highlights of disc 3 (one nite alone…the aftershow : it ain't over)

Jul 02
01-07-2002 : NPGMC
Candy Dulfer writes about touring with Prince
Dutch saxophonist Candy Dulfer recently posted a "diary" entry on her web site in which she describes her experience touring with
Prince and playing with Maceo Parker, Greg Boyer, Larry Graham, and the rest of the band.
07-2002 : DVD Music (BRA)
Quando Prince reinou
Por Paulo Cavalcanti
O flerte de Prince com o aclamado Purple Rain e chegou ao auge
em Sign O’ The Times, um exuberante show realizado na Holanda,
em 1987.
Quando um artista alcança o topo, logo se mete a fazer algo para o
cinema. Isto aconteceu com Elvis Presley, Beatles e outros. Na
década de 80, Prince reinou. O cantor e compositor de Míneápolis
levou sua arte para a tela grande em 1985 com Purple Rain, que foi
um grande sucesso de crítica e público. Purple Rain não tinha
apenas música de primeira. Também apresentava um enredo bem
costurado e surpreendentes perfomances de um elenco de
desconhecidos. Foi um começo notável, mas deixou o artista
vulnerável para a cobrança dos críticos. Em seguida, veio com
Under the Cherry Moon (86), um estranho exercício em preto-ebranco à la art déco. Ele estava pagando tributo a um período que
não estava na memória de seu fãs e portanto, o projeto não
agradou. Em sua empreitada seguinte, Prince não inventou. Sign 'o'
the Times é o registro de um show feito em 1987 para promover o
álbum dupIo do mesmo nome. Ao voltar a sua raízes de concerto,
Prince elaborou um dos melhores fílmes do gênero e deu ao fãs
exatamente o que eles queriam. Sign 'o' the Times foi filmado em
Rotterdam (Holanda), com cenas adícionais feitas em Minesota
(EUA). O filme foi produzido em 35 milímetros e contou com uma
nova formação do Revolution, grupo que acompanhava Prince na
época. O próprio Prince dirigiu e supervisionou todos os detalhes
da produção. Os cenário são bem anos 80, cheios de detalhes em
neon. Para dar um moIho, Prince colocou alguns enfeites na
produção. Ele intercala cenas do concerto com o que parece ser
uma suposta encenação dramática, onde sexo, intriga e um senso
de perigo aparecem sem um narrativa coerente. Estas seqüências
simbolizam o mundo noturno do rock, com seus clubes habitados
por jogadores, prostitutas e figuras exóticas. Prince divide o palco
com diversos convidados e visitantes, como Sheena Easton (que
aparece em vídeo, cantando “U Got the Look"). Outros pontos altos
de Sign 'o' the Times são um dueto entre Prince e Cat Glover, na
época sua namorada e a ínterpretação do artísta para "Little Red
Corvette", música que chegou ao prímeiro posto das paradas amerícanas. Mas quem literalmente rouba o show é a deslumbrante
Sheila E., que toca percussão e sobe na bateria para fazer um solo e dueto com Prince. Exibindo uma energia e senso rítmicos
impecáveis, Sheila (que é ñlha do famoso percussionista latino Pete Escovedo) mostra que uma mulher também pode arrasar em
um instrumento considerado masculino. A última incursão de Prince no campo cinematográfico foi Graffiti Bridge (l990). Purple
Rain foi muito maI recebida e minou as pretensões de Prince no gênero. Ultimamente, ele vem se limitando a lançar concertos
convencionais, como Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (2000), disponível em DVD pela ST2.
O que aconteceu com o artista ?
Fígura fundamental na músíca negra das última décadas, ele passou de astro criador de híts a objeto de culto. Brigas com gravadora
e discos mal divulgados foram a norma de sua "década perdida". Desde maio de 2000, o homem que foi batizado Prince Rogers
Nelson abandonou o símbolo impronunciável e se chama novamente Prince. Essa confusão toda começou em l993. Prince, na época
contratado pela Warner, tinha acabado de assínar um contrato de 10 milhões de dólares. A condição era que entregasse cínco
álbuns que arrasassem em vendagem. Mas Prince reclamou das "correntes" e começou a reclamar que não passava de um "escravo".
