttiPlatt/Bankart procedure/rotator cuff repair 27. Reduction with compression sets 28. Reimplanation of digits 29. Repair hammer toes 30. Sacro-iliac (SI) joint screws 31. Sharrard procedure 32. Spica cast, application 33. Spinal fusion 34. Tendon transplants (hand and foot) 35. Total joint replacements/revisions a. Hip b. Knee c. Shoulder 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 7|Page DESCRIPTION PLASTICS 1. Abdominal lipectomy 2. Abdominoplasy 3. Blepharoplasty 4. Cleft lip repair 5. Dermabrasion 6. Face lift 7. Mentoplasty 8. Otoplasty 9. Pedicle grafts 10. Rhytidectomy 11. Scar revisions 12. Split thickness skin grafting 13. Tissue expanders 14. Mammoplasty a. Augmentation b. Reduction c. Tramflaps with reconstructive mammoplasty THORACIC AND OPEN HEART 1. CABG 2. Cardiac valve replacement 3. Cervical rib excision 4. Chamberlain procedure 5. Closed thoracotomy 6. Correction pectus excavatum 7. Esophagectomy 8. Heller procedure 9. Mitral commissurotomy 10. Mitral or aortic valve replacement 11. IABP insertion 12. Pacemaker implantation – endocardial 13. Pacemaker implantation – myocardial 14. Pacemaker – temporary 15. Patent ductus arteriosus repair 16. Pericardiectomy 17. Pericardial window 18. Portacaval shunt 19. Resection coarctation aorta 20. Septal defect repairs 21. Tetrology of fallot 22. Thoracoplasty 23. Tracheal resection 24. Transthoracic diaphragmatic heniorrhaphy 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 8|Page DESCRIPTION TRANSPLANT 1. Bone 2. Bone marrow 3. Corneal transplant 4. Harvesting 5. Heart 6. Kidney 7. Liver 8. Lung 9. Multi-organ 10. Pancreas 11. Skin TRAUMA 1. Burns 2. Motor vehicle accidents (multiple injuries) 3. Traumatic amputations 4. Gunshot/stab wounds a. Abdomen b. Chest c. Head UROLOGY 1. Adult circumcision 2. Cystectomy 3. Cystoscopy/ureteroscopy 4. Hypospadias repair 5. Ileal loop 6. Implants – penial and testicular 7. Lithotripsy 8. Nephrectomy 9. Nephrolithotomy 10. Orchiopexy 11. Prostatectomy - perineal 12. Prostatectomy – supra-pubic 13. Phleoplasty 14. Radical node dissection 15. Scott incontinence device 16. TURP 17. Ureterolithotomy 18. Vasectomy 19. Vasovasostomy 20. Waterhouse procedure VASCULAR 1. A-V access graft 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 9|Page DESCRIPTION VASCULAR (cont.) 2. Aortic aneurysm with graft replacement 3. Endarterectomy/carotid – femoral 4. Fem-pop bypass 5. Peripheral vascular bypass procedures 6. Resection carotid aneurysm with graft 7. Thrombectomy/embolectomy 8. Vena cava filter/umbrella 9. Vena cava ligation EQUIPMENT 1. Argon beam coagulator 2. Bair hugger 3. Blood/fluid warmer 4. Camera/video systems a. Camera controller b. Light source c. Printers d. VCRs 5. Cardiac monitor and pacemaker 6. Cell saver 7. Cidex soak 8. Cry-opthalmic unit 9. Defibrillator/pacer 10. Dermatome a. Brown b. Padgett c. Zimmer d. Disposable grounding pads 11. Drills a. 3-M maxi driver b. Codman craniotome c. Hall air-driver d. Hall dental e. Hall neurotome f. Midas Rex/Anspach g. Minidriver h. Stryker drills – large battery i. Stryker drills – small battery j. Surgairtome k. Synthes A-O drill 12. Electrosurgical unit 13. Emerson thoracic pump 1 SCRUB 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ NAME: ID#: DATE: 10 | P a g e DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT (cont.) 14. ETO sterilizer 15. Eye magnet 16. Fracture tables a. Chick/Marquet tables b. Jackson table c. Rush/Skytron tables 17. Fiber optic luminator 18. Flash autoclave 19. Hypo/hyperthermia units 20. Intestinal stapling devices a. EEA b. GIA c. LDS d. TA 21. Kreiselman resuscitor 22. Laser a. CO2 b. Eye magnet c. Yag d. Other 23. Mesh graft 24. Microscopes Nerve stimulator 25. Nitrous oxide bank 26. Ohio suction units 27. Orthopedic arm board with drain 28. Pleurevac disp. chest drainage 29. Pneumatic tourniquet 30. Sterad machine 31. Steri-vac aeratopm cabinet 32. Steris unit 33. Tele thermometer 34. Ultrasonic cleaner 35. Vac-pac positioner 36. Vacuum curettage 37. Washer sterilizer MISCELLANEOUS 1. Assist with intubation 2. Conscious sedation administration 3. Conscious sedation monitoring 4. Management of malignant hypertensive crisis SCRUB 1 2 3 4 CIRCULATE 1 2 3 4 PERIOPERATIVE SKILLS CHECKLIST___________________ Name: DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 COMPUTERIZED CHARTING 1. Cerner 2. Eclipsys 3. Epic 4. McKesson 5. Meditech 6. Other: Please check the boxes below for each age group for which you have expertise in providing age-appropriate nursing care. A. Newborn/Neonatal (birth – 30 days) B. Infant (30 days – 1 year) C. Toddler (1 – 3 years) D. Preschool (3 – 5 years) E. School Age Children (5 – 12 years) F. Adolescent (12 – 18 years) G. Young Adults (18 – 39 years) H. Middle Adults (40 – 64 years) I. Older Adults (64 + years) EXPERIENCE WITH AGE GROUPS: 1. Able to assess age appropriate behavior, motor skills and physiological norms. A B C D E F G H I MY EXPERIENCE IS PRIMARILY IN: NEUROLOGY PULMONARY SURGICAL MEDICAL CARDIAC CARE TELEMETRY I HAVE CURRENT CERTIFICATIONS FOR: TYPE EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DD/YY) ARRHYTHMIA CRITICAL CARE ACLS BLS TNCC NRP PALS NALS Other Other Other Other The information I have provided in this knowledge and skills checklist it true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature (Written/Electronic) ID #: 2. Able to adapt care according to normal growth and development. A B C D E F G H I 3. Able to communicate and instruct patient according to their age, maturity and comprehension ability. A B C D E F G H I years years years years years years Date This skills checklist has been reviewed and approved by Nicole Bloxham, RN. Signature (Written/Electronic) ID #: Please return to: Date Northwest Nurse Staffing Company, PA ATTN: Records Dept. Fax: (888) 936-8383 Email: 4. Able to provide a safe environment according to the specific needs of various age groups. A B C D E F G H I 11 | P a g e