How to Speak SEM-ese The Challenge of Getting Everyone on the Same Enrollment Page Stanley E. Henderson University of Michigan-Dearborn MACRAO 2014 Annual Conference November 5, 2014 Introducing Stanley Henderson • Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Life, University of Michigan-Dearborn since 2005 • Began in Admissions at Michigan State in 1970, went on to Wichita State, Western Michigan, University of Cincinnati, University of Illinois • AACRAO’s first VP for Enrollment Management (1990); President (1995-96); Distinguished Service Award (2007), Founders Award for Leadership (2008) • Co-founder of SEM conference in 1991 (one of only three people to have attended every SEM); wrote first history of SEM; most quoted on the “Academic Context” of SEM; SEM Lifetime Achievement Award (2014) • BA from Michigan State, MA from Cornell, doctoral course work at Illinois • Once called “Dad to 9000 students.” Ask anything about US Presidents! SEM“SEM-ese” Planning Model How to Speak 2 Participant Interests 1. Understand SEM, learn strategies, how to communicate SEM, how my office fits in, best practices, building buy-in, new ideas for enrollment planning (20 individuals) 2. Professional development, networking (3) 3. Learn more about MACRAO (1) 4. Specific topics: Veterans, equity, demographics, data, research sources (3) SEM Planning Model 3 SEM-ese is like Chinese: 4 Definitions for Each Character, Depending on the Inflection 1. While those of us in Enrollment Management are speaking from the SEM text, which brings insight to enrollment issues and offers significant assistance, including leveraging existing staff... 2. It would be the rare enrollment manager who had never thought about how there always seems to be an academic solution to every problem on campus 3. Provosts, deans, and the faculty all see issues through an academic lens and formulate resolutions on their terms without regard for—or even inclusion of—others’ perspectives SEM Planning Model 4 The Result: The Academic Tower of Enrollment Babel 1. Academic departments hire new advisors or staff that will continue to do what hasn’t worked 2. Faculty design new programs that will attract the few while ignoring SEM’s sure winners and insisting that “Admissions should visit high schools!” 3. Academic policies seek maximum penalties instead of teachable moments for offenses students don’t understand 4. Deans and chairs ignore the role their actions have played in enrollment shortfalls and expect SEM practitioners to fix things they were excluded from in the first place SEM Planning Model 5 Listen and Forget; Do and Understand 1. I long ago gave up trying to translate SEM-ese word for word for academic units and the Faculty Senate 2. Now I look for how to facilitate the practice of SEM: – When the Provost supports a new college for health programs because of the enrollments they will bring – When the deans see themselves able to effect their enrollments in collaboration with Enrollment Management, not just on their own – When the campus changes policies students tell us are barriers to enrollment rather than academic standards – When the campus believes everyone is responsible for enrollment and student success… 3. …That’s when I know the campus is starting to live SEM SEM Planning Model 6 But First, We Need the Tools 1. We need to know SEM-ese 1. The history 2. The context 3. The theory 4. The template 5. The Plan 6. The Practice 2. We also need to infuse some concepts into “our” language 1. Service 2. Collaboration 3. Culture 4. Partnerships 5. Community SEM Planning Model 7 The History Historically, over the last 40 years… As a concept, Enrollment Management was born in the early 1970s at Boston College SEM Planning Model 9 EM in the 1980s was marked by… • The growing research & theories of student departure (retention) • The 1980s enrollment crisis in higher education • The emerging sensitivity to marketing in student recruitment & in higher education generally • A focus on the traditional full-time undergraduate students SEM Planning Model 10 EM in the 1990s was marked by… • An emphasis on integrating financial aid, pricing, and net revenue planning • Inclusion of adult, part-time, & graduate enrollments • The explosion of information technology • Increasing and changing competition • A mushrooming consulting industry SEM Planning Model 11 Merging Theory (1980s) and Practice (1990s)… • As a professional literature, Enrollment Management emerged in the 1980s • As a professional practice, Enrollment Management evolved in the mid1990s • In the new millennium, Enrollment Management is evolving as a strategic component of institutional planning…. SEM Planning Model 12 Enrollment Management is just now coming of age…. • Over the first decade + of the new millennium, what is the new emphasis in Enrollment Management? • Programs and services designed with intentionality, purpose, integration of effort, service efficiency, and positive interventions with students • Integrated cross-campus collaborations and partnerships between faculty, administrators, and staff • Use of assessment and information-driven decision making • Understanding how campus cultures impact enrollment management efforts • Importance of shared leadership at multiple levels SEM Planning Model 13 The Context Redefining Higher Ed Industrial Age 1. Teaching franchise 2. Information infrastructure as a support tool 3. Separate learning systems 4. Silos 5. Bureaucratic systems 6. Rigid pre-designed processes Information Age 1. Learning franchise 2. Information infrastructure as instrument of transformation 3. Fused learning systems 4. Big tent 5. Self-informing, self-correcting systems 6. Families of transactions customized to needs of learners, faculty, staff SEM Planning Model 15 Consider Elements of Campus Culture • Pervasive attitude to not be content to rest on past success • Sense of inclusiveness on the part of all members of the campus community as opposed to just an institution • A strongly held sense of mission that recognizes the campus as “distinctive” or “special.” “The people are special.” SEM Planning Model A Matter of Culture and Leadership: Student Success in State Colleges and Universities, AASCU, 2005 16 Unpacking Culture – Setting High Expectations A culture of high expectations is a culture of mutual expectations. – Student success is up to students. Set high expectations for students. “People don’t rise to low expectations.” – We cannot just hold students to high standards. We must also do everything in our power to provide them with the support they need to succeed and to build students’ sense of personal responsibility for their achievement. – Leaders need to set high targets for faculty and staff performance. They need to set targets that actually can be met, provide support and example to meet them, then raise the bar another notch. A culture that succeeds like this is always in dynamic balance. SEM Planning Model 17 A Matter of Culture and Leadership: Student Success in State Colleges and Universities, AASCU, 2005 Enrollment Management is an Institutional Balancing Act • Meeting Enrollment Goals • Improving Quality • Increasing Diversity • Ensuring Access and Affordability • Increasing Net Tuition Revenue • Increasing Retention & Graduation Rates • Improving Student Learning Outcomes SEM Planning Model 18 What Impacts the EM Environment? • Demographic shifts • Changing economics of higher education • The public policy and the legal environment • The changing competition • The “Information Age” • The “Communication Age” SEM Planning Model 19 The Theory The Academic Context of Enrollment Management What is SEM? Strategic enrollment management is a concept and process that enables the fulfillment of institutional mission and students’ educational goals. Bob Bontrager SEM Planning Model 21 CONCEPTS AND GOALS What’s Behind SEM? Concept: Determining, achieving, maintaining optimum enrollment • Goal: Stabilize enrollment Concept: Better student access, transition, and persistence • Goal: Reduce vulnerability to environment Concept: Supporting the delivery of effective academic programs • Goal: Link academic programs and SEM SEM Planning Model 22 CONCEPTS and GOALS The SEM Foundation Concept: Generating additional net revenue • Goal: Stabilize finances Concept: Enabling effective financial planning • Goal: Optimize resources Concept: Increasing process and organizational efficiency • Goal: Improve quality SEM Planning Model 23 CONCEPTS and GOALS SEM at Work Concept: Improving service levels to all stakeholders • Goal: Improve services Concept: Creating data-rich environment • Goal: Evaluate strategies and tactics Concept: Building linkages with functions across campus • Goal: Improve access to information SEM Planning Model 24 What SEM is Not • Not a quick fix • Not all about structure • Not glorified admissions and marketing • Not function that operates separately from academic mission of the institution SEM Planning Model 25 Concentration on Structure • Bringing offices together to accomplish a more purposeful approach to enrollment • Maguire’s “Grand design” to bring independent offices into common purpose • “I had them report to you because I didn’t want them reporting to me” • Building a structure for structure in Cincinnati SEM Planning Model 26 Structure as Development • The “marching millions” committee • The “let’s-give-the-director-of-admissions-something-more-to-do” coordinator • The “conflict avoidance” matrix • The “now-we’re-serious” division • Structure based on difficulty of campus change • Kemerer, Baldridge, and Green, 1982 SEM Planning Model 27 Change Models • EM organizations develop according to the urgency of the need for change • Stable enrollments yield incremental change, probably through a committee • A crisis with plummeting enrollments might bring a new division Hossler, 1986 SEM Planning Model 28 Taking the Easy Road • Structure gives a sense of false reality • Steering committees, planning groups, working groups become the embodiment of SEM • Easier to concentrate on structure than to deal with the really hard work of staying in touch with the academic context SEM Planning Model 29 STRATEGIC Enrollment Management • Comprehensive process • Achieving and maintaining optimal recruitment, retention, and graduation rates • Optimum defined in academic context • Institution-wide process that touches every aspect of institutional function and culture • Academics are an umbrella concept • M. Dolence, 1993 SEM Planning Model 30 Theory: Through the Academic Lens Enrollment Informed by the Academic Mindset • When structure gets in the way, an academically centered institution will look for other paths besides structural change • Faculty view is consensus building and collaboration • Why change structure if another way is found? • Reaching the goal is the key, not the structure SEM Planning Model 32 The Ideal Structure Grows From Academic Context • DePaul model of cradle to endowment, literally, with pre-college programs leading to traditional enrollment units, to career services, and alumni/development affairs under an umbrella of marketing and branding • Faculty view: Grew out of the academic needs and context of the institution SEM Planning Model 33 Looking at SEM From the Academic Perspective • West Shore Community College sought faculty buy-in by identifying faculty needs and ideas. Result: From an institution that provides instruction to one that exists to produce learning • University of Missouri at Kansas City went after all the right people and used them to develop an incentive plan for growing colleges to enhance enrollment while supporting capped enrollment units SEM Planning Model 34 When in the Academy… • University of North Carolina at Greensboro deans voted a financial tax on themselves to support EM after they came to believe they could not otherwise achieve their academic goals • Dickinson College identified EM needs through understanding its roots, identity, purpose and mission so it could seek students who were the right fit, meet their expectations, and send them out sharing the college’s vision as alumni SEM Planning Model 35 Through the Academic Lens Emerges a SEM Ethos • The SEM Ethos is the underlying character and spirit of an institution’s academic culture • The Ethos puts the SEM emphasis back on the academic culture • Makes structure the servant, not the master, of enrollment policy and strategy • The academic lens touches every aspect of institutional culture and function SEM Planning Model 36 Theory: Guiding Principles for the SEM Ethos Shared Responsibility • If SEM reflects institutional identity, culture, it becomes an institution-wide strategy owned by each member of the community • No individual or office is responsible for enrollment strategy or outcomes • Each member of community takes responsibility for nurturing SEM Ethos SEM Planning Model 38 Integrated Institutional Planning • As an academic enterprise, SEM can be easily integrated into institutional planning • If it’s academically centered, SEM will be a defining part of institutional positioning • If SEM isn’t part of strategic planning, not much can be accomplished SEM Planning Model 39 Focus on Service • In SEM Ethos processes and procedures are more important than structure • Academic foundation dictates business practices • Business practices need to be aligned with academic mission • Institutions want to test students’ talents in the classroom, not their patience in navigating institutional business practices SEM Planning Model 40 Students’ Seamless View • Students see enrollment as a seamless process, not as a railroad track with multiple station stops • Enrollment is non-stop rather than stop and go (or even one-stop) • SEM is a big tent view of student expectations: everything is there, but they don’t want to touch what they don’t need SEM Planning Model 41 Intuitive Service • It doesn’t matter if it makes sense to us: does it make sense to the students? • Why is the student in the institution? • The only way he/she stays in school is for an academic reason • Retention is academic success • Processes and procedures should enhance academic success SEM Planning Model 42 Key Performance Indicators • Enrollment managers struggle with notion of KPIs as indices of institutional health • In reality, KPIs are placeholders for institutional values • Bodies, not student fit, approach is out of synch with the academic values of the institution • If the enrollment manager has an academic understanding of the place, KPIs set themselves SEM Planning Model 43 Research and Evaluation • With SEM Ethos SEM has to have research and evaluation plan • SEM staff are “people people” • More and more industry standard is data and research—tools of the academy • SEM units cannot continue to do “feel good” programs that can’t show support for academic goals SEM Planning Model 44 SEM for the Long Haul • SEM is long-term and never finished • Academic foundation is fluid; so must SEM be • Academic disciplines change with new research, new paradigms, new interests • Changes cannot be instantaneous • There needs to be a run up to the take-off point • SEM must follow the deliberate path of the long-term academic, not the quick fix of the repairman SEM Planning Model 45 The SEM Blueprint: A Refocusing of SEM The Elusive SEM Template • Every enrollment manager wants one • We all say it doesn’t exist, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach • It’s not very helpful to tell the young enrollment manager that she has to get to know her institution • In fact, the SEM Ethos does provide a template SEM Planning Model 47 Template: Academic Leadership • Leadership articulates the strategic academic aspirations, goals, needs, and strategies of faculty and students • If the CEO says, “Enrollment is paramount,” and fails to say, “to the academic mission,” EM fails • All must understand that academic well-being is linked to enrollment health SEM Planning Model 48 Template: Integrated Planning • enrollment management (lower case) is just managing enrollments • STRATEGIC Enrollment Management (upper case) happens when SEM unit