Health Sciences Partnership Dedicated to Bringing You Closer to Your Goals About the Program • Mission: Designed to provide mentorship in the form of UCR students, those of which include both medical students and college students, to high school students in the San Bernardino Valley • Goal: Encourage high school students to seek careers in the health sciences industry so as to meet a growing need in this geographical area Introduction of Mentors • Everybody has their own unique story, so this is mine… Mentee Information This is where your input helps us tremendously It’s All About You • Having information about you helps us to adjust our presentation to best accommodate you • If you could, please write the following on a white index card: – – – – – – Name GPA Extracurricular Activities Colleges Interested in Attending Interested Major Career Goal • We will collect these cards at the end of the presentation Health Careers What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up? Questions to Get Started • How many of you are interested in going to college? • How many of you are interested in careers in the health sciences industry? • How many of you are interested in attending a professional school (examples: medical school, law school, graduate school, business school)? • How many of you are interested specifically in going to medical school? Health Sciences Industry – Table of Careers Title Average Yearly Salary Education/Training Required Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics $28,890 Formal Program/Pass National Exam Dental Assistant $31,895 1 year of Dental Assistant Program Pharmacy Technician $33,632 On the Job training or formal programs Phlebotomist $41,228 10 weeks-1 year of Formal Program EKG Technician $45,318 On the Job training or formal programs Health Sciences Industry – Table of Careers (cont…) Dietician $58,700 4 years of College Majoring in either Dietetics, Food, or Nutrition Occupational Therapist $67,318 Master's Degree (1-2 years) Registered Nurse $68,500 2-3 years of Nursing School Nurse Practitioner $84,127 Training beyond a registered Nurse Pharmacist $84,900 4 years of Pharmacy School Health Sciences Industry – Table of Careers (cont…) Physician Assistants $85,733 Formal Program (2 years)/Pass National Exam Physical Therapist $86,260 Master's Degree (1-2 years) Podiatrist $114,000 4 years of Podiatric Medical School + 23 years of Residency Dentist $123,210 4 year Dentist School Optometrist $156,500 4 years of Optometry School $306,964 4 years of Medical School + 3-8 years of Residency Physician Health Sciences Industry – Table of Careers (cont…) • For Complete List of Careers, please go to the following website: Physicians Primary Care and Other Types of Physicians What is Primary Care? • Primary Care is a term used for a physician who is typically the first doctor to see a patient • Primary Care physicians include those who train in: – – – – Family Practice Internal Medicine Pediatrics Obstetrics/Gynecology (Ob/Gyn) • These physicians make the decision to refer patients who they see to physicians who are specialized in treating a specific part of the body Demand for Primary Care Physicians • The San Bernardino Valley, specifically, is a notoriously underserved medical community • In other words, there are many patients who need to see a doctor, but are unable to, since there is a shortage of primary care physicians. Physician Specialties • There are different types of “physicians” – This is the basis for the fact that patients are often referred by primary care physicians to another doctor who might specialize in treating a certain part of the body • Each type of physician has a unique: – Part of the body they focus on treating – Length of Schooling/Training – Salary Salary by Medical Specialty Specialty Starting Salary Possible Later Salary Allergy and Immunology $180,520 $227,080 Anesthesiology $279,922 $337,654 Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery $347,573 $470,000 Cardiology $268,286 $363,081 Colon & Rectal Surgery $288,933 $366,687 Critical Care Medicine $209,850 $234,503 Dermatology $238,103 $306,935 Diagnostic Radiology - Interventional $388,318 $424,992 Diagnostic Radiology - Non-Interventional $340,000 $400,000 Emergency Care $213,326 $248,721 Endocrinology $159,705 $194,243 Family Medicine $143,359 $178,366 Family Medicine - with Obstetrics $149,449 $186,451 Gastroenterology $283,842 $344,200 Salary by Medical Specialty General Surgery $241,005 $310,736 Geriatrics $135,322 $162,541 Gynecological Oncology $284,540 $356,756 Gynecology $178,391 $224,134 Gynecology & Obstetrics $220,635 $271,273 Hematology & Medical Oncology $215,163 $263,284 Hospitalist $163,917 $189,677 Hypertension & Nephrology $195,640 $229,992 Infectious Disease $160,713 $194,750 Intensivist $224,733 $245,293 Internal Medicine $149,567 $183,840 **** $246,872 Neurological Surgery $360,110 $476,260 Neurology $172,264 $211,995 Nuclear Medicine (M.D. only) $225,975 $300,000 Neonatology Salary by Medical Specialty Obstetrics $196,797 $251,787 Occupational/Environmental Medicine $173,197 $202,063 Ophthalmology $220,001 $281,112 Oral Surgery $229,370 $317,634 Orthopedic Surgery $331,156 $409,518 Orthopedic-Medical $145,860 $262,170 Orthopedic Surgery - Joint Replacement $407,037 $476,446 Orthopedic Surgery - Hand $316,500 $387,626 Orthopedic Surg.