Universal Screening for Behavior

Universal Screening for


Jessica Swain-Bradway, IL PBIS Network

With contributions from :

Jennifer Rose, Illinois PBIS Network

Lynn Owens, Schaumburg CCSD 54

 This is a presentation of the IL PBIS Network. All rights reserved.


 What is Universal Screening?

 Rationale for identifying children through universal screening for behavior

 Readiness checklist

 Illinois PBIS Network screening model

 A review of several screeners

 Exemplar discussion


 Briefly define Universal Screening to a coworker

 Be able to explain the rationale for including universal screening in your multi-tiered behavioral initiative:

 Benefits

 Concerns

 Briefly describe a district example including outcomes

 Identify a resource for more information on universal screening

Universal Screening Defined

 “Universal screening is the systematic assessment of all children within a given class, grade, school building, or school district, on academic and/or socialemotional indicators that the school personnel and community have agreed are important.”

• Source: Ikeda, Neessen, & Witt, 2009

Purpose of Universal Screening for Behavior

 Integral to the Response to Intervention

(RtI) model

 Set the stage for prevention

 Emphasis on prevention versus intervention

 Use an evidence-based instrument to identify:

 Risk factors for emotional/behavioral difficulties

 Social-emotional strengths and needs

Where are we? 2014!

 We assert that MTSS is preventative

 A model of “reaction”:

 Kids have problems, we react.

 This is SLOW.

 This means= kids fail / have problems / hate school

/ disengage parents / teachers are stressed / etc.

 The louder the problem, the more quickly we react.

 The ISSUE: all problems aren’t “loud”, if we can

“hear” it, it is already gaining momentum!

Rationale: Prevalence Rates

• How prevalent are emotional disorders among school-age children and youth?

Study Citation

Methods for the

Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental

Disorders (MECA)

Shaffer et al., 1996

(1,285 children ages 9-17)

Great Smoky

Mountains Study of


Burns et al., 1995

( 1,015 children ages 9, 11 and 13 )

% of sample with any impairment



% of sample with serious impairment



National Health &

Nutrition Examination

Survey (NHANES)

Merikangas et al., 2010

( 3,042 children ages 8-

15 )

13% 11%

Rationale: Student Benefits

 A ‘window of opportunity’ ranging between 2-4 years when prevention is critical

(Costello, et al, 1996)

 U.S. Department of Education:

“…compelling research sponsored by OSEP on emotional and behavioral difficulties indicating that children at risk for these difficulties could also be identified through universal screening and more significant disabilities prevented through classroom-based approaches involving positive discipline and classroom management .”

Rationale: Student Benefits

 Universal screening for behavior is more effective than reliance on office discipline referrals (ODRs) for identifying students with risk factors for internalizing (e.g., depression, overly shy, withdrawn, anxiety) behaviors

 ODRs are typically measures of non-compliant, acting-out behaviors

 Teachers tend to under-refer internalizers

• Sources: Walker, Cheney, Stage, & Blum, 2005; Walker et al., 2010

Rationale: Student Benefits

 Flexibility of the brain:

 Use positive learning experiences to:

• Reshape neurological pathways

• Build positive, adaptive behaviors (versus maladaptive)

(Weinberger, et al., 2005)

The sooner we see behaviors predictive of increased risk, the sooner we can prevent problem behaviors.

Rationale: Risks of Delaying ID

• “ Untreated emotional problems have the potential to create barriers to learning that interfere with the mission of schools to educate all children.” (Adelman & Taylor, 2002)

• Youth who are the victims of bullying and who lack adequate peer supports are vulnerable to mood and anxiety disorders

(Deater-Deckard, 2001; Hawker & Boulton, 2000)

The longer children go

• “ without intervention, the disorders among adolescent suicide victims (Gould, Greenberg, more negative their


behaviors can be for

• “ Without early intervention , children who routinely themselves and others.

more serious anti-social patterns of behaviors that are resistant to intervention.” (Walker, Ramsey, & Gresham, 2004)

Process Time

 What are the risks of delaying identification and intervention?

 What are the benefits to speeding up identification and intervention?

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Tier 1/Universal

School-Wide Assessment

School-Wide Prevention Systems



Tardies, Grades,

DIBELS, etc.


Check-out (CICO)

BEFORE big issues


Instructional Groups (SAIG)

Daily Progress interfere with school:

Report (DPR)

(Behavior and

Academic Goals)

Competing Behavior

Tier 3/


Pathway, Functional

Assessment Interview,

Scatter Plots, etc.

Individualized Check-in

Check-out (CICO), Groups, &


Brief Functional Behavior Assessment/

Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP)

Complex or Multiple-domain FBA/BIP

Illinois PBIS Network, Revised April 2012

Adapted from T. Scott, 2004

SIMEO Tools:



Examples of Externalizing


• Physical aggression

• Verbal aggression

(Arguing, threats, name calling, etc.)

• Being out of seat

• Not complying with teacher instructions or directives

Source: Walker and Severson, 1992

Examples of Internalizing


• Withdrawn:

 Not talking with other children

 Has very few, or no friends

• Extreme shyness

• Timid and/or unassertive

• Avoiding or withdrawing from social situations

• Not standing up for one’s self

Source: Walker and Severson, 1992

Gate 1

Gate 2

Illinois Universal Screening


Teachers Rank Order then Select Top 3 Students on Each Dimension

(Externalizing & Internalizing)

Pass Gate 1

Teachers Rate Top 3 Students in

Each Dimension (Externalizing &

Internalizing) using either SSBD,

BASC-2/BESS, or other

evidence-based instrument

Pass Gate 2

(Multiple Gating Procedure Adapted from Walker & Severson, 1992)

Tier 2


Illinois Universal Screening


 ‘Multi-gate’ process for implementing universal screening for behavior

 Efficient:

• Takes approximately one hour, maximum, per classroom to complete process

• Less expensive and more timely than special education referral process

 Fair:

All students receive consideration for additional supports (gate one)

• Reduces bias by using evidence-based instrument containing consistent, criteria to identify students (gate two)

Gate1: Teacher ranking form

Teacher Rank Ordering for Universal Behavioral Screening: Externalizers

• Property destruction (e.g., damaging books, desks, other school property)

• Repeatedly quarrels with peers/adults

• Coercion of others (e.g., bullying behaviors includes physical actions and verbal threats)

• Regularly does not follow school/classroom rules

• Consistent refusal to follow teacher’s directions

• Frequently blurts out/speaks in class without permission

• Often moves around the classroom/hallways without permission

• Spreads rumors with the intention to harm others




Externalizers: Students regularly displaying at least ONE of the listed behaviors

Externalizers: Top three students regularly displaying at least ONE of the listed behaviors

ID # Race/ethnicity

Gate 1: Teacher ranking form

Teacher Rank Ordering for Universal Behavioral Screening: Internalizers

• Anxious, nervous (e.g., nailbiting, easily startled)

• Introverted (e.g., often seen alone)

• Rarely/doesn’t speaks to peers

Overly sensitive (e.g., cries easily, has difficulty standing up to others)

Bullied by other students


Internalizers: Students regularly displaying at least

ONE of the listed behaviors

Adapted from Walker and Severson, 1992


Internalizers: Top three students

Regularly displaying at least


Of the listed behaviors

ID# Race/ethnicity

Gate 2: Examples of Screening Measures


Systematic Screening for

Behavior Disorders

(SSBD; Walker &

Severson, 1990) http://store.cambiumlea


BASC-2/BESS (Kamphaus

& Reynolds, 2007) http://www.pearsonass



• Well-validated (Endorsed in 1990 by the

Program Effectiveness Panel of the U.S.

Department of Education)

• Efficient (Screening process can be completed within 45 minutes to 1 hour)

• Most effective instrument for identifying internalizers (Lane et al., 2009)

• Meets AERA/APA instrument selection criteria

• Inexpensive (Manual= $ 134.49; includes reproducible screening forms)

• Measures behaviors associated with internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors and academic competence

• Meets AERA/APA instrument selection criteria

• Incorporates three validity measures to rule out response bias

• Utilizes large (N= 12,350 children & youth), nationally-representative sample

• Web-based screening capacity available via



• Normed for grades 1-6

• Dated norms (normed in 1990)

• Normative sample skewed to western U.S. region

• Can be expensive for districts/schools that don’t have access to a scantron machine

• $26.25 for 25 hand-scored protocols

• Online access via AIMSweb:

Additional $1.00 per student for subscribers and $4.00 per student for non-subscribers)

• Hand-scoring is time-consuming and reduces access to validity measures

• Computer software is expensive


Illinois Universal Screening


 Other relevant student information for students being screened:

 Student IDs

 Birthdate

 Race/ethnicity

 Special education/Section 504 status

 Grade level

Illinois Universal Screening


 Parents of nominated students, who meet the screening criteria, are contacted in writing to request permission for their child’s participation in a simple, secondary intervention (e.g., check-in/check-out)

 Coordinator inform teachers of students who are participating in interventions

 Teachers receive progress monitoring data

Illinois Universal Screening

Model: Outcomes

 Key outcomes from four years of implementation in Illinois schools:

 On average within PBIS schools less than 10% of students, enrolled in grades screened, met criteria for needing additional supports

 Over time, fewer students were identified via universal screening process

*Enrollment based on ISBE 2010 Fall Housing Report for grades screened

Illinois Universal Screening

Model: Outcomes


IL-PBIS Network Universal Screening Results: 2007-11

10,0% 9,4%











3,8% 3,8% 3,8%




Externalizers Internalizers

2007-08: N=18 schools 2008-09: N=30 schools

2009-10: N=45 schools 2010-11: N=61 schools


Universal Screening Resources:

 Illinois PBIS Network:

 Search for “Universal Screening”

 http://www.pbisillinois.org/trainings/universalscre ening/presentations

 Florida PBIS: http://flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/

 National PBIS Technical Assistance Center: www.PBIS.org

 RTI Action Network:

 http://www.rtinetwork.org/learn/research/univers al-screening-within-a-rti-model

Sample of SSBD Critical

Events Form

Sample of SSBD CFI Form

Sample of BASC-2/BESS Form

Strengths and Difficulties

Questionnaire (SDQ)

Sample SSIS Social Skills form

Sample SSIS Problem

Behaviors form

Sample SSIS Academic

Competence form

Systems Readiness for


Universal screening readiness

 Build a foundation

 Secure district and building-level administrative support for universal screening

 Establish universal screening committee consisting of district and building-level administrators, student support personnel, teachers, family and community representatives and assign roles

 Clarify goals

 Identify purpose of universal screening (e.g., mental health, social skills assessment)

 Determine desired outcomes

Universal screening readiness

 Identify resources and logistics

 Identify resources for supporting students identified via screening

(in-school and community-based)

 Create a timeline for executing screening process including frequency of screening (e.g., once, or multiple times per year?)

 Develop budget for materials, staff, etc.

 Create administration materials (e.g., power point to share process with staff, parents and community members, consent forms, teacher checklists)

 Schedule dates for screening(s) and meetings to share school-wide results

Universal screening readiness

 Create a quick and easy for teachers, AND,

 Select an evidence-based screening instrument for advanced screening (gate 2)

 Use The Standards for Educational and

Psychological Testing, or resources from other professional organization resources (e.g.,

National Association for School Psychologists; NASP

), as guidelines for selecting an appropriate screener

Universal screening readiness

 Data

 Develop data collection and progress monitoring system

 Determine systematic process for using results to inform interventions

 Plan for sharing screening and progress monitoring results with staff and families

Illinois Example: Universal

Screening at the

Elementary and Jr. High

Created by:

Lynn Owens, MSW, MEd

Schaumburg CCSD 54

District External Coach

District 54 Demographics

 21 Elementary Buildings (K-6)

 5 Jr. High Buildings (7-8)

 1 Elementary & Jr. High Building (K-8)

 District Enrollment: 14, 318

 Low Income: 18%

 IEP: 11.3%

 Bi-Lingual: 17.5%

 Ethnicity:

• White: 46.3%

• African American: 6.5%

• Hispanic: 22.5%

• Asian: 20.0%

• American Indian: 0.3%

• Multi-Racial: 3.3%

District 54

PBIS Implementation

 26 Elementary and Jr. High Buildings Implementing all 3 Tiers of PBIS

 Cohort model:

 Pull in cohorts of schools implementing / training

• Tiers

• Specific components (universal screening, restorative justice, for example)

Universal Screening:2010-13

 2010-11

 4 Buildings from Cohort 1 participated

• 2 Elementary (Kindergarten-Sixth Grade)

• 2 Jr. High (Seventh-Eighth Grade)

 2011-12

 8 Buildings from Cohort 1 and 2 participated

• 4 Elementary (Kindergarten-Sixth Grade)

• 4 Jr. High (Seventh-Eighth Grade)

 2012-13

 16 Buildings from Cohort 1-4 participated

• 11 Elementary

• 5 Jr. High Buildings

Preparing for Screening: Year 1-Pilot

 Screening Window: October – November 2010

 District Admin and External Coach Responsibilities (Sept-Oct)

 External Coaches attended Universal Screening Facilitator training by Jen

Rose, IL PBIS Network

 Tier 2 Coaches identified as Screening Facilitators

 Presented Universal Screening to Superintendent, Board Cabinet, District

Leadership Team, and Building Administrators

 Developed Parent Information/Consent Letter

 Prepared protocols for Facilitators

 Identify and Train Screening Facilitators (Oct)

 Cohort 1 buildings for Pilot

• Implementing PBIS at least 2 years

• CICO implemented with fidelity for 1 full year

 Elementary Facilitator Training:

• Time Lines for the year

• SSBD Facilitator Training

 Jr. High Facilitator Training:

• Time Lines for the year

• BASC-2/BESS Facilitator Training

Preparing for Screening Year 1-Pilot


 Facilitator Responsibilities (Oct-December)

 Review and follow timeline

• Facilitator timeline

• Teacher timeline

 CICO was up and running since mid-September

• Increase in students participating as result of screener

• Changes to support internalizing students identified via screener

– CICO Parent letter

 Scheduled screening dates with administrator

• 20-30 min. overview

• 1.5 hr. administration

• Wednesday Staff Development (Elementary & Jr. High)

• Grade Level Meeting (Jr. High)

 Presented screening overview and administration with External Coach

• 1 building presented without External Coach

 Prepared screening protocols for scoring

• SSBD: Facilitators scored using excel spread sheet

• BASC-2: IL PBIS personnel scored

 Reviewed results with administrator and staff

Screening: Year 2

 Screening Window: October – November 2011

 District Admin and External Coach Responsibilities (Aug-Sept)

 Notified Tier 2 Coaches about Screening Facilitator training

 Provided Facilitator training with IL PBIS Network

 Building Administrators informed of screening window

 Modified Parent Information/Consent Letter

• Informed consent

• Screener part of support students receive at Tier 2

 Identify and Train Screening Facilitators (Sept)

 Cohort 1 and 2 buildings conduct screening

• Implementing PBIS at least 2 years

• CICO implemented with fidelity for 1 full year

 Elementary Facilitator Training:

• Time Lines

• SSBD Facilitator Training

 Jr. High Facilitator Training:

• Time Lines

• BASC-2/BESS Facilitator Training

Screening: Year 2 (con’t)

 Facilitator Responsibilities (Sept-December)

