Unit VIII Review Sheet 1. How did John Wilkes Booth hurt the South? LINCOLN’S PLAN WOULD HAVE FORGIVEN THE SOUTH 2. Where was Lincoln assassinated? FORD’S THEATER 3. What name is given to the period following the Civil War? RECONSTRUCTION 4. Who became President when Lincoln was assassinated? ANDREW JOHNSON 5. What resulted from the 13th amendment? SLAVERY WAS ABOLISHED 6. What did southern states do immediately after the Civil War to deny freed slaves their rights? PASSED BLACK CODES 7. What group of northern Republicans wanted to punish the South after the Civil War? RADICALS 8. What federal agency was created during Reconstruction to provide assistance to former slaves and needy whites? FREEDMANS BUREAU 9. What amendment granted citizenship to freed slaves? FOURTEENTH 10. What was the goal of “forty acres and a mule”? GIVE LAND TO FORMER SLAVES 11. What name was given to white southerners who supported radical Reconstruction? SCALAWAGS 12. What labor system required former slaves to pay land owners with a percentage of their crop? SHARECROPPERS 13. How did white southerners react when they lost their political rights? FORMED GROUPS LIKE THE KKK 14. What name was given to northerners who came south after the Civil War? CARPETBAGGERS 15. Name three results of the Radical plan for Reconstruction. MILITARY OCCUPATION OF THE SOUTH, ABOLISHED SLAVERY, PUNISHED FORMER CONFEDERATES 16. What amendment prevented states from denying voting rights to blacks? FIFTEENTH 17. What resulted from southern states passing the Jim Crow laws? SEGREGATION 18. What President ended Reconstruction? RUTHERFORD B. HAYES 19. Who was the leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress? THADDEUS STEVENS 20. How did Radicals gain control of Reconstruction? 2/3 MAJORITY IN CONGRESS 21. What name was given to white southerners when they regained political power? REDEEMERS 22. What was the basis for the impeachment charges against Andrew Johnson? HE VIOLATED THE TENURE OF OFFICE ACT 23. How did white southerners legally block former slaves from voting? LITERACY TEST, POLL TAX, GRANDFATHER CLAUSE 24. How many military districts were established in the South during Reconstruction? FIVE 25. What name was given to former slaves who paid rent to white landowners? TENANT FARMERS 26.In addition to George W. Bush, who won a controversial election that included disputed votes from Florida? RUTHERFORD B. HAYES 27.What party supported the rights of the freed slaves after the Civil War? REPUBLICAN 28. Why did Reconstruction come to an end? ECONOMIC PROBLEMS IN THE NORTH, DEATH OF RADICAL LEADERS, DISINTEREST IN THE NORTH 29. What political party came to power in the South after Reconstruction? DEMOCRATS 30. What act gave citizenship to all persons born in the United States, except Native Americans and it allowed African Americans to own property and be treat equal in court? CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1866 31.What act required the senate to approve the removal of any government official whose appointment had required the Senate’s approval? TENURE OF OFFICE ACT. 32. The group of cabinet members who cheated the government by filling false tax reports was? “WHISKEY RING” 33. The Democratic candidate during the election of 1876 was? SAMUEL TILDEN 34. What housed schools, hosted social events , and political gatherings, were the center of many African American communities? CHURCHES 35. What group of northern Republicans wanted to punish the South After the Civil War? CARPETBAGGERS 36.During Reconstruction, which agency gave food and clothes to former slaves? Freedom Bureau 37. What was the name of Southern Whites who supported radical Reconstruction? Scalawags 38. One lasting achievement of Reconstruction was the passage of constitutional amendments supporting equality 39. Which statement BEST explains why Reconstruction ended? Enforcement of Reconstruction Acts decreased because of political compromise 40. What amendment abolish slavery? 13th 41. Which Amendment give free slaves(men) the right to vote? 15th 42. Who did President Johnson fire to violate the tenure of office Act? Edwin Stanton