Self-Portraiture Research Essay - Mrs. O'Brien's Website

Self-Portraiture Research Essay
You will write a 2 page research essay (not including citations, bibliography, or title page)
on a famous artist who used self-portraiture in their art. Your essay should follow typical
essay guidelines and structure (introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, body
paragraphs with key information and topic sentences, and a conclusion paragraph that
sums up the information that supports your thesis).
The goal of the essay is to become familiar with one aspect of this type of artistic
movement and to be able to describe how this artist has contributed to their field
(self-portraiture in art).
You will choose your artist to research from the following list:
Van Gogh
Albrecht Durer
Frida Kahlo
Jan Van Eyck
Pablo Picasso
Jackson Pollack
Information to include in your research:
Who was this artist and what was his/her medium?
Which aspect of self-portraiture did this artist use, and what was his/her purpose in
doing so? What did he/she hope to communicate through self-portraiture?
How did this artist contribute to the field of study? (self-portraiture)
1. Introduction paragraph: briefly introduce the artist and self-portraiture as a field of
study in art
 Thesis statement: You will have one strong statement/sentence at the end of this
paragraph that demonstrates your argument (ie. How did this artist use selfportraiture (type) and what did the artist hope to communicate through selfportraiture)
2. Body paragraphs: Minimum of 3 paragraphs. Your paragraphs should be at least 5
sentences long. In your body paragraphs you start with a topic sentence that states what
the paragraph will be about (directly relates to thesis), and then you provide evidence to
support your statement. Such as:
Topic sentence: ………….. (1 sentence)……………….
Evidence point 1: …………… (1 sentence)…………..
Explain evidence point 1: ………. (1-2 sentences)……………..
Evidence point 2: …………… (1 sentence)…………..
Explain evidence point 2: ………. (1-2 sentences)……………..
3. Conclusion paragraph: Sum up your argument/main points. End with a statement that
seems final and leaves the reader knowing that the essay is complete – meaning, the reader
does not feel like you have left out any information. Do not end you essay with “The End” or
“In conclusion….”
Citations and Bibliography
You will need to cite your research/resources. I expect that you will use 5 different and
reliable resources in your essay. Do not use Wikipedia or another encyclopedia for your
information. Your essay should demonstrate original thinking. Plagiarism will not be
tolerated and will result in penalties and you will need to redo the assignment.
You will include a list of all of your sources at the end of the essay in your bibliography. An
excellent resource to help with proper bibliographic formatting is
Your citations should be used as end notes (to insert an endnote in MS Word, go to
“references” then click on “insert end note”). Your end notes should include the name of the
author, title of the page/book/article, and any page numbers)
Book – citation
(Norbert Lynton, 1967, p.33)
FirstName LastName, year published, page number
Book – bibliography
Lynton, Norbert. Klee. 1967:Drury House, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
LastName, FirstName. Title of book. Year published. Publisher name. Place of publication.
Website – citation
(Drawing and Painting, Mrs.O’Brien’s Website)
Website – bibliography Drawing and Painting. Mrs. O’Brien’s Website. 2013.
Essay Rubric
Thoroughness of
research and reliability
of sources (includes
citations and
You have thoroughly
researched your topic
and have used
reputable sources, you
have properly cited all
of your research in your
citations and
Thesis Statement
Your thesis statement
is well done. You have
written a strong
You have clearly
demonstrated your
understanding of selfportraiture, the specific
purpose you have
chosen, and you have
thoroughly researched
and described what
your artist hoped to
communicate through
You have demonstrated
thorough research and
understanding of how
your artist has
contributed to the field
You have mostly
reached your topic and
have used somewhat
reliable sources in your
essay. You have cited
your resources
adequately, but
perhaps with some
Your thesis statement
is adequately done. You
have written a strong
statement (may not be
You have demonstrated
that you somewhat
understand what selfportraiture is and the
specific purpose you
have chosen, and you
have mostly researched
described what your
artist hoped to
communicate through
You have demonstrated
adequate research and
can mostly describe
how your artist has
contributed to the field
Understanding of selfportraiture as a form of
artistic expression,
specific to the purpose
you have chosen, and
what your artist hoped
to have communicated
through this
Grade x2
Understanding of what
your chosen artist has
contributed to the field
of art (self-portraiture)
You have minimally
researched your topic
and have used only
some reliable sources.
You have cited your
resources but may not
have cited them
Incomplete – You have
not demonstrated
adequate research
skills, citations, or
Your thesis statement
is present but is weak.
Incomplete - You do
not have a thesis
statement present or
obvious to the reader
You have minimally
that you understand
what self-portraiture is
and the specific
purpose you have
chosen, and you have
somewhat described
and researched what
your artist hoped to
communicate through
You have minimally
demonstrated research
and understanding of
how your artist has
contributed to the field
Incomplete – You have
not demonstrated an
understanding of selfportraiture and what
your chosen artist had
hoped to accomplish
through this.
Incomplete – You show
no understanding of
this concept.