planning and strategies are integrated with the institution’s strategic plan, academic master plan, and its fundamental (academic) mission SEM Planning Model 49 Template: Lateral Communication • Top-down communication is necessary to set the tone, but successful implementation of SEM requires lateral communication across campus • SEM needs lateral communication to ensure adherence to the institution’s academic ethos • Colleges to enrollment units and enrollment units to colleges: the tentacles of an octopus • Communication has to become a part of the culture; it has to express the ethos of the place SEM Planning Model 50 Template: Structure for Participation • The institutional academic ethos will set the structure to provide a means for faculty, staff, and students to contribute to SEM • SEM structure grows out of the core of an individual institution; it cannot be transplanted from institution X or Y • The structure cannot be more important than the cultural foundation itself SEM Planning Model 51 Template: Matching Structure to Mission • A community college may have a campus-wide structure • The research extensive university may have multiple structures in academic units • The wise enrollment manager will seek to know the academic grounding of the institution and then seek a structure based on that foundation SEM Planning Model 52 Applying the SEM TEMPLATE The Faces of SEM Integrating Structure, Planning, Leadership, and Community Structural/Managerial Face of SEM • Focuses on the structure and management of those departments and functions formally charged with achieving the institution’s enrollment goals • SEM decisions focus on optimal resource allocation to achieve enrollment goals • Marketing and recruitment priorities • Need-based versus merit-based FA packaging • Course offerings and scheduling • Service efficiency – One-Stop • Processing of academic policy • Student intervention initiatives SEM Planning Model 54 Planning Face of SEM • Focuses on the outward- and forward-looking at activities that guide the institution’s pursuit of its preferred future in a constantly changing and competitive environment • Focuses on long-range planning and institution-wide strategy development • New curricula & academic programs • Facilities development and renovation • Marketing and image campaigns • Investments in technology • Pricing decisions • Retention planning programs (early alert interventions, first year seminar, learning communities, support services, academic advising, etc.) SEM Planning Model 55 Leadership Face of SEM Focuses on leadership as a shared responsibility—occurring at all levels and deeply embedded in the way the institution works as on organization on a day-to-day basis – No silos – Enabling leadership at multiple levels – Servant leadership – Engender trust – Communicate purpose – Motivate people SEM Planning Model 56 The Human Face of SEM 1. In an institution, there is always a policy, a rule, a faculty culture, or an answer 2. In a community, we must look beyond the policies and the history to find what benefits individual students and the community itself 3. The Community of SEM is about building relationships; understanding how to create, nurture, and appreciate relationships will help the enrollment manager to structure, plan, and lead SEM 4. This is the Human Face of SEM, integrating the other faces into the Community of SEM that emphasizes Student Success through services and inclusion in a culture of participation and contribution SEM Planning Model 57 The Community of SEM… • Requires an understanding of the complex dynamics that shape the university’s culture as well as its enrollment profile • Requires a focus not on individual functional and departmental silos but on the entire enrollment process as service for success • Requires keeping the emphasis on student success through the enrollment continuum SEM Planning Model 58 General Prospects Inquiries Applicants Depositors Enrollees ACTIONS Specific Continuing Students Graduates Alumni Continued Cultivation SEM Planning Model 59 SEM Planning Recruitment / Marketing Orientation Classroom experience Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s college career Admission Financial support Academic support Retention Alumni Turning the enrollment funnel on its side… express progression forward….and emphasize the multi-dimensional processes that exist. SEM Planning Model 60 Moving from the traditional enrollment management perspective…. Traditional Enrollment Perspective Recruitment / Marketing Orientation Classroom experience Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s Experiences Admission Financial support Academic support Retention SEM Planning Model Alumni 61 …to a fully integrated Strategic Enrollment Management perspective. The SEM Perspective Recruitment / Marketing Orientation Classroom experience Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s Experiences Admission Financial support Academic support Retention SEM Planning Model Alumni 62 Setting Enrollment Goals: The Classic Conundrum • All may want better students • Administration may want more students • Faculty usually want fewer students • Departments may be reducing capacity • Access vs. Quality SEM Planning Model 63 Important Reminders • SEM is… – Mission and niche based – Subject to organizational history – Dependent on expertise of available staff – About collaboration, not org charts SEM Planning Model 64 SEM is a Journey • SEM requires systems thinking • SEM requires strategic thinking • SEM is resource hungry and it is all about ROI • SEM is growth by substitution (can’t do it unless you take something away) • SEM Math (2 + 3 = 7) SEM Planning Model 65 The Plan To Repeat: What is SEM? Strategic enrollment management is a concept and process that enables the fulfillment of institutional mission and students’ educational goals Bob Bontrager SEM Planning Model 67 The Purposes of SEM are Achieved by… • Establishing clear goals for the number and types of students needed to fulfill the institutional mission • Promoting students’ academic success by improving access, transition, persistence, and graduation • Promoting institutional success by enabling effective strategic and financial planning • Creating a data-rich environment to inform decisions and evaluate strategies SEM Planning Model 68 The Purposes of SEM are Achieved by… • Improving process, organizational and financial efficiency and outcomes • Strengthening communications and marketing with internal and external stakeholders • Increasing collaboration among departments across the campus to support the enrollment program SEM Planning Model 69 SEM Process Framework Performed by Process steps Align institutional strategic plan with broad enrollment targets and desired mix of students Develop action steps, accountability, and metrics Implement action steps Monitor progress, Report results to campus and executive leadership Mid-course adjustments New or revised goals Approve strategic goals and enrollment projection models Changes to goals Use data and information results to establish focused goals each for recruitment, retention, service, etc., and enrollment projection models Additional requests, clarifying questions Data and information gathering and assessment: Internal culture/ environment, student enrollment behaviors and scan of external environment Executive leadership, SEM Steering Committee Smaller group of staff and faculty adept at economics and data use Goals recommended by SEM Recruitment and Retention Councils; models developed by Data Team Executive leadership, SEM Steering Committee SEM councils and sub-committees Appropriate staff and faculty departments SEM Steering Committee, Chief Enrollment Officer SEM Planning Model 70 SEM Organizational Framework SEM Steering Committee Long-term enrollment goals, securing the approval of strategies through appropriate institutional channels, communication with Executive Cabinet Recruitment Council Retention Council Develop 3-4 strategic goals for new student recruitment; review and approve sub-committee action plans; recommend to SEM Steering Committee Develop 3-4 strategic goals for retention and graduation; review and approve sub-committee action plans; recommend to SEM Steering Committee 3-4 Sub-Committees 3-4 Sub-Committees Action plans, time lines and metrics for each strategic goal Action plans, time lines and metrics for each strategic goal Data Team Environment scanning, student enrollment behavior research, enrollment models, provide data to councils as needed SEM Planning Model 71 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 72 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Clarity of institutional mission, vision, goals Core competencies Strategic direction Aggregate enrollment goals Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 73 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan Student categories: first year, transfer, graduate, certificate, continuing ed, face-to-face/online, etc. Desired student groups: racial/ethnic diversity, academic ability, special skills, family income Geographic origin: local, regional, national, international Recruitment, retention, completion rates Institutional capacity SEM Planning Model 74 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Internal benchmarks: KEI numbers over the past 3-5 years Environmental scan − Demographics − Economics − Market opportunities − Competition Institutional research plan: designated reports and production schedule Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 75 SEM Model: Data “Count everything that moves!” --Old SEM Proverb “Track relentlessly what works and what doesn’t.” --Slippery Rock University “Data is not the plural of anecdote.” --Scannell & Kurz “Without Data you’re just another person with an opinion.” --Unknown SEM Planning Model 76 SEM Model: Data Where to start? 1. What issues are key to our institution NOW? 2. What issues are on the horizon? 3. Environmental Scan/SWOT Analysis 4. Data points to consider: • Enrollment basics: Headcount, FTE, demographics, enrollment status • Course offerings (capacity, trends, wait lists) • Retention data (and defining retention!) • Financial aid 5. Budget planning 6. Program cost analysis . . . or whatever best fits our institution! SEM Planning Model 77 SEM Model: Data 1. Accessibility of data It is so easy to go straight to “strategies.” But you should do your homework first and start at the beginning with data. . . 2. Getting everyone on the same page 3. Confirms or disproves campus “urban legends” 4. Confirms or disproves anecdotal “facts” 5. Information gathered to make decisions will be used for actually making decisions 6. Define a stopping point or “phase II” questions 7. Avoid the strategy discussion: Create a “parking lot” 8. Relevant vs. interesting data SEM Planning Model 78 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics 5-10 year SEI targets Strategies Focus: the institution’s desired future Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Based on: mission, data, and environmental scanning Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 79 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Staffing: skill sets, strategic deployment Systems: policies, procedures, technology Capacity for making effective enrollment decisions : positions, reporting lines, committees Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 80 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Campus Infrastructure Increase new students of specified types Increase retention rates, specifically by student types Expand into new markets Utilize emerging technologies Strategic Enrollment Goals Financial aid/scholarships Data Collection and Analysis Academic programs: mix and delivery systems Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 81 SEM Planning Framework Marketing/branding initiatives Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Academic program review Multilingual recruitment materials Targeted interventions for students in high risk courses Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan Enhanced academic advising Streamlined admission procedures Purchase a new CRM system SEM Planning Model 82 SEM Planning Framework Sustainable Enrollment Outcomes Consistently meeting goals over the long term − Enabling more effective campus-wide planning Tactics − Revisions to the institutional strategic plan Strategies − Academic planning: curriculum, faculty needs Campus Infrastructure Strategic Enrollment Goals Data Collection and Analysis − Facility planning − Financial planning Achieving the institution’s desired future Key Enrollment Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan SEM Planning Model 83 SEM“SEM-ese” Planning Model How to Speak 84 The Practice Strategic Enrollment Management at Work in an Academic World Our Every Day Reality in Student Success 1. There is abundant evidence that students are not as engaged as we would like 2. There is also evidence that students are not as engaged during the first year of college as they thought they would be! 3. Levels of performance in high DWFI rate courses should be a cause for embarrassment and action, especially in mathematics 4. There is still too much unacceptable attrition 5. There is much instability in the viability and leadership of retention of Student Success “programs” SEM Planning Model 86 Our Every Day Reality in Student Success 6. The response of the academy to the challenges of Student Success has been primarily to design “programs” rather than a more comprehensive institutional response 7. We are competing for ever scarcer resources in a larger society that does not currently share our values 8. And we are competing for students’ most precious of resources: their time, energies, attention, priorities, discretionary monies—Success in college vis a vis their jobs, families, pursuits of pleasures, busy demanding lives SEM Planning Model 87 What Will It Take to Build Success? 1. Core values that support a set of assumptions about a comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated approach 2. Programs and services designed with intentionality, purpose, integration of effort, service efficiency, and positive interventions with students 3. Integrated cross-campus collaborations and partnerships between faculty, staff, and administration 4. Use of assessment and data for informed decision making 5. Understanding of how campus cultures impact enrollment management efforts SEM Planning Model 88 But Remember… 1. There are NO SILVER BULLETS! There is no template, one-size-fits-all model that ensures student success 2. Campuses have to move from “enrollment by chance” to “enrollment by design” 3. To do that, strategic enrollment planning has to first understand and then become part of the culture of the entire campus 4. Only then can there be clear goals and efforts for optimal enrollment to fulfill institutional mission and services and programs to improve student learning and success SEM Planning Model 89 First Generation Students • 34% of 5-17 year olds in the US are considered first generation students • 41% of those are African-American • 61% are Latino • 23% are white • NCES, 2012 SEM Planning Model 90 First Generation Students • 82% of non-first generation students enrolled in US colleges immediately after high school • 54% of first generation students whose parents finished high school enrolled immediately • 36% of those whose parents had less than a high school education enrolled immediately • Choy, NCES, 2001 SEM Planning Model 91 First Generation Students • 50% of students in US higher education are first generation • 30% (5.6 million) of US college freshmen are first generation • 24% (4.5 million) are first generation and low income • More than 25% of those will leave after their first years • Only 11% will eventually graduate • Whereas 55% of higher income, first generation students will • And 78% of higher income, second generation student will • US Department of Education, 2010 SEM Planning Model 92 First Generation Students • The average age of enrollment for first-generation college students is 22, compared to 20 for students who are not first generation • 54% of first-generation students were financially on their own, while only 27% of students who were not first generation had full financial responsibility for themselves • 30% of first generation students had dependents with 11 percent being single parents, while only 14% of non-first generation students had dependents and only 4% were single parents. • Concordia University-Online, 2009 SEM Planning Model 93 Who’s Job Is It Anyway? • Retention officer, yes, but where does he/she reside? • Academic Affairs? The faculty have the most contact with the student • Student Affairs? Over 50% of what you learn in college is learned outside of class SEM Planning Model 94 It’s a Partnership • The faculty need to take responsibility for engaging the student, whether in the co-curriculum, the academic realm of the classroom, or experiential learning • The student life professional needs to take responsibility for the academic success of students—every student activity or organization is an enrollment unit SEM Planning Model 95 The Blended Outlook • Enrollment Management is a quintessentially academic enterprise • Still, at the end of the day, it is about individual student academic success • And it is supported by administrative changes to policies and procedures that make it difficult for students to navigate the campus SEM Planning Model 96 The Sex Appeal of Recruitment • Campuses obsess over freshmen numbers • The glitz and glamour of recruitment lives in the fast lane • Retention is the gray lady of enrollment management • Enrollment Management as the tortoise and the hare—steady wins the race SEM Planning Model 97 The Value of Value • Autopsy studies always show students leave for academic, financial, or personal reasons. • These may be placeholders for students’ perceptions that they are not getting enough value for the time, money, effort they are putting in • Price elasticity studies show cost is not as important in decision as perceived value SEM Planning Model 98 Build Value and They Will Stay • The enrollment management agenda should be directed at what leads students to perceive value in their education • Value provides a new definition of retention built around what motivates students • Perhaps the high ability, third generation student can more readily see value in school; hence more go, and more stay SEM Planning Model 99 Service as Retention • Retention improvement comes from improved business practices • B. Bontrager • Seamless enrollment processes provide perception of value • Let students’ talents be challenged in the classroom rather than have their patience tested in navigating the institutional bureaucracy SEM Planning Model 100 Engagement as Retention • Involvement redefined • What keeps the student going to class, doing the assignments, passing the tests? • For some, extracurricular activities • For others, internships and co-op • For still others, undergraduate research • For a few, study abroad • Don’t forget what they do in their community—how can that be harnessed to the campus? SEM Planning Model 101 Linking Recruitment and Retention • Market student engagement through individualized opportunities to capture student interest • Guarantee student engagement • Study retention rates by individual high schools: where they fall below the class average, gear recruitment to retention services SEM Planning Model 102 Building Buy-in to Value • Parents want to be reassured they sent their student to the right place—tell them that regularly, at least during the freshman year • If the student is unhappy or unfocussed, the parents who have been told repeatedly they did the right thing may be more likely to support the student in staying the course SEM Planning Model 103 Retention for More Than a Day • Data identifies and tracks the at-risk groups • Research identifies the services that can keep students successful • Recruiting for retention identifies and admits the students most likely to match the institutional Ethos and to succeed • Service helps retention SEM Planning Model 104 MERGERS AND PARTNERS Through the SEM Lens • Improving service as a template for partnership development. • Reviewing processes and procedures on an annual basis. • Building a culture of education, not regulation. • Cross-training and blending. SEM Planning Model 105 STRATEGY ISSUES • Academic offerings and support services • Marketing • Security • Buildings and grounds—the Million Dollar Walk • Student services and activities • Recruitment/admissions/enrollment • Information technology • KPIs/data/research/evaluation SEM Planning Model 106 Student Success, not Retention 1. Retention is clinical rather than aspirational 2. Retention is merely a measurement, a benchmark of educational attainment 3. And often, as John Gardner would argue, a minimum one at that: Retention is a C- and a pulse, the ability to fog a mirror 4. Retention restrains us, limits our vision and our capacity for creativity and excellence SEM Planning Model 107 High Impact Practices (HIPS) George Kuh’s research into retention led him to conclude that there were a number of High Impact Practices or HIPs that an institution can focus on to improve student success. When asked one one thing can an institution do to enhance student engagement and increase student success, he responded by saying make it possible for every student to participate in at least two high impact activities during their undergraduate program, one in their first year and one in the capstone year. SEM Planning Model 108 High Impact Practices (HIPs) 1. Community-based learning – Students are more likely to engage with one-off service projects than join Student Government – Create a Culture of Service before moving to Service Learning embedded in the curriculum 2. Capstone courses and projects – At the end of college, they enrich but don’t contribute to success – Consider capstone experiences in gateway courses in the majors 3. Diversity, globalization – The root of “diversity” is “divide” – Think Inclusion as an umbrella concept that embraces diversity SEM Planning Model 109 High Impact Practices (HIPs) 4. First-year seminars and experiences 5. Learning Communities 6. Internships 7. Undergraduate Research 8. Collaborative assignments and projects 9. Common intellectual experiences (Gen Ed) 10.Writing-intensive courses SEM Planning Model 110 Recent trends in Student Success Best Practices 1. Use of technology to track and monitor student engagement, utilization of services – Starfish Early Alert and Connect – MapWorks – Degree audits and maps – Swiping 2. Use of data to identify risk characteristics, apply predictive modeling – Matching GPA’s to graduation rates to determine where to put resources – Identifying key courses for graduation – Attendance SEM Planning Model 111 Recent trends in Student Success Best Practices 3. Structures – Retention Office – Retention Committee – Student Success Alliance – Executive officers or Boots-on-the-ground Staff? 4. Policies – Requiring students to take certain courses and earn certain GPAs semester by semester – Reassigning majors – Advising plans requiring use of career planning SEM Planning Model 112 Recent trends in Student Success Best Practices 5. State accountabilities – Funding based on graduation rates – Loss of state aid for repeated classes (students pay) – Federal policies • Lifetime limits on federal financial aid (Pell Grants, loans) • Future: Loss of aid for poor graduation rates? 6. Membership Organization services – Education Advisory Board • Research publications, general and customized • Interest Forums: Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Business Affairs, etc. • Data and analytics for end-to-end solutions SEM Planning Model 113 SEM: A Cautionary Tale An End Note Guess Who’s NOT Going to College? • Among high achievers from low-income families, 75% went to college but only 29% graduated • Among high achievers from high-income families, 99% went to college and 74% graduated SEM Planning Model 115 Hopes Delayed • Among the best-prepared American high school students: 20% of those from low-income families don’t go directly on to college • Among high achievers from high-income families, only 3% don’t enter college right away SEM Planning Model 116 Guess Who’s Coming to College? • Hispanic students have increased in 10 years from a 9.3% share of public high school graduates in 1994 to nearly 20% in 2014. • White students have declined as a percentage of the high school graduating class, going from 72.4% to 58% in the same time period • WICHE, 2003 SEM Planning Model 117 The Faces of the New Students • Minority share of high school grads has grown from about 7 percent in 1960 to 31 percent by 2002 and • Will grow further to 45 percent by 2018. • Mortenson • With the Boomer Echo peak at 3.2 million high school grads in 2009, 80% of the growth from the beginning of the 21st century was from students of color. SEM Planning Model 118 SEM in the Future • SEM operates where there is a blending of responsibilities between traditional EM, the Faculty, Information Technology, and Student Services. Traditional offices find their walls receding and disappearing as functions merge and all faculty and staff become accountable for recruitment and retention. SEM Planning Model 119 SEM Critical Success Factors in the Future • Strategic planning goes beyond senior institutional officers • Research and evaluation drive all activity • Academic foundation ceases to be purview only of faculty and academic administrators • Academic context becomes student-service centered SEM Planning Model 120 SEM and Service in the Future • Information technology is the engine and servant of service • Comprehensiveness means merger of functions • Leadership is team- and service-centered rather than office- and function-centered SEM Planning Model 121 SEM: The Sum of Its Parts • SEM is theory, practice, and environment. Each shapes and drives the others. • The SEM theoretician will be a slave to the rigidity of theory. • The SEM practitioner will lose sight of the strategic. • The SEM environmentalist will be the perpetual victim of events. SEM Planning Model 122 Incremental Progress • The SEM professional will merge the three and thereby find the means to manage the politics and achieve progress • The result many times will be incremental change and growth, so often a whipping post for both the true believer and the finger pointer • But incrementalism in the pursuit of progress is no vice SEM Planning Model 123 Acknowledgements With thanks to my fellow AACRAO Senior Consultants… Bob Bontrager Jody Gordon Tom Green Wendy Kilgore Clayton Smith Amanda Yale SEM Planning Model 124 Questions & Comments Stanley E. Henderson SEM Planning Model 125