 Review and follow timeline

• Facilitator and Teacher timeline

• “Jump-start” Time Line

 CICO up and running since mid-September

• Increase in students participating as result of screener

• Changes to support internalizing students identified via screener

– CICO Parent letter

– DPR cards

 Scheduled screening dates with administrator

• 20-30 min. overview

• 1-1.5 hr. administration

 Presented overview and screening administration with External Coach to staff

• 5 buildings presented without assistance from External Coach

 Prepared screening protocols for use for staff and scoring

• SSBD: Facilitators copied/labeled protocols and scored on-site

• BASC-2: Facilitators labeled protocols and PBIS scored off-site

 Reviewed results with administrator and staff

Universal Screening: Parent Letter

October 2011

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As you know, ___________ school has been implementing Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

(PBIS) which is a proactive approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success.

Our school was selected to be a replication site by the Illinois PBIS organization, which provides us with training and support as we work to continually improve ways to support our children and families. As part of being a replication site this year, we will be utilizing an assessment tool for teachers that will help identify students who may be having minor challenges in school, such as following rules and expectations, or making friends. Our goal in using this teacher assessment tool is to identify which children may need some assistance before minor challenges become big problems.

Over the next few weeks, your child’s classroom teacher will review the class roster and identify students who currently may be having problems or difficulties in school. We will contact the parents of children who have been selected by their classroom teacher to participate in a simple intervention focused on supporting the child in a proactive and positive manner.

Please feel free to contact me at ________ if you have any questions.



Universal Screening

Elementary Facilitator “JumpStart” List

Universal Screener To Do Checklist (ELEMENTARY )

Schedule Date with Administrator, External Coach, & PBIS TAC

__Staff Overview (following coordinator meeting with External Coach &

PBIS TAC- 20 to 30 min during STAFF DEVELOPMENT

__Screening Administration (Schedule no sooner than 2 weeks after

Overview- 1 to 1.5 hours during STAFF DEVELOPMENT

__Review and Mail Parent Letter (at least 2 weeks prior to screening date)

Prep for Overview

___Copy Teacher timeline to be given at/during overview (1 per teacher)

___Reserve meeting place with projector to view power point

___Review power point

Prep for Screening Administration

___Reserve meeting place with projector and place for teachers to complete protocol

___Find place to keep protocols locked-up until input into excel spread sheet (keep protocols locked up until end of school year then shred)

___Extra Pens or Pencils (just in-case some teachers forget)

___Prep protocols (Identifying information Label is attached to white copy to be sent by External Coach week of October 11)

__Copy 3 of each per teacher (Green for Internalizers and Blue for Externalizers).

___Review power point



Screening Tools Selected

Elementary: Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD)

 Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD;

Walker and Severson, 1992)

 Used in Elementary Schools (Grades 1-6)

• Universal screening (similar to annual vision/hearing screenings)

• Identifies behaviors that may impede academic and social functioning

 Cost Effective

• Used in multiple grades and buildings

• Copying and labeling protocols on-site

 Score protocols on-site

• Scored using excel spreadsheet

• No special skills required

• Student information remains locked in building

• Students receive support with-in 2 weeks of administration

SSBD: Background Information

 The SSBD is NOT recommended as a diagnostic tool for eligibility for special education services

 The SSBD screening WILL NOT replace the current procedures for special education evaluation or any other identification for support process

IL-PBIS Network, Sept 2010

SSBD: Staff Overview

 Overview

 1 st -6 th Staff attend a 20min presentation that includes rationale for screening

• District Support

• Parent Letter

 Review externalizing and internalizing behaviors

 Teacher timeline and ranking form

• Teachers given timeline for preparation and completion of screener

• Teachers provided ranking forms for Internalizers and Externalizers with descriptors

• Given 2 weeks to identify Top 10 Internalizers and Top 10 Externalizers from class roster

 Review Administration

• Supplies

– Pen/Pencil

– Student roster with identifying information (DOB, Race/Ethnicity, ID, etc.)

