UNBC TEACHING ASSISTANT MANUAL Blake Rowsell and Steffi LaZerte 2011 Editors (5th edition) TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome from the Director ...................................................................................................................... 1 Northern BC Graduate Students Society .................................................................................................. 2 PART I: Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 3 Rights, Responsibilities and Roles of a Teaching Assistant .................................................................. 4 Graduate Teaching Assistant Workload Agreement................................................................................. 6 Teaching Assitant Checklist..................................................................................................................... 7 PART II: The Teaching Environment .............................................................................................................. 9 Creating a Positive Teaching Environment .......................................................................................... 10 What is “Learning Style”? ....................................................................................................................... 11 Universal Instructional Design (UID): The 7 Principals ....................................................................... 14 Classroom & Laboratory Safety ............................................................................................................ 18 PART III: Advice and Suggestions on Teaching ............................................................................................ 20 Teaching Plans ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Teaching Your First Class, Seminar, or Lab .......................................................................................... 23 Characteristics of an Effective Instructor ............................................................................................ 25 Characteristics of an Effective TA ......................................................................................................... 26 Running an Effective Laboratory Session ............................................................................................ 27 Conducting Office Hours ....................................................................................................................... 29 Quick Tips ................................................................................................................................................ 32 Tips for Teaching Students with Disabilities ........................................................................................... 34 Teaching Tips for International TAs ..................................................................................................... 36 Your Last Class ....................................................................................................................................... 38 PART IV: Instructional Strategies ................................................................................................................ 40 Active Learning ...................................................................................................................................... 41 Creating Dialogue in the Classroom ..................................................................................................... 43 Effective Communication ...................................................................................................................... 49 Basic Survival Tips for Marking & Grading .............................................................................................. 52 PART V: Evaluating Your Teaching .............................................................................................................. 54 Evaluating Your Teaching ...................................................................................................................... 55 Students Top 10 Complaints about Their Professors ......................................................................... 58 Teaching Dossiers .................................................................................................................................. 59 PART VI: Critical Incidents in Teaching ........................................................................................................ 61 Handling Student Grievances in the Classroom .................................................................................. 62 Responding to and Preventing Harassment & Discrimination ........................................................... 65 Students in Distress: A Guide for Faculty & Staff .................................................................................... 67 Guidelines for Academic Dishonesty ...................................................................................................... 70 PART VII: TA Resources ............................................................................................................................... 72 Resources for Teaching Assistants ....................................................................................................... 73 UNBC Wellness Centre .......................................................................................................................... 77 UNBC Contacts & Services .................................................................................................................... 79 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................... 80 Bibliography Teaching Awards ............................................................................................................. 82 Food for Thought ................................................................................................................................... 83 WELCOME FROM THE DIRECTOR Dr. William J. Owen (Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology) In 2006, Dr. Heather Smith, UNBC’s first National 3M Teaching Award winner, began putting together a Teaching Assistant Manual for all UNBC graduate students. With gracious support from Dalhousie University’s Centre for Teaching and Learning, who gave us permission to use any of their material with appropriate acknowledgements, the TA Manual has become a valuable resource for many graduate students. This manual is not a policy document, but rather a collection of advice for enhancing teaching excellence at UNBC based on best teaching practices. It is also important to note that some of the best advice we have received has come from you, UNBC’s graduate student community. We greatly appreciate hearing from you regarding the contents of this manual, the TA Workshops, and seminar sessions held throughout the year. If you come across an issue important to your role as a TA, and need to ask someone for advice, feel free to come and chat with us. At the Centre, we are here to support the development of communities for pedagogical excellence. In addition, we offer many types of events to support and enhance teaching at UNBC. I invite all faculty, staff and graduate students to participant in the many CTLT events planned for this academic year. Let’s ensure that UNBC’s many communities of pedagogical excellence continue to grow and be a vibrant part of what makes UNBC an all-round excellent institution. I wish to thank the CTLT Advisory committee members for their amazing efforts in enhancing the best practices of teaching at UNBC . The committee consists of: William Owen (Chair), Chelsea Cody (Graduate Student Representative), Lisa Dickson, Vivian Fayowski , Maureen Hewlett, Dezene Huber, Andrew Kitchenham, Kealin McCabe , Saphida Migabo, Umesh Parshotam, Grant Potter and Carolyn Russell. We all hope that you will find this TA Manual to be useful in your role as a Teaching Assistant at UNBC. If you have any questions or comments about teaching and learning at UNBC, please feel free to contact me or any member of the CTLT Advisory committee. William J. Owen, Director, Centre of Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Email: owenw@unbc.ca Phone: (250) 960-6657 Web: www.unbc.ca/ctlt 1 NORTHERN BC GRADUATE STUDENTS SOCIETY 7-168 3333 University Way Prince George BC V2N 4Z9 Tel: (250) 960-5671 Fax: (250) 960-5582 www.nbcgss.ca Fellow graduate students, As the president of the Graduate Student Society, it is with great excitement that I welcome all new and returning students to the 2010-2011 academic year. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on obtaining a position as a teaching assistant. I am sure that you will find this exciting opportunity to be both challenging and rewarding. Being a teaching assistant allows you to work with both faculty and students to enhance the level of education that is being provided here at UNBC. The knowledge that you will take away from this position will allow you to make the most out of your graduate experience. The Graduate Student Society is here for you as you assist faculty members. We offer our support by providing office space that you can use to meet with students, evaluate papers, or conduct research. We will also host a number of social events throughout the year to help you unwind and connect with your peers. If you would like to sign up for office space or have any general questions, feel free to contact our administrative assistant, Corinne, at gssoffice@unbc.ca, or stop by our office located in the Bentley Center (7-168). The executive council is also here to assist you with any questions you may have. To connect with any of our council members, check out the NBCGSS website at nbcgss.ca under "Contact Us". Best of luck in all of your academic endeavors, Jennifer Nguyen 2010-2011 President, Graduate Student Society University of Northern British Columbia gsspres@unbc.ca 2 PART I: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3 RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND ROLES OF A TEACHING ASSISTANT Dr. Robert Tait (Psychology) Your role as a teaching assistant has many facets. You are an employee of the university, the representative of a Program, role model and advisor for students, assistant to a professor, and a subject expert and facilitator of learning. Your task will be to co-ordinate these facets into a positive and rewarding experience for you and your students. At the University of Northern British Columbia, a Teaching Assistant position explicitly involves forms of teaching; the position includes formal and informal interactions with students in the course. Interactions could include delivering lectures, conducting laboratory demonstrations, one on one teaching through informal tutorials or other instruction, or other direct interactions with students for instructional purposes. Additional duties can include, but can not be restricted to, holding office hours, assisting with marking that requires some subjective assessment, and providing other course preparation assistance to the professor. You should be aware of your Rights, Responsibilities and Roles. RIGHTS: As an employee of the University and a representative of your Program, you should Expect fair and consistent treatment. Be informed of the expected workload and have a clear understanding of your role. Expect compliance with the provisions of your appointment. Be able to say no to work that is not part of your agreement. Expect the protection of university policies and have the responsibility to adhere to the same policies. Expect to have your performance evaluated by students and by the course instructor. RESPONSIBILITIES: In all your interactions with your students, you have the responsibility to: Maintain a positive environment by being friendly, non-threatening and respectful. Use appropriate teaching methods and techniques. Evaluate their work on time and fairly (i.e., have an objective marking mechanism, keep records as evidence, maintain a distance to remain unbiased). Set boundaries so that harassment of any type is not an issue. Make your expectations and task expectations clear. Be on time for meetings and be available during posted office hours. Be aware of your own biases and not force your opinions on your students. ROLES: a) As a TA to your students: Be prepared; to read background material, when necessary, in preparation for responding to students’ queries. To listen carefully to the questions and statements of your students and respond accurately and honestly. 4 Do not overstate your knowledge; indicate when you do not know the answer to a question and then agree to find the answer before the next meeting. Admit to errors if they occur and correct then promptly. b) As a TA to a faculty member Discuss with the faculty member exactly what your duties will be for the course; Negotiate and then meet deadlines. Be reliable and do what you have indicated that you will do. Be familiar with the content of the text book and course outline. Be responsible for your actions and admit your mistakes. Give feedback, even if it is negative. Maintain contact with the course instructor. And finally, you should remember the main reason that you are at UNBC: to be a graduate student. Your primary responsibility is to ensure that you make satisfactory progress towards your degree. c) As a graduate student Make regular progress on your own work. Create and follow time lines for all of your academic responsibilities, which should include the time required to be a successful teaching assistant. Excel on your own assignments. Modified Oct 2011 by Stefanie LaZerte 5 GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT WORKLOAD AGREEMENT Dr. Saphida Migabo (Biology) In addition to completing the checklist outlined below, it is very important for you to meet with your faculty supervisor to go over the Graduate Teaching Assistant Workload Agreement. This meeting should ideally occur before your first class. The purpose of the Graduate Teaching Assistant Workload Agreement is to clarify the expectations and obligations of course supervisors and teaching assistants. This form is your contract between you and your supervisor. These documents can downloaded at: CSAM - http://unbc.ca/csam/forms.html CASHS - http://unbc.ca/cashs/forms.html These forms outline the duties and responsibilities of the TA, the support to be provided by the instructor and ensure that the assigned duties can be completed within the allocated hours. If you are new teaching assistant, it is advisable you keep track of the time spent on various duties. If you are unhappy, and feel overwhelmed with the amount of work or time you are expected to put into a course, start by talking to other TAs in your department to see whether your experiences are unusual and your expectations are realistic. Keep in mind that TA expectations vary from instructor to instructor and from program to program. If you feel, however, overwhelmed by the amount of work, speak to your supervisor. It is possible you can renegotiate your contract. If you have been asked to perform additional duties rather those agreed upon or duties that are inappropriate, do not suffer in silence. Speak to someone. Your advisor is a good person to start with. You can also make an appointment to see the program/department chair to discuss your concerns. 6 TEACHING ASSISTANT CHECKLIST UNBC Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology As a TA you will be working under the direction of a faculty member who will determine the course content and methods used for your teaching assignments. It is important to have a clear understanding of the course instructor’s expectations of you before you begin your teaching assignment. It is advisable you meet with your faculty supervisor to learn what is expected of you and to establish a range of responsibilities before your first class. These expectations can differ from professor to professor and across departments. The following checklist can be used as a starting point to facilitate a discussion between you and your supervisor. Course Information What are the course goals/objectives? Access to course outline/syllabus? Who are the students enrolled in this course (class list, background with subject, level, etc?) Names and contact information for other TAs assigned to the course? Workload distribution amongst TAs assigned to the course? Prerequisites – how do they apply to this course? Teaching Materials Will you be provided with a copy of the textbook? Other course materials? How will copies of other materials be made available? Will the course be supported by Blackboard? Who do you contact for technical support for Blackboard? Is laboratory safety training required? Specific Tasks What responsibilities will you have as the TA? Holding office hours Running lab or tutorial sections Lab/tutorial preparation time Presenting new material/lecture Leading discussions Creating section syllabus Assigning course grades Conducting review sections Setting up/cleaning up lab Providing feedback on and grading assignments and exams TA/Supervisor Meetings How frequently will you meet with your supervisor? Regularly scheduled meetings? As needed? How can the course instructor/supervisor be contacted? How can you be contacted by the instructor? 7 Class Meetings How often are you expected to attend lectures? What responsibilities will you have during class meetings/lectures? Will you be required to lecture/present new material? Marking/Grading/Assessment What responsibilities will you have with respect to marking and grading? How much marking/grading are you expected to do? Provision of marking guidelines/templates/rubrics? Will you be required to post marks? What is the protocol for marking/grading based complaints? Will you be required to invigilate exams? Evaluation and Feedback How will your performance be evaluated? Evaluation by instructor? Student ratings? When will evaluations be given? Mid-Semester? End of Semester? Adapted From: University of British Columbia Okanagan, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (2007), A Guide to Effective Practices for Teaching Assistants, 2007 University of British Columbia, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (2006), Instructional Resource Guide for Teaching Assistants, 2005/2006. 8 PART II: THE TEACHING ENVIRONMENT 9 CREATING A POSITIVE TEACHING ENVIRONMENT Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching Building a successful teaching environment depends on both the teacher and the student; however, the initial responsibility for achieving this state falls on the teacher — the individual perceived by the student as the expert, the figure of authority, or the leader within the relationship. The leadership position must be utilized, not abused, such that a mutual respect builds between teacher and student. This relationship cannot be established instantly or with ease but requires hard work, a genuine interest in teaching, and a concern for others. There are some general suggestions worthy of consideration as one engages in the teaching enterprise. 1) The first step is to forget that you are a student — you are now the teacher; but do not forget what it is like to be a student. Remembering the first time you entered a laboratory or stood in front of a tutorial group will help you appreciate students’ problems. This advice is probably useful for all teachers. 