2225 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 2011-12-13-14 FIRST SESSION OF THE FIFTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT ___________________ VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS No. 206 TUESDAY 17 JUNE 2014 ___________________ 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 12.00 noon pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker took the Chair, read the prayer and acknowledged the traditional owners, thanking them for their custodianship of country. 2 APPROPRIATION BILL APPROPRIATION (BUDGET VARIATIONS) BILL APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL STATE REVENUE AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (BUDGET MEASURES) BILL Mr Andrew Constance moved, That the following cognate bills be now introduced: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) A bill for an Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Government for the year 2014-15. A bill for an Act to appropriate amounts out of the Consolidated Fund for the year 2012-13 for the purpose of giving effect to certain Budget variations required by the exigencies of Government. A bill for an Act to appropriate out of the Consolidated Fund sums for the recurrent services and capital works and services of the Legislature for the year 2014-15. A bill for an Act to make miscellaneous amendments to certain State revenue and other legislation in connection with the Budget for the year 2014-2015; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bills introduced and read a first time. 2226 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Mr Andrew Constance moved, That these bills be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Mr John Robertson) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. 3 PAPERS—BUDGET 2014-15 Mr Andrew Constance tabled: Budget Speech 2014-15 (Budget Paper No. 1); Budget Statement 2014-15 (Budget Paper No. 2); Budget Estimates 2014-15 (Budget Paper No. 3); Infrastructure Statement 2014-15 (Budget Paper No. 4); NSW 2021 Performance Report 2014-15; Budget Overview 2014-15; Western Sydney Budget Overview 2014-15; and Regional Budget Overview 2014-15. Ordered to be printed. _____________ The Speaker left the Chair at 12.30 pm. The Speaker resumed the Chair at 2.15 pm. _____________ 4 MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR The Speaker reported messages from Her Excellency the Governor assenting to the following bills: 5 June 2014 Act No. 20 Act No. 21 Act No. 22 Act No. 23 Act No. 24 Act No. 25 Community Services (Complaints, Reviews and Monitoring) Amendment Bill Ombudsman Amendment (Aboriginal Programs) Bill Teaching Service Amendment (Transfers) Bill Crimes Amendment (Strangulation) Bill Home Building Amendment Bill Racing Administration Amendment (Sports Betting National Operational Model) Bill. 5 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 6 NOTICES OF MOTIONS SOUGHT TO BE ACCORDED PRIORITY Mr Mark Speakman—State Budget. Mr John Robertson—State Budget. 7 QUESTION TIME _____________ (1) Following a request from Mr Mark Speakman pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for Western Sydney provided additional information. (2) Following a request from Mr Michael Daley pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for Western Sydney provided additional information. 2227 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 (3) Following a request from Mr Ray Williams pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations provided additional information. (4) Following a request from Mr John Barilaro pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Small Business, and Minister for the North Coast provided additional information. (5) Following a request from Dr Geoff Lee pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Minister for Transport, and Minister for the Hunter provided additional information. (6) Following a request from Mr Michael Daley pursuant to standing order 131 (3), the Treasurer, and Minister for Industrial Relations provided additional information. _____________ Disorder: At 3.06 pm, the Speaker directed Dr Andrew McDonald to leave the Chamber until the conclusion of Question Time. Disorder: At 3.21 pm, the Speaker directed Ms Linda Burney to leave the Chamber until the conclusion of Question Time. _____________ 8 INSPECTOR OF THE POLICE INTEGRITY COMMISSION The Speaker, in accordance with section 103 of the Police Integrity Commission Act 1996, announced receipt of the reports of the Inspector of the Police Integrity Commission entitled: “Complaints by NSW Crime Commission arising from the conduct by the Police Integrity Commission in “OPERATION WINJANA”, dated May 2014 (received 5 June 2014). “Parliamentary Joint Committee Reference pursuant to section 89(2) Police Integrity Commission Act 1996: Richard Torbay and David Cushway”, dated May 2014 (received 5 June 2014). “Report of Inspector’s investigation of allegations made by the NSW Crime Commission to the Commissioner of NSW Police of misconduct on the part of a Senior Officer of the Police Integrity Commission”, dated May 2014 (received 5 June 2014). Ordered to be printed. 9 PAPER Mr Mike Baird tabled, by leave, the report of the Independent Pricing and Regulator Tribunal entitled “Review of prices for land valuation services provided by the Valuer-General to councils, From 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2019”, dated May 2014. 