Re-imagine’s Requisites: The Leadership 11 Tom Peters & Russell Reynolds/ Washington DC/04.28.2004 Slides at … It is the foremost task— and responsibility— of our generation to re-imagine our enterprises, private and public —from the Back Cover, Re-imagine Context: The Change Tsunami Jobs Technology Globalization War, Warfighting & Security Jobs New Technology Globalization War, Warfighting & Security “14 MILLION service jobs are in danger of being shipped overseas” — The Dobbs Report/USN&WR/11.03/re new UCB study “Income Confers No Immunity as Jobs Migrate” —Headline/USA Today/02.04 “There is no job that is America’s God-given right anymore.” —Carly Fiorina/ HP/ 01.08.2004 “One Singaporean worker costs as much as … 3 … in Malaysia 8 … in Thailand 13 … in China 18 … in India.” Source: The Straits Times/08.18.03 Jobs Technology Globalization War, Warfighting & Security <1000A.D.: paradigm shift: 1000s of years 1000: 100 years for paradigm shift 1800s: > prior 900 years 1900s: 1st 20 years > 1800s 2000: 10 years for paradigm shift 21st century: 1000X tech change than 20th century (“the ‘Singularity,’ a merger between humans and computers that is so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history”) Ray Kurzweil E.g. … Jeff Immelt: 75% of “admin, back room, finance” “digitalized” in years. Source: BW (01.28.02) Jobs Technology Globalization War, Warfighting & Security “Asia’s rise is the economic event of our age. Should it proceed as it has over the last few decades, it will bring the two centuries of global domination by Europe and, subsequently, its giant North American offshoot to an end.” —Financial Times (09.22.2003) “The world has arrived at a rare strategic inflection point where nearly half its population—living in China, India and Russia—have been integrated into the global market economy, many of them highly educated workers, who can do just about any job in the world. We’re talking about three billion people.” —Craig Barrett/Intel/01.08.2004 China Roars! 1990-2003: Exports 8X ($380B); 6% global exports 2003 vs. 3.9% 2000; 16% of Total Global Growth in 2002. Source: “China Takes Off”, David Hale & Lyric Hughes Hale/Foreign Affairs/Nov-Dec2003 1998-2003: 45,000,000 layoffs in state sector; offset by $450B in foreign investment; foreign companies account for 50+% of exports vs. 31% in Mexico, 15% in Korea. Source: “China Takes Off”, David Hale & Lyric Hughes Hale/Foreign Affairs/Nov-Dec2003 200 cities with >1,000,000 population. Source: “China Takes Off”, David Hale & Lyric Hughes Hale/Foreign Affairs/Nov-Dec2003 World economic output: U.S.A., 21%; EU, 16%; China, 13% (2X since1991) Source: New York Times/12.14.2003 Indian GDP/1990-2002: Ag, 34% to 21%; services, 40% to 56% Source: The Economist/02.04 Level 5 (top) ranking/Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute: 35 of 70 companies in world are from India Source: Wired/02.04 Jobs Technology Globalization War, Warfighting & Security “This is a dangerous world and it is going to become more dangerous.” “We may not be interested in chaos but chaos is interested in us.” Source: Robert Cooper, The Breaking of Nations: Order and Chaos in the Twenty-first Century The Leadership 11 The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Talent Management In an age of value-added through imagination, creativity and intellectual capital … the leader’s Job One is the recruitment, development and retention of awesome talent. Brand = Talent. Age of Agriculture Industrial Age Age of Information Intensification Age of Creation Intensification Source: Murikami Teruyasu, Nomura Research Institute “The leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. They revel in the talent of others.” Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman, Organizing Genius Model 25/8/53 Sports Franchise GM “In most companies, the Talent Review Process is a farce. At GE, Jack Welch and his two top HR people visit each division for a day. They review the top 20 to 50 people by name. They talk about Talent Pool strengthening issues. The Talent Review Process is a contact sport at GE; it has the intensity and the importance of the budget process at most companies.” —Ed Michaels “Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent, and talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.” David Ogilvy “AS LEADERS, WOMEN RULE: New Studies find that female managers outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure” Title, Special Report, BusinessWeek, 11.20.00 Our Mission To develop and manage talent; to apply that talent, throughout the world, for the benefit of clients; to do so in partnership; to do so with profit. WPP Talent Department People Department Center for Talent Excellence Seriously Cool People Who Recruit & Develop Seriously Cool People Etc. DD$21M I AM A TALENT FANATIC. I STACK UP WITH THE BEST FOOTBALL COACHES. OUR TALENT IS ON QUESTS TO RE-IMAGINE TOMORROW. THE TALENT I RECRUIT AND DEVELOP IS MY PREMIER LEGACY. (Scale of 1 to 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Metabolic Management The “metabolism” of enterprisecompetition-invention has speeded up remarkably. It is the leader’s mission to increase—and manage—the Metabolic Rate of her or his organization. “How we feel about the evolving future tells us who we are as individuals and as a civilization: Do we search for stasis—a regulated, engineered world? Or do we embrace dynamism—a world of constant creation, discovery and competition? Do we value stability and control or evolution and learning? Do we think that progress requires a central blueprint, or do we see it as a decentralized, evolutionary process?? Do we see mistakes as permanent disasters, or the correctable byproducts of experimentation? Do we crave predictability or relish surprise? These two poles, stasis and dynamism, increasingly define our political, intellectual and cultural landscape.” —Virginia Postrel, The Future and Its Enemies “If things seem under control, you’re just not going fast enough.” Mario Andretti “We are in a brawl with no rules.” Paul Allaire “Strategy meetings held once or twice a year” to “Strategy meetings needed several times a week.” Source: New York Times on Meg Whitman/eBay “The secret of fast progress is inefficiency, fast and furious and numerous failures.” Kevin Kelly The Kotler Doctrine: 1965-1980: R.A.F. (Ready.Aim.Fire.) 1980-1995: R.F.A. (Ready.Fire!Aim.) 1995-????: F.F.F. (Fire!Fire!Fire!) “Rather than have massive armies that people can go along and inspect, it is now about having rapidly deployable expediency forces that can be dropped by land, sea or air and with full support.” —MoD official, on Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon’s defense white paper (12.2003) “If Microsoft is good at anything, it’s avoiding the trap of worrying about criticism. Microsoft fails constantly. They’re eviscerated in public for lousy products. Yet they persist, through version after version, until they get something good enough. Then they leverage the power they’ve gained in other markets to enforce their standard.” Seth Godin, Zooming WE ARE ON A PERMANENT HIGH. WE LIVE ON SPEED. WE TACK AND JIBE ON A NANOSECOND’S NOTICE. RECRIMINATION IS MINIMAL. ACTION RULES. I AM PROACTIVE AROUND THE CAUSE (Scale of 1 to 10?) OF URGENCY. The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Technology Management The Internet and other associated technologies are changing … everything. The leader must take direct charge of the full-bore implementation of the new technologies. The wise leader is his own CIO. square feet “Our entire facility is digital. No paper, no film, no medical records. Nothing. And it’s all integrated—from the lab to X-ray to records to physician order entry. Patients don’t have to wait for anything. The information from the physician’s office is in registration and vice versa. The referring physician is immediately sent an email telling him his patient has shown up. … It’s wireless in-house. We have 800 notebook computers that are wireless. Physicians can walk around with a computer that’s pre-programmed. If the physician wants, we’ll go out and wire their house so they can sit on the couch and connect to the network. They can review a chart from 100 miles away.” —David Veillette, CEO, Indiana Heart Hospital (HealthLeaders/12.2002) “Dawn Meyerreicks, CTO of the Defense Information Systems Agency, made one of the most fateful military calls of the 21st century. After 9/11 … her office quickly leased all the available transponders covering Central Asia. The implications should change everything about U.S. military thinking in the years ahead. “The U.S. Air Force had kicked off its fight against the Taliban with an ineffective bombing campaign, and Washington was anguishing over whether to send in a few Army divisions. Donald Rumsfeld told Gen. Tommy Franks to give the initiative to 250 Special Forces already on the ground. They used satellite phones, Predator surveillance drones, and GPS- and laser-based targeting systems to make the air strikes brutally effective. “In effect, they ‘Napsterized’ the battlefield by cutting out the middlemen (much of the military’s command and control) and working directly with the real players. … The data came in so fast that HQ revised operating procedures to allow intelligence analysts and attack planners to work directly together. Their favorite tool, incidentally, was instant messaging over a secure network.”—Ned Desmond/“Broadband’s New Killer App”/Business 2.0/ OCT2002 TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EVERYTHING. I AM A TRUE BELIEVER. NOW IS THE MOMENT FOR INSANELY BOLD INVESTMENT AND TOTAL CORPORATE RE-IMAGINATION. (Scale of 1 to 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Barrier Management The “corporate metabolism” cannot be speeded up and the new technologies cannot be fully exploited unless all barriers to X-functional communication (throughout the entire supply and demand chain) are destroyed. The leader must lead—get directly involved in the minutiae of this STRATEGIC task. “The organizations we created have become tyrants. They have taken control, holding us fettered, creating barriers that hinder rather than help our businesses. The lines that we drew on our neat organizational diagrams have turned into walls that no one can scale or penetrate or even peer over.” —Frank Lekanne Deprez & René Tissen, Zero Space: Moving Beyond Organizational Limits. “Our military structure today is essentially one developed and designed by Napoleon.” Admiral Bill Owens, former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff From: To: Weapon v. Weapon Org structure v. Org structure “Ebusiness is about rebuilding the organization from the ground up. Most companies today are not built to exploit the Internet. Their business processes, their approvals, their hierarchies, the number of people they employ … all of that is wrong for running an ebusiness.” Ray Lane, Kleiner Perkins BARRIERS MUST GO. PERIOD. I AM INTIMATELY INVOLVED WITH THE GRUBBY DETAILS OF TOTAL PROCESS RE-DESIGN. WE WILL NOT PARTNER WITH THOSE THAT (Scale of 1 t0 10?) DON’T “GET IT.” The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Forgetful Management The new competitive realities demand that we turn our backs on the ones who brung us. Every leader needs a FORMAL “forgetting strategy.” “It is generally much easier to kill an organization than change it substantially.” Kevin Kelly, Out of Control Forbes100 from 1917 to 1987: 39 members of the Class of ’17 were alive in ’87; 18 in ’87 F100; 18 F100 “survivors” underperformed the market by 20%; just 2 (2%), GE & Kodak, outperformed the market 1917 to 1987. S&P 500 from 1957 to 1997: 74 members of the Class of ’57 were alive in ’97; 12 (2.4%) of 500 outperformed the market from 1957 to 1997. Source: Dick Foster & Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market Forget>“Learn” “The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out.” Dee Hock “FORGET IT” IS MY MISSION AND MANTRA. WE MUST SEVER MANY/MOST OF OUR TIES TO THE PAST … AND IMAGINE COMPLETELY NEW WORLDS. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT “FORGETTING” IS MY PASSION. (Scale of 1 to 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Metaphysical Management A brand new value proposition is emerging. We are moving toward more and more ethereal “products” and “services.” The leader must oversee this process—become the Metaphysician-in-Chief. “While everything may it is also increasingly the same.” be better, Paul Goldberger on retail, “The Sameness of Things,” The New York Times “The ‘surplus society’ has a surplus of similar companies, employing similar people, with similar educational backgrounds, coming up with similar ideas, producing similar things, with similar prices and similar quality.” Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business “Companies have defined so much ‘best practice’ that they are now more or less identical.” Jesper Kunde, Unique Now ... or Never “We make over three new product announcements a day. Can you remember them? Our customers can’t!” Carly Fiorina 09.11.2000: HP bids $18,000,000,000 for PricewaterhouseCoopers consulting business! “These days, building the best server isn’t enough. That’s the price of entry.” Ann Livermore, Hewlett-Packard Systems Integrator of choice. Global Services: Gerstner’s IBM: $35B. Pledge/’99: Business Partner Charter. 72 strategic partners, aim for 200. Drop many in-house programs/products. (BW/12.01). “UPS wants to take over the sweet spot in the endless loop of goods, information and capital that all the packages [it moves] represent.” (E.g., UPS Logistics manages the logistics of 4.5M Ford vehicles, from 21 mfg. sites to 6,000 NA dealers) And the Winners Are … Televisions –12% Cable TV service +5% Toys -10% Child care +5% Photo equipment -7% Photographer’s fees +3% Sports Equipment -2% Admission to sporting event +3% New car -2% Car repair +3% Dishes & flatware -1% Eating out +2% Gardening supplies -0.1% Gardening services +2% Source: WSJ/05.16.03 IBM/Q3/10.15.03/Rev: +5% Services/Consulting: +11% Software: +5% Hardware: -5% PCs: -2% Technology/Chips: -33% “Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” Joseph Pine & James Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage “Club Med is more than just a ‘resort’; it’s a means of rediscovering oneself, of inventing an entirely new ‘me.’ ” Source: Jean-Marie Dru, Disruption Experience: “Rebel Lifestyle!” “What we sell is the ability for a 43-year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley exec, quoted in Results-Based Leadership WHAT CAN BROWN DO FOR YOU? The “Experience Ladder” Experiences Services Goods Raw Materials “I see us as being in the art business. Art, entertainment and mobile sculpture, which, coincidentally, also happens to provide transportation.” Bob Lutz: Source: NYT 10.19.01 “Lexus sells its cars as containers for our sound systems. It’s marvelous.” —Sidney Harman/ Harman International Duet … Whirlpool … “washing machine” to “fabric care system” … white goods: “a sea of undifferentiated boxes” … $400 to $1,300 … “the Ferrari of washing machines” … consumer: “They are our little mechanical buddies. They have personality. When they are running efficiently, our lives are running efficiently. They are part of my family.” … “machine as aesthetic showpiece” … “laundry room” to “family studio” / “designer laundry room” (complements Sub-Zero refrigerator and home-theater center) Source: New York Times Magazine/01.11.2004 “Most executives have no idea how to add value to a market in the metaphysical world. But that is what the market will cry out for in the future. There is no lack of ‘physical’ products to choose between.” Jesper Kunde, Unique Now ... or Never [on the excellence of Nokia, Nike, Lego, Virgin et al.] 15 “Leading” Biz Schools Design/Core: 0 Design/Elective: 1 Creativity/Core: 0 Creativity/Elective: 4 Innovation/Core: 0 Innovation/Elective: 6 Source: DMI/Summer 2002 I FULLY COMPREHEND THAT THE “BASIC VALUE PREMISE” IS SHIFTING … DRAMATICALLY AND RAPIDLY. I AM WHOLLY COMMITTED TO BECOMING “MASTER METAPHYSICIAN.” (Scale of 1 to 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Opportunity Management The two biggest (by far) “trends” are ignored—or at least not treated as Strategic Priority One—by most. Women! Boomers & Geezers! Why? (And … what does the leader plan to do about it?) Women & the Marketspace. ????????? Home Furnishings … 94% Vacations … 92% (Adventure Travel … 70%/ $55B travel equipment) Houses … 91% D.I.Y. (major “home projects”) … 80% Consumer Electronics … 51% (66% home computers) Cars … 68% (90%) All consumer purchases … 83% Bank Account … 89% Household investment decisions … 67% Small business loans/biz starts … 70% Health Care … 80% 91% women: ADVERTISERS DON’T UNDERSTAND US. (58% “ANNOYED.”) Source: Greenfield Online for Arnold’s Women’s Insight Team (Martha Barletta, Marketing to Women) FemaleThink/ Popcorn “Men and women don’t think the same way, don’t communicate the same way, don’t buy for the same reasons.” “He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in creating a relationship. Every place women go, they make connections.” Read This Book … EVEolution: The Eight Truths of Marketing to Women Faith Popcorn & Lys Marigold EVEolution: Truth No. 1 Connecting Your Female Consumers to Each Other Connects Them to Your Brand “The ‘Connection Proclivity’ in women starts early. When asked, ‘How was school today?’ a girl usually tells her mother every detail of what happened, while a boy might grunt, ‘Fine.’ ” EVEolution “Women don’t buy They join them.” brands. EVEolution 2.6 vs. 1. Men and women are different. 2. Very different. 3. VERY, VERY DIFFERENT. 4. Women & Men have a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing in common. 5. Women buy lotsa stuff. 6. WOMEN BUY A-L-L THE STUFF. 7. Women’s Market = Opportunity No. 1. 8. Men are (STILL) in charge. 9. MEN ARE … TOTALLY, HOPELESSLY CLUELESS ABOUT WOMEN. 10. Women’s Market = Opportunity No. 1. Psssst! Wanna see my “porn” collection? Boomers & Geezers. Subject: Marketers & Stupidity “It’s 18-44, stupid!” Subject: Marketers & Stupidity “18-44 is stupid, stupid!” Or is it: 2000-2010 Stats 18-44: -1% 55+: +21% (55-64: +47%) 44-65: “New Consumer Majority” * *45% larger than 18-43; 60% larger by 2010 Source: Ageless Marketing, David Wolfe & Robert Snyder “The New Consumer Majority is the only adult market with realistic prospects for significant sales growth in dozens of product lines for thousands of companies.” —David Wolfe & Robert Snyder, Ageless Marketing “Baby-boomer Women: The Sweetest of Sweet Spots for Marketers” —David Wolfe and Robert Snyder, Ageless Marketing “Sixty Is the New Thirty” —Cover/AARP/11.03 50+ $7T wealth (70%)/$2T annual income 50% all discretionary spending 79% own homes/40M credit card users 41% new cars/48% luxury cars $610B healthcare spending/ 74% prescription drugs 5% of advertising targets Ken Dychtwald, Age Power: How the 21st Century Will Be Ruled by the New Old “Marketers attempts at reaching those over 50 have been miserably unsuccessful. No market’s motivations and needs are so poorly understood.”—Peter Francese, founding publisher, American Demographics “ ‘Age Power’ will st 21 rule the century, and we are woefully unprepared.” Ken Dychtwald, Age Power: How the 21st Century Will Be Ruled by the New Old I GET IT! WOMEN! BOOMERS & GEEZERS! IT’S WHERE THE LOOT IS! WE ARE “GOING STRATEGIC” ON THIS! (Scale to 10?) of 1 The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Portfolio Management We must think of the “rosters” of talent, customers, suppliers, leader, projects, initiatives—and the Board— in terms of portfolios. I.e.: Is our portfolio as strange as these strange times demand? The leader is a “V.C.” (venture capitalist) creating and managing several strategically vital portfolios. “Good management was the most powerful reason [leading firms] failed to stay atop their industries. Precisely because these firms listened to their customers, invested aggressively in technologies that would provide their customers more and better products of the sort they wanted, and because they carefully studied market trends and systematically allocated investment capital to innovations that promised the best returns, they lost their positions of leadership.” Clayton Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma The High Standard Deviation Enterprise. THINK WEIRD: Saviors-in-Waiting Disgruntled Customers Off-the-Scope Competitors Rogue Employees Fringe Suppliers Wayne Burkan, Wide Angle Vision: Beat the Competition by Focusing on Fringe Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees CUSTOMERS: “Futuredefining customers may account for only 2% to 3% of your total, but they represent a crucial window on the future.” Adrian Slywotzky, Mercer Consultants COMPETITORS: “The best swordsman in the world doesn’t need to fear the second best swordsman in the world; no, the person for him to be afraid of is some ignorant antagonist who has never had a sword in his hand before; he doesn’t do the thing he ought to do, and so the expert isn’t prepared for him; he does the thing he ought not to do and often it catches the expert out and ends him on the spot.” Mark Twain “To grow, companies need to break out of a vicious cycle of competitive benchmarking and imitation.” —W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, “”Think for Yourself —Stop Copying a Rival,” Financial Times/08.11.03 Employees: “Are there enough weird people in the lab these days?” V. Chmn., pharmaceutical house, to a lab director (06.01) Audie Murphy was the most decorated soldier in WW2. He won every medal we had to offer, plus 5 presented by Belgium and France. There was one common medal he never won … … the Good Conduct medal. We become who we hang out with! I AM A “V.C.” I OBSESS ABOUT MY VARIOUS “ROSTERS”— EMPLOYEES, CUSTOMERS, ETCETERA. I MEASURE MY ROSTERS’ “WEIRDNESS QUOTIENT.” (Scale to 10?) of 1 The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Failure Management Screwing up is more important than ever in strange times. The screw-up rate is the best indicator of sufficiently rapid adaptation. The leader must “manage” the screw-up process—literally. “Wealth in this new regime flows directly from innovation, not optimization. That is, wealth is not gained by perfecting the known, but by imperfectly seizing the unknown.” Kevin Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy “Perfection is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse.” — C. Northcote Parkinson “The secret of fast progress is inefficiency, fast and furious and numerous failures.” Kevin Kelly Silicon Valley Success [Failure?] Secrets “Pursuit of risk”: 4 of 20 in V.C. portfolio go bust; 6 lose money; 6 do okay; 3 do well; 1 hits the jackpot Source: The Economist Excellence = 1 in 20 “... natural selection is death. ... Without huge amounts of death, organisms do not change over time. ... Death is the mother of structure. ... It took four billion years of death ... to invent the human mind ...” — The Cobra Event DG to TP: “Sam is not afraid to fail.” * *NASA failing #1, from the shuttle disaster report (July 2003): “fear of retribution by lower-level employees.” “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.” Phil Daniels, Sydney exec (and, de facto, Jack) WE DO NO “WITCH HUNTS”! WE FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE AS GOOD AS OUR “EXCELLENT FAILURES.” WE CHERISH THE BOLD AND BLOODIED ONES. (Scale 1 to 10?) of The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Cause Management People “sign up” for causes worth pursuing. Turning the enterprise into a cause-worth-committing-to is a primary task of the leader. “Create a ‘cause,’ not a ‘business.’ ” G.H.: “I never, ever thought of myself I was interested in creating things I would be proud of.” —Richard Branson as a businessman. “Management has a lot to do with answers. Leadership is a function of questions. And the first question for a leader always is: ‘Who do we intend to be?’ Not ‘What are we going to do?’ but ‘Who do we intend to be?’” —Max DePree, Herman Miller Good to Great: Fannie Mae … Kroger … Walgreens … Philip Morris … Pitney Bowes … Abbott … Kimberly-Clark … Wells Fargo AGENDA SETTERS: “Set the Table”/ Pioneers/ Questors/ Adventurers US Steel … Ford … Macy’s … Sears … Litton Industries … ITT … The Gap … Limited … Wal*Mart … P&G … 3M … Intel … IBM … Apple … Nokia … Cisco … Dell … MCI … Sun … Oracle … Microsoft … Enron … Schwab … GE … Southwest … Laker …People Express … Ogilvy … Chiat/Day … Virgin … eBay … Amazon … Sony … BMW … CNN … WE WILL SUCCEED TO THE EXTENT THAT OUR TEAM “CAN’T WAIT FOR THE WEEKEND TO END.” WE AIM TO DENT THE UNIVERSE! (Scale of 1 t0 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management The Leadership11 Passion Management Passion moves mountains. Creating a “passionate enterprise” is a modern leadership imperative. “A leader is a dealer in hope.” Napoleon (+TP’s writing room pics) BZ: “I am a … Dispenser of Enthusiasm!” “You can’t behave in a calm, rational manner. You’ve got to be out there on the lunatic fringe.” — Jack Welch, on GE’s quality program The Re-imagineer’s Credo … or, Pity the Poor Brown* Technicolor Times demand … Technicolor Leaders and Boards who recruit … Technicolor People who are sent on … Technicolor Quests to execute … Technicolor (WOW!) Projects in partnership with … Technicolor Customers and … Technicolor Suppliers all of whom are in pursuit of … Technicolor Goals and Aspirations fit for … Technicolor Times. *WSC Successful Businesses’ Dozen Truths: TP’s 30-Year Perspective 1. Insanely Great & Quirky Talent. 2. Disrespect for Tradition. 3. Totally Passionate (to the Point of Irrationality) Belief in What We Are Here to Do. 4. Utter Disbelief at the Bullshit that Marks “Normal Industry Behavior.” 5. A Maniacal Bias for Execution … and Utter Contempt for Those Who Don’t “Get It.” 6. Speed Demons. 7. Up or Out. (Meritocracy Is Thy Name. Sycophancy Is Thy Scourge.) 8. Passionate Hatred of Bureaucracy. 9. Willingness to Lead the Customer … and Take the Heat Associated Therewith. (Mantra: Satan Invented Focus Groups to Derail True Believers.) 10. “Reward Excellent Failures. Punish Mediocre Successes.” 11. Courage to Stand Alone on One’s Record of Accomplishment Against All the Forces of Conventional Wisdom. 12. A Crystal Clear Understanding of Brand Power. “In Tom’s world it’s always better to try a swan dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to step timidly off the board while holding your nose.” —Fast Company /October2003 I AM AN … ENTHUSIAST. MY ENTHUSIAM IS CONTAGIOUS. WE HAVE FUN. WE AIM TO GO ON “QUESTS” AND CHANGE THE WORLD. THAT IS MY COMMITMENT. THAT IS MY LEGACY. THAT IS MY (LOUD) LIFE. (Scale of 1 to 10?) The Leadership11 1. Talent Management 2. Metabolic Management 3. Technology Management 4. Barrier Management 5. Forgetful Management 6. Metaphysical Management 7. Opportunity Management 8. Portfolio Management 9. Failure Management 10. Cause Management 11. Passion Management