Voting For a General

“Voting For a General”
Who is the Greatest Leader of All Time?
Finding a Leader…
 For close to three years Lincoln struggled to find a
commander who would fight the war the way it had
to be fought. McClellan was fired. Burnside and
Hooker were relieved of command and assigned
elsewhere. Even Meade, who had success at
Gettysburg, was not given the top slot. As West
Point graduates, together with their service in the
Mexican-American war, these officers had resumes
that were impeccable. On paper they looked good,
but in action they left much to be desired.
Trying Times for Lincoln…
 The public was clamoring for a rapid end to the war,
and they wanted a warrior god to lead the army
against Richmond. The Congressional Committee on
the Conduct of the War likewise pressured Lincoln,
as did every senator and representative in Congress.
Daily the newspapers criticized the president, not
giving him a moment’s rest, continually badgering
Lincoln to find someone to get the job done. In
March of 1864, Abraham Lincoln finally decided on
his man………
Your job is to help
Abraham Lincoln, who
is commander-in-chief
of the nation’s armed
forces, select his general
to lead the Union
armies in the field.
You will choose the
individual you feel is
best qualified by his
education, experience,
and background, and
who you think may turn
out to be the most
successful leader.
Let’s Brainstorm!
 Generate a list of
qualifications that you would
like to see in a candidate for
this position.
 Essentially…what qualities
would YOU look for in a
general if you were tasked
with making the choice to hire
the top military commander
Record down your thoughts on
a piece of paper
Be prepared to share with the
Let’s Share Your Ideas…
 As a group, share your ideas in the chat box. What
qualifications do you feel are the most important?
 Which ideas are similar? What might this suggest?
 What is our final list after discussing this as a group?
 1. Quality #1
 2. Quality #2
 3. Quality #3
 4. Quality #4
Candidate #1:
Born: December 3, 1826, Philadelphia, PA
Present Age: 36
Personality/Physical Appearance: In physical stature, he is
under average height, yet he always looks the part of a soldier. He is
recognized as being very ambitious and has the appearance of being
very competent. He is often in conflict with his superiors, and he is
arrogant to a fault. He often twists the truth and can make individuals
feel inferior.
Education: He was admitted to the Univ. of Penn at the age of 13. He
entered West Point at the age of 15. He was a member of the Dialectic
Society, the top intellectuals of the West Point upperclassmen. He
graduated second in his class in 1846.
Military Experience: He was mentioned for bravery in the Mexican
War with Winfield Scott for taking Mexico City. He served on a special
military commission to Europe to study military organizations. While
abroad, he studied European armies and wrote extensively on what he
observed. With secession, he was made a general of Ohio troops and
secured West Virginia for the Union, scoring a minor military victory.
Background: He left the army in 1856 and worked for the railroads
as an executive
“The Young
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #1?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #1?
Candidate #2:
“The Fighter”
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #2?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #2?
Born: 1814, Massachusetts
Present Age: 48
Personality/Physical Appearance: He has a military presence,
especially on horseback when reviewing his troops. He is a bachelor.
While serving in the peacetime army in California, it was rumored that
he drank and gambled. He enjoys parties and loves the company of
women. He has a big mouth and is a braggart. He usually regrets later
what he says.
Education: He graduated from West Point 29th out of 50 students in
the class of 1837. Reportedly, he was a brilliant student, but his
behavior was bad and pulled him down in ranking.
Military Experience: He fought in the Mexican War from 18461848. During the war he was cited on three separate occasions for
gallantry and bravery on the battlefield. He was chief of staff to five
different generals and he managed their commands, gaining a wide
range of experience. He left the army in 1853.
Background: Congress made him a brigadier general (in command of
a brigade) after the Civil War broke out. He served bravely in every
major battle in those early months. He fought and won more battles
than any other general during his 16-month leadership.
Candidate #3:
Born: 1786, Petersburg, VA
Present Age: 76
Personality/Physical Appearance: He is six feet five inches in
height and weighs over 300 lbs. He is deeply religious. He is called
“Old Fuss and Feathers,” because of his delight in wearing fancy gold
braids on his uniform. He is a strict disciplinarian and is pompous. He
is a tea drinker. He has never had alcoholic beverages all his life.
Education: He briefly attended the College of William and Mary.
When the U.S. and England were close to war in 1807, he gave up his
law studies to join the army.
Military Experience: In 1810, he was a captain of the artillery.
During the War of 1812, he was a brigadier general and he scored a
great victory at Chippewa in 1814. Severely wounded, he emerged as a
hero from the British standstill at Lundy’s Lane near Niagara Falls. In
1841, he was named General-in-Chief of the United States Army.
Landing at Vera Cruz in 1847, he defeated and took control of Mexico
City after several battles.
Background: In 1852, he was the Whig Party’s presidential candidate
who lost the election to Franklin Pierce. He was the first soldier since
George Washington to hold the rank of lieutenant general.
“The Loyal
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #3?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #3?
Candidate #4:
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #4?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #4?
Born: May 23, 1824, Liberty, IN
Present Age: 38
Personality/Physical Appearance: Handsome and
physically impressive (6’ tall with broad shoulders), he is
regarded as an excellent soldier. A gallant soldier and true
patriot, he is considered honest, trusting, and good humored.
Education: He was privately tutored by Samuel Bigger, a
future governor of Indiana. He attended West Point, excelled
in math, and graduated 18th out of a class of 38 in 1847.
Artillery was his chosen branch of service.
Military Experience: He was commissioned a second
lieutenant in the Third United States Artillery. In 1847 he was
on active duty in the Indian Wars against the Apache in New
Mexico. In 1851 he was commissioned as a first lieutenant in
the U.S. Army. He resigned in 1853.
Background: He opened a business, the Bristol Rifle
Works, in 1853 in Bristol, RI. There he invented a well-made
but expensive carbine that fired metallic cartridges from the
rear of the gun. He went bankrupt in 1857. The he was
employed with Illinois Central Railroad as branch treasurer,
and by 1860 he had cleared all personal debt.
Candidate # 5:
“Old Brains”
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #5?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #5?
Born: 1815, New York
Present Age: 47
Personality/Physical Appearance: He is a talented
administrator and good at paper work. Knowledge of tactics
and strategic theory are excellent, but he lacks the fire to
make aggressive war.
Education: He graduated from West Point in 1839 and
served in the military for 15 years. He wrote a book, Elements
of Military Art and Science, in 1846.
Military Experience: A bookish soldier, he was a
headquarters operator who could handle all routine chores
competently. In 1861 he was given command of the Missouri
Department of War. After Shiloh, he takes command of the
western army of approximately 100,000 men, whom he
divides into bits and pieces. He tends to hesitate and move
slowly and throws away the chance to defeat the Rebels.
Background: He resigned from the army in 1854. He
became a lawyer in California and helped develop the state’s
constitution. He returned to the military at the beginning of
the war.
Candidate #6
“The Common
What are some good
qualities of Candidate #6?
What are some negative
qualities of Candidate #6?
Born: April 27, 1822, Port Pleasant, OH
Present Age: 40
Personality/Physical Appearance: This man is short in stature
and slight in build. People who know him say he is “strikingly
unnoticeable.” A quiet man, he seldom shows emotion and hardly ever
exhibits rage or passion. He is always calm, has self-control, and is sure
of himself.
Education: His education can best be described as “standard,”
neither brilliant nor poor. As a lad, he liked working with horses, and
at West Point developed into an excellent horseman. He graduated
22nd out of 39 students in the class of 1843.
Military Experience: He served in the Mexican War from 18461848, as a quartermaster, supplying the needs of the army. He was
involved in the fighting at Monterey and during Winfield Scott’s march
on Mexico City. Peacetime duty in California caused him to separate
from his family. He slipped into depression and became an alcoholic.
He then resigned from the army at the age of 32, over his father’s
Background: Failed at both farming and business, he worked as a
clerk in the family business (harness and leather goods), which he
detested. When the Civil War broke out, he offered his services and
was given a command in the West.
The Best v. The Worst
Which candidate do you feel would
be the best and most successful top
general for the Union army?
Describe your reasons for choosing this man.
Which candidate do you feel would
be the worst and least successful top
general for the Union Army?
Describe your reasons for choosing this man.
Candidate #1:
“The Young
 He attacked Richmond, but in the famous Seven Days
battles he was forced to retreat by Robert E. Lee.
 He was relieved of his command by President Lincoln
after Antietam because he moved so slowly and
wouldn’t advance against Lee.
 He always thought that he was outnumbered by the
Confederates, when in reality he had a bigger army
and the advantage.
 In 1864 he lost the Democratic candidate for the
presidency. He lost to Lincoln. Some of his former
soldiers even voted against him.
 After the war, he was elected governor of NJ on two
 He returned to being an executive for the railroads.
General George McClellan
 For those that favored him, why?
Candidate #2:
“The Fighter”
 He strongly stated that the nation needed a
dictator to win the Civil War. This did not make
President Lincoln happy, but Lincoln gave this
man a leadership position despite his remarks.
 In a surprise maneuver, he attacked General Lee
from behind at Chancellorsville. Lee attacked
back, causing this general to lose faith in himself
and in his plan.
 He was relieved of his command three days
before Gettysburg for not moving against Lee.
 Boston honored him with a statue.
 His bachelor lifestyle as a young man has given
his name to mean “women of loose morals.”
 For those that favored him, why?
General Joe Hooker
Candidate #3:
“The Loyal
 He was a living military hero of the War of 1812 and
the Mexican War.
 He advised President Lincoln and his cabinet to have
patience and prepare carefully for the Civil War. His
advice was ignored, and the North went into shock
after their defeat at the First Bull Run.
 He created the “Anaconda Plan” to strangle the South
by blockade and capture the Mississippi River Valley.
He believed the South could be starved into
 He remained general only during the first year of the
war. He resigned his post in 1862.
 He retired to West Point and died two years later.
 For those that favored him, why?
General Winfield Scott
Candidate #4:
 He did not want to lead the Army of the Potomac, and
he initially turned President Lincoln down. He
accepted the post the second time he was asked but
stated that he was not qualified.
 To attack the Rebels, he ordered his men to charge up
a hill at Fredericksburg. He lost 12,000 men in just a
few hours.
 His officers mutinied against him during the famous
“Mud March,” and Lincoln relieved him of his
 Lincoln had him serve in a lesser post. But at
Petersburg he fumbled an attack and was once again
relieved of his post.
 He returned to private life and business but gave his
name to the fancy style of whiskers called “sideburns.”
General Ambrose Burnside
 For those that favored him, why?
Candidate # 5:
“Old Brains”
 He was a good administrator, but his advice on
strategy was muddled and unclear.
 In July 1862, he was appointed to an
administrative position to get him away from
the front lines, where his lack of experience
caused problems for his men.
 As commander in chief, his skill in training
soldiers contributed to the success of other
leaders under his command.
 However, he was not respected by other generals
and was very unpopular.
 President Lincoln named him chief of staff in
1864. He held that position until the end of the
 For those that favored him, why?
General Henry Wagner Halleck
He was appointed to command the Ohio Volunteers and Troops.
Candidate #6
He took Forts Henry and Donelson on the Tennessee River,
demanding “unconditional surrender” of the Rebels.
“The Common Man”
He took a beating on the first day of Shiloh, Tennessee, where it was
rumored that he was absent from the battlefield drinking. However, on
the second day he whipped the Rebels in return.
His troops took Vicksburg, MI, the Rebel “Fortress” on the Mississippi
River and captured 30,000 Confederates.
At Chattanooga, TN, he attacked and destroyed the Rebels at the Battle
of Missionary Ridge.
In 1864, Lincoln named him commander of the Union forces. He was
the first to be successful in the position.
He accepted Lee’s surrender of the Confederate Army at Appomattox
Court House in 1865.
Later went on to become the 18th President of the United States
For those that favored him, why?
General Ulysses S. Grant
Wrapping Up…
 All of these generals were notable historical figures.
Some suffered disaster and humiliation at some point in
the Civil War, but all managed to overcome adversity and
redeemed themselves in some measure. They got on
with their lives and coped with whatever lay ahead when
the fighting was over. They were all good soldiers, good
citizens, and good Americans. They all saw fit to serve
their country as best they could.
 What made Grant so successful where others were not?
Ulysses S. Grant
 Grant had a knowledge for waging
war. He also had the nerve,
character, disposition, and
personality to send men into
battle to die. It was in the carnage
and destruction of the Civil War
that Grant confronted his destiny.
He had finally found his place and
discovered what life had intended
for him.
Short-Answer Response (6-9 Sentences)
 After hearing what actually happened to the candidates
in real life, what have you learned from this activity? In
what ways were you surprised by the outcome of the
 Think about:
What has this activity taught you about the Civil War?
What has this activity taught you about the Union generals?
What qualifications are necessary to be a good leader?
Are there any qualifications of effective leadership that you
previously did not consider to be important, but now do?