Edward John Eyre High School STAGE 2 HEALTH HEALTH PROMOTION TO CHILDREN Teacher: Task Type: Assessment Conditions Draft due date: Final due date: Text type: Submission details: Mrs. N Brooks Group Investigation and Presentation 10th March (Thursday week 6 , term 1) th 17 March (Thursday week 7, term 1) Evaluation, Presentation and Individual Discussion Video of presentation, Part 1 & 3 printed with performance standards marking grid attached, handed to Mrs. N Brooks Aim To plan, prepare and present a health promoting strategy to children. Task Students evaluate the effectiveness of the Go for 2&5 campaign. In groups they prepare their own health promoting activity to present to children. Individually students complete a discussion on the group task. Process 1. Investigate the impact of the Go for 2&5 campaign. 2. Part 1 – Evaluate the Go for 2&5 campaign (see Guidelines attached) 3. Part 2 – In groups, choose a current health issue that affects the health and well-being of children and prepare a presentation to be delivered to children that promotes health. All members of the group must be involved in the planning; researching and presentation of the healthpromoting activity to children (see Guidelines attached) 4. Part 3 – Individually, complete the discussion reflecting on the task (see Guidelines attached) Literacy Notes Written Report Can use headings Break up into sections Include references Include photos Essay Flowing paragraphs Topic sentences Introduction Body Conclusion Include a bibliography showing all sources Curriculum Notes Option Study 1: Health promotion in the community I1 Investigation and critique of current health trends and issues. I3 Investigation and critique of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, and governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. A2 Application of health literacy skills to relevant tasks. A3 Involvement in personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE1 Critical analysis of current health trends and issues. CAE2 Critical analysis of health-promoting strategies and the role of education in promoting and enhancing health outcomes. CAE3 Evaluation of personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. Performance Standards A B C D Investigation Application Critical Analysis and Evaluation I1 In-depth and critical investigation into and critique of current health trends and issues. A2 Consistent application of well-developed health literacy skills to relevant tasks. CAE1 Astute and critical analysis of a variety of current health trends and issues. I3 Sustained and cohesive investigation into and critique of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, and governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. A3 Highly productive involvement in personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. I1 Some depth of investigation into and critique of current health trends and issues. A2 Mostly consistent application of health literacy skills to relevant tasks. I3 Thoughtful and systematic investigation into and critique of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, and governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. A3 Productive involvement in personal and social actions to improve health outcomes for individuals and communities. I1 Some investigation into and critique of current health trends and issues. A2 Some application of health literacy skills to relevant tasks. CAE1 Some informed and critical analysis of some current health trends and issues. I3 Competent investigation into and critique of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, and governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. A3 Competent involvement in personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE2 Some considered analysis of healthpromoting strategies and the role of education in promoting and enhancing health outcomes. I1 Identification of current health trends and issues. A2 Attempted application of basic health literacy skills to tasks. CAE1 Some description of current health trends and issues. I3 Partial investigation into and description of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, and governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. I1 Attempt to recognise one or more current health trends and/or issues. E I3 Limited and fragmented investigation into and attempted description of the roles and responsibilities of individuals, communities, or governments in addressing health and well-being issues and priorities. A3 Some attempt to participate in personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals or communities. A2 Attempted application of a basic health literacy skill to a task. A3 Limited attempt to participate in personal or social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals or communities. CAE2 Discerning and comprehensive analysis of health-promoting strategies and the role of education in promoting and enhancing health outcomes. CAE3 Insightful evaluation of personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE1 Thoughtful and critical analysis of a variety of current health trends and issues. CAE2 Clear and convincing analysis of healthpromoting strategies and the role of education in promoting and enhancing health outcomes. CAE3 Thoughtful evaluation of personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE3 