They might but they still have more championships then us! Monday

 Emad Alayoubi Jr They might but they still have more championships then us!
Monday at 6:08pm via mobile · Like · 31
Justin Whitaker Talk about an ugly cheerleader
Monday at 6:08pm · Like
Eric Schuster Doesn't get any uglier. Truly an eyesore.
Monday at 6:09pm via mobile · Like · 1
Bobby Richardson Bears are so badass we're the only team that doesn't even need any
cheerleaders Go Bears!
Monday at 6:09pm · Like · 10
Marky A Rios she popped.!
Monday at 6:09pm · Like
Eric Phillips Woof fat Wisconsin slags
Monday at 6:09pm via mobile · Like
Kelli Moorman DC got the best
Monday at 6:09pm via mobile · Like · 1
Cristian Laureano Dude thats my mom -.Monday at 6:10pm via mobile · Like · 4
Tonya Yokley Can't agree on this one.... At least they have cheerleaders
Monday at 6:10pm via mobile · Like · 22
Chelsea Ka'ilianu Belford Those colors don't look cute on anybody!
Monday at 6:10pm · Like · 2
Bobbe Norwood Lmao I can't say that, because my girl is a Cheesehead, but I will say, "THE
Monday at 6:10pm via mobile · Like · 3
Dominica T Butler She look like a soccer mom
Monday at 6:10pm via mobile · Like · 1
Jim Rossio You all are sore cause the bears suck big donkey dick
Monday at 6:11pm via mobile · Like · 16
Mark Schuring they are high school girls
Monday at 6:11pm · Like
Patrick Greney i'd still fuck her, but only from the back with a paper bag over her head.
Monday at 6:11pm · Like · 2
Andrea Schell packers cheerleaders? WOOF
Monday at 6:11pm · Like · 2
Isaac Bear Rodriguez The colors don't help .
Monday at 6:12pm via mobile · Like · 1
Jeremy Good Im not saying she's playboy material but ugly? Have u seen the southside girls?
Monday at 6:12pm via mobile · Like · 3
Angela Marie Was that from the 80's?
Monday at 6:12pm · Like
Anthony von Haeflinger The Packers don't even have an actual cheerleading squad you ignorant
Monday at 6:12pm via mobile · Like · 24
Delilah Castillo Lmao fugly
Monday at 6:12pm via mobile · Like · 1
Codeman Oji'niga Carufel Lmfao tell tht beeetch ta go eat a cheeseburger.
Monday at 6:13pm · Like
Deandre D-Money Silas Green Bay was too scary to play the bears in the playoff
Monday at 6:13pm via mobile · Like · 1
Kathy Howell NOT a very nice thing to say at all!!!!!!
Monday at 6:14pm · Like · 45
Nick Moyers Cheer leader? I thought it was their mascot Mrs Cheesehead
Monday at 6:14pm · Like · 4
Anna Hill Damn tough critics around here... Lol
Monday at 6:15pm via mobile · Like · 2
Debbie Stachewicz-Johnson at least they have cheerleaders. When are the honeybears coming
Monday at 6:15pm · Like · 6
Dan Duffee wow...even as a bears fan I think that was mean...she isnt ugly...and she is also
someones daughter.....
Monday at 6:15pm · Like · 178
Camille Coffee Sho u rigjt
Monday at 6:15pm · Like
Derek Troy Huh? I go to football game to watch football, not drool at cheerleaders.
Monday at 6:15pm · Like · 13
Camille Coffee sho u right
Monday at 6:15pm · Like
Richard Schindler Packers don't use professional cheerleaders because they are cheap like the
Bears so the local high schools are where they get the cheerleaders. The Bears ended the Honey
Bears after the 85 season after they won the Super Bowl. Maybe it is time to bring them back.
Monday at 6:16pm · Like · 5
Joey Givargis packers Suck Bears are awesome!!!!!
Monday at 6:16pm · Like · 3
Evan Slager Lol what kinda of uniform is that?
Monday at 6:16pm via mobile · Like
Hilario Martinez They are high-school student what kind of sick nasty grown ass adult males
can't hire woman to cheerlead for their team
Monday at 6:16pm via mobile · Like · 3
Valerie Lynn I'm sure she is a nice person but she does not look like a cheerleader for an NFL
Monday at 6:16pm via mobile · Like · 7
Antoine M. Wright I don't believe the packers have cheerleaders so this argument is invalid.
Monday at 6:17pm via mobile · Like · 8
Bob Summers Are they worse than the cheerleaders the Bears don't even have? This is just a
DUMB post!
Monday at 6:17pm · Like · 14
Christina BO Jeez Beaugrand That was kind of mean guys .....=|
Monday at 6:17pm via mobile · Like · 17
Young Medicine Brian Barnes cowboys have the bezt
Monday at 6:17pm via mobile · Like · 2
Adis Redžić Lol i wonder if the shave? Im not too certain, do they jim
Monday at 6:18pm via mobile · Like
Julie Stone Wow.....I'm a die hard BEARS fan.....But, that doesn't give me the right to sit here
and trash this cheer leader.....I don't think shes ugly, fugly, or any of the other ignorant names
mentioned above !!! This is probably the first Bears post that I "Dislike" !!!!!!
Monday at 6:19pm · Like · 166
Sabrina Swope no they do not
Monday at 6:20pm · Like · 2
Auggie Saanchez Respect ... Respect...!
Monday at 6:22pm via mobile · Like · 3
Dave Asche Pretty classless post, and i'm a bear fan. no taste at all
Monday at 6:23pm · Like · 71
Robert Owen Crossing the line...we have more class then this.
Monday at 6:24pm via mobile · Like · 40
Maureen Terrazas They aren't nfl. Greenbay uses cheerleaders from local schools in their area.
Monday at 6:25pm via mobile · Like · 11
Anna Hill Who says this is even an actual GB cheerleader? When you google gb cheerleader,
this is on the first page with tons of other misc photos. I've been a bears fan since I was 6 yrs old.
This pages last two posts have been douchey as hell. I'm outta here! I wanna talk football not
cheerleaders and Obama.
Monday at 6:26pm via mobile · Like · 23
Peggy McCormick Kornfeld Well at least the Packers can win a football game!! I would like to
think Bears fans wouldn't have to stoop to this level. The girl in that photo is cute, she's happy
and she has a team she can be proud of. Shame on you . . ,
Monday at 6:27pm via mobile · Like · 43
Joe Di Bella LMFAO at least they Have Cheerleaders.
Monday at 6:27pm · Like · 1
Lindsey Leach whaat, do people actually pay attention to that?
Monday at 6:29pm · Like
Bryan Collier Seriously. Apologize or take this s**t down. From a die hard bears fan.
Monday at 6:29pm via mobile · Like · 78
Brooke Warren ACTUALLY EVERYONE! The Packer cheerleaders are college students, and
the uniforms they where are because those cheerleaders don't need or necessarily want to show
there bodies considering when there stunt partner tosses them in the air that cheerleader don't
want her butt cheeks showing to all the fans. That cheerleader is also daughter, grand-daughter,
or could be an aunt, and she probably would not like them seeing her have a butt cheeks
showing. Respect for your body and your image.Also theses cheerleaders wear sweatshirts n
sweatpants because its Wisconsin!its flipping cold out!
Monday at 6:30pm via mobile · Like · 121
Anna Hill Eh Peggy, not all Bears fans are classless, not everyone here condones this post.
Monday at 6:30pm via mobile · Like · 5
Bob Mulryan Peggy is right. I am a die hard Bears fan but, whoever is putting up these shameful
photos should be fired!
Monday at 6:30pm · Like · 30
Joe Hall as a die hard bear fan i want to agree with this statement but as a red blooded american
male i think she is kinda cute i'd do her.
Monday at 6:31pm · Like · 5
Dana Windberg That's mean.
Monday at 6:32pm via mobile · Like · 6
Melissa Turek Dunn That's not really cool.
Monday at 6:34pm · Like · 6
Jeff Doy The worst not sure on that, at least they have cheerleaders bears can't even afford them
Monday at 6:34pm via mobile · Like · 1
Chris Neal This is a very weak post
Monday at 6:35pm via mobile · Like · 11
Kelli Moorman DC got the best
Monday at 6:35pm via mobile · Like
Russell Sering Moo
Monday at 6:36pm · Like
Sheriton Hensley I didn't even think the bears cheerleaders..
Monday at 6:36pm via mobile · Like · 2
Heather Andriakos Yielding If we could afford them they wouldn't look frumpy as shit
Monday at 6:37pm · Like
Lv Geo Sarres Rogel Free commercial for the Packers lol! Least they have some high-school
Monday at 6:39pm · Edited · Like · 1
Miguel Amaya Lol
Monday at 6:39pm via mobile · Like
Ronni Netzband-Tholl You ppl need to get over yourselves!!! Who the f**k cares about the
stupid cheerleaders?? Can I call an whambulance for all you butthurt ppl?
Monday at 6:39pm via mobile · Like · 3
Eric Nelson I'm a diehard Bears fan, but what a dumb post when we don't even have
Monday at 6:40pm · Like · 18
Ronni Netzband-Tholl True Eric!!! The Bears don't need cheerleaders. We have fans for that.
Monday at 6:41pm via mobile · Like · 3
Ricky Ote Aguitas Cahue that bitch look like a bag of potatoes lol
Monday at 6:41pm · Like · 2
Linda Peliachevsky Baus Nice plastic jacket,where is your matching cheese head.Go back to the
Monday at 6:42pm · Like · 2
Mark Jones I don't ever want to say anything good about the Packers but I agree real Bear Fans
have class we are not hoyty toyty but we have class so I agree with Anna and Bob we don't have
to disrespect these young ladies
Monday at 6:44pm · Like · 26
Greg Salzmann Shes not bad lookn I do her
Monday at 6:46pm · Like
Bee Rite Ontime Packers dont.have cheerleaders!!
Monday at 6:46pm via mobile · Like
Marla Fetters Hart Wth....I am not 13. She has the wrong team on but I am sure she is great
Monday at 6:47pm via mobile · Like · 5
Bee Rite Ontime Go bears thou..!!
Monday at 6:47pm via mobile · Like · 1
Darren Rumler Not the worst ..just to much cheese .. Rootin for the wrong team & eatin cheese ..
Come on down to Chicago girls ..well fix u up....
Monday at 6:49pm · Like · 3
Leif Anderson they are better than no cheerleaders. i miss the honeys
Monday at 6:49pm · Like · 1
Ariana Politron That's mean
Monday at 6:50pm via mobile · Like · 3
Mike Kelley How bout u all quit bitching an unlike the page if its that bad. Plain an simple.!!!
Get it got it good!!
Monday at 6:51pm via mobile · Like · 2
Amanda Luvzjathaniel Martinez GREENBAY SUCKS ASS GO Chicago Bears!!
Monday at 6:51pm via mobile · Like · 2
Mark Olinger I guess it could be worse!!! we could have 1 of the worst GM's in the in the
league!!! consistently draftin bums in the first and second round!!! the last 10 years!!! and fire in
awesome head coach for a ex NFL coach that has been fired or released from 15 different
teams!!! then we goes to Canada!!!! I'm just going to stop now !!!!!! thank God I'm a Packers
fan!!!!!! lasting on Bears fans mind should be Green Bay Packers ugly cheerleaders which are
not NFL cheerleaders there college cheerleaders
Monday at 6:52pm · Like · 5
Harlow Burton Fuck the packers.....
Monday at 6:53pm via mobile · Like · 4
Lawrence Owen What's worse is not having cheerleaders! Can we have the Honey Bears
Monday at 6:55pm via mobile · Like · 1
Mike Pedersen Wow, we wonder why girls have eating disorders. What a douche hose.
Monday at 6:56pm via mobile · Like · 20
Ted Rochon Stupidest cheer of all time is go pack go lol
Monday at 6:56pm via mobile · Like
Chyenne Mazurkiewicz We still kicked the Bears ASS LOL
Monday at 6:56pm · Like · 4
Billy Locacius seeing that we dont have any cheerleaders...
Monday at 6:56pm · Like
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Dallas cowboys suck memes
If you know a cowgirl "fan" u know how annoying they are lets get some revenge
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Monday at 6:57pm · Like
Melissa Sauter The bears sick
Monday at 6:58pm via mobile · Like
Nichole Garcia Duffy I'm a die hard bears fan and completely straight but this girl is beautiful
and her cheering skills should be defined by her cheering not her outfit. No offense but has
anyone wore a little skirt in zero degrees weather I wouldn't either. Also to all u real football
fans...isn't about the pigskin toss around anyways? It is too me. Give these poor girls a break
Monday at 6:58pm via mobile · Like · 44
Julie Hamholm Beaty Packers stopped having cheerleaders in 88... But we were one of the first
to have a squad. We often have the area schools & high schools come cheer for us! I am proud to
be a part of a team that gives these children this experience! they might not be the greatest, but
the are definitely the happiest!
Monday at 6:59pm · Like · 11
Kathy Kisa Lyons-Frumoff I am a big Bears fan, but tonight I am very disappointed. This is a
low shot. She is not made up to look like a movie star, but she is a lovely young lady. It is wrong
to be so cruel.
Monday at 7:01pm · Like · 48
Martin Joseph Smith well maybe the bears we dont have any cheep and the price I pay for tickets
only team without a season ticket holder night also.. what do we get for 2400 a year no
playoffs,no cheerleaders, no season ticket holder day,,
Monday at 7:01pm · Like
Bryan Christenson I'd still do her. For sport.
Monday at 7:01pm via mobile · Like
Ronni Netzband-Tholl Funny how many butthurt Packer fans are on this page, but the Bears suck
right? Stupid cheeseheads.
Monday at 7:01pm via mobile · Like · 4
Billy Beyer Them girls are from UW in Madison.and we don't even have any cheerleaders they
are not bad,but they do have some ugly ass uniforms tho
Monday at 7:02pm · Like
Shawn Smith She may be a cheese head but I would do her
Monday at 7:03pm via mobile · Like
Jason Joseph Fetzer Huge Bears fan here,dying for the ring to come back to chicago. But this
comment from this site is fuckin up with betr shit to post. Im not a pack fan but i dnt
say dumb shit espec sence they hav been kickin r asses again jst lik farve did. beat em 5yrs
Monday at 7:03pm · Like · 9
Jacklyn Ann Seward Fuck green bay!! FLIPPING CHEESEHEADS.... HOMELY ASS
MF'ERS* THATS ALL... GO Chicago Bears!!
Monday at 7:04pm via mobile · Like · 1
Clarence Perky Marshall Damn that bitch look somebody's house wife
Monday at 7:07pm via mobile · Like
Emily Olsen Rude.
Monday at 7:07pm via mobile · Like · 12
Jerry Nichols Haha you guys need to get a team before you criticize a teams cheerleaders. Just
ask yourselves how did it feel to lose the NFC championship and the division title at soldier field
lol. Learn how to win and then you can critique another teams cheerleaders.
Monday at 7:08pm · Like · 8
Amanda Luvzjathaniel Martinez Green Bay Packers suck big time why does the new
cheerleaders when half of your players look like bitchez with thier long blonde hair how gay lol
Monday at 7:08pm via mobile · Like · 3
Anita Cyr Wade Carlton like
Monday at 7:09pm · Like · 1
Dan Voynovich At least the Pack have cheerleaders, Bears too damn cheap plus they have
nothing to cheer about so I guess it makes sense
Monday at 7:10pm via mobile · Like · 2
Bill Morand farm animals
Monday at 7:10pm · Like
Mark Olinger yeah the last thing I knew Bears fans mine should be Green Bay Packers
cheerleaders you just picked up a head coach from Canada!!! you also have drafted bums the
past 10 years!!!!! and have gotten beaten by the Packers over n over n over I wish you Bears fans
will go to Wisconsin with a real football game with real football fans
Monday at 7:11pm · Like · 2
Amanda Luvzjathaniel Martinez Wtf GREEN BAY HAS TOO CHEER FOR BEING FAGGS?
Monday at 7:11pm · Like
Mike Slavik Chopped ass bitch
Monday at 7:12pm via mobile · Like · 1
Tu No But they have cheerleaders.
Monday at 7:13pm · Like
Ian Joles really?
Monday at 7:13pm · Like · 1
Jerry Nichols This is why I don't respect the retarded bear fans. The ones that appreciate football
are cool but the fucktards that just like to bash well there you have it. You can suck my balls.
Monday at 7:14pm · Like · 9
Jessica Summerhayes That's so mean
Monday at 7:19pm via mobile · Like · 1
Ronni Netzband-Tholl This is nothing compared to the a**hole Packer fans who made rude
comments about Cutler's adorable little boy. Now that's ignorant, but what can you expect from a
bunch of inbred dumbasses from Wesuckcocksin. BLOW PACK BLOW
Monday at 7:20pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mark Olinger go killyourself ^^^^^^^^^
Monday at 7:22pm · Like · 5
Enrique Cruz Too much cheese for her ass
Monday at 7:23pm via mobile · Like
Debb L. Finke What is wrong with this fan page?!? Let me see...u have chosen a ridiculous
amount of negativity lately and make it impossible to be associated with
Monday at 7:29pm via mobile · Like · 9
Camille White they suck
Monday at 7:31pm · Like
Ronni Netzband-Tholl That's what the "unlike" button is for Debb
Monday at 7:33pm via mobile · Like · 3
Allie Ortiz Wow this is absolutely ridiculous but that totally why the packers beat y'all right okay
I see how it is
Monday at 7:35pm · Like
Ronni Netzband-Tholl Go f**k yourself Mark.
Monday at 7:37pm via mobile · Like · 1
Rick Moenkemier ya. just found a site w/ pix. thier cows. Bear fans don't give a fuck about your
respect or opinion, jerry. they are nasty. maybe one of them r suckin your balls, and thats y ur so
Monday at 7:41pm · Like · 1
Jen Hansen Mean
Monday at 7:41pm via mobile · Like · 4
Terry L. Hardin At least they have some cheerleaders....LMAO, As long as Virginia McCaskey
is alive we'll never have them again!#
Monday at 7:42pm via mobile · Like · 1
Victor H Dominguez She's alright. I'd fuck her with a bratwurst.
Monday at 7:42pm via mobile · Like
Jason Guadagno Corn Feed....
Monday at 7:49pm · Like
Susie Becker Nothing against the Cheerleaders!!! But Packers Suck!!!
Monday at 7:51pm via mobile · Like · 3
Lisa Kenn Randall I thought this was going to be a decent fb page with cool pics, not an
immature one that can't think of anything better to say. Between this ridiculous post against
another team's cheerleaders (really??? I'm sure the Bears organization would not approve using
their name to "bully" a girl) and those two weeks of "click on this to win a jersey", which I didn't
even finish and had spam calls coming in immediately.... WOW.
Monday at 7:54pm · Like · 13
James Davidson shes all good!!
Monday at 7:56pm · Like
Kevin Sherwood May be better than the bears but the packers still can't beat good teams lol so
shut the face! Green bay sucks!!
Monday at 7:56pm via mobile · Like · 3
Darrell Jackson Sr. i agree
Monday at 7:56pm · Like
Chris Kupperschmid @kevinsherwood you're a douche. The packers hold their own against
Monday at 8:01pm via mobile · Like · 4
Mallory Rodriguez At least we have cheerleaders
Monday at 8:02pm via mobile · Like
Boston Cheney Bars sick packers all the way
Monday at 8:05pm via mobile · Like
Kerryann Kaplan We wonder why girls r commiting suicide this is rediculous I may not be
gorgeous but at least I'm happy look at the smile on her face all the people poking fun at this
poor kid is rediculous and shamefull
Monday at 8:06pm via mobile · Like · 20
Byron Urbieta Packers suck
Monday at 8:07pm · Like
Jesus Reasdog Nava Bear fans are funny,ur team hasn't beat us in the past 3 years and your more
worried about our cheerleaders......Dumbasses!!!!
Monday at 8:08pm via mobile · Like · 8
Chris Kupperschmid So do guys named Byron
Monday at 8:08pm via mobile · Like · 1
Sandy Minard Workman Peterman Bullying via Facebook.......very low.
Monday at 8:10pm via mobile · Like · 13
Randy Whitmore The Packers don't even have cheerleaders...they have local college and hs
squads come cheer at their games, Bear fans are so stupid
Monday at 8:11pm via mobile · Like · 11
David T Dennett Cause the Pack can't afford cheerleaders, public owned
Monday at 8:17pm via mobile · Like · 2
Tory Williams Wow... thats not nice.
Monday at 8:18pm via mobile · Like · 2
Nicholas DeGiorgio What no skin
Monday at 8:20pm via mobile · Like · 1
Mary Evans Blackerby that's just plain mean...
Monday at 8:22pm · Like · 2
Amy Gomez Awh bears fans we don't have cheerleaders
Monday at 8:28pm via mobile · Like · 1
Chris Galassi At least they have cheerleaders..
Monday at 8:29pm via mobile · Like · 2
William James Wilson It's on how u see the side of the coin but yeah she's ugly and weight is not
the reason it's those green and yellow colors go bears
Monday at 8:31pm · Edited · Like
Jeffrey Shipman they suck real homely
Monday at 8:36pm · Like
Jessica Reynolds McGuire Wow. This is messed up.
Monday at 8:36pm via mobile · Like · 1
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Dallas cowboys suck memes
If you know a cowgirl "fan" u know how annoying they are lets get some revenge
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Monday at 8:39pm · Like
Anthony Wypych Lmfao. Corn fed
Monday at 8:45pm via mobile · Like · 1
Karen Fair I will never agree with this, as it might come back to jinx the BEARS!
Monday at 8:45pm · Like
Pati Guemez they at least have cheeseLeaders what happened to our honey Bears?
Monday at 8:48pm · Like · 1
Andrew Joseph Lanza They have cheerleaders??! Since when??
Monday at 8:51pm · Like
Kaitlyn Collins Having the opportunity to be at every packer game for the 2009-2010 season was
an experience of a lifetime. I wasn't aware that bullying was part of cheering for the best sport
ever. This is a picture of me from 4 years ago. I am not ashamed of how I look and am proud of
the fact that I was able to be on the field cheering on the best team in the NFL.
Monday at 8:51pm · Like · 249
Guillermo Gama At least they have cheerleaders Chicago
Monday at 8:53pm via mobile · Like
Niki Boland I'm a die hard bears fan, but this is cruel n wrong. Nice way of putting an innocent
person on blast. Shows some bears fans are poor sports.
Monday at 8:55pm via mobile · Like · 17
Bryan Hanson exactly Guillermo!
Monday at 8:56pm · Like
Bryan Hanson But i am a BEARS FAN!!!!
Monday at 8:56pm · Like
Marion McDermott Walsh Let's be nice...
Monday at 8:56pm via mobile · Like · 1
Gary Bowen Why packer fans on this page? Bye!
Monday at 8:58pm · Like
Ahsh Brandon Fuck the packers.....go bears
Monday at 8:58pm via mobile · Like · 2
Arilyn Ramey Steelers
Monday at 8:59pm · Like · 1
Josh Poortinga They have more champions than the Chicago Bears and at least they have
Monday at 9:00pm · Like · 1
Ahsh Brandon Packers fans should not b allowed to comment on this page we don't comment on
there faggott ass pages
Monday at 9:01pm via mobile · Like · 2
Christopher Cotrone We dont have any dumbass
Id rather have fat ones then none at all
Monday at 9:03pm via mobile · Like
Jeremy Pendergraft Come on just because the team sucks dosen't mean you should bash the
cheerleaders come on now } thought we were better than that.
Monday at 9:05pm via mobile · Like · 3
Mayra Yesenia Fuentes Bears fans we better than that... No need for that... We known for being
great fans and respectful NOT FOR BULLYING
Monday at 9:12pm · Like · 9
Allison Winter Bakke Yeah, come on guys. We are better than this.....
Monday at 9:12pm · Like · 2
Hugo Rangel Cheese head
Monday at 9:27pm via mobile · Like
Shawn E. Dorsey Where are the Honey Bears???
Monday at 9:28pm via mobile · Like · 1
Toni Burgbacher Collins The Packers Cheerleaders are college students, not professionally paid,
totally volunteer. And last I checked, the Bears have none at all . . .so? Where is your spirit? I
call poor teamanship foul here! Grow up, people.
Monday at 9:36pm via mobile · Like · 46
Marsha Edwards Fontana cheezy
Monday at 9:36pm via mobile · Like · 1
Melissa Jensen This is absolutely disgusting, I'm a Packers fan but honestly I love the
Bears/Packers rivalry. Any Bears fan should be ashamed to be associated with bullying like this.
NO ONE deserves to be treated this way. Also Green Bay uses cheerleaders from the two local
colleges, they are volunteers who dedicate their time and effort while going to school. I've had
the pleasure of meeting the beautiful lady in this picture and she is gorgeous and sweet and
funny. I happen to think this is a great picture of her, she looks very happy! Again, the way some
of you are acting is sickening.
Monday at 9:43pm · Like · 60
Johnny Lynde Slim pickin's in Green Bay-home of beer farts & the Fudge Packers
Monday at 9:44pm via mobile · Like · 1
Melissa Jensen ^ A grown man picking on a college student. You should be really proud of
Monday at 9:46pm · Like · 45
Matthew Cohen Packers cheerleaders dont eat, they graze
Monday at 9:47pm · Like · 3
Monday at 10:06pm · Like
Daniel Jake Likins Speaking from a true fan of a team that have no cheerleaders, they don't look
Monday at 10:14pm · Like · 2
Derek Kye An colors piss ass yellow an shit green
Monday at 10:24pm via mobile · Like
John Dziedzic I'm a bears fan but c'mon this is atrocious I went to school with this guys
saying all that shit are pathetic..bunch of low lives. REPORT
Monday at 11:14pm · Edited · Like · 46
Duncan C. Henke Football is about football not the cheerleaders. You guys wouldn't understand
this since you missed the playoffs.
Monday at 10:49pm via mobile · Like · 6
Joshua Sunshine Embrey @ least they don't have a pic giving Obama a jersey!
Monday at 10:50pm via mobile · Like · 1
Ashley Nicole Sypor Wow I'm a Bears fan all the way! But the girl your making fun of is an
awesome person!! She was a great friend of mine in high-school! No Respect pretty sad she's a
college student and one if best cheerleaders I've ever seen!!
Monday at 11:30pm · Like · 23
Ashley Nicole Sypor Samantha Henderson Kady Hosking You see this shit?
Monday at 11:32pm · Like · 1
Samantha Henderson Why are they the worst? Because they are REAL cheerleaders? Not
mediocre dancers who parade around in skimpy outfits? Cheerleading is about supporting a
team, being athletic and getting the crowd involved NOT tits and ass...please excuse my
language. Also, to whomever called this girl ugly she would never attack an individual or team in
such a harsh way because she is a beautiful girl inside and out. #HATERS
Monday at 11:41pm · Like · 38
Nancy Rogers This is seriously like bullying...I'm a bears fan and find this SOOO wrong!! That
girl happens to be really pretty!!! This pic. Just like Obama getting a bears Jersey should be fckn
deleted from this stupid page !!!NOW!!! Smh...whoever thought this was funny is plain
Monday at 11:41pm via mobile · Like · 19
Ashley Nicole Sypor We might be small town people but we have big hearts and don't appreciate
seeing one of our own ridiculed you people sicken me! You've made me officially for first time
in my life embarrassed to be a fan!
Monday at 11:44pm · Like · 20
Carli Ihde the packers choose real women to cheer because those are the kind of people that
matter. This girl is a sweet heart and she is beautiful. Just because someone's tits aren't hanging
out and she's not mooning the crowd doesnt make them the "worst" it just makes them a role
model for our kids. The packers have the right idea.
Tuesday at 1:55am · Like · 21
Emily Stock I'm sorry that your team sucks so much that you don't have your own cheer team. I
know the members of this team and they are all awesome people. I'm sorry that you feel the need
to pick an innocent college students in order to pump up your egos. This is just disgusting. What
the fuck is wrong with you? I'm glad that I am a fan of a classy team with classy fans that doesn't
need to bash other team's cheerleaders or fans. This is just low. I am proud to be a Green Bay
Packers fan after seeing this behavior. This girl that you are bashing is a smart, beautiful woman
doing something she obviously loves. Get off her case and take this down.
Tuesday at 3:38am via mobile · Edited · Like · 15
Matt Ramage This is ignorant. I could bash the bears and mention how they missed playoffs and
then hired a hockey coach but I won't since some Bears fans have class to defend this girl. Why
put her picture on here and bully her ? This is wrong and if a packers page did this I would say
the same thing. You are pathetic
Tuesday at 2:02am · Like · 11
Matt Ramage Everybody report this picture. This is a person. A college kid who was picked out
to be made fun of. You could have said packers suck, cheerleaders suck but to put this girls
picture out there is low even for a bears fan. C'mon people show some class. Take this crap down
and hopefully she doesn't see this and hurt herself. What is wrong with you ?
Tuesday at 2:12am · Like · 22
Kaitlyn Collins Luckily this girl is a strong enough person not to listen to all the horrible words
and has some great friends who stand by my side and stick up for what's right. This picture was
reported to facebook and was decided that it did not qualify as bullying under their standars. It is
now up to whoever is running this page, to make the right choice and take this photo down. I do
not appreciate having a photo of me being used like this.
Tuesday at 2:20am · Like · 122
Matt Ramage How does Facebook make that decision ? This is severe bullying. All these
comments are horrendous. Facebook fails once again. Every single person who liked this is a
piece of shit. I don't see who's running this pages picture anywhere. A coward runs this page.
Even your fellow bears fans can see that.
Tuesday at 2:27am via mobile · Like · 17
Matt Ramage If Facebook won't do anything and they refuse to take down maybe report this to
police. It's harassment and some of these comments are sexual harassment.
Tuesday at 2:34am via mobile · Like · 13
Erika Compton Not to mention is this a copyrighted photo from the NFL, the Packers, the Press
Gazette or UWGB? And is it being used and distributed without their consent?
Tuesday at 2:43am via mobile · Like · 10
Matt Tisdale Making fun of a defenceless woman, stay classy bear fans and by the way, if you
liked this you are the definition of a dumb ass
Tuesday at 2:46am · Like · 6
Gary Lagueux Jr. This happens to be a smart, intelligent, & beautiful young lady...YOU NEED
TO GROW UP...keep your jokes with football and remove this post...bullying is stop
bullying Kaitlyn Collins
Tuesday at 7:04am · Like · 9
Victoria Branda So, out of curiosity. I started looking at the profile pics of people making these
comments. And. Theyre hilarious. really. Id like to see most of the guys try to get a woman to
talk to them without paying them first.
Tuesday at 8:34am · Like · 7
Michael Krein what a sad state you must live in that requires you to post such trash! I hope that
this is just your opinion (as wrong as it is)...and not representative of other Bears fans. The
picture you posted just happens to be that of the daughter of a friend.
Tuesday at 9:45am · Edited · Like · 8
Tallon Christnot and yet it is okay for packer fans to not only bully the players, coaches, and
fams of the bears? but someone makes one joke about a cheerleader, and OH MY GOD, its a
terrible thing? where are you guys when packer fans HARASS bears fans, saying how much
therir team sucks, rubbing it in their face, and treating them like dirt? Yeah. Get over this picture.
it is posted and done. I think the cheerleader will be okay. I doubt she will suffer any emotional
scars from a pictuee on facebook.
Tuesday at 10:03am · Like
Cera Marie Ebben @Talloon Christnot I don't think bullying is okay, period. My dad is a die
hard Packers fan, and my mom is a die hard Bears fan. I'm not the biggest football fan, but this
friendly rivalry in my family holds some of the fondest memories. We may throw things at each
other like, "The Bears still suck!" but it's all in good fun, and we know that. I don't want to point
any fingers, because that's like saying ALL Bear fans are the same, and ALL Packer fans are the
same, when they're not; some are really just MEAN.
Tuesday at 10:21am · Like · 7
Cera Marie Ebben So with that being said, to the cheerleader in this picture: You're gorgeous,
and you have a smile that could make anyone smile. Don't stop doing something you have a
passion for because there are some jerks out there with nothing better to do than pick on you. In
fact, when you get responses like this, it's a sign that you're doing things *right* or they're
probably jealous. You make Packer Nation proud!
Tuesday at 10:26am · Like · 24
William Trojan I'm glad there are still a few good Bears fans out there. As for the rest of you that
insult someone you don't even know, I feel sorry for the lives you must lead. I personally know
that girls father and he would never stoop so low as to say they same about anyone!
Tuesday at 10:50am · Like · 9
Monika Jepson You should be ashamed attacking innocent girl like this!
Tuesday at 10:58am · Like · 9
Monique Riste I hope that this girl and her family press charges on you for cyber bullying!!!!
Bears fans should be ashamed of this page!
Tuesday at 11:03am · Like · 16
Autumn Crawford Do y'all feel good about yourself now that you are a bullying an innocent
woman? If a female shows skin, she is a whore, if she doesn't she is ugly... Really? She is classy!
She is showing her love for the packers while keeping covered. And she is beautiful. Y'all are
tacky for this post!
Tuesday at 1:09pm · Like · 10
Mark Lee Snell The Packers technically do not have cheerleaders. They allow cheerleaders from
local colleges to perform at home games. The fact that they do not exploit half naked women is
just another reason I love the Packers.
Tuesday at 1:48pm · Like · 16
Jon Collins I'll have you ignorant little fuck-heads know that, that happens to be my sister. i don't
give a damn if you are a 'die hard bears fan' or not, these are still people you're talking about. i
swear to god, you people have no goddamn respect, and you call yourselves adults... Some of
you assholes really need not just a reality check, but also some lessons in what is appropriate to
post on these PUBLIC FUCKING DOMAINS!... and you're damn right Monique Riste, thank
you for actually speaking with wisdom instead of through your ass like some of these shit-forbrains. you better hope we don't press charges, luckily enough for you i don't find myself in a
position to determine what would become of you guys... MY OWN SISTER.... i'm really starting
to lose faith in humanity..
Tuesday at 1:52pm · Like · 60
Jamie Diedrich how about all these ass holes come here and spend 3 hours outside practically
naked. what do you expect? and i think she's beautiful
Tuesday at 2:14pm · Like · 4
Jon Collins And above all else, after reading over the rest of these posts... some of you spineless
pricks thought you could defend yourselves by playing the blame game *what about when the
packer fans do it* well rather honestly, i don't give a FLYING FUCK if either teams fans do it!
it's trash in either way! THIS particular post just grabs my attention because it's my sister... to
those of you who are agreeing with my points that i've made, i thank you, I'm not even a major
fan of ANY US American Football team! so does that mean that i or my family should be
affected by YOUR personal BULLSHIT?!
all you other meaningless little shit-stains... do us all a favor... just grow THE FUCK up... or shut
THE FUCK up. understood? love you sis... Kaitlyn Collins
Tuesday at 4:30pm · Edited · Like · 41
Anni Alder Bjerke This lovely young lady was only about 18 or 19 when this was taken. She was
a classic "girl next door" beauty and she still is. A gorgeous smile, a sweet personality, and the
hair, eyes, and skin that make the rest of us jealous. She's our dear friends' daughter, and I'm
SICK that on this day, her life was altered by cruel comments by people who don't even know
her. She.Is.Someone's.Daughter.Someone's.Sister. USE YOUR HEADS! You're all bullies! If
you were in school, you would be expelled for your cruelty. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!
Tuesday at 3:03pm · Like · 17
Anni Alder Bjerke It's nice to see that this ridiculous string of comments has stopped growing in
length. I hope it stops right here and that this is the LAST comment. Someone needs to remove
this whole thing anyway.
Tuesday at 3:28pm · Like · 4
Ginny Evans You guys have truely embarassed any TRUE Bears fan! This girl loves
cheerleading and was honored to have the opportunity to cheer on the Packers for FREE. The
fact that some a-hole posted her pic for the sole purpose of picking her looks apart is despicable!!
I find it hilarious that some of you ugly mutha- $%^&ers have the nerve to talk about how
someone looks.... @Tallon Christnot - you have no space to talk about anyone, why don't you get
a haircut and a real job... How's your career at McD's coming??? LMAO and @Travis Bryan my dear friend who you are belittling, is WAYYYYYYYY better looking than your wife!
LMAO and @Patrick Grenery - what are you like 8 or something? Isn't it naptime little boy????
And how are you goin to fuck anyone??? Have you even found your little D??? The internet is an
amazing thing. It can be used for good or for evil.... Make your decision wisely before someone
turns the table on you and posts some of your "beautiful" pics all over the internet or maybe of
your son or daughter.. FUCKERS!!!! with Kaitlyn Collins...
Tuesday at 3:29pm · Edited · Like · 8
Claudia Edman I agree this is wrong but some of your comments are ignorant
Tuesday at 4:21pm via mobile · Like · 2
Jon Collins Sorry for all of my rough language, but i'm sure you all would love to hear these
kinds of things be told to your family members too... i'm a little shocked that none of you have
nothing more to say? what happened? it stopped being funny after you found out people might
actually care?... I have been all around the world, and my travels have taught me much, and i've
seen much too... but my all-time low is this... it's sickening that myself, a mere 17 year old can
hold high more morals than some of you, so-called adults... wake up call.
Tuesday at 4:43pm · Like · 28
Anni Alder Bjerke Well said, Jon Collins.
Tuesday at 4:46pm · Like · 5
Tallon Christnot @Ginny, i woukd consider your argument valid, if it was an argument. and did i
ever say anything bad about
Tuesday at 4:46pm · Like
Tallon Christnot her? no i said, zhe has probably left with no emotional scars, which is true, as
she said. Personal attacks really just loint you to being the bully. What does my hair, or career
have to do with anything at all? I have an income, I provide for a family, and I do a service
feeding people and helping money through the economy. So, more personal attacks on zomeone
who was taking neutral ground and just asking people to stop these pointless attacks._
Tuesday at 4:50pm · Like · 1
Kim Wolfmeyer Some of you should be ashamed. Here is a wonderful young woman and just
because you're on a computer you think you can say anything. Not good.
Tuesday at 5:05pm · Like · 4
Toni Burgbacher Collins @ Tallon: I don't know you, you don't know me . .this girl is MY girl,
my beautiful firstborn child. Even tho you feel you left no scars, you have no idea the impact this
has had on her. I am greatly disappointed in your attitude and disappointed that FB does not feel
this is cyber bullying. Again, I say GROW UP PEOPLE and clean out your potty mouths. No
call for that. Period. Remove this pic or maybe we will contact our attorney . ..
Tuesday at 6:06pm via mobile · Like · 53
Doug Strid Not surprising the administrator of the page doesn't have the stones to either defend it
or remove it. His parents probably limit his computer usage.
Tuesday at 6:19pm · Like · 18
Eric Hanson Well we may not need "PROFESSIONAL" Cheerleaders but then again our fans are
the best!! That picture is a good friend of mine's daughter. Our gals are natural not medically
enhanced like yours!!
Tuesday at 8:46pm · Like · 9
Regina Calderon This is in VERY POOR taste!! It says a lot about your character and type of
person you are to post something like this!!
Tuesday at 8:53pm · Like · 5
Joshua Collins Bunch of Internet tough guys saying shit about my niece, half of you idiots posted
about her look like absolute shit yourselves. Grow the hell up! She is a very beautiful person
inside and out, and half of you idiot talking trash are just that, idiots! Sad cause your life sucks
and you have nothing better to do than talk shit on FB.
Tuesday at 9:53pm via mobile · Like · 28
Joel Vogler Shame on you! Take this down! I hope have a the courage to do the right thing.
Tuesday at 10:07pm via mobile · Like · 3
Megan Anne Carey I am emailing the owner of this photo as we speak to let him know that his
intellectual property was stolen and how it is being abused. Facebook might not take this down
for bullying, but you bet your ass they will for copyright infringement. That is, if the guy doesn't
take legal action first.
Tuesday at 10:09pm · Like · 5
Mark Collins Ok ya'll lets step back. Time to take a breather. My friends that are true Bears
friends have displayed their class. The others just display their ignorance. Since the administrator
of this site has chosen to leave this pic up, they have proven to the real Bear fans their lack of
integrity. So I'm going to ask everybody to just move on. We all know who will be the better for
Tuesday at 10:09pm · Like · 16
Angelica Calderon Folino Please please please post a picture of yourself!! I see you are quite the
critic, so I am interested in knowing that you are a super model of some sort. And posting
pictures of people you don't know in an attempt to make other people call them ugly is a very
favorable quality, you are a super human being!!
Tuesday at 10:22pm via mobile · Like · 6
Frank Folino Bullying is not okay and this is tacky.
Tuesday at 10:28pm · Like · 6
Kaitlyn Collins
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
Yesterday at 2:18am · Like · 75
Callie Jo Ivaska To whom ever put this picture up and is trashing this beautiful girl from my
town is a complete asshole. Kaitlyn you are beautiful and do not deserve this. I think everyone
From here is very proud of you and thinks you are beautiful and a wonderful person.. This is a
true form of cyber bullying and it needs to stop and she is right messed with the wrong wisconsin
Yesterday at 2:55am · Like · 13
Anni Alder Bjerke Get some sleep, Kaitlyn Collins! You must be exhausted. Thankfully, it's a
new day. Thanks for posting your wonderful video response. YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL. Your
tactful response shows your inner-beauty as well. True character.
Yesterday at 4:25am · Like · 13
Eric Bittenbender To you Chicago bashing and bullying disrespectful individuals.
I know this beautiful and intelligent young lady Kaitlyn Collins and her family. They are very
well respected and involved in the community.
But to be acting with your true Chicago arrogance and ignorance, you have disgraced your
families, friends and all mankind.
I have a question for you... If this was your daughter, (or any other family member) would you
like others to "bully" and make offensive statements about her?
I would hope you had answered No... But if you hadn't, you are the most useless pieces of "Shit"
( I do have other chose words, but I won't disrespect Kaitlyn and her family plus stoop to your
level) that is taking up space.
And now to the individual that is accountable for this "fb page" (or what ever you want to call
this injustice)
If you had any respect or decency, you would first apologize to Kaitlyn, her family and friends
plus your own Chicagoan's that are in disgust of this. Also there after, remove this entire
Yesterday at 4:50am via mobile · Edited · Like · 24
Tommy Doyle Shit like this makes me not want to be a Bears Fan, please issue an apology and
hang your head in shame. This girl is gorgeus, also, cheerleaders work harder then you probably
ever have in your life
Yesterday at 6:20am · Edited · Like · 17
Kerry Branham I'm not a Bears fan, and don't follow the Packers closely, either. I would say,
however, that this is a classless post and WOULD RESPECTFULLY REQUEST THAT THE
That being said, to the family of Kaitlin, I understand your anger and frustration. However, if
you truly want to show that you have class yourselves, you would reign in, and choose your
words more carefully. Otherwise you are stooping to the level of the one that posted this pic with
the offensive caption they gave it.
Yesterday at 6:43am · Like · 7
Karen Sladek Covich As a Bears fan, I find this to be a low blow!!! I personally know this girls
family, and went to highschool with her parents. You should be ashamed of yourselves!!!
Kaitlyn is a beautiful girl and I am proud to be friends with her father, Mark Collins and her
mother Toni. You need to remove this post and apologize to Kaitlyn, her family and their friends
that you have offended!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
Yesterday at 6:55am · Like · 10
Steven Wilkerson As a Bears fan, I wouldn't want to be associated with fans that find it
important to insult people! This is despicable behavior and this post should be removed and the
O.P. should apologize to this girl!
Yesterday at 7:23am · Like · 10
Heidi Tennant Grosskopf Please remove this picure and comments from your website. This
young lady is a beautiful woman inside and out.
Yesterday at 7:51am · Like · 5
Ryan Monte Monteforte No respect take this shit down. Who are you to say someones beautiful
or not..and adults comments on this saying all of this is disgusting, have some respect and do
whats right.. love my packers
Yesterday at 7:52am · Like · 4
Sally Patton Spears Everyone go to the photo and report it to Facebook. Option found in the
bottom right corner below the photo.
Yesterday at 8:01am · Like · 3
Ashly Kronberger
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
Yesterday at 8:05am · Like · 11
Kathleen Wutkowski How you treat others is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.
Whoever posted this should take a long hard look in the mirror and please delete this post and all
comments. .
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
Yesterday at 8:10am · Like · 7
Tallon Christnot I don't recall where I ever posted any crap, where I said anything bad about
her...only ask that people who put this much effort into helping her through bullying open their
eyes and help others. This is a picture some random person posted on the internet, a troll to say
the least, that your words fall deaf on. All you are doing by trying to say how terrible a person he
is, is fueling his flame.
All I've been trying to do is promote the stopping of bullying. I do not know her, as many of you
do, but I am sure one man on the internet will not bring her down, someone she will never meet.
If this troll does, she has plenty of friends and family to help her.
Others are not so fortunate.
I have said nothing bad, yet, apparently, for trying to help people get a cool head, I deserve
bullying myself?
And that fact that it is coming out of a person's mouth who is trying to say bullying is bad is just
my example.
I live in Green Bay, and when I was younger, and to this very day, I get harassed for being a
Bears fan. Use to be I couldn't wear a sweatshirt of the Bears on it without someone throwing
slander my way. These people were people I had to see every day at school. Now, I really don't
care what they say. My psyche has improved, and really, I'm not trying to impress the world, and
really do not give a rat's ass what the world thinks of me. I don't know most of the people in the
world, and I never will know most of them. The opinions of these people over virtual reality
should really just be written off.
The best mindset to have during all this is "These are people I have never met, will probably
never meet, and don't not know. If people see this picture before they meet me for the first time
and judge me, I shouldn't be associated with them any way."
Yesterday at 8:10am · Like
Joshua Phillips These are young women from UWGB out there for fun and doing it for free.
They are the spirit of GB and are true NFL fans. As a friend of this particular young woman, I
can say she is a beautiful, bright young woman with a great future ahead of her. Stay classy
Bears Fans...
Yesterday at 8:11am · Like · 22
Doug Strid 2009-2010? Wow, she cheered them all the way to the superbowl that year! Maybe
the bears need some cheerleaders like her!
Yesterday at 8:29am · Like · 32
Les Trone Exactly who is the moron that posted this? low life bears fans. no bullying!
Yesterday at 8:46am · Like · 5
Joshua Collins @ Tallon you know I really don't care if you or everyone else is a bears fan, or a
packers fan or a fan of whatever NFL team. I'm a die hard Packers fan and I have very good
friends who are die hard Bears fans. But that's not even the point. The point is this person
decided to post a picture of my niece and invited the rest of the fans of his page to make
comments about it, and if you've read the comments then you know that some of the things that
were said were terrible and completely uncalled for. If this was someone you knew you would be
pissed off about it to, but it's not so your answer is she should just get over it. Bullshit! And this
post isn't about you or your life so quit trying to make it out to be. I take this post very seriously
because this is someone in my family and I think anyone that had a family member in this
situation would as well. I will not turn my cheek on this. Maybe that spent make me the better
man, but again I don't care, I just want this picture off this damn page!
Yesterday at 9:00am via mobile · Like · 25
Wes Shannon This shows the low mentality and proves the Chicago Bears are a classless
organization. Truly a sad day to see people posting heinous remarks on the Internet that cut down
a beautiful young woman doing something she loves. Hey, isn't this page supposed to be about
your team, anyway?
Yesterday at 9:02am · Like · 3
Doug Strid Wes, I am a die hard Bears fan and I am disgusted by this. Don't lump all bears fans
together. This asshole has given bears fans a bad name and I'm not happy about it. completely
Yesterday at 9:23am · Like · 13
Angela Pattatucci Aragón I am a Chicago Bears fan and I understand the conference rivalry
between CB and GB. But this is way over the top in my opinion. This post definitely does not
represent me as a Bears fan. What's next? Do you start picking on the parents, grandparents,
siblings, or children of Packer team members? Grow up!
Yesterday at 9:24am · Edited · Like · 8
Matt Fisher She is beautiful. And this is indeed a low blow, whatever 14 year old put this up they
need to stop doing their homework and delete this page. Before they have a GREEN AND
YELLOW crowd coming for them.
Yesterday at 9:26am · Like · 5
Debbie Gross Jankowski No need to be rude. Whether you are a Bears fan or a GB fan - we
should not be putting anyone down. Those cheerleaders are someone's
daughters/grandaughters/nieces/sisters/mothers - how would you feel if someone said that about
your family member??? Please remove this picture and the post.... it is offensive.
Yesterday at 9:30am · Edited · Like · 7
Caley Sutton You coulda used a logo of the Green Bay Packers and just said the Packers have
the worst cheerleaders in the NFL. However, this person choose to identify someone and
providing the innuendo that someone or a group of people is not sexually appealing is wrong.
Out of respect, I ask that you remove the photo and I pray someone doesn't judge you based on
your outward appearance.
Yesterday at 9:34am · Like · 5
Alessandra Di Virgilio It doesn't matter how much you hate the Packers there is no need for this.
The comments on this post are absolutely disgusting, this is a beautiful girl and she's done
nothing but cheer for the team she likes. Why don't you try being respectful and have some damn
manners. Hate on a team all you won't but trashing their fans or cheerleaders is beyond low. I'd
be ashamed if I were any of you with these nasty comments.
Yesterday at 9:53am · Like · 4
Rachel Ziegler you all should be ashamed of yourselves. It doesn't matter that she is a Packer fan
and you are a Bear fan. She is a human being and she deserves to be treated with respect. How
would you feel if this were you? She is one of the most beautiful and caring girls I have ever
met. Maybe next time you should put yourself in her shoes before you start to attack her. Let this
beautiful girl alone and stop bullying her. Grow up
Yesterday at 9:57am · Like · 5
Trista Heitke This is a little over the top. It is fucking rude and cruel! There is NO EXCUSE
FOR THIS. Kaitlyn Collins was a former teammate of mine. She was a freshman and i was a
senior. She is a TERRIFIC individual. Show some respect. You are making ALL BEAR FANS
LOOK LIKE PILES OF SHIT. THE GB packers so have cheerleaders that are COLLEGE
student. What would make whoever uploaded this photo to be so disrespectful??? HONESTLY...
WTF are you guys thinking.
Do yourselves all a favor and think about if this was YOUR DAUGHTER that these nasty things
were being said to. How would you handle it??? IF THIS WAS YOUR DAUGHTER's PHOTO
Do us all a favor and get the fuck over yourselves, because uploading photos like this and saying
rude crap doesn't make you anyone...
Yesterday at 9:59am · Like · 10
Tanya Wiedenbauer This is why the bears suck at everything that they do. Because they find
stupid reasons to take the attention off of them. If this girl is ugly? Then I must be the most
beautiful person in the world. Grow up, you guys just gave yourselves a much worse reputation
that anyone could ever imagine.!
Yesterday at 10:07am · Like · 1
Debbie Gross Jankowski Don't lump all Bears fans with this page.... I am a Bears fan that finds
this truly disgusting. This is not about being any fan of any team ... this is about being a decent,
respectful human being.
Yesterday at 10:12am · Like · 8
Meighan Kane I'd really love to see the people who liked this, try and cheer in the frozen tundra
at Lambeau field next time....see if they cheer and look as good as she does....(none of them
Yesterday at 10:17am · Like · 5
Melissa J Burow
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
Yesterday at 10:18am · Like · 8
Trista Heitke
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
Yesterday at 10:28am · Like · 7
Trista Heitke GO watch her video!
Yesterday at 10:28am · Like · 1
Kali Boardman To everyone who commented negative things on this picture, you are all sick.
Since when is it okay to say hurtful things to people especially when you don't even know her or
her story. This is ridiculous.
Yesterday at 10:38am · Like · 6
Kristina Torres I'm born and raised in Chicago...and im a Packers fan im glad I choose the right
team this is ridiculous.
Yesterday at 11:12am via mobile · Like · 6
Keith Freeman It's a shame that people let team rivalry cloud their judgement on how their
comments and thoughts can hurt and scar those around them. You may not like the Packers and
they may no like you, but this is just a beautiful lady having a great time doing something she
loves. Best of luck getting this post removed!
Yesterday at 11:12am · Like · 7
Adam Pimentel Why the heck do people care so much about what people on the internet write?
So what if people write ignorant things. That says more about them then her.
Packers fans are the first ones to come to the site and bash Jay Cutler. Remember the 'meme'
with the little girl on her dads shoulder with the sign saying "my 3 year old cries less then Jay
Cutler". Thats a father teaching his daughter how to bully but that was ok to most if not all
Packer fans.
Its time people stop giving a damn what insignificant people on the internet write or think
Yesterday at 11:17am · Like · 4
Tracey Taylor You should be ashamed of yourself. Imagine all the little girls who want to be
cheerleaders for the BEARS but won't because of comments like this that could be thrown at
them. You're disgusting and should be shut down.
Yesterday at 11:20am · Like · 2
Megan Anne Carey I got in touch with the photographer. He's going to make a claim for
unauthorized use of intellectual property so it should be taken down soon.
Yesterday at 11:24am · Like · 35
Dave Ecklund Stay classy, Chicago.
Yesterday at 11:24am · Like · 7
Kim Webb I'm a Bears fan, and all these negative comments are disgusting. I went to high school
with this girl and she is BEAUTIFUL inside AND on the outside. Before you post something
like this think about if your sister, mother, or daughter had this said about them. How would that
make you feel? It's only funny when you're not on the receiving end of something like this. Stop
for a moment and think what's her and her family are going through because you posted this with
such a negative comment. I'm a firm believer in Karma.. What goes around comes around.
Yesterday at 11:56am via mobile · Like · 17
Becky McFaul I am absolutely appalled at the way people treat each other on the internet. Can
not believe what this world has come to in the last few years. The rude, horrible, hurtful
comments on this photo are absolutely uncalled for. It's sad that people can't even be classy and
cordial to each other anymore. And the fact that anyone thinks it's ok to treat another person this
way is wrong. Anyone can be a coward and hide behind a computer and write nasty things about
someone you don't know. I sincerely hope you or someone you know doesn't have to ever go
through something like this. But of course karma will get ya!
Yesterday at 12:03pm · Like · 4
Sandi Filicetti Stern What a beautiful girl and from her video what a peaceful, decent human
being. This picture needs to be removed AND an apology given to her and her family.
Yesterday at 12:24pm · Like · 10
Justin Osness When your biggest accomplishment in the last 3 decades was the Super Bowl
Shuffle, I'd be reaching for whatever I could too. Give some Pom poms to the crybaby behind
center. May help your chances.
Yesterday at 12:29pm · Like · 2
Sidney Rose You may be too pea-brained to realize that you posting this hasn't harmed her(the
GB Cheerleader) at all...but that it has harmed you, your page, The Chicago Bears, and tons of
youngsters that may view this or hear of this story.
This picture is a perfect display of your intelligence, or lack there of, and the fact that is it still up
proves your stubbornness and desire to be right, regardless of circumstance. In other words,
you're a fucking idiot.
You have accomplished nothing... what a waste of a human being.
Reported. Dumbass.
Yesterday at 12:37pm · Edited · Like · 6
Emmy Ann Whoever thinks its cool to post things like this is disgusting. Just cause you don't
like the team doesn't mean you need to belittle some who is absolutely gorgeous that cheers for
them. The picture needs to be taken down and she needs an apology! This is pathetic.
Yesterday at 12:39pm via mobile · Like · 2
Emmy Ann Reported it, asshole.
Yesterday at 12:40pm via mobile · Like · 8
Holly Baginski Keep your head up girl, people can be so cruel.. Reported the picture and shared
your video. You are beautiful!
Yesterday at 12:40pm via mobile · Like · 5
Dave Crabill I am a die hard Bears fan who live is Wisconsin and this post is completely
uncalled for. I fight and argue all season with my Packer fan friends but in no way would I be so
insulting as to post something like this. You should be blocked and in no way truly represent
Bears fans.
Yesterday at 12:45pm · Like · 12
Sam Fitzgerald oh calm down
Yesterday at 12:46pm · Like
Darlene Baker Take this photo down! Totally uncalled for! She is beautiful & YOU are a bully!
Yesterday at 12:48pm · Like · 3
Angela Dirden Nope, I don't agree that they have the worst cheerleaders, and regardless, to put
one girls' face with that comment is horrible and actually really stupid since this is a pretty girl.
I'm a bears fan and clearly in the majority of finding this a ridiculous thing to post. Insult the
team, or fans in general - that's a rivalry. No need to be personal about it. Show some class!
Yesterday at 12:50pm · Like · 11
Joe Anderson The post itself was not any worse than the thousands of comments made towards
player, owners, GM's, analysts, agents, referees, coaching staff members, and many others every
day. The picture contained in the post isn't offensive because she is wearing plenty of clothes and
their aren't any names mentioned. The only reason we know her name is because of her now. The
post simply stated in plural form that the Packers cheerleaders are the worst in the league much
like the fact that we would make the same about the team members while posting a picture. IMO,
the poster didn't do anything out of the ordinary. However, the comments written in response to
the post were distasteful.
Yesterday at 12:55pm · Like · 2
Tony Smith I AM A BEARS FAN, something like this does not come down to GB fan or
BEARS fan, there should be no room in our world for crap like this, do i want to beat the
PACKERS? yes i do,everytime they play, every sunday that they play i want the BEARS to win
but i don't hate the Packers OR THIER FANS, it's a game people, a competition, entertainment
but behavior like this is something all together different and disgusting. but for you to say that all
Bears fans or the orginizatoin is classless is stupid, one persons stupidity does not represent all
Bears fans or the orginization. this is wrong and it sickens me but people let's think before we
speak unlike the idiot that posted this. thank you
Yesterday at 12:58pm · Like · 9
Destiny Swilley All the way from Mississippi.. It is sad that you would stoop to such an
immature level I think she is beautiful and to call her out on fb is childish I'm pretty sure she
didn't make it to be a Green Bay cheer leader by being the worst out there! You've been reported
and Coach Trestman has been made aware I have lost all respect for the Chicago bears! Bullying
is a crime and Karma is a bitch!
Yesterday at 1:05pm via mobile · Like · 4
Ken Jackson This is complete and total crap. Take it down now!
Yesterday at 1:07pm · Like · 5
Jamie Valenzuela You should be ashamed. How dare you. You are the problem with today and
how people treat each other. The packers saw talent and you try to tear that down. Imagine if that
was you mother, sister, wife or daughter. May the media eat you up.
Yesterday at 1:13pm · Like · 5
Christine ONeil Dhondt Shame on you Chicago Bears Fan for allowing this post to remain on
your page. It should be removed immediately. There is nothing cute or funny about this. It is
unkind and mean spirited. Whomever posted this should be ashamed of themselves.
Yesterday at 1:19pm · Like · 2
Tim Drab Gee, Chicago. I wish you'd show as much fervor about NOT killing each other in
Chicago as you do knocking Packer cheerleaders!
Yesterday at 1:22pm · Like · 3
Kevin LeClaire Why am I not surprised Bears fans would stoop to this level? Get out of the
23 hours ago · Like · 2
Dave Crabill Don't group this as "Bears Fans". This is one idiot that chose to post this. I am a
Bears fan and in no way condone something like this.
23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 8
Kevin LeClaire Yes but more than one Bears Fan posted negative comments about her and even
"Liked" the picture. Every team has their share of negative fans, but for some reason Bears fans
continue to pull shit like this, or burn Cutler jerseys in the streets after a tough, competitive, loss.
Stay classy Chi town.
23 hours ago · Like
Joe Anderson If this is deemed terrible then I am petitioning that the journalists of the world stop
writing stories about how Jay Cutler is the most hated NFL football player. Even Jay has to be
bothered by news like this. After all he is human as well. Why are our negative posts about the
players, coaches, referees, analysts, GM's, and owners get a pass when negative comments come
out? I don't care if they make millions in a great industry. They are human as well. If you don't
like this post then you shouldn't like any post containing negative comments including ones
about players that simply state they are the worst at something.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Alex Hittle
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
23 hours ago · Like · 13
Amy Peterson Reported. Easy. Done.
23 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Michael Brown This should be taken DOWN!! Don't let this happen to others!
She is a beautiful woman!! As is the rest of our cheerleaders!!!
23 hours ago · Like · 3
Cassi Thomason Someone who goes into the NFL as a professional athletic will know that he wil
be judged based on how he plays a game and his actions on and off the field. The same goes for
anyone whose job is based on publicity. She was a cheerleader not for pay, but through her
college. There is no reason then for her to be used in this way. And we are all against bullying in
any form.
23 hours ago · Like · 6
Patty Tierney She is a young lady, a child of god, she is beautiful! The only ugly I see are the
comments from all the haters. We teach our children to be kind don't bully. And here you are
grown ups sitting behind your computers being bullys. I hope your proud of your actions you
have to live with them. I feel sorry that you have so much hate in you heart.
23 hours ago · Like · 3
Frankie Genevieve Nevarez "Cyberbullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to
harm other people, in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. As it has become more common
in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to
combat it." Look it up, people. This is pathetic.
23 hours ago · Like · 7
Kevin Van De Ven @Joe anderson - the difference here is that she is volunteering her time to
cheer for a team she loves, and doesn't get paid MILLIONS of $$ to deal with public criticism. It
is a tasteless act and she is handling it quite well. The comments from most here are
disrespectful. As Angela stated, an organization or fans as a whole is a different manner, but to
single someone out is disrespectful. She has asked that it be taken down and does not want her
associated with a bullying technique. If it would have been the G symbol or something to that
effect, fine, but this singled out Kaitlyn. This is basically saying that bullying is fine as long as
there isn't a name behind the bullying. Well it turns out there ARE families and people behind it.
She may be taking with a graceful stride, but it still should be taken down as she has asked,
politely at that, for it to be done.
23 hours ago · Like · 19
Sean Courtney This is why bears fans are the worst fans EVER! Some people have absolutely no
morals. She is a young and beautiful girl and every person who said anything negative about her
should be ashamed. Oh and let's not forget your team sucks.
23 hours ago · Like · 6
Cory Arp fucking classy as usual illinois. get this shit off your page fibs. And if you know whats
good for you apologize to this young lady for being such a fucking asshat. oh, and next time you
want to vacation stay the fuck out of wisconsin if it's so shitty. hypocrtical mother fuckers.
23 hours ago · Like · 9
Hannah Dittmer Please remove this nasty post. It's downright shameful
23 hours ago · Like · 3
Courtney Bodamer I AM SO DISGUSTED!! People are such pigs! This has nothing to do with
football at all. A picture of a girl who actually commented on here to defend herself, is being
displayed and ridiculed by people who have no idea who she is!! Obv people want their
daughters, neices, sisters, and friends to be talked about this way. Talking about different ways
that you might have them WITH A BAG OVER THEIR HEAD!! This makes me SICK, I
couldnt even stomache reading all of the posts. It is clearly acceptable to be judgement and rude
to people you dont know, because that is how you want to be treated!! THIS IS NOT OK AND
NEEDS TO BE REMOVED!!!! Perhaps while these judgemental morons were busy on the page,
someone close to them was hurt in a similar way and they can feel even a ripple of what this
must have made Kaitlyn feel like. How cliche to say karma doesnt skip a beat, but from the
bottom of my heart I can only pray that the people who have commented negatively will get the
same respect that they gave Kaitlyn, one of the most honest people I have ever met!!!!!
23 hours ago · Like · 3
Kaye Bodoh Petts @Joe Anderson of course this is not offensive to you or does not cause you to
think...because it is not about you or your sister or daughter or family member. You can easily
remove your self from it...however, even the random pictures are not random. They are of real
people with real beating hearts. I can tell you that Kaitlyn Collins is real and not random.
Everyone deserves respect Joe Anderson, including you.
23 hours ago · Like · 9
Melanie Lyon Gee Remove this post, it's ridiculous! She's adorable!
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Rebecca A Schuh Take this off. It's illegal for one thing.
22 hours ago · Like
Stephanie Schallhorn I love how literally EVERY single person who wrote that my amazingly
beautiful, fellow GB Packers cheerleader friend Kaitlyn Collins was ugly is disgusting looking.
Yeah I am talking to you Justin Whitaker .. and you Eric Philips .. not to mention you too Andrea
Schell and Eric Schuster... Oh look? I just called you out for all these people who posted to see!
Now they're flocking to your pages and laughing at YOUR picture because someone that looks
like YOU made fun of a beautiful, young girl. Doesn't feel so great to be bullied hm? Doesn't
feel too good when you're in HER shoes right? Stop thinking that just because this is the internet
and you can post whatever you want that it doesn't hurt someone.. Recognize that and take it
22 hours ago · Like · 27
Jenni Knopp take the fucking photo down. jesus christ
22 hours ago · Like · 3
Ginny Evans REPORTED!!!
22 hours ago · Like · 4
Ginny Evans I also forwarded this wonderful situatiion to all the local news networks.... WE
22 hours ago · Like · 5
Jennifer Heimerman This is absolutely disgusting. I'm so sorry that she had to go through this.
What a disgrace.
22 hours ago · Like
Kendra Raechelle FieldsBassett'Lipps Wow you call yourself fans by bashing another teams
cheerleader?? Grow the fuck up! Kaitlyn you are stunning! And this is way beyond wrong! Take
the picture down you immature bastards, why don't you just go ahead and bash on your own
team members instead of the amazing Packers
22 hours ago · Like · 3
Taylor Glodoski Wow rly! The packers have the most modest looking cheerleaders. sorry we
arent showin every piece of skin on our body.
22 hours ago · Like · 9
Cory Arp You should all know that unlike company or personed owned teams our cheerleaders
dont come from L.A. they come from our state they are the people we went to school with and
know personally. so dont think we only know kaitlyn from the video. we grew up with her.
22 hours ago · Like · 9
John Reagan True North (MN, GB, DET) > Bastard North (CHI)
22 hours ago · Like · 4
Tyler Gremban Just like their football team, Bears fans are a bunch of fake tough guys (for the
most part, props to those who defended her).
22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
Michelle Harder I had to come to this page and see the photo of Kaitlyn that is causing such a
stir. I expected to see her caught with an unflattering pose or scewed up face or something
similar, but instead there is this picture of a beautiful young woman wearing a radiant smile (and
clothing, which after looking at other posts on this page, seems to be the source of the
disappointment with the Packers' cheerleaders). The fact remains, this is Kaitlyn's image and she
does not want it used in this manner, and I believe she has asked to have this removed. I ask as
well. Please use "Netiquette" and remove your post with her photo.
22 hours ago · Like · 12
Tonia Sterner Like this if you want a public apology by this website and the person who
uploaded Kaitlyn's photo with the intention of making fun of her and the GB cheerleaders!!!
You're beautiful, Kaitlyn! GO PACK GO!
22 hours ago · Like · 31
Kim Soff Jensen I am a huge Chicago Bears fan!! I live in Eagle River and that is where she is
from. Many family and friends are very upset about this post and so am i. I dont know Kaitlyn
personally but i commend her on how she is handling this situation. I am embarrassed that this is
on this site. The Packer cheerleaders are college students showing spirit for the team they love.
Just because they arent your "bombshell" image doesnt make these girls beautiful. It would of
been bad enough if the pic was taken of the whole cheer team but to single out someone is really
hitting below the belt. Many people are working on having this removed. If you have an ounce of
decency remove this picture. And please others dont throw all us Bear fans under the bus cause
then you are no different then the asshole that posted this.
22 hours ago · Like · 7
Chris Burgbacher The Gloss ( will be doing a story about this by the end of the
week. Hopefully you have the good sense to take it down before the fallout.
21 hours ago · Like · 7
Joe Anderson I appreciate the responses to my original post. I think this sort of thing goes for all
people in public in regards to inappropriate posts and or pictures...even players, coaches, and all
other public figures. We cannot isolate them (all other public figures) simply because they
should be aware of the consequences of their particular job. This goes for all human beings.
21 hours ago · Like
Cale Cabanaboy Johnson Can't beat the Pack on the field so you have to pick on our
GORGEOUS cheerleaders. Can't wait to watch Rodgers torch your punk ass secondary and Clay
Matthews eat Cutler alive AGAIN next year! #1 defense and can't even make the
playoffs...pitiful. dicks.
21 hours ago · Like · 7
Brian Tetzlaff Take down the picture
21 hours ago · Like · 2
Lee Marohn Take this picture down. Bring it on the field, not Facebook.
21 hours ago · Like · 8
Sarai Ileanne Vasquez I'm a big big Bears fan, and I live in Green Bay, and she is not ugly but
beautiful, I'm pretty disappointed in the people who but this picture up because this is lack of
respect, and it makes the city of Chicago and the Chicago bear fans look horrible and
disrespectful, take down the picture. Seriously.
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 8
Ashley Marisa Woodward Are you serious?? she is beautiful! I went to school with her and she
is one of the nicest most genuine people I know. This post is immature and ignorant. Take it
21 hours ago · Like · 8
Ivan Flores I don't agree with this post at all but that being said, Packer fans shouldn't act so high
and mighty either. When the Packers lose, domestic violence shoots up very high. Not to
mention the racist letters sent to former Packers head coach Ray Rhodes courtesy of countless
Packer fans. They even yelled racist comment at him at Lambeau. Are all Packer fans like this?
No. So before you demonize the Bears fans check your comments very carefully.
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Jaime Buchholz In our society today everyone is an example for the people around them, you
have just shown your friends and family that you are disrespectful, and choose to say hateful
things. I am sure they are proud that they are related to people who thinks bullying and making
fun of a stranger is the right way to behave. Be different, be better ... take the picture down and
21 hours ago · Like · 2
Alex N Alyssa Steffel take down the picture. these cheerleaders dont get paid to cheer, they are
the university of green bays cheerleaders. this i so disrespectful. u should b ashamed of yourself
for posting it and for all of u with the negative comments its disgusting. at least shes doing
something with her education and her life unlike you that is just sitting behind ur computer and
talking shit. i dare u to say it to her face. she is a beautiful person n doesnt deserve this. TAKE
21 hours ago · Like · 2
Joshua Daniel This girl needs to stand up for herself and employ what our mothers teach us at
young ages. "In one ear and out the other." People are entitled to their own opinion whether it be
right or wrong in the eyes of someone else.
This girl also needs some confidence in herself. You can easily see that she has none by the
video she made in response to this photo. Speak up girl! Let all these shitty Bears fans know that
you are pretty just like most of the rest of us.
Bottom line, people are going to nit pick at your flaws/shortcomings. It's up to us as individuals
whether we are going to use their criticisms as fuel for positive live improvements or just another
thing to cry about.
It the words of a immature Bears fan with lots of "$wag," "Haterz goin' h8!"
21 hours ago · Like
Danielle Lynn Hey now. I'm from Chicago. Chicago fan all the way. But some of those
cheerleaders come from my school. I know some of them and they are great people. That's just
rude and ignorant. Remove this photo.
21 hours ago · Like · 3
Jeffrey Gordon Can't see anything wrong with her. Very attractive young lady.
