Instructions for completing Form #4 are in Section II.A.4 of the EPC Manual Anne Arundel Community College Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee School Form #4 – Existing Course Major Modification Arts & Sciences Department EPC USE ONLY EPC NO.:_A&S-93____ Date Submitted: 10/14/11 American Sign Language 10/13/11 10/3/11 Signature of Approving Dean Date Signature of Approving Department Chair/Program Manager Lawrence Gray 7/20/11 866-300-3107 Initiator Date Phone Extension of Initiator EPC Subcommittee Review Carlene Cassidy 11/14/11 Date Subcommittee Chair EPC Committee Action Approved Disapproved 12/7/11 Date Academic Council Action Approved Disapproved 2/9/12 Date Existing Course Information: COURSE NO.: ASL/PSY 141 COURSE TITLE: CREDIT HOURS (credit-bearing courses): SEMESTER MODIFICATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: American Sign Language 1 3 DEVELOPMENTAL (equivalent credit hours): Fall 2012 MODIFICATION ACTION: (Mark all that apply, then complete the appropriate sections in “Modification Details”) 1. Change in Credit 2. Change in Course Title 3. Change in Catalog Description 4. Change in General Education 5. Change in Designator or Number 6. Change in Content 7. Change in Pre-entry Requirements 8. Change in Department 9. Change in Lab Fee 10. Other Modification Details EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11 Date N/A 1. Change In Credit: N/A From: To: Rationale for Change: Contact Hours Calculation: Present Contact Hours Per Semester Lecture Lecture Lab (check one): Lab (check one): Regular Regular Directed Directed Other (check one): 2. Changed Contact Hours Per Semester Other (check one): Practicum Practicum Clinical Clinical Recitation (music) Recitation (music) Total Contact Hours Total Contact Hours Change in Course Title: N/A Former Course Title: Proposed Course Title: Rationale for Change: 3. Change in Catalog Description: ASL 111 New Catalog Description: American Sign Language 1 3 credit hours — Three hours weekly; one term. Survey current systems of manual communications with an emphasis on American Sign Language. Focus on the manual alphabet, fingerspelling and vocabulary acquisition as well as on syntactical and grammatical structures that govern the language. Upon completion, students will have studied approximately 500 lexical sign items and be able to communicate in a rudimentary manner with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and adults. Rationale for Change: 4. Change of number and deletion of prerequisite. Change in General Education Status: N/A Is the course currently approved for General Education? Yes No Change to approve course For General Education Change in General Education category Change in other entries on Form #6 when course was previously approved Submit a copy of Form #6 (Worksheet for General Education Course) for any of the above changes. Change to remove course from General Education listing Rationale EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11 5. Change in Prefix or Number Prefix: From: Number: From: To: 141 To: Numbering change to match other World Languages Rationale for Change: 6. 111 Change in Content: Description of Change: New course outline attached Rationale for Change: Previous content was dated 7. Change in Pre-entry Requirements PREREQUISITES Current: Also offered as PSY 141; credit is not given for both ASL 141 and PSY 141. Change to: No prerequisite. Delete prerequisite because the crosslisting is being deleted Rationale for change: CO-REQUISITES Current: Change to: Rationale for change: 8. Change in Department (Interdepartmental only) N/A Current Department: Proposed Department: Rationale for change: 9. Change in Lab Fee N/A Current Fee: Proposed Fee: Rationale for change: Submit Form #10A or #10B Recommendation to Create/Modify a Course Lab Fee along with this proposal 10. Other Changes: Please note changes to the following: N/A GRADE POLICY: CHANGE CURRENT: A/F PASS/FAIL OTHER YES NO CHANGE TO: A/F PASS/FAIL Rationale for change: REPEATABLE FOR ADDITIONAL CREDIT: CURRENT YES CHANGE: NO YES NO CHANGE TO: If yes, number of hours: If yes, number of hours: Rationale for change: MAXIMUM SECTION SIZE: EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11 YES CHANGE: YES NO NO OTHER CURRENT CHANGE TO: Lecture Lecture Lab Lab Other (specify) Other (specify) Rationale for change: 11. LIST PROGRAMS REQUIRING THIS COURSE: Coordinators of affected programs