WAIAPU PARISH ACCOUNTING SCHEME Revised August 2014 What do we do? We Offer Accounting and Payroll Services to: • 33 Parishes • Waiapu Board of Diocesan Trustees (the banker and property owner) • Diocese of Waiapu (administration centre) • Bishopric Endowment Trust (Bishop) • 3 Hospital Chaplaincies (Hawkes Bay, Tauranga, Gisborne) • Gisborne Bible in Schools • Anglican School (St Matthews, Hastings) Who are we? Tracey O’Shaughnessy: • • • Finance Manager - with oversight of the Parish Accounting Scheme Full Time Email: finance.manager@waiapu.com Lesley Thomas: • • • • Parish Administrator Full Time Responsible for Financial Reports & General Ledger Journals, Parish Bank Transactions, Payroll, Aps, Direct Debits. Email: parish. administrator@waiapu.com Robyn Owen: • • • • • Accounts Payable Clerk Full Time 8.30am till 3.00pm Responsible for all Accounts Payable Email: accounts.payable@waiapu.com How Much do we Process? Every month we process: • • • • • • Over 1200 bank statement entries Over 1300 creditors settled Over 100 employees paid Over 40 monthly reports issued Over 200 phone calls answered Over 600 emails received What does this mean… • Your instructions need to be timely, clear, and right first time Monthly Timeline • 11th – Start processing bank statements and accounts payable for the month • 16th – All payroll changes, timesheets must be received • 18th – All Invoices for payment at 20th to be received by mid-day • 19th – Payroll sent to Bank • 20th – 20th creditors are paid • 30th – Last creditors are paid • 2nd – Last bank entries processed and bank reconciled (if all documentation has been received) • 4th – Imprest statements to be received • 9th – All Imprest statements to be processed • 10th – Monthly Reports finalised and issued to vestry How can you help us • By using the correct paperwork, completing it correctly, and sending it to us on a timely basis o within 24 hours of deposit o direct debits sent to us as soon as you receive them (these can be ratified by vestry later) • Ensuring you remember our monthly timeline • Blank forms can be downloaded at http://www.waiapu.com/resources/managementinformation/parish-accounting/forms Deposits • Did you know that all 33 Parishes in the accounting scheme share the same bank account, meaning the source of all deposits must be identified otherwise some other Parish might get credited your income !!! Parish Admin Deposits • All deposits made at the bank must be made using the special deposit book containing your Parish name and number • When you start your last deposit book please contact the Parish Administrator and she will organise for new deposits books to be sent to you. Do not go to the bank direct. Parish Admin Deposits cont’d • Followed up with a coded banking summary (preferably emailed – faxes are unreliable and mail is too slow) • • • • • • • To be received within 24 hours of the deposit Only need to make 1 deposit per day 1 deposit per summary Enter actual date of deposit Name of Parish Number of parish in top right hand corner Enter Code for each line (refer to code list – if in doubt – call us) • If deposit is for Diocese Bank account (ie.Marsden Cross/ Top Parish) use seperate Deposit Summary and cross out Parish Accounting Scheme at top of form and email information to Robyn accounts.payable@waiapu.com Deposit analysis form Parish Administrator Deposits cont’d • If you transfer any money into our account by internet banking please indentify your Parish in the reference field and the code ‘1124’. (and don’t forget to send us a transfer form) • If you are expecting a third party to deposit into our account please let us know (eg cattle sales, cottage rentals). • Send