– Ranking forms with Top 3 Internalizers and Externalizers identified

• Expectations

– Limit talking during administration to protect student information

– Complete all forms (incomplete forms returned)

– Come prepared

– Ask questions prior to ensure the students who need support get it

SSBD: Administration

 Administration

 Two weeks prior(following overview)

• Parent Letter mailed home

• Staff attend overview

• Facilitators prepare protocols

 One week prior

• Staff sent reminder email (no less than 2 days prior)

• Facilitators and External Coaches make final arrangements

 Day of Administration

• Present brief overview of process

• Review externalizing and internalizing behaviors

• Review expectations

• Facilitators collect and check forms for accuracy and completion

• Facilitators lock completed forms in designated area until scoring date

SSBD Screening Results-Elementary

 Year 1 (2 Schools)

 Total Number of Students screened: 986

 Total Number of Students identified: 89

• Total Number of Externalizers: 41

• Total Number of Internalizers: 48

 Year 2 (4 Schools)

 Total Number of Students screened: 1,475

 Total Number of Students identified: 115

• Total Number of Externalizers: 40

• Total Number of Internalizers: 75

SSBD Screening Results-Elementary












Year 1

Year 2










Behavioral and Emotional Screening

System (BESS): Jr. High School

 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS)

(Kamphaus & Reynolds, 2007) (also called BASC-2)

 Used in Elementary and Jr. High Schools (Grades Pre K-8)

• Universal screening (similar to annual vision/hearing screenings)

• Identifies eternalizing and internalizing behavioral strengths and weaknesses

 Cost Effective

• Used in multiple grades and buildings

• Only used for Jr. High buildings

• Protocols provided by IL-PBIS Network years 1 and 2

 Protocols Scored off-site

• Scantron machine scores protocols

• Student information remains locked in building until hand delivered to TAC or PBIS office

• Students receive support with-in 2-4 weeks of administration


• The BASC-2/BESS is NOT recommended as a diagnostic tool for eligibility for special education services

• The BASC-2/BESS screening WILL NOT replace the current procedures for special education evaluation or any other identification for support process

IL-PBIS Network, Sept 2010


 The BASC-2/BESS uses T-scores to communicate results relative to the average


 Identifiers and percentile ranks are provided for ease of interpretation

 Normal risk level: T-score range 10-60

 Elevated risk level: T-score range 61-70

 Extremely Elevated risk level: T-score range ≥ 71

IL-PBIS Network, Sept 2010

BASC-2/BESS: Staff Overview

 Overview

 Jr. High Teaching Staff attend a 20min presentation that includes rationale for screening

• District Support

• Parent Letter

 Review externalizing and internalizing behaviors

 Teacher timeline and ranking form

• Teachers given timeline for preparation and completion of screener

• Teachers provided ranking forms for Internalizers and Externalizers with descriptors

• Given 2 weeks to identify Top 10 Internalizers and Top 10 Externalizers from class roster

 Review Administration

• Supplies

– #2 Pencil(s)

– Student roster with identifying information (DOB, Race/Ethnicity, ID, etc.)

– Ranking forms with Top 3 Internalizers and Externalizers identified

• Expectations

– Limit talking during administration to protect student information

– Complete all forms (incomplete forms returned)

– Come prepared

– Ask questions prior to ensure the students who need support get it

BASC-2/BESS: Administration

 Administration

 Two weeks prior(following overview)

• Parent Letter mailed home

• Staff attend overview

• Facilitators label protocols

• Facilitators attend grade level team meetings to provide support

 One week prior

• Staff sent reminder email (no less than 2 days prior)

• Facilitators and External Coaches make final arrangements

 Day of Administration

• Present brief overview of process

• Review externalizing and internalizing behaviors

• Review expectations

• Facilitators collect and check forms for accuracy and completion

• Facilitators lock completed forms in designated area until picked up for scoring

• External coaches make arrangements to deliver protocols to PBIS TAC

BASC-2/BESS Screening Data-Jr. High

 Year 1 (2 Schools)

 Total Number of Students screened: 1,256

 Total Number of Students identified: 106

• Total Number of Externalizers: 69

• Total Number of Internalizers: 37

 Year 2 (4 Schools)

 Total Number of Students screened: 2, 441

 Total Number of Students identified: 228

• Total Number of Externalizers: 167

• Total Number of Internalizers: 61

BASC-2/BESS Screening Data-Jr.













