2013 is the year of the
850th anniversary of Notre Dame de Paris. For this occasion, the bells (manufactured in 1856) will be changed. They were 4, they will now be 8 ! Their names are : Marie,
Gabriel, Anne-Genevieve, Denis, Marcel, Etienne, Benoit-Joseph, Maurice and Jean-
Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi
F 1
ER/negation/inf initive. Make unit 3 flashcards
F 2R-makeups done!
Past tense review
F 1-W/up, oral
ETRE & F/C 105
Review “C” words
F 2R
Early F/C 105
Essay writing
H/O packets for grammar/verbs
F 1 F/C-100
QUIZ: Bor.
Words “C”
“Small words”
F 2 R-
Final copy of essay due
Finish up verb/grammar packets.F/C due
F 1
Unit DVD
F 2 R
Exam review
F 1
W/B & grade
Exam review/format
F 2
F/C for 80
Grade packet
Exam format
F 2 PreAP
Same as above
F 3
Imperfect & vocab review
Test tomorrow
F 2 PreAP
Same but review bor.
Wrds “I”
F 2 PreAP
Words “I”
F 3--TEST-unit 2 vocab & imperfect/past
F 3
Notes unit 3 vocab
Verb review
F 2 PreAP
Same as above
F 3
Exam prep & verb/vocab review
F 2 PreAP
Same as above
F 3
Exam review and format
lundi F 2 R
>>>>>Per. 1: Le, Monzon, Tyrrell, Reyes & Le
>>>>>Per. 4: MANY OF YOU STILL NEED YOUR ORAL GRADE! Aguirre/Cabezas/Gangler-Re-
A. Past tense review (See powerpoint) F 2 VERB REVIEW pres and past.pptx
B. Major grade: ESSAY “ Mes vacances de Noël ” http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=42577
1. Use one piece of paper, a pen and a dictionary
2. Use textbook or notes (nothing on tablet) if needed. See pages 112-115 & 136)
3. Write 20 sentences with at least 5 words in each sentence. Must include a subject, a verb in the past tense, plus X (time, place, prepositional phrase, direct object).
4. You MUST turn in your rough draft today by the end of class! You will get time in class on
Tuesday to finish it up! Wed. in class, you will get to re-write and submit a FINAL copy!
Rubric: Writing rubric.doc
H/W: Start your flashcards unit 2. (All words = one card or ½ card per word, Tues. for 105)
Extension: For your own re-teach/review: http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rgshiwyc/school/curric/French/PerfectTense/PerfectGram.htm
• MAKEUPS & RE-DO’S: Bruno, Bridget, Lauren, Caige-see me. Re-tests is Tues. a.m.
Some of you owe minor things also! Quizzes, notes, etc. all due by end of class on
A. Past tense review (See powerpoint) F 2 VERB REVIEW pres and past.pptx
B. Major grade: ESSAY “
1. Use one piece of paper, a pen and a dictionary
2. Use textbook or notes (nothing on tablet) if needed. See pages 112-115 & 136)
3. Write 25 sentences with at least 5 words in each sentence. Must include a subject, a verb in the past tense, plus X (time, place, prepositional phrase, direct object).
4. You MUST turn in your rough draft today by the end of class! You will get time in class on Tuesday to finish it up!
Rubric: Writing rubric.doc
H/W:Flashcards for 105 tomorrow. Wed:100
Extension: For your own re-teach/review: http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/rgshiwyc/school/curric/French/PerfectTense/PerfectGram.
F 3 lundi
• Roman: Oral grade-dormeur du val-En classe. Les autres? APT 33-34 due!
1. Les notes-l’imparfait: imperfect vs past updatedslideshow.ppt
Voyez: PG. 118, 128practiquez! PLUS: Les Vidéos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_6s8dqT6nB0# !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5KXfaeJJ_4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQOUYFH-WF8
News flash!!!
New links for practice at home: Click FRENCH, then IMPERFECT! www.languagesonline.org.uk/ http://www.quia.com/rr/181595.html
Pour la note prochaine: F 3 past and imperfect story time ORAL.ppt
2. L’examen mardi- vocabulaire 2 et l’imparfait/passé composé! http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_3/get_chapter_group.htm?cin=2&rg=online_revie w&at=flashcards&var=flashcards
• Any “O Canada?” Do NOW or right after school.
All makeup work is due by Tuesday end of class!
• Review: F 1 unit 3 jaime plus verb.ppt
• LEARN: F 1 other ER VERBS REVIEW.pptx
Time? Do pgs. 76-78 orally for speaking points
At home see: http://www.jefrench.com/basicfrench-lessons/basic-french-lesson-6
• H/W: Flashcards Tues. 105, Wed. 100, Thurs. for
90, Fri. for 80. Copy them from online cards or from list in back of chapter. One word per card!