Dizia que não precisava do dinheiro e começou até a aparecer com a palavra "slave" (escravo) escrita no rosto. Depois, anunciou que
não íria mais gravar e seu contrato seria cumprido apenas com canções não aproveítadas. Para complicar, ele trocou o nome para o
tal do símbolo. Desta forma, a gravadora não podería mais vender nenhum produto com o nome Prince. Logo depois do começo de
seu rolo com a Warner, ele lançou de uma forma independente o single "The Most Beautiful Girl in the World", que se tornou seu
maior hít em anos. No verão de 94, a Warner soltou Come, que alcançou apenas um relatívo sucesso. Em novembro de 94, como
parte das obrigações contratuais, Prince concordou em lançar The Black Album, um disco que antes tínha sido rejeitado e
pirateado. No ano seguinte, Prince se recusou a entregar The Gold Experience. O disco saiu depois de muita discussão e foi mais
uma decepção. Na metade de 96, foi a vez de Chaos and Disorder, que finalmente concluiu seu contrato com a Warner. O artista
fundou seu selo próprio, NPG, com distribuição da EMI. O próximo lançamento foi o CD triplo Emancipation.Também não
alcançou grande êxito, já que quase três horas de música eram muito para os fãs digerirem. Sua empreitada seguinte foi Crystal
Ball, uma compilação de material inédito. A princípio, foi comercializado apenas pela internet, mas muitos consumídores
reclamaram que não receberam o disco. Prince causou mais polêmíca ao entrar na justiça e mandar que todos os seus sítes não
oficiais fossem retirados do ar. Um dos maíores hits de Prince foi "l999" e, neste mesmo ano, as expectativas em torno do músico
foram grandes. Ele lançou Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic, que tinha todos os ingredientes para acontecer. Com participação de Sherryl
Crow e melodias que pareciam ter saído dos anos 80, Rave..., no geraI, causou pouco interesse. Em 2000, além de ter revertido ao
seu nome original, Prince achou tempo para casar com a modelo e cantora Mayte. No campo musical, ficou parado. Voltou à atíva
em junho de 2001 com The Rainbow Children. Muitos fãs nem sabem que este disco saiu. As vendas novamente foram irrisórias,
não chegando perto das 100 mil unidades. Desde maio passado, Prince excursiona discretamente pelos Estados Unidos. Antes, o
músico se considerava um escravo. Agora, está livre dos interesses corporativos, mas praticamente esquecido.
04-07-2002 : Candy Dulfer Website
Tour Diary 2
July 4th 2002, at the border of Germany and Poland
As promised, here's a short update on what I'm doing at the moment. As I'm writing this, I'm sitting in our tourbus and we're
waiting to cross the border into Poland. We're in the first week of our European tour and we're on our way to Estonia to play in
Parnu. Crossing borders with a bus full of musicians and equipment is always an adventure, especially in Eastern Europe, although
we've had some very good experiences as well. This time it's just waiting, and luckily we don't have to unload the whole tourbus
(yet). Yesterday we had a great day, a whole day off in Berlin. We went shopping with the band and had a lovely dinner at our good
friend Haide's restaurant, 'Steffens' in the Potzdamer Strasse. During the day Monique and the Matterhorns bought running shoes.
Berlin is a great city with so many cool shops that it's easy to spend the whole day walking around and spend too much money.
Some of us have taken up jogging in the morning and some of us are still thinking about it haha. Our first gigs in Zoetermeer, Bern,
Luzern, Spijkenisse and Vienne were all great and the band is sounding tighter every day. For a great deal thanks to our new
drummer Cyril, he's doing a wonderful job ! In Vienne I first had to play a set alone with Van Morrison and his band, which went
very well, and after that me and Funky Stuff did another two hour show. A bit tiring but it's so much fun to play in France that I
really didn't notice it until we were finished. For some reason we don't play so much in France, although we always seem to have a
lot of success there. Me and the band love it, the weather, the people and of course the food ! The gig in Vienne was in an old
amphitheatre and it was beautiful. Great audience as well !! First I thought they all just came for Van and I doubted if they would
stay and wait around for our set, but luckily they did ! It is going to be broadcasted on French TV and as soon as we know more
about the broadcasting times we'll let you know. Now we're well-rested, well-fed and well-dressed, and we're on our way to Estonia.
This is only our second time over there but we have great memories from our first visit. The people are so nice over there and I've
never seen so many beautiful girls as in Estonia ! It's an interesting mix of Scandinavian and Eastern European culture and you can
just sense that there are big changes happening. I'm glad people like the website so much, since we've put in a lot of hard work to
get it ready before we left. Some of the band members have promised to write a little bit as well, hopefully we can put some of their
stories up soon ! I'll let you know how our gigs went in a few days. Take care, love, Candy
The Time @ Atlanta
07-2002 : 1+1+1=3 Release
Another live version from the 2002 Xenophobia Celebration was released as a 'free' download to NPG Music Club members in
2002, with Prince adding a spoken overdub at the end saying "Xenophobia - Coming soon 2 a monitor near U". The project
indicated (presumably a set of live recordings from the celebration) remains unreleased.
05-07-2002 : Norah Jones @ Toronto
Prince attends Norah Jones' concert at the Palais Royale in Toronto.
06-07-2002 : Joins Jerome Godboo Projet @ Toronto
* Duration : 0:25
Prince jams onstage at the Blues On Bellair club in Toronto. The regular jam thar night included a set by the Jerome Godboo
Project, fearuring Prakash John (who has worked with Lou Reed and Alice Cooper) on bass, his teenage son Jordan on drums,
John Daly on guitar, and blues singer Jerome Godboo. They were beginning their second set when Prince, Manuela, and a
bodyguard arrived by black limo. They sat at the back for a while, and after about 15 minutes the bodyguard came up and said
something. Prince came onstage and took the guitar. He proceeded to play rhythm guitar on a number or two. He also joined them
during their third set, shortly after midnight, playing a 20-minute blues number, with Prince directing the band.
The Time @ Garland
07-07-2002 : Candy Dulfer Website
Tour Diary 3
July 7th 2002, somewhere on the road...