10 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION The Speaker, in accordance with section 78 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, announced receipt of the reports of the Independent Commission Against Corruption entitled: “Investigation into the conduct of the Hon Edward Obeid MLC and others concerning Circular Quay retail lease policy”, dated June 2014 (received 5 June 2014). “Investigations into the conduct of the Hon Edward Obeid MLC and others in relation to influencing the granting of water licences and the engagement of Direct Health Solutions Pty Ltd”, dated June 2014 (received 5 June 2014). 2228 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Ordered to be printed. 11 AUDITOR-GENERAL The Clerk, in accordance with section 63C of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, announced receipt of the Performance Audit Report of the Auditor-General entitled “Use of purchasing cards and electronic payment methods: NSW Treasury”, dated June 2014 (received 5 June 2014). 12 LAW ENFORCEMENT AND NATIONAL SECURITY (ASSUMED IDENTITIES) ACT The Clerk, in accordance with section 35 of the Law Enforcement and National Security (Assumed Identities) Act 2010, announced receipt of the Assumed Identities reports for the year ended 30 June 2013 of: Australian Customs and Border Protection Service; and New South Wales Police Force (received 13 June 2014). 13 LEGISLATION REVIEW COMMITTEE Mr Stephen Bromhead, Chair, tabled the report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 57/55”, dated 17 June 2014. Ordered to be printed. Mr Stephen Bromhead also tabled the minutes of the committee meeting regarding Legislation Review Digest No. 56/55. 14 STATUTORY RULES AND INSTRUMENTS The Clerk tabled notices of the making of the following statutory rules and instruments published on the Legislation Website (LW) or in the Government Gazette (GG): (1) For the week ended 30 May 2014 Building Professionals Act 2005—Building Professionals Amendment (Categories of Accreditation) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Driving Instructors Act 1992—Driving Instructors Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979— (a) Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Bush Fire Prone Land) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). (b) Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Three Ports) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Legal Profession Act 2004—Legal Profession Admission Rules 2004—amendments (GG No. 49 of 30 May 2014, p 1984). Liquor Act 2007—Liquor Amendment (Special Licence Conditions) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Photo Card Act 2005—Photo Card Amendment (Fee and Penalty Notice Offences) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Road Transport Act 2013—Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Fees, Penalty Levels and Charges) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). 2229 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Roads Act 1993—Roads Amendment (Penalty Notice Offences) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Rural Fires Act 1997—Rural Fires Amendment (Bush Fire Safety Authorities) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Tow Truck Industry Act 1998—Tow Truck Industry Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). Workers Compensation Act 1987—Workers Compensation Amendment (Wages Threshold Amount) Regulation 2014 (LW 30 May 2014). (2) For the week ended 6 June 2014 Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998—Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013—Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules (Amendment No. 1) 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Civil Procedure Act 2005, section 15; Industrial Relations Act 1996, section 185A—Practice Note No 16 (GG No. 52 of 6 June 2014, p 2027). Civil Procedure Act 2005—Uniform Civil Procedure Rules (Amendment No. 66) 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Conveyancing Act 1919—Conveyancing (General) Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Liquor Act 2007— (a) Liquor Amendment (Special Events—Extended Trading Periods) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). (b) Liquor Amendment (Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct Plan of Management) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Maritime Services Act 1935—Management of Waters and Waterside Lands Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Marine Safety Act 1998—Marine Safety (General) Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974—Notice of reservation of a national park—section 30A (GG No. 52 of 6 June 2014, p 2028). Public Finance and Audit Act 1983—Public Finance and Audit Amendment (TAFE Commission) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Real Property Act 1900—Real Property Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Road Transport Act 2013—Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Registration Charges for Heavy Vehicles) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). State Records Act 1998—State Records Amendment (Destruction of Prints) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) Act 1973—Strata Schemes (Freehold Development) 2230 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Act 1986—Strata Schemes (Leasehold Development) Amendment (Fees) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002—Surveying and Spatial Information Amendment (Fees and Deposits) Regulation 2014 (LW 6 June 2014). (3) For the week ended 13 June 2014 Civil Liability Act 2002—Civil Liability Regulation 2014 (LW 13 June 2014). Fisheries Management Act 1994—Fisheries Management Legislation Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2014 (LW 13 June 2014). Intoxicated Persons (Sobering Up Centres Trial) Act 2013—Intoxicated Persons (Sobering Up Centres Trial) Amendment (Extension) Regulation 2014 (LW 13 June 2014). Road Transport Act 2013— 15 (a) Road Transport (General) Amendment (Enforcement Documents) Regulation 2014 (LW 13 June 2014). (b) Road Transport (General) Amendment (Penalty Notice Offences) Regulation 2014 (LW 13 June 2014). PETITION SIGNED BY 10,000 OR MORE PERSONS The Speaker announced that the following member had lodged a petition for presentation signed by 10,000 or more persons: Mr Gareth Ward—from certain citizens requesting an increase in recurrent public library funding to councils and the establishment of a Building Library Infrastructure Program. 