Bibliographic Description - International Atomic Energy Agency

Kristina Epperson
International Atomic Energy Agency
The inputting process
Cataloguing is a systematic process with clear rules which
must be strictly followed.
Accuracy is essential so that researchers can find relevant
publications through the INIS Collection Search (ICS).
Using bibliographic information found in a database
search, users should be able to easily identify the original
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Publications to Consult
INIS Reference Series:
IAEA-INIS-1: Guide to Bibliographic Description (June 2009)
IAEA-INIS-11: INIS List of Journal Titles (Jan 2015)
Other publications in electronic form on the INIS Web site:
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Creating an INIS Record - Introduction
The cataloguing process can be regarded as comprising 4 steps:
Step 1 - Publication selection
The inputting centre determines whether the publication published in their
country or International Organization falls within the subject scope of INIS.
(discussed in detail in ‘’Subject Analysis & Indexing’’ part of this seminar)
Step 2 - INIS bibliographic input
Once a publication has been selected, the cataloguer has to identify and
enter very specific information about the publication.
(will be covered in this part of seminar)
Step 3 – INIS records processing (by INIS Secretariat)
Correct records successfully pass through checking programs.
Step 4 – INIS outputs (online access to INIS Collection, INIS Atomindex)
Create new update of the INIS Collection on weekly basis.
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Publications come in different forms. They can be:
journal articles
technical reports
conference papers
thesis and dissertations
laws and regulations
other published materials
Any publication to be catalogued must be within the scope of INIS.
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Conventional Literature (CL)
Conventional Literature (CL) is defined as
literature that is generally available through commercial
distribution channels, such as:
- bookstores
- subscriptions to magazines and journals
- distributors and publishing houses
books, book chapters
journal articles
conference proceedings
thesis and dissertations
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(commercially available)
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Non-Conventional Literature (NCL)
Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) is defined as:
publication that is not generally available through commercial
distribution channels,
also known as "
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- difficult to locate
- available only from issuing organizations
- mixed formats (paper and electronic)
scientific and technical reports
conference proceedings
collections of abstracts
technical brochures
thesis and dissertations
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
INIS Bibliographic Description
The INIS record usually consists of 4 parts.
Header: used for control purposes and for selection of data
during searching
Bibliographic description of the publication (levels A, M, S)
Subject descriptors: identifying the subject content of the
publication (level 9)
Abstract in English: provides a summary of the information
contained in the publication (level X)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
INIS Bibliographic Description (cont.)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Header Tags (001, 007, 008)
Describes the header tags :
Tag 001
Tag 007
Tag 008
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Temporary Record Number (TRN)
Related RN/TRN
Bibliographic Control Data
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 001
Temporary Record Number (TRN)
It is composed of 9 characters structured as follows:
The first 2 characters contain
ISO code of the country or
International organization
The next 2 characters hold the
last two digits of the year in which
the record was generated
The last 5 characters are
consecutive number
assigned by the input center
TRN is not allowed to be used more than once (no duplicate TRN).
The TRN is only used until a Reference Number (RN) has been assigned.
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 001 (cont.)
Reference Number (RN)
Unique number assigned to each TRN during central process
(i.e. input included in the INIS Collection)
It is used to identify the record through the INIS Collection Search.
First 2 digits are volume number. Each volume of the INIS
have up to 50 updates normally. The volume number is
incremented at the start of each Year. In this case, the
volume relates to 2015, volume 46 of the INIS Collection.
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
6 digits assigned automatically
during INIS Collection processing
Tag 007
Related RN/TRN
Monographic literature may contain individual chapters (or parts by
separate authors and/or may cover separate topics)
Lead record (Monographic (M) level)
- describes the publication as a whole
- A lead record for the entire publication must be supplied
in addition to the records of the individual chapters contained in
that publication
Analytical record (A level)
- describing parts of the publication, e.g.: a chapter of a book
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 007 (cont.)
