Dalhousie University Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECED 2000 Electric Circuits Lab1 Introduction to Electrical Measurement Objective: -To become familiar with electrical test equipment. -To master fundamental electrical measurement techniques. 1) Equipment You will need the following equipment to do this lab: 1 DC Power Supply (on bench) 1 Multimeter (on bench) 1 Prototype development board (obtain from tech office-sign out) 1 Blue LED (C503B-WAN-CCAAB151-ND) 1 x 1000 1% resistor Wires (supplied) 2) Procedure a. Prototype board (breadboard): Most of the circuits you will construct in this lab will be placed on what we call a “proto” board (or breadboard) and you will need to know how this useful design tool is constructed. Figure 1 shows a typical breadboard and the way it is connected. Note in the center there are columns of five holes each that are all connected internally so that up to five wires can be connected together by inserting wires into these holes (there is a metal spring clip under the hole which holds and connects the wires). At the top and bottom are longer connecting “rails” (designated by red and blue stripes) which are used to provide power or ground to many circuits along the length of the board. b. Circuit resistors: All printed circuit board resistors are colour coded so that the value of resistance may be determined. The following shows the colour values and how to determine the resistance. All of the computers in the lab have a colour code tool installed if you can’t remember the colours. Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 First find the tolerance band, it will typically be gold ( 5%) and sometimes silver (10%). Starting from the other end, identify the first band - write down the number associated with that color; in this case Blue is 6. Now 'read' the next color, here it is red so write down a '2' next to the six. (you should have '62' so far.) Now read the third or 'multiplier exponent' band and write down that as the number of zeros. In this example it is two so we get '6200' or '6,200'. If the 'multiplier exponent' band is Black (for zero) don't write any zeros down. Taken from http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/Resistor_Codes Resistors or other circuit components are connected together on the breadboard as shown c. Power Supply: In order to make a circuit “do” anything it usually needs to have “power” applied to it. In most situations this consists of applying a voltage potential across a pair of terminals or injecting a current by means of a wire connecting the power supply with the circuit. You will now use the power supply located on the bench in front of you to apply a voltage to a circuit that you will soon construct (these power supplies are dual supplies and you will only be using one of the two supplies). The “RED” terminal is the high potential side (+ve) and the “BLACK” terminal is the low potential side (-ve). The “GREEN” terminal is chassis ground and is not needed at this time. In order to apply the voltage you must turn the supply on and press the “enable” button (if present). Turn the current control to max (clockwise) and then use the voltage control to adjust the output to 10V. d. Voltage measurement: You have also been supplied with a voltmeter. Ensure it is set to measure voltage (not current or ohms) by pressing the appropriate buttons. Ensure it is set for DC voltage (not AC). Select a scale that will allow the measurement of 10 V. Place the leads across the terminals of your power supply (red to red and black to black) and record the voltage. If it is not exactly 10V adjust your power supply control until it is. Reverse the terminals of the meter and record your result (polarity has to do with the direction with which the potential is applied and/or measured). e. Current Measurement: Current measurement is a little harder than voltage measurement because you have to “open” the circuit in order to insert the ammeter so that the ammeter “sees” the same current as the circuit elements (The Ammeter and the circuit element must be in SERIES). Assemble the components of the figure below and ensure your circuit is working by applying power. Your LED should turn ON. Measure the current through the diode by following the steps shown. Step 1. Create your circuit by applying 10 V to the diode-resistor circuit. Step 2. Break (or OPEN) the circuit where you want to measure the current Step 3. Insert the ammeter to complete the circuit you just opened Before inserting the ammeter make sure your power supply is turned OFF and disconnect your voltmeter. On the multi-meter panel select DC amps and place the leads in the appropriate terminals to make your multi-meter into an Ammeter. Get me (or a T.A.) to check your wiring before turning the power on! Here the polarity is defined as the current flowing from left (Red Lead) to right (Black Lead). Turn the power ON and record your circuit current. Reverse the ammeter leads to see the polarity change (i.e. if the current from right – to – left is -10 mA, it is the same as saying the current from left-to-right is +10mA). Ohm’s law tells us that the resistance of a circuit is the ratio of the voltage applied across it to the current flowing through it (R=V/I). Calculate the actual resistance of the 1000 (i.e. 1k) resistor by measuring the voltage across and current through the resistor (two separate measurements- remember to change the meter terminal jacks). Is the resistance value within the resistor tolerance value? Answer the following questions: What current causes the LED to light up? What is the voltage across the LED when it first lights up? What current flows when you apply 15V to the combined series circuit? What is the LED voltage when you apply 15V across the whole circuit? What is the resistor voltage when you apply 15V across the whole circuit? f. Ohmmeter: Your multimeter can also be used as an Ohmmeter. Disconnect your circuit so that the resistor stands alone and unconnected to other circuit elements, make the appropriate meter selections and wiring to measure the resistance of the 1k resistor and compare them with your calculations. Go to the resistor bucket at the front of the room and select two or three random resistors. From the colour code determine the nominal resistance value and then use your Ohmmeter to measure the value. Compare the results.