16 PETITIONS (1) The Clerk announced that the following members had each lodged petitions for presentation: Mr Andrew Fraser—from certain citizens requesting that the Coffs Harbour Slipway remain open for use by local and passing mariners. Mr Mark Speakman—from certain citizens requesting that the Government allocate sufficient funds in the 2014-15 Budget for the completion of the planning stage for the F6 extension within two years. Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens opposing the sale of animals in pet shops. Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting the banning of pig-dog hunting in New South Wales. Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting mandatory closed circuit television in all New South Wales slaughter houses. Mr Alex Greenwich—from certain citizens requesting a container deposit levy be introduced in New South Wales. 2231 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 (2) The Clerk announced that the following members had each lodged petitions for presentation signed by 500 or more persons: Mrs Shelley Hancock—from certain citizens requesting that the Government require Shaolin Foundation (Australia) Ltd provide financial bona fides prior to the consideration of its Jervis Bay development proposal. Mr Paul Lynch—from certain citizens requesting that reporting services within the NSW Supreme Court continue to be provided by public sector employees. Mr Andrew Fraser—from certain citizens requesting the withdrawal of the Review of NSW Recreational Saltwater and Freshwater fishing rules. (3) The Clerk also announced receipt of the following ministerial response to a petition signed by 500 or more persons: The Hon. Rob Stokes—lodged 6 May 2014—Requesting gazettal of Lot 45 (The Drip block) and land bordering the Goulburn River as National Park—(Mr Andrew Gee). 17 PARLIAMENTARY ETHICS ADVISER Mr Anthony Roberts moved, by leave, That this House directs the Speaker to join with the President to make arrangements for the appointment of Mr John Evans PSM as Parliamentary Ethics Adviser, on a part-time basis, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed from the period beginning 1 July 2014. The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser shall have the following functions. Advice to Members of Parliament (1) (a) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser is to advise any member of Parliament, when asked to do so by that member, on ethical issues concerning the exercise of his or her role as a member of Parliament (including the use of entitlements and potential conflicts of interest). (b) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser is to be guided in giving this advice by any Code of Conduct or other guidelines adopted by the House (whether pursuant to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act or otherwise). (c) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser’s role does not include the giving of legal advice. Advice to Ministers on post-separation employment (2) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser must on request by a Minister provide written advice to the Minister as to whether or not the Adviser is of the opinion that the Minister’s: (a) acceptance of an offer of post-separation employment or engagement which relates to the Minister’s portfolio responsibilities (including portfolio responsibilities held during the previous two years of ministerial office); or (b) decision to proceed, after the Minister leaves office, with a proposal to provide services to third parties (including a proposal to establish a business to provide such services) which relates to the Minister’s portfolio responsibilities (including portfolio responsibilities held during the previous two years of ministerial office), would give rise to a reasonable concern that: (c) the Minister’s conduct while in office was influenced by the prospect of the 2232 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 employment or engagement or the proposal to provide services; or (d) (3) the Minister might make improper use of confidential information to which he or she has access while in office. The Adviser must on request by a person who has ceased to hold ministerial office within the previous 18 months (“the former Minister”) provide written advice to the former Minister as to whether or not the Adviser is of the opinion that the former Minister’s: (a) acceptance of an offer of employment or engagement which relates to the former Minister’s former portfolio responsibilities during the last two years in which the Minister held ministerial office; or (b) decision to proceed with a proposal to provide services to third parties (including a proposal to establish a business to provide such services) which relate to the former Minister’s former portfolio responsibilities during the last two years in which the Minister held ministerial office, would give rise to a reasonable concern that: (c) the former Minister’s conduct while in office was influenced