Related RN/TRN
Tag 007 is to indicate relationships of the whole/individual chapters
of the publication
Analytics (A level) must include Tag 007 TRN of the lead (M level)
example: 007^XA1500001
Journals do not have a lead record
Separate records are prepared for each article in the journal
(Levels A, S)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008
Bibliographic Control Data
Contains 5 sub-sections:
Subject Category Code(s)
Number of Abstracts
Type of Record
Bibliographic Level(s)
Literary Indicator(s)
sub-sections are separated with one slash /
multi-entries of subject categories are separated with one
semicolon ;
no space in between
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Subject Category Code(s)
• 3-digit standardized codes
example: S33 or S61
represent the subject contents of the publication described
assigned by subject specialist
mandatory: at least one subject category code
primary code most relevant code
secondary codes - optional
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Number of Abstracts
• indicates the number of abstracts entered in the record
• it must contain two digits
- enter 01 if there is only one abstract
• if no abstract is included
- enter 00 and the Literary Indicator E
example: S54/00/J/AS/KE
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record
one-letter code
indicates the type of publication
only one type can be applied to each publication
Types of Record:
B Book
F Audiovisual Material
I Miscellaneous
J Journal Article
P Patent
R Report
T Computer Medium
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: B - Book
a literary work, in print or non-print form
published separately and exists independently
commercially available
contains text and can also include illustrations
chapter of a book
conference proceedings (commercially available)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: F - Audiovisual Material
non-print materials in audio and/or visual formats
sound recording
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: I - Miscellaneous
Publications which are
not commercially available
not scientific and technical reports
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certain thesis and dissertations
pamphlets, brochures
conference proceedings
collections of abstracts of conference papers
conference programs
individual unbound conference papers
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: J - Journal Article
publication in print and/or non-print form (online)
issued in successive parts
continues indefinitely
more than one issue per year
numerical or chronological designation
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: P - Patent
A specification concerning the designs or manufacture of
protected by the letters Patent
secured for the exclusive profit of the designer or inventor
for a limited number of years
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: R - Report
a document stating the results of scientific or technical
activities of an individual person or an organization
generally cannot be obtained commercially
scientific and technical reports
annual reports
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Type of Record: T - Computer Medium
software recorded on a:
DAT tape
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Types of Record: B, F, I, J, P, R, T
Conventional literature (CL) – record types: B, F, J and T
do NOT send copies of these publications to INIS
Non-conventional literature (NCL) – record types: I, P and R
copies of the full text (in paper or electronic form (PDF format))
should be supplied to INIS with the NCL records.
Clarify the copyright issue before sending full text to INIS 
if copies of full text NCL cannot be submitted to INIS:
 assign the Literary indicator X in the last sub-section of Tag 008
 Tag 611 (Availability note) must be provided to indicate
from where a copy of the document can be obtained
(see samples with tag 611)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Bibliographic Levels - A, M, S
contain one, two or three single letters that represent the
bibliographic level assigned to the publication
A (Analytic)
used for publications which are part of a larger bibliographic entity
Analytic (A) level can never stand alone (should be AS, AM or AMS)
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chapter of a book
journal article
article in a report
article in conference proceedings
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Bibliographic Levels - A, M, S
M (Monographic)
publications which are independently published self-contained units
 complete at the time they are issued/to be issued as part of a series
examples: books
pre-conference papers
S (Serial)
publications (in printed or electronic form) that are considered as
journals or periodical publications
examples: journals (serials)
annual reports of societies, companies, etc.
yearly publications
monographic series
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 008 (cont.)
Literary Indicators
emphasize certain literary characteristics of a publication
independent of the type of record
assign as many codes as applicable to the publication
there are 11 indicators (= each indicator is a single letter)
example: publication of a thesis or dissertation (U)
containing numerical data (N)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Name Tags (100, 107, 109, 110, 111)
Describes the tags dealing with names :
Tag 100
Tag 107
Tag 109
Tag 110
Tag 111
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Personal Authors and Affiliations
Funding Organizations
Corporate Entry
Academic Degree
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 100
Personal Authors
person, including the inventor of a patent, chiefly responsible for
the creation of the intellectual content of a piece of literature
 enter first the Surname
 then, enter full forenames or initials
 separate them from each other by a comma , and a space
 separate authors with a semicolon ; and a space
 enter relator for ‘editor’ and ‘compiler’: (ed.) (eds.) (comp.) or (comps.)
100^Vogt, J.R.; Meyer, W. (eds.)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 100 (cont.)
the name and location of the laboratory or other organization
where the author was employed when carrying out the work
must be enclosed in parentheses
country name or code is Mandatory
entered after the name of the author(s)
100^El-Garhy, Amany Mohamed (Atomic Energy Authority, AEA, Cairo
11787 (Egypt))
entry for multiple authors and affiliations
100^ Bogdanov, S.; Talanov, V.; Ryazanov, B.; Bezhunov, G. (Institute
of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk (Russian Federation);
Russian Methodological and Training Center, Obninsk (Russian
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 100 (cont.)
Author & E-mail address
the email address is always entered without parentheses
Insert a comma, and a space before entering the E-mail address
100^Sharma, S.K., E-mail:
100^Vatulin, A. (VNIINM, PO Box 369, Moscow 123060 (RU)), E-mail:
100^Lynov, J.; Singh, B.N. (eds.) (Risoe National Lab., Roskilde
(Denmark). Optics Dept.), E-mail:
100^Sichel, S.E. (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi, RJ (Brazil).
Inst. de Geologia), E-mail:; Araujo, A.L.N.
(Brasilia Univ., DF (Brazil). Dept. de Geologia), E-mail:
100^Herdeiro, C.; Hirano, S. (Department of Physics, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA (United States)), E-mails:,
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 107
refer to a requirement for groups of laboratories and/or individual
scientists to work as a single entity on a project.
established for a limited period to perform certain experiments.
So far they have been limited to the field of high energy physics.
enter collaborations as given in the publication
separator for multiple entries - a semicolon ; and a space
107^WA 80 Collaboration
107^CERN-Dortmund-Heidelberg-Warsaw Collaboration; CERNHeidelberg-Lund Collaboration
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 109
Funding Organizations
the name and location of the funding organization(s) (non-personal)
identified in the publication as being financially responsible for:
 the work/monitoring the work
 sponsoring a meeting
country name (or code) is mandatory
use a semicolon ; and a space to separate each organization
109^USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
109^USDOE National Nuclear Security Administration (US); Swedish
Waste Management Company, Stockholm (Sweden)
Note: same rules used for the Corporate Entry (Tag 110)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 110
Corporate Entry
the name and location of the corporate body (non-personal,
i.e. organization) responsible for the publication which:
 performed, funded, monitored the work
 issued the publication reporting the work
 sponsored, organized, co-ordinated a scientific meeting
 assignee(s) of a patent
 academic institutions granting a degree
name of the organization as it appears on the publication, incl.
all sub-elements
followed by the country name or code in parenthesis
multiple organizations are separated by a semicolon ; and a space
Note: same rules used for the identification and entry of Corporate
Bodies apply to Funding Organizations (Tag 109)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 110 (cont.)
Corporate Entry
110^Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm (Sweden)
110^Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission, Scientific and Technical
Information Office, Hanoi (VN)
110^Univ. of Rochester, NY (United States). Radiation Safety Unit
110^Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Data Processing and
Information Center, Tehran (IR)
110^Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro, Montes de Oca, San Jose
(Costa Rica)
110^Ministry of Economy, Nuclear Energy Div., Vilnius (LI); Univ. of
Rochester, NY (United States). Radiation Safety Unit; Ministry of
Health, Radiation Protection Dept., Dubai (United Arab Emirates);
Makerere Univ., Department of Physics, National Radiation
Protection Service, Kampala (Uganda)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 111
Academic Degree
this field must be used when the Literary Indicator U (Thesis) is
assigned in Tag 008 and at no other time
consists of two parts:
 the designation of the academic dissertation
 the academic degree for which the publication was prepared
111^Thesis (Ph.D.)
111^Thesis (Dr.Med.)
111^Diss. (Dr.Jur.)
111^These (D. es Sc.)
when an entry has been made in Tag 111, the name and location
of the academic institution must be completed in Tag 110
Corporate Entry
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Title Tags (200, 230)
Describes the tags dealing with titles :
Tag 200
Primary Title
Tag 229
Full Journal Title (S Level)
Tag 230
Original Title
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 200
Primary Title
distinguishing or identifying title of a publication in:
English (or translated into English)
Primary title must be in English
the words in the title must be entered as they appear on the
no changes (except for correcting misspelled words)
several titles may appear on the title page of a publication
(report, book, journal)
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specific title  distinctive title
other titles
 non-distinctive title or
 sub-title
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 200 (cont.)
Primary Title
1. enter first: distinctive title
2. followed by a period and a space
3. then enter: non-distinctive or sub-title
200^Nuclear power reactors in the world. Final report
200^Main pumps loss incident in the nuclear power plant Atucha I.
Modelling with RELAP5/MOD3.2
200^Use of computational fluid dynamics codes for safety analysis
of nuclear reactor systems, including containment. Summary
report of a technical meeting
200^Radiological protection for medical exposure to ionizing
radiation. Safety guide
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 229
Full Journal Title
Mandatory tag for Journal records
only used for Journal records at Series level (S level)
for all other serials that are not journals,
enter the title in Tag 230 (S level)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 230
Original (language) Title
distinguishing or identifying title of a publication in:
 original (non-English) language or
 transliterated version
230^Protection radiologique relative a l'exposition medicale
aux rayonnements ionisants. Guide de surete
230^Avances del programa de produccion de 18F y 18FDG del
Laboratorio de la Comision Chilena de Energia Nuclear
use at S Level when the serial is not a journal regardless of the
original language, it may be in English or another language.
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230^Proceedings Series
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Conference Tags (210, 211, 213, 215)
Describes the tags dealing with conferences :
Tag 210
Tag 211
Tag 213
Tag 215
Conference Title
Conference Place
Conference Date
Original Conference Title
When to enter?
If publication being described:
 contains proceedings, abstracts, program, etc.
of a conference
 is an individual article that has been presented at
a conference
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 210
Conference Title (English)
English-language version of the official name of the conference
when no English title is available, a translation has to be provided
separator for multiple conferences: semicolon ; and a space
210^5. Regional Congress on Radiological and Nuclear Safety
210^IPAC'15: 6. International Particle Accelerator Conference
210^Satellite workshop on tangled magnetic fields in astro- and
plasma physics; Workshop on quantised flux in tightly
knotted and linked systems
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 211
Conference Place
Mandatory entry
place (city and/or state)
name (or code) of country where conference was held
name or code of country
(always enclosed in parenthesis)
Richmond, VA (United States)
Beijing (China) or Beijing (CN)
Cairo (Egypt)
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Cairo (EG)
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 213
Conference Date
exact conference dates are entered
only first 3 letters of the month or season (English version)
 year must be entered as 4 digits
examples: Jan 2015 (= January)
Aut 2014 (= autumn)
start and end of the conference
day(s) month(s) year(s)
 separator for dates in the same month: hyphen, no space
example: 5-8 Feb 2015
 separator for dates in different months: hyphen and spaces
example: 28 Sep – 4 Oct 2013
separator for multiple dates: semicolon ; and a space
example: 10-15 Mar 2014; 16-20 May 2014
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 215
Original Conference Title (Non-English)
enter the ‘non-English’ (original) language version of the name
of the conference
215^1. Congreso regional sobre seguridad radiologica y
215^7. colloque sur les sources coherentes et incoherentes
UV, VUV et X. Applications et developpements recents
215^8. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya ‘Fizika Tverdogo Tela’
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Entry of Titles for more than one Conference
possible versions:
• same time & same place
• different times but same place
• same time but different places
• different times & different places
separator for conferences/places/dates: semicolon ; and a space
210^ICNC '91: International Conference on Nuclear Criticality
Safety; International conference on radiation and society
211^Rome (Italy); Paris (France)
213^2-5 Feb 2009; 29 May - 2 Jun 2009
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Numbers Tags (300, 310, 320, 321, 330)
Describes the tags dealing with Identifying Numbers :
Tag 300
Tag 310
Tag 320
Tag 321
Tag 330
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Report/Patent Number
Secondary Number
International Codes
CODEN (Level S)
Contract/Grant/Project Number
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 300
Report Number
Alphanumeric identification number that is assigned to a
report by the organization that:
 publishes
 edits
 makes it available
Report Number is composed of 2 parts:
 Report Prefix (alphabetic part)
 Report Suffix (numeric part)
 2 parts are separated by 2 hyphens (--)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 300 (cont.)
2 cases with Type of Records - R, I
Non-Conventional Literature (NCL) normally carries a Report Number
 a copy of the full text must be sent to INIS for inclusion in the INIS
NCL Collection
publication has no Report Number, but full text will be sent to INIS
 assign your own ‘Report Prefix’:
 INIS followed by the code of your country
 next available number from your collection
example: 300^INIS-CU--030
cannot send full text to INIS
 assign Literary Indicator X at Tag 008
example: 008^S36/01/R/M/X
 must enter information about the availability of publication from
another source at Tag 611
example: 611^Available from Biblioteque Inter Universitaire
Scientifique Jussieu, 75252-Paris (France)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 300 (cont.)