-Pediatrics $302,246 $355,758 Orthopedic Surgery - Spine $395,524 $554,054 Otolaryngology $248,948 $315,000 Pathology (M.D. only) $212,351 $274,792 Pediatric Allergy $143,543 $163,338 Pediatric Cardiology $184,941 $231,754 Pediatric Endocrinology $155,341 $180,153 Salary by Medical Specialty Pediatric Gastroenterology $168,238 $216,000 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology $165,955 $200,260 Pediatric Intensive Care $158,240 $201,901 Pediatric Nephrology $149,706 $178,181 Pediatric Neurology $174,804 $197,282 Pediatric Pulmonary Disease $146,439 $175,440 Pediatric Surgery $249,061 $322,969 Pediatrics & Adolescent $148,529 $182,186 Pediatric Infectious Disease $135,419 $179,919 Perinatology $298,347 $341,933 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation $167,593 $207,004 Plastic & Reconstruction $274,476 $345,000 Psychiatry $153,415 $186,786 Psychiatry - Child $168,927 $214,873 Pulmonary Disease $194,500 $238,450 Salary by Medical Specialty Radiation Therapy (M.D. only) $274,706 $356,097 Reproductive Endocrinology $267,210 $316,241 Rheumatologic Disease $159,066 $204,166 Sports Medicine $162,786 $245,920 Transplant Surgery - Kidney $240,620 $351,031 Transplant Surgery - Liver $321,000 $379,409 Trauma Surgery $268,044 $353,706 Urgent Care $155,438 $194,687 Urology $267,628 $349,811 Vascular Surgery $282,325 $354,365 College Preparation Helpful Tips On What To Work On In High School Time Management Making the Most of Our Time Balance Act • On one side: Wanting to do as much as one possibly can, STRETCHING yourself to new heights. • On other side: Still doing well and thus being EFFICIENT. The Keys to Time Management • Knowing Your own LIMITS • Not being Afraid to Say NO • Taking the Right CLASSES • Being ORGANIZED • Making Efficient Use of Your SUMMERS 3 Ps of Time Management • PLANNING • PRIORITIES • PROCRASTINATION Where do I Start? • Set GOALS • Outline STEPS to reach them • Discover what MOTIVATES you • Think of school as a JOB • Run your life like a BUSINESS You got to Ask Yourself… • What are my GOALS? • Am I reaching the EXPECTATIONS I have for myself? • Is this DISTRACTING me? • Do I want to CHANGE? How can I CHANGE? What Distracts You? Let’s NOTICE • Living Situation • Family or Friends • Pressure • Television, Cell Phone/Text Messaging • Responsibilities Don’t Handicap Yourself!!! • We can be our worst ENEMIES • Students often use SELF-HANICAPPING STRATEGIES – Subconsciously, we EXPECT failure, so we PURPOSEFULLY handicap ourselves from succeeding in order to protect our SELF-ESTEEM Midterms/Finals • Have an idea of when EXAMS are – Look out for those days when you might have more than one midterm or final on the SAME DAY • Be Strategic about what classes you are going to STUDY more for – Some classes are more IMPORTANT than others – More RIDING on some classes than other • Studying for Finals – Start studying EARLIER than the WEEKEND before finals Study Skills How To Study Knowing How to Study • Our NORMAL study habits may take longer than might be necessary • NOTICING is the first step • Seek out HELP if necessary • Change your STUDY HABITS – TAILOR your studying to the class – Value of ADJUSTING to the situation – Don’t be STUBBORN Study Skills Tips • Different methods work for different people • Review material as soon as you are presented with the information • Space out your studying, not all the night before • Study in a quiet place that has few distractions • Take notes as you study, writing down the most important points • Take short breaks so that you retain all of the information • If you choose to study in a group, study with others who are serious • Don’t study at a time when you are normally sleeping Note-Taking, Study, and Test-Taking Strategies Some Helpful Tips Note Taking Tips • Teacher writes something on board or repeats in class – write it down • Don’t rely on someone else’s notes – you may not understand them • If teacher talks too fast, tape record the lecture • Do the reading or homework before class, so you understand more • Write legibly • If you miss something you think is important, tell teacher to please repeat • Compare notes with a trusted classmate and fill in anything you missed Test Preparation Tips • Do all your homework and make sure you are keeping up with the material • Pay attention to hints that the teacher is giving you as to what they will test • Ask the teacher to specify areas to focus on more • Eat before a test – food = energy = better focus • Don’t pull an all-nighter before a test • Don’t show up too early for the test – others may psyche you out – Showing up 5 minutes before the test should be fine Test Taking Tips • Keep a positive attitude and stay relaxed • Don’t cheat ever – take pride in your performance • When you first receive a test, quickly take a look at the entire test so that you can budget your time appropriately • Try every problem. Answer the easy ones quickly. Those that are hard, mark them and come back to them at the end. • Do the problems that have the greatest point value first • Don’t rush, since this increases the likelihood of making a mistake that could have been prevented Test Taking Tips (cont…) • Ask the teacher for clarification for questions that are unclear • Read the entire question carefully • Don’t worry if others finish before you – everybody is different • If you have time, look over your test after you finish before you turn it in – catch mistakes Reduce Test Anxiety • Be well prepared for the test (follow the tips just discussed on previous slides) • Maintain a positive attitude while preparing for and taking the exam • Get a good night’s sleep before the exam • Do simpler questions first so this will build your confidence to do the more difficult questions • Focus on the question at hand – don’t be distracted by letting your mind wander or worry about others finishing earlier • Take a deep breath during the exam when you feel you are becoming anxious • If you still feel your anxiety is seriously hampering your ability to do well on tests, then please seek a school counselor Other Commitments of Your Time Community Service and Leadership Community Service • You need to SHOW colleges and professional schools that you want to give back to the community, since this is what you will be doing all your life – – – – Volunteering At Hospitals Habitat For Humanity Charities – American Red Cross Peer Mentor • Try not to go OVERBOARD though to the DETRIMENT to yourself!!! Leadership Positions • Most likely, your future profession requires leadership SKILLS • Whatever you’re involved in, don’t SETTLE • Don’t sit back and WATCH – Make MOVES – COORDINATE – COLLABORATE I Feel You!!! • It is TOUGH being a high school student, simply because we are not only students • We are under a lot of PRESSURE because the stakes are getting higher • Colleges and Professional Schools are becoming more and more COMPETITIVE Social Life • High school is a time to figure out who you ARE, the type of person you want to BE, and the type of PEOPLE you want in your life – Develop FRIENDSHIPS/RELATIONSHIPS that will last a life time • Understand your own LIMITS and what makes you truly HAPPY • Be smart: Know when to say NO – SACRIFICES may be necessary – Delay GRATIFICATION for LONG-TERM goals Sweet Summer • Take CLASSES – Undergraduate Classes • Community Colleges • UCR • Summer PROGRAMS/INTERNSHIPS • PLAN Ahead and Don’t PROCRASTINATE – Deadlines come quick! • Don’t just travel or get a job working just for the summer for the sole purpose of making a couple of bucks! • Be Strategic: Try to achieve many GOALS with the SAME activity – Volunteer – PAID The Victory Lap • Discover your GOALS and what MOTIVATES you • Don’t QUESTION your ABILITY – Be CONFIDENT – “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” • Michael Jordan • Don’t use SELF-HANDICAPPING STRATEGIES • Don’t get DISCOURAGED – Don’t SWEAT the small stuff – Focus on the POSITIVES – Use NEGATIVITY/FAILURE as a MOTIVATOR Thank You and Good Luck • “You could have been ANYWHERE in the world, but you’re here with ME…I appreciate that!” – Jay-Z Personal Statements Writing a Good Personal Statement Personal Statement • Are a place to reveal your individuality, creativity, talent • Show your personal characteristics (persistence, motivation, self-discipline) • Express how a job, activity or experience has made a significant change in your attitudes, beliefs, goals • Make sure you have multiple people (preferably, English teachers) revise your personal statement Personal Statement (cont…) – DO NOT just write it for the first time and then submit it – Avoid clichés, predictability and a chronological order of events (autobiography) – Give yourself time. Two days is not enough. A month is probably good. College The Next Step Towards Your Career Types of Colleges • Private Colleges – expensive tuition • Public Colleges – much cheaper than private colleges • Community Colleges – cheapest of them all Examples of California Colleges • Private Colleges – USC – Stanford University • Public Colleges – California (Cal) State Universities – University of California (UC) Schools • Community Colleges – Riverside Community College • Riverside City College • Moreno Valley Campus • Norco Campus – Glendale Community College What About Other States • Like California, other states also have private, public, and community colleges. • If you are a California resident, tuition is often higher if you end up going to college in another state since you are considered an “out-of-state resident” Applying to Colleges in California Process of Getting Into a Cal State School The Application • Distribute Copy of