Parts of Speech: The Building Blocks of Grammar

Parts of Speech:
The Building Blocks
of Grammar
Fill in the blanks on the next
screen to see what we will be
doing today.
DO NOT shout out your
Raise your hand when you
think you know the answer.
__ __da__ w__ a__ e
__ o __n __
__a__e __ p__ __te__t
t__ s__e
__ __ch y__u
__b__ut t__e __a__ __s
Today we are going to
take a pretest to see
how much you know
about the parts of
And the best news is…
If you get 100% on the pretest, you are
excused from this grammar unit! You will
automatically earn an A on it, and you
will get to do silent reading during
grammar time.
1. Write your answers on your own
sheet of paper.
2. Number your paper from 1 - 10.
3. Title your paper Parts of Speech
Parts of Speech Pretest
Name the part of speech that is in bold and
underlined for each sentence.
1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall.
2. What did she ask you to do?
3. I left my shoes under the kitchen table.
4. If we finish our work quickly we can go
to the movies.
5. On Saturdays I work from nine to five.
6. I want to go to a university in the
United States.
7. I'm sure I have met your girlfriend
8. Well, I don't think I will be here to
answer the phone.
9. Andy knocked on the door but
nobody answered.
10. After lunch let's go out for a
Now take out a different color
writing utensil to grade your
own answers.
(beautiful describes the dress)
pronoun (she takes the place of a specific person)
preposition (under tells where the shoes are)
adverb (quickly describes how the work is done)
verb (work is the action she does)
noun (university is a place)
verb (met is an action done in the past)
interjection (well is an exclamation)
conjunction (but is a word that joins words
10. preposition (after tells when)
Check for Understanding
1. Raise your hand if you can name the
EIGHT parts of speech.
The eight parts of speech are noun, pronoun,
adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction
(or coordinator) and interjection.
2. Why might it be important to learn the eight
parts of speech?
Next Steps
Over the next few weeks we will be
reviewing the parts of speech. We
will have a post-test on the material,
so you will need to take notes on
grammar days so you can use your
notes to study for the test. If you
earned 100% today, you will
automatically score 100% on the
post-test and you will be required to
read an SSR book during our
grammar lessons.