Patent Number
composed of:
country code
words ‘Patent Document’
number assigned to the patent
300^FR patent Document 3498765/A/
300^CZ patent document 293655/B6/
300^PL patent document 169177/B1/
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 310
Secondary Number(s)
some organizations assign two or more identification numbers
to reports
most important number = Primary Number:
enter at Tag 300
any other identification number = Secondary Number:
enter at Tag 310
separator for multi numbers: semicolon ; and a space
310^AECL--9234; DOE-ER--05-76; KFK--8432
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 320
ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
standardized identification code for books
(identifies the title, edition and publisher of a book)
also assigned to publications available on CD-ROM
composed of 13 characters (10 digits plus 3 spaces or hyphens)
last digit is a control digit, can be the Roman numeral X
(representing number 10)
320^ISBN 3-540-63612-9
320^ISBN 0-8044-2957-X
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 320
IPC (International Patent Classification Code)
standardized classification codes
assigned to patent literature only
Entry rules:
Int.Cl. and one space
code as it appears in INID 51 on document
multiple codes separated by semicolon ; and a space
320^Int.Cl. G21d 3/02 ; G21d 3/05
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Journal Tags (229, 320, 321)
S Level for Journal Records must contain :
Tag 229 Full Journal Title plus
Tag 320 International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Tag 321 CODEN
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Imprint Tags (401, 402, 403)
Describes the tags dealing with publishing data :
Tag 401
Place of Publication
Tag 402
Name of Publisher
Tag 403
Date of Publication
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 401
Place of Publication
location of the publisher of the publication
name of city
standardized name or code of country in parentheses
* ref. country names & codes in IAEA-INIS-1(Rev.8)
401^London (GB)
or London (United Kingdom)
401^Tashkent (UZ) or Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
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Tag 402
Name of Publisher
enter only the name of the publisher
402^World Scientific
402^Springer Verlag
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Tag 403
Date of Publication
name of month or season
in English
first 3 letters only
year of publication (always in 4 digits)
403^Jul 2014 (= July)
403^Spr 2015 (= Spring)
journal dates are entered in: parentheses
dates in different months are separated with a hyphen
and a space
403^(Jan - Mar 2013)
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Tags (009, 500, 600, 610, 611, 620, 800, 860)
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Tag 009
Level Indicator
Tag 500
Physical Description
Tag 600
Publication Language
Tag 610
General Notes
Tag 611
Availability Note
Tag 620
Title Augmentation
Tag 800
Tag 860
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 009
Level lndicator
indicates the level of the data in the tags that follow it
Bibliographic levels: A, M, S
 009^A
Analytic level
 009^M
Monographic level
 009^S
Serial level
Subject-related levels: 9, X
 009^9
Indexing level
 009^X/EN Abstract level (must be English language in Tag 860)
 repeat abstract level for each additional language
860^(Abstract in English)
860^(Abstract in French)
860^(Abstract in Spanish)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 500
Physical Description
describes the physical dimensions of
non-print literature
printed literature:
 when the publication is described as a whole, the
total page number is entered:
example: 500^187 p.
when a specific article from a publication is described, the
page range is entered for:
journal article or
parts of a larger document (book, report, etc.)
12-16 October 2015
500^p. 25-38
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 500 (cont.)
Physical Description
entry of data for journal articles in
A level : pagination of the journal article
500^p. 15-22
S level : volume & issue information of the Journal
500^v. 97(12)
Note: total pagination of the journal is not entered
non-print literature:
enter number of CD-ROMs
500^1 CD-ROM
enter size of file
12-16 October 2015
500^850 KB
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 600
Publication Language
standardized code(s) or name(s) for the language(s) in
which the publication is written
enclosed in parentheses
example: (EN) or (English)
max. 8 languages allowed
separator: a comma , and a space
example: (EN, JA, ES) or (English, Japanese, Spanish)
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INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 610
General Notes
supplementary cataloging information which is not included
elsewhere in the record
when reporting a technical report which has been published as a
journal article
examples: 610^Also published in journal Radiation Physics and Chemistry,
ISSN 0146-5724, vol. 68(4), May 2009
610^Also published in: ANS Decontamination, Decommissioning
and Reutilization Division Newsletter, June 2007
provide additional information on price, editorial details, etc.
example: 610^Also available from British Library Document Supply Centre,
West Yorks, LS23 7BQ, UK. Price 7.00 pounds
illustrative material
examples: reference, references: enter as ref. or refs.
figure, figures: enter as fig. or figs.
table, tables: enter as tab. or tabs.
example: 610^18 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs.
