Readers Theatre

Readers Theatre
From Page to Stage
Presented by:
Lynn, Adrienne, Connie, Cheryl
Attraction of Readers Theatre
for Middle School Students
Students are searching for identity
groups socially and intellectually
Students are ready to explore new
paths for possible careers
Students are looking for ways to
express themselves creatively
Students love to be with groups and
talk to express themselves
Day One of Readers Theatre
Students will experience performing a
simple Readers Theatre using Fairy
 Assign parts to various tales from
12 Fabulously Funny Fairy Tale Plays by
Justin McCory Martin
 Students will read through once or
twice and then perform the tale in class
Day Two
Voice Inflection
A simple oral language lesson used to illustrate that one must use
caution in how they use their voices to say something to
another person because simply speaking one word louder than
the others, can change the entire meaning.
SENTENCE: I didn’t say Minni stole my blue pen.
I didn’t say Minni stole my blue pen. (Someone else said it)
I didn’t say Minni stole my blue pen. (Strong denial of having said it)
I didn’t say Minni stole my blue pen. (I implied or suspected that she did
or, wrote or indicated)
IF TIME PERMITS: Students will make up a sentence with 6 words
or less stressing each different word to change the meaning.
Day 3
Tips on Reading
Mumble, mumble,
Stop and stumble,
Pages turn
And readers fumble.
Your readers may need some tips to prepare, rehearse and perform
their readers theater if this is what their performances are sounding
like. Here are just a few pointers your readers may find helpful, but
many more are on this web site.
Highlight your speeches in your copy marking only speaking words.
Underline words that tell about anything you will act out.
Hold your script at a steady height, make sure it doesn’t hide your
While you speak, try to look up often.
If the audience laughs, stop speaking until they can hear you again.
If someone talks in the audience, don’t pay attention.
Day 4
Senior RT
Group Performance
Local seniors will be contacted to
perform their RT
These seniors often perform through
area junior colleges and local schools
This will allow the students to notice
inflection and how practiced readers
use their scripts in action.
Day 5
Expressions and movements add flair and fun
Be Confident
Can you be HEARD and SEEN by the last row?
Be Clear
Stay in character and be creative with the
character’s “voice”
Be Audible and Visible
Staging Tips
Enunciate and don’t rush
Be Expressive
Practice facial expressions and body movements
Day 6
Students create a list and research possible
careers related to RT in Occupational Outlook
Handbook and other resources
Acting, Singing, Dancing, Storytelling, Radio, TV,
Improvisation, Comedy, Politics
Shy about performing? Consider:
RT and Careers
Writing scripts, producing, directing
Costumes, makeup, hair-styling
Set design and construction; props
Volunteer as an usher
Day 7
Scripting Sheets
Divide class into 5 groups -Class management
is important to the success of this activity
Hand out scripts-Script 1 for group 1, Script 2
for group 2, etc.
Groups read through script
Students label parts on each script/Students
choose parts cooperatively among their
Practice reading among individual groups
Provides students opportunities for growth
 Teacher’s anecdotal records
Audience feedback forms
Were students engaged, excited, involved?
Expression - Involvement - Presentation
Level of excitement generated by performance
Analyze a videotaped performance
Group Project Log
Day 8
Practice scripts from Day 7
Introduce Rubric
Review rubric criteria, modeling examples of
how students can achieve optimal
Continue developing group presentations
Day 9
Student RT
Dress Rehearsal
Students will perform their RT as a dress
rehearsal for the next day’s official
performance for elementary students.
The “audience” will evaluate the
performing group using the rubric given
on day 8.
Day 10
Students will perform their Readers
Theatre for the elementary students.
They may want to perform it more than
once, breaking the elementary students
into smaller groups.
Another suggestion is to have them go
to individual classrooms to perform.
Language Arts Cornucopia
Value of Readers Theatre
Encourages emotional growth and cooperative
peer interaction; builds confidence
Improves reading comprehension, expression,
and fluency
Boosts listening, speaking, and writing skills
Read with JOY
RT Extensions
Beyond basic RT
Classics, Folk Tales, Fairy Tales, Holidays, Patriotic
and Special Occasions, Multicultural Plays
Integrate Science and Social Studies
Extended Activities:
Students write their own scripts
Teach Conflict Resolution
Radio Drama
Puppet shows
Video and TV Productions
Voice Inflection by Richard Swallow
Asron Shepard’s Rt Tips on Reading Occupational Outlook Handbook Online
Aaron Shepard’s RT Scripting Sheets
Presenting a Readers Theatre Rubric
Teacher Scholastic InstructorThe Power of Reader's Theater
by Jennifer O. Prescott
Of interest to students:
Plays: The Drama Magazine for Young People
Scholastic SCOPE Magazine with read-aloud plays of current movie adaptations