us details: Parish Admin - Who the funds are from - What Parish they relate to - What Code to enter them to - Any Paperwork you have received from the supplier Deposits - codes • • • • • In the Parish Chart of Accounts Income should normally be coded to: 2000-2499 Offerings & Donations of various kinds 2500-4200 All other income including Rent, Interest & Grants 9000-9099 Op Shop Income 9300 Ezee Meal Sales 9800-9899 Capital Projects and items outside budget (ie Grants) • Income should not be coded against any expense codes Parish Admin Payables – Accounts for payment • All Invoices are paid on the 20th and should be passed as approved at vestry and sent to Diocesan Office by mid-day on the 18th. • They are then sent to Accounts Payable with a coded covering sheet authorising the listed accounts for payment. • All reimbursements should be on the appropriate claim form and should include the supplier’s name, postal address, email address and bank account for payment. Don’t forget to get these authorised by an approved person. • Reimbursements and urgent invoices are to be into the Diocesan Office by 11am Wednesday for payment on Thursday. • Any Accounts being paid by Direct Debit should be clearly separated from those requiring a cheque to be raised. Do not hold these invoices but send these in before their due date for payment. (Remember - You are responsible for coding – please refer to your budget) Payables Payables Schedule of accounts payable Urgent Payments • Urgent Payments can be forwarded to us by 11am on Wednesday for payment each Thursday. Please ensure all documentation is included and contains the correct authorisation. Payables Payables cont’d • GST will only be claimed (reducing the cost to the Parish) where a valid invoice supplied (incl reimbursements) • Payments will not be made on statements, only on invoices. • Where possible supply details of the creditors email address and bank account details (so payment and remittances can be electronic –saving money). Payables – using investment funds • Occasionally Parishes require payments to be made from investments funds rather than the cheque account. • Code the invoice and submit the invoice for payment as normal (if it’s a repair code it to repairs, do not code it to the investment code). • Send through a separate request to action a funds transfer from investment account to the cheque account to cover the payment. (the form is on our website) • We suggest you send us a copy of your vestry minutes approving this transfer. Payables - Codes • All payables should be coded to an expense code. These are typically: • 5000-5999 Personnel Expenses • 6000-6999 Parish Operating Costs • 7000-7999 Assessments & Levies • 8000-8999 Property Costs • 9100-9299 Op Shop Expenses • 9300-9399 Ezee Meal Expenses • 9800-9899 Capital Projects and items outside of budget (they may be moved at year end) Petty Cash – Accounts Payable • Most Parishes have a petty cash float • When the float needs topping up send us the petty cash reimbursement form setting out what has been spent (coded and authorised) and copies of the receipts • We will send you an open cheque to cash to reimburse the float Payables Petty Cash Imprest Account • Why do we have them: o Allow parishioners to pay offerings by automatic payments o To manage debtors invoices sent – i.e. hall hire, wedding/funeral charges o To isolate fund-raising etc. for major long term capital works o To pay small local payments (ie. catering /supermarket purchases) • What you can’t do with an imprest account: o Have an eftpos/debit card on this account o Have a credit card attached Imprest Account • Authority on payments: All payments must be