2) The second suggestion is to have realistic expectations of students. Most students are ambitious: they want to succeed, and they will respond to the challenges you present. Those students who truly don’t care, and there are always some, can only be encouraged to the extent they allow. If they are not in the class or laboratory, you cannot help; but when an opportunity occurs, you should encourage them. 3) The final general comment is to remember your favorite teachers and what you liked about them; then try to behave in the same manner. You may be surprised by how good it feels to have a positive impact on your students. 10 WHAT IS “LEARNING STYLE”? Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching Many university teachers do not realize that students vary dramatically in the way they process and understand information. These differences in learning, called "learning styles," refer to students' preferences for some kinds of learning activities over others. It is important to stress that we are discussing how students learn, and not what they learn. Researchers have examined various types of learning styles and these can be organized into the following categories: Personality - basic characteristics or predispositions e.g., extrovert/introvert Information Processing - how students tend to interact and behave in the classroom e.g., concrete experience/abstract conceptualizing. Instructional Preference - which teaching methods are preferred by students e.g., lecture/small group discussion. Why is learning style important? Information about students' learning style is important to both the teacher and the student for the following reasons: Low satisfaction or poor performance in a course or particular activity may be misinterpreted as lack of knowledge or ability, when it is actually difficulty with a particular style of learning. Teachers with an understanding of their students' learning styles are better able to adapt their teaching methods appropriately. Teachers who introduce a variety of appropriate teaching methods into their classes are more likely to motivate and engage students into learning. Students who learn about their own style become better learners, they achieve higher grades and have more positive attitudes about their studies, greater self-confidence, and more skill in applying their knowledge in courses. Information about learning styles can help teachers become more sensitive to the differences which students bring to the classroom. Information about learning styles can serve as a guide to the design of learning experiences that either match, or mismatch, students' style, depending on whether the teacher's purpose is efficiency of students' learning or developing skills with a style of learning in which the student is weak. Information about learning styles can assist in working with poorly prepared or new university students, as the highest drop-out rates occur with those groups. How can teachers use information about learning style? Some experts propose that teachers should accommodate learning style differences; others, while not totally absolving teachers of this obligation, shift the primary responsibility to students themselves. Any 11 approach to the accommodation of learning styles should recognize the constraints inherent in teaching at the university level, e.g., large classes, limited contact with students. The most realistic approach should respect the following principles: Students should be empowered through the development of awareness of their own learning styles. Teachers should vary their teaching methods and assignments so that no learning styles are totally disadvantaged across a whole course. One particularly helpful approach to learning styles is Kolb's "experiential learning model." This is described nicely by Anderson & Adams (1992).1 This model describes four dimensions in a learning cycle which include a learner's immersion in a concrete experience, followed by observations and reflections, followed by logically shaped or inductive formation of abstract concepts and generalizations, and finally, the empirical testing of the implications of concepts in new situations. This, in turn, gives rise to new experiences which starts the learning cycle again at a greater level of complexity. Table I below lists teaching activities that support different aspects of this learning cycle. Any of these can be further adapted for individual or group, competitive or collaborative, in-class or out-of-class activities. Table I: Teaching Activities that Support Different Aspects of the Learning Cycle Concrete Experience Reflective Observation Abstract Conceptualization Active Experimentation Readings Logs Lecture Projects Examples Journals Papers Fieldwork Field work Discussion Projects Homework Laboratories Brainstorming Analogies Laboratory Problem sets Thought questions Model building Case study Trigger films Rhetorical questions Simulations Observations Simulations/ games Text reading Tips for Instructors and Teaching Assistants Develop an awareness of the types of teaching activities or assignments that favor a particular learning style. (See table provided in this chapter for examples) Vary your teaching activities and assignments so that certain learning styles are not constantly disadvantaged. Allow students to choose, if possible, how they demonstrate competence in some assignments, e.g., paper or project, individual or team work. 12 Provide appropriate support when you know that an activity or assignment requires behaviours to which one style is unaccustomed. Techniques for doing this could include additional tutorials, group assignments, and availability during office hours and peer support. Determine your students' learning styles as much as possible. In other words, try to understand not only what your students know or don't know, but also how they came to know it. Techniques for doing this could include observation, discussion, or asking students to write a mini-paper on "How I learn best" or "My most rewarding learning experience." Questions also are available to assess various dimensions of learning styles. Conduct your own classroom-based "action research" on the relationship between learning styles and student satisfaction/performance. References 1 Anderson, J.A., & Adams, M. (1992). "Acknowledge the Learning Styles of Diverse Student Populations: Implications for Instructional Design." In L.L.B. Chism, Teaching for Diversity. New Directions in Teaching and Learning. no. 42, San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. 13 UNIVERSAL INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN (UID): THE 7 PRINCIPALS Maureen Hewlett (Disabilities Advisor) The learner-centredness approach to education aims to develop in each student, as early as possible, a sense of responsibility for his or her own learning. The emphasis is on self-reliant learning, which involves setting learning goals and monitoring one's own growth and development. It also includes making explicit the research/teaching link, skill development, and experiential learning. For this approach to be successful, an academic environment must be fostered in which students are actively supported as they take responsibility for their own learning. Universal Instructional Design (UID) guides educators in their endeavor to develop learner-centred instruction and course content. What is Universal Instructional Design? The core principle of UID is inclusiveness and equity. It suggests that ideally all students should be able to fulfill course requirements without special accommodations. What are the benefits of implementing UID? UID avoids segregating or stigmatizing any student. UID creates a learning environment that respects and values diversity. Exploring principle 1 – Be accessible and fair Guiding question: Is it likely that students will have difficulties accessing course materials or participating in any essential activities related to my classes? UID anticipates varying student needs and circumstances. It involves a commitment to remove barriers to accessing course materials and taking part in essential activities. Suggestions: In your syllabus, include an invitation for students with disabilities to meet with you to review their specific needs. In advance of a lecture, post an online summary of the key points to be covered in the class. Ensure all online materials are formatted so that they can be used with screen reading software. (Talk to Disability Services about how to do this if you are unsure) Exploring principle 2 – Be straightforward and consistent Guiding question: Are there major areas of confusion or inconsistency among course objectives, your own expectations and/or how the course is presented? UID overcomes confusion, coordinating all parts of the curriculum, and clarifying communications. Implementing what is known about learning and study skills. 14 Suggestions: Confirm that every question on your exam relates directly to information covered in class or within the written materials. Verbally communicate any changes to the course syllabus and also provide the changes in writing (e.g., online). Ensure consistency between written materials and PowerPoint slides this guides learning by providing visual and cognitive clues, i.e., predicting meaning and actions. – Exploring principle 3 – Provide flexibility in use, participation and presentation Guiding question Does the course offer students enough choices in how it is presented so that they can, to a reasonable extent, approach the course in a way that suites their needs and abilities? : UID offers options in order to enable physical use, allow fuller participation, and permit suitable demonstration of mastery of course requirements. Use your imagination to create a rich learning environment for all involved. Suggestions: Offer students the option of submitting a written report or doing a class presentation. Choose textbooks early and ensure the publisher will provide them in alternative formats (e.g., digital/electronic). Design group work projects so that students have choices in how they participate (e.g., face-toface or online). Exploring principle 4 – Be explicitly presented and readily perceived Guiding question: Are there barriers to students receiving or understanding the information and resources they need in this course? UID maximizes all communication media, without presumption that students are physically or cognitively enabled for all media. Use a two-pronged review of course materials, resources and delivery. There is a difference between explicitly presented and readily perceived. Imagine a clearly spoken lecture presented in a dim room with a hearing-impaired student in the back row. Suggestions: Provide an in-class demonstration of the course website or Blackboard. Post online summaries of key lecture points and/or provide online lecture notes. Ensure all online pictures and graphics have text-based descriptions. Provide a choice of file formats on your website or Blackboard. Provide verbal explanations of key information presented in class through visual aides. 15 Exploring principle 5 – Provide a supportive learning environment Guiding question: Will students feel respected as individuals, welcome to express their thoughts and able to explore new ideas in the course? UID is about attitudes and actions that demonstrate respect for students as adults, contributing to the learning of all. Encouraging questions and comments and respecting individual needs. Suggestions: Encourage experimentation and make it ok not to succeed at first. Provide an online option where students can post comments and ask each other questions - define guidelines for use! Encourage students to sit beside someone different at each lecture and give them 2 minutes to introduce themselves. Encourage more experienced students to share their knowledge with others - create a collaborative learning atmosphere. Exploring principle 6 – Minimize unnecessary physical effort or requirements Guiding question: If there are physical challenges or obstacles to participating in this course, can they be reduced or avoided? UID recognizes that students will be of a wide range of ages, backgrounds, physical characteristics and personal circumstances. Systematically eliminate, or at least adjust, anything that requires physical effort. Suggestions: Ensure you have an efficient, user-friendly interface for your course website or online materials. Assignments requiring physical effort should be designed as group activities. If the course includes online conferencing provide students with a summary of netiquette, include a reminder to put new information at the top of a forwarded message so that students using screen readers do not have to re-listen to old information before hearing the new information. Exploring principle 7 – Ensure a learning space that accommodates both students and instructional methods Guiding question: Is it likely that students will find any of the materials or activities in this course to be inappropriate or unsuitable? UID recognizes that learning happens in intellectual as well as physical space. Review the entire student experience from the standpoint of appropriateness, suitability, and psychological accord, avoiding discord. 16 Suggestions: Check your class enrollment numbers and visit the assigned classroom prior to the beginning of the semester. Adapt your course plans if needed, be creative. Design an online component that will enhance learning and alleviate classroom constraints. 17 CLASSROOM & LABORATORY SAFETY Dr. Saphida Migabo (Biology) As the TA present in a classroom or laboratory, it is your responsibility to be aware of all safety rules and regulations. This is true even if you are not the formal authority (i.e. Instructor or Professor) normally present; make sure you can handle an emergency in the absence of the faculty member. The most effective way of ensuring you can handle a potential emergency is to be prepared. All TAs planning on teaching any labs are required to take a mandatory TA training safety course before teaching or assisting. This course is offered twice during the year, at the beginning of fall and winter semesters. Check with your instructor or Senior Laboratory Instructor for the dates. The following tips will help you ensure classroom and lab safety: 1) Familiarize yourself with the UNBC Laboratory Safety Reference manual. This manual is available in all labs. 2) Each lab is equipped with a telephone. In case of an emergency, call campus security at 3333 (within Campus) or 250-960-3333 (outside campus). The number for non- emergency calls is 7058. Know where the telephone is located in the room. 3) Know the locations of fire/emergency exits, fire alarms, and the best evacuation routes. Evacuation plans for each building are posted in the lab and hallways. Know the Evacuation Assembly point for your building. 4) Know the location of fire extinguishers, emergency fire blankets, emergency showers, and eye wash stations and how to use them. 5) If you are using any chemicals in the lab, familiarize yourself with the accompanying Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). From UNBC computers, they are available online at http://ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) symbols posted on the bulletin board in your room. 6) Familiarize yourself with fumehood operations. 7) Contain only small unhazardous spills in the laboratories. In the event of hazardous chemical spills, or major spills (several litres) follow the call out procedures posted in each lab near the phone. The first call goes to Security (3333) and then Security will contact the Chemical Safety Officer. Call security non emergency number (7058) for minor spills. In case of gas leak, if you can safely do so, try to confine the leak by shutting off the source of gas, closing the door, etc. Report gas leaks or suspicious odours to Campus security. 8) In the event of fire, call 3333 to report the details and pull the fire alarm. Ensure the safety of students and other occupants of the building. 18 9) In the event of fire alarm, direct your students to evacuate the building by the fire exit or shortest route. Do not use elevators. Give assistance to handicapped persons and close the door but do not lock it. Do not return to the building until authorized. 10) In the event of serious injury or illness, do not move the injured person unless it is a life threatening situation. If possible, do not leave an injured person unattended. Call Campus Security at 3333 and give as much information as you can. Security will arrange for medical help and an ambulance, if required. Return and remain with the injured person, obtaining local medical assistance if available. 11) The following safety regulations must be adhered to: No smoking or food or drinks are allowed in the labs. Lockers are available outside each lab for storage of these items. Appropriate footwear must be worn (open toed shoes, sandals, bare or stockinged feet present an accident risk). Shorts or short clothing (skirts/skorts/etc.) cannot be worn under the lab coats. Lab coats must be worn in all wet labs. Contacts lens should not be worn in the lab. When required, wear appropriate protective equipment such as safety eye glasses, shields and gloves. No horseplay and pranks: they are potentially dangerous. Long hair should be tied back to minimize fire hazards and contamination of experiments. Develop a healthy respect for chemicals, know safety procedures (e.g. use of fume hood, gloves, eye protection and how chemicals should be stored), and be alert for unsafe practices and techniques. Encourage students to wash their hands before leaving the lab and not to put anything in their mouths including pencils, fingers etc. No tasting of any substance or solution is allowed. Treat all live animals gently and with respect. Use lab equipment properly. If you are unfamiliar with any equipment, check with your supervisor first or use the equipment manual if available. Keep lab benches clean and clear of clutter. Student s bags should be placed under their benches or at the front. Discard lab waste in the appropriate buckets and bottles. Waste is segregated into liquid, solid and sharps. Biohazard solid waste is disposed in the 20-L plastic buckets available in each lab. Familiarize yourself with disposal protocols posted in the labs. Liquid waste should be discarded in the glass liquid bottles. Record type of waste added to each bottle. In cases where you need immediate disposal, call the University Dispensing Chemist at 6472. Sharps (blades, needles, scalpels etc) are disposed in the sharps container available in each lab. Do not discard chemicals, radioactive materials, sharp objects or animal tissues along with regular garbage. ' 12) In cases when you are to take students outside even for brief periods, make sure you are aware of possible dangers and ways to minimize them. Ask students to familiarize themselves with the safety and risks clause which can be found on the first page of the Undergraduate/Graduate University Calendars. 13) At the end of each lab, return all equipment and supplies to their original locations. 