Back in the bus after our gigs in Parnu, Estonia, and Jurmula, Latvia, we're now waiting for the second hour to cross the border into
Poland. It's driving us crazy because there is nothing to do here except wait. The boys have started a Playstation soccer tournament
so they are busy for now, but I don't know how to play and finished reading all my books so I'm really bored now. The gigs went
great although the one in Parnu was harder since it was an outdoor gig and it rained the whole day, leaving the stage wet and the
equipment soaked, which is actually pretty dangerous. But miraculously, the rain stopped a little while before we started playing so
we decided to do the gig after all. Of course there weren't so many people as last time, actually I'm always amazed and thankful that
people would want to stand in the pouring rain to see a concert. I told the Parnu audience a couple of times how grateful I was for
them to stay and wait for us for such a long time. There were two bands playing before us and I was afraid everybody would go
home after standing in the rain for such a long time. The next day we played in Jurmula and thankfully the weather was great (real
July weather) and Jurmula is a beach resort town so we had a great day there. The gig was great, a lot of familiar faces from the last
time we played there and even the mayor and members of the city council were present. After the gig some of the boys in the band
went to a nightclub, we don't know what happened exactly but Cyril came back with a strained ankle, I guess a little too much
dancing, and now we hope he'll be fit to do Montreux. The morning after I jogged on the beach and at 9:30 - after paying for a
broken vase (courtesy of Cyril and the Matterhorns, we're waiting for the real truth to come out) and a lamp broken by yours truly (I
wasn't drunk, just clumsy) - we left for our next destination : again Berlin. We don't have a gig there, but since we had to travel
through to Montreux it was a little too long to do in one stretch and since Berlin is one of our favourite towns, we decided to spend
another day there. But if we have to wait longer at the border here we won't have much use of the day. It's a really weird thing to be
at the mercy of customs people. We Dutch people are so used to be free to go wherever we want whenever we want and here the
customs people seem to have a very powerful position. Sometimes they even demand wine and CD's, this time (up until now) only
some signed photos and 50 euro (for what ?), so we're not doing so bad actually. We're already digging in to our last food supplies
so I hope we'll get back on the road soon, ah the joys of traveling. We all look forward to Montreux, it's a great city and the festival is
one of the most famous jazz festivals in the world. We play first and then after us plays Garbage, not a very obvious choice for a jazz
festival but we'll see how it goes.
08-07-2002 : Globe and Mail (CAN)
Catch a rising star
By Simona Chiose
Norah Jones / Palais Royale / in Toronto on Friday
A few years from now, maybe five, maybe 10, Norah Jones will show up to see an emerging talent play a smallish club in Toronto.
Crowds will part for her and ushers will tell each other at the end of the night : "Norah Jones was here." And when that day comes,
Jones may think back to her show on Friday night, when the arrival of Prince and his friends caused ripples of excitement to pass
through the audience for her show. Heads swivelled from the stage, people whipped out their cellphones and called their friends,
and everyone smiled at each other with childish glee at the thought of him walking among us. The man, who incidentally was
wearing a light coffee-coloured suit and looked charmingly sheepish passing through the crowd with the help of a security guy, has
good taste. Prince, as everyone else in the sold-out crowd knew, also realizes that the time to catch Jones in the relative intimacy of
a medium-sized venue are numbered. He caused a ripple, but it was her voice and music that gently held the hearts and swayed the
bodies of her fans. Sitting at the piano in jeans and a tank top, Jones showed that despite her young age (23) and her sometimes just
slightly too serene delivery, she has the ability to conjure up both the lyricism of Joni Mitchell and the smoky seduction of Koko
Taylor. She started the set with Hank Williams's Cold, Cold Heart and then followed it up with Nightingale. As on Come Away with
Me, the title track of her first CD, Jones's voice on all these was that of a lovely lullaby. Soft, pleasant, but not quite experienced in
the Hendrix sense of the word. Her potential started to become fully evident on Lonestar. Jones's voice is so interesting because it is
at a crossroads. On the one hand, it possesses the sweetness of someone quite young, yet on the other, it hits the darkest notes of
the blues and turns melancholy into sharp memories. On Lonestar as well, Jones's piano picked up the echoes of her voice and
refracted them back. In the same smoky, mature vein was Turn Me On, a slithering snake of a song that saw the piano tussling with
the fat notes of Lee Alexander's bass. The most affecting song of the evening may have been I've Got to See You Again. The faster
tempo and another seductive pas de deux between the piano and the bass conjured up the hungry scratching of a cat at her
beloved's door. As the song progressed, Jones's piano took on the allure of a dame driven forward on a doomed romantic mission
with the the bass escorting her escapade. Some may grouse that with Ravi Shankar for a dad, it must not be so hard to make Rolling
Stone and Entertainment Weekly and The Los Angeles Times, among many others, as one of the most promising young musicians
to watch. After listening to Jones, though, there is no danger that her talent won't measure up to the hype -- just that the buzz will
overshadow the talent. So, solely in the interest of giving fans a few more small evenings with the singer-songwriter, here's a request
: Lovely to see you, Prince, but next time, please stay home. Norah Jones will be at Sonar in Vancouver on Aug. 10.
The Time @ Miami
15-07-2002 : The Time @ Houston
20-07-2002 : The Time @ San Diego
21-07-2002 : Star Tribune
Prince, "One Nite Alone..." (NPG)
By Chris Riemenschneider
Prince's efforts to eliminate all interference between him and his audience takes a playful if somewhat Liberace-like turn on this
new 10-song CD, available only through NPGMusicClub.com. Billed as "solo piano and voice by Prince," the disc is the closest thing
yet to an unplugged album from Mr. Passion de Chanhassen. Intimate to the point of occasionally sounding gimmicky, it
fortunately is not as melodramatic or stuffy as stripped-down affairs by lesser artists. The best songs, including the choppy piano
workout "Have a Heart" and elegant ballad "U're Gonna C Me," are the kind of light stuff Prince might play for his in-laws in the
living room. They're pretty, sentimental and G-rated. The deepest that things get is an inspired cover of Joni Mitchell's "A Case of
U," dedicated to Prince's recently deceased dad -- and it even sounds delivered with a warm smile. However, "Pearls B4 the Swine,"
a melodic, poppy gem, is the only cut likely to carry over into his permanent repertoire.
22-07-2002 : The Time @ Miami
25-07-2002 : Donna Avellino trial
Prince together with New Boston Garden and concert promoter BACI Management are tried in Boston in a Brockton District Court
hearing, regarding a $40,000 lawsuit that was filed in 1999 by Donna Avellino from Easton who claimed to suffer from hearing loss
following a Prince concert at the Fleet Center in Boston on June 18th 1997. Superior Court Judge John P. O'Connor Jr. ruled the
plaintiff's hearing loss may have been related to the concert, but the judge said that there was not enough of a connection between
the concert and the hearing loss. Ptince did not show up for the trial.
Smokin’ Grooves @ MPLS
Prince attends the show by the hip-hop touring package Smokin' Grooves at the Target Center in Minneapolis. The tour featured
Lauryn Hill, Outkast, and The Roots.
??-??-2002 : All The King’s Horses (1)
All The King's Horses is an unreleased track believed to have been recorded in 2002 at Paisley Park. Clare Fischer recorded an
orchestral part in September, 2002, but nothing else is known about the song. Following the song's recording, Prince released
three instrumental albums before returning to the commercial pop music scene; this track may simply have not fit thematically on
any of Prince's albums following its recording. The phrase "all the King's horses" is usually a reference to a line from the nursery
rhyme Humpty Dumpty, but may also be a reference to movies, books, albums or songs of the same name.
Aug 02
03-08-2002 : Maxwell @ Toronto
Prince attends a concert by Maxwell at the Hummingbird Theatre in Toronto, Canada.
The Time @ Las Vegas
04-08-2002 : Lenny Kravitz @ Toronto
Remaining in Toronto, Prince takes in Lenny Kravitz's concert at the Centre Molson Theatre. He was accompanied by Manuela and
a bodyguard.
The Time @ Irvine
09-08-2002 : Paisley Park
10-08-2002 : The Time @ Atlanta
Went to the Flashback Festival at the Hifi Buys Ampitheature in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, August 10th to catch Morris Day and the
fellas for the first time this year. We were seriously debating not going since they were playing with several other bands and the drive
is six hours if your lucky. The day the tickets went on sale, I went online just to see what I could pull up. Front row center section.
Hell yeah - I'm going since I hadn't seen them since November last year and I seriously needed my THE TIME live fix. We left Friday
morning and made great time, even getting lost we found our friend's house in the suburbs and dodged that nice Atlanta rush hour
traffic. Saturday we leave for the Festival plenty early and of course get lost again. We still get there about 30 minutes before the first
band was sceduled to play. We were suppose to have VIP-parking, but they didn't seem to be checking anybody pulling into the lot.
They were giving out free programs and fans. The programs are pretty cool giving a one page description of all the bands except the
opening band and the fans helped, cause it was as hot as hell (this was an outdoor venue). We went and checked out were our seat
were and then went to the VIP lounge. It was a air conditioned bar. We got something to eat and drink and escape the heat. The first
band played while we were in there - the 911 band. Apparently they are a local Atlanta band, I've never heard of them. They were
listed in the program, but not on the information we had ahead of time. We made our way to our seats while they were changing sets
for the next band. The Bar-Kays came on and put on a good show. They were tight and I just wish I knew more of their material.
They played "Holy ghost" and "Freak show on the dance floor", but that's really the only songs I know by them. They played about 40
minutes or so. We went back to that lounge to get another drink, 'cause it was to damn hot and they really changed the stage quick
cause the S.O.S. band was on in - no time at all. We never even made it back to our seats before their set was over. Basically I can't
tell you what they played, I recognized some of the songs, but they are one of those groups I recognize it when I hear it type things,
but can't tell you the title of the song. The switch over for the next group took a lot longer and they had a lot of radio station promo
stuff going on too. Finally Lakeside came on. They seemed to get the crowd going. A lot of people were in the ailes and most of the
people were out of there seats. We in our seats checking them out. We didn't need to stand since we were in the front row and since
we didn't know much of there stuff we weren't really into it so we were just sitting back checking out the show. Some guy came and
stood in front of me and I asked him to move and he swung his arm around and knocked me in the jar and cussed me. I said
something to him and he did it again. Now I don't wanna get my ass thrown out before THE TIME plays, so I go to get security and
they pass me off from one guard to another before I get the fifth one to come down there with me. Of course by the time we get back
the dude is gone. Needless to say I'm in a pissy mood now and I'm just waiting for THE TIME more than ever and it seems like
forever before. Lakeside finishes there set and then the equipment change / radio station promo stuff just took FOREVER. Torrell
'Tori' Ruffin and Freeze came out in street clothes while the promo stuff was going on to tune up. Torrell 'Tori' Ruffin knew we were
coming, but he was on the other side of the stage so we couldn't get his attention. Around 10:30 p.m. the Masters of Cool FINALLY
hit the stage. We were right in front of Freeze the whole set and also lined up with Monte who was farther back. Torrell 'Tori' Ruffin
was limited to the right side of the stage, I don't know if it's cause the stage was bigger or if he normally has a cordless hookup, but
he stayed on the right side tonight. Jellybean anchored the kit. Stanley 'Chance' Howard was on the other keyboard and of course
Morris and Jerome did their thing. We got the thumbs up from Monte. The "you again" from Jerome and a laugh out of Freeze and
Torrell 'Tori' Ruffin so it's cool that they saw us. Here's the set list : Ho Parade / Wild and loose / The stick / Fishnet / The oak tree /
Jerk out / Get it up / Cool / 777-9311 / The bird / Jungle love. Man, I LOVE this Ho Parade intro, Torrell 'Tori' Ruffin just kills on
this. While they are still playing 777-9311 their roadie goes up to both Torrell 'Tori' Ruffin and Jellybean and tells them something
and shows them 8 fingers. Now I'm figuring they are telling them to cut it short 'cause Cameo still has to play and unfortunately I
was right. Usually they will stop and then start back up solo for five more minutes, Morris goes off stage for a few minutes and
depending on how long the show is, start the ballad section or just let him catch his breath and still keep it going. Well they did
neither this time. They cut the song off without the extra solos and Jerome goes into what's song y'all wanna hear bit, he's right in
front of me and I'm yelling the Skillet, but we all know what its going to be. At The bird we know what happens now. I got thinking
earlier about getting on stage, most times it's in some club in front of a couple hundred people, well this thing was sold out. Hell I
saw Prince here in 1997 and Tom Petty last year (actually he played here the night before, but we didn't go because we couldn't get
good tickets). So there are AT LEAST 10,000 people here, I don't know the capacity and considering. Well I only saw about ten white
people the whole time we were there and my wife and I were the only ones in the front row so I knew at least one of us was going to
be up there. Well it starts and Jerome comes over there and grabs me. I started off pretty good and then just fell apart. Total
stereotypical unfunky white boy, but thats probably why I've got up there with them six times :) Well the song is over and my
embarrassment ends thank goodness. And that was it. They were done at 11:10 p.m. - only a 40 minute show. We waited around a
little while to see if we could see any of the fellas after the show, but we didn't so we left. My jar was hurting after the crap earlier in
the night and since we don't know the area we decided to skip Cameo and try to beat the traffic (and we still got lost). As usual they
put on a good show, just too damn short this time. Hopefully next time we will catch the full set to make up for it.
11-08-2002 : The Time @ Detroit
16-08-2002 : NPGMC
Dig if u will the picture...
a box set of CDs from the NPG arrive at ur doorstep one Friday morning in the near future, just in time 4 the party u were planning
4 six of ur friends. u anxiously open, hoping it is- YES ! The new 7 CD box set of XENOPHOBIA ! But wait... u already bought this
set from a bootlegger.
How do u feel ?
23-08-2002 : The Time @ Milwaukee
24-08-2002 : The Time @ Washington
27-08-2002 : DAYS OF WILD Single Release
Of Wild (Single Edit) (4:08) / Days Of Wild (Concert Mix) (10:45) / 1+1+1=3 (5:51)
Days Of Wild is a live single recorded on the One Nite Alone... Tour, initially given to
attendees at the final night of the Xenophobia Celebration as a one-track CD single, only
nine days after the recording was made, before later becoming available to purchase
online and at shows as a three-track single, including a live version of 1+1+1 Is 3 (as
"1+1+1=3") and two edits of Days Of Wild. The title track had previously been available in
a different live form on the Crystal Ball album, so this single is often referred to, for clarity's
sake, as Days Of Wild (Live In Montreal) - this title is erroneous, however. Receiving only
a limited release, the single was not eligible for the charts. Although recorded on the One
Nite Alone... Tour, the title track was not
included on the One Nite Alone... Live ! album,
although the live version of 1+1+1=3 from
Lakeland, 6 April, 2002 was, albeit in slightly
longer form (and more correctly titled 1+1+1 Is
3). This recording is the same as the one on
One Nite Alone... Live ! Of note is that the
single is credited to Prince and the New Power
Generation (shortened to Prince & The NPG) the first time a single has been co-credited to
the band since 1993's The Morning Papers.
31-08-2002 : The Time @ La Quinta
Sep 02
03-09-2002 : The Upper Room
"Upper Room's" response to Prince's radio comments
By Joe Kelly
Prior to Prince's recent "One Night Alone" concert in Montreal, I was excited for a number of reasons. First, it was another chance
to see one of the world's most talented musicians and performers with his top-notch band. Second, Prince was playing a good
portion of songs from "Rainbow Children". I have always clamored for Prince to play the most recent music on tour and this was a
blessing. Finally, I had a vested interest in something that Prince would spend a good amount of time addressing during the show.
Prince shared his thoughts on the state of radio. Having hosted radio shows for the past 20 years (both non-commercial and
commercial) and during that same period supported Prince and his music, it was great curiosity to hear what Prince had to say on
this issue. Prince began to ask the audience about Montreal's radio stations and even mentioned that his bassist, Rhonda Smith,
was originally from Montreal. The crowd and Prince basically came to the same conclusion that radio was sub-par and lacked the
real funk. Prince also said that he can make his own music and program his own station WNPG. Right on !! I wish I could have that
magical talent. However, with the help of talented musicians, I can create radio shows. Next, Prince asked the audience to pay
attention to the big screen behind him and there scrolled a long list of corporate media outlets that basically control radio stations
and the music being played through speakers. Now, I completely agree with Prince's comments about corporate-controlled radio
and the complete absence of programming creativity. How can one disagree ? However, let's take this issue a big step further. Let's
champion what is right and exciting in radio today. There are countless independent radio programs all over the dial and on the
internet that need to be recognized. Just as Prince and his www.npgmusicclub.com take energy and effort to find, so too does the
listener need to work to locate great creative radio programs. It is a changing and tough music and radio industry these days. For
example, last year I was visited in my radio studio in Connecticut by a recent Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee. After our
interview, we got to talking off-air. However, our conversation was cut short due to this musician wanting to run up to her car to
listen to her song being played on my show. It was a big thrill for her to hear her new music finally played on the radio. And this
musician is as creative as ever and has been to the so-called "top" in sales and world tours. It is time to promote what is right in
radio. Deejays are playing independent music all over the globe and focusing on local bands. Yes, it being done and should be
amplified. The easy way is to say what is wrong in radio and not promote the right and the solutions. Let's look at Prince's
relationship with his music and radio. He has sold millions and been a top 40 mainstay in past years. Those days are over and he is
an independent artist. You know what that reaps. Many folks who know I am a Prince supporter ask when his last record was
released. I tell them he is releasing records every year and is still as vital and creative as ever on record and onstage. Most offending
is commercial radio's treatment of Prince and his new music. Sure, when Prince comes to town, they will play a few tracks from his
new album and kiss up to him like he is their best friend. Yet, when the tour bus leaves town, the new music leaves too and all
people hear are "Kiss" and "Purple Rain." I'll make this perfectly clear. The pursuit of hits and chart-toppers and getting "in-bed"
with these commercial stations should be abolished from any creative independent musician. I would rather of heard Prince make a
few small mentions of some radio shows that were playing the real funk and doing things right than hearing a diatribe about the sad
state of the airwaves. The general public is an easy-sell. You tell them radio is bad and they will believe you. However, there were so
many people in that audience that will take the time to check out lesser-known and outstanding radio shows. We just need to tell
them. My radio mentor from afar was Frankie Crocker. In the early 80s on WBLS, he could program the Time followed by the Who
before segueing into some hot salsa music. Now, that was real radio !! Towards the end of his life, he had restraints put on his
creative mind. But, I am forever thankful for him to lay the blueprint for me on how to do a radio show. I have taken it a few steps
further by heavily featuring independent artists and many local musicians on my shows. Sure, the phones don't ring as often for
requests like the old days. However, it is so fulfilling when you have REAL music listeners and musicians digging on your radio art.
And I still get a thrill out of discovering a radio show that does it right. A couple years ago, I was visiting Montreal and was driving
around at midnight. I was twisting the dial at 2am and came across a show on CKUT that was busting some mean P-Funk. I had to
pull off to the side of the road cause I was near tears from the excitement of finding a radio show that funky. I took the effort to jot
down when the show was on and now listen on the internet when I get a chance. Just as it takes work to listen and get Prince's new
musical creations, I would hope that people use the same effort to find out what is right in radio. Maybe next time, Prince may roll a
list of creative radio shows around the world on his big video screen on his next tour.
??-09-2002 : Clare Fischer @ Unknown studio
All The King’s Horses (2)
12-09-2002 : Antwone Fisher premiere @ Toronto
Prince attends the opening of Denzel Washington's new film Antwone Fisher in the Roy Thomson
Hall at the 27th Toronto Film Festival.
New European Tour dates
The long-awaited One Nite Alone Tour makes its way 2 Europe next month. Here are the current
affirmed tour dates :
October 2002 - Country - City - Venue:
Thu:03 - UK - London - Hammersmith Apollo
Fri:04 - UK - London - Hammersmith Apollo
Sat:05 - UK - London - Hammersmith Apollo
Mon:07 - UK - Manchester - Apollo
Tue:08 - UK - Manchester - Apollo
Thu:10 - Ireland - Dublin - Point
Sun:13 - Germany - Frankfurt - Festhalle
Tue:15 - Holland - Rotterdam - Ahoy
Wed:16 - Germany - Hamburg - CCH 1
Fri:18 - Belgium - Antwerp - Sportpaleis
Sat:19 - Germany - Berlin - ICC
Mon:21 - Norway - Oslo - Konzerthaus
Tue:22 - Sweden - Stockholm - Annexet
Thu:24 - Denmark - Alborg - Kongresscentre
Fri:25 - Denmark - Copenhagen - Falkoner
Sun:27 - Germany - Oberhausen - Arena
Mon:28 - France - Paris - Zenith
Wed:30 - Switzerland - Zurich - Hallenstadion
Thu:31 - Italy - Milan - Palatucker
Sat:Nov2 - Holland - Rotterdam - Ahoy
Members of the NPG MUSIC CLUB get 2 buy tickets 2 days in advance and included with their presale ticket they get 2 access the
soundcheck and VIP access 2 the afterparty.