authorised by 2 appointed members of your Vestry. Your Administrator should not have signing authority on this account. • How many imprest accounts do you really need? One? o You are missing out on interest (Why not place the funds in a call account with WBDT?) o Your Parish Accounting Scheme Bank account may be in overdraft costing you interest. Imprest Account - Transfers • No need to maintain a fixed dollar balance in your Imprest Account anymore. You manage the balance • If you have surplus money write out a cheque and deposit it into the Parish Accounting Bank and send us an Imprest Funds Transfer Form. This gets coded to 1124. • If you need the account funded send us a Imprest Funds Transfer Form stating the account number to be funded and the amount to fund. This gets coded to 1124. Imprest Account Parish Admin Imprest Account - Process • By the 4th of the month you should send us your imprest bank statements for the previous month . We suggest you use the imprest account analysis form - contact us if you are going to be late • Attach copies of all invoices paid through the account (otherwise we won’t claim GST). • If your Parish financial statements have a balance in 1124 at month end your Imprest Account and Parish Bank Account are not processed to same date. Suspense Account - 1125 • If your Parish has a balance in account 1125 at the end of the month this is because we have identified a transaction belonging to your Parish but we do not know what it relates to. Please advise us before the next month end so this account can be cleared. (normally un-identified Deposits and Direct Debits) • Contact us if there is a balance in this code brought forward from a previous month which has not cleared. Cash Management - Parish • It is important than you manage the cash balance of your Parish Bank Account. This is your Vestry’s responsibility! • Any overdrafts will be charged interest on a daily basis and the interest will be shared out between the Parishes in funds. • It is not worth holding large investment accounts or imprest balances if your Parish bank account is in overdraft. How to read financials Statement of Financial Operations for Period ending 31 August 2011 Note MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual Parish Income 2000-2499 Offerings/Donations 1 6,361 2500-3999 Other Receipts 2 15,209 4000-4999 Mission Giving 3 Total Parish Income - 33,124 37,280 160,507 32,950 45 480 (4,156) 127,557 (435) 89,476 56,352 29,214 79,079 (81,428) 26,620 1,150 1,105 501 21,569 193,676 70,710 122,966 169,705 (23,971) 56,334 45,655 1,064 109,570 64,979 35,795 Parish Expenditure 5000-5999 Personnel Costs 4 9,782 44,591 6000-6999 Parish Operating Costs 5 3,076 14,897 8,955 (5,942) 21,493 6,596 11,036 7000-7999 Assessments/Levies 6 3,322 15,355 11,835 (3,520) 28,400 13,045 12,121 8000-8999 Property Costs 7 4,320 15,220 11,390 (3,830) 27,350 12,130 17,618 20,500 90,063 77,835 (12,228) 186,813 96,750 76,570 1,070 103,613 (7,125) 110,738 (17,108) 120,721 (20,235) (13,971) (113,521) (2,085) (111,436) (5,000) 108,521 (31,967) Total Other Activities (13,971) (113,520) (2,085) (111,435) (5,000) 108,520 (31,967) TOTAL SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (12,902) (9,906) (9,210) (696) (22,108) 229,241 (52,202) Total Parish Expenditure Parish Operating Surplus/(Deficit) Other Activities 9800-9900 Capital Projects Parish Accountant 11 How to read financials Gisborne - Holy Trinity Statement of Financial Position as at 31 August 2011 This Year Equity 9905Retained Earnings Brought Forward Net Surplus/(Deficit) this Year Total Retained Earnings 3,675,740 (9,906) 3,665,834 Reserves 9980Revaluation Perm Fund Units 9999Revaluation