Application to Students • Apply Online at – Can also apply using a paper application, but online form preferred – See the tutorial movie first – You will have to make an account • Application fee is $55 for each Cal State school – Fee Waivers available for up to 6 schools The Application • No need for Letters of Recommendation • Don’t send an academic transcript with your application – The campuses you applied to will ask you if they want to see it later in the application process • Submit Application starting October 1 – Apply as early as possible – First come, first serve Are you eligible for Cal State? • You are if you meet all of the following requirements: – Have or will graduate high school – Meet the eligibility criteria for GPA and test scores – Have or will complete A-G Subject Requirements with a “C” or better in every course Are you eligible for Cal State? – Eligibility Criteria • Cal State GPA is calculated from classes taken in your 10th, 11th, and 12th grades that meet A-G Subject Requirements – Same scoring system as used for UC GPA • Two ways to Calculate your Eligibility Index Score: – Your Index Score = (GPA * 800) + SAT I Total – Your Index Score = (GPA * 200) + (10*ACT Composite) • Eligibility Criteria – Minimum Eligibility Index Score of 2900 using SAT scores or 694 using ACT Scores Sections of Cal State Application • Please go through the entire application with your students answering any questions they may have • The sections are somewhat similar to those found in the UC Application, but with much less detail Applying to Colleges in California Process of Getting Into a Community College Admission Process • Open Enrollment = meaning that any student with a high school diploma, regardless of quality of grades or SAT scores, can attend • Cheapest tuition of all three types of colleges Goal of Students Attending a Community College • Typically, students attend community colleges for 1-2 years (usually 2 years), work hard to get good grades, and then transfer to another private or public college to finish their college degree Applying to Colleges in California Process of Getting Into a Private School Application • To get the application for a private school, go to the school’s website – To find the website, just google the school’s name • If the application is not on the school’s website, then call the school’s admission’s office and tell them to please send you an application either in the mail or by e-mail • Unlike the UC application that allows you to apply to many UC Schools at once, you will have to apply to each private school separately using each school’s unique application – These applications may require letters of recommendation or even ask different personal statement questions than the UC application Applying to Colleges in California Process of Getting Into a UC School Freshman Admission Profile Campus Applicants Admits Admit Avg GPA Avg ACT SAT Reading UC Berkeley 44,120 10,200 23.10% 4.17 29 667 692 670 UC Davis 35,125 20,452 58.20% 3.89 26 601 637 607 UC Irvine 39,940 22,146 55.40% 3.92 26 595 636 603 UC Los Angeles 50,720 11,820 23.30% 4.14 28 657 689 662 8,400 6,676 79.50% 3.56 22 530 570 532 UC Riverside 20,370 15,465 75.90% 3.59 23 542 583 548 UC San Diego 45,093 18,547 41.10% 4.06 28 635 670 640 UC Santa Barbara 40,929 22,184 54.20% 3.91 26 609 630 611 UC Santa Cruz 24,458 19,963 81.60% 3.66 25 580 598 582 UC Merced SAT Math SAT Writing Are you Eligible for UC? • Pass out Form for determining eligibility for UC • You are eligible if you meet all of the following criteria: – Complete “A-G Subject Requirements” with a “C” or better in every course with at least a 3.0 UC GPA – Complete ACT + Writing or SAT and 2 SAT IIs What are A-G Requirements? • A) History/Social Science – 2 years required • Includes 1 year of world history and 1 year of US history (or half year of US History and half year of civics and American gov’t) • B) English – 4 years required • C) Mathematics – 3 years required (4 years recommended) • D) Laboratory Science (biology, chemistry, physics) – 2 years required (3 years recommended) What are A-G Requirements? (cont…) • E) Language other than English • F) Visual and Performing Arts (dance, drama/theater, music, visual art) – 2 years required (3 years recommended) – 1 year required • G) College-Preparatory Electives (history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science, language other than English or 2 years of a third language, or non-introductory visual and performing arts courses) – 1 year required • Need a “C” or better for all these courses to complete A-G Subject Requirements Are you Eligible for UC? Calculating Your UC GPA • Help students calculate their own UC GPA - calculated from classes taken in your 10th and 11th grades that meet A-G Subject Requirements – Non Honors, AP, or IB Courses • • • • • A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 F=0 – Honors, AP, or IB Courses • A=5 • B=4 • C=3 • Once you’ve added up all of the points awarded for each class, divide by the total number of classes to get UC GPA Are you Eligible for UC? – Life after Calculating Your UC GPA • Once you get your UC GPA, convert it to a UC Score using the Table on the Form Given • Convert all your Exam Scores to UC Scores using the algorithm on the Form • Add the two UC Scores obtained from UC GPA and Exam Scores to arrive at overall UC Score • Eligibility Criteria: – Minimum Overall UC Score of 410 makes you eligible – Minimum Scores of 63 on each ACT, SAT I, or SAT IIs taken 3 Ways to be Eligible for Admission to a UC School • Eligibility in the Statewide Context • Eligibility in the Local Context • Eligibility by Examination Alone – – – – – – – – – – – Meet A-G Subject Requirements Exam Requirements – Have taken the ACT + Writing or SAT I, and 2 SAT IIs GPA Greater than 3.0 Not Guaranteed Admission to a UC School Top 4 % in your class as determined by UC High school has to be apart of this program though Notified at the beginning of your senior year Guaranteed admission to a UC School Minimum UC Score of at least 410 Minimum UC Score of at least 63 on each component of the ACT or SAT, and each SAT II Not Guaranteed Admission to a UC School The Application • Distribute Copy of Application to Students • Apply Online at • There is only one application you use to apply to every UC School – there is a place on the application to check off which UC Schools you want your application to be sent to • The application fee is $60 for every UC School you apply to (so if you apply to 4 UC Schools, it is going to cost you $240) – There is a paper version, but submitting online is preferred – So do it on a paper copy first, then type it in online – However, one can get a fee grant if they apply to pay for there fee – it will only cover up to 4 schools though The Application (cont…) • UC Application also allows you to apply to scholarships • Submit Application: November 1-30 • 4-5 weeks after you send in Application, should get Confirmation • Get Decision: March 1-31 The Application (cont…) • No need for Letters of Recommendation (but may need to include them for specific scholarships you are applying to) • No academic transcripts are sent with your application – Transcripts are only sent to the school which has accepted you and where you have decided to go – Statement of Intent to Register is what seals the whole deal – it states that you intend to go to a certain college Sections I-IV • Self-explanatory • Skim over these sections and ask any questions if anything seems to be unfamiliar Section V. Extracurricular Activities • Here is where you report: – Honors and Awards • Academic or Other Award; Date Received – Extracurricular Activities • Note leadership experiences • Years of Involvement; Hrs/Wk; Wks/Yr – Volunteer Work and Community Service (unpaid) • Note leadership experiences • Years of Involvement; Hrs/Wk; Wks/Yr – Employment (paid) • Begin Date; End Date; Hrs/Wk; Period of Involvement; Years of Involvement Section VI. A-G Requirements • A) History/Social Science – 2 years required • Includes 1 year of world history and 1 year of US history (or half year of US History and half year of civics and American gov’t) • B) English – 4 years required • C) Mathematics – 3 years required (4 years recommended) • D) Laboratory Science (biology, chemistry, physics) – 2 years required (3 years recommended) Section VI. A-G Requirements (cont…) • E) Language other than English • F) Visual and Performing Arts (dance, drama/theater, music, visual art) – 2 years required (3 years recommended) – 1 year required • G) College-Preparatory Electives (history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science, language other than English or 2 years of a third language, or non-introductory visual and performing arts courses) – 1 year required • Need a “C” or better for all these courses to complete A-G Subject Requirements Section VII. Test Scores and Dates • Required Exams for UC: – ACT + Writing or just the SAT I (Math, Reading, Writing) – 2 SAT IIs from 2 different subjects (Literature, Science) • For complete list of SAT II topics, please see the UC Application Instructions Booklet • Had to have taken these tests before December 2 of year you are applying • You report your highest set of scores at a given test date Section VIII. Test Scores and Dates • Don’t worry about this section right now – leave it blank • This section is for those who graduated high school and took a year or more off before applying to colleges IX. Other Examinations • Here is where you report which Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations you took and what score you received Section X. Personal Statement • Answer 3 Questions with total number of words = 1000 – 2 Questions have to be answered with 200 words each – 1 Question has to be answered with 600 words – You choose which question is going to be answered in a specific number of words • Times New Roman; Black color; 12 font; Double-spaced • In the right corner of each paper, you should type your name, underneath your name you should put your birthdate, and underneath your birthdate you should put the words “Personal Statement” Section X. Personal Statement (cont…) • 1) How have you taken advantage of the educational opportunities you have had to prepare for college? • 2) Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution or personal quality you will bring to the University of California. • 3) Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your academic record that you have not had the opportunity to describe elsewhere in this application? Section XI. Admission and Scholarship Choices • Here is where you decide which UCs you are going to apply to, what major you want at each of these schools, and which scholarships you would like to apply for – Please see the UC Application Instructions Booklet for more information on what these scholarships entail for each UC school • Note: Some scholarships may require another essay and letters of recommendation Section XI. Admission and Scholarship Choices • Make sure you have completed the entire application before sending it in • Use the checklist that is offered at the end of the UC Application to confirm Paying for College College can be Expensive, But Help Is Out There Financial Aid • There are grants, scholarships, loans, and part-time employment for students who meet eligibility criteria • First of all, you need to complete the FAFSA, which is available beginning in December of every year – The application is online at – Deadline for submission is March 2 • Also can apply for Cal Grants – To do this, need to: • Submit FAFSA by deadline • Have School Counselor submit verified GPA Financial Aid (cont…) • Scholarships – Given by Schools • Already discussed those available from UC Schools • To apply for scholarships for Cal State campuses, contact the specific campus Financial Aid or Scholarship Office to obtain an application (get contact information from – Not Given by Schools – Outside Scholarships • There is a lot of money to be had out there that people are giving away • There are so many scholarships out there that there is no excuse for not trying to apply to some of them • Use scholarship search engines to find scholarships that you are eligible to apply for • Can also google scholarships for high school students and find some that way too The College Experience Life at UC Riverside Campus Life • Housing Options – Dorm • Discuss Pros/Cons – On-Campus/Off-Campus Apartments – Live at Home • Discuss Pros/Cons Campus Life (cont…) • Academics – Possible Entrance Exams – Math, English • Can also take tests for Foreign Languages like Spanish to earn credits and pass out of those classes – Choosing a Major • Describe how one chooses a major • How important is choosing the right major for you? – How are college classes different from high school classes? • Study more hours? • Schedule? – Preparatory Summer Programs • i.e. FastStart Campus Life (cont…) • Extracurricular Activities – – – – Community Service – Volunteer at hospitals Employment – RA, Tutor, Mentor Fraternities/Sororities Clubs/Organizations • As presenters, shed some insight in activities that you are involved in and the meaning of those experiences to you Q & A Session • Allow the students to ask questions about the college experience and provide them with your unique answers consistent with your experience The Medical School Experience Life in the UCR/UCLA Thomas Haider Program in Biomedical Sciences Q & A Session • Allow the students to ask questions about the medical school experience and provide them with your unique answers consistent with your experience Problem-Based Learning Simulation Similar to the TV Show “House” Case • A 30 year-old white female lab technician who lives in Boston, MA presents with an upper respiratory infection, fever, chills, and a rash on her thigh. A week ago, with a group, she took a trip to a camping grounds just outside Boston. She slept outdoors along with the rest of her group. She doesn’t remember being bitten by anything. She is concerned that her rash started small and during the last few days has been spreading. She has no allergies. She had tried an over-the-counter medication, Benadryl, with no rash improvement. Further questioning revealed that she slept on leaves she placed on the grass. She was given a minimal dose of Tetracycline to treat a possible infection, as well as given a Lyme disease test. The patient went home. Case (cont…) • Two days later, the laboratory results came back. She was positive for Lyme Disease. Her primary care physician alerted here immediately and increased the dose of her Tetracycline to fight the infection. Signs/Symptoms??? • Write on the board or merely discuss Differential Diagnosis??? • Write on the board or merely discuss Clinical Diagnosis??? • Write on the board or merely discuss Treatment??? • Write on the board or merely discuss Your turn for Probing Questions??? • Speaker: • Email: • Speaker: • Email: • Speaker: • Email: