U2W09_S10_Lesson_9 - U2W09-2010

Business English Upper Intermediate
John Silberstein
•Weekly Voluntary Homework
•Leaders vs. Managers: Interview with a CEO
•Leaders vs. Managers: Leaders vs. Managers
Weekly Voluntary Homework
Talk about questions first
The purpose of the voluntary homework is to
increase your opportunities to practice writing in
As an instructor, my challenge is to provide
students with worthwhile feedback in a timely
fashion. A mandatory assignment should be of a
certain level, whereas a voluntary assignment can
be quick and easy. This will take less of your time
to accomplish and far less of my time to correct
and return to you.
Weekly Voluntary Homework
Talk about
questions first
The homework will be designed to give
you quick and continuous feedback, with
the aim of increasing your English
vocabulary and business writing skills.
Feedback is a two way street. You should
let me know, if there is something you
would like to work on improving.
Weekly Voluntary Homework
This Week’s Assignment
to your manager
requesting a meeting to discuss a
coworker who you feel is a bully and
consequently, makes you feel
uncomfortable at work.
Managers and Leaders
Listening Exercise: Interview with a CEO
Box isfirst
a good
Talka about
Email has made communication at work
much easier?
Positive feedback should be given
publicly as well as privately? Why?
Workers in the public sector are lazy?
Managers and Leaders
Listening Exercise: Interview with a CEO
What are the three channels of communication according
to Lara?
What name does Lara give to the kind of skills that are
important to team work?
Apart from giving positive feedback, what other thing does
Lara think is important for motivation?
What change does Lara want to make in the public sector?
What kind of person has vision and sees the big picture?
What role does Lara compare to an Admiral?
Managers and Leaders
Listening Exercise: Interview with a CEO
Read the script and explain what
Lara says about:
1. Top-down communication
2. Bottom-up communication
3. What a CEO should do in
4. The relationship between
employees and their Leader
Managers and Leaders
Read the Article: Leader vs. Managers
Why might a manager act as a leader also?
Why would an employee do as they were told?
Why do you believe that someone who comes
from a stable background would make a good
manager but not a good leader?
How does a leader change a subordinate into a
What did the research show about leaders that
makes them more likely to be risk takers?