19 PART III: ADVICE AND SUGGESTIONS ON TEACHING 20 TEACHING PLANS Dr. Saphida Migabo (Biology) and Dr. Bill Owen (Director, CTLT) You should always have a teaching or lesson plan, whether you a giving a lecture, leading a tutorial or a laboratory session. A teaching plan provides structure for your classes. Below is a list of basic things you need to consider when developing your lesson plan. 1) Lesson Title: What is the title for this specific lesson? 2) Topic to Teach: What is it that you want to teach? Consider the main concepts and objectives of the course. 3) Specific Objectives: Develop clear, measurable and specific objectives for the session. 4) Learning Outcome(s): What will the students be able to do or know by end of the session? How will you know that you achieved your objective? 5) Materials Required: What materials, resources, technology will be required for this lesson? 6) Lesson Procedure & Learning Tasks: This can be broken into 3 main parts: Introductory, instructional methods and conclusion or closure. Introductory: Your introduction can make or break your session. Consider how you will focus your student’s attention. Do you need to provide students any background information? Main Activity & Instruction Methods: What methods, activities or techniques will you use? In this step, you should have a detailed step by step description of everything you will be doing during the lesson. Consider the order which the materials will be presented and allocate approximate time required to complete each activity. Conclusion or closure: What will you do to summarize your lesson? Recap key concepts? Preview of future topics? Review application of the knowledge? 7) Class Management: If you are planning any classroom activities, will students work in groups? If so, how many in a group? Will all the groups carry out the activities, or one group will perform one part of the activity? How will the groups’ finding be reported to the rest of the class? 8) Adaptations (For students with learning disabilities): What adaptations will you make for students with learning disabilities? 9) Safety Precautions: Describe any specific safety concerns which must be addressed during the lesson. 10) Student Products: Is there anything students will be producing during the lesson? 11) Assessment and Evaluations: Will the students be assessed at the end of this lesson? If so, how? How will you determine that the students have learnt something from this lesson? 21 12) Self-evaluation: Consider what worked, what did not work, how the session can be improved? 22 TEACHING YOUR FIRST CLASS, SEMINAR, OR LAB Dr. William J. Owen (Director, Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology) and Dr. Scott Green (Forestry) The first class is one of the most important days in each semester. In fact, your students will quickly assess how prepared and confident you are in your own ability to teach the course material, and if you are a “reasonable and fair” teaching assistant. Being adequately prepared will give you the opportunity to make the most of the first day. The following suggestions and questions may help you to prepare for the first class of each semester. Pre-class preparations Review the course syllabus If there are separate outlines for your lab or tutorial ensure you have sufficient copies Discuss your duties with your faculty member Visit the classroom (what are the benefits and limitations?) Four important introductions Introductions help to set the tone of the class. An instructor’s personal introduction and enthusiastic introduction of the course material is a key motivator for student learning. 1) Who are you? How do you want the students to address you (Mr? Ms? By your first name)? What is your background education and how is this related to the course? Why are you teaching this course? 2) Who are your students? Ask students to introduce themselves or the person sitting beside them. For larger classes, you can ask the students to fill in a brief information sheet that asks students about their interests, etc. 3) What is the course about? What are the objectives of the course? Why are these objectives important? Ask students what goals they have with respect to this course. How are you going to use class time? How can students best prepare for your exams and assignments? 4) Classroom etiquette? Have the students help you design a classroom code of conduct. Should I teach on the first day? Whether or not you teach on the first day will depend on the guidance you have received from your faculty member. Typically, by the time you get to the lab or tutorial classes will have already begun and you will be teaching on you first day! Other considerations What will you wear? (what tone do you wish to set?) How do you want students to address you both in and outside of the classroom? How formal do you what to be? Will you sit or stand? 23 Class size Time allotted to introductions The “Siberia” students (reference to those students who tend to sit in the back of the classroom; see Ira Shor, 1996) Will the faculty member introduce you? Will you provide notes or semi-notes to the students? Why or why not? Semi-notes are partial lecture notes that students have to fill in Will you see students outside of your regular office hours? Suggested tips Dealing with “first day” nerves o Expect to be nervous o Be prepared; act confident; deep breathing; practice; humor o Practice your first session Bring plenty of syllabi Arrive early and talk to the students Write the course number and section on the board Involve the students o Ask student athletes to provide a list of competition dates o Ask students with disabilities to provide you with a letter outlining any necessary accommodations o Ask students to write an anonymous two-minute review of their reactions to the first class Stay after class to answer any student questions Resources Books Brinkley et al. (1999). The Chicago handbook for teachers: A practical guide to the college classroom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Davis, B.G. (1993). Tools for Teaching. Barbara Davis has provided some of her book, including the chapter for teaching your first class, on the web site: http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/teaching.html Shor, Ira (1996). When students have power: Negotiating authority in a critical pedagogy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Other http://staffdev.lavc.edu/101%20things.pdf has tips for your first day, including 101 things you can try in the first few weeks. Other excellent teachers. Your teaching “instincts”. UNBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology TA training sessions and other available resources/programs. See http://www.unbc.ca/ctlt/ for details. 24 CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTOR Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching What is an effective instructor? What skills and characteristics does he or she have? What is effective teaching, for that matter? There is no universally accepted definition of effective teaching; however, any acceptable definition would have to take into consideration both what the teacher does and student learning. Here is one definition: “Effective teaching produces beneficial and purposeful student learning through the use of appropriate procedures” (Diamond; 1987). There are, however, certain characteristics and skills which effective teachers demonstrate (Wotruba and Wright; 1975). These qualities are all considered in various sections of this resource book. Although knowledge of your discipline is a given, you are not expected to be omniscient. As you will read in the sections dealing with communication and questions and answers, students find the “all-knowing instructor” very threatening. Admit it when you don’t know something, and be willing to learn. As Joseph Joubert said in Pensées, “To teach is to learn twice.” Other than knowledge of the subject matter, organization is the single most important element in communicating with a group. If your teaching sessions are well organized, students attend because they know information will be presented in a logical, straightforward manner. This provides an introduction which allows them to understand the material when they study on their own time. Effective organization means students pay attention, or at least increases this possibility. If they listen, students will begin to articulate their ideas to you and to their peers. Another benefit of organization is that it allows the teacher to know where he or she stands within a session, thus providing peace of mind. Remember that your colleagues are excellent resources; talk to them. Find out what other Teaching Assistants are doing in their classes. If you come across a technique that you think will work in your class, try it. An effective instructor is always ready to borrow, adapt, or steal good teaching ideas from someone else! 25 CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE TA Cherisse Seaton (Psychology) and Dr. Saphida Migabo (Biology) The following list represents specific characteristics identified during the 2010 TA workshop that make a teaching assistant effective: Knowledgeable of the subject matter Patient Confidence Fun (not boring) Able to listen Organized, well prepared and punctual for class Speaks clearly Consistent, unbiased and fair Creative Approachable Respectful Supportive Flexible and Genuine Encouraging and offers praise to the students Manages their time effectively Professional Enthusiastic and passionate about teaching Prompt marking Keeping students on task Responsive Neat appearance Honest Writes legibly 26 RUNNING AN EFFECTIVE LABORATORY SESSION Dr. Saphido Migabo (Biology) One of the duties of a laboratory teaching assistant is to lead laboratory sessions. Depending on the program, these could be one or more sessions. Your responsibilities will depend on whether you are coteaching the lab with the professor or Senior Laboratory Instructor (SLI) in charge of the class or you are on your own. The following are some suggestions to help you run your lab session. Advance Preparation Read the lab exercises over. Depending on the complexity of the lab, you may want to read the lab several times. Make sure you understand the objectives and learning outcomes of the exercise. Know your subject. If the topic is unfamiliar or you are a bit rusty do some background reading. Meet with your supervisor to verify lab procedures, availability of supplies and so forth. Note any changes that students need to made aware of. If your supervisor has not provided you with a lab outline to follow, prepare your own. Prepare questions and examples to work from during the lab. Prep Session Confirm that you have all the necessary materials and equipment. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the lab, procedures and equipment the students will use. Do not assume that materials and techniques are basic and you will have no trouble teaching them. It is strongly recommended that you are comfortable with all calculations that the students will be performing. Familiarize yourself with lab safety protocols and know the location of all safety equipments such as fire extinguishers, exit, showers and eye wash stations. Read the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), if the lab involves the use of chemicals. If there are things you can do before the lab, such as setting equipment out, do it at this time. During the Lab Pre-lab talk: Be prepared to give an effective presentation to the students regarding the lab activities. What to include in the presentations largely depends on the lab. Keep the pre-lab talk to a minimal (10-20 minutes) to allow enough time for students to complete the experiments. Start your lab on time. Start by making any important announcement regarding the current or previous labs. Introduce the experiment. This may include providing background information such as relevant theories or concepts. You can use the whiteboard, overheads or PowerPoint if available. Remind students of the objectives of the lab. Relate theory to the lab objectives. As much as possible, relate the experiment to real world applications. This helps student see the importance of the experiment and enhances their learning. Provide a brief overview of what the students will do. Demonstrate any special or complicated procedures and/or equipment. 27 If materials and equipment required are not on their benches, point out their locations or where to find them. Go over any safety guidelines associated with the lab. Provide sufficient instructions for safe use of chemicals and other potentially hazardous laboratory equipment. Ask enough questions to ensure that students understand what is required of them. Conducting the Class Encourage students to work in groups. Limit the group size to three students. Do not sit at the front of the room. Circulate throughout the room and see how students are doing. As you move from group to group, ask targeted questions to ensure students are learning the key points and understand what they are doing. Try and talk to every individual or group at least once during the session. Take attendance. Whether one takes attendance depends on course policy. Check with the professor or SLI in charge. You can take attendance while you circulate amongst your students. Answer student questions, offer encouragement and useful advice. If you find that students are having difficulties with one part of the experiment, it is advisable you alert the whole class and explain and/or demonstrate the procedure again. If one or two groups are having problems, probably the rest of the class is. Concluding the Session Ask students to clean their workbenches and put equipment and other supplies in their respective locations if this is required. Reconvene at the end of the class and summarize important findings/conclusions. Explain results that are different than expected. Ask students to offer alternative explanations. Answer any questions students may have. Collect any assignments for marking. End the session on a positive note and remind students of any assignments/tests due during the week or the following week. 28 CONDUCTING OFFICE HOURS Dr. Saphida Migabo (Biology) You are expected to keep and post office hours. A set time to hold office hours provide structure to your classes and at the same time, allow you to perform your other duties without student interruptions. Office hours are also vital because they provide you with an opportunity to meet “face to face” individually with the students. The amount of time scheduled for office hours varies from course to course and it usually based on the needs of the students and the size of the classes. In most cases, the course instructor will let you know the expected number of hours per week. Scheduling office hours You are expected to keep and post office hours. Office hours can be held in a classroom, your office or a public places. Wherever you decide to hold them, be consistent so that students are not trying to figure out where to find you each week. It is also important to keep in mind that not all students will be able to make it to your office hours. In such a case, you should provide alternative ways for students to get in touch with you. For example, meeting with you before or after class (if this is possible) or contact you by email or office phone if they need extra help. Never give your home phone number. Consider the needs of your students before setting office hours. If you have a flexible schedule, give the students several possible time options and as group decide which times work best for most students. Hold office hours at a reasonable time and if possible, avoid holding office hours late on Friday afternoons, or first thing on Monday morning. Most TA find that scheduling office hours before and after classes works out well because many students try and avoid scheduling back to back classes. Encourage students to come to office hours On the first day of class, make a point of letting the students know when your office hours are and invite them to come and see you during this time. If you establish a friendly relationship with them in the classroom, they will not hesitate to come and see you. For small classes, you can also make an office visit during the first two weeks of classes, or after the first hand-in assignment or first test, a requirement. It is also important to remind the students regularly of your office hours and they should not hesitate to come and see you. Tips on conducting successful office hours 1) Be punctual. Showing up late for your office hours is unacceptable and it shows lack of respect for your students. 2) Keep your door open during your office hours. This announces to your students that you are in and available. 3) Conduct yourself in a professional manner. When students come to your office, put your work aside and make them feel welcome. You should not be answering phones or emails or talking to 29 your office mates. Remember, it takes a lot of courage for some students to come and see you for help. 4) Advise students on how to prepare for a meeting with you. You can ask them to write down specific questions, highlight sections or areas they are having difficulties with or they would like help with. 5) Ask students to specify why they are coming to see you. This will help you prepare and keep the meeting them more focused. If possible, you ask them to send to you their questions ahead of time so that you can prepare for them. 6) Poll them. If you have a large number of students waiting for you, poll them to see whether there is a common question or concern and you can address their concern as a group. 7) Become an active listener. Maintain eye contact with the person speaking to you, paraphrase, repeat and summarize student’s comments. This gives the student the opportunity see whether you understood what she/he is asking. Ask for clarification if you do not understand the questions or comments. Be and look interested in what they are saying. 8) Watch for nonverbal communication. Looking for these responses will give you a solid idea of point the student is trying to make. 9) Ask effective questions. Ask open-ended questions. “How” and “when” are useful starting points to ask questions. Good questions will also help you separate issues and show the student that you are taking their concerns seriously. Additionally, skillful questioning can help students develop critical thinking capabilities. 10) Be prepared for student frustrations. Some students will come to voice their frustrations and vent about the course. Others will come to talk to you about their personal problems. Do not let the student anger put you on the defensive. Start by setting the tone of the discussion. Demonstrate a willingness to help the student. Listen, be supportive and understanding but remember you may not be qualified to help the student. In matters that relate to the course, engage the students as much as possible and together find a solution to their frustrations. For example, if the student is afraid of talking to the course instructor, offer to accompany them to the meeting. If the issues are beyond course materials, you may want to refer the student to counseling services or other services available at UNBC or ask them to go talk to the course instructor. It is also recommend you keep a record of such incidents. 