Land & Buildings Total Reserves 98,371 - Total Equity 0420 0421 Assets Current Assets 1000ANZ Cheque Account - Parish Accounting 042 - BNZ Imprest A/C - Gisborne 042 - Petty Cash Balance 1123Interest Accrual 1125Suspense Account 1130Goods & Services Tax Total Current Assets INVESTMENTS WBDT Income Fund WBDT Permanent Fund Other Total Investments 1200-1699 1700-1849 1850-1999 1180,1186,1192 1182,1188,1194 1184,1190,1196 Fixed Assets Church Land & Buildings Furniture & Equipment Vicarage Land & Buildings Total Fixed Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities 1145PAYE 1150Creditors 1155Grants In Advance 1040Funds on Behalf - Missions 1045Funds on Behalf - Centre Group 1050Funds on Behalf - Wholeness Donations 1055Funds on Behalf - Interfaith Group 1060Vicars Discretionary Fund 1065Missions Group Holy Trinity 1095MBTI Workshop 1100Vicars Discretionary Fund 3,646,439 84,956 (22,187) 34 15,220 1,125 3,353 (2,454) 842,252 221,869 652,824 874,693 2,839,261 2,350,000 15,854 471,808 2,837,662 2,350,000 16,818 472,443 3,766,469 782 (737) 49 891 46 0 400 402 431 - 3,709,901 538 60,829 0 791 (0) 288 284 431 300 Total Current Liabilities 2,264 63,462 Total Liabilities 2,264 63,462 3,764,204 3,646,439 Net Assets Parish Accountant 98,371 3,764,205 171,542 670,710 - Total Assets 3,618,156 (52,202) 3,565,954 80,485 80,485 32,147 2,306 215 15,190 138 34,960 12 13 14 Last Year How to read financials Statement of Financial Operations for Period ending 31 August 2011 Note 1 - Offerings/Donations 2000Offerings - Envelopes 2027Offerings - Envelopes Te Hapara 2100Offerings - Cash 2153Offerings - Cash - Te Hapara 2160Annual Giving 2200Offerings Donations 2205Offerings - Special Events Note 2 - Other Receipts 2500Fair/Gala 2530Fundraising 2600Parish Function/Special Event 2640Catering Income 2700Weddings/Funerals/Baptisms/Blessings 2800Interest/Dividends 2900Rent - Church 2910Rent - Church Te Hapara 2940Rent - Commercial/Office 2960Rent - Cottage 2970Rent - Childcare/School 3000Rent - Hall 3002Rent - Hall Te Hapara 3100Magazine/Publication Income 3200Other Receipts 3230Community Projects 3600Special Project 3700Endowments/Bequests Received 3843Adult Activities 3950Grants - Foster Trust Parish Accountant MTD Actual YTD Actual 5,136 24,778 571 1,759 568 2,568 86 267 3,630 122 6,361 33,124 MTD Actual YTD Actual 89 8,901 8,901 1,508 43 478 3,038 15,190 522 522 170 170 770 2,311 2,000 711 2,133 139 2,628 814 2,064 4 210 100 150 121,617 30 500 15,209 160,507 YTD Budget 28,875 4,450 1,040 2,915 37,280 YTD Budget 2,085 415 250 2,500 19,635 3,900 4,165 32,950 Var to YTD Budget Budget FY Budget Remaining (4,097) 69,302 44,524 1,759 (1,759) (1,882) 10,674 8,106 267 (267) (1,040) 2,500 2,500 715 7,000 3,370 122 (122) (4,156) 89,476 56,352 Last Year YTD Actual 22,440 4,124 2,650 29,214 Var to YTD Budget Budget FY Budget Remaining (1,996) 5,000 4,911 8,901 (8,901) 1,093 1,000 (508) (250) 600 600 (2,022) 6,000 5,522 (4,445) 47,119 31,929 (3,378) 9,360 8,838 170 (170) 2,311 (2,311) 2,000 (2,000) 2,133 (2,133) (1,537) 10,000 7,372 2,064 (2,064) 4 (4) 210 (210) 150 (150) 121,617 (121,617) 30 (30) 500 (500) 127,557 79,079 (81,428) Last Year YTD Actual 1 99 693 15,220 3,570 2,160 4,866 11 26,620 How to read financials Note 3 - Mission Giving 4000Anglican Missions MTD Actual YTD Actual 45 45 Note 4 - Personnel Costs 5000Clergy Stipends 5050Clergy Service Fees 5100Travel Reimbursement 5200Travel - Car Depreciation 5300Clergy - Hospitality 5320Clergy - Phone & Broadband 5400Clergy - Books 5450Clergy Supervision 5460Clergy Conference 5510Wages - Parish Secretary/Administrator 5530Wages - Cleaner/Caretaker 5580Wages - Family/Youth Worker 5620Wages - Supervisor 5650Wages - Other 5750ACC Premiums MTD Actual YTD Actual 4,179 20,828 99 130 835 126 629 (738) 145 780 800 800 1,963 7,989 1,105 5,475 1,335 7,893 9,782 44,591 Parish Accountant YTD Budget 480 480 Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual (435) 1,150 1,105 501 (435) 1,150 1,105 501 YTD Budget 20,635 Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual (193) 49,520 28,692 20,523 (99) (99) (0) 2,000 1,165 650 105 250 250 (4) 1,500 871 677 738 738 415 1,000 1,000 446 (365) 1,000 220 280 (800) (800) (904) 17,000 9,011 8,029 (475) 12,000 6,525 4,416 4,165 10,000 10,000 544 (1,643) 15,000 7,107 125 300 300 231 1,064 109,570 64,979 35,795 835 105 625 415 415 7,085 5,000 4,165 6,250 125 45,655 How to read financials Statement of Financial Operations for Period ending 31 August 2011 Note 5 - Parish Operating Costs 6000Advertising 6020Church Stores/Supplies 6030Cleaning 6050Audit Fees 6080Fair Expenses 6100Kitchen & Cleaning 6210Bank Charges 6230Catering Expenses 6250Choir & Music 6280Flowers 6290Worship Resources 6300Communion Supplies 6500Printing Stationery 6510Computer Expenses 6520Photocopying Charges & Rental 6530Subscriptions/Copyright 6540Library 6550Postage 6600Telephone - Church 6605Telephone - Clergy/Vicarage 6610Telephone - Mobile 6620Telephone - Yellow Pages 6650Community Projects 6695Alpha & Discipleship Courses 6700Christian Education 6710School Aged Activities 6712Kids Church Expenditure 6715Youth Activities 6720Adult Activities 6721Divorce Care 6725Evangelism & Outreach 6735Pastoral Care/Hospitality 6750Conferences/Seminars/Training 6790Volunteer Expenses 6800Sundry Expenses 6820Drop In Centre Expenses 6850Parish Functions 6860Synod Expenses 6900Weddings/Funerals Costs 6920Special Events Parish Accountant MTD Actual YTD Actual (41) 15 23 48 705 49 49 192 8 80 236 85 685 33 39 467 45 187 417 1,725 434 918 918 289 297 1,407 168 1,013 1,253 150 (35) 91 80 80 3 114 150 1,031 106 144 111 379 88 219 325 398 300 665 (43) 1,015 223 223 21 331 62 3,076 14,897 YTD Budget 415 85 165 210 65 125 250 250 40 125 835 210 625 315 1,165 1,000 835 415 415 85 415 40 415 40 415 8,955 Var to YTD Budget Budget FY Budget Remaining 456 1,000 1,041 62 200 177 (540) 400 (305) 210 500 500 (49) (49) (127) 143 (49) 45 300 220 14 600 364 (435) 600 (85) 7 100 67 (39) (39) (342) 300 (167) 648 2,000 1,813 210 500 500 (1,100) 1,500 (225) (434) (434) (918) (918) 26 750 461 (242) 2,800 1,393 1,000 2,400 2,400 (1,013) (1,013) (1,253) (1,253) 685 2,000 1,850 (91) (91) 335 1,000 920 (3) (3) 301 1,000 886 (946) 200 (831) (144) (144) 415 1,000 1,000 (379) (379) (219) (219) (358) 100 (298) (300) (300) 415 1,000 1,000 (665) (665) (975) 100 (915) (223) (223) 84 1,000 669 (62) (62) (5,942) 21,493 6,596 Last Year YTD Actual 1,417 513 220 70 383 271 856 368 178 1,996 1,242 789 86 40 516 794 200 218 878 11,036 How to read financials Note 6 - Assessments/Levies 7000Parish Assessment 7100Anglican Missions Board 7400Donations MTD Actual YTD Actual 2,379 10,638 943 4,217 500 3,322 15,355 YTD Budget 8,750 3,000 85 11,835 Note 7 - Property Costs 8000R & M - Church Buildings 8020R & M - Hall 8050R & M - Organ/Piano 8100R & M - Vicarage 8150R & M - Cottage 8200R & M - Equipment 8270R & M - Grounds 8300Insurance - Church 8350Security/Fire Alarm 8400Power/Gas - Church 8404Power/Gas - St Nicolas 8405Power/Gas - Te Hapara 8420Power/Gas - Hall 8440Power/Gas - Cottage 8600Rates - Church 8610Rates - Vicarage 8620Rates - Cottage 8660Rates - Hall 8661Rates - Hall Te Hapara 8700Rent MTD Actual YTD Actual 115 340 69 13 87 275 1,272 1,008 4,353 121 332 484 1,267 41 400 (23) 616 1,432 49 444 790 1,003 709 1,414 1,177 508 554 345 345 4,320 15,220 YTD Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual 415 300 1,000 885 263 415 75 1,000 660 2,661 250 250 600 600 317 210 141 500 431 668 1,540 40 (47) 100 13 625 (1,272) (1,272) 1,388 5,000 647 12,000 7,647 3,245 145 (187) 350 19 55 835 (432) 2,000 733 880 (400) (400) 410 (616) (616) 1,875 443 4,500 3,068 2,184 (444) (444) 343 250 (753) 600 (403) 698 1,040 (374) 2,500 1,086 1,106 915 (262) 2,200 1,023 576 (554) (554) (345) (345) 660 11,390 (3,830) 27,350 12,130 17,618 Parish Accountant Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual (1,888) 21,000 10,362 9,121 (1,217) 7,200 2,983 3,000 (415) 200 (300) (3,520) 28,400 13,045 12,121 How to read financials Statement of Financial Operations for Period ending 31 August 2011 Note 8 - Op Shop Operating Costs MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual Note 11 - Capital Projects MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget Var to YTD Budget Last Year Budget FY Budget Remaining YTD Actual Income 9800Church Conservation Donations - 9801Church Conservation Grant - Lottery 9805Church Conservation Grant -Other 9820Church Conservation Expenses 9865Furniture & Equipment Expenses Surplus/(Deficit) - Parish Accountant 10,000 (23,971) (13,971) 2,000 24,442 10,000 (144,206) (5,757) (113,521) (2,085) (2,085) 2,000 24,442 10,000 (144,206) (3,672) (111,436) - (2,000) - (5,000) (5,000) (24,442) (10,000) 144,206 757 108,521 (31,967) (31,967) How to read financials Statement of Financial Position as at 31 August 2011 Note 12 - WBDT Income Funds 1650 1652 1653 1654 1656 1658 1660 1662 1664 1666 1668 1675 042 - WBDT C R Willis Fund - 3437 042 - WBDT CPW Investment - 3420 042 - WBDT Conservation Fund - 3421 042 - WBDT Est D J Pilmer - 3430 042 - WBDT Est H J Phillips - 3438 042 - WBDT Est M M L Cooper - 3428 042 - WBDT Est V Ferdinando - 3435 042 - WBDT General Fund - 3440 042 - WBDT Land Trust - 3415 042 - WBDT Maintenance Fund - 3425 042 - WBDT Welfare Fund - 3410 043 - WBDT Vicarage Fund - 4060 Total 85 66,400 48,859 5,000 247 2,163 19,394 3,377 6,706 7,634 11,077 600 Last Year 161,137 5,000 - 29,784 3,201 7,128 4,759 10,860 - 171,542 221,869 Note 13 - WBDT Permanent Funds This Year Last Year 1827042 - WBDT Court Trust (Units) - 6155 1831042 - WBDT T Price Fund (Units) - 6150 1833042 - WBDT W O'Halloran Units - 6160 56,250 173,077 441,383 54,750 168,461 429,613 670,710 652,824 Total Parish Accountant This Year Journals – Parish Accountant • Corrections to coding/data entry errors should be completed on correct form and should include reason. • Journals will be dated in the system on the 1st of the month following the original transaction. Budgets • Why do we need them: • Help us ensure you have considered your income and expenditure for the year and have a plan in place. • Variances to budgets highlights potential issues for your Vestry to consider. • Items outside budget should be approved by vestry before processing. Payroll • Your Parish Vestry has responsibilities under the Employment Relations and Holidays Acts as well as other legislation • http://www.dol.govt.nz/er/ • Timesheets, Leave Applications, Payroll Changes, Termination documents must be received by the 16th. They must be authorised by an approved person. • Blank forms are available on http://www.waiapu.com/resources/managementinformation/parish-accounting/forms Payroll – cont’d • New Employees must provide the following documents before they will be paid: Signed Employment Agreement Full Job Description Completed “New Employee” form Bank Deposit Slip IR330 (Tax Code Declaration) Kiwisaver Declarations – KS2 and KS10 if opting out Personal Email Address for payslips Minimum Adult Wage $13.75 p/hr http://www.dol.govt.nz/infozone/myfirstjob/employers/checklist.asp Parish Administrator Payroll – cont’d • Common issues with paperwork - Sending start and finish times rather than hours worked eg 8.30am to 4.00pm - Including hours paid last month on current timesheet - Sending details of hours worked by volunteers • Payments to Clergy/Organists and others for services must go through payroll • http://www.ird.govt.nz/non-profit/np-staff/honoraria/ Parish Administrator Payroll – Timesheet, variable hours Parish Administrator Payment for Service Honoraria • Honoraria are payments made for services provided where no fixed payment would normally be made. They are treated as wage payments for tax purposes. • Examples – running a Op Shop, playing the organ at services, taking services. Taxing honoraria • If you are paying honoraria to an employee, we need to put these through payroll so please send us all the details • http://www.ird.govt.nz/non-profit/np-staff/honoraria/ Payment for Expenses Reimbursing expenses • Volunteers often incur expenditure associated with their voluntary activities. This could be from the activity itself or their travel to or from the activity. • Reimbursement payments are treated as tax-exempt income for the individual if they are based on: o actual expenditure, or o a reasonable estimate of the likely cost i.e. mileage claims Payables/Parish Admin Waiapu Board Investments • If you have surplus funds or ear marked gifts that are not needed in the short term you can earn interest on the funds with the Waiapu Board. • The Board operates 2 funds, a income fund (suits short to medium term investments), and a permanent fund (suits deposits of greater than 1 year in length). Parish Accountant Income Fund • Last year paid 4.75% pa • Invest a $1 and get back $1 + interest • Interest Paid annually on 31st March • Value of the fund $17m • Invested in Bank Call Accounts, Corporate Bonds, and Mortgages Permanent Fund • Last year paid 11.0% per unit (or 4.89% per $1 invested) • Invest a $2.25 and get 1 unit • Sell the unit and get the exit price at the time • Interest normally Paid annually on 31st March • Value of the fund $13m • Invested in Corporate Bonds, Equities, and Commercial Property Responsibility Wardens are responsible for all activities of the Parish including: • Financial Management and Reporting • Budgeting • Financial Audits Vestry is responsible for: • Employment and Legislation (being good employers) • Providing consistent, mission focused and future orientated planning of finances, property maintenance, leadership succession. By • Following Process • Transparency of Transactions Best Practice Moving towards best practice means consolidating processes between Diocese/parishes Separation of duties • Ensure that payment documents are processed correctly by having different people involved in the payment process. This principle is called separation of duties. • Best practice is to have different people: o Approve purchases – Vestry, minutes o Receive ordered materials o Approve invoices for payment – Warden/Treasurer o Review and reconcile financial records – Wardens/Vestry Parishes Best Practice cont’d • Potential consequences if duties are not separated: o Erroneous or fraudulent invoices approved for payment o Unauthorized payments made to non-existent vendors • So transparency in all transactions is essential. If we ask a question it will be from an audit point of view. Compliance + Accountability + Transparency + Consolidation = Efficiency We are here to assist.. So please call us! WHAT NOW? • Website – forms upgrade • Website – copy of this power point loaded • Payroll • review of employment agreements • standard job descriptions coming Question and Answer Time