Music and Film 3

The Media and You…
1. What kind of news stories do you find most/least interesting?
Write 1-6 (1=most interesting).
Celebrity gossip, politics, sport, science/technology, business, health
2. What stories are in the news at the moment?
3. How do you normally find out about…?
What the weather’s going to be like, the sports results, what’s on at
the cinema, the news headlines
4. Do you ever…? Where?
Read your horoscope? Do crosswords? Sudokus? Look at cartoons?
Read adverstisements?
5. Do you have a favourite…? Newsreader, film critic, journalist, sports
writer or broadcast.
6. Which newspapers/TV channels/radio stations in your country do
you think are..? Biased, reliable, sensational
Taken from New English File Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 78.
Quiz: How much do you know about music?
1) Musical instruments vibrate to make:
a) noises b) silence c) sounds
2) People that play music are:
a) musicians b) musicals c) players
3) A large group of people that play together is:
a) a choir b) an orchestra c) a team
4) A small group of people that play together is:
a) a band b) a club c) a duet
5) Instruments like the flute and bagpipes are:
a) percussion instruments b) string instruments c)
wind instruments
6) Instruments like the drums and maracas:
a) percussion instruments b) string instruments c)
wind instruments
7) The most popular musical instrument in the
world is:
a) the drums b) the guitar c) the violin
8) A piano has … black and white keys:
a) 22 b) 44 c) 88
9) Classical, folk, disco, hip hop, jazz, rap,
reggae, pop, rock, world are:
a) bands b) types of music c) instruments
10) Chopin, Mozart and Vivaldi are famous:
a) composers b) pianists c) singers
11) Musicians and singers make music in:
a) a recording house b) a recording office c) a
recording studio
12) A DJ is:
a) a dance b) a disc jockey c) a rap
13) The words of a song are called:
a) the lyrics b) the notes c) the letters
14) A popular Latin American dance is:
a) the salsa b) the sauce c) the waltz
15) You can watch music videos on:
a) MVT b) TVM c) MTV
Taken from the British Council website :
“In the Street”: Listen to the following people talking about
music festivals. Write the speaker’s number next to the
festival(s) they have been to.
Bath Blues festival
The Big Chill
Isle of Wight festival
Reading music festival
Rock festival in Ohio
Taken from New English File, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 80.
Listen again. Which speaker…?
1. went to a festival with members of their
2. doesn’t know the name of the festival they
went to.
3. has very clear memories of the experience.
4. went to a festival where there were a lot of
5. didn’t sleep at all.
Taken from New English File, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 80.
Common Phrases: Listen and complete the phrases.
What do you think they mean?
1. There were thousands and thousands of
people just chilling
. (informal)
2. You can just go and hang
and listen to
some music. (informal)
3. I didn’t
any sleep at all.
4. In the 1970s, early 80s I went to
5. …….and had no
whose tent we were in
the next morning.
Taken from New English File, Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 80.
-ed/-ing adjectives
Did you see that documentary about political corruption last night? It
was a really interested/interesting programme – I was quite shocked.
The Prime Minsiter said he was very pleased/pleasing with the country’s
economic progress, although there are some worried/worrrying signs
that there may be difficult times ahead.
There was a very exciting/excited basketball game on TV last night, but I
was a bit surprised/surprising that my team lost.
I know that people are always fascinated/fascinating by celebrities’
private lives, but I do think some of the personal questions they ask on
chat shows can be a bit embarrassed/embarrassing.
The instructions for this DVD player are so confused/confusing, it’s so
frustrated/frustrating trying to follow them.
I was a bit annoyed/annoying that I forgot to record Julia Roberts film
last night, although the review in the paper said it was very
I was really frightened/frightening by that ghost story you told us last
Taken from New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student’s Book, page 61.
What would you do? Decide what you would do in the following
situations using the correct adjective.
Example: You switch on the TV to watch your favourite soap and discover that it’s
football instead.
I’d be really
pleased – I love
I’d be really
annoyed – I find
football really
a) You find out there’s a chat show on TV with your favourite actor or rock star.
b) You suddenly see your best friend on TV.
c) You finish watching a scary film on you own at home and have to go to bed in an
empty house.
d) You watch a news item about civil war in a developing country.
e) One of your friends phones for a chat in the middle of the news.
Taken from New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student’s Book page 61.
Film Review
New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate Student’s Book, page 135