All dates r subject 2 change at any time. Details of the member presale can b found on the MEMBER site in the CONCERTS section.
13-09-2002 : The Time @ Nashville
14-09-2002 : NPGMC
2003 Best Picture : ANTWONE FISHER
16-09-2002 : NPGMC
Press Release :
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 16, 2002
One Nite Alone… Live !
New York Times : "Prince- Still Ruling His Own Exclusive Realm"
Los Angeles Times : "Past or Present, Prince is Near Perfect"
San Francisco Chronicle : "Purple Reign at the Paramount as Prince Pontificates"
Seattle Times : "Prince Fills Paramount with Joy"
Newsday : "Prince is Charming: Album, Tour Return the Purple One to Throne"
Vancouver Sun : "A Real Musician Playing Real Music for Three Hours"
Portland Oregonian : "No Jesting: Prince Shows Are Concerts Fit For a King"
Houston Chronicle : "Prince Revitalizes Concert Legacy"
San Jose Mercury News : "Prince Performing Live: Unpredictable, Unparalleled"
Tampa Tribune : "Prince's Latest Album Jells in Amazing On-Stage Jams"
New York Daily News : "Over the "Rainbow," Prince's Gold"
New York, NY--The headlines following Prince's North American One Nite Alone tour convey fans' and critics' glowing reactions to
his stripped-down, jazz-tinged show featuring both new material and classic Prince gems. Now fans everywhere (including those
who may have missed the Spring 2002 tour) can experience the magic of a live Prince concert with the release his first live albumthe 3-disc box-set, One Nite Alone…Live. While NPG Music Club members will be given the first opportunity to get it, the box-set
will be nationally and internationally distributed this Fall.
Culled from live stage performances and after-shows along the tour, the box-set will offer an experience best summed up by
Newsday's review of the NYC show : "The Rainbow Children is [Prince's] best in years, and Tuesday night he and his New Power
Generation quintet turned in a set so full of impressively arranged new songs, cannily redone classics, and choice covers that the
almost three hour concert felt concise." Accompanied by a 48-page book of live performance shots from the tour and liner notes rife
with quotes from band members and fans, One Nite Alone…Live features 36 tracks.
2001 marked the inception of Prince's NPG Music Club, where members were connected like "family" and enjoyed an
unprecedented amount of new music, preferred seating at
Prince shows and countless other rewards. Well into the
second year, 2002 NPG Music Club members have received
even more new music, books, instruments and gear as well as
soundcheck access, after-show parties and at least four new
Prince CDs. With a $100 Premium Annual fee, the 2002 NPG
Music Club proves that membership actually does have its
To become a 2002 NPG Music Club member, visit
18-09-2002 : NPGMC
Tiny pop star Prince threw a hissy fit when he was
photographed at a restaurant, according to the London
Mirror. “That could have been a guy with a gun,” he
allegedly yelled at his security team. “What do I employ you
for ?”
A : 1 Peter 4:4
19-09-2002 : NPGMC
LAWANDA PAGE...rest peacefully.
20-09-2002 : NPGMC
Eulogy at an atheist funeral : "Here lies an atheist...all
dressed up and nowhere 2 go."
21-09-2002 : NPGMC
Three Burning Questions : one : How come- just putting the
logo of a famous magazine behind someone's head instantly
turns them in2 a star ?...two : How come when u look 4 an
"OLDER" picture of urself, u're younger in it ? : AGE-WISE
?...and finally, three : How cute did Gavin and Gwen look in their wedding pix ? May they stay 2gether 4ever !
25-09-2002 : NPGMC
?estlove, Cassandra Wilson, Common, Edward Norton, George Clinton, Meshell N'degeocello, Musiq, Najee, Pharoahe Monch,
Salma Hayek, Shauntay Hinton, Doug E. Fresh, Autumn Hawk, Christian Alexander, Suchin Pak, Talib Kweli, Victoria Gotti, Will
Calhoun, 7 Aurelius, Baby Power, Tamyra Gray, Nicki Mckibben, Justin Guarini, Aja Bradley, Aliza Rabinoff, Alyssa Giacobbe, Amy
Strube, Angela Lowe, Ann Raso, Audrey Bernard, Ben Churchill, Betsey Costa, Brian Jones, Brooke Magnaghi, Burt Goldstein, Cara
Desantis, Chantal Prud'Homme, Chantal Von Alvensleben, Claudine Ko, Cody Brueler, Craig Roseberry, Damien Lemon, Dan
Mackta, Datwon Thomas, Diane Bainbridge, Don Thomas, Eileen Shell, Elita Bradley, Emily Aanderud, Eric Danton, Farah
Weinstein, Gene Geter, Genneta Adams, Gil Robertson, Graham Micone, Greg Tate, Jake Septimus, Janice Combs, Jazmin Perez,
Jen Birn, Jenn Beitler, Jess Kletz, Jim Glancy, Jon Cannelli, Justin Bishop, Katy McColl, Keith Murphy, Keith Perrin, Ken
Simmons, KenLi Mattus, Keri Genovese, Keyna, Kilee Hughes, Kim Reyes, Lola Ogunnaike, Londell McMillian, Long Nguyen,
Margeux Watson, Melissa Wittworth, Michael Paoletta, Misa Hylton-Brin, Mitch Herskowitz, Randy Henner, Rebecca Louie,
Regina Robinson, Rich Manasio, Richard Cole, Rick Hertzberg, Robin Rothman, Ron Delsener, Ruth Morrison, Sam Grobard,
Saturo Naggato, Shad Azimi, Steve McKeever, Susanne Goelz, Ted Lewis, Terrance Colter, Tricia Romano, Valerie Torres, Vinnie
Potestivo, Dick Corkery, Kevin Mazur, Sylvane, and all r other guests.