by the prospect of the employment or engagement or the proposal to provide services; or (d) the former Minister might make improper use of confidential information to which he or she had access while in office. (4) If the Adviser is of the opinion that accepting the proposed employment or engagement or proceeding with the proposal to provide services might give rise to such a reasonable concern, but the concern would not arise if the employment or engagement or the provision of services were subject to certain conditions, then he or she must so advise and specify the necessary conditions. (5) The Adviser’s advice must include: (6) (a) a general description of the position offered, including a description of the duties to be undertaken, or the services to be provided, based on material provided by the Minister or former Minister but excluding any information that the Minister or former Minister indicates is confidential; and (b) the Adviser’s opinion as to whether or not the position may be accepted, or the services may be provided, either with or without conditions. Where the Adviser becomes aware that a Minister or former Minister has accepted a position, or has commenced to provide services, in respect of which the Adviser has provided advice, the Adviser must provide a copy of that advice to the Presiding Officer of the House to which the Minister belongs or to which the former Minister belonged. Keeping of records (7) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser shall be required to keep records of advice given and the factual information upon which it is based. (8) Subject to clause 6, the Parliamentary Ethics Adviser shall be under a duty to maintain the confidentiality of information provided to him in exercising his function and any advice given, but the Parliamentary Ethics Adviser may make advice public if the person who requested the advice gives permission for it to be made public. 2233 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 (9) This House shall only call for the production of records of the Parliamentary Ethics Adviser if the person to which the records relate has: (a) in the case of advice given under clause 1(a), sought to rely on the advice of the Parliamentary Ethics Adviser; or (b) given permission for the records to be produced to the House. Annual meeting with committees (10) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser is to meet annually with the Standing Committee of each House designated for the purposes of Part 7A of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act. Report to Parliament (11) (12) (a) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser shall be required to report to the Parliament annually on the number of ethical matters raised with him, the number of members who sought his advice, the amount of time spent in the course of his duties and the number of times advice was given. (b) The Parliamentary Ethics Adviser may report to the Parliament from time to time on any problems arising from the determinations of the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal that have given rise to requests for ethics advice and proposals to address these problems. That a message be sent informing the Legislative Council of the resolution. Question put and passed. 18 SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—APPROPRIATION BILL AND COGNATE BILLS Mr Anthony Roberts moved, That, on Thursday 19 June 2014, standing and sessional orders be suspended to permit: (1) Following the speech of the Leader of the Opposition on the Appropriation Bill and cognate bills, the passage of the bills through all remaining stages, with the question “That these bills be now read a second time” being put forthwith, without consideration in detail on the bills. (2) A member, immediately following the passage of the Appropriation Bill and cognate bills, to move the motion “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2014-2015”. (3) After the member has moved “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for 2014-2015”: (a) (b) (c) The debate is to be adjourned without motion moved; The resumption of the debate is to be set down as an order of the day for a later time; and The mover may speak to the motion at a later time prior to their right of reply. Question put and passed. 2234 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 19 NOTICES OF MOTIONS SOUGHT TO BE ACCORDED PRIORITY (1) Mr Mark Speakman made a statement in support of his notice being accorded priority over the other business of the House. (2) Mr John Robertson also made a statement in support of his notice being accorded priority— That this House condemns the Government for delivering a Budget that: (1) (2) (3) (4) Leaves hospitals half a billion dollars short of what they require to keep up with demand; Sacks over 300 TAFE teachers; Slashes infrastructure funding by over a billion dollars; and Fails to stand up to the Federal Government’s $25 billion cuts to New South Wales schools and hospitals. Question—That the motion of the member for Cronulla be accorded priority—put. The House divided. AYES 65 Mr Anderson, Mr Aplin, Mr Ayres, Mr Baird, Mr Barilaro, Mr Bassett, Mr Baumann, Ms Berejiklian, Mr Bromhead, Mr Brookes, Mr Casuscelli, Mr Conolly, Mr Constance, Mr Coure, Mrs Davies, Mr Dominello, Mr Doyle, Mr Edwards, Mr Elliott, Mr Evans, Mr Flowers, Mr Gee, Ms Gibbons, Ms Goward, Mr Grant, Mr Gulaptis, Mr Hartcher, Ms Hodgkinson, Mr Holstein, Mr Humphries, Mr Issa, Mr Kean, Dr Lee, Mr Maguire, Mr Marshall, Mr Notley-Smith, Mr O’Dea, Mr O’Farrell, Mr Owen, Mr Page, Ms Parker, Mr Patterson, Mr Perrottet, Mr Piccoli, Mr Provest, Mr Roberts, Mr Rohan, Mr Rowell, Mrs Sage, Mr Sidoti, Mrs Skinner, Mr Smith, Mr Souris, Mr Speakman, Mr Spence, Mr Stokes, Mr Stoner, Mr Toole, Ms Upton, Mr Ward, Mr Webber, Mr R.C. Williams and Mrs Williams. Tellers: Mr Cornwell and Mr J.D. Williams. NOES 24 Mr Barr, Ms Burney, Ms Burton, Mr Collier, Mr Daley, Mr Furolo, Mr Greenwich, Ms Hay, Mr Hoenig, Ms Hornery, Mr Lynch, Dr McDonald, Ms Mihailuk, Mr Park, Mr Parker, Mrs Perry, Mr Piper, Mr Rees, Mr Robertson, Ms Tebbutt, Ms Watson and Mr Zangari. Tellers: Mr Amery and Mr Lalich. In the Chair: Mr Fraser. Question passed. 20 MOTION ACCORDED PRIORITY—STATE BUDGET Mr Mark Speakman moved, pursuant to notice, That this House supports today’s Budget that outlines a clear plan to rebuild New South Wales with record infrastructure investment of $61.5 billion over four years. Debate ensued. _____________ It being 4.00 pm, debate interrupted for government business. _____________ Motion lapsed. 2235 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 21 RURAL FIRES AMENDMENT (VEGETATION CLEARING) BILL The order of the day was read for the resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Stuart Ayres, That this bill be now read a second time. Question again proposed and debate resumed. Mr Gareth Ward moved, That this debate be now adjourned. Question put and passed. Ordered, That the resumption of the debate stand an order of the day for a later hour. 22 ELECTORAL AND COMMISSION) BILL LOBBYING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (ELECTORAL Mr Mike Baird moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 and the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 to reconstitute the New South Wales Electoral Commission, to abolish the Election Funding Authority and to confer its functions on the Electoral Commission; to amend the Lobbying of Government Officials Act 2011 to extend the regulation of third-party and other lobbyists and to confer functions under that Act on the Electoral Commission; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. Mr Mike Baird moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Ms Anna Watson) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. 23 SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—ELECTORAL AND LOBBYING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (ELECTORAL COMMISSION) BILL Mr Anthony Roberts moved, That, on Wednesday 18 June 2014, standing and sessional orders be suspended to permit the resumption of the adjourned debate and passage through all remaining stages, at that or any subsequent sitting, of the Electoral and Lobbying Legislation Amendment (Electoral Commission) Bill. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. 24 MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL The Acting Speaker (Mr Garry Edwards) reported a message from the Legislative Council dated 17 June 2014, returning the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Consequential Amendment Bill, without amendment. 25 RURAL FIRES AMENDMENT (VEGETATION CLEARING) BILL The order of the day was read for the resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Stuart Ayres, That this bill be now read a second time. Question again proposed and debate resumed. 2236 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Mr Stuart Ayres moved, That this bill be now read a third time. Question put and passed. Bill read a third time. 26 ROAD TRANSPORT AMENDMENT (MANDATORY ALCOHOL INTERLOCK PROGRAM) BILL Mr Ray Williams, on behalf of Ms Gladys Berejiklian, moved, pursuant to notice, That a bill be now introduced for an Act to amend the Road Transport Act 2013 to make provision with respect to a mandatory alcohol interlock program and further provision with respect to demerit points; and for other purposes. Question put and passed. Bill introduced and read a first time. Mr Ray Williams moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate adjourned (Ms Anna Watson) and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for a future day. 27 MARITIME AND TRANSPORT LICENSING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL The order of the day was read. Mr Ray Williams, on behalf of Ms Gladys Berejiklian, moved, That this bill be now read a second time. Debate ensued. _____________ SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—ROUTINE OF BUSINESS Mr Anthony Roberts moved, That standing and sessional orders be suspended to permit the House to: (1) Sit past 7.45 pm to conclude private members’ statements and the matter of public importance. (2) Adjourn without motion moved at the conclusion of the matter of public importance. Question put and passed. _____________ Debate continued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Mr Ray Williams moved, That this bill be now read a third time. Question put and passed. 2237 VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Tuesday 17 June 2014 Bill read a third time. _____________ It being before 6.50 pm, notices of motions (general notices) proceeded with. _____________ 28 NOTICES OF MOTIONS (GENERAL NOTICES) 29 PRIVATE MEMBERS’ STATEMENTS 30 MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPORTANCE—ROAD SAFETY The Speaker previously informed the House of receipt from Mr Andrew Fraser of a notice of a matter of public importance, namely: Road Safety. Discussion ensued and concluded. 31 ADJOURNMENT The House adjourned, pursuant to the resolution of the House, at 8.06 pm, until tomorrow, at 10.00 am. Attendance: All members present except Mr Thomas George. RONDA MILLER Clerk of the Legislative Assembly SHELLEY HANCOCK Speaker __________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales