
Quotes review period 3
• Glanvill- the will of man to live and once you
lose the will to live you die
• Ligeia had the will to live- comes back to life
• Uses this quote in her last words
Fall of the House of Usher
• De beranger- in french- translated means: His/her
heart is a poised lute; as soon as it is touched, it
resounds (lute is a type of string instrument)
• Forshadows how madeline “comes back” from
the dead because of her connection (twins- each
like a half) with Roderick
• Vibration of heart strings- vibrates his heart- her
death was ultimately his death too- family all
Murders in the Rue Morgue
• Sir Thomas brown- puzzling questions
• Referring to the Illiad by Homer (greek
mythology)- Achilles
• You need an analytical mind- shows how
Dupin has an analytical mind instead of an
intellectual mind so he is able to solve the
Pit and Pendulum
• Impia tortorum longas hic turba furores Here the wicked mob,
• Sanguinis innocui, non satiata, aluit long cherished a hatred of innocent
• Sospite nunc patria, fracto nunc funeris antro, Now that the fatherland is
saved, and the cave of death demolished;
• Mors ubi dira fuit, vita salusque patent where grim death has been, life
and health appear.
• Latin translation- giving the reason for why the Spanish inquisition(setting)
• Forshadowing the ending of how he was going to be saved by the French
• Shows how he is an innocent prisoner being punished
Gold Bug
• Reference to italian folklore• Man bitten by tarantula- in story character is
bitten by gold bug and appears insane to the
narrator after as he goes in search of treasure
Dr. Heidegger
• NOTE- about plagiarism
• Denies the accusation of plagiarism- and he
wrote the story 20 years earlier
• Connection between how the people forget
the past and make the same mistakes
• Hawthorne was accused of plagiarism
• Closing- “the momentary circumstance was
too strong for him….”
• He was trying so hard to make his wife
perfect-theres no such thing as perfect- he
only realized this when she died and only then
the birthmark went away
• Closing- in the end of his life all he had left
was faith (literally his wife) and metaphorically
his faith in God left in his life
• He is sad because he saw the evil in the world
Rapps daughter
• Starts with French author- Aubepin- means
Hawthorne- berry (a plant good for your
heath)- sort of like an inside joke
• Ironic because he talks about the authortalking about himself
• Means this berry that is good for you but the
whole story is based off a deadly plant- some
popular writing is ok
Artist of the Beautiful
• Closing- when the artist rose…
• When an artist is good enough to make
something beautiful- its not the product but
it’s the process of creating and making beauty