Brussels - EU PV Platform

Updating the SRA
Discussion points and actions
Nicola Pearsall, November 2010
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Reasons for Updating
 The SRA refers to a specific time in regard to PV Vision
and research status
 The research status changes over time as advances are
made and solutions are found – so the topics, targets
and timescales change
 The ambition in regard to PV in Europe has shifted
significantly over the last two years (SEII and other
 A revised SRA is needed to reflect the changes in
ambition and to reset targets, timescales and priorities
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Proposed methodology
 Revise the introductory chapter(s) to reflect the new vision
 Decide in WG3 what this implies for the overall research priorities
and timescales
 Reconvene the technology working groups to revise each
technology section
 Revise any other chapters as required – WG3 member appointed to
lead each one
 Finalise draft within WG3
 Consult with Steering Committee and Mirror Group to finalise
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (1) – retaining the
existing format
 The current format consists of the Introduction (including the vision to
which the SRA refers), Governing Principles of the SRA, Development
Options, Perspectives and Needs (by technology group) and a section on
Research Funding
 There are two operational advantages of retaining the current format:
It allows us to assign working groups to each chapter immediately and so reduced the
timeline for completion of the updating
We can retain the existing layout, so reducing administrative effort, and make the revised
SRA compatible with the first edition
 Comments received so far:
Several comments approving retention of structure
Missing analyses of competition and activities in other countries
Needs priorities that are set to meet the SEII targets
Reduce Executive Summary to less than 2 pages
Need more on funding possibilities for new start ups, demo and pilot activities
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (2) – technology
sector headings
 Comments received so far:
 Storage and grid technologies for low and high penetration in a long term
scenario might be a separate sector
 Move Concentrator Technologies section to before the Emerging and Novel
 Comment that the Emerging technologies should be included in Thin Film section
 Possibly single section for all silicon based cells
 Combine Thin Films, Concentrators and Emerging Technologies into two
sections: Enabling Technologies and High Efficiency Devices
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (3) – which sections
require updating?
 Comments received so far:
 Explanation of general issues needed to justify investment in PV at this time (why
PV is important in the future, realistic deployment scenarios, influence of R&D on
the deployment of PV, explain how cost of PV R&D can be justified against
market growth)
 BOS, safety, bankability (demonstration sites) not well represented
 Feedstock, decrease of waste and reduction of process steps for wafer based
crystalline silicon
 Extend BOS to include storage and grid connectivity
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (4) – governing
 Short term research dedicated to competitiveness of European
Industry (direct link here to SEII)
 No exclusivity (i.e. all technologies included)
 Need for funding of short, medium and long term research
 Use the same cost targets for all technologies (flat plate), separated
into module and BOS
 Use combined module/BOS cost target for concentrator systems,
but also common across all approaches
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (5) – compatibility with
 The SRA should be compatible with the SEII overall vision and its
Implementation Plans, but also covers other research outside the
 It would also be helpful to use the SRA to inform the ongoing SEII
implementation plans after the first two years
 Comments received so far:
 Needs priorities that are set to meet the SEII targets
 Synchronise short term objectives with SEII Implementation Plan – medium term
should be partially compatible and long term independent of SEII
 Compare table of contents for both documents and try to harmonise the structure
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010
Discussion Points (6) – sector teams
 Comments received so far:
 Wafer based crystalline technology: Harsharn Tathgar
 Existing thin film: Marko Topic
 Emerging and novel technologies
 Concentrator technologies: Stephen Taylor (III-V devices)
 BOS components and systems: Marko Topic
 Standards, quality assurance, safety and environmental aspects
 Socio-economic and enabling research
WG 3 Meeting
30 November 2010