Technical drawing in Photonics

Technical Drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
Necessity of technical (engineering) drawings.
Standards of technical (engineering)
Dr. Zsolt István Benkő
TAMOP-4.1.1.C-12/1/KONV-2012-0005 project
„Preparation of the concerned sectors for educational and R&D activities related to the Hungarian ELI project”
Lesson 1
If you want to:
• join a research group working with large experimental setup,
• build a new and large scale experiment,
• understand what others do,
• make the machine shop to fabricate a piece for your experiment,
it is good if you can draw and read technical/engineering drawings.
Sometimes it is a necessity.
Inside a lab/working environment it is useful if you can sketch a
quick drawing about your idea.
All precise drawings should be made by computer nowadays but
those drawings occasionally may consume more time than drawing
by hand.
Anyway if you want to really understand technical drawings then
you must draw by hand first.
Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
In our modern world every item we use has a corresponding
technical drawing somewhere.
Because the idea is that anyone could read the technical drawings
that is why it has standards and regulations.
Before the computer era the precious plans were photographed to
microfilm. Some of the regulations originate from that practice.
Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
Standard drawing sizes (Europe)
A0: 1 m2
and the sides are 1:√2
A4: 297 mm x 210 mm
Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
Standard linewidths
0.18 mm
0.25 mm
0.35 mm
0.5 mm
0.7 mm
1.0 mm
On a single drawing only two sizes
are allowed: a thin line and a thick
line (which is exactly the double of
the thin one). –This rule originates from the
microfilm era.
E.g.: 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm or 0.35 mm
and 0.7 mm can be in pair.
1.4 mm
2.0 mm
Technical drawing in Photonics
But: e.g. 0.35 mm and 0.25 mm are
not allowed together.
Lesson 1
Standard linetypes
visible contour/edge
invisible contour/edge
invisible contour/edge
almost for anything else ...
symmetry line or trajectory
plane or edge with special treatment
trace of a section plane
Technical drawing in Photonics
• outline of connecting parts
• terminal position of a moving part
• median
• outline before shaping
• outline of parts in front of a section plane
Lesson 1
Drawing title area
Every drawing have to have a drawing title area
Drawing title area
X-type set
Technical drawing in Photonics
Drawing title area
Y-type set
Lesson 1
On a technical drawing a simple font is required. (e.g. Arial)
If drawing by hand:
• the linewidth of a letter equals to the thin line (let us call it 1 unit),
• the height of an ”a” is 7 units,
• the height of a ”B” is 10 units,
• the distance between two letters is 2 units,
• the distance between two words is 6 units,
• the distance between the baselines of two rows is 18 units.
A lettering guide
may also be used.
Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
Every dimension must be given without explicitly placing the units.
The unit is usually ”mm” or ”m”, but it may be ”mm” or ”km”,
depending on the scale.
The arrows at the end of the dimension line have a 15o angle
and have a minimum length of 2.5 mm.
Technical drawing in Photonics
Lesson 1
Ocskó Gy., Seres F.: Gépipari szakrajz, Skandi-Wald Könyvkiadó,
Budapest, 2004
Lőrincz P., Petrich G.: Ábrázoló geometria, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt.,
Budapest, 1998
Pintér M.: AutoCAD tankönyv és példatár, ComputerBooks, Budapest,
Technical drawing in Photonics