11) Learn from what you see and hear during your office hours. If students are coming with similar problems, it may suggest to you that the topic, concept or assignment requires further clarification or the students misunderstood the assignment. In such instances, talk to the course instructor. Common problems and complaints associated with office hours 1) Getting an office: You may start your teaching assistant duties before an office has been assigned to you. If you find yourself without an office, act quickly and inform the course instructor. He/she may be able to book a temporary space for you to conduct office hours. If this is not possible, select a public space such as the library, or find an unused classroom where you can meet with your 30 students. Announce to the class when and were you will be meeting the students until you find a permanent place. 2) Student with personal problems: Refer them to a qualified person and sometimes, it may be useful for you to walk them over to the appropriate office. 3) Student who come and sit and just want to chat: Assess why the student just want to chat with you. If you find that they do it because they have nothing better to do, be frank and firm with such a student. Tell them that although you would like to talk with him/her, others students should have the opportunity to see you. Remind this student however, that he/she is always welcome to come see you to discuss course issues. If you suspect the visits are due to an emotion/personal problem, refer them to the appropriate office. 4) Students that show up outside of your office hours: Use your own judgment to assess the student needs. If you are flexible with your schedule and not busy, you can help the student right away, otherwise, you can suggest another mutually agreed upon time when both of you can meet. 5) Student could not find you: If you have a genuine reason why you cannot make it to your office hours and you know it ahead of time, arrange for an alternate time with your students and remember to announce the change in the class. If your absence is due to an emergency, notify the course instructor immediately. If there are several TAs in a course, you can ask one of them to substitute for you. Ensure somebody lets the class know you about your absence in a timely manner. 6) There is always a huge line up during office hours: If this is a recurring problem, you may want to add an extra session to meet your students needs. 31 QUICK TIPS Dr. Heather Smith (International Studies) These ‘quick tips’ are based on personal experience. Everybody you talk to can provide you with insights based on experience. It would be possible to provide ‘tips’ for just about any scenario, but I have provided just a few. In the classroom Leave the trials of the day behind you: Students don’t deserve to have to deal with the trials and tribulations of your day. When you enter the classroom, try whenever possible to leave the day behind. Smile: This helps with leaving the day behind and setting the tone for the class. Arrive a few minutes early: This too can work well in developing a rapport with the students and gives them a moment or two to ask questions if needed. Use your intuition: If you are running into problems or want a sense of how the class is going, take a mental step back and ‘get a feel’ for the class. This can sometimes help you to understand the obstacles facing some of the students or obstacles facing you when it comes to getting your point across. If you want more concrete feedback use some of the evaluation techniques noted in Chapter 5: Evaluating Your Teaching. Try to enjoy the experience: Teaching and learning (and we as instructors do both in the classroom) should be an enjoyable experience. Assignments/Grading If part of your task is to discuss assignments, try to be as clear as possible in the assignments. Remember that just because we think a task is clear doesn’t mean that the student understands the task at hand. This said, sometimes students want certainty. In some disciplines you can’t provide the ‘one and only correct answer’ and so the task becomes trying to get the students comfortable with that lack of certainty. If you are doing the grading of assignments, talk to your faculty member about how they want you to give feedback. Ask the faculty member if they have a grading template. Find out how quickly you have to have the assignments graded. Talk to your faculty member about what to do if a student challenges a grade. Try not to grade in red pen – it sends negative messages (it’s true) General Having a problem? Respect confidentiality, but also understand that you can talk to your instructor. Find a mentor or teaching buddy...we often do not talk about our teaching. Yet, there is so much to learn from the experience. We should all have someone to talk to about our creative assignments or bad days. Colleagues and mentors provide support and insight. Always remember that as a teaching assistant you can potentially have a profound impact on your students. Don’t give up on the student who appears difficult they can be your program’s 32 next superstar. Engage the quiet student before or after class because you may find out that they are simply shy. Be compassionate. This may seem odd to some. Indeed there are a multitude of teaching styles and philosophies but at the centre of my vision of teaching and learning is compassion. It is not always easy and you might run the risk of being taken advantage of but there are also great benefits associated with compassion. Engage in teaching as learning. There are some great resources available that will inspire you to think in creative and innovative ways. Start with the website for UNBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (http://www.unbc.ca/ctlt/). You can also search the net for centres of teaching and learning across Canada. The University of British Columbia, Dalhousie University, Queens University, and the University of Victoria are some of the Canadian universities that have their teaching manual online. There are several excellent online journals related to teaching and learning such as the Successful Professor. I’ve picked up great tips for the classroom from all the sites noted above. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! 33 TIPS FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Maureen Hewlett (Disabilities Advisor) There are students with disabilities at UNBC and in your class. Each is unique and has specific needs. The following suggestions are just good teaching practice, but such practice is extremely helpful for students with disabilities. Included are some specific accommodations that would allow students with learning disabilities to achieve their full potential and enable you to accurately measure their knowledge. Suggestions for the classroom General Make available a detailed course outline prior to the course commencement Choose well-organized texts with reader aids (e.g., chapter summaries, glossaries, indexes) Assign readings in advance, and if appropriate, provide an alternate, less demanding reading list Make available clear lecture outlines at the beginning of each class Teach definitions and terms Use a multi-sensory approach including visual, oral, and hands-on learning techniques Provide examples of the main concepts Emphasize points Clarify relationships Encourage students to discuss and compare their notes with each other Encourage students to form study groups Allow time for questions Specific Allow the student to use a tape recorder during class Post summary lecture notes and/or power point presentations on a secure course webpage or in a blackboard shell Suggestions regarding assignments General Explain assignments particularly clearly, both orally and in writing, with clear interim and final deadlines Permit plenty of time for completion Specific Provide alternative assignment formats for students to enable demonstration of competence, e.g., class presentations, submission of assignments on audio or video tape 34 Encourage students with learning disabilities to discuss their writing assignments with disability services; money might be available for a tutor Suggestions regarding exams General Give students plenty of time to complete exams Give students information on exam format ahead of time. E.g., 30% multiple choice, 20% short answer, 50% essay format Permit the use of calculators and dictionaries Specific Permit the students with learning disabilities to write exams in a quiet room free from visual/auditory distractions, with extra time Permit an oral exam, taped responses, large print materials, etc. Permit the use of scribes, computers and word processors or other such technical aids that may be appropriate UNBC Resources Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology Disability Services Educational Media Services Learning Skills Centre If you have questions or would like additional information please contact UNBC Disability Services Centre at 250-960-5682 or visit Room 10-1048 35 TEACHING TIPS FOR INTERNATIONAL TAS Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching Every new teacher faces a great challenge. For international teaching assistants (ITA), the task of teaching includes reaching across different cultural values and assumptions, different educational systems, different native languages, and non-verbal communication systems. Thus, the challenge is greater, but so is the opportunity. As an ITA, you have the chance to develop a truly sophisticated command of English, to which you may have already devoted a great deal of effort. You also have the opportunity to get inside an important part of Canadian culture, the educational system, to understand and effect it by your contribution. Furthermore, you are invited to enter into a meaningful, cooperative relationship with your students, giving both them and yourself a memorable, enriching experience. Language Skills You may think that your biggest problem as an ITA will be your English. Likewise, your students may be concerned, fearing that your difficulties with English will hinder their ability to succeed in the course. If you have trouble expressing yourself in English, if students have trouble understanding you, or you have trouble understanding them, make every effort you can to improve your English. Specifically, make sure that you speak English as much as possible, every day. Seek out English-speaking roommates, office mates, lab partners, coworkers, and friends. In addition to your efforts to become comfortable in English, openly acknowledge on the first day of class that you and your students may have some difficulty communicating with each other because English is not your native language. Tips for Ensuring Your Students Understand You Cultural Differences You may also be surprised at the informal behaviour of students in class and in other interactions with their professors and TAs. For instance, students may wear casual clothes to class. During class, they may eat or drink, read the newspaper, or talk with their friends. They may arrive late or leave early. They may call the teacher by his or her first name and ask questions which seem to challenge the teacher. Such behaviour may shock or offend you, if you are accustomed to a culture in which students are overtly deferential and respectful toward their teachers. 36 Recognize that your students are not acting disrespectful of you personally or of you as a foreigner. Rather, their behaviour is normal for them. Indeed, many students may behave informally with teachers they like and respect. However, this does not mean that you must tolerate any and all behaviour in your classroom. On the contrary, teachers commonly attempt to discourage behaviour that appears disruptive to the class, such as students talking loudly with one another. Students expect and appreciate a variety of things from their teachers, some of which may be unlike the expectations of students in your country. For example: They expect teachers to explain everything to them very fully, particularly the details of what they are expected to do in the course and how grades are assigned. They value teachers who are friendly and open, communicating something about themselves as people. They may want teachers to interact with them in class, encouraging student participation and dealing gently with incorrect responses. They prefer teachers who make their classes interesting by using a lively presentation style, “relevant” and intriguing examples, and humour. They respect teachers who are knowledgeable, but who are also willing to admit that they do not know something when that is the case. Sitting in on a class given by another TA may provide helpful insight on how students and TAs act and interact. Discuss your concerns about your teaching with your supervisor, your fellow TAs, or with the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. Adapted from: Axelson, Elizabeth & Hofer, Barbara* (1991). "Suggestions for the International Teaching Assistant." In B. Black & L.K. Acitelli (Eds.), A Guidebook for University of Michigan Teaching Assistants (pp.5-9). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, The Center for Research on Learning & Teaching. *The authors note that a number of their ideas are derived from Gary Althen's Manual for Foreign Teaching Assistants. Diamond, N., Hahn, L., Helgesen, M., & Visek, P. (1988). Handbook for Teaching Assistants at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Office of Instructional Technology and Design. 37 YOUR LAST CLASS Dr. Heather Smith (International Studies) Some ‘last class’ techniques ... Starting from day one For me, planning for the last class begins, oddly enough, on the first day of classes when I hand out the syllabus. In the syllabus I outline the requirement for the final exam and discuss it briefly. I always tell the students that the skills they develop throughout the course will be applied in the final exam. My course outline also includes course objectives. I indicate to the students that at the end of the class they should, for example, be able to understand the connections between Canada, Canadians. I also state that students will engage in critical thinking. Right from the beginning of class, I know what I want to achieve at the end of the class. This point is also made in the Owen and Green selection in this manual on “Your First Class” when they ask “what do you want your students to learn?” Sometimes I have students write a paragraph or two on their expectations of the class. I tell students we will return to these paragraphs at the end of term. This works well for all types of students. It provides a means for them to measure whether or not their expectations were met. In other classes, I do quizzes on the first day to test some general knowledge. Included in the quizzes are references to topics that will be covered in class. I tell them we will do the quiz again at the end of the term. If you have taught the class previously, it might be easier to prepare for the last class because you are able to weave key themes – that will be subject to testing –into the lectures. Throughout the term I try to ‘connect the dots’ for the students. They then understand how one week’s lectures are connected to the next and how one section of the course is connected to the next. I don’t wait until the last class to make all the connections; I make those connections throughout the course. This may, in the minds of some, make the final exam questions predictable, but it all comes back to the question: “what do you want your class to learn?” I believe we have an obligation to be clear in our expectations and to clearly map out the course for the students, from beginning to end. For the last class proper I begin planning in advance. This is especially true where there are final exams and courses that are larger. I take some time about mid-November or mid-March to provide the students with review or study questions. Typically I tell them that some of those questions will show up on the final exam. For some it may be more appropriate to indicate that problems similar to those in the study or review questions will show up in the final exam. I then allocate time in the last week of classes for review. I frequently have the students work through the study questions in groups, either in their tutorials on their own time. We gather together as a class to review the responses. The point is that I provide them with lots of opportunity to discuss concerns and/or issues related to the questions and this provides me with the opportunity, if I have not already done so, to identify any gaps. This is a student led activity. I tell students that they are responsible for providing draft answers to the questions — not me. Any review session requires that they come prepared. On the last day, I try to ensure that any outstanding questions are addressed. I also try to ensure that we are working from more or less the same map of the class. Because my exams are essay style the review questions work well for tracking themes. 38 In classes where I have had students write paragraphs on their expectations of the class, I return the paragraphs to the students. If the course is a seminar style it is an excellent opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion of whether or not those expectations have been met. Of course, one must not force students to participate, but it does provide some great feedback to the instructor. In the classes where I have given the quiz at the beginning of class, I give the same quiz again. I hand back their original quiz. My experience is that a large percentage of the students do better on the second quiz. This gives them a sense, if even a glimmer, of progress and achievement. Finally, I just say thanks to the students! 39 PART IV: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES 40 ACTIVE LEARNING Gareth Ottery (Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology) As the name implies, active learning is about learning by DOING. Rather than passively listening to an instructor’s lecture, active learning encourages students to participate in the learning process and to generate and use content knowledge rather than simply receiving it. Active learning strategies help students to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information through discussion with other students, through asking questions, or through writing and allows students to apply course material to "real life" situations and/or their own personal experiences. Why should I use active learning? Research has shown that the amount of information retained by students declines dramatically after 10 minutes and that students learn best when they are involved in their intellectual discoveries. Compared to traditional teaching methods (such as lecturing), active learning allows students to learn more material and to retain the information longer. Active learning gives students more control over what and how they learn and is effective in addressing multiple learning styles that are best served by pedagogical techniques other than lecturing. Active Learning Strategies There are a wide variety of active learning strategies ranging from short and relatively unstructured activities to longer and more complex activities. Below is a description of some of the more common examples of these strategies. Think-pair-share: Think-pair-share is simple and effective active learning strategy. Ask a question or pose a problem and give the students a minute to think about it. Then have students turn to their neighbours and share their thoughts. This gives students time for reflection and an opportunity to share their ideas with a classmate. At the end of a few minutes, several pairs of students can be asked to share their thoughts with the entire class. One Minute Paper: The one minute paper is another easy activity that takes minimal time and planning. During the lecture, lab or tutorial ask the students to take a minute to write their ideas or solution to a problem on a sheet of paper. Collect these sheets as students leave the classroom and use the answers to assess the degree to which they understand the material. Student answers should be brief and only take a minute or two to write. Muddiest (or Clearest) Point: This is a variation on the one-minute paper. Here you ask (at the end of a class, or at a natural break in the presentation), "What was the "muddiest point" in today's lecture?" Clarification Pauses: This is a simple technique aimed at fostering "active listening". Throughout a lecture, particularly after stating an important point or defining a key concept, stop, let it sink in, and then (after waiting a bit!) ask if anyone needs to have it clarified. You can also circulate around the room during these pauses to look at student notes, answer questions, etc. Students who would never ask a question in front of the whole class will ask questions during a clarification pause as you move about the room.1 Brainstorming: This is another simple technique that can involve the whole class in a discussion. Introduce a topic or problem and then ask for student input, which you record on the board.2 41 Overcoming Student Resistance to Active Learning3 Start using active learning strategies early in the term. Introduce the concept on the first day of class and let students know that they will be expected to participate in such strategies throughout the course. Be true to your word and use active learning frequently – at least once a class period initially. After the first several sessions, students will understand that you're serious about active learning and will accept their role as participants readily. Start using active learning strategies early in the term. Introduce the concept on the first day of class and let students know that they will be expected to participate in such strategies throughout the course. Be true to your word and use active learning frequently—at least once a class period initially. After the first several sessions, students will understand that you're serious about active learning and will accept their role as participants readily. Clearly communicate your expectations. State the goal students should meet, how much time they have for the activity, what procedures they should follow, and with whom they should partner (i.e., "turn to the person next to you" or "form groups of four with the people nearest you.") It is often a good idea to put directions for in-class activities on an overhead or a PowerPoint slide so that students have something to refer to as they begin the activity. Explain to students why you're using active learning and the benefits they can expect from it. Be committed to your choice to use active learning and communicate that confidently to students. Students will be put at ease if they understand that you're in charge and have good reasons for what you're doing. Manually break students into groups. This can be an effective way to overcome student reluctance and demonstrate that you're in charge. Start small and simple. Use low-impact strategies such as think-pair-share or in-class writing exercises. These strategies are easy to implement, take only a few minutes, and are "low stakes" for students who may be unsure or uncomfortable. As you and your students gain experience, you may decide to graduate to more involved activities. References 1 Paulson and Faust, http://www.calstatela.edu/dept/chem/chem2/Active/ 2 TA Consultants, http://trc.ucdavis.edu/ 3 Adapted from University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/active/recommendations/index.html 42 CREATING DIALOGUE IN THE CLASSROOM Dr. Stephen Rader (Chemistry) and Dr. Tracy Summerville (Political Science) One of the most important goals – and greatest challenges – of educators is to create a learning environment in which the students participate actively in their education by becoming engaged with the course material. An effective way to promote active participation is through dialogue in the classroom. Unfortunately, many students, trained by years of passive education and cowed by the fear of making mistakes, are extremely reluctant to enter into dialogue in the classroom. So, how do you get students to begin to actively engage in substantive dialogue? We argue that the essential pre -requisite for classroom dialogue is an atmosphere of trust. Building trust in the classroom means that sometimes “dialogue” has to wait and the instructor needs to be patient in trying to get the students to believe that you, and their classmates, are really open to dialogue. Most of us know the old saying that “no questions are stupid questions,” but many do not know how to react when someone actually asks an ill-informed or thoughtless question. Creating an open and honest dialogue does not mean that every contribution is equally valid or useful. Yet, every contribution needs to be acknowledged and critically assessed. The instructor may need to take the time to let students see that each time a question is asked that the instructor has taken it seriously, that the instructor is not intimidated when they do not know the answer and that the instructor follows up questions or concerns over the course of their lecture series. Not every question can be answered at the moment the question is asked. Once students begin to see how the instructor responds they will feel more comfortable asking questions and participating. For example, some years ago, an instructor was discussing “crown corporations” in a class on Canadian politics. At one point a student interjected, “what about Canadian Tire?” Most of the class was unable to resist the temptation to laugh but respectfully the instructor explained that that was an easy mistake to make considering the nation’s name in the company title. This answer helped the other students to see that what is obvious to some is not always obvious to others and that making a simple mistake should not preclude you from participating in the future. Types of Dialogue Question and Answer (Q and A) Q and A sessions are undoubtedly the most common way in which we expect to create dialogue in the classroom. Instructors can invite students to ask questions at any time during the lecture or set aside a specific time for questions. The choice to allow students to interrupt during lectures, however, will help in building an active learning environment because students can engage with the instructor throughout the lecture. It is also important to remember that the instructor can ask questions of the students too. Think / Pair / Share Think / pair / share is a technique that allows students to interact with a peer to work out a problem or question that the instructor has assigned. Students are asked to work with a partner in order that the students can actively work through problems. Think / pair / share works in large classroom settings because students can simply turn to their neighbour to begin this exercise. They are then asked to 43 share their solution with each other or with the class as a whole. However, large classes also have their drawbacks because it is often difficult to ensure that students are actually discussing the problem and not last night’s party. The value of think/pair/share is that it can be used to build community in the classroom because sometimes students are more comfortable talking to each other rather than in front of a large class. It can also be used as an evaluation technique. See “Part 5: Evaluating Your Teaching” for related tips. Small Group Discussions Small group discussions also work to create interaction between peers. Again, this may be an opportunity to get students to work through a single problem or for the instructor to design different problems for each group. The instructor may have each group share their findings with the whole class at the end of the discussion. Informal Debates Informal debates may begin in a classroom quite unexpectedly. They should be encouraged and the instructor should take the time to discuss the debate, outlining the different positions including flaws in reasoning, incorrect assumptions or facts. Make sure the students understand that free flowing debate is not tangential to lecture material. Some students assume that the only “voice” that matters is that of the instructor. Take the time to point out how students may have used ideas / concepts from the course to argue a point. Formal Debates Formal debates are a good tool to get students engaged in both careful research and presentation techniques. The competitive nature of debate can often spark student interest. The instructor needs to set out the debate rules, to expect that research is done beforehand preferably demonstrated through an assignment given to the instructor before the debate. One technique for ensuring that students take the debate seriously is to ask that students dress appropriately on debate day. Presentations Individual and group presentations are good tools to teach the important skill of oral communication. For some students presentations are a joy; for others presentations are wrought with anxiety and fear. There are two vital parts of a presentation, first there must be clear, well researched content and second, they must be organized and clear. It is important to help students understand that presentations cannot be all “bells and whistles” without substance. Instructors may want to ask the students to design the grading rubric for the presentations. Students are likely to put the emphasis on the content when they are asked “what makes a good presentation”. ~ presentation may have lots of bells of whistles but if the content is lost or unclear the audience will feel that they have not learned anything. Oral examinations Oral examinations can be a very effective way of determining whether or not the students can articulate ideas they have learned in the course. It becomes very clear that a student has done the course readings when you are having a one-on-one discussion with them about the course. When the exam is designed as an open ended interview session with a number of critical questions along the way, the instructor can often gauge what aspects of the course had the most impact on the student. Two notes of caution: first, it is necessary to have a grading rubric template that is completed at the 44 end of each exam otherwise it is very difficult to remember individual student responses; second, it is necessary to mix up the questions so that students do not share the exam questions. This also means that the instructor has to be very clear about what the students should be getting out of the course (i.e. what is examinable) so that there is no basis for students to say that they got “hard” questions whereas others got “easy” ones. Some Difficulties You May Experience In this section we discuss a few of the difficulties that arise when instructors engage their students in the classroom and when instructors ask peers to work together. Instructor to the class There are, at least, three broad types of students: those who love to participate (think Hermione Granger in Harry Potter), those who are reluctant to participate and those who are somewhere in the middle. For those students who love to participate it is important for the instructor to make sure that their enthusiasm is monitored. If the student’s contributions are made humble and are substantive, well thought out additions to the course then the instructor can find ways to give that particular student opportunity to contribute in many ways. These students are often viewed as leaders among their peers and their enthusiasm can be nurtured so that they understand their greater civic and social responsibility in the classroom. Contrary to this type of student is the student who does not participate in a humble manner, takes over every discussion, interrupts constantly, or provides long commentaries without asking a question. For these students, the instructor has a responsibility to the class dynamic to help the student understand that their interjections in the class are not always welcome. This is a difficult situation to deal with. Many assume that a student like this is simply arrogant but this is not always the case. In fact, in many instances, this type of student has low self-esteem and uses a kind of bullying technique to keep people from finding out that they “don’t know.” One of the best defenses against this is for the instructor to not be intimidated when they don’t know the answer to a particular question. This shows students that knowledge is not about storing up facts in one’s mind but knowing how to find out the answers to questions and to be able to think critically. The student who overpowers the class needs to know that their interjections are not thoughtful. Remember open dialogue does not mean that every interjection should receive the same weight of importance or acclaim. This helps students to learn the important skills of listening and thinking before speaking. At the other end of the spectrum are those students who are reluctant to participate. Among many reasons, this may be because they are painfully shy, or because they are apathetic about the course material. It may be cultural or it may be because of their particular learning style. Some students, for example, do not feel comfortable discussing material until they have had a chance to think about it, reread their notes, etc. It may therefore be useful to devote some time to each class to discussing material from the previous lecture, partly to review, and partly to give these “reflective” students a chance to participate. Drawing out the reluctant student means that you need to remember that each student in the course is a unique individual. Quite frankly, it may be that the student does not participate because they didn’t get enough sleep or a proper breakfast. We cannot deal with every student’s individual needs but over time we can think about the litany of reasons that students find engagement difficult. 45 Peer to Peer: As with instructor-class dialogue, there are also a number of problems that may arise when dialogue is held between students. Small group discussions may be dominated by one student who is particularly outspoken or who understands the material better than the others. As there is pedagogical value in students verbalizing their thoughts even (or perhaps especially) when they do not fully understand the topic, it is desirable to avoid situations in which only the most assertive or most competent students speak up. Another potential problem with small group discussions is if the group does not understand the question they may either not say anything, or their discussion may wander in unproductive directions. Solutions One effective tool for promoting dialogue is to anticipate potentially confusing material and have some questions ready for the students. Frequently, students will not volunteer that they are not following your presentation, but if you ask them some careful questions to test their understanding, it rapidly becomes clear whether you have successfully explained the material. A technological aid for this purpose is the instant polling system, which we hope to acquire eventually at UNBC. With this system, an instructor can project a question and the students anonymously signal their answer to the instrument, which then tallies the results and immediately displays the results. In this way, it is possible to monitor your teaching success as you go. Until such time as we are able to purchase this technology a simple show of hands may be useful. Many students are terrified of being asked a question in class. You may wish to consider other alternatives, such as allowing students to raise their hand if they wish to answer. The problem with this is that generally only a few students will raise their hands, and it is difficult to evaluate whether the others do not understand, are too shy, or simply do not care. One strategy that appears to be effective is to ask students to raise their hand if they do NOT understand. You then only call on students who have NOT raised their hand. This way you not only find out about the student who answers, you also get a quick view of how much of the class is confused. Preparing questions is also a useful exercise for the students, as it forces them to think about what they do and do not understand. There are a variety of classroom scenarios in which their questions might be used and/or evaluated, from simply collecting all the questions to using them as the basis for classroom or small group discussions. This is one format where even the most shy students are generally willing to participate, so it may be worthwhile to ask one or two students for their questions in each class. An important point to consider in creating classroom dialogue is that the dialogue is much more effective and educational if the students have done their reading. One way to encourage this is with a “summary lottery,” in which a name is drawn at the start of each class and the selected student must then give a brief summary of the important points of the reading. If the name goes back in the hat for the next class, then all of the students have to prepare for each class. You may feel that marking these summaries is a further incentive, but that may not necessarily be the case (see the section on marking below). More structured dialogue can be fostered through informal class presentations (e.g. a five minute presentation on a topic related to the course), or formal presentations that might constitute a course project. While such presentations are relatively easy to evaluate, and force the students to spend a 46 considerable amount of time working with the course material, they may not be an effective way to promote extemporaneous discussion. The issue of creating dialogue in the class is part of the broader question of how to create a community of learners and how/whether to foster a sense of social responsibility among students. This has been well articulated in the literature on service learning and engagement in the classroom. Edward Zlotkowski argues that, ...what students reflect on results not just in greater technical mastery (i.e. course content) but also in an expanded appreciation of the contextual and social significance of the discipline in question and, most broadly, in “an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.” Thus, students in a chemistry course may be asked to connect testing for lead in housing projects with what they have learned both in the classroom and in the laboratory while also processing their personal reactions to conditions in the housing projects and their evolving sense of children’s rights to a safe environment. 1 Should you mark class participation? It is tempting to include a class participation mark as a means of encouraging dialogue. There are two problems with this that merit serious consideration: first, can you and will you evaluate participation fairly, and, second, does a mark (i.e. a threat) promote the kind of active engagement you are seeking? Students often pay more attention to how you mark them than to the course content, so if you are marking class participation “in your head” or as a subjective impression of who contributes, they will resent it and even suspect you of favoritism. Consequently, if you wish to mark class participation, you need to have an explicit rubric (e.g. 1 point for each question asked in class, 2 points for each correct answer, etc), and to have clear written records of who did what in each class. In other words, you will be spending a significant amount of class time noting who is talking and assigning marks to it. The second point is perhaps even more important: what kind of classroom atmosphere do you want to promote? Do you want an engaged community of learners who are not afraid to contribute and who are thinking about the course material and what is interesting about it? It is difficult to achieve this when students feel coerced into something that they are not comfortable doing. They may be distracted by the pressure and the tension, and so actually become less engaged with the material. And, of course, the students who are really uncomfortable will not participate anyway, and will therefore be penalized to no effect. Conclusion Creating dialogue in the classroom is about creating trust; it is about thoughtful and critical analysis of each contribution; it is about connecting theoretical ideas to practical considerations; and it is about helping students to think about their citizenship both within and outside the classroom. 47 References 1 Edward Zlotkowski. “Pedagogy and Engagement.” in Robert G. Bringle, Richard Games and Reverend Edward A. Malloy eds. Colleges and Universities as Citizens .Needham Heiths, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1999:99- 100. 48 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching How often have you heard the following? "Professor Wye sure knows a lot about his subject; I wish he could communicate it better." Communication is inseparable from many of the recognized qualities of a good teacher. It has an impact on the way you present your material, create rapport with the students, and establish your credibility in and control of the class. And remember, communication involves receiving as well as sending - in other words, a good communicator is also a good listener. Once you are comfortable with your knowledge of the material you are about to teach, here are some skills to help you communicate it effectively: Know your students. If you know your audience, the whole communications process will be much easier. Don't be afraid of silence - take a moment to think before you talk. Use clear and precise terms. Avoid using jargon; if you must, give a definition to ensure everyone understands. Listen carefully to student responses. Be sensitive to student behaviour and non-verbal communication in the class. A lot of chattering or restless shuffling could indicate that the class does not understand something. Stop and ask for an explanation. Create a gender-sensitive classroom environment. Use language which is inclusive and examples which are appropriate and comfortable for everyone in the class. (See “Responding to and Preventing Harassment & Discrimination” on p.55). Use humour, by all means, but make sure it is neither tasteless nor malicious. Question and Answer Techniques Questions and answers are essential components of teaching and learning. You will ask questions of your students and answer questions from them. Asking a good question will help you motivate students' curiosity about the topic, and it will help you assess how well they understand the material. There are two kinds of questions: closed and open . A closed question (sometimes called a "lower order" question) is usually used to check student comprehension. It requires a factual answer and allows little opportunity for dissent; e.g., "What does `x' equal in this equation?"; "Which of Henry VIII's wives survived him?" The answer will be either correct or incorrect. An open or "higher order" question offers the students much more opportunity to speculate, draw inferences, extrapolate from data, or contribute their own opinions; e.g., "What do you think would happen if we reduced the temperature by 25 degrees?"; "Which of the two short stories provides the best description of adolescence?" Open questions are frequently the springboards for lively class discussion. You might want to think of some possible answers to an open question before you ask it in class. 49 Answering student questions can be unnerving at first. If you do not know the answer, say so. It is better to be honest than to give an inaccurate answer which will have to be retracted later. Tell the students you will find out for them by next class; better still, invite the questioner to find the answer and report it at the next class. Further guidelines for answering student questions include: Take a moment to think carefully before you respond to student questions. Listen to the question carefully. It may indicate that the student is having difficulty with the material. You may wish to answer with another question until you discover where the student's misunderstanding begins. If the question requires a very lengthy response or demonstrates that the questioner has missed some classes, you may wish to ask the student to stay behind after class or come to see you at another time to get the answer. Remember these points concerning questions addressed to the class: Ask only one question at a time. Wait at least 15 seconds for a response. If there is no answer, rephrase the question and ask it again. Asking a different question will confuse the students. Rapport in the Classroom: Responses and Respect Students are often very hesitant to speak out in class. Questions go unasked and unanswered, students remain silent because they are afraid to lose their self-esteem by being put down in front of their classmates. Here are some hints for creating a more open, rewarding, and responsive classroom environment: Listen to what students say without comment. Use eye contact, non-verbal cues such as a nod, and facial expression to indicate that you're interested. Don't dismiss student comments with a vague phrase such as "uh-huh," or "okay." Don't interrupt student comments or responses. Try to incorporate student comments and responses into your material. Encourage students to respond to each other by inviting them to comment on a remark a classmate has made. Write good responses or comments on the board to emphasize the value of student contributions to your class. If you are not sure what a student is asking, ask some questions which will help you clarify. Don't say, "I don't understand what you mean." If you cannot answer a question, be frank with the class. Ask for help; maybe one of the students can give an example to help you out. Repeat and paraphrase student answers. This shows that you were listening, helps you check that you understood what the student meant, and ensures that everyone in class hears what was said. Never try to capitalize on students' confusion by ridiculing or joking about incorrect responses. "Humour" of that kind is bound to backfire and create the very kind of inhospitable climate that you are trying to avoid. 50 Never deter questions by saying, "Well that was really straightforward. I don't suppose there are any questions, are there?" You can bet there won't be. 51 BASIC SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MARKING & GRADING Travis Gerwing (MSc. Biology, 2009, UNBC) Grading papers or assignments can be challenging, time consuming, and frustrating. As a new TA burdened with numerous tasks, and with little experience or free time, grading can be synonymous with torture. That being said, here are a few tips and strategies to help ease your way through grading. Do you understand the questions and the answers? You need to understand the question and answer in incredible detail. If you are confused about the question or the answer you will not be able to establish what is correct. Do not simply look for key words; students could have the right words in the wrong context. You need to ensure that you can recognize confusion and a wrong answer hidden under technical words and apparent understanding. Read the text book, any extra reading assigned to the class, search the primary literature and ask other TA’s and the professor to ensure that you understand the answer before you begin. Some questions will have multiple answers and you need to know if, or have access to materials to let you determine if, alternate answers and correct. What you are marking? Are you marking a ten page paper, a series of short answer questions, or a short summary paper? Knowing what the assignment is will help you plan your time and how you approach it. Marking 100, ten page papers will require more time and deeper understanding of the subject matter than simple short answer questions. Plan your time accordingly. As mentioned above marking ten page research papers will take longer than a short answer assignment. Ensure that you allow yourself enough time to read each assignment carefully. Do not leave it for the last moment! Technically you may be able to finish in one day, but what level of quality is present in your marking? If you rush you will miss mistakes, take off marks in error, and your consistency will suffer. When you rush the students will suffer and will not learn from their mistakes and they may not improve over the semester. Personally a seven page research paper takes me 30-45 minutes each, while a short answer assignment can take anywhere from 5-25 minutes each. What will you take marks off for? Most answer keys will assign a mark to a question but not determine what is required for part marks. You need to determine before you start marking, what is needed to get part marks, and how much you will take off for each omission or mistake. You also need to determine if you will take off marks for surplus wrong information. If a student answers the question in the first sentence but then includes information or an answer that is wrong will you take off marks for this? I personally do not, but I may subtract marks for wordiness. Be consistent, the more consistent you are the less cause for complaints your students will have. It helps to mark every assignment’s question one (or every paper’s introduction) and then move on to question two. This way you will have a clear image in your mind as to what you expect and what you will accept. If you can, mark the first assignment as an example assignment. By this I mean you mark as hard as possible but don’t take off marks for every mistake. This way students will be able to see what you will expect and how you will grade with out impacting their grade. This only works if you announce to the class that every comment they see will next time cost them marks. 52 If you have little or no experience, start the year by marking exceedingly tough. It is easier and causes fewer complaints to ease up during the semester than it is to mark harder. Once you have determined what level you want to mark at, start marking at this level, but it is always easier to change your style to marking easier than tougher! Tell students that if you make a mistake in marking they should feel free to talk to you. However, this can cause students to argue for .25 of a mark and take up all your time. I tell students if they come to me for marks and it’s not a simple math mistake on my part, I will take in their assignment and re-mark the entire thing. Their mark could increase or decrease depending on the rest of their assignment. This will help ensure that you do not spend a large part of your time dealing with student complaints. If the assignment and your time table permits, offer to look over assignments before they are due. Students can either email or come to you with assignments and you can give them a quick look over. This will help students learn without losing marks, and will make your marking easier after the assignment is due. Do not give the students the answers, but pointing them in the right direction and a little feedback can often turn a C paper into a B paper. Hopefully these tips will save you time, energy, sleep, and a few grey hairs. Good luck in the coming semester! 53 PART V: EVALUATING YOUR TEACHING 54 EVALUATING YOUR TEACHING Dr. Jennifer Hyndman (Mathematics) As a TA (and any teacher for that matter), you might wonder: how is my teaching going? Am I making sense to the students? Sometimes the only feedback you get is at the end of the year. There are, however, many ways to evaluate your teaching during the term. But remember, when considering evaluation techniques to use, it is very important to know your goal. Reasons for doing evaluation: You are a brand new teacher/TA and you feel like you don’t know what you are doing You are a seasoned TA and you feel like trying out something different in your lab or seminar You want evidence to support applications for the Graduate Teaching Awards You want to start building a teaching dossier Who can do an evaluation? Evaluation can be done by your peers, staff and faculty associated with the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology, your students or yourself. You can ask a colleague or staff and faculty associated with the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology to: Watch one or more classes Talk to your students Techniques for involving students include: In-class dialogue on teaching. Exam averages – they are related to your teaching but high averages don’t necessarily mean great teaching. Casual conversations with students in the hallway. Daily critiques. Have each student write one sentence on the main topic of the lecture at the end of the lecture. Do the students agree with you on what the main topic of the lecture was? Student logs recording work done and work habits. Have students write tables of contents for their notes. Have students write minute papers. Take five minutes at the end of class for the students to summarize the class content. Check out the website at the University of Virginia for their description of the one minute paper. You can evaluate your own teaching. You do not have to go to others to evaluate your own teaching. Simply stop and think about how you teach and why you teach. You may be surprised by what you learn. Another form of self-evaluation is to have your lecture video or audio taped. Watching yourself will show you your habits. 55 What to evaluate? Colleagues/CTLT staff and associated faculty can help you evaluate: Lecture pacing and organization Lecture/seminar delivery style Correspondence between your desired student outcomes and your assessment techniques Course outlines, handouts, PowerPoint slides Evaluations can take place throughout the term and are used to get feedback from students but be careful about the questions you ask your students. Consider what is it that motivates your evaluation? Questions you can pose to your students can include: Why are you in this class? What did you find hard? What did you find easy? Are you bored in class? Why do you participate in class discussions? Why do you not participate in class discussions? How much time do you spend on each component of this course? Are you using the resources available? What is your background? When to do an evaluation? Evaluation can be done throughout the semester. Student surveys can be done at the beginning, middle and end of a course. Peer reviews or videotaping can be done anytime. Self evaluation can happen all the time! For example: You can use the one minute essay after any lecture or seminar to see if the students had picked up the key points in the lecture. You can ask a series of background related questions at the beginning of the term to get a sense of your audience. And of course you can have a summative evaluation at the end of the course A program could also do a survey of graduating students to get feedback on the program as a whole If you do extra evaluation, be prepared to act on the feedback you get. Students notice if you ask how you are doing and then don’t change your behavior. Resources If you search for Evaluating Teaching Performance on the web you will find many informative sites including: http://www.tlc.eku.edu/tips/evaluatingteaching http://ctl.utexas.edu/teaching-resources/teach-your-course/keep-feedback-flowing/ 56 http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htm 57 STUDENTS’ TOP 10 COMPLAINTS ABOUT THEIR PROFESSORS The psychology department at the University of Wisconsin asked approximately 700 undergraduate students to anonymously submit complaints about teaching behaviours they had observed throughout their studies. The following list summarizes the most common responses: 1) Poor course organization and planning. 2) Poor teaching mechanics (for example, poor use of the blackboard, or speaking too fast, too softly, too slowly). 3) Lecture style and technique, including being too wooden or too long-winded. 4) Poor testing and exam procedures. 5) Negative mannerism, including attire and verbal and nonverbal idiosyncrasies. 6) Monotone voice. 7) Poor use of class time (e.g., coming late to class and stopping early). 8) Intellectual arrogance - talking down to or showing lack of respect for students. 9) Being unhelpful and not approachable. 10) Unfair or confusing grading process. As a Teaching Assistant you may share some of these complaints of previous instructors or may be unknowingly making the same mistakes. Keep this list in mind and your own set of tea ching “pet peeves” when evaluating your teaching. References 1 Murray, B. (Jan. 2000). Professors’ Most Grating Habits, Monitor on Psychology, pp. 56-57. http://www.apa.org/monitor/jan00/ed2.html 58 TEACHING DOSSIERS Dr. Jennifer Hyndman (Mathematics) What is a teaching dossier? One of the first questions in the 2005 brown bag session on Teaching Portfolios and Dossiers was: what is a teaching dossier and when do I use it? The short answer to the first part of this question is that a teaching dossier is a snapshot of who you are as a teacher at the time you create the dossier. As you progress through your teaching career your dossier should evolve and grow with you. Items that you might put in your dossier include: 1) Table of contents 2) Statement of Philosophy 3) Course Summary: statistics for each course taught a. Course name b. Course number c. University/College taught at d. Number of students e. Lecture or lab or tutorial, instructor or teaching assistant 4) Course Information a. Course outlines b. Innovative course delivery c. Course development d. Course evaluations e. Sample course materials 5) Letters a. Peer evaluations b. Student letters 6) Evidence of Educational Leadership a. Teaching presentations b. Workshops attended c. Publications on teaching d. Board memberships When is a dossier used? As to the question of when is a teaching dossier used, it is probably most true that you only use parts of it at any one time. Job application: A job application might include your statement of teaching philosophy, your list of courses taught, summaries of course evaluations and one or two other highlights of your teaching career. A hiring committee member looking at 50 or 200 applications wants a clear, organized and short job application. Your evolution as a reflective teacher: As you progress through your career your dossier can also help you in your reflective practice. What worked? What didn’t? Why? Whatever you do, ask the question: Who am I as a teacher? You will need to know. 59 Resources: Positive Pedagogy: Successful and Innovative Strategies in Higher Education is the online journal developed by winners of the STHLE 3M Award. Volume 2, Numbers 2/3 has philosophy statements of several of the award winners. o http://www.stlhe.ca/constituencies/3m-council/positive-pedagogy/ The University of Victoria’s Teaching Dossier Kit includes instructions on how to collect the data you will need. Get your file folders ready! o http://www.ltc.uvic.ca/servicesprograms/teachingdossiers.php Excerpts from Peter Seldin's book The Teaching Portfolio - A practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions. o http://www.city.londonmet.ac.uk/deliberations/portfolios/iced-workshop/seldinbook.cfm Information to help you create a teaching dossier is available form many sources. o A good link to follow is: http://teachingperspectives.com/html/tpi_frames.htm. This site has a quiz that helps you focus on your attributes and values as a teacher. Writing a statement of teaching philosophy is easier after you have thought about the questions asked in the quiz. Your statement of teaching philosophy should be one or two pages and allow a reader to learn something about you. o The University of Western Ontario site: http://www.uwo.ca/tsc/dossierguide.html provides guidance on writing a statement of teaching philosophy and other suggestions for what goes in a teaching dossier. 60 PART VI: CRITICAL INCIDENTS IN TEACHING 61 HANDLING STUDENT GRIEVANCES IN THE CLASSROOM Dr. Heather Smith (International Studies) The following document does not seek to be “authoritative”. It is drawn from my experience and reflects some of the issues that I have addressed in my class – sometimes successfully and sometimes not! Classroom conflict and student grievances are something that we all have to deal with, for better or worse. Having strategies to address conflict and grievances in advance is an important element of effective teaching. Classroom Conflict Classroom Conflict: for the purposes here, I have conceived of classroom conflict as tensions that exist in the classroom itself, between the professors and the students and between the students themselves. From the faculty perspective, this may be translated into inappropriate classroom behavior and thus begs the question: how do we manage that behaviour. Behaviours may include the following: Student tardiness or lack of attendance Students talking during your lecture Inappropriate comments in classroom discussion (creation of an unsafe classroom environment) Student hostility toward the professor Students leaving the classroom Students sleeping Student Grievances Student grievances: may include the following: “Public/institutional complaints” – These are gripes about the institution that may arise in the classroom. For example: “I have problems getting reserve readings”. Complaints or grievances about other students – These are concerns students raise about other students, for example in a group work context. What are you, as the professor, going to do about students who under perform in group work or if they get sick? Student complaints about course work or issues about timeliness of return of assignments. Be consistent in everything you do Do what you preach: Don’t just set the rules – stand by them. Apply all the same rules to everyone in class – no favoritism Make your expectations clear (about attendance, submission of work, participation, classroom behavior) Try to demonstrate understanding for your students, but at the same time be firm No matter what, do not lose your calm Use a firm voice, but do not yell or scream Do not confront an unruly student in front of the classroom, but rather talk to him or her in private Use humor to dissipate tension and frustration If you are having a bad day, do not bring it to the classroom Don’t take things personally Taken from; Vesna Nikolic and Hanna Cabji Am I Teaching Well: SelfEvaluation Strategies for Effective Teachers (Toronto: Pippin, 2000), 162 62 Student complaints about other faculty members – i.e. Unfairness in another class or harassment Student misconduct that results in a student grievance. Some Grievance and Conflict Management Techniques: One of the best ways to avoid student grievances is to “lay down the law” in your course outlines. Remember that the outline is a contract between you and the student. Try to be a “critically reflective teacher” – monitor your own behavior. Remember that our style and behaviour may be the source of some unexpected conflict. For example, a more personalized style which I tend to adopt, while encouraged from some pedagogical perspectives, can result in students assuming a flexibility on the professor’s part. If we seek to empower students in the classroom some students may seek to take advantage of the dispersed authority. Similarly, students may well take grades more personally if they feel more personally connected to you. Each of us has our own teaching style and if we are self aware we realize that our teaching style and attitude towards the classroom have implications. We need to consider how our students are experiencing the classroom – that will help us address those unexpected conflicts or problems inside and outside of the classroom. Talk to a colleague about classroom strategies/talk to your chair – it is important to use care when discussing these issues especially given confidentiality rules at the university regarding student files, but you can always talk to your chair or talk to a trusted colleague who has experience dealing with similar issues. Be consistent in the application of rules – special deals with students can cause you problems. But, if you believe that the student deserves a break and/or it is a legitimate medical or compassionate reason, put it all in writing. Students may also be required to provide documentation to support their case (See the UNBC rules regarding deferrals in the Academic Calendar1). If the student’s grievance is a result of your claim of misconduct (such as plagiarism or cheating) you should ensure that you have the necessary evidence to support your claim. How have you proven the cheating or plagiarism? See the strategy below regarding oral exams as a means by which to force the student to prove that their work is their own. Having a discussion on plagiarism and cheating in your class helps avoid this kind of conflict and having a section in your class outline supports your case if it goes to appeal. Students do have a right to appeal and you have a right to disagree with their grievance. To support your case, ensure you have appropriate documentation. If the grievance relates to harassment, this must be taken very seriously. Documentation is paramount as is discretion. The campus harassment officer can provide you with strategies for dealing with this issue. Contact the Harassment and Discrimination Advisor at 250-960-6618 and see also “Responding to and Preventing Harassment & Discrimination” on p.55. Remember that we all make mistakes and while you might want to confess to your class – experience suggests that you might want to rectify the problem in a fair but private way and at the same time try to “never let them see you sweat”. General classroom discussions about the fairness or accuracy of a multiple choice question can lead to mayhem (trust me!). Some of my most effective teaching strategies have arisen from having to deal with classroom conflict. We too are learners, and so don’t be afraid to learn! 63 References 1 2011/2012 UNBC Undergraduate Academic Calendar, Regulations and Policies, p. 49 http://www.unbc.ca/assets/calendar/undergraduate_calendar_2011_2012.pdf 64 RESPONDING TO AND PREVENTING HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION UNBC Harassment and Discrimination Advisor What is Harassment & Discrimination? Harassment is an abuse of authority, or aggressive or threatening behaviour. There are three types: personal, criminal, and discriminatory – and each with distinct status under the law: Personal Hostile threatening conduct that creates a hostile work and study environment. Includes bullying and abuse of power. Criminal Behaviour that causes the target(s) to fear for their safety. Includes stalking, following, watching, and communications directed at a target and/or their friends and family. Discriminatory Harassment directed at an individual because of their membership in a particular group (i.e., discrimination on “prohibited grounds”). Discriminatory harassment includes sexual harassment. Addressed by: Addressed by: Addressed by: Student Code of Conduct Standards of Conduct Policy Faculty and staff agreements Criminal Code; go to police On campus assistance available from: Security x3333 (urgent) or 250-960-7058 Women’s Centre (24 hour safe space) 250-960-5632 Harassment and Discrimination Advisor 250-960-6618 BC Human Rights Code Harassment & Discrimination Policy Prohibited Grounds: Race Colour Ancestry Place of origin Religion Family status Marital status Physical disability Mental disability Sex Age Sexual orientation Political beliefs Criminal or summary conviction offence unrelated to employment 65 Responding to Harassment & Discrimination Role of Harassment and Discrimination Advisor Provide education about harassment and discrimination. Call if you have questions Respond to complaints Maintain confidentiality Act as neutral third party Your Role “All individuals have the right to work and learn without discrimination or harassment...” 1 If someone tells you they are experiencing harassment or discrimination: Listen, take their concerns seriously Make suggestions about where to get help (e.g., Harassment and Discrimination Advisor, Student Services, NUGSS Ombudsperson) Maintain confidentiality If you are involved in or observe an incident of harassment or discrimination: Support the person who was the target of harassment, if you can do so safely Report the event to appropriate authorities (e.g., Security, Harassment and Discrimination Advisor) Make a written record of the incident (who, what, where, when) as soon as possible Preventing Harassment & Discrimination When interacting with students, faculty and staff, adhere to the Student Code of Conduct ➢ Respect differences. Be curious, not judgmental Be aware of power imbalances in your working relationships, especially when you are the one with greater power (e.g., if you are a Teaching Assistant responsible for marking assignments and exams) 'En cha hung Translation: He/she also lives. UNBC’s motto, this Carrier saying reminds us to respect others and to be willing to recognize different perspectives. Contact Information Harassment and Discrimination Advisor: 250-960- 6618 Resources 1 UNBC Harassment & Discrimination Policy, Section 1.1. Available at http://www.unbc.ca/assets/policy/facilities/security_harassment_and_discrimination.pdf 66 STUDENTS IN DISTRESS: A GUIDE FOR FACULTY & STAFF UNBC Wellness Centre Signs of Distress There are warning signs for difficulties that, when present over time or considered in combination, may suggest a level of distress that is cause for concern. In these circumstances you might observe the following: Depressed or lethargic mood Hyperactivity and /or rapid speech Social Isolation or withdrawal Marked change in appearance, hygiene, sleeping/eating patterns Repeated falling asleep in class Uncharacteristic changes in academic performance Uncharacteristic changes in attendance of class, labs or meetings Requests for special consideration, especially if the student is uncomfortable/ unwilling talking about the circumstances New or recurrent behaviour that pushes social limits or interferes with the effective management of your class, work group, etc. Unusual or exaggerated emotional responses Talking or writing about suicide Tips for Helping Students in Distress 1) Urgent Concerns Urgent concerns involve disturbances in thoughts, feelings, or actions that require an immediate response. These include: Suicidal intentions A threat of violence or imminent harm to self or others Disorientation, hallucinations or delusions Extreme anxiety or obsessive thinking Suggested Action: Remain calm Call campus security (250-960-3333) or police (911) for emergency assistance For assistance in assessing the situation, call the Coordinator of Counselling: during business hours (250-960-6362); after hours through campus security (250-960-3333); Counselling reception (250-960-6369) Ensure that someone remains with the student while contacts are being made, or assist the student to the Counselling Centre or Security (after hours) 67 Never leave the student unattended 2) Preventing Violence You should be concerned if you observe any of the following: Verbal or physical threats, menacing behaviour, and/ or objects that may be used as weapons Recent acts of violence, including damage to property Alcohol or drug intoxication Paranoia or agitation Impulsive behaviour Suggested Action: Protect yourself. Ensure the safety of others, only if it does NOT jeopardize your own safety Be alert to the potential for violence (i.e., survey the scene for potential hazards) Do not deal with the situation alone; enlist the help of others Contact Security (250-960-3333) Approach the individual in a non-threatening manner and speak in a calm, firm but reassuring voice Do not touch or physically restrain the student. If you are attacked use only enough force to restrain the student Try to minimize environmental stimuli such as noise, lights, and people. 3) Non-Urgent Concerns Non-urgent concerns involve those situations where students may be distressed (see “Signs of Distress” above) but do not require an immediate response. Talk to the student as soon as possible, in private when both of you have time and are not rushed. Try to eliminate the possibility of interruptions. If you are not comfortable speaking with the student, contact the Counselling Centre (250-9606369). Share your observations and concerns in a gentle and honest manner. Avoid assumptions, judgments and suggesting solutions. Listen very carefully. Maintain clear interpersonal boundaries while emphasizing your concern. Refer to the appropriate resource. If in doubt, call the UNBC Counselling Centre (250-960- 6369). Staff can assist with assessment and referrals. Arrange to follow-up with the student to ensure student follow through. Continue to provide support where necessary. 68 All counseling sessions are confidential and information can not be shared with the referring party unless a Release of Information form is signed. Wellness Centre Reception: 250-960-6369 Security: 250-960-3333 (Emergency); 250-960-7058 (Nonemergency) The Crisis Prevention, Intervention & Information Centre for Northern BC 24 Hour Crisis Line: 250-563-1214 or 1-888-562-1214 69 GUIDELINES FOR ACADEMIC DISHONESTY UNBC Undergraduate Academic Calendar 1 Academic Offenses Any conduct that violates the ethical or legal standards of the University, particularly those related to academic honesty, is a serious offense. Informal means to resolve complaints of academic dishonesty may be used. If such means are unsuccessful or inappropriate, the formal processes set out in these Regulations are to be followed. An impartial committee, the Senate Committee on Academic Appeals, provides for complete examination of the complaint or allegations. The minimum sanction for an academic offense includes reprimands and reduction of grades; the maximum sanction is suspension from the University (see Academic Regulation 45 (Academic Sanctions)). Such offenses include, but are not limited to the following: a. Plagiarism: Plagiarism occurs when a student submits or presents work of another person in such a manner as to lead the reader to believe that it is the student's original work; self-plagiarism is the submission of work previously submitted for academic credit without prior approval of the current course instructor. This offense includes using citations which have been designed in order to mislead the reader as to the nature or authenticity of the source. b. Cheating: Cheating takes numerous forms and includes, but is not limited to the following: copying from another student's work or allowing another student to copy from one's own work; obtaining a copy of an examination before it is officially available; misrepresenting or falsifying references, citations, or sources of information; knowingly recording or reporting false empirical or statistical data; and possession of notes, books, diagrams or other aids during examinations that are not authorized by the examiner (See Regulation 38(a)). c. Submitting False Records: Submitting false medical or criminal records, transcripts, or other such certificates or information, under false pretenses. d. Withholding Records: Non-disclosure of previous attendance at a post-secondary institution, and of the transcript of record pertaining thereto, or of other documentation required by the University. e. Misrepresenting One's Own Identity: Impersonation or the imitation of a student in class, in a test or examination or class assignment is a breach of academic honesty. Both the impersonator and the individual impersonated may be charged. f. Falsification of Results: The falsification of laboratory and research results. g. Submission of False Information: The submission of false or misrepresented information on any form used by the University or an agent thereof. h. Submitting Academic Work Twice for Credit: Unless prior written and signed permission is obtained, submitting for credit any academic work for which credit has previously been obtained or may be sought in another course or program of study in the University or 70 elsewhere. This includes, for example, materials such as library research papers posted on the World Wide Web. i. Aiding or Abetting any of the above academic offences. References 1 http://www.unbc.ca/calendar/ Procedure on Suspicion of an Academic Offence a. An instructor who suspects plagiarism, cheating, or any other academic offence and has evidence to support the accusation, will contact the student to inform the student fully of the offence and present the evidence for it. The instructor will review the contents of the student's file in the Office of the Registrar to determine whether the record indicates a prior academic offense. The student may request that a third party (for example another faculty member, a teaching assistant, a staff member, or the ombudsperson) be present at this or any subsequent meetings. b. If the issue can be resolved at this level, the faculty member will fill in Part A of the UNBC Report Form for Academic Misconduct and forward it to the Office of the Registrar to be placed in the student's file. c. If the matter is not resolved between the student and faculty member, or if it is a serious case (which may involve probation, or suspension), it will be discussed by the student, faculty member, and the Chair of the program involved. Discussions with the Chair or Dean may be held at the request of either the faculty member or the student, and the Dean may also be brought in at any stage if requested by either party. After these discussions, the Dean will complete Part B of the Report Form for Academic Misconduct. If a penalty is imposed, a copy of the Report Form will be placed in the student's file. d. All forms, whatever the outcome, will be filed in the Office of the Registrar. The student may appeal any decisions of the Dean or President to the level of the Committee on Academic Appeals (see Academic Regulations 48, 49). 71 PART VII: TA RESOURCES 72 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ASSISTANTS Dr. William J. Owen (Director, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology) Teaching assistants perform a wide range of tasks within and across different academic departments. In the past, most teaching assistants had to learn their tasks simply by doing them. However, teaching assistants do not have to learn everything on their own. Learning from others can be a valuable and timesaving component to completing one’s responsibilities. The purpose of this short paper is to provide teaching assistants with a (partial) list of resources that can be used to help teaching assistants successfully carry out their responsibilities. I have divided the resources into several (overlapping) categories: Other People, Publications, Web Resources, and Centres of Teaching and Learning. However, the most useful resource teaching assistants have is themselves. So that’s where we will start... One’s self: to improve one’s TA skills, one needs to recognize that there is help available. For example, there are: (1) others that have experienced similar TA situations, including supervisory faculty members, (2) publications, such as journal articles, books, and videos, on effective practices, (3) web based resources, and (4) Centres of Teaching and Learning, all of which can be excellent resources for learning more about your TA issue(s). Knowing that such resources exist is a first step. Figuring out how to tap or utilize each resource effectively is next. 1) Others: (TA peers, graduate students, and faculty supervisor): TA Peers Find out who was the previous TA and talk to them about your responsibilities Ask if they have any tips for you Graduate Students Find out which graduate students have had TA or teaching experience and talk to them about their experiences Ask about teaching tips, and how to balance TA workload with your own course and research work. Faculty Supervisors Get to know your faculty supervisor and his or her expectations Have these expectations listed on a graduate teaching workload agreement, which can be downloaded at: CSAM - http://www.unbc.ca/csam/forms.html then click on “a graduate teaching workload agreement” CASHS - http://www.unbc.ca/cashs/forms.html then click on “a graduate teaching workload agreement” See if the faculty supervisor would be willing to give you feedback on how you are doing (e.g., after marking one or two papers, or after teaching a couple of labs/classes). You may also want to ask your students about how you are doing 73 Ask them for tips regarding how to effectively carry out your TA responsibilities 2) Publications: There are many publications dedicated to teaching in general that can assist you with your TA responsibilities. Some of these publications will be for a general audience (e.g., both chemistry and international studies students), whereas others are discipline specific. Activities Handbooks. These are usually discipline-specific books or manuals that contain classroom exercises. Check with faculty supervisors, the library, on-line book stores such as Amazon or Chapters, or web-based teaching sites by typing in your discipline’s name “+ teaching activities” into a search engine such as GOOGLE. Discipline Specific Teaching Journals. Most, if not all, academic disciplines now have at least one journal dedicated to teaching in their discipline. You can find these journals by typing in your discipline’s name “+ teaching journal” into a search engine such as GOOGLE or via one of the library’s search tools. Books on Teaching. Although each academic discipline has its idiosyncrasies, some of the same teaching and TA issues can be found to be similar in other disciplines. A couple of good books on teaching are listed in the Appendix to this document. Newsletters. National or international research communities or groups, such as the Canadian Psychology Association (CPA) or the American Chemistry Society (ACS), often have teaching divisions that produce newsletters. Other, more general teaching organizations also have newsletters. For example, the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education has a newsletter of general appeal. 3) Web-Based Resources: There are many web-based resources that can help your teaching and TA skills. Again, most national or international research communities or groups have websites that are dedicated to teaching issues. Similarly, there are national and international societies for teaching that have very useful websites. Below is a list of some web-based resources: The On-Line Faculty Development Associates website has links to over 80 topics, organizations, conferences, etc. This website provides information on issues such as: Active Learning, Classroom Assessment Techniques, Classroom Management, Grade Inflation, Syllabus Development, Student Survival Skills, and many more topics... http://www.developfaculty.com/online/index.html 4) Centres of Teaching and Learning: Most universities have a centre for teaching and learning. These centres are gathering points for faculty and teaching assistants so that ideas and resources can be shared. Several centres of teaching and learning post their resources on the web. Below is a list of a few centres of teaching and learning that have useful resources for teachers and teaching assistants... UNBC: http://www.unbc.ca/ctlt/ Our CTL offers regular brown bag sessions on topics of current interest to faculty and teaching assistants. Fall workshop on teaching Workshops specific to teaching assistants. “Tech Tips” offers tips for best utilizing technology in the classroom... Teaching Tips Canada: http://www.cte.ku.edu/ 74 Has links to 20 CTLs across Canada University of Saskatchewan: http://www.usask.ca/tlc/ Has information for graduate student teachers, including an on-line Handbook for Grad Student Teachers (found under the “resources” link) Slide presentations for several guest talks can also be found under the “resources” link. Some of the topics include: “why not lecture?” and “on-line learning.” There are many resources to help you with your teaching assistantship responsibilities. One of the best strategies for helping you with your teaching and teaching assistantships is to talk; talk to other TAs, fellow graduate students, your faculty supervisor, people at UNBC’s Centre for Teaching and Learning, and people on the web. UNBC Resources: Academic Resources UNBC Teaching Assistant Manual: http://blogs.unbc.ca/ctlt-gradstudents/ Academic Advisors: http://www.unbc.ca/advising Centre for Teaching, Learning & Technology (CLTL): http://www.unbc.ca/ctlt/ Learning Skills Centre (LSC): http://www.unbc.ca/lsc/ Mathematical Academic Centre for Excellence (MACE) http://www.unbc.ca/lsc/mathematical_academic_centre_for_excellence/index.html Student Computer Help desk (960 5321): support@unbc.ca Education Media Services (EMS): http://www.unbc.ca/ems/ (960 6470) First Nations Centre: http://www.unbc.ca/firstnationscentre Disabilities Services: http://www.unbc.ca/disabilities/index.html Other Resources UNBC Library: http://www.unbc.ca/about/campus/library.html or http://library.unbc.ca/pages/services/faculty/reserves.asp to place a Course reserve request Copy services: http://www.unbc.ca/copy/ Bookstore: http://www.bookstore.unbc.ca Wellness Centre Reception: http://www.unbc.ca/counsel/ International Students: http://www.unbc.ca/students/international.html Harassment and Discrimination: 960 6681 Risk & Safety Questions: 960 5530 Security Non-Emergency: 960 7058 Campus Emergency only: 960 3333 Safewalks: 960 7058 Residence Emergency: 960 7000 Additional Resources Examples of Research Societies with Teaching Divisions and/or Teaching Resources Chemistry: http://www.anachem.umu.se/eks/pointers.htm Political Science: http://www.apsanet.org/content_3799.cfm?navID=6 Physics: http://www.aapt.org/ General: http://www.developfaculty.com/online/index.html 75 Examples of Books: Brinkley et al. (1999). The Chicago handbook for teachers: A practical guide to the college classroom. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Davis, B.G. (1993). Tools for Teaching. Barbara Davis has provided some of her book, including the chapter for teaching your first class, on the web site: o http://teaching.berkeley.edu/bgd/teaching.html General teaching tips: http://www.csuohio.edu/offices/teachingexcellence/tchtips1.html has tips for your first day, including 101 things you can try in the first few weeks. 76 UNBC WELLNESS CENTRE The UNBC Wellness Centre consists of a team of registered / certified, caring professionals dedicated to assisting students in their academic, personal and career success. The counsellors are highly educated, trained and experienced in providing services to help students manage the challenges of university life. CONFIDENTIALITY: Client records are held in strict confidence within the UNBC Wellness Centre. Client information will not be released without written consent by the client. Exceptions will be made in a life threatening emergency, or as required by law or public health regulations. Services Provided 1) Personal Counselling: Professional, registered / certified counsellors provide a confidential and discrete atmosphere in which students can discuss any topic or situation of concern. The Centre is dedicated to helping students explore options and create solutions. The counsellors supervise and mentor bachelor and master’s level practicum counsellors who also provide therapeutic and other services. 2) Career Counselling: Through the use of the Wellness Centre and with the assistance of professional counsellors and career peer helpers, students are supported in making informed career decisions based on critical self awareness. We provide current and relevant information and tools to promote personal and career awareness and to assist in the decision making process. 3) Group Counselling and Workshops: Throughout the academic year, supportive groups, training and workshops are offered for students, faculty, staff and volunteers in a number of different areas of interest. Please visit our website or check with the receptionist for current information. 4) Psychiatric Clinic: Psychiatric Clinics are offered one afternoon a week at the Prince George campus. The psychiatrist works in close partnership with the counsellors and will complete a full assessment and may provide ongoing support. Students must be referred by a physician. Please contact the UNBC Wellness Centre for more information. 5) Consultation: The UNBC Wellness Centre provides counselling services to UNBC students only. Consultation is provided to faculty, staff, students, family members and friends who may have general questions or concerns related to student well-being. In addition, consultation and support services are provided for dealing with “at risk” students. 6) Community Services: The Wellness Centre provides services in partnership with a number of community agencies which includes but is not limited to, groups, workshops and training, in-service, crisis response, etc. Information and referrals are available to link students, faculty and staff with resources and services available in the community. Contact the Centre for a detailed list. 7) Regional Services: Regional campuses provide access to personal counselling through agreements with registered, professional counsellors. For further information regarding regional counselling services please contact the Wellness Centre Manager, Greg Beattie at (250) 960-6362. 77 Emergency and Crisis Response (Prince George Only): CALL US: (250) 960-6369 Crisis situations are responded to immediately between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Crisis response is provided for all members of the UNBC community. For personal crises occurring after hours, please contact: Campus Security from any phone on campus at 3333 (for emergencies), or 250-960-7058 (nonemergency) Prince George Regional Hospital at 250-565-2000 The Prince George Crisis Line (24 hr service) at 250-563-1214 Wellness Centre Contact Information Telephone: 250-960-6369 Facsimile: 250-960-5182 In-person: Wellness Centre Councelling Reception, Room 5-196 E-mail: wellness@unbc.ca (note: email is not a confidential form of communication) Website: http://www.unbc.ca/wellness/index.html 78 UNBC CONTACTS & SERVICES Student Referrals & Reference Resources Academic Advisors Local 6340, advising@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/advising Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology Local 6509, ctlt@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/ctlt/ Drop in to the Teaching and Learning Building 10-3040 Wellness Centre Counselling Services — Reception Local 6369, wellness@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/counsel/ Disabilities Services Centre Local 5682, dsc@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/disabilities/index.html Drop in to the Teaching and Learning Building 10-1048 Harassment and Discrimination Advice UNBC Policy on Harassment and Discrimination http://www.unbc.ca/assets/policy/facilities/security_harassment_and_discrimination.pdf Contact Harassment and Discrimination Advisor - Local 6618 Learning Skills Centre Local 6367, lsc@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/lsc/ Drop in to the Teaching Learning Building 10-2584 Risk & Safety Questions/Concerns Erol Toyata, Risk and Safety Coordinator Local 5530, toyata@unbc.ca Security Non-Emergency, Local 7058 Campus Emergency, Local 3333 Residence Emergency, Local 7000 http://www.unbc.ca/security/ Technical Support Computer Help Desk - Room 8-265 Local 5321, support@unbc.ca, http://www.unbc.ca/its/iss/ 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY Anderson, J.A., & Adams, M. (1992). "Acknowledge the Learning Styles of Diverse Student Populations: Implications for Instructional Design." In L.L.B. Chism, Teaching for Diversity. New Directions in Teaching and Learning. no. 42, San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. Axelson, Elizabeth & Hofer, Barbara* (1991). "Suggestions for the International Teaching Assistant." In B. Black & L.K. Acitelli (Eds.), A Guidebook for University of Michigan Teaching Assistants (pp.59). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, The Center for Research on Learning & Teaching. *The authors note that a number of their ideas are derived from Gary Althen's Manual for Foreign Teaching Assistants. Diamond, N., Hahn, L., Helgesen, M., & Visek, P. (1988). Handbook for Teaching Assistants at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Office of Instructional Technology and Design. Dalhousie University, Centre for Learning and Teaching, http://learningandteaching.dal.ca/ Murray, B. (Jan. 2000). Professors’ Most Grating Habits, Monitor on Psychology, pp. 56-57. http://www.apa.org/monitor/jan00/ed2.html Nikolic, V. & Cabji, H. (2000) Am I Teaching Well: Self-Evaluation Strategies for Effective Teachers (Toronto: Pippin, p.162) Paulson and Faust, http://www.calstatela.edu/dept/chem/chem2/Active/ Shor, I. (1996). When students have power: Negotiating authority in a critical pedagogy. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. University of British Columbia Okanagan, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (2007), A Guide to Effective Practices for Teaching Assistants 2007; University of British Columbia, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (2006), Instructional Resource Guide for Teaching Assistants, 2005/2006. University of California, Active Learning, http://cetl.ucdavis.edu/ University of Minnesota Center for Teaching and Learning, Recommendations for Making Active Learning Work, http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/tutorials/active/recommendations/index.html University of Northern British Columbia, Undergraduate Academic Calendar, http://www.unbc.ca/calendar/ University of Northern British Columbia, UNBC Harassment & Discrimination Policy, http://www.unbc.ca/assets/policy/facilities/security_harassment_and_discrimination.pdf 80 Zlotkowski, E. “Pedagogy and Engagement.” in Robert G. Bringle, Richard Games and Reverend Edward A. Malloy eds. Colleges and Universities as Citizens. Needham Heiths, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1999:99-100. 81 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TEACHING AWARDS CSAM Graduate Teaching Excellence Award Each year, the College of Science and Management (CSAM) presents one award to a graduate student who has taught courses in the college during the current academic year. The recipient of the award is publicly acknowledged and receives a monetary prize. Nominations Five students must nominate the candidate, and provide a detailed letter that: Identifies why they believe the teaching assistant is an exceptional teacher Demonstrates the clarity and effectiveness of the nominee’s instructions and assistance Describes how the nominee motivates and inspires students Nomination forms are available from the Office of the Dean of CSAM, from any CSAM faculty member, or online at http://www.unbc.ca/csam/forms.html. For additional information contact Kathy Josephson at the Office of the Dean of CSAM at 250-9605830. CASHS Graduate Teaching Excellence Award The CASHS Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award recognizes the achievement of graduate instructors and graduate teaching assistants in CASHS courses. Two awards will be conferred each year, one for those graduate instructors/TAs teaching in the Fall semester and one for those teaching in the Winter Semester. Nominations Five students must nominate the candidate, and provide a detailed letter that answers the following questions: Why do the nominating students believe the graduate instructor/teaching assistant to be an exceptional teacher? How has the graduate student instructor/teaching assistant demonstrated clarity and effectiveness in instruction and assistance to students? How has the graduate student teacher/teaching assistant motivated and inspired students to learn? Nomination forms are available from the Office of the Dean of CASHS, Office of the NBCGSS, Office of the NUGSS, or online at http://www.unbc.ca/cashs/forms.html 82 FOOD FOR THOUGHT "The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery." Mark Van Doren “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. “ - John Dewey “We learn by teaching.” James Howell "It is not what is poured into a student that counts but what is planted." Linda Conway "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benj amin Franklin “Teaching is the achievement of shared meaning.“ - D.B. Gowin “Professors known as outstanding lecturers do two things; they use a simple plan and many examples. “ - W. McXeachie "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." - Albert Einstein "I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." Lily Tomlin 83