Year 1

Year 2










SD54 Tier 2 Interventions


• DPR card same for all students

• Check-In and Out with same staff member

• Parents notified of participation through calls and/or letter

 Social Academic Instructional Groups

• Pro Social

• Problem Solving

• Academic

 Check & Connect

• Used when student may need more than generic check-in

• Used when student needs change of check-in station or change of staff


• Problem solving team identifies need for more support

• Utilize SAIG groups to teach skills to support replacement behavior

Universal Screener

Roadblocks (Year 1)

 Scheduling screening window after start of school year

 Assessment schedule overlapping with other measures (fidelity for MTSS, reading assessments, etc.)

 Staff Development schedule difficult to change

 Created scheduling conflicts for External Coaches

 Delay in students receiving support once identified

 Building unprepared for increase in students participating in CICO

 Not enough staff to open new CICO stations

 More externalizers identified than internalizers

 Delay in scoring and identifying students (Jr. High)

 Staff refusing to “bubble-in” identifying information on scantron

 Scoring done off-site

 Staff support limited due to lack of knowledge about internalizers

 “I don’t have any students to screen”

 “Why are we calling out these students when they already have low selfesteem”

Universal Screener

Successes (Year 2)

 Scheduling screening window earlier allowed for flexibility with External Coaches to support teams

 Facilitators who participated Year 1 had the option conduct Screening Overview and

Administration without outside support

 Increased staff support due to knowledge and experience from Year1

Universal Screener

Successes (Year 2)

 In Year 2: Number of Students who were identified as internalizing / at risk for internalizing

 increased 25%: Elementary buildings

 Increased by 50%: Jr. High buildings

 Year 2: Increased number of students receiving Tier 2 support

 Did NOT have to wait until they failed or had more extreme behavioral problems!


Review: District Readiness

Think Back: Objectives

 Be able to explain an overview of Universal

Screening to a co-worker

 Be able to explain the rationale for including universal screening in your multi-tiered behavioral initiative:

 Benefits

 Concerns

 Briefly describe a district example including outcomes

 Identify a resource for more information on universal screening


Universal Screening Resources:

 Illinois PBIS Network:

 Search for “Universal Screening”

 http://www.pbisillinois.org/trainings/universalscre ening/presentations

 Florida PBIS: http://flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu/

 National PBIS Technical Assistance Center: www.PBIS.org

 RTI Action Network:

 http://www.rtinetwork.org/learn/research/univers al-screening-within-a-rti-model

 Jessica.swainbradway@pbisillinois.org

Additional Evidence-Based Screening


Screener Pros

Strengths and Difficulties

Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman,

2001) http://www.sdqinfo.org

• Measures internalizing/externalizing behaviors

• Free

• Option of completing pencil and paper, or online version

• Can be scored online

• Technically sound: Large, representative normative group


• Perceived length of administration time

• Items skewed toward externalizing behaviors

Student Risk Screening Scale

(SRSS; Drummond, 1993)

Social Skills Improvement

System (SSIS; Gresham & Elliott,

2008) http://psychcorp.pearsonassess


• Measures internalizing/externalizing behaviors

• Free

• Quick to administer (less than 5 minutes per student; 15 minutes for entire class, depending upon number of students)

• Easy to understand and interpret score results

• Technically-adequate

• Measures problem behaviors, social and academic competence

• Computer and web-based (AIMSweb) administration and scoring available

• Not as accurate as the SSBD regarding identification of internalizers

• Expensive: Technical manual=$105.60; Rating forms=

$43.75 for package of 25 handscored forms; scoring software=

$270.00; Scanning software=
