HaSEAAC Summer Meeting Date: Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 Time: 1:40 PM Present officers: Pachear Lor-Vue, Mya Lor, Derek Ertel, Sue Kubley Clark, Yia Lor, Mai Chue Xiong, Newly Vang Meeting Agenda A. Approval of Agenda a. Looked over and review agenda to see if there were any changes to be made i. Table to the role game for August meeting ii. Talk about Camping and College Tour for Kids B. Announcement (Sue) a. Talked about the importance of voting b. Spread the words for families and friends to vote for WI Governor recalled C. Ice Breaker: “Mrs. Mumble D. How to Communicate Effectively Packet Activity a. Packet with the essential of how to communicate effectively b. Beneficial for individual and may incorporate it to help better improve HaSEAAC c. Pachear will send out packets electronically ASAP E. Camping Discussion (Derek) a. Spend a lot of money for camping b. Went over budget by almost $400 i. Problem: Gas reimbursement and more cars than planned c. Still have $113.19 to reimburse back to members i. Needs to be done before June 30th ii. Derek and Pachear will work on the reimbursement d. Suggestion for Future Camping Trip i. Plan it earlier ii. Receipt keeping to keep track of all money use iii. Limit Cars (finalized all drivers beforehand) iv. Different gas reimbursement methods 1. Mileage (Use University rates) 2. Split it up between Cars (Drivers and passengers) 3. Total up all gas receipts and divide it up among all the members that went F. College Tour for Kids (Mai Chue, Yia, and Derek) a. Everything went according to planned b. Everyone had a lot of fun c. The kids enjoyed it G. HaSEAAC’s Mentoring/Tutoring Program Set-up (Mya) a. Information summary sheet to handout to members at the 1st fall general meeting i. Mentors and Tutors are opened to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors 1. Interested will have to applied and fill-out a survey 2. Mya will send out that information. Check and read your emails for those who are interested. 3. Accepted tutors and mentors will have a training session possibly with Tony Sage from TLC 4. Rolling acceptance throughout the whole year for anyone who needs help 5. Tutors are recommended to limit themselves to 1-2 classes to tutor on 6. Mya to talk with Bac Vasadez for resources to help with this program 7. Contact Abbey (Writing coordinator for TLC) to help with maybe a pre-assessment for the program 8. Will have folders to give out to mentors with useful information such as note-taking skills and etc… 9. Mya will write in her own position description and will be amended to the constitution in the fall ii. Look for further information from Mya as this program starts rolling. If you have any further questions or clarifications, please don’t hesitate to contact Mya Lor. H. SPASH Mentor Program a. Proposed by Cece Thao and Nkaohly Xiong i. The purpose of this program is to help inform and educate the high school students about the college life such as…. 1. Help them with study tips for ACT 2. How to apply for college 3. Applying for Financial Aid 4. College experience and transition 5. Importance of being involved 6. Types of expenses in college 7. Scholarships ii. Will work with Julia Her and the SPASH Hmong Club students iii. Further details will be discussed and announce in the fall I. Soup and Substance i. The organizer for this program has ask HaSEAAC to put a presentation about the Hmong and Southeast Asian culture ii. Date is set for Nov. 13th iii. HaSEAAC will do a presentation about the different Southeast Asian culture and then open up for discussion to audience iv. Possibly to also work with International club v. Sue also suggest that we can do a sneak preview to our dinner as well J. How to make HaSEAAC more true to its Name i. Lien brought up the issue that HaSEAAC is mainly focus on the Hmong culture ii. How can we work to change that? 1. Officers suggest to ask input from Lien 2. We will need participation from the other southeast Asian students as well 3. Have a different culture each month K. 2013 Dinner Date i. 3 Possible dates for the 2013 HaSEAAC Dinner 1. November 9th, 2013 2. November 16th, 2013 3. November 2nd, 2013 ii. The officers will decide and finalize on the date L. Newsletter i. For the incoming year, we will try to have the Historians more engage with the officers and to have them at the officer meetings ii. It’s a way for them to be connected with all the officers iii. There are some technical mistakes to be fixed on the newsletter iv. Have all officers to look over the newsletter before printing it out M. Brochure i. Have Lila fixed some minor grammar ii. Change the Hmong to HaSEAAC iii. Change the dean picture under the conference section to a Hmong presenter N. Running Meetings i. Pachear ask if all the officers would like to help run meetings 1. All officers will help with announcements, ice breakers, and do updates on events and information that they have O. Dinner a. Theme: Folktale/Fairytale i. What is our main focused? ii. Pachear suggest to have the main focus on the Creation of the different Southeast Asian People iii. This will give our keynote speaker more of a focus iv. Should our focused be on the different Southeast Asian creation? 1. Mai Chue motion to vote, Derek second a. Yes: 4 b. No: 0 c. Abstain: 2 2. Our focus will be one all the different Southeast Asian Creation P. Possible Speakers i. 1. Dr. Barske of UWSP 2. Dr. Bee Lo (get contact info from Sue) 3. Kao Kalia Yang 4. Bryan Thao Worra (Sue will contact) 5. Dr. Vincent Her of UW-La Crosse 6. Pa Der Vang (Sue will contact) 7. Dr. Khamkeo **We will ask Dr. Maysee Yang Herr for recommendations and also Lien Nguyen if she has any speakers in mind. Q. Creative Titles for our Dinner 1. The Origin of the Bean 2. Once Upon a Time - "Pus Thaum Ub" 3. Folktales from Southeast Asia 4. Origins from Southeast Asia 5. Southeast Asian Creation Myths 6. Ib Zag Dab Neeg *Members, please help think of some creative titles. We will vote on a title in the beginning of the school year. Idea for stage backdrop: Have the phrase "Once upon a time" in all of the Southeast Asian languages. R. Entertainment Committee i. Yia to work with his co-chair and Ker Thao on the play script ii. Have deadline for play iii. Please have this done before July 4. Dates should be turned in and communicated to the executive board. S. Next Summer Meeting i. July Meeting will be online with updates on committees ii. August Meeting Date: 1. Thursday August 23rd @ 1pm DUC iii. Officer Teambuilding Workshop will be on Monday September 3 rd @ 124 pm 1. After training officers will deliver out flyers to the new freshman on campus T. Welcome Back Picnic a. Set for Tuesday September 4th, 2012 i. Time: 4 pm ii. Where: Allen Center outside by the Fire pit (Mai Chue to make the reservation) iii. HaSEAAC will provide Pizza, drinks, and chips iv. Otherwise it’ll be a potluck so please bring something to share v. Save the date and please come! It’ll be a great REUNION! Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM