May 20, 2013 - Pitt County Schools

May 20, 2013
7:45 P. M.
South Central High School
Worth Forbes, Vice-Chair
Jill Camnitz
Mildred Council
Benjie Forrest
Sean Kenny
Jennifer Little
Robert Moore
Barbara Owens
Christine Waters
Marc Whichard
Billy Peaden
Mary Williams
Vice-Chair Worth Forbes called the Board of Education to order at 7:45 P. M. in the
Media Center of South Central High School.
Mr. Benjie Forrest led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Vice-Chair Forbes followed with a Moment of Silence asking that we remember all
students, staff and parents who have suffered a tragedy, sickness or loss of a loved
one in our Pitt County Schools system. He asked that we remember our students and
faculty as the end of the school year draws near regarding safety during the many
events taking place. Mr. Forbes asked everyone to remember the victims and families
of victims touched by the tornadoes in Oklahoma.
Vice-Chair Forbes then offered the Agenda for consideration. Ms. Barbara Owens
moved, second by Ms. Jill Camnitz, that the Board approve the Agenda as presented.
Motion passed unanimously.
During Public Expression, Ms. Keisha Jackson asked that the new superintendent
meet with parents in the community at least once a month in group settings just as
he/she meets with the Board at least once a month.
For the Spotlight on Teaching and Learning, South Central High School Principal Julie
Cary stated that several students and staff members will share with the Board efforts
put into place to improve the quality of instruction at SCHS. She gave the history that
in the fall of 2011, South Central was a recipient of a School Improvement Grant
which began with a comprehensive needs assessment. Ms. Cary stated that the
school opened eight or nine years ago, and she is the sixth principal in that time span.
She commented that the assessment demonstrated that the school needed a clear
vision and mission to improve the quality of instruction.
Three senior students shared how instruction has changed for them in the last two
years with implementation of technology integration. Mr. James Mallette has been
involved in art since he was a freshman in high school and has witnessed the dawn of
a new age for art education. Using technology, he created a portfolio website to host
the art he made in class, a how to video for artistic technique, and stop motion
animation. Mr. Mallette commented that these new digital aspects of art have engaged
many students who were not interested in the more conventional art forms. He closed
by stating that art provided him with direction for his future as he will be attending
Appalachian State University in the fall to study graphic design.
Mr. Firas Quran is President of the Student Body at South Central. He shared the
growth he has witnessed as he and others have used technological instruments such
as iPads and Smart phones in education to evolve to the 21st century. Mr. Quran told
of his work with Project Heart – a program using higher performing students to tutor
lower level classroom students to assist with achieving success. He explained how
crossword puzzles using words found on the End of Course vocabulary materials were
designed to help with student achievement. The resources were placed on a biology
(his assigned class) website, which he helped create, so that the students could access
the site and review the End of Course materials available.
Ms. Brittney Postell stated that when technology evolved, classes changed
dramatically. She explained that homework is posted on Facebook and
communication between parents/staff/students is quickly accomplished; in her dance
class, iPads allow students to watch movements in a new performance involving ballet,
jazz, tap, etc.; in history or psychology, an app called Show Me can be used like a
classroom presentation. Ms. Postell added that by using an iPad, you can touch/slide
the screen and don’t have to log on and wait for a computer to reach your icon.
Several staff members shared different methods of instruction to improve achievement
for their students. Ms. Karen Klaich told a story of how her instruction as a teacher
has changed since she began teaching 29 years ago compared to today. She added
that times are a changing, and she had to change or be left behind. In this technology
transformation, Ms. Klaich stated she has had to learn the tools of technology to teach
though many of her students were ahead of her in this concept. She closed by
commenting that technology has brought about standard level students creating blogs
about the lyrics of modern poems and then using technology to create their own lyric
poems; researching authors from the Renaissance Period and creating a project using
technology by combining history, language and poetry into a unique, personal
presentation; and having a standard level student research a topic, write his/her
paper, submit it to their teacher and that teacher reviewing and editing their work – all
Ms. Rhonda Kempton is a math teacher who discussed distributive leadership
opportunities. She explained Apple MacBooks being used in classes, and stated 17
teachers are technology leaders in the school using planning periods to help slower
technology users. Ms. Kempton shared that staff development is held to help teachers
understand this new method of instruction and some technology leaders actually do
the presentations. She added that at the NC TIES Conference held earlier in the year,
several technology leaders were presenters at the conference which was a great
opportunity for them.
Ms. Kempton stated that within the Professional Leadership Communities, the
leadership within some departments was a beginning teacher who will grow – starting
small and become a better leader in the future. She shared that another area of
leadership involved is a departmental instructional facilitator. Ms. Kempton informed
the Board that this group meets with Ms. Cary weekly and trainings have occurred
through local and state consultants – which are then shared with the entire
department. Ms. Kempton commented that these meetings have helped the
department members grow closer together, know their voice is heard and take
ownership of what is best for the school and their students.
Mr. Trey Salacki stated that he is a social studies teacher and went to Cambodia with
his mother in the spring. He informed the Board that he has worked with Science
Teacher Ann McClung and Media Coordinator Paula Elks during Earth and
Environmental Science and Psychology AP Classes to help raise awareness of students
for issues with trash and clean water in the area. Through collaboration with
students, they are making banners and flags to address these issues and are sending
them to the Kampot region in Southern Cambodia for the national Clean Your River
Day on March 14. They are also writing letters to students in Kampot stating they
support their efforts in this project. Another cross curriculum activity involved the
American Sign Language 3 Class and Foods 2 Class collaborating to order omelets
using American Sign Language. Mr. Salacki shared several future collaborative efforts
involving students, administrators, media folks and other teachers. He commented
that staff and students are excited and willing to get involved in these endeavors.
Ms. Katrissa Fisher is the graduation coach at South Central and shared the positive
data resulting from the above transformation efforts made by the staff. In 2009, the
three-year cohort graduation rate at South Central was 55.1%; in 2010, it was 72.4%;
and in 2011, it was 83.3%. This positive result occurred because following the needs
assessment Ms. Cary mentioned earlier, Ms. Fisher stated four areas were selected to
focus and improve on at South Central: communication, credit recovery, Project Heart
and attendance. A team was formed to focus on the four components, and we met
weekly to plan how to meet the needs of all our students. Currently, we meet each
day to be sure all the needs of all students are met and collaborate with our staff on a
regular basis. Ms. Fisher shared that their daily attendance average has risen to 95%
with a record of 294 courses failed due to poor attendance in the 09-10 school year,
120 courses in the 10-11 school year, 73 courses in the 11-12 school year and 4
courses failed at the end of first semester in the 12-13 school year. She added that
95% of the students who were pregnant or parenting graduated. Ms. Fisher explained
a flex period amounting to 3400 minutes of instruction in a school year with 30
minutes added to each class on rotating days each week. She added that the dropout
rate has decreased from 4.2% to 2.5%. She informed the Board that 83 students filled
out applications during College Application Week and 22 of these were first generation
Ms. Cary stated that at the end of the grant, South Central will have results available
to demonstrate how having extra funding to implement these ideas greatly increased
student achievement.
Vice-Chair Forbes commended Ms. Cary, the staff and students for presenting an
excellent program and having achieved a high level of learning, collaboration between
core subjects and the curriculum, and technology transformation.
Under Consent Items, Ms. Mildred Council, second by Ms. Jennifer Little, moved that
the Board approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held May 6, 2013, the
Second May 2013 Personnel Report and the Property to be Declared Surplus List.
Motion passed unanimously.
For New Business, Chair Sean Kenny discussed the Second Reading for Policy 10.111
- Student Transfers within Pitt County Schools. He stated on page 22, Section V.
Student Athletes, the last sentence has been added to define participation. With no
questions from Board members, Mr. Sean Kenny, second by Ms. Barbara Owens,
moved that the Board approve Policy 10.111 as presented. Motion passed
Under Comments by the Superintendent, Dr. Beverly Emory thanked Ms. Cary, her
staff and the students who were involved in tonight’s presentation. She shared that
she has attended many banquets/award presentations during the last few weeks as
the end of school approaches. Dr. Emory informed the Board that the Health Science
Academy has grown so much in the ten years since its beginning that this year they
had to divide into two nights for celebration in order to fit everyone into the Murphy
Center. She added that they have brought in over $1 million in scholarships and
given over 77,000 volunteer hours to community service in this school year. Dr.
Emory thanked Ms. Mildred Council for attending.
Dr. Emory shared that four years ago, after receiving a grant from Mr. Walter Harris’
brother, twelve students became involved in the Robotics Team after Mr. John
Coleman asked a team from Wake County to come with their robot and demonstrate
what their Robotics Team had implemented. Last Thursday night, over sixty kids
attended the celebration of the Robotics Program - with no one sponsoring them, uses
volunteer assistants and not a dime of support from us. She thanked Ms. Barbara
Owens for attending the ceremony. Dr. Emory reminded everyone that last year they
went to the National Competition, and we did help some with those expenses. She
stated that with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beaulieu, they now have a home at C.
M. Eppes – still without uniforms, a paid coach, etc. Superintendent Emory
recommended that we look into ways to help support the team.
Dr. Emory informed the Board that Assistant Superintendent of Finance Michael
Cowin did an outstanding job of presenting the budget to the County Commissioners.
She thanked Ms. Barbara Owens for her support by attending the meeting. Dr. Emory
reported that in all her years of assisting in the presentation of the PCS budget to the
County Commissioners, this is the first year that the County Manager recommended
full support of the budget to the Commissioners. When the vote is taken, she hopes it
will be approved and appreciates all County Manager Scott Elliott did to support us.
Vice-Chair Forbes and many other Board members thanked Ms. Cary, her staff and
students for the wonderful presentation tonight – adding that this is only a sample of
what’s going on throughout the district. He stated that the Board has heard loud and
clear from the community and teachers that we need to integrate the arts and
technology in instruction.
Mr. Sean Kenny dittoed Mr. Forbes.
Ms. Mildred Council also dittoed the remarks. She commented that young people,
when supported, can accomplish achievement. Ms. Council stated that the Health
Science Academy banquet was exciting. She informed the Board that four high
schools had a total of sixteen students attending the IFAL Camp at A&T June 9-14.
Ms. Council closed by stating that she has recruited six students from other counties,
and the 22 students will visit the legislature and receive certificates from Farm
Mr. Benjie thanked the public who came tonight and spoke during the public forum.
Mr. Robert Moore spoke to Superintendent Emory stating she will be missed, but the
programs she has started will continue on. He also thanked the public for attending
tonight. Mr. Moore added that he was here when South Central first opened, and it
was good to see the results presented here tonight.
Ms. Barbara Owens stated to South Central staff and students “show us, you did!”
She added that it was great to see all the smiles on their faces.
Ms. Christine Waters commented on an article in the newspaper regarding comments
from the County Commissioners stating we need to tell them what we are responsible
for in our budget.
Ms. Jennifer Little stated that the great success at South Central was due to hard
work, dedication and personal contract with students. She added that she has seen
their efforts first hand as she mentored a girl who was in the Fast Track Program and,
with the help of Ms. Cary and others, will graduate from South Central this year. Ms.
Little also thanked the community for their input.
Ms. Jill Camnitz dittoed the remarks made and stated you can see joy in the faces of
the presenters and the light in their eyes as they help students succeed.
Mr. Worth Forbes, second by Mr. Benjie Forrest, moved that the Board go into Closed
Session to 1) prevent the disclosure of student information that is confidential under
20 USC 1232g and G.S.115C-402; 2) consult with our attorney to preserve the
attorney-client privilege; 3) establish or instruct the staff or agent concerning the
negotiation of the amount of compensation or other terms of an employment contract;
4) consider the qualifications, competence, performance, condition of appointment of
public officer or employee; to consider personnel information made confidential by
G.S. 115C-319; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or
against a public officer or employee; and 5) approval of Closed Session Minutes from
the May 6, 2013 meeting. Motion approval was unanimous. Time was 8:30 p.m.
Mr. Benjie Forrest, second by Mr. Robert Brown, moved that the Board adjourns.
Motion passed unanimously. Time was 8:45 p.m.
Respectively Submitted,
Mr. Worth Forbes, Vice-Chair
Dr. Beverly Emory, Secretary