have been notified of the proposed changes: YES NO 12. Have you have consulted with Truxal Library staff to ensure that adequate resources (books, reference materials, online databases) are available to support this course/program? YES NO 13.Continuing Education Share – Is this course to be shared with Continuing EducationYes If yes, state rationale: No The checklist below contains the documentation required to accompany this proposal form. Submit all documents in one email to the EPC Committee Chair and the Secretary. Form 4 Checklist (See “Instructions for Submitting Electronic Forms” in Section II.B of the EPC Manual) Document Form #4 – Existing Course Deletion or Modification Form #3A – Course Outline (Current) Form #3A – Course Outline (Modified) Form #10A or #10B – Recommendation to Create/Modify a Course Lab Fee As appropriate, please submit the following forms: Form #6 – General Education Course Form #12A – Diversity Course Form #7 – Computing and Information Technologies Competency Designated Course EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11 Attached N/A Form #3A – Course Outline Instructions for completing Form #3A are in Section II.A.4 in the EPC Manual ARNOLD, MARYLAND Course Information: Course Name: American Sign Language 1 Course Number: ASL 111 (formerly ASL 141) Credit Hours: 3 Initiator: Lawrence Gray School: Arts & Sciences Department: American Sign Language Date: August 25, 2011 EXTERNAL REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL EDUCATION INTERNAL REQUIREMENTS: DIVERSITY COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCY OTHER: DEVELOPMENTAL NONE OF THESE *Course Category (ies): Catalog Description: ASL 111 American Sign Language 1 3 credit hours — Three hours weekly; one term. Survey current systems of manual communications with an emphasis on American Sign Language. Focus on the manual alphabet, fingerspelling and vocabulary acquisition as well as on syntactical and grammatical structures that govern the language. Upon completion, students will have studied approximately 500 lexical sign items and be able to communicate in a rudimentary manner with deaf and hard-of-hearing children and adults. Division Of Subject Matter: Lecture Hours Main Topics 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Introduction to Gestures and Non-Manual Signals ASL Alphabet, Fingerspelling and Numbers Introducing Oneself Exchanging Personal Information Talking About Surroundings Telling Where You Live Talking About Your Family Telling About Activities Basic Deaf Culture Testing Total Directed/ Lab Hours Practicum/ Clinical 2 4 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 45 Detailed Course Outline Main Topic 1.0 Introduction to Gestures and Non-Manual Signals EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11 Lecture Hours 2 Lab Hours Practicum/ Clinical 1.1 Utilizing gestures 1.2 Utilizing non-manual signals (facial expressions and body language) 2.0 ASL Alphabet, Fingerspelling and Numbers 2.1 Forming and recognizing ASL alphabet and fingerspelling 2.2 Learning number 1-100 in ASL 3.0 Introducing Oneself 3.1 Asking for/giving names 3.2 Confirming and correcting information 3.3 Personal pronouns 4.0 Exchanging Personal Information 4.1 Asking personal questions 4.2 Responding to information 5.0 Talking About Surroundings 5.1 Utilizing mouth morphemes for sizes and distances 5.2 Real-world orientation of directions 6.0 Telling Where You Live 6.1 Asking/telling birthplace and residence 6.2 Real-world orientation of local cities and states 7.0 Talking About Your Family 7.1 Asking/telling family, children, siblings, marital statuses and sexual orientations 7.2 Possessive pronouns 7.3 Comparisons 8.0 Telling About Activities 8.1 Time signs: calendar, clock, mealtimes 8.2 Giving opinions 8.3 Apologizing and giving reasons 9.0 Basic Deaf Culture 9.1 Deaf norms in seating arrangement, attention getting and walking between signed conversations 9.2 “See What I Mean” film and discussion 9.3 “Audism Unveiled” film and discussion Testing Total 4 3 3 6 6 6 6 3 6 45 Textbooks Title Author Publisher Year of Publication ISBN Signing Naturally Student Workbook Level 1 (Vista American Sign Language Units 1-6) Ella Mae Lentz, Ken Mikos & Cheri Smith Dawn Sign Press 1988 978-1-58121-210-5 References (Optional) *NOTE: Eligibility for any of these categories must be clearly evident from the content of the detailed course outline. EPC Form 4 – Revised 6/11