Microsoft Word Document

Mr. Shadgett’s Grade 6 class
Elements of Music
Due dates:
Layer C Feb. 21st.
Layer B March 6th
Layer A March 27th
Test: April 4th
Choose 20 points
10 from Elements and 10 from History
Section 1
Level C Maximum 20 pts
1. Make ten flashcards using musical element terms. ie: beat, rhythm. 5pts
2. Make ten flashcards using musical element symbols. ie: quarter note. 5pts
3. Create a musical element word search. 5pts
4. Draw pictures to visually represent 5 musical elements. Label each picture. 5pts
5. Examine a piece of music (The Lion King) and identify and define the elements used
in the music. 5 pts
6. List 15 different forms of music. 5pts
7. Write a well-developed paragraph on your favourite musical style. Use musical
elements to write your paragraph. 5pts
1. Make a collage of famous composers and label the composers. 5pts
2. Listen to 2 different pieces of classical music. Name the piece, the composer, and the
era in which it was written. Write 2 things you liked about each piece of music. 5pts
3. Make 15 flashcards. On one side name the musical era, on the other side name the
musical style, form, or composer. 5pts
4. List 7 composers and 5 of their musical works. 5pts
5. Create a classical music history test, with answers. 10pts
Choose 40 points
20 from Elements and 20 from History
Section 2
Level B Maximum 40 pts.
1. Describe in 2 or 3 paragraphs the construction and use of an instrument, include a
detailed illustration with labels. 10 pts
2. Make a poster to describe the use of one of the 7 elements and show four examples.
3. Write 1 or 2 paragraphs describing what musical elements might be used by a film
composer writing music for a horror film. Use and describe at least 5 different elements.
10 pts.
4. Make a poster identifying 5 of the 7 elements of music 10pts
1. Make a list of at least 5 pieces of classical music you hear on TV shows, movies,
commercials, etc. Include the title of the music and composer. 10 pts
2. Write five or six paragraphs to describe the life of a composer. 10 pts
3. In what way is popular music from other cultures different from or similar to North
America or popular music? 10pts.
4. Write a 300 word essay on a composer of your choice from any Era. 20 pts.
5. Create a classical music time line. Include dates, musical happenings, and composers.
10 pts.
6. Write three paragraphs and compare the life of two composers in any era. 10pt.
Choose 40 points
20 from Elements 20 from History
Section 3
Level A Maximum 40 pts.
1. Compose and perform a musical composition using musical elements. The
composition must be at least 16 measures or the length must be approved. 20 pts
2. Perform a musical composition that has been rewritten (piggy back). 20 pts
3. Design a board game or game that includes 10 elements pieces of information. 20 pts
1. Compare, using a persuasive argument a piece of music written in the Baroque Era to a
piece of music written in the 20th Century. Include the title of pieces and the names of
composers. Include some musical element terminology, if you can, to write your 1 or 2
paragraphs. 10 pts
2. Design a board game or game that includes 10 historical pieces of information. 20 pts
3. Write three paragraphs on how has music made a political point (change) in a political
movement? 10pts.
4. Write three paragraphs on how venues where it’s held have impacted music. 10pts.
5. Write three paragraphs on how technology have impacted music. 10pts.
Worth 40 points for Layer A
Create a game that combines both History and Elements of Music. This game must
include all pieces, instructions questions and anything else that a board game has. We
will play this game in class and your mark will be based on the understanding by your
peers and the quality of the questions from the material taught in class. 40pts.
Student Signature
Parent Signature