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Robyn Yakel Why this fan page feels the need to post this picture much less keep it up is crazy
enough. But the TERRIBLE comments that were said are definitely not needed under any
circumstance. I'm not saying I know everything, only being a freshman in high school and all.
But I do know right from wrong. And all 3,000 and some of whom 'liked' this photo obviously
don't. Kaitlyn Collins was a former cheerleading coach of mine, and I can tell EVERYONE for a
fact that she is honestly one of the most beautiful girls ever. With a huge heart. She doesn't
deserve any of this from anyone. She is amazing cheerleader who had the chance to cheer for one
of the best teams in the NFL, the Packers (one of my dreams). Sure the packers don't have
skanky outfits like other teams, but who cares what the cheerleaders look like!!! Aren't you
suppose care about the score or something bigger then what the cheerleaders look like or how the
perform? But on the other hand getting a life other then bash Kaitlyn and all other Green Bay
Packer cheerleaders would be a wonderful idea too!
21 hours ago · Like · 6
Anita Stratton Classless.
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Beth Reittinger Although I don't know this girl, she is extremely beautiful on the inside and out.
So all of you people "liking" this photo and commenting horrible things say people are "ugly" or
"eyesores" because of the NFL team they choose to cheer for??? What is wrong with people
these days?
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Karen Grall Koller the person who posted this pic and description probably has some low esteem
and personal issues and is projecting negativity onto others to make themselves feel better. I pray
this person can one day feel good about themselves the same way the girl in this pic should and
hopefully does know she's loved and accepted. Lets encourage love and not hate.
21 hours ago · Edited · Like
Whitley Vogel I think her video shows great courage and confidence. To make a video is to
speak up. People are entitled to their opinions, but that is no reason to single someone out and be
so hateful. This is bullying and she has every right to be outraged. She is beautiful and I really
hope this gets taken down.
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 7
Heather Mocco This coming from a team that doesn't even have cheerleaders! Also, there are
very few teams that actually have cheerleaders that stunt, tumble and lead cheers as the definition
has become. At least these girls (and guys) do it because they love the team and the sport not just
to get paid and wear skimpy clothes! Grow up and remove the post and stop allowing bullying
on your site!!!
21 hours ago · Like · 12
Shanna J Rabenberg I find this very wrong to post. I don’t care who is in the pic or for what team
everyone has feelings. How would you like it if it was you in this pic you wouldn’t think that its
to funny then would you. How would you like it if people said this about you. She is not ugly or
fugly or anything else. She is very intelligent lady that knows what she wants in life. She also is
smart, caring, and kind unlike some of you. Just remember this could be you and if it was how
would you like it. Kaitlyn Collins
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Angel Bernahl Take the photo down if you have any class
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Cheryl McKenzie Brumbaugh Stop bullying! It is cruel and inexcusable. She was then and is
now a beautiful lady.
21 hours ago · Like
Sue Sandman Morrison Time to grow up and apologize. This is a college student. You want to
pick on the team, fine. They get paid well, and NFL teams do their speaking on the field and let
the score do the talking. But insulting a non-paid, volunteer, is despicable. This just became
every teacher's lesson in Cyber bullying. You need a Facebook suspension.
21 hours ago · Like · 3
Andy James Kopsi this is not right at all no person deserves this!!!
21 hours ago · Like · 3
Stephen Foster And this is why bear fans are nothing but douches!!!
21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Julie Brainard Nelsen Shame on you! Easy to put a picture and comments when you are not face
to face with the person you are bullying. You are the problem in todays world!
21 hours ago · Like · 1
Tami Leonard-desLauriers
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
21 hours ago · Like · 10
Roger Hartwich III "Worst cheerleaders in the NFL?" Why? Because they don't wear skimpy,
barely-there outfits? I would expect nothing other than below-the-belt cheapshots from you FIBs.
I guess you have nothing better to do in Shitcago than to trash college students who are lucky
enough to be on the field and cheerlead for their favorite team. You make me sick.
21 hours ago · Like · 12
Celine Pierce Haines Remove..besides, she is beautiful!
20 hours ago · Like · 5
Amanda Lawson Shame on you. Thank you to the Bears fans who do can set aside silly rivalry
and stand up for what is right!
20 hours ago · Like · 6
Ivan Flores I don't agree with the post
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Jessicca Ann Peacock This post is disgusting and should be removed.
20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Cheryl Sheppard Remember when you make your hateful comments, how would you feel if
these comments were made to your mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, niece, cousin?? If you don't
have anything nice to say then just don't say anything!! I'm a Bears fan and find it appalling that
these comments would be made about anyone regardless of who she was a cheerleader for!!!!
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Kathleen Faulkner Knox I am a huge Bears fan, and I am embarrassed that this is being said.. I
may not like the Packers on the field but there is no reason for this poor girl to be attacked like
this. I hope they take this post down.. God created is all In his likeness.. Lets try to remember
were all beautiful!!!
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Amanda Chrystal To everyone who felt the need to tear down this lovely young woman in order
to feel better about themselves, know that it only makes you ugly on the inside.
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Johanna Johnson Osharow If you want to attack the team, put up a team shot! No reason this one
person should be held responsible, and be attacked for, your feelings about a whole team!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Marisa Danielle Monroe This is truly Mean,why are there so many Haters in the world!!! I am a
Chicago Bears Fan,but this shows how ignorant people are.The person who posted it really needs
to get a life and should feel like a loser,she is a beautiful young lady
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Manhattan Curt Whoever posted this pic should just go somewhere and kill themselves. The
world would be a better place without You. She's a beautiful young lady and the only person
that's ugly is the bastard that posted it and the cowards who are making fun of her. This is why
schools and businesses get shot up. People get bullied, cant take it any more and snap.
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Kristin Gorski This is horrible. Cyber Bullying need to STOP! I Just watched her video and I am
so disgusted over the comments. Hello people, words hurt people. Just think how you would feel
if someone said it to you, or to your family, or do your daughter or someone you loved dearly.
These hateful words are just not right. We need to lift people up. Yes making funny jokes about
other team is funny but making fun of another human is NOT!!! I am against BULLYING, are
20 hours ago · Like · 3
Ta Jo Fo Bo I'm asshamed to be a part of the page Bears fan right now..this is NOT what we are
all about. I'm sorry on behalf of the idiots that think this is funny or something we "Bears Fans"
should rally behind. Whomever posted this...I have unliked this page you will not speak and post
on my the cheerleader, you are a beautiful girl. People can trash talk pretty big when
they are safe behind a computer.
20 hours ago · Like · 6
Nick Mahlik You should all be a shamed! Packers are lucky to have this girl on our sidelines.
After further reveiew: The Bears Still Suck! GO PACK GO!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Ivan Flores I just saw the listing of the 3k+ people who agreed with the post. Roughly I would
say that 40% of them are women. To those who liked this post turn in your Bears gear you're
done as a Chicago Bears fan.
20 hours ago · Like · 5
Ivan Flores This post should be taken down. That being said, all you Packer fans don't have room
to talk since the Packer fan base has done far worse. So before you group the whole Chicago fan
base with the idiot that posted this page, look at yourselves before saying all Bears fans are like
20 hours ago · Like
Nick Marth Reported
20 hours ago · Like
Vanessa Plovanich This is horrible and kudos for her to making that video and sticking up for
herself, she is beautiful and whomever put this up.shuld b throughly ashamed and embarassed
20 hours ago · Like · 3
Gretchen Spires Burton This is awful she is someone's child . Only the devil would do something
mean. You will have to answer for this one day. Glad to not be a bears fan. Go Green Bay
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Amanda Kuiper I think she is great!! She does a wonderful job cheering! To all of those bullies
who had to post terrible comments about her should really be ashamed of yourselves.
EVERYONE deserves to enjoy the NFL no matter what team is playing. I call un- sportsman
like conduct on all the people who put negative remarks about this girl. Shame on you!!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Brandon Popper Im glad I dont support this POS team and I live in Chicago, this page should be
shut down
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Brittany Johnson Seriously take down the picture....and to the people that wasted their time
pasting negative comments...get a life! Seriously, I can't even begin to fathom what you do on
your spare time, but I have a few guesses and most of them involve your parent's basement, your
hand and the internet. This page is now going to be known for the negative and the Bears
organization would not want to be associated with these dickhead comments - that's my rant!
Have a good day!
20 hours ago · Like
Natasha Caldwell Bottom line is that this photo should be taken down.
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Reely Nuttz WOW!!!! I may rip my friends on game day for their poor choice in teams but I
would never disrespect my team like that!!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Spencer Moser Take down the damn picture you are rude as hell. She's a good looking girl. We
men and women in Chicago don't have cheerleaders so how they hell are we going to go around
and talk shit about others? Yeah I'm a bears fan but people grow the hell up. She's not ugly. She's
gorgeous. Delete it and apologize. I don't care if there our rivals or not. I still respect them. Why?
BC they are good at what they do. And they went somewhere in life unlike you a-holes that post
shit like this.
20 hours ago · Like · 5
John Faklaris Reported. This is atrocious! !
20 hours ago via mobile · Like
Alison SpaudeFilipczak This is bullying! This woman is so strong to stand up for herself. There
are terrible comments on here. Please remove!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Ryan Allen Why are there so many packer fans on a Bears fan page. Calling people who run this
site or the bears team in general names, completely negates your argument. So people like
Brandon and other packers fans, shut up already. Surprised you inbreds in wisconsin even know
how to use the internet.
20 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Matthew Vesey This page is truly pathetic. I have no other words for this shit.;
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Roscoe P Coltrain The Bears will always be second to the Packers. On the field and their fans. I
hope karma bites this dipshit in the ass someday. Just, wow...
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Jenifer L Stewart Take this down. You are giving bears fans a bad name with this bullying!
20 hours ago · Like
Denise Sauter You're a beautiful woman, Kaitlyn. Classy and beautiful. So proud to have you
representing the Packers!
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Angela Vetrovec Having team pride is one thing. Making fun of someone for their physical
appearance is just wrong.
20 hours ago via mobile · Like
Ivan Flores Roscoe there are lot of Bears fans that don't agree with this. So saying that we are all
like this is stupid.
20 hours ago · Like
Ann Becker This is terrible what is being done to someone who is innocent and did not hurt
anyone related to this site. It is so easy for people to say things on here as they do not have to say
it to the person's face. If they had to face that person no one would have the balls to do it! It
doesn't matter if you are a Bears, Viking, Cowboy 49er Packer fan or what fan you are, this is
not something fans do!! They are there to SUPPORT their team not to say nasty negative things
about someone they don't even know! All this is doing is giving the good Bear fans a bad rap!
Very disgusting!
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Tasha Mack Shes a beautiuful girl, and she has feelings that were hurt by this. Grow up, and take
the picutre down. You tearing someone down like that, just goes to show that not only do the
bears suck ass, but so do the fans!
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Megan Rae Seeing some of the cold comments and the terrible language used to describe a
young girl that you don't even know with a huge smile on her face doing something she loves for
a team that she loves is mind blowing. Go home and look at your daughters and even your sons..
would you stand to hear someone say things like this about them? These girls who practice day
in and day out for their COLLEGE teams at UWGB and St. Norbert College AS WELL as the
Green Bay Packers are some of the hardest working, intelligent, beautiful and nicest girls ever. I
am so glad I was able to be friends with some of these ladies from SNC and hearing heartless
people speak of one like this really upsets me and others in our community. Go ahead and show
pride in your team but bashing our lovely cheerleaders who ARE real cheerleaders is NOT okay.
This picture should be taken down but this is a good reminder for all of you to watch what you
say and really reflect on who you are as people. I surely wouldn't want to know any of you and
am glad that there are so many supporters of this issue.
20 hours ago · Like · 5
Deb Laster That is ok I think girl has thicker skin and can take all the hating that a Bear fans can
hand out she still works for the best team in the Central Division and this fan page cannot face
the fact that the Chicago Bears will always be a bridesmaid to the Green Bay Packers
20 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Jill Thurow No fan from the Green Bay Packers is this immature...take the picture down!
20 hours ago · Like · 4
Danny Gay blah blah blah blah. who cares what one jackass thinks. people say mean shit about
EVERYONE on the internet. i'm just gunna assume this girl is cool and has cool friends and has
MORE IMPORTANT things to do than give a shit what some bears fan thinks. get off the
internet with this hate, both sides. drama just feeds garbage like this
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Kari Chiyoko I am a DIE HARD Bears fan and this post just sickens me! This picture needs to
be taken down. Cyber-bullying should NEVER be tolerated by anyone, in ANY way! Take the
damn picture down!
20 hours ago · Like · 6
Melissa Frank I have to agree the caprion on this photo makes me ashamed to be a Bears fan!
Shame on them for being BULLIES!!!! TAKE THIS PHOTO DOWN!!!!! you really need to set
a better example for everyone!!!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Amanda Lynne Cameron Straka I am a Bears fan, i dont like the Packers but do post something
like this is mean and hatefull. The comments are even worse. She is beautiful no matter what.
And why is she "the worst cheerleader of all"? Obviously shes doing something right if she is a
cheerleader for the NFL. Packers cheerleader if you are reading this, you are beautiful no matter
what anybody else says or thinks!!
20 hours ago · Like · 2
Ivan Flores I support her effort in the video with her wanting to take the post down. The music
was distracting though. It still would have been effective without music
20 hours ago · Like · 1
Catherine Tilley Shame on the person who posted this picture and also to everyone making
negative comments. This could be your daughter, niece, cousin or friend. Glad I do not live in
the Windy City.
20 hours ago · Like · 2
J.t. Pawlowski You put her picture up and let people call her ugly? The person in charge of this
page is ugly for keeping it up! Grow up and show some respect, you are giving true Bears fans a
bad name! I have been a Bear fan all my life and live not far from Green Bay! You are a disgrace
of a human being and need to learn respect! I have been to games in Chicago and guess what
some if the women there aren't all that cute! My guess is your a ugly little virgin who has been
bullied in person a bunch and the only way you feel good about yourself is by hiding behind a
computer doing it to others! Big tough person now! Once again learn some respect!
20 hours ago · Like · 5
Buddy Portugeezer Rezendes I'm a Bears fan and I think this girl is pretty. Just sayin'!
20 hours ago · Like · 3
Michelle Kotila Oleinik Thus is why the Packers have the best Packer fans.How sad you have to
put down a young girl,that by any means is not ugly at all and half the people saying she is
should go take a hard look in the mirror!! You have no room to talk. You are the rudest damn
people ever!!!! To those Bear fans that don't agree with this,Thank you.Those are the real
football fans!!
19 hours ago · Like · 1
Jerry Ankerson Just proof that BEARS fans (that call this acceptable) and the organization low
lifes and just wish they had a better organization bunch of criminals any way
19 hours ago · Like · 1
Carli Ihde For those of you who are making fun of this, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
People are trash talked online because they "put themselves out there" They put up a picture,
make a controversial statement, cause some sort of outrage online searching for attention because
of something stupid they do. Celebrities, bands and sports teams are put into the spotlight and
they are prepared to be trashed because they put themselves out there. They choose to make
themselves vulnerable to the online community and then people make fun of them for it. That is
their choice. In this case you are picking on an innocent girl who did not choose or agree to put
her personal photo up on a nationwide site to be ridiculed by thousands of people. You "bears
fans" arent standing up for your team, you aren't even picking on the Packers, you are singling
out an innocent girl who has no way to protect herself. This is an invasion of her privacy and its
a low blow... Even for a Bears fan
19 hours ago · Like · 4
Mike Haskins da bear fan admin just salty that their cheerleaders is all they got going for them
19 hours ago · Like · 1
Abby Despins
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
19 hours ago · Like · 13
Jim Schmeisser You stay classy Bears fans. You stay classy.
19 hours ago · Like · 2
Mike Haskins ohh wait....the bears aint even got that to look forward to!!!!! LMFAO XD
19 hours ago · Like
Paulina Galindo I reported this pic 20+ times..Maybe fb will get a clue and take it
the pic.
19 hours ago · Like · 7
Bradley Egel These comments are the answer to the question, "Why do the terrorists hate us..."
What a sad display of the ugly side of humanity...leave this lovely human being alone...go out
and do something productive...please...
19 hours ago · Like · 6
Kristen Wallace I cheered along side this girl and she is beautiful inside and out! If some Bears
fan who posted this has a problem with the Packers that is a rivalry thing, but to attack a person
is ridiculous and to the person who posted this and wrote negative comments should be ashamed
of themselves. To those who support her I appreciate you. And to the cheerleader who has to see
her picture everyday I stand behind you!
19 hours ago · Like · 15
Jenna Wright This is a disgusting post and needs to be taken down immediately. That is a person,
a group of women, talented, smart, women you are talking about. What if that were your friend,
sister, daughter, or niece being talked about like this? Very upsetting. . .
19 hours ago · Like · 9
Amanda Benzing This is my niece! She is a very beautiful person inside and out.
19 hours ago · Like · 15
Pat McNamara Completely ridiculous. Karma is a bitch. This could be your child some day.
19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Jerry VerHaagh Do the Bears even have cheerleaders?
19 hours ago · Like
Mandy Isa Buntin I The Green Bay Packers Cheerleaders!
19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Dan Konsoer This is bullshit. As a die hard Bears fan, and having a complete disdain for the
Packers, we need to step aside from our team alliances and realize that we are humans, just like
the girl posted in the picture. To sit here and make fun of her so badly because you don't like the
Packers is just inhumane. Think about this being your own daughter bullied, how would you feel.
This girl is a human being, just like the rest of us and it's completely inappropriate to make fun
of somebody just because you don't like the team in which she is employed by. You should be
19 hours ago · Like · 25
Kayla Vopat Dear anyone who had negative comments on this picture.. seriously? GET OVER
YOURSELF! I do not know this girl, but she is more beautiful than you will ever be. You are
showing way worse about yourself as a person. Attacking an innocent girl is not going to help
you win any superbowls, you ignorant idiots.
19 hours ago · Like · 2
Leah Suprise Joe anderson....she is stunning you are just mad she would never go for you cuz
you arent Packer enough for her. And those girls volunteer their time so the whole spotlight
comment and putting her in the same category as coaches and players is insane! Girls are chosen
and it's a wonderful you look stupid!!! We don't need half dressed girls too
win. We win cuz we have awesome support from fans just like her!!!!
19 hours ago · Like
Luke Hervas This girl is one of the MOST AMAZING PEOPLE I KNOW. You may hate
Packers but you do need to realize that their cheerleaders are STUDENTS, we aren't paid we
don't get to meet the Green Bay Packers, we take the time to cheer because we love to, attack the
19 hours ago · Like · 10
Laura's Page To do something "real" about it, click on the photo and then click options at the
bottom. Notify facebook that you want this removed.
19 hours ago · Like · 1
Tonya Fronk I have something to say to Ryan Allen...Why are there so many Packers fans on
this site? Because when we hear about something as disrespectful as this, we stand up for one
another. We aren't "inbred", we are decent human beings that care. And for anyone to defend this
picture/caption just means that you have no class.
19 hours ago · Like · 12
Amy Johnson This is disgraceful, inappropriate and downright nasty. You should be ashamed of
yourself. Put a sister, daughter or even your mother in her shoes---how would you feel? Do the
right thing apologize and take down those comments.
19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 6
Shannon Cardona As a Bears fan I am embarrassed and disgusted! Not all Bears fans are this
cruel. She is a beautiful girl, and this picture, along with the negative comments need to be taken
19 hours ago · Like · 9
Chris Petts Kaitlyn Collins you are a beautiful young woman. And I admire your courage to take
a stand not only for yourself but for ones who may not have a voice. What a talented young lady
with a big heart!!!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
18 hours ago · Like · 11
Renee Fox She's absolutely stunning, and I'll consider myself lucky if I turn out to be even half
the girl she is. If anything I'm jealous. Stay strong Kaitlyn
18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Megan Duff The people who put this up are disgusting! Get a life and stop beating up beautiful
people like her for no reason than because you're bored and insecure! TAKE THIS DOWN
18 hours ago · Like · 3
Joe Anderson Leah missed the point completely. WOW! I was clearly stating that
the picture was appropriate in regards to obscenities. Your rebuttal is way off. I also made the
point that their weren't any names mentioned either. Also, why hasn't anyone came out and
condemned the poll that took place that announced Jay Cutler as the most hated player in the
NFL? I don't care if they are subject to constant opinions due to the sport they play. They are
human too and have feelings just like everyone else. All of that money combined doesn't act like
a shield to their deepest feelings. I simply believe if we condemn this then we should condemn
all slander of all types to anyone that is human.
18 hours ago · Like
Tamara Ankerson-Jennings Who ever runs this page really screwed with the wrong football
team. It's not like we, the packer fans, post pictures of your cheerleaders, and call them ugly. She
is a beautiful and amazing women. Everyone that calls her ugly, your just jealous and have self
esteem issues. PACKER FANS ROCK!
18 hours ago · Like · 4
Ray Kruse Thanks for making me embarrassed to be a Bears fan. You probably know as much
about football as you do about not paying for sex. Just saying...
18 hours ago · Like · 11
Tracy Rein Wow! The people that are involved in the bashing seriously need to get a life.
Apparently you have nothing to do with your lives. Then you wonder why the world is going to
shit...because people like you should have been swallowed! This is the most stupid post I have
ever seen. And whomever posted this should really stand back and take a look at their own life
and realise you are not happy and should fix your messed up life before you go and "try" to ruin
someone else's?? Which you have failed because us Wisconsin ladies don't take crap and we
stand together! Take this picture down and if I were the Collins family my lawyer would be on
line 1!
18 hours ago · Like · 2
Leah Suprise Joe i understood what you said. But players put themselves in that spotlight.. no
they dont deserve slander either but she was there in support of the players .....not to ridiculed
and slandered!!!!
So WOW to you!
18 hours ago · Like
Brenna Sunderman This picture should be taken down.. and people shouldn't be so mean.
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
18 hours ago · Like · 5
Cody Heller I hope whoever created this realizes what an ass they are and how incredibly stupid
they are.
18 hours ago · Like · 5
Rebecca Davis I don't see a bad cheerleader here. But I see a douchebag page.
18 hours ago · Like · 7
Katie Vann What kind of example are you setting for your kids?
Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths
per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100
suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7
percent have attempted it.
Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims,
according to studies by Yale University
18 hours ago · Like · 8
Pete Crandall Ya know, I used to be a proud Bears fan until I read the statement that's attached to
this pic. I'm now embarrased to be a Bear's fan. Whomever runs this page or is the moderator
needs a lesson in cyber bullying. Because that is what this has come down to. The rivalry
between the Bears and the Packers should be about the game itself and the level of play during
the game. Not a direct attack on someone or an entity of each team who has no control of the
outcome. It's obvious after all of the comments and requests to have this removed that you have
no intention of doing so. Would somebody like Walter Payton, Coach Ditka, or Dick Butkus
allow this kind of thing to start let alone continue after being asked to take it down? NO way!
Wise up page moderator. Remove the comments and issue a formal apology to not only the
Packers Cheerleader's, but also to the young lady pictured.
18 hours ago · Like · 10
Pam Kubisiak Take this down!!!! She is a human being with feelings!!!!!
18 hours ago · Like · 10
Megan Doyle I don't know this poor girl, but
I urge all of you who had such cruel and nasty remarks to take a good hard look in the mirror
after watching this video. Kaitlyn Collins, kuddos to you for handling this situation with such
grace and class!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 10
Amy Packerbacker St Amand She is beautiful! U have messed with the wrong team's fans!
18 hours ago · Like · 4
Jeanette Ryman You are sick people. I am a die hard Bears fan, but this girl does not deserve to
be cyber-bullied. No one does. TAKE THIS POST DOWN!!!
18 hours ago · Like · 5
Teddi Miller The owner of this page is a BULLY for posting this picture and allowing people to
make such mean comments! You have been asked by the photographed cheerleader to remove
the photo because of the negative comments, yet you won't do so. You are a BULLY!!!!
18 hours ago · Like · 6
Georgia Oppenheim TAKE IT DOWN
18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Sarah Pagel Moderator of this page needs a lesson in cyber bullying. Disgraceful.
18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
David Brann Delilah Castillo ... have you looked in the mirror u fugly bi0tch!!! sorry for the
ignorant fans, ur not ugly at all.
from a southside Chicago Bears fan!
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Mary Neerdaels Bauer This is a beautiful young woman who is someone's daughter. Put yourself
in her shoes, her parents or siblings shoes or her friends shoes. How dare you. Shame on you. I
sincerely hope the Chicago Bears organization steps in to condemn this behavior. No one needs
fans like this. Please take it down!
17 hours ago · Like · 3
Kristina Leann Rutherford Delilah Castillo judging by your profile picture, you have no right to
call someone else fugly. Maybe you should look in the mirror.
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Kyle Pallo Thats terrible.. Take this down now!
17 hours ago · Like
Mitzi Oppenheim Take this post down! Do not subject this lovely young woman to further
17 hours ago · Like
Project Anti-Bully Chicago Bears Fan,
Please remove this picture
( immediately it is a violation of Facebook's Terms
and Agreement Policy (Violation of Safety #6. You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any
user.#7 You will not post content that: is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic; incites
violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence; Protection of Rights section - #7 If
you collect information from users, you will: obtain their consent, make it clear you (and not
Facebook) are the one collecting their information, and post a privacy policy explaining what
information you collect and how you will use it.)
Facebook has the right to completely delete your Facebook Fan page since it is breaking the
Terms and Agreement Policy.
The person shown in this photo is clearly experiencing emotional distress for it is shown here:
We hope that you will make the right decision and take the photo down. Project Anti-Bully, a
nonprofit 501c3 is dedicated to protecting the rights of others and raising awareness of the
prevalence of bullying/cyberbullying globally. If the photo doesn't get taken down we will report
it to Facebook.
-Project Anti-Bully
Timeline Photos
Like if You Agree The Packers Have The Worst Cheerleaders In The NFL!
By: Chicago Bears Fan
17 hours ago · Like · 46
Jon Tomchek Typical Bare fan trash. They can't win on the field so they resort to nasty hurtful
rhetoric. Karma is a bitch Bare Nation. Never forget that.
17 hours ago · Like · 3
Chellsea Stemper I am a huge bears fan but find this post disgraceful. I know this girl and her
family. They are wonderful people. I am so proud that she stood up to this nasty post. Just do
everyone a favor and take this post down.
17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 6
Jon Tomchek Bare fans are some of the most classless,gutless pigs to ever roam the earth!
17 hours ago · Like
Reed Colling I go to St. Norbert College whose cheerleaders also happen to be the Packers
cheerleaders along with UW-Green Bay. For you to attack a young women like this is
17 hours ago · Like · 18
Daisy Mundt When someone has requested that a photo which they are in and has generated
several disrespectful responses be removed from a page, it is a disgrace when it is not removed.
We need to respect other people and their wishes. I am appalled by the comments which have
been made about this girl who, i would venture to say, most who commented do not know. I
agree the picture should be removed out of respect!
17 hours ago · Like · 5
Mandy Gingerich I truly believe there is no hope for the human race. This girl is beautiful. You
all should be ashamed.
17 hours ago · Like · 4
Todd Suehring Suehring another class-less bear fan, then again i have never met one with class
17 hours ago · Like · 5
Mike VandenBush Fuck the bears! this is terrible!
17 hours ago · Like · 2
Tamara Neko Benecke
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
17 hours ago · Like · 11
Sarah Schlichter Please take down this picture, as a St. Norbert College Cheerleader who also
cheers on the sidelines of the Packer Games with UW-Green Bay those comments are offensive.
We are not NFL cheerleaders, not paid, and volunteer our time to do this because we love to
cheerlead. I respected the Bears as an organization and am greatly hurt by the comments made
on this picture. Again please take this picture down.
17 hours ago · Like · 34
Katie Frank I attend St. Norbert College and am a cheerleader here. We represent our own
college and the Green Bay Packer organization, and in no way do we need to be discriminated in
this way. We just do what we love, and have the opportunity to do it for an NFL team. Why the
hatred was needed is beyond me.. I am so sorry for this beautiful young lady, and ask for this
photo to be taken down immediately.
17 hours ago · Like · 24
Z'Amanda Wood Please, take down this awful display of bullying! I cannot believe that this
beautiful young woman is being alienated because of your ignorance.
17 hours ago · Like · 3
Stephanie Borski I lost all respect for this page and I will spread the word about this. She is an
absolutly beautiful girl and if you can't respect her hard work then get fucked. I wanna see you
busting your ass off on the field as much as her. You are terrible people!
17 hours ago · Like · 4
Stephanie Borski And btw green bay walked all over you bears so clearly this is out of jealousy.
17 hours ago · Like · 5
Beverly Winnebago she has asked nicely to have this taken down, why wont you do it?
17 hours ago · Like · 4
Brooke Pauline As a former packer cheerleader and teammate of this girl I am so proud of the
strength she has to set an example for others. To those of you that feel the need to put her down I
am disgusted by your lack of empathy and respect. As a teacher I see first hand the effects of
bullying and what it can do to kids. This can be destructive so I ask please take this down. It is
not right and spreads the acceptance of cyber bullying...which must stop. Stay strong Kaitlyn
your team is behind you!
16 hours ago · Like · 10
Jason Nafe Take the picture down.
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5
Shelly Pribanic Are you kidding me right now??? Do adults really need to be bullying people??
And you wonder why kids are the way the are today!! If a Steeler fan did this the organization
would have been notified and for sure this picture would have been removed!! I would never
ever be a Bears fan!! I feel bad for this beautiful young lady!! I SAY REMOVE THE PHOTO!!!
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Danica Potier The fact that this is still on your page two days later is beyond disgusting. Remove
this. Be a decent human being and do the right thing. She's an innocent college female who you
have personally attacked. Luckily, her soul appears to be beyond strong. Others who are bullied
aren't as fortunate to have that within them. Karma can be an awful consequence of actions.
Again, do the right thing now.
16 hours ago · Like · 8
Matthew Kornis Your own mascot would scorn this. Take it down.
Chicago Bears Mascot Visits Highland Elementary School
"Staley Da Bear" stopped by the Downers Grove school Monday morning for the school's
assembly, "Bear Down on Bullies."
16 hours ago · Like · 3
Shana Lynn Remove it! This is gross, she's a cute kid and she posted a great video about the
bullying you are doing - I suggest you do the right thing before this gets any bigger....
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Brianna Dzbinski I USED to be a Chicago bears fan until I saw this picture posted.. so heartless
how could anyone have the nerve to post this??? You need a life that doesn't consist of bullying
16 hours ago · Like · 6
Amelia Rose DelGreco To all you posting on behalf of the cheerleader but calling HER bullies
names... You're missing the point. This strong woman wants to STOP cypher bullying, not
change it's victim.
16 hours ago · Like · 4
Alani Guenther Take this down. She's beautiful.
16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Chrissy Spence This guy is just a pos. And a bad name for bears fans. What a loser.
16 hours ago · Like · 2
Kelsey Fox Remove this photo!!! Maybe the Bears and their fans should take a hint and get some
class from the Packers! GO PACK GO!
16 hours ago · Like · 7
Ashley Ann Take down this picture!! At least have some class!!
16 hours ago · Like · 2
Nathan Conoley You know...I am a Lions fan...and never really hated the Bears until now...this
is one of the most classless, gutless, and really just plain stupid things I have ever seen in my
entire life.
16 hours ago · Like · 8
Chrissy Spence I will say... Please don't group all bears fans together. As the bears have some
shitty, and I mean SHITTY fans... So does every other team. What this idiot did is wrong and he
will get his.
16 hours ago · Like · 3
Phyllis Roseanne Zimmer The Chicago Bullies,,,or,,, The Shitcago Bullies!! It's so hard to
choose because they both sound about right
15 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Melissa Jensen I have so much respect for all of the Bears fans who are supporting Kaitlyn!
Please know that I (and I'm sure many others would as well) would do the same if the situation
were reversed.
To the admin of this page; Please take down this photo. She has asked you personally to do so
and the owner of this photo does not appreciate his picture being used to hurt her like this. You
are hurting the Bears organization that you love so much, and are making people ashamed to be
associated with this kind of behavior. Do the right thing and take this photo down.
16 hours ago · Like · 9
Kathy Olkowski Holperin Please remove this photo. She is a beautiful young woman and so
undeserving of this bullying.
16 hours ago · Like · 2
Emilee Cichacki Packer cheerleaders work really hard to be out there and do what they are meant
to do! This girl is absolutely beautiful and wears Packer colors with pride!
16 hours ago · Like · 3
Jenna Wanta I would hope that people would understand how hurtful this post is. Say what you
want about the Packers, but picking on one innocent girl is not right! Having friends who cheer
for the packers, it is devastating to think that this could happen to anyone.
16 hours ago · Like · 6
Ruthy Price As a friend of this sweet, courageous, graceful girl's family, I ask that this bullying
be stopped. Shame on the Bears fans that did this.
16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Courtnie Kono She is beautiful and at least packer cheerleaders cheer at everygame in cold or
warm. Picking on an innocent fan just shows how pathetic you guys are.
16 hours ago · Like · 1
Christopher S Miller This is bullshit. How senseless and inconsiderate do you have to be to post
something like this? And the comments! Put yourself in her shoes when you post the things you
post. The owner of this page, and the people posting negative comments towards this individual,
have some serious issues. Take it down!!!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
16 hours ago · Like · 5
Andrea Raymaker Do the Bears fans know that the Packers don't have professional cheerleaders?
They're from the 2 local colleges: UWGB & St. Norbert's College. They don't get paid to cheer,
they do it for the love of the sport!
16 hours ago · Like · 4
Jodi Getzloff Very disrespectful. Just because the Chicago Bear football team sucks does not
mean you should take your frustration out on the GB cheerleaders. They look a Hell of a lot
better than your team will EVER look. Show some respect and remove the photo.
16 hours ago · Like · 6
Stephanie Wilke All the people that have liked this picture are a complete disgrace!! So very
16 hours ago · Like · 4
Georgene Rye Pretty sad to attack a young girl with ugly comments. Remove this photo and the
16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Margaret Wisniewski No wonder we Packer Fans are the best in the world, we don't bully,
criticize, or belittle anyone!!!!!!!!!!!She is a beautiful girl!
16 hours ago · Like · 6
Alyssa Statz this girl is georgous, enough said. DO NOT let anyone get you down girl, you are
16 hours ago · Like · 5
Nathan Conoley This is a gutless act...done by a man hiding behind a computer...and I use the
term "man" lightly...
16 hours ago · Like · 3
Linda Susan Spice Please take this picture down Facebook
16 hours ago · Like · 3
Renee Grimm GREEN BAY PACKERS CHEERLEADERS are not picked to be on the team
based on our breast size, blondness of our hair, how skinny we are, or any other disgraceful
standards - we also do not make a dime doing it - we do it because we love to cheer. We donate
our time to practice and show up to every home game, even if it is below zero outside. We have
to pay for parking in order to cheer at games. We volunteer our time to help out the Green Bay
community at charitable events and maintain strict academic standards. I do not know this girl
personally, but PLEASE help support her!!
16 hours ago · Like · 23
Tama Ihde God have mercy on your souls Bears' Fans! I'm taking this all the way to the Ellen
Show...she will help this incredibly beautiful girl!!!
16 hours ago · Like · 11
Karen Wesley I happen to know this cheerleader. She is an outstanding young woman with heart,
faith, conviction, leadership, and beauty. You are clearly a superficial idiot without the courage
to put your name or face on your site. Personally being friends with numerous Bears Fans, I
would have to say you do not represent the true and loyal individuals who support that football
team. If I were the Chicago Bears, I would demand your removal of this post as hurtful and
bullying. Come on step up and show your face, give us your name, let us contact you. Oh...that is
right, you didn't have the courage to post it. You are pathetic.
16 hours ago · Like · 8
Brittni Prellwitz She is beautiful and the fact that an adult posted this is the saddest thing ever
you should be ashamed of your self.
16 hours ago · Like · 1
Heather Locke Green The Packers have a great relationship with their local community and that
is represented in part by having cheerleading squads from two local colleges cheer at the home
games. All of you people calling her names NEED TO BE ASHAMED of yourselves. This is a
smart, educated woman with a heart and a family. SHAME ON YOU. The Bears organization is
no better for this kind of disgusting support. Your only hope is removing this photo and the
comments immediate.
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Jaclyn Picard This is just wrong. Never thought I'd say it, but I'm ashamed to be considered a
bears fan with the rest of you that like this picture and are commenting rude and hateful things.
15 hours ago via mobile · Like
Janessa Doucette She went to my high school, lovely girl. Shame on all of you and on Facebook
for not making you take this down.
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Julio Cesar God damn you ugly
15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Heather Locke Green Julio=ignorant ass.
15 hours ago · Like · 10
Jolene Marie I do not know this girl personally but I do know some of the other Packer
cheerleaders because we attend the same school. They are genuine young women who cheer for
the love of cheering. They don't dress seductively like other cheerleaders because that is not the
image they want to portray. They volunteer their time and abilities to support the team. They are
not paid like some other NFL cheerleaders. This girl is not ugly and should not be criticized for
her looks. This photo and the horrible comments with it should be taken down and the people
who said mean things about her need to take a look in the mirror.
15 hours ago · Like · 8
Shirt World Guys this is wrong no matter which side your on. I am a huge Bears fan, and I think
this just makes us look bad when we do this to other people. Maybe you don't like the Packers as
a team, but don't pick out individual people, and name call for no reason. Imagine if the players
and cheerleaders treated each other this way. We would only see fights, and suicides, and no
football. Have we not seen what bullying does to people. I've seen her video which led me here
to the non official fan page, and she's pretty strong. What if she hadn't been though. Would you
want your name attatched to the person that commited suicide because of what people were
saying on Facebook? I'm sure your paretns taught you better. As a person that creates phrases for
shirts, I can come up with some pretty crazy things, but I would NEVER do something like this.
Let's show some love, and remove this picture, and talk about how we are going to win next
15 hours ago · Like · 5
Kyla Murphy Shame on all of you degrading this woman. This post is horrible.
15 hours ago · Like
John Smith I think she is pretty.
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Jamie Krueger This is terrible.
15 hours ago · Like
Cindy Fuller Bates Just because the Packer cheerleaders are dressed appropriately doesn't make
them ugly or bad cheerleaders! They're cheerleaders,,, not pole dancers. I'd challenge any of
those cheerleaders in their skimpy outfits to come cheer at a game at Lambeau in December!
15 hours ago · Like · 6
Briana Delaney Rentschler I am a hardcore Bears fan, but this is ludicrously offensive and
should NOT be a representation of loyalty or camaraderie. It's a disgrace, a lack of integrity, and
repulsive. I'm unsubscribing unless it's removed. Have more pride. And don't get it from
degrading others.
15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 7
Jackie Sarnicki you are all so hateful to this girl- she is beautiful and deserves to be treated better
like a human being.
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Steffi Krolikowski Hahn The admin of this page is still happy. Even though people are standing
up saying "Shame on you" the page is still getting more views and likes. In addition to getting
them to take down this picture, we need to encourage EVERYONE to "unlike" this page. You
can still see the page and comment without "liking" the page. So PLEASE everyone start to
unlike it! Do this so that the bully does not win.
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Jenna Anderson You know what I LOVE about the GBP cheerleaders?? It's that they are women
and men from a local college and university that cheer at the home games. Can't get more "real
cheerleader" than that, in my opinion.
This directly from the Packers website FAQ:
"Do the Packers have cheerleaders?
The Packers haven't had official cheerleaders since 1988, however cheerleaders from the
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and St. Norbert College appear at home games throughout
the season. The Packers discontinued their squad of official cheerleaders in large part due to fan
indifference. There are no plans to return to official cheerleaders."
15 hours ago · Like · 6
Jim Schmeisser Volunteer, community cheerleaders. How horrible! I support my St. Norbert
College and UWGB Packer cheerleaders!
15 hours ago · Edited · Like · 7
Heather Locke Green I encourage everyone to find posts that are sexually explicit or use foul
language and report them. Click the x that will appear on the post and then click Report.... follow
the prompts. All it takes is a few reports of spam or sexually explicit language and the turds will
be blocked from Facebook, at least for a few hours. Report the page as well.
15 hours ago · Like · 1
Liz Van Offeren-Leblanc You people are repulsive. I bet every person here claims to be against
bullying. Youe children would be ashamed! Act like respectable adults and REMOVE the photo
and comments as requested BY THIS BEAUTIFUL COURAGEOUS YOUNG WOMEN! does
it make you feel good? Being bullies. Repulsive. How people can allow this behavior is beyond
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Rebecca Conoley This is sad. And I don't mean for the BEAUTIFUL young woman in this
photo. I mean for the creator of this pitiful page. If you are a FAN of the Chicago Bears, as you
claim to be, there is NO reason to bash a cheerleader of another team! The whole point of being a
FAN is to love and support the team of your choice, not to cut down and rudely insult any aspect
of another team. This girl has feelings as does everybody else. This is one of the most tasteless
things I have ever seen. Ask yourself, "how would I feel if someone uploaded a picture of me
onto a fan page ASKING for other people to bash me and state things about my appearance?"
Sir, I would enjoy seeing a photograph of YOU so that we may see how YOU like it when
complete (RUDE) strangers critique everything about you without even knowing you. I ask that
this picture be removed, as many others clearly wish. This is not a matter of which team you root
for, it's a matter of civil respect.
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Katie Kuna Another reasons on why the bears still suck! Shame on all of you for being so mean
to the young woman! all of you who said mean and nasty things should really think about how
you can affect someones life. she did NOTHING to you, so why be so cruel?
15 hours ago · Like · 1
Alyssa Brown The Green Bay Packers cheerleaders are volunteers from local colleges. They
aren't pros, and they definitely aren't plastic. They actually cheer the team instead of providing a
titilating distraction from the crap-tastic football the Bears play. We don't need T&A because we
have the best team to root for in the NFL. Maybe the Bears fans should be worrying a little more
about their head coach with the clipboard than who is standing on the sidelines for the Packers
holding pompons. Here in Green Bay the fans shovel the stadium, cheer the team, sell the food
for their organizations' fundraising, and yes, watch our Packers beat the Bears.
15 hours ago · Like · 7
Katie Manders I am literally stunned to see these horrible comments about this girl. The sad part
is I work with ELEMENTARY school kids who I have to dicipline for doing the very same thing
these "adults" are doing with this post. Makes me sad to see how much hatred we have in our
society. But I do know this.. Those who are quick to pick on someone else have major self
esteem issues that they are dealing with..
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Samantha Breckenridge This is horrible. You need to take this down. NO ONE deserves to be
treated like this. This is a person who is beautiful and courageous enough to stand up to you.
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Vanessa-Rose Dorband I love the Chicago Bears, but this makes my stomach turn. Bullying is
not acceptable & to hide behind the computer or your team's colors does not make it okay. I am
embarrassed for the individuals who think its acceptable to speak or type these cruel comments I
pray their mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters or anyone they know NEVER have to face this sort
of offensive & disgusting hatred.
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Cole Frank you have to have a heart, this is a HUMAN BEING!!! what if someone was saying
this stuff? LEARN HOW TO LOVE! I dont care if you're a bears fan or a different fan of
another team!! HAVE A HEART!!!
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Jeff Strouf Lol u have to hate on our cheerleaders really bears fans are pathetic just cuz your
team sucks and can't make the playoffs u hate on an innocent girl fucking pathetic
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Brooke Wierzba Its funny how all the people bashing on this girl are all trashy people that think
so highly of themselves. Be a man, grow a pair and take the photo down. You're doing nothing
but making yourself look like a ignorant prick
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Marilyn Decker Ammerman She is beautiful! Chicago has disappointed me with their cyber
bullying, and in this case, total crap. This is REAL beauty, nothing fake like the high society big
city snobs!
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Erin McCarthy Fuck all of you.. i love this girl!!! SHe's beautiful.. And for all of you who had
dumb inappropriate comments.. all of you must have something wrong with you.. GO to the
doctor and get yur mental health checked out..
15 hours ago · Like
Liz Van Offeren-Leblanc You call yourselves fans but I bet my life the bears team and
organization would NOT ALLOW don't tarnish their team name. Shame on you. I'm a
Packer fan and I would never want to represent my team in such a way.
15 hours ago · Like · 5
Adam Cluppert Umm first off that is a low! Second off the cheerleaders cheer for a WINNING
team! I hope this picture gets taken down and I hope the person that put this up lives there life
without seeing the bears make it to the Super Bowl and realize that THE BEARS STILL
15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Thomas Veal I'm a HUGE bears fan....but I also agree with the others. Shes not ugly, pathetic, or
the worse cheerleaders out there. Very dissapointing Bears Fan Page. You have lost alot of
followers, and if you were smart, you would take this down yesterday! Too hard to follow...let
me break it down for you.....unclassy and not a good representation of bear nation. Especially
when this girl posts a youtube video in regards to what you have put up...get a clue
15 hours ago · Like · 9
Steven Hogenmiller Like if you agree the bears have the worst quarterback in the league!! Dont
you fibs have anything better to do than pick on high school girls cheering on their favorite
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Ashley Sangraw she is beautiful ... stop being so disrespectful n cyber bullying and you r
stooping so low... take it down.. mean very nmean she is very pretty girl
15 hours ago · Like
Chris Peka Like if you think its funny that the bears can't even make it to the play-offs.
15 hours ago · Like · 9
Brian Sorenson Jeez whoever the admin for this page is, I hope you feel good about yourself.
Way to promote sportsmanship and morality.....
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Nicole Gates The entire Packers organization, from the coaches and players, cheerleaders, and
vendors are a CLASS ACT! You should be ashamed of yourself! Kaitlyn, you are beautiful.
Thank you for taking a stand against bullying.
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
15 hours ago · Like · 5
Mark Bratcher I hope she files bully charges against you for this. This page now officially sucks
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Rachel Kane This picture needs to be taken down!!! Not only are you causing emotional pain
and distress to Kaitlyn and her family, but you are promoting cyber-bullying which is a huge
problem in America today. It doesn't matter if you hate the packers, this is still bullying!! She is
a very pretty girl who is also very kind. So, to whoever put this picture up, Please take it down!!
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Emily Henrich Meister Take off this photo. It's bullying in the worst way. Cowardly. I am a Bear
fan, married a very sweet man from Chicago and this doesn't represent the Team, Fans or
Chicago at all. She is a beautiful woman, and has responded in a nice, classy way to this. It's not
about the Pack v Bear rivalry. This could happen to any cheerleader in the NFL. Make the
example that whomever is in charge of this page, is the moron. Not the Bear fans. To whomever
is in charge of the page: Take down the photo an apologize to her. It has nothing to do with who
is from a big city, or from a "winning" team. It's personal toward her, so don't take ownership of
it . She is the victim in the this bullying. Don't further bully by saying Bear fans suck or big city
bullies etc. Take it down out of respect and decency for her.
15 hours ago · Like · 8
Ashley LaRock I am a former Green Bay Packer cheerleader and even though I never cheered
with this girl, I already know she has more class than the people with negative comments to say
about her. But I do feel pity for those of you who had nasty things to say because obviously you
only make yourself feel better by tearing others down. She is a beautiful, strong girl who is way
too smart to believe all of things you judgmental people say. It must be awful to hate yourself so
much that you need to try and hurt a teenage girl.
15 hours ago · Like · 11
Steffi Krolikowski Hahn Everyone UNLIKE THIS PAGE. Find a better Bears page than this
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Theresa Collins I agree with Emily..I am a Packer fan...I have friends who are Bears fans...this is
completely uncalled for, mean spirited and low... and its unfair to real Bears fans who are having
their teams name associated with this post.
15 hours ago via mobile · Like
Kaylin Badtke This is truly disappointing and absolutely repulsive. I just graduated high school
in may and my maturity level is sky high compared to those middle aged men and women who
do nothing but cyber bully an innocent college student.. now let me just ask, WHERE DO YOU
GET OFF? who the fuck are you to judge someone?! take a look in the fucking mirror and see
you are just like Kaitlyn.. a human being. C'mon now, if you cant grow up then i feel very sorry
for you...
karma is a bitch..
to everyone who does nothing but hate on others:
"now the reaper and his men are headed your way.. straight to hell."
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Anne-Marie Kugel This photo, and all of it's nasty comments, can be take down. I can only
assume, that who ever is running this page, does not have a daughter.
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Claire Siggelkow GET IT GIRL! you look great. if they wont take the picture down might as
well outweigh all the nasty comments with supportive ones. I wish you the best!
15 hours ago · Like · 7
Halie Rae Contreras This Is all stupid..PEOPLE SUCK!
14 hours ago · Like
Amy Haapala Murray To all those who have made negative comments, may you remember that
she is a human just like you and deserves to be treated like one. Hide behind your computer now
but I hope some reporter makes this a story and personally talks to those who have made the
comments. We would then see how cowardly you really are!
14 hours ago · Like · 2
Maggie French she's beautiful. you need to STOP
14 hours ago · Like · 2
Sammi Bachman This woman is beautiful inside and out. She doesn't need your approval to
cheer for an amazing team. We saw your video dear and are just appalled by people in this
world. No one should be treated like that.
Loveeee me and Bri.
14 hours ago · Like · 1
Ashley DeDecker I too am a St. Norbert Cheerleader who stands on the sideline with UWGB at
the Green Bay Packer home games. What's killing me right now is looking to the right of this
post at a beautiful little girl dressed in a Bears cheerleader uniform. What kind of example does
this set for young girls and women who dream and aspire to become a professional cheerleader
one day, just to get ridiculed, falsely insulted and emotionally damaged. I am SO proud of this
beautiful young lady for overcoming this in such a classy and mature way. Please take this photo
down. Represent your team in a different way, one that doesn't personally attack an individual.
14 hours ago · Like · 18
Tom Enerson This is simply a bears fan way of drawing attention away from a sub-par, and
extremely poor excuse of a football team....just sayin
14 hours ago · Like · 2
Celeste Spina Please take this photo down. You are a disgrace to our city, and this girl is
14 hours ago · Like · 9
Breanna Lee You are a beautiful and classy woman. You have handled this situation with grace.
We support you Kaitlyn!!!
14 hours ago · Like · 7
Melissa M. Topel This Packer's Cheerleader is a Beautiful young lady who has showed nothing
but integrity in dealing with this form of cyber bullying. This pic should be removed and I have
private messaged the creator of this page with that request. Maybe if we fill the inbox it will be
14 hours ago · Like · 7
Christopher Bears Man Are we gonna lose urlacher:(??
14 hours ago via mobile · Like
Heather Locke Green Urlacher is old. Yes.
14 hours ago · Like
Jake Meyer hmm, dissing cheerleaders? seems legit. i know chicago is better than that.
14 hours ago · Like
Stephannie Blish She is a young college student. By posting this photo you are tearing her down
and now that is just pure disgrace. She is beyond beautiful!
14 hours ago · Like · 3
Tara Bultman Please take the photo down. Kaitlyn doesn't deserve to be treated this way and you
shouldn't judge my friends who have cheered for the Packers because they are actual
cheerleaders dressed appropriately.
14 hours ago · Like · 4
Tiffany Suzanne Day in and day out girls have self image issues, As a female we are taught that
we need to stand up for ourselves and we are all beautiful inside and out. This girl like every girl
out there is special and amazing and beautiful. To those that spoke and are speaking so poorly,
how would you feel if this was your daughter or niece or friend or friend of a friend. No one
deserves this! Take this picture down and respect all woman out there
14 hours ago · Like · 2
Martin Keberlein Classy Chicago, classy. It's too bad your team sucks so you have to resort to
this type of bs. FIBS!! Go Pack Go!!
14 hours ago · Like · 4
Adele Dinatale-svetnicka Take this post down. A beautiful young woman is all the more
beautiful when moderately dressed. Kudos to the Packers for having cheerleaders that are true
role models for our little girls - focusing on athleticism & ability rather than being scantily clad
& promoting the objectification of women.
14 hours ago · Like · 4
Rachel Gretzinger
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
14 hours ago · Like · 17
Samantha Keberlein How horrible! Maybe the bears should be informed that a fan page of theirs
is posting such awful things... Maybe then they would take this photo down? I can't believe that
anyone would be so cruel to such a beautiful young woman.
14 hours ago · Like · 3
Rita White Really? I can't believe 3000 people are stupid enough to "like" this comment
14 hours ago · Like · 3
Carissa Lu Just because this athlete...and yes ATHLETE because she's not just a Packers
cheerleader-she also participates on a college team (either UWGB or St. Norbert's...because
that's the cool part about the Packers cheer team) is dressed appropriately for COLD weather
without her entire body falling out of a "barely there" uniform does NOT make her ugly. It
makes her a role model and a true member of a spirit squad. You are beautiful! And this photo
caption is just evidence at how sour and low people can get. Can't get much lower than bullying
someone you've never even met.
14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
14 hours ago · Like · 2
John Kuhn Anderson Keep the rivalry on the field & to whom ever put this up C'MON man,
really.... I bet George Halas would put a boot in your ass for this, don't put any tarnish on a Great
Bears Organization, because an organization is reflected off from the people who represent it and
support it, and this is coming from a Packer fan.
14 hours ago · Like
Gabrielle Antoinette Engel I cheered for the packers from 2008-2012 and was able to cheer with
Kaitlyn for a little while. She is a beautiful and talented woman and it seems that ^^^^^ everyone
else agrees. The only people tearing her down are seemingly scummy men who have nothing
better to do with their boring lives but sit online and pick apart a young woman's photograph.
14 hours ago · Like · 5
Stephanie Borski
Da Bears still suck
Stupid comments will be not make this page.
14 hours ago · Like · 2
Jenny Rumler-Thorndyke As the aunt of the beautiful little chicago bear cheerleader and as a
Chicago Bears Fan I ask that you remove this picture and the picture of the beautiful greenbay
packer cheerleader immediately. And for all of you with negative comments you should refer
back to what you should have been taught as a child "if you can not say anything nice, don't say
anything at all!"
14 hours ago · Like · 10
Amanda Spafford How exactly are they supposed to be the worst in the NFL? Is it because they
don't wear revealing clothing? This is ridiculous. How pathetic is it to wage war against young
women who strive to represent their state in a classy yet fun manner. Please take this off of your
page and post something worthwhile. To make this into a poll by saying "Like if you agree" is
14 hours ago · Like · 5
Chris Pindral She is beautiful, unlike the vermin that posted nasty comments about her!
14 hours ago · Like · 1
Briana Dale Jorgensen
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
14 hours ago · Like · 5
Briana Dale Jorgensen stop cyber bullying its messed wrong hurtful and immature..... words DO
hurt and for some ppl it can cause them to kill themself, not saying she will but still WORDS
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
14 hours ago · Like · 4
Angelique Desiree Thompson -
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
14 hours ago · Like · 5
Chris Pindral The creator of this page must feel the need to bash a beautiful girl in order to
compensate for his tiny man parts.
13 hours ago · Like · 13
Erin Dederich What a lot of people don't know is that the Packers' cheerleaders are also hardworking college students who give up a lot of time for such a huge commitment. They are not
supermodels; they are beautiful, real, relate-able people. Kudos to the Bears fans who defended
her! #GoPhoenix #GoPackGo
13 hours ago · Like · 16
Katie Hoff This is a shameful act done by a person that will not show their face. No girl what
deserves this. She is gorgeous is my book. You know what they say.... Karma always wins.
13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Beth Jamison Goetsch sent request to the site asking them to remove. Some of these comments
make Bears Fans look horrible! should be ashamed. She is someones daughter, sister
and friend, how would you feel if it was your daughter.
13 hours ago · Like · 4
Torrie Hasz Can't tackle the actual players so you beat down their cheerleaders? What a strong
13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 14
Kevin Reinke I find her pretty. She is the opposite of the Bears offense. This is a cheap shot. In
other words, this is a Peppers hit on Rodgers. Try and bring the Pack down. You can't.
13 hours ago · Like · 4
Cassie Steiner What a
beautiful girl, handling a terrible situation in an AMAZING WAY. She has been amazingly
mature and reasonable in asking for this to be removed so that hateful comments would stop. I
am beyond proud to call her my fellow Wisconsinite!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Rich Schlegel To the few idiot Bear fans that posted rude crap, ask yourselves if Ditka,
Sweetness, Butkus, or the Fridge would think your comments were funny..Man up, apologize
and take the posts down.
13 hours ago · Like · 4
Jamie Paul Oh behalf of all cheerleaders:
Alright, let's see your standing back tuck.
Or let's see you throw a girl in the air and catch her.
Or put her in the air while she does tricks ON ONE LEG.
Get real.
13 hours ago · Like · 1
Andrea Raymaker @ Tama Ihde, I also sent this to Ellen... As well as Green Bay's news stations:
13 hours ago · Edited · Like · 7
Andrea Raymaker @ Joshua Daniel... In response to your post, "This girl also needs some
confidence in herself. You can easily see that she has none by the video she made in response to
this photo. Speak up girl!" The way she made the video was full of grace and very classy. I'm
guessing she probably did not "speak up" because she didn't want her voice to waiver... either
from anger or tears.
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Cassie Steiner One last thought to add... anyone who is saying "yea, I'd do her" is being equally
as disgusting. that is objectifying a human being. She is (and all humans are) more than just an
exterior. If you think that is a compliment, you need to work on your class.
13 hours ago · Like · 4
Chris Pindral I don't like how sue crazy this country has become, but i hope this beautiful girl
takes you assholes to court for everything you have or will have!
13 hours ago · Like · 7
Kendall Tadych
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
13 hours ago · Like · 4
James Krow Edwards Some of you are beyond help. Seriously beyond whatever modern
psychology puts forth as possible causes to account for your... I don't even know what to call it.
No Bears fan goes crying when Whackers trolls go posting homophobic shit about our players or
bullies Jay Cutler's SON on our pages. It's called the Internet. Go call the police and fill out their
Internet Butthurt report form. They have tons of them on hand. And tissues, too. Crickey.
Someone not even affiliated with the Bears organization in any way and yet you persist in
addressing this page as such? That says it all, right there. PS... Not one person on the Bears
ACTUAL Facebook page has condoned this in any way at all, in fact, a lot have spoken against
it. What does that say about the representation of Chicago fans as you're perceiving and
portraying it? If you want to make generalities and blanket statements, we can play false
equivalency all damn day if you want. Weakest display of outrage since Benghazi.
10 hours ago · Edited · Like
Cody Koeller bullying. not cool. fuck all of you
13 hours ago · Like · 1
Sandy Thompson Why are people so hateful? Belittling others doesn't lift you up; it drags all of
humanity down. This girl is beautiful! #man'sinhumanity2man
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Tim Dunn this is pathetic
12 hours ago · Like · 1
Matt Spangler Admins: remove this or any credibility and respect you have for team is
12 hours ago · Like · 3
Kris Alan Smithee The outrage over the comments and this post I understand, but if this were a
fat man there would be no outcry to take it down. It is precisely because she's an attractive
woman that people have a problem with it and feel the need to defend a "helpless" woman.
Cyber bullying is a real issue, but this should not be held as the #1 example.
12 hours ago · Like · 2
Julie Ann Hauser This just goes to show that most Bears fans don't have class. To the Bears fans
that stuck up for her, thank you! You're the minority of Bears fans that do. It's extremely
disturbing to see that this page would actually put this up. How sad do you really have to be to
throw the cheerleaders into this? SMH. This is the world we live in though.
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Kristina Sarnicki Please remove this photo, it is just mean. There is no benefit to having it up
except to put down someone who is a kind and beautiful individual. Keep your head up Kaitlyn!
You have a huge support system behind you! Don't let this tarnish the enjoyment you have in
cheering for the Green and Gold!
12 hours ago · Like · 6
Sarah Freis Krzych i think its interesting that the page is named 'chicago bear fans', yet at
LEAST 98% of the bear fans that have commented on this pic have made it VERY clear that
they are disgusted by it and want it taken down immediately.... this post says NOTHING about
packer fans, or bear fans. this post only shows the immaturity of the admins of this page. how
embarrassing for them.
12 hours ago · Like · 18
Jason Berthiaume
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
12 hours ago · Like · 7
Hillary Helen Chang I've known this girl almost my entire life. Went to school with her and
looked up to her when I was a cheerleader myself. She's a lovely person inside and out. This is
no longer a matter of football fans against football fans but a matter of being a decent human
being. A matter of respect and a matter of the image we are sending to young women
everywhere. Please remove this picture.
One love.
12 hours ago · Like · 12
Amy Nowak It doesn't matter what team you support, everyone should be respected. Not every
girl could have been as strong as her and stood up for herself. I am thankful that she had the love
and support of those around her to combat the senseless hate that has been show here.
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Brynn Thomas What are you trying to prove here? This is the most disrespectful thing I've ever
seen. And all because you support a different football team? If anything, the cheerleaders the
Green Bay Packers have are better than the rest. They're young kids... many still in high school.
What a great example you people are for the younger generation. It doesn't matter what team
someone cheers for, they deserve to be respected.
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Mike Wilson Remove this photo now! The classlessness shown by the people running this page
as well as the Chicago Bears fans who have commented on this page has been taken to a new
low. Bears fans should be ASHAMED to be associated with these fools, and as far as I'm
concerned the Bears as an organization should lean on them until it's removed, or they will show
they are just as classless and low brow as their fans are.
12 hours ago · Like · 3
Tawni Swanson She is beautiful and whoever is in charge of this page is an absolute disgrace.
This has went way beyond football and cheerleading. The fact that this picture is still up after the
girl in this picture herself asked you to remove it just shows your lack of respect for other people.
People like you are the reason some chicago bears fans have a bad stigma. Instead of bashing a
beautiful girl like this why don't you spread something more positive about your team. That is
what a true fan would do.
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Melissa Borgmeyer Please Remove look I'm sorry you don't like the Packers but this is NOT
RIGHT! She is clearly Beautiful! And for those who are bashing her well shows you have NO
MORALS NO VALUES AND No respect for any female. Shame on you!!!!!
12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Coree Jane Lee Please remove this photo. All the people who have said hurtful comments to this
beautiful, strong woman should all be ashamed. It is very disrespectful. It's one thing to support
your favorite football team, you don't need to call people , who support opposing teams, harmful
things that you would not like to hear if you we're on the receiving end. Just think before you
speak and apologize for hurtful think you send without thinking.
11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Scott Christensen haha
10 hours ago · Like
Adam Hasz Wow bears fans are such tools. They can't talk shit about how good their team is so
they need to talk about our cheerleaders lol that's the most pethetic thing I've ever heard of.
9 hours ago · Like · 4
Mark Gluodenis Dislike....Cheap shot and classless should be ashamed.
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Gregg Learnahan That is why I'm not a bears fan,inorance.You should all be ashamed of your
selves,I would hope your parents brought you up better than that.
7 hours ago · Like · 3
Chris Graham The administrator of this page should be completely embarrased and this post
should be removed. The fact that we live in a society where very few people take anyone's
feelings into consideration is very sad. Besides that if I'm not mistaken the bears don't even have
chearleaders, so is this merely jealousy rearing its ugly head?
7 hours ago · Like · 3
Al Mac i think they mean true true beauty. so she isnt caked in fuckin make up looking fake as
fuck! Green bay is real, hence why we have REAL WOMEN as our cheerleaders! yall are
heartless as hell, and should rot..
6 hours ago · Like · 8
Carly LaCosse Gray Take this down...true Bears fans have class and this is disgusting!
6 hours ago · Like · 2
Dani Young What's weird is that the rest of this page is just posts I would expect from any team's
fans. I'm a Packer fan and not particularly offended by any of the other posts, but singling an
innocent girl out and insinuating that she's ugly or "the worst" just makes your whole page look
terrible and casts all Bears fans in a bad light. Please remove this picture immediately and go
back to making fun of Clay Matthews' hair or something. We'll see you on the field next fall.
6 hours ago · Like · 13
Amanda Zahn I think she's beautiful and you're mean. And yes, I bleed blue and orange. I will
NOT like this photo and I'm embarrassed to be a bears fan right now. Shame on you.
5 hours ago via mobile · Like · 9
Victoria May i am truely appalled by some of the comments on this post. It sickens me that
grown adults can have the nerve to say such hurtful things about a beautiful young woman. I
think several people on this post should be ashamed of yourselves. I dont care what team you
route for or where you live this woman is a human being...she is someone's daughter, sister,
grandchild, ect. These cheerleaders are volunteers from the local colleges that are given a great
opportunity and life experience through the Packer's organization, an experience that you have
now turned into a negative for this woman. These ladies are not paid by the NFL they dont not
dress half naked in 20 degree weather they are there to cheer on a team they love, just like every
other fan in Lambeau field. I have the outmost respect for the girl in this picture for having the
class not to sink to the level of comments that are posted on here. You are a beautiful classy
woman and I thank you for bringing awareness to this issue!! To the creator of this
page....PLEASE REMOVE THIS PICTURE!! If you have any once of compassion you will
relize that this has gone to far and your silly post is affecting someones life...
5 hours ago · Like · 17
Aldo Flores From a die hard Bears fans.... take this shit down
5 hours ago · Like · 16
Rich Powell Each person must live with the decisions they have made. Coming to terms with
both the good and bad decisions made is the way a person grows. Everyone makes mistakes and
repairing the damage done is what an adult does. Leaving this photograph and the hateful, ugly,
spiteful comments on FB is simply a recognition that the person responsible for it is stunted
emotionally and not a happy person. You can leave this photo probably will. But know
that this photograph and it's comments say way more about you and your own sorry state than
the lovely, smart, confident young lady in the photograph. AND I BLEED PURPLE! GO
5 hours ago · Edited · Like · 5
Kelli Haydon as a Packers fan....this just gives me ONE more reason to say "the Bears still suck"
5 hours ago · Like · 15
Heather Hollander Beautiful!
5 hours ago · Like · 3
Stephannie Blish By doing this you are making her confidence forever stronger because she now
sees how many people truely think she is a wonderful beautiful college student!
4 hours ago · Like · 5
Joe Hoppe IF you have ANY CLASS you would agree to REMOVE THIS PHOTO!!! Whoever
thought this was funny is WRONG!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 5
Kristen Amber Grady Speaking as life long Packer fan, and a SISTER of a current Packer
Cheerleader, I find this absolutely horrific. This page needs to take this picture down. And to all
of you that have said, "what is the big deal?" Well it is a big deal because this doesn't just happen
to Packer cheerleaders, it happens to so many more people than that. This is just a blatant
example of how cruel people can be. Remember that everyone is human and has feelings, and
remember that YOU are a human too, and how would you feel if this was YOU?
4 hours ago · Like · 6
Jason Schubring Hey Bears fans, if you REALLY find this disgusting, which it is, you'll
DISLIKE this page and quit giving attention to the pathetic person who runs it. If you still like
this page, you're doing nothing but supporting this lack of class.
4 hours ago · Like · 7
Hannah Riggle If who ever runs this page had any class or dignity, they would remove this
photo. This is horrible and needs to be taken down NOW.
4 hours ago · Like · 8
Larry March Most of the Packer cheerleaders are really close friends of mine. He have a strong
passion for what they do and it's abysmal that some anonymous person who has little to no
understanding of the only publicly traded team in the NFL would outright insult them. These
young women are hard working college students and deserve better than blatant attacks by some
bitter fan of an opposing team. If people would stop acting like four year olds, we might be able
to actually ENJOY the game we've all come to love.
4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 7
Kris Kovacic Even as an unofficial fan page, this is completely unacceptable. Shame on
Facebook for not having a stronger stance on cyber bullying!
4 hours ago · Like · 7
Cindy Zganjar McDowell Hubler Sore losers! Real class pick on a girl! COWARDS!
4 hours ago · Like · 4
Cynthia Helmer This young lady happens to be the niece of my best friend. She is not Ugly in
any way... would you all be saying shit if she was a cheerleader for any other team?? Just
because she supports the Packers does not make her ugly in any way or form... such horrible
4 hours ago · Like · 8
Angie Aiello Rude & disgusting and all of you who posted comments that she is ugly, fugly, you
would do her or whatever should be completely ashamed of yourselves. THIS IS BULLYING
and whomever this Chicago Bears Fan is should show some respect and take this picture down
immediately. What if it was your daughter, girlfriend or wife? You wouldn't appreciate any of
the horrible comments. You don't like the Packers then fine, but you don't know this young lady
and she didn't deserve ANY of your horrible comments. Comply with her request and take the
picture down IMMEDIATELY.
4 hours ago · Like · 4
Heather Tucker This really does show what careless a-holes people can be sometimes... I'm sure
not all Bears fans are like this, but shame on anyone who agrees that this is appropriate in any
way! This woman is a confident/beautiful for getting out there to cheer for a team that she loves
& you all turn that into something hateful & ugly??? It's really sad that you feel the need to resort
to this.... take the picture down & apologize to this girl & her family if you have an OUNCE of
decency & respect for a fellow human being.... if not, it simply continues to show your true
4 hours ago · Like · 3
Yerr Xiong The Worst Cheerleaders In The NFL? Nope! What is 'more' worst is you posting this
picture up and thinking it's funny!! Picking on our cheerleader also makes you look 10X worst!!
So what are you talking about?!! And you 'Fans' of Chicago Bears are very rude and immature!!
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Kate Munson I actually know this girl and worked with her for a while. She is a kind person and
doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
4 hours ago · Like · 3
Bob Donnelly Bears Fans: Klassy with a K, thru and thru...
4 hours ago · Like
Jon Tomchek All Bare fans are EXACTLY like this Heather. Scum of the earth...
4 hours ago · Like
Mike Sebern where's the picture of the fucker that created this page?
4 hours ago · Like · 3
Matt Porten This is rediculous, immature and I'm embarrassed to even need to comment on this
photo due to the fact that some people can't leave an old rivalry the way it is and leave the people
out of it. Our rivalry is meant to be handled on the field or in the stadium. You posting this only
shows how classless you are. I'm a Packer fan who bleeds green and gold, but ill give credit
where credit is due. To the Bear fans wishing this was taken down, thank you for being true first
class fans. To the Bear fans ripping on this poor girl, you should be ashamed of yourself. You
make not only yourself look bad but also your team.
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Matthew Becker 1. This is yet another reason that Bears fans should be ashamed of themselves.
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Matthew Becker 2. At least, as a Packers cheerleader, she had something to cheer ABOUT.
4 hours ago · Like · 5
Brian Clausen This kind and wonderful girl has asked to have this picture removed from this
page and all the comments deleted. Please respect her wishes and stop with this kind of abuse! If
it is still up in a day, I will report this as offensive
4 hours ago · Like · 5
Matthew Becker Remember how long ago 1985 was?
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Colleen Mansell please remove this girl is beautiful this is just wrong
4 hours ago · Like
Linda Stewart Kaufmann You morons need to see how she responded to your hate.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Debby Veldboom Taves SPINELESS BEARS FAN that has to pick on Green Bay Cheerleaders
to make HIMSELF feel better about HIMSELF! BIG MAN YOU ARE.... NOT!
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Rachel Schlachter This is so hateful! This girl is lovely! She has asked to have this taken down
because this is bullying and I fully agree. Leave her and the Packers cheerleaders alone.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Adam Ferraino This girl is very pretty take this down. and grow up..
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Denise Ridinger Reis I watched her video, and she's a very pretty girl! Posting this, and all the
negative comments are tacky, and low class. You can support your team without tearing down
individuals. It just makes you look like the bad guy.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Erika Carlson
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
4 hours ago · Like
Kristy Klein
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
4 hours ago · Like
Janet Wieser Biskobing You don't have to have boobs and butts sticking out to be a beautiful
cheerleader. Go Packers!
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Chris DeStefanis This girl is beautiful. Just like all of the packers Super Bowl trophies. All 4 of
them. Go pack. Take this photo down.
4 hours ago · Like · 7
Shannon Schaff Bears fans at their finest. Such classy comments, i'd be bitter to if my team
STILL sucked, although this isn't about your team, it's about being a decent human being. Shame
on the admins. Take your filthy thoughts and comments elsewhere and take this picture along
with it.
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Jeffrey Glavan Just another thing to bring your city down. Classless Bears fans. What a bunch of
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Jay Whyyouinmyface Marin So distasteful and rude. I hope this page gets shut down for good.
Its One thing to talk ill about a team but to individually attack someone like this is disgusting.
You should be ashamed of yourself
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Jennifer Kelling Beautiful Woman inside and out
4 hours ago · Like · 1
TEAM, THE GREEN BAY PACKERS. It is sad when cheerleaders are picked for looks and the
size of there boobs. Oh well, you probably won't understand what I am saying because you are
narrow minded Chicagoians that THINK you and your team walk on water. You all suck!
4 hours ago · Like · 4
Chris DeStefanis And their other nine NFL championships
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Traci Hasse Westfall Seriously, delete this post. It is disgraceful.
4 hours ago · Like · 1
Jason Reyna To the people that still have this picture up and to the people still making
disrespectful comments..real simple....She is a beautiful girl who did nothing wrong to any of with that said....FUCK YOU AND FUCK THE BEARS!!!!!!
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Jennifer Holter She's a girl next door type. The kind of girl that real men marry. Not the strip
club refugees seen on other teams.
4 hours ago · Like · 5
Ethan Jude Or maybe being a cheerleader for the Packers isn't about who can show off the most
skin, cake on the most makeup, and wear the biggest pushup bra. Keepin' it classy Chicago.
Better luck next year.
4 hours ago · Like · 2
Brad Schwartz If everyone keeps reporting it as Hate Facebook will take it down.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Kristin Halverson Tetzke The only thing ugly on this page is the MEAN spirit behind posting
something this low ..... the ULTIMATE bully~ you must have very LOW self -esteem to try to
bully a college student to try to raise yourself up=== BACKFIRED.... no-one is impressed with
your team or your FB page.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Kelly Barlow
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Deborah Clemens This young lady is a bright and beautiful person. She went to school with my
daughters, she comes from a great family who would help anyone. You are better than them
3 hours ago · Like
Tony Morien This proves the Bears have ZERO class. You should be ashamed of yourself
3 hours ago · Like
Lindsey Metz damn bears fans, your messing with the wrong "wisconsin girl"
3 hours ago · Like
Dean Traber
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Izabella Nodo Typical classless Bears fan. Someone is still salty they didn't make the playoffs. I
am sorry your quarterback is a little bitch and it makes you lash out at a young woman who is
truly beautiful. Don't worry Bears fan, we will take you down.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Leslie Jasinski Those who posted this and made ugly comments should be ashamed. Would you
allow this to happen with your daughter?? I thought Bears fans had more class than what's shown
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Amy Erickson Whoever posted this should be very ashamed.
3 hours ago · Like
Brian Sorenson Still haven't taken this down I see, you must be getting some kind of sick kick
out of this. Or maybe you think your page will become more popular as a result. Either way it
really shows lack of character. An adult takes responsibility for their mistakes and does their best
to rectify them. I hope to God somebody digs up who you really are and smears your name the
same way you have done to this innocent, beautiful woman, eye for an eye.... Hope you're
feeling some sense of accomplishment for embarrassing your team and its fans. To all the people
posting negative comments on here, most of you look like a bad trip to Walmart yourselves, must
have to insult others to make yourselves feel better, how sad..... Karma is inescapable..... LOL
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Pamela Probst No nasty comments to add, just a respectful request to remove this from your
page. It is the right thing to do.
3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Mary Bannach I have never been more proud to be a PACKER fan !!!!!! And she is
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Ruth Biemann So proud of this young woman and the stand that she is taking. I have mixed
feeling on this picture being taken down. The cyber bulling is a disgrace, but she is truly bring
awareness to a serious social problem. Way to Go!!!!!!!!! I think we all need to be more aware of
what we say on FB because you never know how it makes others feel.
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Cherie Lee This young lady is beautiful inside and out. I would respectfully ask that this post be
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Karina Dixon
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Lisa Weed Chicago Bears fans showing us once again that they are simply the most disgusting
fans of all.
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Anita Pollock This is vulgar-please remove this from your page! Like the lady from the video
writes, this is cyber bullying and it is not sportsman-like!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Anita Pollock
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like
Elliott Connor Take the picture down! What the hell is wrong with you people, oh, that's right,
you are from CHICAGO! I'm sorry you have a quarterback that sucks and cries, and that your
team imploded this year, but what give you the right to do this to a young woman??
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like
Chad Halvorsen Quit being a dick, this has nothing to do with football. Take the photo down.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Bill Klusmann Since reading some of the comments I'm sure some of you would repeat them if
you were face to face with her...... Am I right paper bag guy? She doesn't deserve having her
picture posted here? I give credit for posting that Utube video..... Love her calling out
individuals..... GENIUS!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Lyla Goerl How can you call yourselves a football fan? Yeah, Packers and Bears fans make fun
of each other, but to do this to a beautiful young lady is disgraceful! I am in awe that this picture
is STILL posted, and no one has a big enough heart to stop cyber bullying. If you think to
yourself 'yes, cyber bullying is bad' then you are being a hypocrite in providing bullying
comments about this young lady
3 hours ago · Like
Jennifer Hansen Please take this post down. This is cyber-bullying and a terrible example to kids
that bullying is ok. Please understand that this beautiful girl is a human being and doesn't deserve
to be treated like an object.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Tony Garcia Only classless bear fans. In the words from ESPN "COMEON MAN"
3 hours ago · Like
Liz Bentzler Reeb I know a lot of Bears fans, and most of them are great - upstanding people. It's
disgraceful that you'd bully an individual who is beautiful, and in light of her video and
everything else - continue to leave it up. You're setting a terrible, terrible example for that
adorable little girl right next to this post. Please. We're all fans of one team or another, but when
you make it personal - you take away any class and fun. Take the picture down.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
John Mirecki
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Kurt Holmes How is it You can have something as stupid as this and comments that are beyond
nauseating and yet directly to the right of this image have something as adorable as the little girl
in the Bears cheerleading outfit on the same page... show a little class and take this image and all
of the comments down.
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Jen Blasczyk You should be ashamed...
I look up the word DOUCHE CANOE and you appear next to it....Only a dick-less wonder posts
something so horrible....what are you...12 years old...if that?
You make me sick...anyone who supports this makes me even sicker...
I salute and thank the Bears Fans who agree this is in bad least there is some faith in
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Santo Ingrilli Keep picking on college kids. You are gayer than your wimpy quarterback.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Liz Martin Lynch Take it down. Your page is an embarrassment to the Chicago Bears!
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Leonard-Rob Dane Please remove! Cyber bullying should not be allowed!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Chris Morzfeld-Thiele It's already disappointing enough to be a Bears fan, must you disgrace us
even more by posting this ignorance???? smdh
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Deanna Schepp Traver I think we have the best cheerleaders in all of football. Our girls aren't
made up to look like high priced hookers. Get this off your page. The comments made ARE a
form of bullying. God Bless her for taking a stand!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Sean Berry A man walked into a bar in Chicago with his dog during the Bears/Packers game.
The bartender protested at first, stating that they didn't allow dogs in the bar. The patron insisted
that the dog was a huge football fan, eventually obtaining the barkeep's hesitant approval. To the
surprise of everyone in the bar, the dog watched every second of the game, barking his approval
of every big Packers play, and even doing a little dance after touchdowns. The Packers won the
game, and the dog did an amazing backflip off the bar in celebration.
3 hours ago · Like
Jim Korta Galaszewski typical of chicago mentality...they spawned Obama, Rahm and are
quickly turning into the next Detriot
3 hours ago · Like
Tammy Schneiderwent It amazing how the person pictured is asking to have this photo removed
yet the owner of this page doesn't respect her wishes enough to do so! Some of the comments are
rude and childish!! Shows what little class some bears fans have that they can be so cruel to a
beautiful young girl they don't even know!!!! REMOVE THIS photo so the rude comments and
gone!!! GO PACK GO!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Sean Berry The bartender was in complete awe, "That is completely amazing! What does he do
when the Bears win?"
3 hours ago · Like
Pam Anderson Kuehl She has respectfully asked to have her picture removed from this page.
Please do it.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jose Veloz Beutiful Young Lady, some people need to get a life!!! And all those who are
defending her Thank You and God Bless You!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Sean Berry "I don't know," his owner responded, "he's only 3."
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Rhonda 'Jones' Einberger To the person who decided to put this picture up and for all the
despicable comments on here: SHAME on all of you! You have no class. This woman is a
human being with feelings. Take the picture down!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Amanda Torbeck This is what makes the Green Bay Packers so different and unique. They reach
out to the UWGB college and allow them to be a part of their team! This girl is amazing and
beautiful. And I respect the Pack for allowing their community to be a part of the nfl program!
Go UWGB Cheerleading!!!
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 6
Carley Jane Zieloski This is horrible. I am born and raised from Wisconsin and a huge packer
fan. All I have to say is that she is beautiful. There should be more cheerleaders like this. She's
not fake or barely wearing any clothes or have a face caked on with makeup trying to be
someone she's not. Packer cheerleaders represent their natural beauty which society these days
don't give a damn about. Honestly I wish I could be as strong as she is since I've always battled
with what I look like since today's day in age u have to be stick thin pretty face big boobs n nice
butt. This is what it should be like in this messed up society. Natural beauty and stop trying to be
someone you're not I fully support this girl not even knowing her but honestly world take a step
back n realize that everyone is beautiful in their own way not just on the surface
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Kelly Harris Wisconsinites stick together! Even the ones who are Bears Fans! Whoever posted
this should be ashamed of themselves! This young lady is beautiful and does not desearve to be
bullied by u!!! Grow up and remove the post! I'm quite sure the Bears are ashamed of a fan like
you as well!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jim Droste Posting this picture on your Facebook page is a poor representation of Bears fans. I
have also appreciated the rivalry between these teams; it is often friendly. But, this crosses a line.
Please take this down. Respect her wishes.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Karen Kroes Despicable. Absolutely Despicable.
3 hours ago · Like
Bret Reichert Seriously? The Bears can't win games so they start picking on our cheerleaders?
What a poor excuse for a franchise, move to LA!
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Kelly Harris I'm gonna share this, and i hope it keeps getting shared, so the whole worl knows
what a jackass u are. BULLIES SUCK!!!!!!!
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
Jaroslaw Latka The Bears Still Suck:)!!!!!!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Bret Reichert Plus she is cute, what's wrong with you losers?
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Tamara Weber Shame on whoever posted this and those of you that have posted vulgar and
disgusting comments. You are the ugly ones!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jennifer Jurena-Blawat Id like to see a picture of the person who is behind this post..........
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Brian Harton I can't believe the Chicago Bear's fans would stoop this low. Just goes to show the
ignorance of a handful of people can stain the image of an entire city. Grow up.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Angie Viste Walter Payton would not want his picture on a page that is so degrading. Shame on
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Trent Schneider
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Krista Hawley Shame on you.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Mary Beres This is one of the worst bullying!!! I can't believe a person let alone an NFL team
would allow such cruelty. Get real Bears Fans!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Kelly Neubauer This girl is beautiful from the inside out. She's asked that you take this down and
you still haven't. You should be ashamed of yourself for such a hurtful act!
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Hannah Nebl You do know that posting this photo & degrading this young women won't make
the bears suck any less, right...?
3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Michael Thee Thanks for dragging all Bears fans into the gutter with you. Your mommas must
be very proud. This page is a great example of what is wrong with Facebook. Like if you think
this guy's a loser.
3 hours ago · Like · 8
Kelly Harris oh yea, forgot one thing, its awsome to see a beautiful GREENBAY PACKER
CHEERLEADER, on the BEARS, fan page!
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Deanna Schepp Traver Actually most of them look trashier than hookers. These are college kids
who are working hard for their degrees and you are about as classless as they come.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Dawn Blaedow Books What ever happened to "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say
3 hours ago · Like
Michelle Wieloch dislike.... dislike.... take this down... show some respect for your team.... not a
good example to set for young fans of the Bear's organization.
3 hours ago · Like
Dennis Bottkol Reported.....Totally Unacceptable and Inexcusable Post....nuff said...
3 hours ago · Like
Amy Yernesek
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local
News and Weat
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Casey Staton
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jaynee Peterson Thanks for promoting the Green Bay Packers by putting a photo of this beautiful
cheerleader on your page!
3 hours ago · Like · 7
Krista Hawley Anybody that stays a fan on this website is giving him the attention he/she wants.
defriend this page!
3 hours ago · Like
Casey Staton how can so many bear fans be so cruel grow up
3 hours ago · Like
Vedran Ćavara Way to go and promote hate. I would expect no less from Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like
Chris Anderson Bullying is bullying what are you teaching our children if you can pick on
another human being like that..... shame on you all that do it.
3 hours ago · Like
Amy Ranae Schwarz Take this post down! What is wrong with you Chicago that you have to
take it to this level? Are you that small minded?
3 hours ago · Like
James Williams Please do the right thing and honor Kaitlyn's request and remove her picture and
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Judith Meyer This is a high school girl. Whoever posted this and agrees to it is a bully and a
rotten human being.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jessica Ann Stewart Wow, i cant believe how people can be so mean!!!! REMOVE THIS
3 hours ago · Like · 1
John Cornell I've always respected the rivalry, and for the most part, enjoy the spirited witty
banter that occurs with bitter rivals. This is not banter, and it's not witty. Thank Bears fans that
are speaking out against this. For those whew are spewing the hate.....Karma is a funny thing.....
CBF, please take the picture and comments down.
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Anne Lynch This is bullying by definition. Is this how you want to be known?? As an adult
bully?? Walter Payton would be disgusted by you.
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 5
Kaylee Nicla i hate the packers but seriously bashing on a college student is shallow
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Grace Knot REMOVE THE PHOTO~ Its that easy.... The girl is a class act, you not so much
3 hours ago · Like · 3
John Cornell One more thing.....The irony of having, on same page, a picture of Walter Payton,
one of the classiest men to ever play the game (RIP)
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Paul Brown Jr. What a joke you guys are! The young lady asked that this be removed - So grow
up and do it!
3 hours ago · Like
Kaylee Nicla and trash talking bears fans is no less bulling too im not a bully yet as all of u
stating bears fans suck and we are bullies you yourself are being one
3 hours ago · Like
Jaroslaw Latka Who knows why Cuttler's nicn
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Katherine 'Huber' Smith So sad that people have to try to bring others down to make themselves
feel better.... she has asked you to take this down and yet it remains... shows your class and true
colors. Please take this down!! GO PACK GO!!
3 hours ago · Like
Jeni Helke Take it down!!!
3 hours ago · Like
Jaroslaw Latka kname is 50 cents???
3 hours ago · Like
Jessica Curns And she responds with class!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jaroslaw Latka Cuz he's only good for 2 quarters:)
3 hours ago · Like
Ray Zimmer Just an example of the crap that comes out of the mouth of these people.
3 hours ago · Like
Shannon Robbins Koele!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jodi Yearling I suppose when you have a football team that can't win, you have to find
something to pick on with that the teams that continue to KICK YOUR ASS!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Whitney Muche I love how you guys have to stoop so low to try and make yourselves feel better
as a bears fan. You have to bash other people to make yourselves look better. Absolutely
disgusting. Now what if someone said/did thi to your daughter? How would you react!? It is sad
that even your fellow bears fans are disappointed- your making yourself look like uneducated
ass'. Remove this picture and grow up!
3 hours ago · Like
Jill Youngblood Dobbs If you, moderators, think this is a funny or great idea- let's see YOUR
pictures. How horrible you are. Take it down. Show some decency now. You think you represent
the team you supposedly love so much by acting like bully punks? Cowards. Take it DOWN.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jenny Deuster Woldt She is a beautiful young woman who is proud and secure of who she is and
what she stands for. Love this picture, hate your comment about it.
3 hours ago via mobile · Like
Tracy Weinberger Mathweg Kudos to the Green Bay Packers for keeping it classy with
cheerleaders from area universities! Shame on you for being classless by posting this!
3 hours ago · Like · 9
Lenore Bergstrom Burger I'm not surprised that the person that found it acceptable to post this
hasn't removed it...their character was apparent when they put this online. I am, however,
disgusted that it has not been removed by Facebook
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Courtney Long Take the photo down. She's a real person. Now would you feel it this was your
sister, girlfriend, daughter, or granddaughter???? This is cruel and anyone who made such
hateful comments should be ashamed of themselves. You are the ugly ones, ugly hearts, and ugly
people on the inside.
Packers cheerleader fights bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Jim Knorr Take down this photo and post, its shows a true lack of class to attack a college
student. I am all for Packers/Bears rivalry banter but personally attacking someone you don't
even know or have ever met is wrong.
3 hours ago · Like
Courtney Hanson It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong. Make up for what I hope
was a momentary lapse in judgement and take down the photo. No one deserves to be bullied ever.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Steve Des Jardins Once again Bears fans prove that they're classless idiots.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Rich Lewis I live in wisconsin ,But really not a packer fan.I'm a huge REDSKIN fans,But
posting this type of shit is really NOT cool at all.No matter what football fan you are this is
unacceptable,She is someone daughter,someones sister,friend.This just shows that you have NO
CLASS at all.Now pull your head out of your A-- and take this down.
3 hours ago · Like · 7
Jean M Lewis Think about it..for all of you who made these rude comments about this woman,
would you make them to her face? If this was you sister or daughter, would you like to hear this?
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Nancy Munson Just proves how shallow and small minded they are. Something we already
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Debby Erickson This just goes to show that Bears fans have no class to post a picture of a
beautiful young lady and make bullying comments. This needs to be removed at once.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Christina Meeusen Take down this post. Shame on you for posting it in the first place.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Laurie Kruse Stanley BEAUTIFUL, strong, daughter of God, please respect her wishes and
remove her picture along with the despicable comments!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Alissa Ashley Bauer Please take this picture down, she is beautiful and does not deserve this
from anyone!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Joe Bzura GO PACK GO!!!!!!!!!!
3 hours ago · Like
Kaylee Nicla SERIOUSLY!!! any packer fan on here stop bashing the bears!! Any bears fan on
here stop bashing the packers....glad to know this post is about bulling this girl, and showing
respect yet here everyone is posting rude comments being a bully themselves.....grow up
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Todd French Bears FanS (note the plural, folks - you can't even get THAT correct) really showed
their true colors here. I'm sure each of you who said something terrible about this brave girl are
model material as well, right?
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Kristin Whitney this is just terrible
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jeff Hutchinson I would just take this picture down and call it a day, then all of this can be over.
Just a thought.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Amy Coutley Sterken Many of you are classless and ignorant. You want to trash talk the Pack or
the game or even the players.. that's one thing.. they are paid and know how to enjoy a decent
rivalry, but this is just a young college girl that had the opportunity of a lifetime to go and cheer
at Lambeau. Are you jealous? petty? or just did your parents really not teach you any better?
She's beautiful and handled this situation with CLASS
Do the same and respect her request
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jenny Adamski Burja PATHETIC LOW LIFES....ONE, youre jealous we have a WINNING
TEAM..and two, you are SCUM to bully someone.....whether in person or shows
you are a GIANT COWARD, because this person may have never seen think you're so
big!!?? Karma....and now look, you're the one who proved what a useless TURD you are!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Maria Lopez Bourgeois Remove this photo! For those who have shown your support and
encouragement, despite your NFL loyalties, so proud of you for doing the right thing. For those
who have sunk to the level of the individual who originally posted this with your comments, I
have only two questions: Have you no sense of being a loving, moral being? What would your
mother or grandmother think of your behavior? Use your head AND your heart!
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2
Nikki R Burt you guys make me fucking sick! how deal you have so much disrespect for
someone thats so pretty just because she is wearing packer clothes i bet you guys wouldn't be
talking like that if she was wearing bear clothes and cheering them on! what if someone put a pic
up of your daugther cheering on a team they didnt like a wrote these nasty things? no class at
all..good job bear fans you guys just made it a lot easier for all to hate yous.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Philip Frye Maybe we should make fun of how your quarterback proposed to his girlfriend
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Bonnie Allen Wusterbarth Posting this just sounds like sour grapes to me. Just jealous of the
Packers having better seasons than the Bears. If you've ever been to a Packer/Bears game, I think
you know who the worst fans are. Get a life & stop trashing other teams/fans/cheerleaders. So
not cool!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Kelsey Mathias Reported it to facebook... they say that this doesn't qualify as hate. Clearly
facebook and this fan page have a poor understanding of cyber bullying.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Nikki R Burt and you guys even made it on the news to show the whole world how shallow you
guys are.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Linda Hawley Simons I hope none of you bullies ever have your daughters treated like this!
What is the matter with you people?
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Nekana Voith I will never understand people who have to make someone feel bad so they can
feel better about themselves. They are the ones to be pitied. Please delete this picture so the ugly
comments can be removed. The only ugliness I see is coming from the insides of the people
making denigrating comments.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Sean Berry Looking at the first picture posted back in October, 2012, there was a reference to
someone named Ventura Tounsel, who seems to possibly be associated with the creation of the
page. Not sure whether he ever was, or still is, but perhaps he would like to hear from some of
you folks. Maybe send him a note of depreciation (:
Ventura Tounsel
Unit Deployment Manager at Sonoran TechnologiesStudied Music at Jackson State
UniversityLives in Tucson, Arizona
3 hours ago · Like
Pee Wee Phelps The post says "the packers have the worst cheerleaders in the NFL". That
opinion is true to many. So don't be sore. Hate the people who commented cruelly. (and she can
speak by the way, so she doesn't have to write on paper and show it to the camera. Imitating a
dying kid is more offensive to me!)
3 hours ago · Like
Lynn Schroeder-Korinek To the Bears fans that think this was in good taste, YOU SUCK. For
one thing this girl is a cutey. The Green Bay Packers team and community do not feel it is
necessary to have cheerleaders on the field wearing next to nothing. Packer players, coaches,
staff, fans and cheerleaders are a class act, unlike any Bears fan that thinks this post is OK. Take
it down.
3 hours ago · Like
Sara Sylvan The Rivalry should be fun! Not bulling this girl! She is a beautiful girl. Seriously, no
person deserves to be bullied like this. She isn't standing up for herself more than she is standing
up for this happening to others who may not have the self esteem she has to stand up to things
like this. Good for her for taking something this mean and turning it into a positive message!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Laurel Wilcox half the people calling her ugly are ugly! Just an FYI: Packer's cheerleaders aren't
paid thousands of dollars, they're volunteers. And, she's not ugly, she's a real person! Not a
stupid drone Barbie doll that has no real thoughts of her own and has more plastic in her than an
actual barbie doll. Bear's fans must be retarded because you're judging an innocent person, look
at yourseves you disgraces to human life!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Diane Douglas You are a complete loser and a disgrace!! GO PACK GO!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Stephanie Obst We are all God's children and we are all beautiful - regardless of what NFL team
we're cheering for!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jim Ford Heard about this post from friends, it's true Bears fans must be the biggest losers on this
whole stinking planet. Hope your team never wins shit again. LOSERS!
3 hours ago · Like · 7
Justin Collins My sister has said it better than I ever could myself.
Thank you to those who have supported her. I appreciate all the support for my lovely sister.
However, I am sorry to see all these comments with hurtful replies. Please, if you find yourself
troubled by this photo, simply report it and ask for its removal. Do not add fuel to the fire.
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 8
Sara Sylvan Oh and BTW the Green Bay Packers use the college cheerleaders from UWGB and
St. Norbert. College girls, not professional cheerleaders.
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Becky Schicantek How would you feel if it was a picture of you and people were saying cruel
things about you. I bet the bears are ashamed of this page right. Good job you have officially
become a disappointment to the NFL where sportsmanship is praised
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Cynthia Fitzsimmons Unbelievably disappointing....sickening actually! It shouldn't matter what
this woman's status or life has been to this point, or what colored uniform she is wearing. She is a
human being & should not be subjected to this complete disrespect. If this were ANY of your
sisters, daughters, nieces, or friends you would be appalled by this. TAKE THIS DOWN!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Greg Koeller
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Kelli Suppes Burmeister As a Bears fan, it is a shame that this was posted on a site for their fans.
It is even a bigger shame that you have not removed this and formally apologized to this young
lady! I will always be a Bears fan but I will no longer follow your page
3 hours ago · Like · 12
Jackie Melbye What in your mind thinks you have the right to call this girl names. She isn't fake
like all the Hollywood stars. She is extremely Beautiful!!!!!!! Maybe get some class and stop
picking on young women you jerk!!!!! Gosh what is your problem?! Take the picture down!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
JoAnn Gorichanaz-Stout After watching the video I came on here to offer my plead to take this
down. Thankfully all I have read in recent comments are kind and supportive words for this
young woman. Take this photo down - you know it's the right thing to do!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jermichael Davis Doesn't anyone else see that the caption says the Packers have the worse
CHEERLEADERS in the NFL and it says nothing about the girl or anybody's attractiveness?
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Barry Hersh Jealous BASTARDS!!!! You're just sore because your team SUCKS! You can't beat
the PACKERS on the field where it counts so you resort to this nonsense.
3 hours ago · Like · 7
Rachel Muhs For who posted this and those who had horrible comments about how ugly she is.
This is a human being, she is someone's daughter, friend, granddaughter, etc. She has seen and
read this comments and has seen the likes. I ask the page/person who posted this photo to take it
down, because this is cyber bullying. For those who had supportive comments, thank you (from a
Packers and Bears fan, yes I cheer for both) I ask everyone else who looks at this photo to watch
this video that the beautiful young lady in this photo made:
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Nancy Feist I wonder if the supposed male gods who would attack this young woman probably
are not worth of her or any other woman's affection.
3 hours ago · Like
Karen Wittig Haley You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Sarah Kneser I wonder how the actual Chicago Bears organization would feel about this. Rivalry
between teams is one thing. Bullying is another. Set a better example. Apologize, take the picture
down, and hope legal action isn't taken for Internet bullying.
3 hours ago · Like · 8
Jacob Husnik this is just unacceptable.. you really need to take this down. this is a disgrace to a
fellow football fan, player and enthusiast. you have no right to post a picture of somebody else in
this manner. there can be some serious issues with this.. i have some great fans that are bear fans
and they would be disgraced by your dumb actions..
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Mark H Pine She is a very beautiful young woman. GO PACK GO!!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 6
John Prahl Take this photo down! Some people need to learn what class is!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Joe Studly Oldenburg Wow some of you Bear Fans are nothing more then a skid mark on the
underpants of Society.....seriously? You are going to call out someone like this that you don't
even know? It is just sad.....I guess some of you were never hugged when you were a kid.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Jamie Boyd
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jenny Rumler-Thorndyke i cant believe everyone is over looking the real problem: bear fan /
packer fan whatever you are does not make the person you are....this pic has nothing to do with
that. i blame all the individuals on this site that are saying anything more than remove this
picture. This girl does not deserve any of this at all. i am a Bears fan and none of this represents
me as a person.
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
David J Horne Sr. A new low for Chicago gears fans.....does not suprise me!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Silke Waldschmidt Wow, we are adults! Get a grip on your beavior and morals! No matter what
team you like, show some respect.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Justin Burkholz you know you are the shit as a team when all your rival can come up with is a
cheerleader. that being said you have stooped to a new low that thought even Bears fans wouldnt
stoop too, shame...keep it classy Chicago...
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Johns S Does Definitely not beautiful but doesnt deserve this!
3 hours ago · Like
Stacy Martin Kronschnabel REMOVE THIS PIC!!!!! How horrible of a person do you have to
be to pick on this young woman???? Keep you chin up you are a BEAUTIFUL young woman
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Cheyenne Therkildsen Don't be such a d-bag, this is the lamest excuse for My team's better than
yours crap if I ever saw one. Even if you were a true fan, you're a classless one for sure. Remove
the post and you may have a shred of dignity left after all this is said and done.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jermichael Davis I think he meant to say they suck at cheerleading not that they're ugly...weirdos
3 hours ago · Like
Kaylee Nicla okay i see no resemblence between the girl in this photo and the one in the confused is that the same girl
3 hours ago · Like
Mary Waldera Hover over the picture, click on 'options' then on 'Report/remove tag'. I chose
Hate Speech or symbol as a description, but chose whatever you feel it is. Click on 'continue' and
then report it to FB and leave them a message. If we flood FB and his message inbox, maybe
they will remove it.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Laurie Rude This is a wholesome WI college student cheering on her beloved Green Bay
Packers! She is a "real" woman with "real" feelings that some of you on here have hurt at the
present time. STOP CYBER BULLYING!
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4
Lethal-Injection Racing
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Brian Beyer It is a disgrace that the maker of this page and or facebook has not taken down this
photo yet. Everyone who made a mean comment should be ashamed of themselves
3 hours ago · Like
Becky Bowe Risch Just goes to show that Bear fans really do suck as much as their team does!
You people have absolutely no class and are a bunch of idiots. To Rick B teasing is one thing
what these people have done is a lot more than a little teasing. Pee Wee you're a complete
fucking moron.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Mark Wirkus It's not the cheerleaders fault you guys can't beat the Packers. Maybe post a picture
of Jay Cutler and put "like if you think he's the biggest baby in the NFL". Grow up!
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Mandi Sebeny Reimer Please remove this photo.
3 hours ago · Like
Silke Waldschmidt click the picture, click options, report photo, and ask to have it removed!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Mandi Sebeny Reimer
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Michael Fuji I guess when you root for a team as bad as the Bears you've gotta look for whatever
nit-picky thing you can find against superior teams huh? Then good was the Bears
cheer squad last year? Oooohhhh. That's right. They didn't have one. CAUSE NOBODY
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Kimberly Damrow This is even low for a Bears fan. Very disappointing to see people post this
negative stuff about someone that they have never even met. These are some very hurtful words
and I hope that she is a stronger and more beautiful person for this. I think that we have the best
cheerleaders in the world!! They are not out there to make any money, they are out there to have
fun and cheer on what is hopefully their favorite team! Also, who ever posted this, I would like
to see you out there freezing your butt off cheering like they do, giving it their all, in these
freezing temps. I am glad that she had the courage to try to get this picture removed because
most wouldnt be that strong and for her sake I hope it does get removed!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Nicole Rodgers you are a bad person to post this picture and encourage this type of content. bad
3 hours ago · Like
Heather Good @Rick Boris Borousk...uhm because you know this girl and what her life has
been. "I'm against bullying, and respect women and their feelings"...uhm, no, no you aren't/don't.
Yes, cheerleaders do get bullied and the prime example is this post right here...HELLO!!!!! But,
you've expalined it away and justified yourself and your shallow disrespect, so go about your
merry way thinking that the victim is the problem here. NO ONE "need to expect criticism"
!!!!!!! It is NEVER okay to say the things that have been said on here! Let me just emphasize
this last part *****YOU and all those who made the sick comments ARE THE PROBLEM,
3 hours ago · Edited · Like · 3
Sarah Kneser May e that is what he meant but the downright nasty personal attacks made in the
comments are crossing the line. It is NOT ok in any way to attack an individual this way. It's
wrong and petty. And as adults we need to set a better example.
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Bill Wilkinson Seriously? I don't care if she was ugly, attacking someone on this kind of level
who has done nothing to you makes you a total scum bag. I seriously hope that you aren't
officially affiliated with the bears. If you are, I'm going to invest in some packers shit, real soon.
Who the hell do you think you are? I hope you become permanently disfigured to the point that
children cry when you walk into the room. Go choke yourself.
3 hours ago · Like
Danielle Topolovich This is just sad! Can't believe fb hasn't taken this down yet!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jodi 'Poole' Singsime You guys are immature and bullies in every sense of the word! This needs
to be removed!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Dena Paulson Shame Shame Shame on you.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Autumn Leigh Frahm I definitely reported it, I can not believe people could be so cruel and talk
like that about someone!!! Hopefully it gets removed!!!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like
Rita Bates Comparing the number of likes on this post to the # of likes on other posts on this
page, I am appalled. This had more likes than the one asking if you are a true Bears Fan. Then to
see so many derogatory comments... so so sad. I'm not blaming Bears Fans, or the poster even.
This is what some segments of our society deems as funny. But if you truly want to show your
disgust of this post... unlike this page. If you see any friends of yours on here ask them to unlike
them also. Unless of course the poster sees that some of these comments got out of hand and
takes it down.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jacob Husnik Report the photo everyone! you need to remove the photo
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Dan Gibson
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Liz Klar Hey Chicago Bears Fan, this is a disgrace to your website and to the image you are
trying to convey. If you were truly "Chicago Bears Fans" why would you feel the need to bring
others down? You would think you would try to promote your own team versus bringing others
down. This is embaraasing and it is about time you took this photo down.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Dave Radtke This Girl is not plastic or made of silicone like most cheerleaders. Just like the
People of Wisconsin this girl is 100 percent real!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Rina Hilger-Zaharopoulos this is the desperation of trying to fell better about having such a
crappy team!!! putting down a girl who is clearly not ugly at all!!! low life!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jim Korta Galaszewski We'll see how great you look when you are disgraced in the national
news...but you probably will not have the guts to show your face. Crawl in your hole you
cowardly scumbag.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Caitlin Christman Take this photo down.
I applaud her for her strength and courage after being a target of such cruel and thoughtless
actions. This brings mudslinging to a new low. She's a beautiful girl that volunteers her time to
support the team she, and the rest of Wisconsin loves. It's too bad this page can't recognize a
good person when they see one.
3 hours ago · Like
Deanna Hebner The only thing ugly about this girl is what is being said about her. She is
beautiful and an awesome representation of the WI spirit.
3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
Monty Norin If you wanna see something ugly, watch you're Bears play. Or go look at the ONE
rusty and dusty Lombardi that they had won way back. LOSERS!!!
3 hours ago · Like
Katie Kadletz
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Heather Lynn I dont understand just because your team sucks you have to pick on this beautiful
girl....she is REAL sorry sweetheart but us green and gold ladys are real...this is bullying and she
is beautiful...I think some bears fans just proven theyre hideous on the inside...and clearly your
parents didnt teach have respect for others...another reason why da bears still suck!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Deanna Luedtke Rehberg It saddens me that we are suppose to be teaching our children that
being a bully is wrong, and we we have an organization and adults bulling on a public forum that
children are watching. We are surprised by how terrible children and people are to each other.
Prime example right here why the cycle will not end. You all should be ashamed of yourselves!
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Cassandra Frank I am happy to hear that this girl is as strong as she is beautiful. Be a good
example to the kids in your life and who love your game and take this picture down and
apologies for what you have done. Bullying starts with adults, if this is acceptable what is to stop
younger kids from bullying each other. Be a good role model for once and grow up!
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Esther Urquhart take it down, jerks. How would you feel if this was your daughter? You guys are
just shameful.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Freddie Glatz the green bay packers don't need cheerleaders to get into the playoffs or to win a
superbowl. those bears fans are just like cubs fans sore cry baby poor losers. JAY CUTLER
SUCKS he needs a new career.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Matthew Huntington Bills The true ugliness is in your soul OP- TAKE IT DOWN.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Linda Riggs Kawczynski Rick Boris Borousk: apparently you don't know anything about Green
Bay -- the Packers made a decision not to use so called "professional cheerleaders" but real
women! This is not her "job" as you call it! She is beautiful and talented young lady! The Bears
organization should be monitoring this site and should be ashamed to allow this to happen. Pull
the picture!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Andy S. Moses Packer fan here... I agree with you... I hate bears fans... but you have a point...
I'm trying to make my argument with Packers fans... but they all have an issue with me even
bringing it up...
3 hours ago · Like
Joel Franke Reported. I am a WI native but a Bears fan. Completely embarrassed for the team
and fan base right now. This is shameful.
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Lennie Juliano she is a sick person YOU HAVE TO EXPECT THIS FROM A BEAR FAN.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Jenny Baugham What a low blow... This makes you look stupid and childish! This IS bullying.
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Jeff Thoms You've proven that you fans are as pathetic off the field as your team is on the field.
Get over the ass whoopin you received NOR ONCE BUT TWICE from the green and gold and
get a life. I know it hurts to have had such an incredible record in the first half only to completely
implode in the end but to pick on the cheerleaders? Wow! That's a new low.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Melissa Iverson The people calling this girl ugly aren't exactly supermodels....
3 hours ago · Like · 7
Andrew Faulkner She has a packer heart and we the packer fans are aginest this
3 hours ago · Like · 4
College and High School Students who get out there to cheer on our BELOVED GREEN BAY
PACKERS, they are not highly paid dancers with lots of plastic surgery shaking their crap with
nothing on! Wow! Look at her!!!!! She is so beautiful! Take this down!!!!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 6
Jamie Boyd
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Wanda Embar Take this photo down! If this doesn't quality as cyber bullying then what does?
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Emily Kutz People who call her ugly must feel crappy about themselves---fugly? She is
beautiful! Go pack go!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Heidi Friedrich The person or people whom made this page should be ashamed.... You can truly
tell they are not happy in there own skin and have to try to make them selfs feel better by judging
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Joe Clark I don't care how many chins your cheerleader has. Your team still SUCKS!!!
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Laura N Dennis Scheppler Please take this down. She is a lovely lady and has a beautiful face.
Please, please take this down.
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Danielle Storlie These people calling her ugly must be blind because there is absolutely nothing
ugly about her.
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Dana Winger Dombrowski
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like · 2
Jack Boettcher She is one of the Best out there and if you don't stop your shit then come up here
try saying shit like that to us the real fans that care for the team and the cheerleaders
3 hours ago · Like · 1
Ben Nantell Pretty messed up...
3 hours ago · Like
Rachel Stevenson this just goes to show bears fans true colors !! how disgusting!! she is beautiful
inside and out.
3 hours ago · Like · 4
Abbie McGeehan Jamieson Are the Packers so awesome there's nothing left to criticize but their
volunteer cheerleaders? The posting of this picture was an incitement to cruelty, and the
subsequent comments shameful and unsportsmanlike. The attempts to somehow justify this
behavior are asinine at best. And this poor girl's response was gracious and shows a strength of
character seriously lacking in some of the people who chose to denigrate her. Shame on you, and
I bet your team would say the same thing.
3 hours ago · Like · 8
Robin Schumacher
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local
News and Weat
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Bart Voelz Take the pic down. Pathetic, losers
3 hours ago · Like · 3
Eric McCann You should be embarrassed for putting this up. Shame on you. How small must
your life be to do something like this? You've already done the disgraceful thing. Now do the
right thing by *Apologizing* to the young woman - just as publicly and visibly as you put her
down - and taking the photo down.
3 hours ago · Like · 5
Nancy Munson OMG Delilah!!! ROFLMAO. Obviously you didn't look in the mirror before you
posted your remark! ROFL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Ashley Brooks Take it down. What are you teaching the next generation!?
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Megan Johnson This is rediculous. Just another reason to add to why I believe that the Packers
have way better fans than the Bears. She is beautiful end of story.
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Barb N Mike Kraus I can't believe this picture is still up??????!!!!!!!!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Shaun M. Johnson Just so you all know, our cheerleaders are from UWGB and St. Norbert
College as well as some of our local high schools. We are a community oriented team that places
the good of the community ahead of profit. And to play into the nastiness of this post, did you all
make the playoffs? And what is correlation of cheerleaders and how well a team performs in
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Michelle Sanchez Ernst Please take it down Bear fans are better than this!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Laurie Vogt
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Tori Prescott so how would any of you like it if a picture like this was posted about you and
asked the nation like if you think this person is ugly? im sure you wouldnt like it. so why do it to
someone else. just because you have some thing against the packers doesnt give you the right to
bully someone else because of that. and anyone else on here that keeps saying rude remarks
about the bears fans stop stooping to their level, yes this picture needs to be takin down. and if
you are a packer fan stand up and dont be so immature to start bullying others. be a packer fan
and help this girl out just by getting this picture down and telling peopleits not ok to bully others.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Bart Voelz
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Justin Whitaker
Eric Schuster
Eric Phillips
patrick greney
Andrea Schell
2 hours ago · Edited · Like · 10
Joe Clark She's not ugly, it just fun poking at the dumbasses that are the real joke. Don't take
yourselves sooo serious. I know most Green Bay fans barely graduated high school and you
people are so bored up there with nothing to do but jump on some bandwagon drama train.
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Benjamin D. Dellinger I think the bears have the most over-rated team in the nfl. Your horrible
second half of the season only proved it.
This girl put up a YouTube video. Has about 10,000 views already. Bet you douches take this
down by the end of the day.
2 hours ago · Like
Kristina Engebretson Take down the photo. This is how low you have to go to hate on the
Packers you have serious issues.
2 hours ago · Like
Whitney Muche This is not about ALL the bears fans, and this also has nothing to do with the
fact of how well or not the bears play, this is about bullying and this young female who does not
deserve to be treated this way. Be the bigger person and take it down. Bashing the football
players and how they play and ALL the bears fans is also bullying in itself. And the people who
are doing it are trying to make themselves look better by bashing other people. This is sad that
this picture was posted it needs to be taken down she is beautiful. Stop bullying!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Derek Martine My 6 year old daughter is a big Bears fan, and want's to be a cheerleader. I'd
never want her to be subjected to the harsh things being said on here. Show a little respect and
class, and take down this post.
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Shannon Schaff Those of you wanting to report this photo with the reason being "hate"...They
will not take it down. There's nothing hateful about this. Smh.
2 hours ago · Like
Jaizon B. Plaga Cyber bullying at its finest! This needs to come down! And for all the people
with negative comments imagine if this was your daughter, sister, friend, whoever! how would
you feel? This is beyond Packers vs Bears! This is about respect! I can't believe the moderators
of this site think this is funny!
2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Jessica Coons Shame on you and shame on the fans for the nasty comments.. packers
cheerleaders, especially this one, are class acts.. maybe you could learn a thing or two from
them! she is truly beautiful outside and in.. I guess you place more value in something hanging
off a stripper pole. The only ugliness you have proven is YOUR OWN through your brainless
commentary. Thank you to the bears fans who have stuck up for her, I put more value into your
responses for sticking up for what's right. I'm a Packer fan but rivalry doesn't make a difference
when judging between right and wrong.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Whitney Muche How do you not see hate? Let me post a picture of you and let it go viral on the
Internet calling you ugly and the worst and see how much you like it or how you feel. Smh
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Heather Frommherz Hartling Maybe Facebook won't take it down, but with the comments that
are showing up, the admins really should take the picture down. Watch the move "Cyberbully" to
get a bit of perspective.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Michele Radi I'm at a loss for words- so much venom and sexual themed comments make my
skin crawl. . .my 11 year old daughter may want to cheer someday. . .I only hope the
sisters/wives/daughters/girlfriends of the more perverted commenters here take note of the
complete lack of respect for this woman.
2 hours ago · Like
Laura Klatt I just moved to Illinois from Wisconsin for my job and I have to say I am truly
embarrassed to reside here. This shows the true difference between fans in each state. GO PACK
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Holly Vande Kolk Football is about the game not the cheerleaders. I guess Chicago has nothing
else to rip on so you go after the volunteer cheerleaders. Classy Chicago....classy.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Andy S. Moses As the biggest packer fan out there... I vote that we hire on the talent in this
video... and let the UW-GB cheerleaders go back to cheering on Division III wrestling lol
Packer Rock Anthem ft. Lucas Cates & Danielle Robay (LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem
HERE:...See More
2 hours ago · Like
Brittany Townsley Shame on you and shame on facebook for keeping this up.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Kaylee Nicla hahahahaha i love everyone bashing on all bears fans like this is my fault.....thanks
for being a bully to me too but fyi you can't assume we are with it cuz its on the page...ya i have
a heart thank you very much and i am against it. So screw you saying bears fans are heartless and
don't care and all the other hate words your yourself are a bully congrats
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Brian Flav some of the comments here could be considered sexual assault/harassment. How old
is this girl? Some of you are suggesting doing nasty things to a potential child and even if she is
18 that is still a kid IMO.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Mary Struck Don't get mad, get even:
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jessica Jokisch As a mother to three young daughters (4 and twin 2 year olds), I have to
constantly remind them that they do not need to look like the models on mommy's magazines.
They need to be smart, work hard, and have confidence in themselves. There is enough crap out
there to tear girls and women down and teach them that all they have is their looks. I am neither
a GB or Chicago fan, in fact I don't watch professional (read: "overpaid") athletics, but this iis
sickening. This young lady is beautiful and a positive role model for young women. Having her
picture posted for thousands to see and basically comparing her to stick thin and near-Barbie
professional cheerleaders is appauling. I'm very dissapointed that a community of people would
think this was okay and continue to leave this up for anyone to see. Grow up, grow a set, and
apologize to not only this cheerleader, but to the thousands of girls that have seen this picture and
wondered how she could possibly be so awful since she is a real girl just like they are. I'm
embarrassed for you all.
2 hours ago · Like · 7
Megan Ritchie Goes to show the true colors of the bears fans once again(thanks to those of you
defensing her) if this was your daughter how would you feel? Your niece, sister, cousin. Pathetic
and disgusting. Remove this photo. I don't think you realize what you're getting into.
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Kyla Smith Thank you Bears fans for giving me one more reason why I will ALWAYS be a
Packers girl! I will proudly love the green and gold...!! If the bears fans want to waste their time
on anything...maybe they should look at their team!! Go Pack Go!!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Amy Winkler It's shameful that Chicago Bear Fans have to stoop so low in order to feel they
have "one-upped" the Packers. I would be butt-hurt too if my team played as terrible as yours,
but I wouldn't seek revenge through attacking innocent girls who have hardly anything to do with
the team itself. Stick to the game and the players if you're going to insult the Packers, not the
cheerleaders on the sidelines. You are proving nothing but the fact that you are all sore losers.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Whitney Muche He is a college student packers do not have official cheerleaders, they use
college students!
2 hours ago · Like
Whitney Muche She*
2 hours ago · Like
Asher Heimermann "We carefully reviewed the photo you reported, but found it doesn't violate
our community standard on bullying and harassment so we didn't remove it." Well then. What is
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Lisa Weed This cheerleader is still WAY cuter than the girl that you guys have for QB....
2 hours ago · Like · 10
Jeana Cyr as usual Bears fans acting like a bunch of children. Grow up.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Nathan Neuber And this is why America is falling apart. I understand being competative, but
when we stoop so low as to judge someone based on looks (and she is rather cute) we are falling
apart as a nation!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Brianne Smith I couldve been a bears fan.. but Id rather not be part of a 'community' that is so
insecure of themselves they put shame on and bring a bad name to the whole group! Instead, Ill
put on my cheesehead and be proud! I feel bad for those who are Bears Fans who do not think
this poor girl is ugly.. for now many will say the whole lot are a bunch of assholes or something
else mean-hearted for the singular person who put up this post and refuses to remove it! I hope
you pull your head out from your ass and are ashamed with yourself when you see how many are
against you! PLEASE REMOVE!!
2 hours ago · Like
Laura Brugger Everyone against this should click on the picture, click Options, then click
Report/Remove Tag to send a message to the Chicago Bears Fan page to remove!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Krista Mary Kapellen-Wenzel Take down the picture and apologize, and to all of you with nasty
comments, remember God made her so you are insulting Him as well.
2 hours ago · Like
Kyla Smith I will say that I did not include ALL bears fans in my last comment...only the
shallow ones. I hope those of you saying these things never have to experience your child, wife,
or mother being treated this way. I applaud the fans who defended her!!
2 hours ago · Like
Joseph Johnson Take the picture down already. As if you didn't have enough to be embarrassed
about, Bears fans. There's nothing harmless or good-natured about this. Take it down!
2 hours ago · Like
Matt Jurewicz Complete and total ASSHOLE play by Bears Fans. Take the post down, NOW.
2 hours ago · Like
Allie Yoder Kaitlyn, you're beautiful. I can't think of anyone who better represents the Packers'
loyalty, values, and kindness than you!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Lisa Fischer You are the weakest link in our society today to promote something like this Facebook your not any better for allowing this post to exist and the admin of this fan page should
be ashamed of themselves as well!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Monty Norin They have to resort to attacking cheerleaders because their for shit team can't
perform on the field. Yet another reason for this Illinois resident to dislike anything to do with
Shitcago. I wish the rest of the state could secede from that cesspool.
2 hours ago · Like
Kelly Olson To the person who posted this photo and all the people that liked it, way to show
how ugly of a person you all really are. What if this was your child, sister, mother, or friend,
would you be so quick to judge them in the same manner? What if it was a picture of you,
followed with a bunch of nasty comments. Nobody wants to be judged, but have no problem
judging others they don't even know. Just because you think you're attractive on the outside,
doesn't make you a beautiful person. You could learn a few lessons from the girl in this photo,
she appears to be a beautiful woman on both the inside and out.
2 hours ago · Like
Tori Smythe Duncan I don't understand how you can call yourself a fan of the NFL, if this is
how you are going to act. You are an ugly nausty person, you should be deleted from facebook.
2 hours ago · Like
Lissa Mel Bell LeAnn the hating on both sides is completely disgraceful. Come on WI, we are
better than that! Take a hint from this beautiful girl & don't sink to the same level as some of the
people and the hateful comments they have made on here.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jennifer Savignac Metzner Bears fans being bullies, doesn't surprise me. Grow up!!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Laura Brugger Everyone against this should click on the above picture, click Options, then click
Report/Remove Tag to send a message to the Chicago Bears Fan to remove!!!
2 hours ago · Like
John Prahl Have some class and take the photo down of this beautiful cheerleader!
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Angela Wroblewski Jackasses at its finest. You guys are disgusting that you would cyber bully a
young lady like this. This is why the world is the way it cuz of asses like you. This is truelly
disrespectful and just think this could be your sister, friend, family member. Grow up and stop
this childness. I understand that uour not use to winning so this is your last option to pick on
someone who did nothing to you. You need to take this picture down. And for the guy who said
most of us in wi didnt graduate id like to say i graduated high school and collage and i am a
registered nurse. So i thank you all for being such closed minded jackasses. Go pack go!!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Lisa Fischer I can see why this is an unofficial fan page - I don't think the Bears would approve
the bullying
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jenni Sailor To the administrator of this page: I don't understand why the picture and comments
are still up...yes, this page is getting more traffic now, but no matter what you do, this story will
go away and people will move on. Would you rather be remembered for your "fifteen minutes of
fame" for the controversy or rather how you rose to the occasion and did the right thing? For
being a Bear's fan, you sure aren't helping the team's image at all with this story.
2 hours ago · Like
Kevin Peterson Pathetic. You guys know you won't win a championship so you bully the
opposite team's cheerleaders. You suck.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Angela Laughlin-Monty As a Bears fan, I'm disappointed. Please show some class and take the
picture down.
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Lynette Stoneburner Thank you for bringing cyber bullying back to the headlines. With the
highest rates of teen suicide this country has ever seen, it is good to talk and stand up against this
abuse. Thank you to the administrator of this page for bringing it to what will soon be national
attention. Thank you for giving all teens who are being bullied, a role model -Kaitlyn!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Larry Rakowski Very cute girl, with a mountain more class than the owner of this page. If you
had a moral fiber in your body, you'd take down this post. Of course, I'm not holding my breath.
Just remember: abhorrent play by your team on the field doesn't give you a pass to exhibit
abhorrent behavior to other human beings.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Lisa Lewis This is the worst type of bullying I have ever seen. Horrible that you have nothing
better to do with your time than to pick on some innocent person. She is beautiful and is also a
person with feelings just like anyone else. Take the picture down already.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Brian Flav Chicago, lets make a deal, you put up an Aaron Rodgers photo and talk all the smack
you like and we will do the same for Cutler. Why harass a young girl who is only rooting for the
team of the state she lives in?
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Angie Teske She is a beautiful young woman. Shame on you for posting this.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Sarah Sullivan This is someone's daughter, friend, and will someday be someone's mother.
People have taken their lives from less than this. You never know what kind of situation a person
is coming from. Please forget about this being a "who's team is best" thing... this is hurtful to this
young woman please just take the photo down.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Tom Legate Just another reason the Bears still SUCK
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Mary Powalisz Breivogel Typical Bears fan had to put this on here. NO CLASS!
2 hours ago · Like
Jan Jacob Sheridan
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Valerie Aguila Hernandez Being a Packer fan & a friend of quite a few Bears fans whom I love
dearly, I have to say that anyone from either team, when acting their age, and having true
integrity would not stand for this behavior. Stop being an insult to your team. And this girl is
rather pretty. And as a Mother of a now 18 year old daughter who has fought to save her life,
fought against her suicidal tendencies, and her eating disorders because of BS like this, to the
person that posted this picture with such an awful intent, you disgust me and you're a disgrace to
your own Mother.
2 hours ago · Like · 6
Caitlin Jenewein Wow... maybe if you had a better team you wouldn't have to hate on
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Stefanie Barnes Hope none of you assholes ever have a daughter. Karma sucks. Be nice.
2 hours ago · Like
Stacy Engle This young lady has respectfully asked you to remove the photo due to it being
hurtful. Please be a gentleman and take it down. We have enough struggles in our lives...and
what a respectful and honorable thing you could do by even apologizing.
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Heidi Merritt This is a picture of a beautiful young lady!!! What a hateful, hurtful, ignorant thing
to post.
2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4
Christi Ann Hendrix This is disgusting and you should be ashamed of your actions. You people
make me sick!
2 hours ago · Like
Gooch Peterson She is cute! Packers cheerleaders are college and high school kids that do this
for free! They are not fake like tge cowboys and other teams. Typical of most bears fans.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Brian Shull Take it down or I will take your page down.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Nathan Bitzer I think it far more effective for Bears fans (assuming most who liek this page are
Bears fans) to "unlike" this page who disagree with this photo being posted. That would get the
Facebook Page owner's attention as well as the support that is swelling for this former
2 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Jena Winter To the "bear fan" that posted this picture: this is how you choose to represent
yourself, your team, and your community? You not only made yourself look bad, you made your
team, the team's fans and community look bad. Every Bear fan and Bears player should be
ashamed of you.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Kevin Peterson
The Bears Still Suck!
Like if the bears suck an alays will
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Monica Matuszak I contacted the Bears Official Website informing them that their name and
logos were being used to harass a young woman on Facebook. Below is a copy of the
information I sent them I encourage others to do the same: There is a group on Facebook that's
using the Chicago Bears name to cyber bully and publicly encourage others to harass a young
While your franchise isn't responsible for the action of your fans, it would be irresponsible of
you to stand by knowing that an individual is using your logo and photos of your players to gain
"fans" on Facebook and then using those people to harass others.
I would hope that you would do something to end the harassment of this young lady. To allow
someone to cower behind The Bears name to torment someone is disgusting. There are enough
copyrights applied to The Chicago Bears for you to contact this person and let them know that
their behavior is inappropriate and if they don't undo what they've done they'll need to remove
the copyrighted Bears material they've used on their site.
The Facebook page the harassment is taking place on is below, see the posting from Monday:
Also see:
Thank you,
Monica Matuszak
Chicago Bears Fan
For Chicago Bears Fans, By Chicago Bears Fans! (Unofficial Fan Page)
Page: 86,493 like this
2 hours ago · Like · 33
Lee Joniaux This has to end.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Dale Eigenberger Make it go away Brian
2 hours ago · Like
Jared Herro Another classless act by some bears fan.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Rudy Nimphius You suck dude. Your team plays like shit so take it out on another teams
cheerleader? You're probably a republican too! Haha jk but seriously you suck and this world
would be better off if you didn't live in it.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Steve Luckas Wow, this is truly sad. Not only is she a beautiful young woman. Based sheerly on
her video she clearly has more intelligence and class than whoever is running this fan page. You
should be ashamed of yourself and the Bears should be ashamed of what you're doing in their
name. I have a couple good friends who are Bears fans, and we've always considered ours to be a
respectable rivalry. That being said, this is the kind of thing I would expect from a Vikings fan.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Kyle Welsh PEOPLE!!!! ITS THE INTERNET! If you've never been on a slam page or any site
that has the ability to have user posts is going to do something stupid. Go back to your own fan
page packers fans. There really isn't anything going on up there when your news stations has to
put up this useless news story to drag you all here. Whats really ugly is the Packers Defensive
core and their running game... so BLAM!
2 hours ago · Like
Gooch Peterson
TODAY'S TMJ4 - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather
The forecast for Milwaukee, Waukesha and SE Wisconsin for Thursday is for clouds...See More
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jolene Heckel-Oeffler Only a low life would do this to her. She is beautiful! I am proud that the
Green Bay Packer cheerleaders don't have to resort to vulgar uniforms and dance routines to get
the crowd going!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Tricia Chanelle Van Meir Classless job on this caption.. And even worse for exploiting this
young lady in a desperate need for "likes" and "comments" from people that have even less
class... Bravo! There's a reason that bears emblem resembles a toilet bowl...
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Kylie Droste like gooch said. they attend uwgb. they dont get paid or cut if they gain a pound
and dont have to cake on the make-up. so glad i have seen the light and have crossed over to the
green and gold. i used to be a big bears fan but ya know, its kind of disgusting to be classified
with you.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Sarah Ostrander Berres Reported it. and was able to write a explanation so hopefully it will help
it get removed. You are beautiful. Keep your head up!
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Annie Stopero-Anderson This young lady is beautiful. Seems to me the ugly is coming from the
person who posted this and all those making rude comments. You're showing true ugly.
2 hours ago · Like · 6
Tamaro Benz Kaitlyn, I am a Vikings fan and I HATE HATE HATE the Packers, but you are
beautiful, INSIDE and OUT!!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Mechelle Gagliano- Clark Most Bear fans would not stand for this nonsense.. You are a
BEAUTIFUL woman and the people who run this page, allowing this form of bullying to stay on
their page says nothing about how lovely you are, but it tells us EVERYTHING about who and
what they are!!!!!! TAKE IT DOWN!!!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Jan Jacob Sheridan Kaitlyn, you are beautiful. I watched your video response to this cyberbullying and I would be proud to call you my daughter, my sister, my friend. I hope that the
owner of this page does the right thing and takes this whole thing down. Until then, I hope you
keep reading the posts of all those who support you think you are beautiful - inside and out!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Mark Wirkus Good job Kyle, maybe we should just turn this page into a slam page on you. You
don't get it...also, our defensive core and running game still made it to the playoffs. So that was
an excellent point...go to college or something
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Missy Myers Reported to. Die hard Pack fan, but this is just cruel. No class. I saw her response
video, and she has more class in her pinky finger. Thought this was getting removed 'soon'?!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Marsha Lynn The haters are just jealous because our team, The Green Bay Packers, are better
and they can't get beautiful women like her to be one of their cheerleaders.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Kevin Peterson Kyle, I pity you. Between the Bears and the Cubs, you'll never know what it
feels like to win a championship.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Kathy Lewis you can post a picture of someone else.. I would love to see what you look like..
sadly you hide behind your computer the coward that you are .. This young lady is
beautiful.. and you bear fan are just ugly inside..
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Bradley Nawara I have never even heard of your page until now. But you are a true piece of shit!
This young lady has more beauty, inside and out, than you could ever hope or pray for! Now
prove to us doubters that you have at least a little bit of class -- take this down!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Michelle Glass Halloran Shame on you! I don't see how anyone would be proud to be on this
page after the ignorance displayed by some of these comments! Which just goes to show that
Green Bay Packers have the classiest fans in the World!
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Don Wolfe GO BEARS! That being said. This is bullshit at it's finest. Take the pic down. #1.
She's cute as hell. #2 and most importantly, the person who posted this pic is classless and
doesn't deserve to be part of the Bear community!
2 hours ago · Like · 11
Anne-Marie Kugel
VIDEO: Green Bay Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying - Powerful Stuff! - Watch
This amazing story is about to go viral! Awesome! Green Bay Packers Cheerleader, Against
Bullying Powerful Stuff! - Watch Here!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Kyle Welsh SAD that this is a NEWS Story... lets make an issue of that.
2 hours ago · Like
Tonia Huffman Wojtas It's one thing to have a team rivalry, but to disrespect and belittle
someone who has done nothing wrong is just ignorant! She was singled out for no reason other
than she happened to be a Packer cheerleader. I've been told over and over how Packer fans are
the worst, but I can assure you that they will rally together and help to support Kaitlyn against all
the ugly hate and slander she is getting for doing nothing more than showing her love for the
game. That is a true team fan. That is respect!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Aaron Maternowski not cool. As a Bears fan in Green Bay, i take a lot of crap. I choose to rise
above it. this is terrible. TAKE IT DOWN
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Emily Greiner I personally do not know this girl but I am a die hard packer fan, my family is
current season ticket holders, and I also work an went to school with a current packer cheerleader
and this post angers me! These girls are all talented individuals and in no way deserve the things
that are being said! This girl is beautiful along with the former am current Green Bay packer
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Jake Martin This is just wrong. It doesn't matter which "side" she's on. She's a human being with
thoughts and emotions and you're being malicious because you think you can't be reprimanded.
Take the photo down.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Patty Mavrogianis What goes around comes around...Lombardi would never allow his trophy to
find it's way to Chicago in the foreseeable future!!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Mary Mooney You disgust me! Packer cheerleaders are COLLEGE STUDENTS you idiot! Not
women looking for a modeling or acting career, but REAL WOMEN working towards an
education and an independent future!
2 hours ago · Like · 7
Sarah Torkelson Koch Take down this post immediately! You have caused enough damage
already. BTW, your story will be aired on the 10 o'clock news tonight! You will be famous for
your hateful post!
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Samantha Blair Take this picture down!! I am not even a football fan but seriously?! Bullying is
WRONG and after all the disgusting comments made on this picture I would NOT be proud to
be a Bears fan. GO PACKERS!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 7
comments! My niece was a GB Packers cheerleader who graduated from UW-Green Bay and it
now a mother of 2 with a full-time job!
2 hours ago · Like · 8
Travis Middleton Bears dont even have cheerleaders. Just proves that even if you paid girls to
cheer for your team, you couldn't find em. The Bears Still Suck! Enjoy your CFL coach and still
having Jay Cutler next season. We'll enjoy the easy wins.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Angie Frederick This needs to be taken down! Bullying is NOT ok! She is a person & has
feelings & just because you don't like the Packers that is no reason to bully one of the
Cheerleaders who by the way I think is beautiful!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
John Wollenziehn CLASSLESS AS USUAL BEARS FANS! Take down the picture.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Diane Parker Shame on Facebook for fostering bullying. Nevermind the middle aged,
overweight Bears fans commenting about what is wrong with this girl. Facebook doesn't have the
stones to remove something that's bringing them into the spotlight. I guess whomever is
reviewing the reports on facebook is just as obtuse.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Daniel Stellwagen
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local
News and Weat
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Chris Cfr Petras-Krumenacher See my post above. For once I'm embarrassed to be a Bears fan.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Debbie Goldthwait Clemeno For the love of God take this picture down! Facebook, you should
be ashamed for saying this is not a form of bullying. Not only is it bullying but it's been left up
for all to see the cruelty of some posters. Take the damn picture DOWN!
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Quintilian Nice wow. I think she's kind of cute. Unflattering picture of her though. Bad angle,
bad light, it's freezing out probably. A lot of widely recognized "hot" celebrities would look "off"
in the same situation. This kind of negativity is no good for you. Choose to feel better about
yourself in a different way.
2 hours ago · Like
Jessica Lemke Angell She's ugly? Really? Why? Because she's not wearing a pound of make-up
to make herself look like someone she isn't? Because she is covered from head to toe? Kaitlyn you are a beautiful, all-American gal - don't let any of these small-minded people tell you
2 hours ago · Like · 10
Kyle Sedlar Take a look at the prospects that said she was ugly..... They should be the last judge
looks.... I think she's beautiful
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Tammie Jensen This disgusts me. I would be ashamed if any Packers fan would say such things
about ANY other team members or cheerleaders. And for anybody to still be apart of this page
after this disrespectful comment is just low. This young lady is gorgeous and is also very
amazing for not stooping to y'alls level. Right on to her.
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Jesse Jones Our cheerleaders rule... have a nice time in your devil's ass of a town called Chicago.
I will be sure to take a nice, healthy poop on the street on my next pass through your stink hole.
2 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1
Ryan Erdmann Who moderates this page? If you do, and are reading this, are you proud what
this has become? It's obviously gone too far, and it's easily removed. Just click the delete button,
no big deal.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Garret Smith What would sweetness say? Shame on you!
2 hours ago · Like
Jennifer Tucker Szyszkiewicz I hope this entire facebook page is taken down..Im sure the
Chicago Bears dont want YOU representing them. Just sick!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Kyle CarlinSchauer CYBER BULLYING IS UNNACCEPTABLE. Please take it do
we want to raise our nations kids?? I hope not like this!
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Michael Hopfinger haha does the person that put this up realize that this is a high school,
possibly college student not getting paid, but doing it because she loves the Packers? Let's see
how the Bears cheerleaders look? Oh wait, no one wants to waste three hours a week watching
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Shannon Steffen You should be ashamed of yourselves! This picture should be removed
immediately and an public apology sent to this girl. You had absolutely no right and she is
beautiful. She is someone's daughter and a human being. Treat her with respect!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Josh Matson Check it out guys we have a badass here named Kyle he's a real fucken badass!
Only a chump bitch would defend such senseless hate go fuck yourself dude
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Christopher Bears Man This is on the news?
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Dan Polley Isn't there another way to celebrate the Bears than by bullying Packers cheerleaders?
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Laura Stengl Im sorry all of u should be ashamed of urself for ever even thinking this was OK or
thinking its not bullying. How would u feel if this was ur daughter would u get upset how would
u feel if this were u. I use to think the bears were OK cheered for them because my grandma use
to she is gone now and I for one know she would upset with u bear fans and would not want to
have anything to do with the bears fans. U ppl should be ashamed. I am and I don't know any of
u may u or ur child never have to feel the hate of the world the way this lady did I could say
I.hope u do but I wouldn't be any better. U ppl really need all the prayers u can get.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Amber Taylor Hulett Classless is right. Oh looky you! Getting your page to go viral!! You must
be so proud. Oh wait, your page is going viral because you are being labeled a cyber bully.
Hmm, maybe not so proud huh? Karma works and someday perhaps a female in your life will
find her picture posted on FB with a bunch of mean spirited comments.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jeremy Brakke I cannot imagine the warped minds that would post something like this about
another human being. We live in a time when bullying, physical and mental abuse are at what
appears to be an all time high. My child has lost a friend because of bullying. News stories have
come out of other children, young girls, that have taken their lives because of the same type of
people that are obviously motivated by this kind of heartless cruelty. In some cases, thanks to the
internet, suicide hasn't even been an escape for victims of this kind of senselessness. I am a
lifelong Packers fan with many friends that are Bears fans. I have always respected the healthy
rivalry between our two teams. Thankfully, I can say with the utmost confidence that none of my
Bears friends were involved in any of the hateful and disgusting comments left here. For those
that were, I certainly hope that you never have a point in your lives where your child, your
brother or sister, your best friend comes to you in tears because of bullying. And if the
unfortunate does happen, remember what you stated here as you try to comfort and console your
loved one. If anyone involved with this page has any sense of decency whatsoever, this picture
will be removed ASAP.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Beth Mallmann This is beyond classless. This young women is proud of her team, exemplifies a
class act role model to young Packer fans, and most importantly, on her way to receiving a
college education. Already, she is above the ignorant administrator of this page and the countless
children calling themselves fans that have only added fuel to the fire.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Brenna Mary Jacquette Everyone has beauty, it takes a special person to see it. It's terrible to see
adults comment such rude comments on here because children and teenagers are supposed to
look up to you all. If we were to look up to you guys with the rude comments imagine how
terrible society would be. If you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all and i always thought
the number one rule was "treat others the way you want to be treated."
2 hours ago · Like
Mary Struck I like the people saying Packers fans don't belong on here and should go back to
their own fan page. Too bad the Packers fan in the photo doesn't have the option to leave this
page. DOH!
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Lynette Stoneburner Pleas turn this into a teaching moment. You made a bad decision to post
this. Take it down, apologize to your fans and to young girls, donate to a charity, and move on.
Turn this ugliness into something positive!
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Sarah Tibbals Remove this!! Cyber bulling is pathetic,sad,&disgusting
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Chris Rowan An embarrassment to the Bear's organization and an insult to all of Chicago. No
2 hours ago · Like · 6
DeEnna Wisdom Holohan This post is really sad. Bullying happens all the time and is amazing
how early it starts. If anyone has the ABC Reader program in their schools I encourage you to
get involved in it. It is a great program focused on anti-bullying and self esteem. Shame on you
for posting this and encouraging this, you are definitely not an Up-stander.
2 hours ago · Like · 1
Jan Jacob Sheridan Wow, Kyle. The more you try to defend yourself and your decision to post
this AND to leave it up.... the more you paint yourself in such negative colors. Cyber-bullying IS
news. I am just glad this beautiful young lady has enough self-esteem and support to ask you to
stop. She has tons of class, something that you are sorely lacking. I hope this story goes National.
Imagine what people will be calling YOU!! The difference is, unlike what you have done to this
young lady, it will be deserved!!!
2 hours ago · Like · 7
Chris Rowan
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Sarah Torkelson Koch Cyberbullying/bullying is serious and not to be taken lightly. Although
this young lady seems to be handling it well and has a great support system, not everyone does
who is bullied. Others have taken their life due to the pressure and heartache of bullying.
Remove the post now!
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Cindi Schaefer As a HUGE chicago bears fan, I am embarrassed that this was put up, and not
only that, but the fact that individuals have chosen to say such hateful things. At least this girl is
doing SOMETHING with her life, unlike most of the lowlife individuals on this page who have
nothing but negativity to say. From Chicago Bears fans at large, I am SO SORRY that this was
ever posted.
2 hours ago · Like · 13
David Rechlicz Classless move Chicago Bears Fan. Please remove the photo.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Nick Halverson Forget all you hating ass bear fans I love that this girl put you in your place.You
will never win another playoff game I know it stings#GO PACK GO THE BEARS STILL
2 hours ago · Like
Sarah Torkelson Koch @ChristopherBearsMan yes...this is in the news.
2 hours ago · Edited · Like
Edna Hansen The only thing ugly about this picture is the person who post it and encouraged
others to make gross and outrageous statements about her. If you think this is ugly maybe you
need your eyes checked. Do everyone a favor and take this picture down before you make
anymore of an ass of yourself and the other Bears fans who actually have a brain in there head.
No wonder Green bay has won more SB's than you.
2 hours ago · Like · 6
Michael Nischke You're Bears fans, no one cares what you think.
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Meghan Peters Garay TAKE IT DOWN! What is wrong with you? May you & all the people
that liked your caption & added to meanness, karma sucks
2 hours ago · Like
Robin Barfoot Wow, the Bears do seem to have some low class fans! Well, at least 3,412 of
them who have liked this page so far. The two I see posted above me are OK. the rest of you are
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Dan Karbler I guess this shows why Chicago will ALWAYS be beneath Wisconsin.
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Jenna J Clausing She's beautiful
2 hours ago · Like · 3
Sara Rose Watch it - by saying stuff like "the bears suck" and lumping all their fans as "low
class" is also bullying. And I'm a packers fan. Seriously people - it's just football - does any of it
really need to go this far? Just take the photo down.
2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Stephie James Bullying an adult? Get lives, people. She is a grown up, and Facebook is a cruel
place. Interesting how everyone shouts, "Stop bullying!" followed by "The Bears still suck".
2 hours ago · Like · 2
Jennifer Lynn Cronin Take this photo down now! This is very disrespectful and this photo was
supposed to be down awhile ago! I can see that bears fans are very low and I will never look at
them the same way! I hope you who are bullying this poor feel terrible again take this photo
2 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Sarah Torkelson Koch Some of the Packer players have tweeted their support to this young
lady...Donald Driver being one of them.
2 hours ago · Like · 5
Samantha Valera IT'S NOT OKAY TO BULLY! Have more self respect than that!
2 hours ago · Like · 4
Cyndi Albrecht Kaityn, I support you 110%. Good luck in your fight........Sorry this happened to
you. You are truely a beautiful gal.
2 hours ago · Like · 7
Jennifer Lynn Cronin This needs to end now!!!
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 2
Kevin Bruckert I'm sorry, didn't Chicago LOSE? Maybe it's because their fans are a bunch of
sore losers. She's far prettier than most of the people posting negative comments, so maybe some
people need to buy mirrors. Next year, I'll be sure to cheer for whoever is keeping the Bears in
their place... Out of the Super Bowl.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Sarah Crouch Stein Wow...Way to be. I bet picking on this poor girl will help you win games
next year...wait it won't. You need to take this down. It is absurd.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Laura Elizabeth This is ridiculous. Take the damn picture down and quit arguing.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Sandy Mommaerts Take This DOWN!
about an hour ago · Like · 6
Amy Behnke IN a world where we strive to teach our children kindess, love, and respect for
others - how will they learn unless the adults in their lives lead by example. Remove this photo!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Krista Ledbetter You guys are assholes.
about an hour ago · Like
Keith Myron Krisher Hmm, 3412 Idiots just like the Idiot who posted the picture... If the guy had
any class like Walter Payton, he would show it by apologizing and removing the picture. BUT, I
am sure he rather enjoys the publicity.. Most IDIOTS do...
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Nick R Allexon She looks beautiful, what difference does it make what team she cheers for? We
all have our differences, thats what makes us human, but to just tear someone apart for the colors
they wear, ridiculous and childish
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Chris Elsner all losers!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Kathy Barts You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny
surrenders of self-respect to self-interest. ~Robert Brault
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Stephanie Berenz Sports are sports and let rivalries be fun! ...But personal attacks are not needed
and prove NOTHING!! Take the picture down!
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 3
Mary Jo Patch This is JUST PLAIN WRONG! You people make it hard to support the Bears!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Nick R Allexon I just did a Bears vs. Packers shoot and everyone was respectful to everyone
else, no matter what team colors they were wearing. I dont support bullying, so I can't condone
anything that has been said here. Give this lovely young woman a break and let her do what
makes her happy. Go Bears!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Sonie Ruff SHAME ON YOU!!!! just because she doesn't look like a hooker, like some teams
have, she is still beautiful!!!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Tony Parkinson I write not as a Packers fan but just another human being and a father. This is
bullying and no matter how you try to justify it, that's not going to change. I have a 3 year old
son and a daughter due in June and as a father, I want them to know that this will not be
tolerated. Kaitlyn Collins, you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different! God bless!
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Amy Austin Classy. Don't be an ass. Take this down. Way to set an example, jerks.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Alli Marie I can guarantee that with all of the negative feedback this site won't be running for
long. And it shouldn't be. Facebook is a privilege... For mature people. Take it down.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Lora G Force Martens Bears fans are assholes... TAKE THIS DOWN !!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Kelly Jasper Winston No class. Sore losers.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Phyllis Roseanne Zimmer You all want to know the REAL reasons the Shitcago Bullies don't
have cheerleaders,,,YET?? 1. Like one other poster said, they don't have anything to cheer about,
and 2. It's because they are having a hard time finding ONE, but they are STILL,,,LOOKING!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Tayla Marie Remove this picture! It's horrible how ,whoever is the admin on this page, they had
the balls to post this picture and say that the packers have the worst cheerleaders. Sadly you
posted one picture and you say "cheerleaders". So seeing how you are probably blind cause there
is only one cheer leader in this picture. You messed up typing cause the status SHOULD say....
"The packers have the best cheerleaders" and post a picture of the whole squad! TAKE THIS
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Arika Kleinert This is such a display of immaturity and I cannot believe the Bears organization
would allow this on their page.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Missy Kolbeck SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Joe Hoppe
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local
News and Weat
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Michelle Smukowski This is terrible. Take this down immediately.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Travis Bille Three points:
1. She is actually really cute, so I guess I don't understand the original mockery.
2. The Bears, you idiot, have not had cheerleaders since 1985. I would think any true Bears fan
would know that. Luckily, many of the comments here have restored my faith that most Bears
fans actually do know their history.
3. And finally, the Packers also do not have cheerleaders. These girls are students from UWGB
and St. Norbert College and are not paid by the Packers.
about an hour ago · Like · 8
Rl Polack since they cant beat the Packers they have to pick on the cheerleaders
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Shelly Bicknese Take down the photo. Bullying is any form is wrong. The children of the world
and Bears fans everywhere are watching. If the Chicago Bears do not stand up to this behavior I
for one will discourage my children and family from supporting a team who would post this pic
in the first place and then continue to humiliate someone this way. You are disgusting! This girl
is someone's daughter, sister, friend. What is wrong with? Think of your own daughter or sister?
What would you do if someone did this to her?
about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 2
Dan Kaus
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Dale Porter The crime is so high in Chicago, these not so classy Bear fans have nothing better to
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Mai Miltown Take this picture down!!!! How dare you do something like this!! Kaitlyn Collins
your a BEAUTIFUL don't let this moron and his negative followers get you down. STOP
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Adela Banda Suttner Hey Gary Bowen -us Packer fans are here because we are supporting this
girl. Think for a minute-she is someone's daughter! What if that was your daughter?? I thought
about an hour ago · Like · 7
Dan Torres cmon bears fans, this doesnt even have anything to do with football! bears fans really
have some nerve. come on now
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Madeleine Klein That you would post something like this is truly revolting. Take it down and
apologize, and prove you have a soul.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Tom Demers take the photo down...if you have any class, you will take this down...its
disappointing how superficial you are...i hope you realize she has proven through her fight that
you are the muck of the earth and she is an incredible woman!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Al Zander you should be real proud of yourself, picking on a college kid
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Jamie Lynn this girl is beautiful and whoever runs this fan page and allowed this to be posted
clearly has some personal identity issues to work out with his/her self.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Tanya Parlow Stewart Please remove this photo...ripping someone down doesn't build you
just makes you look bad.
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Becky Towne Immature.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Beth Kelly she is beautiful, the putz who posted her pic is the ugliest piece of work ever. shame
on you!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Nikki Habenicht I'm sad to say I will be in the "wonderful" state of Illinois for three days next
week. I would absolutely LOVE to see any of the thousands of people who liked this photo or
said any of the ridiculous remarks.
I would LOVE to see a complete stranger and listen to their ignorance of why they felt this was
The other thing I LOVE is being from a town that sticks up for what they believe in and knowing
my friends and family have my back.
I'm proud to say I personally know Kaitlyn and she is a beautiful person! you are going to come
out so much stronger from this!
about an hour ago · Like · 9
Jen Blume You know I rooted for the bears when the Packers didn't make it to the playoff but I
guess now...I won't even do seems that there are Bears fans that have no class, or have
no idea what this type of thing does to a are a disgrace for saying the things you
have allowed here.....
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Adrianna Giese Take down the photo.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Dana Trageser-Cesler I'm a Bear's fan and you are a piss-poor excuse for not only a fan but as s
human being as well. I hope there's a lawsuit filed against you.
about an hour ago · Like · 10
Kathy Barts Those admin insights at the top of the page as you see it making you feel important?
Well, let me ask you one thing- HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU DID THIS TO A PERSON
SUICIDE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID? Time to consider what happens when there's blood
on YOUR hands.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Michelle Glass Halloran Easy to target someone over the internet as opposed to confronting face
to face.....Kaitlyn, you have more courage to tackle this bully than the twat waffle that puts
together this page!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Jeni Helke Take it down!
about an hour ago · Like
Shannon Mooney Shame on anyone who condones, supports or participates in bullying.
Disgusting and absolutely horiible.
about an hour ago · Like
Jim Sheldon Way to show your colors Bears fans. Shittiest fans in the NFL.
about an hour ago · Like · 8
Stefan Hochstatter I personally think she's cute. Rip on the Packers all you guys want, since
Packers fans rip on the Bears. That's the way of things. Picking on a college girl who volunteers
to cheer at Lambeau is lame.
about an hour ago · Like · 10
Bette McCarthy I just watched this darling girls' anti-bullying video, she is a sweet and lovely
girl. Shame on you tools that would say dare you, what if it were your own
daughter or son that was being ridiculed. I am ashamed of you.
about an hour ago · Like · 8
James Lightner Unlike every other Pro Football Team Out there, She's a College Student, GB
Has No Paid Cheerleaders on the side lines, That's What Makes GB Outstanding, By the way
She's Adorable!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 10
David Borowitz Trying to get a pic of the person who posted this and put them together and have
a vote. I bet they choose the packer cheerleader.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Diane Krueger Bashing or bullying says MUCH MORE about the basher or bully than it does
about the bashee or the one being bullied!! Seems lots of people want to be her instead of
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Brenda Augustine Valitchka Please take this down. Picking on some poor, LOVELY girl, does
not make you a better Bears fan. It makes you a lousy human being.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Barry Pettis Remove it.
Some of you commenters need to show your parents just what kind of trash they raised.
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Jenny Monson Just another reason why the Bears disgust me.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
AndrewJennifer Jacob Curtis I have reported this picture as hate speech. If everyone else does
too, they will have to remove it.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Amy Bangart Barr To everyone who considers this post abusive, report it! Not only to the page
owner but to Facebook! Eventually, they will be overwhelmed by reports that they will have no
choice but to take it down!! Rotten stinking people who posted this in the first place!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Jen Blume Just report the page and hopefully they will be taken down...stupid asswipes
about an hour ago · Like
Diane Erickson this has nothing to do with a fan supporting his/her team. this is bullying at its
lowest form. take this pic down and say youre sorry to this beautiful young lady! 1 persons sad
attempt at getting should be ashamed of yourself!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Angela Anderson Heckling my team.. I can take it.. Picking on my for things my team did.. Can
be funny.. Singling out a beautiful college woman and allowing people to degrade her and her
character is just sad!
The admin of this page needs to take it down.. Be a good person.. This has gone FAR FAR past
football and our rivalry..
Bears fans with negative things to say about her.. How dare you.. Again, this goes way past our
rivalry.. This is personally attacking someone cheering on her team..
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Michelle Springer Please take down this picture! This does not represent what we, as Bears fans,
are about! She is a beautiful girl and you should be ashamed of yourself tor doing this!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Michelle Courvais How disgusting that this page is being used to say hurtful things to another
human being. I think I may have to start rooting for the Packers. Do this lady the courtesy of
taking this photo, along with it's nasty comments DOWN.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Garrett Schied Please remove the photo.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Debbi Long Take the picture the person who posted your face COWARD....
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Austin Pennington All it says is they have the worst cheerleaders. Does that seriously make
Packer fans that butthurt?
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Katie Baumgart Take this photo down.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Debbie Freitag DeShong This might not be A typical of all Bears fans but this should not be
tolerated and taken down.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Steve InBlack So, the bears have a lot of crap fans as well as a crap team then? English Steve...a
Proud Packers fan...... Seems you guys LOSE all round. GO PACK GO
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Suzy Ivanoff Lindley Please do the right thing and take this picture down!
about an hour ago · Like
Darci Bandi-Schedler Remove this photo and the bullying that is happening here. You guys are
better than this. At least I want to think that you are.
about an hour ago · Like
Mary Jo Patch Da Coach & Sweetness would not want to be pictured on your sight! They would
say you are a COWARD & a Bully!
about an hour ago · Edited · Like
Sarah Bauer Shame on you.
about an hour ago · Like
John Paul Does it really take hundreds of upset Americans, regardless of which team they like, to
get the admin of this Bears Fan Page to remove this ugly picture? Answer = Yes, if he feels like
about an hour ago · Like
Robb Ekberg Classless Bears fan tainting the image of others.... Delete this thread
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1
Dan Rehbein Take it down dude.
about an hour ago · Like
Adela Banda Suttner Hey Eric Schuster-maybe when you GROW UP and have a daughter of
your own and someone calls her "ugly" you will regret your comment!!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Amber Cittadino What an embarrassment to the Bears organization as a whole.....stay classy
Chicago. Kaitlyn is a beautiful, REAL, woman. This site, on the other hand?! UGLY!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Dodie Kovac The Packers are about FOOTBALL!--not about sexy cheerleaders. We love our
college girls on the sidelines. They keep it REAL! Look here and learn.
Green Bay Packers cheerleaders - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Several Green Bay Packers cheerleading squads have performed in Green Bay Packer...See More
about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 3
Lisa Frase O'Flanagan Kaitlyn Collins* Im so sorry for you that you had to see these horrible
things being said about you! You are a beautiful girl and I'm sure you are beautiful on the inside
as well!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Colette Carey Wow, bet that 7-1 start felt so great when you didn't even make the playoffs. Felt
so good you had to pick on an innocent college student. Way to keep it classy!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Karen Berenson Please take this down. There is no reason to bully a young college woman who
is cheering for her team. What a classless act- no more than a reflection of the bully's sad soul.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Chelsey Lammers Remove the photo. This is inappropriate.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Andre Netz I am positive that some of you are dating women who meet some of the descriptors
you used here. Go ahead, make fun of the team all you like (that's what rivalries are all about)
but leave the volunteers, stadium staff, and others out of it.
We're SOOO sorry that our cheerleaders can't go out there in bikinis when it gets cold outside!!
You're all just jealous because she was on the field when the Packers whooped your team's ass
this year and you were sitting at home in your shitty slum-partments. lolz.
about an hour ago · Like · 7
Charles Brey Its clearly a case of jealousy.
Since the best view of Chicago is only seen in the rear view mirror, there is no appreciation for
anything of beauty.
Only the most vile and disgusting things are celebrated in "that toddling town". From the gang
violence, to the political scene where the gubernatorial retirement plan includes and all-expense
stay at a state penitentiary, it is little wonder that with all these self-induced social problems that
the Bears fans that attack this young woman focus all their self loathing on her rather than on
their own empty lives.
Kudos to the decent Bears fans that are standing up for her, against the cretins that give the rest a
bad name and dishonor the team and the City of Chicago.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Al Breit They are rebellious that there cheer leader are bearish looking and wish they had the
pretty girls Green Bay had. Also just sore losers so they have to try to bring G/B down to there
level as losers! Hang in there and consider the source of this harassment!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Becky Klessig This is really low class Bears fans…. Really? Making fun of how someone looks?
Takes immaturity to another level. Thanks for making me even more proud to be a Packers fan.
She is beautiful. You should really be ashamed of yourselves, take down the picture and grow
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Carrie Heschke Your just jealous that we beat you AGAIN!! But that give you NO RIGHT to be
a bully and jerk. Take this post down!
about an hour ago via mobile · Like
Mary Cole This makes me feel sad for you, Bears fans know they can't beat the Packers on the
field. So they go after the girls that volunteer to be cheerleader. This is bullying in the worse
form. Your not going after a professional cheerleader your going after a student. This needs to be
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Kimberly Poole Putty TAKE IT DOWN!!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Kia Kjensrud LaBracke For shame, admins on this page, and anyone who posted vicious and
hurtful comments about a fellow human being. Cyber bullying is what's ugly, and speaks
volumes about you. We root against the Bears, sure. But if I were even a die-harda Bears fan, I'd
be ashamed by this. TAKE THE PHOTO DOWN.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Beth Frost
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
about an hour ago · Like · 11
Halie Becker Take this photo down. This is NOT the way to show your support for the Chicago
Bears. This is a cruel form of blatant bullying and is repulsive. She looks adorable and probably
kick your ass while completing a perfect round off!
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Karen Kasinger Mowinski This is COMPLETELY inappropriate and makes me ashamed to be a
Bears fan. People who make comments like this clearly have no self esteem themselves and feel
the need to bring others down in order to make themselves feel better. TAKE THIS DOWN! and
SHAME on you!
about an hour ago · Like · 9
Ron Skidmore To the proprietors of this page this needs to come down. As a Bear fan this is not
how I want to be represented as a TRUE Bear fan. Wont hurt me one bit to unlike this page. The
Chicago Bears family would be embarrassed to see many of these garbage comments from so
called Bear fans. Shes a very good looking girl who loves her team. Jokes about GB/Bears are
one thing its all in fun. This aint funny.
about an hour ago · Like · 9
Christine Tolhurst So sad that fandom has now gone this low. I am not a packers or bears fan,
but this is a low blow. That girl is someone's daughter and its DISGUSTING to make the kinds
of comments some of you are. GROW UP.
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Shawn Lewkowski
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Angel Hudson To whomever is running this page....YOU NEED TO REMOVE THIS
PICTURE!!! If she was your daughter, sister or friend or someone you cared about you would do
whatever you could to get taken down. Kids today get in trouble for bullying and they learn from
us adults. Do what is right no matter what you believe yourself be the bigger person and set a
good example and take the picture down. Show a little bit of class and remove it.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Kirstin Wood Whoever posted this - you're an idiot.
about an hour ago · Like · 8
Peter Matijevich While I don't agree with this photo and I am a Bears fan, it doesn't say ugliest
cheerleaders. It says worst. I don't see the bullying going on myself.
about an hour ago · Like
Karen Carrillo She is BEAUTIFUL!!! Take this stupid post down! Shame on you for your
ignorant comments and posting this picture with the caption! I see it this the damage
is done good luck meeting your maker and explaining the mean and cruel heart you have! I will
pray for you and your wickedness.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Rachel Coats She is gorgeous. just because she's not in a skimpy uniform (it's wisconsin, it's cold
outside) with globs of makeup doesn't make her ugly. She is beautiful!! This low class and tacky
move totally affirms why I am a packer fan.
about an hour ago · Like · 7
Tricia Dombrowski this is disgusting. this woman is beautiful.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Shari Kastner This is one
amazing, beautiful, strong Wisconsin girl! Good for her and her family for taking these steps to
stop cyber-bullying.
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 3
Kerri Ann Plazza To the people saying hurtful things: you SUCK! Didn't you have mothers that
taught you manners? Do you not have daughters or nieces? WTF is your problem???!?!??!??!!
TAKE THIS F*CKING picture down, this is BULL SHIT! She is a beautiful sweet girl!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Angie Peterson Believe me, once this hits national media (pretty close now that the Packers team
got involved) and all of those involved have their names all over the US (which some of them
already are) they're going to wish they weren't that stupid in the first place. And karma will get
back to them once people SEE them! I wish I could feel bad for them but I can't feel bad for
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Joel C. Harris I was just scrolling through the Packers Fan Page and did NOT find a negative c
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Adam Coppens How low can Bear Fans and others go as to bully a cheerleader, or anyone for
that matter?!? It just goes to show how low of self-esteem these people have. Do not argue with
these idiots, they will bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience. She is a good
looking girl, and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Joel C. Harris Comment of any Bears cheerleaders or anyone. Sorry you're going through this
about an hour ago · Like
Shelly Wilcoxson Avery Really people????????? This is all you have to do? Does it make you
feel good to BULLY people? I really hope one day that you are not faced with this with your
daughter, sister, cousin etc. If this page had any class you would take this picture down. This is
one of many reasons why I can be proud to be a Packer fan. We have much more class then this.
Delete this thread.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
George Peretz This post proves that the Bears and their fans still suk !! You people have no class
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Theresa Evelyn Desterheft She's not mute asshole
about an hour ago via mobile · Like
Michelle Ferris Holewinski Once again typical bears fans to find someone too bully and put
down. What a disgrace! She's beautiful. Where does it say a cheerleader is only pretty when they
wear little to no clothing? These cheerleaders are college kids who are honored to cheer for the
Green Bay Packers. How many ppl can say they got to do this while in college. Kudos to this
girl! Boo to all u sad bears fans!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Dan D. McCubbin She has great hands......Yes she is blessed.....
about an hour ago · Like
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Jennifer Wang Take this pic down! honestly ashamed to even hear that people are capable of
doing this...
about an hour ago · Like
Jesus Carillo First of all, the Packers don't have their own cheerleaders. These are volunteers that
are usually high school cheerleaders. Where's the sad sack crack addicted Honey Bears these
days?? Toothless and in jail? But go ahead and continue rooting for a team that SUCKS and
made the playoffs only 5 times in 21 years. Over a quarter century is a long time to wait for a
Super Bowl win. Still wearing Z Cavaricci's with your mullett wig while watching re-runs of
1985?? Enjoy your ticket price increase. Third highest overall ticket prices for an inferior
product!! Hahahaha. Meanwhile, the little farm town team keeps kicking the big bad city's ass.
about an hour ago · Like · 7
Matt Taito Mazzaroli
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - TODAY'S TMJ4
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Callie Kidder Lacy Keep sharing her video. That is the message that needs to be heard by so
many. Yes, the caption just said "worst cheerleaders", but it set the stage for people to be cruel.
Those people should be ashamed and the administrator, whatever their original intentions, should
take this down.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Callie Kidder Lacy
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Joel C. Harris We've got your back and hope some class happens in this fb page
about an hour ago · Like
Ryan Hoffmann Absolutely horrible! Rivalry or not this is uncalled for, childish, rude, and
mean! GO PACK GO!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Jim Doherty At least she cheers for a decent team that knows how to play the game knows how
to win. This is a beautiful girl unlike the bears girls who should use a muzzel to hide thier looks
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Melissa Schumann Take this photo down. Shame on you.
about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 2
Mark Wirkus Let me guess, the person behind posting this photo is sitting at a desk with his
computer eating potato chips and gaining weight. Probably playing World of Warcraft or
something. Sorry that you are lonely because every girl you went after probably got creeped out
by you. Doesn't mean you should take it out this specific cheerleader. Grow up...for the record, I
just took a shit and it probably looks and smells like you dude.
about an hour ago · Like · 6
Chris Skokan she's NOT ugly. and even if she was, just being a packer cheerleader doesn't
warrant the abuse you children have launched at her. you want to talk about ugly? talk about
your NFL football team who hasn't won a SB since '85. this is some college girl who is just
living her dream. i know your dream is to make it to a playoff game, but keep dreaming. leave
other people alone.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Kaitlin Corner Let's hope the little girl you so proudly displayed in the post over there <----turns out to be a Victoria's Secret model. If not, god help her as you'll tear her to shreds in 15
years. As a PR professional, I can tell you this is a disaster. Just shameful.
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Keith Bohlman Michelle and others, Im a Bears fan, big time, and I'm not in favor of demeaning
Packers cheerleaders. But for you to say typical Bears fan indicts a lot of innocent fans, and I can
assure you Packer fans are every bit and more obnoxious than Bears fans
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Barry Laabs At least we have men and women who want to cheer for the
Packers. Where are the Bears cheerleaders again?
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Kelsey Smith What the Green Bay Packers do to give this HS Students an opportunity most of us
would die for is AMAZING!! Giving these kids something they love to do at a NFL game is
beyond amazing! OBVIOUSLY this beautiful girl has TALENT to be cheering for the best
football team in the league! Why pay tons of money for some 25 year old that cake them selves
up to shake there booty when we have the REAL SPirit letting girls who love to Cheer do there
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Eric Krohn the bears still suck.... lmao... go pack go.... dumb ass's
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Roy Contreras This is ridiculous take this picture down very inappropriate I'm glad she made the
about an hour ago · Like · 7
Danielle Gibson See this is why the world is getting to be an ugly place. People like something
and because they think they are better then others try talk out their asses. Well I am sorry but this
young lady is very pretty and has feeling just as we all do. To call your self a true fan and be so
hateful is sad I am sure the bears would just be so supportive of this bullying NOT... Grow up
and et over yourself and quit trying to make others feel bad for your stupidity. I think who ever
runs this needs to get a lesson is CLASS take the picture down and apologize to this beautiful
girl for the BS it has created.... Ad hate me because I scream GO PACK GO
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Pam Loy wow , how sad, The somone who wrote that must be so perfect that they can pick on a
young and pretty girl and think nothing of it. You are beautiful, don't pay attention to there
ridiculous remarks.
about an hour ago · Like
Pam Welke Weaver People only pick on other people because the are insecure about their own
lives! Do the right thing and remove this photo! Your mom would tell you to do the right thing!
about an hour ago · Like
Rodney Miller I am going to continue to report this as spam and abuse until it is removed.
about an hour ago · Like · 6
Christine Garner What an embarrassment to the Bears and City of Chicago. I hope you are proud
of yourself. I also can't wait until the Bears and the City of Chicago get involved...good luck with
that. Kaitlyn, I'm sorry the lesson learned here will be at your expense but thank you for showing
how classy our Green Bay team and fans are. You are super cute!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Linda Bayer so very sure do your city and team proud by the hurtful and hateful
remarks....remove the pic...
about an hour ago · Like
Shelli Peters Disgusting chicago bears fan. And we wonder why kids and teens are so
disrespectful today? If they are learning from "role models" like you, I think we found the
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Adam Linden Everybody please go through and report all negative comments to facebook! we
need to take this photo off facebook!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Paul Kilp Stay classy Chicago.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Martin Frederiksen Show some class Bears. Remove this post
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Tami Brownson Sischo green bay packers have the best cheerleaders in the NFL hello who ever
wrote this should be banned off of fb for putting it on here.bully is wrong and shouldnt ve
happing. packers are awesome and so are the cheerleaders. glad she made the video
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Karissa Carpenter stay classy Bears fans. GROW UP.
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Michelle Ferris Holewinski Yeah ok keith.
about an hour ago · Like
Crystal Roth REMOVE this photo and the comments with some class...
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Dave Danis I'll take Kaitlyn over Jay Cutler any day!
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Amanda Backes Ladecki It takes a big person to do this on fb and not to their face. Shows the
true weakness! It is appalling and down right juvenile. You want to attack the team fine but what
did she ever do to you? Do you like bullying a college student?Immature and not all
Bears fans just the one cowering behind his/her computer screen.
about an hour ago · Like
Gary Domaika you should be ashamed of yourself! you are nothing but a bully! TAKE THIS
about an hour ago · Like · 2
John Bestul You do understand that the Packers don't actually have cheerleaders, but rather they
use the cheerleaders of UW-Green Bay and Saint Norbert College. BTW it should be noted there
is only ONE team in the NFL that doesn't have cheerleaders. Thats right Da BEARS!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Cory Arp it's almost comical they have to go after our cheerleader because they can't say shit
about our team, bears still suck and so does this page. eat a dick admins.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Jim Fields Embarrassed to call myself a fan of the same team that some of you do. I'm a Bears
fan through and through, but seriously, get a grip and a life. Are we that desperate to take shots at
a team that was better than us this year that we go after their cheerleaders?! I mean, seriously?
And some of these comments are offensive no matter your football team woman
should be treated the way some of you have. I hope some of you are ashamed of yourselves, and
I hope that those who aren't (but should be) can see the light some day.
about an hour ago · Like · 11
Michelle Ferris Holewinski Luv the rivalry but when ppl result to something so sad and negative
just plain ridiculous!
about an hour ago · Like
Matt Greve She'll end up on Ellen and make packer nation proud and the country will see bears
fans for what they are.
about an hour ago · Like · 4
Deborah Del Mastro Take this down immediately! This is a blatant case of cyber bullying, not
only in bad taste but it's appalling that Chicago fans have said such horrible things in response.
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Sarah Torkelson Koch Just read the original comments and here's a tip to all who made
derogatory comments...remove your comments or they may just make the nightly news. You
have been warned!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Teressa J. Moeller Remove this photo!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Mary Jensen She is lovely. The Bears cannot possibly endorse this childish post. Grow up. And
if they do, they deserve to lose.
about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 1
Jessica Lea I am a die-hard Packers fan. I would never have even thought to do this to a Bears
cheerleader, nor any other team's. (I don't even understand the comments, she's very cute)
This is ridiculous. You guys are making yourselves look horrible, and this makes the franchise
look bad. If you don't care about other people, don't you, at the very least, care about your team?
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Lori Scheithauer Willner Please remove this photo. Quit bullying this beautiful girl
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 3
Ann Smith Oh grow up! I can't believe how so many uneducated sports fans, can actually find
their way around the computer keyboard!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Taylor Lynn Regulski How dare you bash on someone simply because they do not look how you
feel they should look. I personally know a lot of the girls who cheer for Green Bay and they are
the sweetest girls you could ever meet. I am a huge Bears fan but honestly a rivalry must be
taken down to the need of bashing a young woman? Who are you to judge if someone is
beautiful. She's gorgeous. Who cares what team she cheers for? The young women who cheer for
the Packers and young ladies in college looking to further their education and cheer for St.
Norbert college as well as the beloved Packer team. If you actually met her I bet your outlook
would be quite different. These girls are intelligent, friendly, outgoing, and beautiful. I am
shamed that a Bears fan page could say such things. This has now become cyber bullying. Which
is wrong, you do not bash someone based on their intelligence, their looks, their personality, or
what they own. I don't care if anyone gives me hell for this because I stand by my morals, that
bullying is wrong. I have been a victim and I know how it feels. I would proudly wear green and
yellow as this young woman has because that smile she is wearing is gorgeous and says more
about her as a genuine human being than your comments do. Beauty shouldn't be a standard
based on a fan base, looks, size, personality, what we own, or where our loyalty lies, it's based on
heart and how we feel about ourselves and what we bring to the world.
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Suzanne Wood These comments are unacceptable! Just because she may not be blonde, big
boobed, and super fake. She is still beautiful. Shame on all of you!
about an hour ago · Like · 6
Shantel Konop This will be on the news tonight. National news tomorrow.
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1
Greg Blahnik Just saw this hit the AP wire! Stay classy Bears fans!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Mike Erin Mikey Holtz typical crap I expect to hear from class list Bears fans, enjoy your ever
increasing murder rate
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Lori Olski I just watched her video. She is a beautiful and awesome person! Out of respect for
her and everyone who has ever been bullied (cyber or otherwise) take this pic down! It's the
RIGHT thing to do.
about an hour ago · Like · 3
David Landis What's up losers? Take this crap down!
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Colleen Gelhausen Please remove this photo...bullying and we wonder why we have a problem
in our schools with it!!
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Rose Kluck Shame on all the Bears fans that clicked like to this ugly caption and shame on
Facebook for alowing this cyber bulling to continue!
about an hour ago · Like · 5
Janelle Suzanne How rude of anyone to post such nonsense! Chicago fans must be upset that she
has a jacket on! This is a horrible thing to say about anyone. This is cyber bullying! Take it
about an hour ago via mobile · Like · 1
Ty Bodden Bears fans are officially the worst in the NFL.
59 minutes ago · Like · 4
Riley Wierman I'm happy to call myself a Packer fan. The team is lucky to have this beautiful
woman cheering them on. If as a Bears fan, you're really that bitter about being awful, why don't
you resort to something reasonable, like, I don't know, being a better team? Packer's are classy,
and I'm embarrassed for all of you people who have said such hateful things. Educate yourself
enough to know how to treat a human being.
59 minutes ago · Like · 1
Erin Poad This is so sad!! Then we wonder why are children bully!! This women is a beautiful
women!! And shame on facebook for not taking it down!! ShAME on you people!!
59 minutes ago · Like · 1
Amy McCarragher Take down the cheerleader picture. Bullying is bullying - whether it's done in
person or over the internet. Doesn't matter what team you're cheering for. She is someone's
daughter, someone's spouse and a human being who has done nothing to deserve being victim to
this cruelty. Once the vulgar comments started rolling in, it is your job as the administrator of
this page to be a leader. You stand in a position of power and have the opportunity to influence
thousands.....courtesy, humanity, humility, class - promote that.
58 minutes ago · Like · 2
Stephanie Holly Baker And you know darn well that if Packers Fans posted this about Bears
cheerleaders, they'd be out for our blood.
58 minutes ago · Like
Pam Greenwell She is BEAUTIFUL! This needs to come down now! When even Bear fans are
saying it's inappropriate doesn't that tell you something?! She had a once in a lifetime
opportunity to do something she loved to do and she took it. I'm very proud of her, not only for
being a Packer cheerleader but for taking on cyber bullies!!! I want her to know she doesn't have
to stand alone, we all are standing up with you!
58 minutes ago · Like · 1
Gregg Neuman As a PACKER fan all I can do is SMH. Leave our women alone and take this
58 minutes ago · Like
Meghan Nadeau-Spina Please take this down! This is a form of bullying and it needs to be
removed. Please have some class. Remove the post and send a sincere apology. Have some
decency and give Bears fans back their dignity.
58 minutes ago · Like · 1
Donna Moncivaiz I'm a lifelong Bears fan, and that will never change. But I'm horribly
embarrassed by some of the comments made here, and those who made them should be ashamed
if yourselves. Football means nothing in the big picture. People's feelings mean a lot. Would you
want someone talking about your sister, friend, cousin like this? I think not!
58 minutes ago · Like · 3
Andrea Raymaker Congratulations... You made national news. Idiot.
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying
GREEN BAY - A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Pac...See
56 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 12
Debi Murray You have a picture of Walter Payton, one of the sweetest, kindest men that ever
graced this earth as your banner and yet you post something like this which invites pure nastiness
in comments. Shame on you. Take that photo down and delete the comments. You are showing
Bears fans at their lowest.
55 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 2
Amy Sue what is wrong with you!? truely pathetic! she is BEAUTIFUL!
56 minutes ago · Like · 2
Carole Jeske if enough people click on it and REPORT it i'm sure it will be taken down. use your
heads. and any disgusting comments.. do the same.
56 minutes ago · Like · 1
Janelle Suzanne If you open the pic and hold your thumb long enough you will have an option to
56 minutes ago · Like · 1
Anne Wodarczyk via Wikipedia: Packers coach Vince Lombardi notified Mary Jane Sorgel that
he wanted her to organize a professional cheerleading squad.[3] Lombardi wasn't clear about
exactly what he wanted, but he was clear about what he didn't want. "We weren't the Dallas
Cowgirls," said Sorgel. "We were wholesome Midwest girls, because Vince Lombardi did not
like real short skirts. He liked the girls to be more modest, so that's the way we were."
55 minutes ago · Like · 7
Becky Poynter I cannot believe someone was willing to stoop so low as to make fun of this
lovely girl. Just because she may not be "model worthy" in your eyes doesn't make her a bad
cheerleader. She is doing something she enjoys and just because of her looks you are trying to
put her down. Seeing this post makes me feel ashamed to say I am a bears fan in any amount.
54 minutes ago · Like
Lee Nelson I grew up in Chicago and I've always loved the Bears, but this is just awful. I can't
believe people would be such morons about something like this. Stop being a bunch of immature
assholes and take this down.
54 minutes ago · Like · 3
Lisâ AâronsMom I'm sorry.... But this is just typical packers/bears rivalry. I'm sure it had nothing
to do with THIS particular cheerleader - she is obviously very beautiful!! Would we be making a
big deal of this if it had been a pic of the entire squad???
54 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Jennifer Lynn Cronin why cant you bears fan page people just do the right thing and take this
picture down before you cause your self more problems?
54 minutes ago · Like · 1
Denise Stanley Appalling what people will do to others for a so called laugh. Speaks volumes
about their own self worth. Disgusting.
54 minutes ago · Like
Amanda Genske Anyone who negatively commented should be truely ashamed of
yourselves...and i certainly hope you do not have kids that grow up as pigheaded and disgraceful
as you are! She is beautiful. Bullying is bullying and some of you should be severely ashamed
53 minutes ago · Like · 2
B Scott Zampanti Can't beat anyone else, pick on a cheerleader. You guys suck !!!
53 minutes ago · Like · 2
Jkbscaj KimJohn Sedeska This is horrible and needs to be removed!!!!
52 minutes ago · Like
Mike Roberts This only goes to show how bad Bears fans are. Attack an innocent, beautiful
young lady. I would put her up against any of the idiots who posted nasty things about her. She
represents what is good about people and the people who are attacking her are spineless losers.
Show some respect. Attacking a team is one thing, but attacking someone personally is another.
How disgraceful. I hope the Bears don't support this.
52 minutes ago · Like
Nola Sullivan Sell This is bullying to the nth degree. No class from this Bears Fan. He/she
should be terribly ashamed . His/her mother should be SO PROUD to call them their child.
52 minutes ago · Like
Kimberly Flewellen-Beyer You know this is just horrible. I get how Chicago Bears Fans hate the
Green Bay Packers. Whatever. But did you ever stop to think that this is just a young woman,
someone's daughter, sister... Who has feelings. This is just an attack on her. Not the Green Bay
Franchise. This should be taken down, and someone needs to apologize to her. How would you
feel if this was your daughter? Come on now, lets be grown ups here. Don't be cyber-bully's.
This is just a beautiful YOUNG lady who has had a great opportunity. Take this down. That's all.
46 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 4
Lisâ AâronsMom This is not bullying!!!! This is typical bears/packers rivalry!!! It just so
happened to be a pic of THIS particular girl but the comment is making fun if the squad.... Just
like every team rivalry does!!! This is soooo blown outta proportion!!
51 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Jeremy Gordon you people are sick. remove the photo and leave her alone.
50 minutes ago · Like · 1
Packers and Bears Trash Talk well its hurting the girl so why not just take it down
50 minutes ago · Like · 3
Martin Slotwinski Bears don't even have cheerleaders... what the he'll are they talking about.
50 minutes ago · Like · 1
Elizabeth A Marsh Born and raised in IL and now live in Wisconsin, this is pretty stupid bulling
if you ask me, are you all aware you are adults and all can get in trouble for saying negative cruel
things about this woman? I have always been a Bears fan born and raised that way. But I can not
support a team who's fans are a bunch of crap talking bullies. this makes me sick to my stomach
to even want to say I'm a proud bears fan because you know what. No way in my life would I
hang or want people in my life or associate and like any thing that these cruel individuals posted.
50 minutes ago · Like
Lisâ AâronsMom This is not bullying!!! Nobody is personally attacking this chick!!! This is
sooooo blown outta proportion!!! This is typical rivalry and wouldn't be getting this much attn if
it were a pic of the whole squad!!!
50 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Chad VanLoo wait for it . I can forsee the bears and the cheerleader suing people over this ....
49 minutes ago · Like · 1
Mitchel Jazdzewski Its bad enough for children to stuff like this, but for adults who are suppose
to know better, well thats just sad. She is beautiful and its just football. This is a real person you
are hurting. So next time think before you act... and try to show some class and apologize to this
young lady.
49 minutes ago · Like · 2
Evangeline LaFave Thank God she has friends and family to support her and the self-esteem to
believe them instead of this stupid act of bullying! Take this down.
49 minutes ago · Like · 2
Ryan Kaszuba Bears fans are d-bags! you guys might as well throw cuntler in a cheerleaders
outfit! you guys are a disgrace
49 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jake Glisch You better hope she doesn't lawyer up and sue you And Facebook. This is illegal use
of her photo given that you have no consent to use this. She is BEAUTIFUL. For you to do
something like this is pathetic and you deserve to be punished severely for this. YOU ARE
49 minutes ago · Like · 4
Jim Nolan its a damn shame when Bear fans have to post crap like this. Have you seen our
cheerleaders lately? Oh that's right Chicago doesn't have cheer leaders.....South side Bears fan.....
ps this is bullying
49 minutes ago · Like · 4
Linda Mahler-Kropp REMOVE THIS YOUNG LADY'S PICTURE! . Who are you to judge this
beautiful young lady? What a terrible person the poster is that he has to attack this beautiful
young lady. Shame on him!
49 minutes ago · Like · 1
Beth Bender
Packers Cheerleader Responds to Criticism from Bears Fans
A photo of a Green Bay Packers cheerleader posted to the Chicago Bears Facebook...See More
48 minutes ago · Like · 2
Sara Tackett please take this down. its one thing to reject other teams bears fans but its another to
bully a person like this. think about the things you are saying. this cheerleader now...what's next?
how would you feel if this was you're daughter our sister? what example are you setting for all of
the youth beast fans.
48 minutes ago · Like · 1
Paul Wozniak she's beautiful! Go Pack Go!!
48 minutes ago · Like · 6
Chad VanLoo bears are the lowest form of sportsmanship and they have proven that time after
time but this is the lowest !
48 minutes ago · Like · 4
Jenna Breanne This is disgusting. Please remove the photo of this beautiful young lady!
48 minutes ago · Like · 2
Amber Ott This is terrible. She is beautiful but even if she wasn't, she doesn't deserve to be
treated this way. She is a human being. How would you feel if someone posted this about one of
YOUR loved ones? Please remove this!!!
47 minutes ago · Like · 1
David Conley Go Pack Go!
47 minutes ago · Like · 1
Lisâ AâronsMom And the comment doesn't even mention her looks!!! It says "worst
cheerleaders". Not "worst looking!!" Get a grip people!!! This is NOT bullying!!!!! This is team
rivalry, blown waaaay outta proportion!!!
47 minutes ago · Like
Mark Phillips Bear fans have the mentality of toilet water, but I guess when its been almost 30
years since this team has accomplished anything no real surprised this is the level they sink to
they have nothing else to talk about
47 minutes ago · Like
Beth Bender Remove the damn picture - What some of you "fans" have said is uncalled for Grow up and realize that this is a person and she has feelings: Imagine how you would feel if
people were saying this about you or someone you love
47 minutes ago · Like · 2
Justin Blauert 262 689 1669 text me baby
47 minutes ago · Like · 3
Jamie Voight You call yourself a real Bears fan? You're pathetic! You're a real embarassment to
the team and what they stand for. Loser!
46 minutes ago · Like · 6
Nate Lubinski I feel bad for every one of the 3417 people that have liked this so far... No class
46 minutes ago · Like · 8
Rob Zahnd First, to those calling Bears fans classless, go pound sand. To generalize all of us
Bears fans as classless is no better than the original post. The original post is the act of a poser, a
coward who won't talk smack to anybody's face, so they bully them on facebook. The post a
abhorrent. I am ashamed that so many "fellow" Bears fans like this. Pure garbage.
46 minutes ago · Like · 3
Amy Baldwin the only ugly people here are the fuckin Chicago Bears and their cheerleaders !!!!
46 minutes ago · Like
Ima Stewardess She is ADORABLE!!!!
You should be ashamed of yourself for such remarks. God can see everything!
46 minutes ago · Like · 2
Breanna Lynn
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
46 minutes ago · Like · 12
Ashley Reinke Lisa if you have seen the comments above your own you would understand that
regardless if this was intended to pick fun of the Packer team and fan base, this girl IS in fact
being personally attacked. No one deserves negative spiteful attention like this, and it should be
taken down. Regardless of what you believe, I can safely assume you would be hurt if a personal
picture of you was posted for the entertainment and bullying purposes of others. Regardless of
what team we root for, each of us has feelings, and our actions come with consequences. It's
important for all of us to remember that...we are all human after all.
45 minutes ago · Like · 10
Katie Tice ^ Even if the picture is making fun of the squad, then you're calling EVERY GIRL
ON THIS SQUAD UGLY!!! WTF?!? Can't beat the team, so make fun of their COLLEGE AGE
cheerleaders? Typical Bears class. Well, most of you...I must hand it to the ones that
spoke out against this tactless and shallow behavior.
45 minutes ago · Like
Amy Baldwin you assholes (Chicago Bears) have a alot of fuckin nerve!
45 minutes ago · Like · 1
Chad VanLoo Im betting Facebook will have no choice but to close down this page .... their
hands will be tied legally
45 minutes ago · Like · 2
Bullit Cbass A smile is a beautiful thing. On anyone. Even a Bears fan.
45 minutes ago · Like · 5
Lois Brayton Take this down and avoid all the hoop a la. It is rather tasteless.
45 minutes ago · Like · 2
Sara Lageman I from Wisconsin and I have never been so ashamed to have bear fans live so
close to me. Don't you guys see any for the news stories about cyber bulling and the lives that it
has destroyed. You all should be disappointed in yourselves!!
43 minutes ago · Like · 3
Tanya O'Connor Chapman I am Not a packers fan in any way what so ever, but it's not fair to
single out this girl & try to humiliate her this way.
43 minutes ago · Like · 5
Tony Marold I think I'm gonna propose to this girl via text message
43 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 4
Stacey Pickett this entire page should be taken down. the Bears fans who "liked" this have no
class. this is sickening!! good for you, cheerleader, for standing up to this bullshit!! shows you're
strong and they're pathetic
43 minutes ago · Like · 3
John M. Becker The administrators of this page ought to be ashamed of themselves for being so
disgustingly misogynistic and for bullying a beautiful young woman like this. SHAME,
SHAME, SHAME. I applaud this woman for her courage in standing up to your vile attacks. I'm
tempted to speculate about what *you* might be so insecure about in your own life/with your
own body/about your *own* self, that it somehow makes you feel like a better person to attack
someone in this cowardly manner, but I won't do that because, unlike you, I have class. I suggest
you get some of your own.
42 minutes ago · Like · 5
John M. Becker THIS is what class and dignity looks like. This woman makes Wisconsin -- and
Packers fans everywhere -- immensely proud!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
42 minutes ago · Like · 8
Jennifer Channer I am from Chicago and I think the host of this page is about as cruel and
heartless as can be. However I don't think this woman is ugly or many of the other awful things
people have said. She is beautiful and a true hero to stand up against this asshole. She has asked
nicely to have the picture taken down which is more then you deserve. I hope she sues your ass
for mental cruelty or harassment. You are a spineless coward. I am ashamed to live in the same
city as you.
42 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 5
Nicole Reichwald
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
42 minutes ago · Like · 3
Chris Smith Please remove this post and all the negative comments. It's mean spirited, cyberbullying. She is a beautiful young lady!
41 minutes ago · Like
Marc Dane Asistores i think what makes it all worse are the comments on here. I dont see you
girls on here being part of any famous Cheerleading squad. So power to her. But all in all...
Bears > Packers
41 minutes ago · Like · 1
Deb Lawson Knapp She is a beautiful girl. I am proud she is from Wisconsin and bringing
bullying to all of our attenetion. TAKE THIS PICTURE DOWN!!!
40 minutes ago · Like · 1
Lyndahh Thao She's beautiful inside and out.
40 minutes ago · Like · 2
John M. Becker The administrators of this page ought to be ashamed of themselves for being so
disgustingly misogynistic and for bullying that beautiful Packers cheerleader the way you did.
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME. I applaud this woman for her courage in standing up to your vile
attacks. I'm tempted to speculate about what *you* might be so insecure about in your own
life/with your own body/about your *own* self, that it somehow makes you feel like a better
person to attack someone in this cowardly manner, but I won't do that because, unlike you, I
have class. I suggest you get some of your own.
40 minutes ago · Like · 6
Mark Weinfurter The admin of this sight should be ashamed. This site is a giant pile of crap.
39 minutes ago · Like · 2
Tina Quartullo Shame on you for posting this. She is beautiful. But you are ugly in the worst
way, from the inside. You should take this down.
39 minutes ago · Like · 2
Stacey Reitzner
facebook: to remove a photo and comments of a Green Bay Cheerleader
Watch this video:...
39 minutes ago · Like · 2
Nikki Atkinson I agree this is team rivalry but the thing is she knows about and has read the
nasty comments that some idiots have put! Now here's the thing some of you don't seem to
understand, just cause you are not standing in front of her calling her names and other nasty hate
does not mean what is going on here is not bullying, it is!!!! Just reading the words hurt people.
Go Pack Go
38 minutes ago · Like · 2
Chris Stella We don't have official, professional cheerleaders. Too busy building championship
38 minutes ago · Like · 3
Molly M Sherry Clearly facebook needs to have harsher standards on what cyber bullying is.
This is ridiculous. Say what you want about the packers themselves but don't pick on girls (like
this beauty) from our local high schools and colleges who are cheering on their team. How
would you feel if this was your daughter or sister?
38 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jamie Stahl I think this proves that much like our Team - our women represent CLASS,
COURAGE, and good morals - something you could obviously benefit from learning a bit about.
37 minutes ago · Like · 1
Harvey Mueller Shame on you CHICAGO BEARS FANS............
37 minutes ago · Like
Mandy Lynch Seriously how do you people think this is okay? How could you post something
like this and not feel like a horrible human being?
37 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jake Glisch Kaitlyn is beautiful!
37 minutes ago · Like · 2
Jason Brenneman j
36 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jason Brenneman Still doesn't change the fact that the bears stil
35 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jason Brenneman suck
34 minutes ago · Like · 1
Birgit Sawall Phillips Take the picture down, admin. It's one thing to not like the Packer
Franchise, but to insult individuals and allow rude and disgusting comments is just poor. Speaks
volumes about what kind of people you are. Bears Fans. Go figure. Losers.
34 minutes ago · Like · 4
Robert Gaugler If this was my wife or gf, I would find you and knock your block off! Take it
down you tasteless jerk!
34 minutes ago · Like · 3
John Setzer Ironic that you have Walter Payton on your banner, yet you show no class. PS if you
need help with the definition of "ironic" find a dictionary and have someone read it to you. As
for the definition of class, well, even if it was explained to you, you clearly wouldn't get it.
34 minutes ago · Like · 3
Mike Veloskey Typical Bears fan. You can't win so you bully and degrade. Bear down must
refer to where you are in the standings every year. 4. No that's no the IQ of the guy running this
page, it's the number of Super Bowls we have. People that make themselves feel better by
degrading others are sick. Good luck with a CFL coach. After you ditch Cutler are you going to
find your next QB from the arena league? I, II, XXXI, XLV. Nothing more needs to be said.
34 minutes ago · Like · 2
Ima Stewardess its not difficult to track your ip address, locate you & arrest you for cyber
bullying. Pretty sad that you think you can hide behind a Facebook page & not show your face.
LOL! Trust in WILL be publicly known by face soon. Have fun with that!
34 minutes ago · Like · 3
Marty Tessmer Bear fans are the lowest form of life...don't pay attention to the way
does Shitcago even have a NFL team
33 minutes ago · Like · 1
Joey Olson Photo: at least our green bay cheerleaders have something to cheer about!!!!!
33 minutes ago · Like
Lou Gorenc I am a die hard Packer fan and have had my share of trash talk with Bear fans on
various pages, but I must say I am pleasantly surprised but the outrage of Bear fans over this
post.Bear fans staying classy, impressive!
33 minutes ago · Like · 1
Scott Dallesasse If you think degrading a young woman is an honorable and deserving way to
represent the team you support then you are a very sorry person. I pity you because of your
handicap and inability to see that criticising a person fro something that they can't change is
wrong. This girl is beautiful, strong and loyal. While other teams pay their cheerleaders money
the Packers Cheerleaders volunteer their time. Need I say more?
33 minutes ago · Like · 2
Jayne Zwirschitz Schmidt This young woman is charming, intelligent and obviously an awesome
cheerleader. I have seen her numerous times standing in the endzone below me with her smile
and energy at each Packer home game. Cheerleading shouldn't be about wearing the least amount
of clothes and making them up to look like they should be standing on the street corner in Vegas.
It shouldn't be about makeup, hair and breast implants. It should be about team spirit, athleticism
and just being a good sport and ofcourse that is exactly what being a Packer cheerleader is about.
Shame on you for this awful, condescending, BULLYING page.
32 minutes ago · Like · 4
Grace McLean LisâAaronsMom - If you don't think this is bullying, then you are very mistaken.
The caption on the picture DOES single her out. It is not just team rivalries. This woman is
beautiful and strong and had the courage to stand up and post a video about being cyber-bullied.
She is a role model for anyone being cyber bullied. And, YES, Aaron's Mom. This most
certainly counts as bullying. I hope Aaron has an easier time than this young woman, because
bullying can truly change a person.
wrong kind of attention to your team. Find a new tactic to bring people to your page. Like, I
don't know... Winning some football games??
31 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 2
Paul Schroeder Isn't it odd that this post is next to one showing a cute young child in a Bears
cheerleader outfit? The person who posted this using the photo of the Packer cheerleader lacks
an appreciation of beauty and certainly needs help. Shouldn't a fan page be about the team? I get
the Packer-Bear rivalry, but let's keep it about football. You Bear fans who thought this was cute
. . . get your mind out of the gutter and support your team in positive ways like we do here in
31 minutes ago · Like · 2
John Knetzger Please take this picture down. There is absolutely no reason to engage in behavior
like this. Take a lesson from this women and act with class.
Packers cheerleader fights Facebook bullying - 620 WTMJ - Milwaukee's Source for Local
News and Weat
A woman who was a cheerleader this past season for the Green Bay Packers is fighting back
against bullying by apparent Chicago Bears fans.
31 minutes ago · Like · 3
Emily Bichler
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
31 minutes ago · Like · 5
Rob Zahnd OP is a fag.
31 minutes ago · Like
Rodney Pevytoe What the &@$? Grow up this is so childish that you pick on a high school girl
who gets to be a cheerleader for her home team
31 minutes ago · Like · 1
Emily Bichler Take this picture down.
31 minutes ago · Like · 2
Lisa Roth Pochmara It's sad to see adults acting like bullies. Why should we expect our children
not to bully when they have this type of behavior as an example? Please take this down.
30 minutes ago · Like · 2
Lynn Zent What a joke. How hard would it be to take this picture down to avoid legal
repercussion? Don't be an even bigger idiot. This cheerleader isn't ugly.. but your attitude and
sportsmanship sure are! **GO PACK GO**
30 minutes ago · Like · 5
Petrina Klinkhardt SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!
30 minutes ago · Like · 5
Alyssa Seehafer A few things I'd like to share.... 1. She's beautiful! 2. You're a sad excuse for a
human being. And last but not least 3. The Bears still suck!
30 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 4
Greg Blahnik I think this post should stay up now. Its shows that the admins of this site are
asshats, it shows that some Bears fans are the same. But by far now the comments from most
Bears fans and all tue football fans demonstrate support for this young lady. The best way to beat
hate is with love.
29 minutes ago · Like · 1
Kay Kubichek Spence REMOVE THIS PAGE!
29 minutes ago · Like
Kristen Winters Take the damn picture down its childish and uncalled for!!!!!!!!
29 minutes ago · Like · 1
Allison Clemmons Morrison The Bears SUCK and always have...this just shows that the fans
SUCK JUST AS HARD! Take the picture all are just ignorant.
28 minutes ago · Like · 1
Larry Mahlik Looks like the Chicago Bears fans are showing their true colors.
28 minutes ago · Like
Kelly Hawe Just a response to some of the posts. The caption does no call her, specifically, ugly
as someone said. Well, it is all the nasty posts, comments, and people who took it to that level.
It's cyberbullying and a reason kids these days commit suicide. Thank goodness for her strong
support system to keep her spirits lifted and above these bottom-dwellers. Bears
fans....whatever....hateful/shameful/people needing to kick some else just to lift themselves up is
who these people are.
27 minutes ago · Like · 2
Christine Salm What a beautiful young lady!!!! To the page are an embarrassment to
your team! TAKE THIS DOWN!!!!!
27 minutes ago · Like · 4
Randy Bruce Lee Chicago Bears Fan..... You are a complete embarrassment to the HUMAN
27 minutes ago · Like · 3
Carre Burke
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
27 minutes ago · Like · 3
Allison Clemmons Morrison!
GB Packers Cheerleader, Against Bullying
My story
26 minutes ago · Like · 1
Margaret Cook As a Bears fan, I can say that you should be ashamed to put a photo of Walter
Payton at the top of this page, and then treat another human being the way you are treating this
GB cheerleader. This is an insult not just to her, but really to all true Bears fans.
26 minutes ago · Like · 9
Mike Elliott I'm a Packer fan true and true. But Im also a human being. Packer/Bear rivalry is
just that. Leave it on the field and may the best team win. Now, onto this site. Packer or Bear fan,
I would be ashamed of myself or anyone who places humiliating, tasteless comments on here.
Look at her, she is gorgeous. Plus, check the colors she is wearing. She's more of a human being
than all of the negative people on this site. Kuddos to the fine people of Chicago standing up for
Ms. Collins. Hopefully our paths will cross and share a beer and a brat.
26 minutes ago · Like · 4
Susan Borden Shame on the Chicago fans who have participated in this cyber bullying and
shame on Facebook for not taking down the photo and vile comments!
26 minutes ago · Like · 3
Ronda Callahan Several Green Bay Packers cheerleading squads have performed in Green Bay
Packers' history. The Packers became one of the first professional football teams to have a
cheerleading squad, having first used cheerleaders in 1931. The squad performed for 57 years
under three separate names. In 1988, it was decided that the team would cease having a
professional squad cheer for them. As of 2007, the team uses collegiate squads in a limited role
to cheer during home games. .... From wiki. These are college students trying to support the
team. Shame on anyone who picks on that.
26 minutes ago · Like · 3
Joseph William III I enjoy a spirited debate among sports fans, but this is just classless (and has
absolutely nothing to do with actual football). But I suppose when one team dominates the other
some moron decides to take moronic pot shots
25 minutes ago · Like · 3
Damian Hilgendorf stay classy chicago.
25 minutes ago · Like
Gregg Trudell Real classy dude, real classy.
25 minutes ago · Like
Emily Protz First of all, over half the people on here that says she is ugly are not even close to
being good enough for her. This is a a beautiful person. People really need to look at themselves
before they judge other people. Most of us on here are adults, and still act like they are children.
My 7 year old treats people better than this. This needs to be taken down. And the bears suck
even more by letting this photo stay up.
25 minutes ago · Like · 2
Kathy Barts Tell the Official Bears site how you feel about the abusive nature of thier fans with
bullying tactics and harrassment against the GB Cheerleader!! Let's flood them!!
Chicago Bears | Contact Us
25 minutes ago · Like · 2
Michael Scott To hurt someone because of a team you root for? Think about it. It's just a matter
of geography on who you cheer for anyway and now you are picking on a young girl? The whole
NFL should be ashamed on this and, on a side note, I love the fact that the Green Bay
cheerleaders don't look like hookers. Kaitlyn beauty is so profound because it starts at the core.
Her response is proof of that.
25 minutes ago · Like · 4
Al Kara This is in very poor taste. You should be bigger than that.
24 minutes ago · Like · 1
Samantha Andre Must be jealous their cheerleaders don't look as good as ours in Wisconsin!
24 minutes ago · Like
Lauren Anne Reinhardt Take this picture down.
24 minutes ago · Like · 3
Emma Kuhn Like if You Agree That This Girl Is PERFECT The Way She Is!
23 minutes ago · Like · 15
Penny Van Zeeland Grissman Whoever posted this, you are a disgusting human being! To the
cheerleader, you are a beautiful girl! Shame on you FB for allowing this crap to stay posted.
23 minutes ago · Like · 3
Art Tomlinson You guys must be real proud of what you you posted here. Calling this woman
ugly when clearly she isn't and saying disgusting things about her. Take this pic down!!! How
would you like it if this was done to you????
22 minutes ago · Like
Mike White The lack of class from the person who runs this page is sad but not surprising.. I like
seeing the Bear fans with character out there too bad you've got a douche like this running a page
with your team being represented. WHAT A FRICKIN PUNK!!!
22 minutes ago · Like · 2
Pat Mischker Really Chicago??? Step up!!! Take the Picture Down!!!
22 minutes ago · Like · 2
Michael Brown Everyone - Click the upper right corner "X" to report this to Facebook as abusive
22 minutes ago · Like · 2
Jordan Asche Karweik Like if you think the Bears have the worst fans in the NFL! Its one thing
to talk shit about our team or state, but to something about an innocent girl is just ridiculous and
mean. Another reason I hate many FIBS.
22 minutes ago · Like · 1
Kathleen Froode This is one of the cruelest forms of bullying. This girl is beautiful!!! If the
Bears organization had any class they would NOT have even considered putting this on FB,
much less leaving it up!
21 minutes ago · Like · 1
Heathur Pagel Take this picture of this poor girl down!
21 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Sid Telang Kaitlyn is beautiful and not ugly.
21 minutes ago · Like
Larry Tearman Jr. wow... way to keep it classy Chicago.....i am a sworn enemy to the end, as i
love both the Packers AND the Red Wings. I HAD a small bit of respect for you, but since you
want to bring cheerleaders into this, why dont we bring Lombardi Trophies and Stanley Cups
into this... for that you have NO basis for argument, forever the "Second City" and Second
Fiddle. btw our cheerleaders are VERY BEAUTIFUL and they would be a better QB than Cutler
is. Hell, even Hester wants out of the sinking ship.....
21 minutes ago · Like
Danielle Bokelmann Forgive them, they must be in grade school to be so ignorant.....
21 minutes ago · Like
Mary Pat Roth The Bears should be ashamed you are their fan. This girl is wonderful and you
are a bully.
20 minutes ago · Like
Chuck Sanger Bufoons
20 minutes ago · Like
Michaela Reichhoff This is absolutely rediculous! How about tou grow up and take this damn
picture down! This girl is beautiful and did not a damn this wrong. It is disappointing that adults
have to act like immature assholes. Its also disappointing to know that the same assholes have
children that will grow up and get away with quote on quote "murder" and at the very least a slap
on the wrists, because the poor excuse they have for parents taught them bullying was and is
20 minutes ago via mobile · Like
TJ Kruger Lol, BULLYING???? If this were a fuggo bears cheerleader over half of you wouldn't
even take the time to say anything. Crazy how ritghous you feel behind a keyboard isn't it? Fuck
this ugly skank and all of you middle aged fat white bitches on here stop talking out of your
cheese loving ugly asses. Stop letting the Internet hurt your feelings and grow the fuck up.
Amazing how you all can sit on your asses all day and something like this will bother you so
much but the homeless and poor suffer right out your window an you don't do shit. Ill be out
making a difference in the world, you just keep sitting on your ass liking shit to end hunger an
cancer. Lazy pieces of shit.
19 minutes ago · Like
David Bushmaster Bush Show some class.
19 minutes ago · Like
Thomas Porten If you stoop so low as to pick on a women you people must really suck. Maybe
worry more about how bad your team has been the past few years.
19 minutes ago · Like
Shannon Schultz Shame on you.
19 minutes ago · Like · 1
Marc Seidl Walter Payton would be ashamed of the operators of this page. There is no need for
this and the person who posted this should be ashamed.
18 minutes ago · Like · 1
Heathur Pagel They're just jealous because the packers are better than them. They can't pick on
the team so they have to resort to making fun of the girls. So pathetic.
18 minutes ago via mobile · Like
Ty Hamland Take it down... Or how about this, post a picture of yourself you coward. Show us
who you are so we know who you are when we pass you on the street.
18 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
Brian Michael F.I.B.'s
18 minutes ago · Like · 3
Kalyn Hoppe I think it is absolutely shameful that you guys would say such terrible things about
this girl. Because she isn't 16 its not cyber bullying? She has feelings to!!! She is someone's
daughter!!! Thank you to the fans who have stood up for her. We protect our own in Wisconsin,
17 minutes ago · Like · 2
Madison Wade I hope whoever put this picture up feels the embarrassment this adorable girl
feels fifty times over. What a pathetic person.
16 minutes ago · Like · 1
Jim Gilles What do you expect from a fan of a team whose QB texts a wedding proposal.
Actually, that's exactly what you would expect: no respect for women.
16 minutes ago · Like
Harriet Boyd This is a beautiful young lady. Whoever posted this should be ashamed. Remove
this post FB
16 minutes ago · Like · 1
Mike Boik Firstly, I don't agree with the comments. Secondly bullying? There is no direct attack
to this girl personally. I dont see bullying. The comments are absolutely. the photograph and
message.. not so much. but either way.
She's a beautiful girl and just because they don't dress in those whoreish tampa bay buc outfits
does not make one ugly.
16 minutes ago · Like · 1
Bobby Grim Fuck da bear fans who said all that vulgar shit. Grow the fuck up just cuz your team
didnt make the playoffs let alone win a superbowl recently.
15 minutes ago · Like
Jose Ortiz What a moron true bears fans thats why your just fibs! Check it as a packer fan my
entire life it has been a great time watching all your quarterbacks fail all your years of getting
your ass kicked by the pack plain and simple the bears suck the cubs suck and everything about
your boring ass flat state sucks. Go barkin up another tree because a packers fan is the last person
you would wanna piss off. This is a cheerleader. I forgive you for you do not know what a
cheerleader is being the bears never have anything to cheer about. Whoever posted this is a
14 minutes ago · Like
Nimra Rehan "Men are respectable only as they respect" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
14 minutes ago · Like · 3
Mike Nowakowski this fan page should be banned for this
14 minutes ago · Like
Pam Schwieso Hutzler Putting this picture up with such unkind words is not only wrong, it's
pathetic. Are you in grade school?
13 minutes ago · Like
Joseph William III Wow Tj, you are one dumb piece of crap. No one is saying this is the most
important issue in the world, but its better to take a few seconds to point out a classless thing. By
the way, is TJ short for total jackass?
12 minutes ago · Like
Derek Kozlowski Like if you agree that the Packers kicked the piss out of the Bears both games
this year.
12 minutes ago · Like · 3
Joy Hagen Wilds What a horrible way to treat a human being. This is an example of what we
DON'T need in our world. How will children learn to be kind and compassionate with adults
behaving like monsters?
11 minutes ago · Like · 2
Joy Hagen Wilds Take it down!
11 minutes ago · Like · 1
Trish Bechtol I'm a Bears fan and I have to say that this was completely uncalled for. There's
always been and always will be the Bears Packers rivalry. But this can't even be classified as
that. This was just childish, and you should be as ashamed to call yourself a Bears fan as the rest
if us are to be put in a class with the likes of you.
11 minutes ago · Like · 1
John Nornberg Grow up Bears Fans. The girl is a beautiful human being and does not deserve
this. Most "fans" are involved with the game and their team, oh that's right you're a Bears fan...
nothing to get excited about I guess! Bears still suck!
11 minutes ago · Like · 1
Lily Chapman If she were non-white or mentally/physically handicapped, this entire page would
have been taken down within minutes of the picture being posted. It would have been a
nationwide scandal. But she is white and (as far as I can tell) a normally functioning human
being. So, nothing has been done about it. I view it as racial discrimination that this lovely girl is
being harassed and Facebook has not taken any action whatsoever.
11 minutes ago · Like
Kristy Fuiten Congrats to this young woman for being so brave and sticking up to this bully!
You are truly an inspiration to so many people, and if you have helped even one girl or boy that
has been bullied in their life, you have completed more in your lifetime than some people ever
will in their entire life.
11 minutes ago · Like
Quicken Loans shes gorgeous
10 minutes ago · Like · 1
Elise Plesser Dear bear fan who uploaded this photo, you are a sad person who must have
incredibly low self esteem. First off, this girl is gorgeous! Secondly, where did you come off to
post something so mean? You have disgraced your entire team, fans, city & the human race. I
think its time for you to look in the mirror and recognize the monster you are and focus your
attention on yourself rather than bullying! The bullying must stop! P.s. to Facebook and whoever
runs this page, TAKE THIS PICTURE DOWN. I wonder how many times you will be sued?
10 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
John Caucutt Chicago Bears fan -- you are classless and crude and should be ashamed. Take this
off your site. It is the epitome of poor sportsmanship.
9 minutes ago · Like · 1
Tricia Zuge I cannot believe this picture is still on here this is cyber bullying and SOMETHING
needs to be done!! Some of you people disgust me!!! I think she is a very beautiful young lady.
9 minutes ago · Like
Scott Dallesasse I wonder what would happen if this girl's boyfriend was ummm let's say Clay
Matthews ?
9 minutes ago · Like · 3
Jed Starnes BOYCOTT Facebook "Chicago Bears Fan's" 'Business of the Month' from January
2013, SCHMIDT & COMPANY PAINTING & DECORATING, (773) 467-1980! Give them a
call and tell them you wouldn't give your business to anyone guilty of cross-promoting hatred
and bullying!
9 minutes ago · Like · 1
Robin Marie Truly classless..... I'm glad this is brought to awareness though.
9 minutes ago via mobile · Like · 1
Christopher Burton The Packers have great cheerleaders who take away time from college
studies to support the green and gold. They don't get paid massive salaries, and love what they
do...regardless of weather. This girl is beautiful and cheering her tail off for the Packers! You try
to entertain a crowd of 70,000 Any Given Sunday!
8 minutes ago · Like · 2
John Graham Whoever put this up should be ashamed of himself.
8 minutes ago · Like
Scott Golueke I love the Packers Cheerleaders. They are real women who cheer for a real team.
8 minutes ago · Like · 4
Michael Congemi Take the picture down. This is someones daughter, sister, friend. There is no
place for this. Pick on the players, teams ,etc. but don't put this trash out there. Shows this Bears
fans true character.
8 minutes ago · Like
Kari Jo Rosenberger "Thank you for your report. We carefully reviewed the photo you reported,
but found it doesn't violate our community standard on hate speech so we didn't remove it." that
is the message you will receive when you report it... pretty sad they dont think it violates a
"community standard" for hate speech...
3 minutes ago · Like