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 611
Availability Note
provide information:
from where to obtain the publication
include sufficient information for the publication to be obtained
no entry needed if availability is obvious from other information
in the record
examples: books, journals
(ISBN, ISSN, DOI: sufficient to identify via bookstores
and/or access online)
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 611
Availability Note (cont.)
Mandatory for Non-Conventional Literature (NCL)
 when the full text of the publication cannot be sent to INIS:
1. assign Literary Indicator X (= not available from INIS) at Tag 008
2. enter mailing address, e-mail address, URL, DOI, or other source from
where the full text can be obtained
examples: 611^Available from Bibliotheque Scientifique, DIST, CEA/Saclay,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette (France)
611^Available from; contact author via
 to provide additional availability information when the publication
can also be obtained from a source other than INIS.
examples: 611^Also available at the SKI homepage in PDF-format:
611^Also available from PURL:
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 611
Availability Note (cont.)
 DOI (Digital Object Identifier): a digital identifier for any object
of intellectual property
611^Available from
611^Available from DOI:
PII (Publisher Item Identifier): open standard that provides a 17digit unique identifier
easy reference specific “items”, e.g. journal articles, book chapters,
regardless of format (e.g. conventional print and digital form)
adopted by leading scientific publishers
 Elsevier Science, American Institute of Physics, American
Physical Society, American Chemical Society, IEEE
 journal article:
 book article:
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 611
Availability Note (cont.)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): address of a resource available
on the Internet
 points directly to the location of the resource
PURL (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator) = URL
 points to an intermediate resolution service that associates
the PURL with the actual URL and returns it to the client
SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier Standard):
 unique identification of serial items (e.g. issues) and the
contributions (e.g. articles) contained in a serial title,
regardless of the distribution medium.
item: Physica Status Solidi. B, Basic Research, Vol. 246 no.10 October, 2009
expressed in: SICI: 0370-1972(200910)246:10<2238::AID-PSSB200945196>3.0.TX; 2-V
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 620
Title Augmentation
it is used when the information provided in the publication
title (in Tag 200) is insufficient
this supplementary information is supplied by the subject
specialist when needed
same rules as for entering publication titles in Tag 200
title augmentation must be in English
200^XRF Newsletter, No. 25, September 2013
620^X Ray Fluorescence in the IAEA and its Member States
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 800
Discussed in detail in ‘Subject Analysis & Indexing’
part of this Seminar
Descriptors provide general and specific subject access to
records in the INIS Collection
Descriptors are separated by a semicolon ; and a space
800^occupational safety; iaea; mexico; radiation
doses; medicine; radiation protection
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 860
a summary of the information contained in the publication
maximum length: 6000 characters
abstract mandatory: if document longer than 6000 characters
in addition to the English language abstract, 1 or more non-English
abstracts may be provided
no abstract prepared – record without abstract :
 publication is less than 6000 characters
 no abstract is available
 your Centre cannot prepare an abstract:
 assign Literary Indicator E in Tag 008
(indicating that no abstract is included in the record)
 enter Number of Abstracts: 00 in Tag 008
example: 008^S62/00/J/AS/E
 do NOT enter:
009^X/EN and
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Tag 860 (cont.)
Full text of article entered as ‘Abstract’: when?
publication is in English
it is an abstract itself
is not longer than 6000 characters (900-1200 words)
attention: COPYRIGHT
start Tag 860^ with the words: Full text:
and continue with the text of the abstract
860^Full text: The MS degree in Nuclear Engineering-Non-proliferation at
Texas A&M University is administered by the Nuclear Security Science
and Policy Institute (NSSPI). The oldest and largest of its kind in the US,
45 M.S. and 15 Ph.D. students conducted technical research in …….
enter in Tag 611 : 611^Published in abstract form only, full text
entered in this record
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
INIS Character Set
clearly defined set of rules for coding special characters and
scientific symbols
 necessary for computer processing
 characters #, " and _ are treated as special characters during
computer processing
 must only be used as encoding characters
Character sets:
 logical characters comprise the Greek alphabet
   
scientific and technical symbols
examples:    
 superscripts and subscripts
12-16 October 2015
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
INIS Character Set (cont.)
Superscripts are encoded using the character " (double quote)
attn.: double quote is not allowed in text of the record
Subscripts are encoded using the character _ (underline)
The encoding character only applies to the immediately following
= "2"3"5U
= H_2O
12-16 October 2015
= a"x
= C_2H_5OH
= x"#alpha#
INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria
Thank you!
Kristina Epperson