Lesson Plan A Children’s Story Lesson Details 授课步骤 Topic: A children’s story Level: Elementary to preIntermediate Language Introduced: Irregular past simple verbs and vocabulary items from the story (beans, beanstalk, giant, castle, hen, golden egg, axe) Language Skills: Speaking and listening Time: 我们已经以百分比的形式给你制定了课程各部分合适的时刻, 这样你就可以根据它计算适合你课时长度的时刻表 Materials Needed 所需材料 o o o o o o Blackboard Adapted version of the story “Jack and The Beanstalk” Verb flashcards (prepare one card for each irregular verb in the story) 为每个在故事中出现的不规则动词准备卡片,以让学生们猜它们的过去式 Pictures worksheet and flashcards Gap-fill worksheet Lesson Objectives 课程目标 By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to: o Understand and tell the story of Jack and The Beanstalk using the simple past tense o Remember the key vocabulary used in the story Lesson Procedures 课程步骤 Warm Up 1. Start to draw a picture of a cow on the blackboard and ask your children if they can guess what it is before you finish. You can ask them to make the noise of the animal to have some fun! Do the same with a picture of a hen. 2. Ask the children to tell you words associated with each animal, and put these on the board. For example cow – milk, cheese, field, grass hen – egg, feathers, fly, peck 3. Show children the verb flashcards and elicit the past tense of each verb. Chinese in Brief Time 在黑板上画一幅牛 的图画,要求学生 们在你没画完的时 候就猜出你在画什 么,并要求他们记 起和你所画的东西 有关的词汇,然后 让他们看动词卡片 以使他们复习动词 的过去时态 15% Presentation 1. Show the children your flashcards and elicit/tell them the words. Try to make sure they can pronounce the words well. Pin up the flashcards around the classroom. 2. Now explain that you are going to tell the children a story. Ask them to come and sit around you so they can hear. Tell them that every time they hear one of the words in the story they must point to the picture. 把图画展示给学生 们看。让他们讲图 画的大意,要注意 他们的发音是否正 确。然后给他们讲 这个故事,要求学 生们在听到有关的 词汇时举起手中的 卡片 30% Tip: This is always a good way to tell a story because it focuses their attention on the story, helps them to follow it, and re-enforces the key vocabulary from the story. 3. Now read the story slowly, with actions and different voices if you can. Make sure the children keep silent while you read. Practice and Production Activities 45% 1. Divide the children into small groups and give each group a set of small pictures from the story (Cut up the pictures worksheet). 2. Ask children to arrange the pictures in the correct order, and then practice telling the story to each other. Each child can take a turn speaking about one picture. Go round and listen. Are they using the past tense? 将班级分成若干小 组,给每个小组从 图画故事里剪下来 的完整的一组图 片,要求他们根据 故事内容将图画排 序,然后练习讲这 个故事。教师另外 再讲一遍这个故 事,要求学生们更 Tip: 正教师在讲述时犯 的错误 The children will probably make mistakes with the past tense, or forget it altogether. This is natural, because they are more focused on fluency than accuracy. You can correct them after the activity if you note down their mistakes while you are listening. 3. Bring the class around you again. Tell them that you are going to read them the story again but you will make some mistakes (in content not grammar). Students must shout stop and tell you the Wrap Up To finish the lesson with some fun you can get the children to repeat the giant’s rhyme, focusing on the correct pronunciation of vowel sounds; Fee Fi Fo Fum 为了增加课程的趣 味性,要求学生们 重复巨人的话,同 时注意正确的发音 10% as in free as in fine as in phone as in fun Ideas for Homework – Out of Class Activities o You could give your children the gap-fill worksheet, which will help them to remember the new vocabulary from the lesson. If you would like more ideas for creating worksheets from texts, follow this link Fun for Kids. o You could set them a freer, short writing activity. Ask them to imagine they have a hen which lays golden eggs. What would they do with the eggs? They can read out their answers in the next lesson. Useful Links Follow this link for a lesson plan using a story, as well as lots of other resources for young learners. BBC | British Council teaching English - Try - Lesson plans