Some considered evaluation of personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE2 Some explanation of a health-promoting strategy and the role of education in promoting or enhancing health outcomes. CAE3 Recounts of personal and social actions to promote improved health outcomes for individuals and communities. CAE1 Brief description of current health trends or issues. CAE2 Superficial description of a healthpromoting strategy or the role of education in promoting or enhancing health outcomes. CAE3 Attempted recount of a personal or social action to promote health. Guidelines Part 1 Evaluation of Go for 2&5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What does the Go for 2&5 campaign promote? How user friendly (accessible) is their site? Do they have links to more information that is relevant to healthy eating? Who created it, are they credible? Why was it launched? What are the current health trends? (use other sources to research this) Who are they aiming it at and why? Has the campaign had an effect on local people in our community? Do people recognize it, where have they seen / heard it, what stands out, what do they remember, have they changed eating habits because of it? (complete a class survey) Describe phase 1, 2 and 3. What were their aims? Are these effective ways to improve health and well-being? Explain how / why (what improvements to health are they aiming for?) Is their education working? Have health outcomes improved? How can we tell? (include data, statistics as proof and discuss / analyse) What do they do well / poorly? How could they improve? (this needs to come from you / your ideas) Guidelines Part 2 Group Presentation 1. 2. 3. (the video of your presentation will be the evidence of this, no write up) Choose a current health issue or trend such as: Healthy Eating Guidelines Making healthy lunches / breakfasts Being active Obesity prevention Research your chosen topic (you must reflect on this research later) Make sure you include: i. Facts, data, statistics ii. Why it is a current health issue iii. How it affects children iv. Health promoting strategies out there such as Be Active, Swap it, Go for 2&5 v. Your ideas, views and opinions Brainstorm how you can present the information in a fun, interactive way, e.g. Workshop / PowerPoint / discussions Play / mime Display / print materials Cartoons / posters Activities – sport / craft / cooking / quiz Consider the different learning styles of the children, how will you be inclusive? 4. 5. 6. 7. Ensure you apply appropriate health literacy skills (analyse data, use referencing, add your thoughts and opinions) and aim to promote improved health outcomes e.g. teach them how to avoid obesity to ensure they have good health Prepare your presentation Present to children, take photos, keep cue cards, etc. for evidence (it will be video recorded for teacher assessment) Obtain feedback on the success of your health promoting strategy Guidelines Part 3 Individual Discussions 1. Critically analyse the current health trend / issue that you addressed in your presentation. Why did you choose this issue? How is your topic relevant to children in Whyalla? How is it a current issue? (statistics / data) (include some of your research / data / statistics / information used in your presentation) 2. Evaluate your researched information What was useful / not useful? What was interesting? Was it from credible sources? 3. Describe how you presented your topic Show your application of health literacy skills (your understanding of the topic, how you used correct terminology, included a variety of learning styles in your audience, included your thoughts, referenced) Include photos, label them and refer to them; explain what they are showing 4. Evaluate your health-promoting activity, include some of the FEEDBACK you received Did you educate the children? What did they learn? Will your presentation help improve their health outcomes? How will what you have taught, help with their physical, social, emotional / mental, spiritual health to enhance their health and wellbeing? What did they get out of it? How does educating children about your topic help improve their health? 5. Reflect on your personal contributions in preparing and presenting your topic What did you do personally? 6. Reflect on the other members in your group Did everyone contribute evenly? Did you work as a team? Why / why not? Was there a clear leader? Was everyone listened to and respected? What could have improved? (E.g. clear communication, listening, time management, organization, planning, division of jobs, regular attendance, etc.) 7. Reflect on what could be done differently. Discuss and analyse. How could you improve? Research Team work Personal involvement Presentation? What feedback did you receive, does this help you to see where you could improve? How can children be further educated about this issue? What could the government, school system and / or foundations, organisations do about this issue? 8. Include a bibliography of the sources of information used in your presentation and your critique of Go for 2&5. Please ensure you have: Included photographs of your presentation Labeled them appropriately Referred to them in your text Printed a copy of resources used in your presentation such as your PowerPoint Include them in an Appendix Referred to them in your text