The Ethics of State Involvement in Women's Health The Ethics of State Involvement in Women’s Health Monday, April 5, 2010 Davidson Conference Center University of Southern California Conference Co-chairs: Alison Dundes Renteln Professor of Political Science & Anthropology, USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences Jonathan M. Samet Director, Institute for Global Health, and Professor and Flora L. Thornton Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, USC WORKSHOP AGENDA (tentative as of 3/26/10) 8:30am – 10:00am (Board Room) Session 1: Global Norms and International Agreements on Women’s Health Chair: Soumita Basu, Hayward R. Alker Post-Doctoral Fellow 2009-10, Center for International Studies, USC “Is There a Gender Gap in Global Public Health? Global Norms, International Aid and Women’s Health Debra L. DeLaet, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Drake University “Morality, Legality, and Health: The Influence of the Grounds of Abortion Legality on Abortion-Related Health Issues” Laura Sjoberg, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Florida “The Influence of the Catholic Church on Public Policy” Sheila Briggs, Associate Professor of Religion and Gender Studies, USC and Board Member, Catholics for Choice “Breastfeeding and the Ethics of Restricting the Availability of Infant Formula” Kathryn Roberts, Senior Associate, Columbia Group for Children in Adversity Leah Perlman, Attorney in Private Practice, Rhode Island “US Family Planning Policy and the Global Gag Rule” Karen L. Baird, Associate Professor of Political Science, Purchase College, SUNY 10:00am – 10:15am Coffee Break 10:15am -11:45am (Board Room) Session 2: State Policies and Women’s Health Chair: Lyn Boyd-Judson, Director, USC Levan Institute for Humanities and Ethics “The Ethics of Financial Assistance for Family Planning” Stephen Olufemi Sodeke, Associate Director and Professor of Allied Health, Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care Will L. Tarver, Research Associate, Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care “Mandatory HIV-Testing as a Challenge to Women’s Health in Eritrea” Daniel Mekonnen, Visiting Researcher, International Victimology Institute (INTERVICT) Tilburg University, The Netherlands; formerly Judge of the Zoba Maekel Provincial Court, Eritrea “FGM in Ethiopia: State Policy and Public Diplomacy” Katherina Jawahalal, MA Program in Public Diplomacy, Annenberg School of Communication, USC “The Tragedy of Human Trafficking: Theory and Northern/Central European Evidence” Nadia Marinova, PhD Candidate, Politics and International Relations, USC (paper co-authored with Patrick James, Director, Center for International Studies, USC) 11:45 – 1:00pm (Vineyard Room) Lunch Break 1:00pm-2:30pm (Board Room) Session 3: Economic Empowerment, Development Programs, and Women’s Health Chair: Dana Goldman, Norman Topping/National Medical Enterprises Chair in Medicine and Public Policy, Director, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics, USC “Nurturing Women’s Health Through Development” Lipi Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Indian Institute of Public Administration “ICPD: A New Shift in Women’s Health in Modern Sri Lanka?” Darshi Thoradeniya, PhD Candidate, History, University of Warwick, UK “The Silent Genocide: Unholy Alliance of Patriarchy and Medical Technology” Kamayani Bali–Mahabal, Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, People’s Health Movement – South Asia, Mumbai, India “The Latino Healthcare Professionals Project” Mara Bird, Research and Programs Associate, NCLR/CSULB Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation and Leadership Training Janice Frates, Professor, Health Care Administration Program, California State University, Long Beach 2:30pm-2:45pm Coffee Break 2:45pm – 3:45pm Young Scholars Panel 1: Gendered Consequence of Violence and War on Women’s Health 10-minute presentations. Chair: Maya Eichler, Alker Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for International Studies, USC “Prosecutor v. Kunarac: Redefining Rape and Rupturing Myths in International Law” Lindsey Shook, Communication Studies, University of Kansas “Gendering Security Studies: Making War Rape Relevant” Katie Richey, PhD Program, Political Science, University of Oklahoma “Violence and Abuse Against Women: A Severe Impairment to Achieving the MDG’s Pertaining to Women’s Health” Jonathan Baik, Masters Candidate, Preventative and Global Medicine, USC “Personal Dignity Expended for War” Christine Epperson, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC 3:45pm – 5:00pm Young Scholars Panel 2: Global Medicine, Global Norms, State Policies 10-minute presentations. Chair: Heather Wipfli, Associate Director, USC Institute for Global Health “Perceptions of Stigma Associated with Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in Various Regions” Saman Setareh-Shenas, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC “Global Partnership as a Vehicle to Improve Women’s Health” Ambica Teja, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC “State Policies vs Machismo: A Comparative Study of Theoretical and Observed Women’s Rights in Rural Agricultural Communities in Honduras” Stacey Glenn Chiu, Sociology, College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, USC “Transnational Movements on Reproductive Rights and Women’s Health” Nichole Niknafs, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC “Human Trafficking: A Loss of Ethics” Karissa Nguyen and Antonio Excobar, Masters Candidates, Global Medicine, USC “Influence of Islamic Misconceptions on Women’s Health Issues in Developing African Countries” MamMon Hatmal, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC "Incentivisation of Family Planning: Theoretic Altruism Thwarted by Human Nature" Kevin T. Kline, Masters Candidate, Global Medicine, USC 5:00pm – 5:30pm (walk from conference center to reception) 5:30pm – 6:30pm Reception and viewing of Global Health Photo Exhibit (VKC Courtyard) 6:30pm – 8pm Film screening (Tyler Prize Environmental Pavilion) Film Screening and Q&A with director of “Abortion Democracy: Poland/South Africa” Director and Writer: Sarah Diehl Voted Best German film, International Black Film Festival 2009