27-09-2002 : NPGMC
A.I. : How dare they call the robot MECCA ?
The Time @ Jacksonville
28-09-2002 : NPGMC
New Japan Tour dates
The long-awaited One Nite Alone Tour makes its way 2 Japan this November. Here are the current affirmed tour dates :
Nov. 17, 2002 - Hamamatsu - Act City Hall
Nov. 18, 2002 - Tokyo - Budokan
Nov. 19, 2002 - Tokyo - Budokan
Nov. 21, 2002 - Sapporo - Koseinenkin Hall
Nov. 22, 2002 - Sendai - ZEPP Sendai
Nov. 26, 2002 - Fukuoka - Sun Palace
Nov. 28, 2002 - Osaka - Castle Hall
Nov. 29, 2002 - Nagoya - Century Hall
Members of the NPG MUSIC CLUB get 2 buy tickets 2 days in advance and included with their presale ticket they get 2 access the
soundcheck and VIP access 2 the afterparty.
All dates r subject 2 change at any time. Details of the member presale can b found on the MEMBER site in the CONCERTS section.
30-09-2002 : ONA Live listening party @ NY
Prince throws a One Nite Alone... Live ! listening party at Jimmy's Uptown in New York. Although the party was set for 8:00 pm until
midnight, Prince didn't arrive until 11:30 pm, an hour after Mick Jagger had come and gone without ever leaving his limo. Prince
wanted a section of the upstairs room cordoned off and Jimmy's A-list friends, including Ed Norton, Salma Hayek, Norma Kamali,
John McEnroe, and Abel Ferrera, moved from their tables. Prince spoke with, amongst others, Musiq Soulchild, Doug E. Fresh,
Me'Shell NdegeOcello, and George Clinton.
CHUCK D : New Head of Programming 4 MTV Hip Hop !
Oct 02
01-10-2002 : Matthew Lankford lawsuit
Prince files a copyright infringement lawsuit against Seattle webmaster Matthew Lankford, claiming that his Me'shell Ndegeocello
fan site FreeMyHeart.com had posted downloads to unauthorised songs. Lankford denied the claim, saying all he did was linking
directly to upwards of 50 recordings from other websites. Prince was seeking damages of $150,000 per song. According to Prince's
lawyer Jerry Blackwell, Lankford had both sound files and links to other sites and some of those links were to other sites that he
directed and controlled.
02-10-2002 : ONA Live listening party @ London
Prince holds another One Nite Alone... Live ! listening party, this time at a club called Collection in London. He arrived at about 11
pm, heading for an upstairs VIP section.
03-10-2002 : ONA Europe Tour
The One Nite Alone... tour was Prince's first European trek since two 1998 tours in support of The NPG's Newpower Soul. The tour
covered 20 shows in 11 countries, including Italy, where Prince had not played since 1990 due to legal complications. The tour also
saw Prince's first shows in Norway since 1993 and the first in Ireland since 1995. As in the US and Canada, the tour focused on
smaller-sized venues, mostly theatres, with excellent acoustics. Tickets sold out very quickly. The band remained intact from the
previous legs of the One Nite Alone... tour. Saxophone player Candy Dulfer participated in the entire tour, while Maceo Parker and
Eric Leeds alternated, each playing roughly half the European tour. The line-up was the following : Renato Neto (keyboard);
Rhonda Smith (bass); John Blackwell (drums); Greg Boyer (trombone). Candy Dulfer (saxophone), Maceo Parker or Eric Leeds
(saxophone). DJ Dudley D. did some scratching during the bulk of the shows. In addition, Kirk Johnson played percussion during
four shows and Sheila E. played percussion during two shows. The focus of the show shifted somewhat in Europe as Prince
backed off a bit from The Rainbow Children and the more recent material in favour of a slightly broader presentation of his vast
body of work. He introduced several Prince classics such as "Pop Life" and "Housequake," but also less predictable material like
"All The Critics Love U In New York" ("New York" of the title was normally replaced by the name of the city or country hosting that
night's show), "Gotta Broken Heart Again," "Strollin," "Power Fantastic", and, perhaps most notably, the unreleased hardcore fan
favourite "Empty Room." The reception was overwhelming, as the show pleased both critics and fans. The structure of the set list
loosened up a great deal, allowing for more spontaneity, with the result that each show was different. Thus, it is very difficult to
describe a typical set because it changed nightly. The repertoire was substantially overhauled. Some of the songs that had been an
integral part of the show were removed or played with much less regularity than previously. The Rainbow Children tracks "Muse 2
The Pharaoh," "Mellow," and "Family Name" were played during roughly half of the shows. This was also the case with
"Xenophobia," while "Avalanche" only made one appearance. On the other hand, Prince made "The Work, Pt. 1" and "The
Everlasting Now" permanent inclusions; the former was not played at all on the US/Canadian legs, while the latter was included on
a few rare occasions in the US and Canada. As in the US and Canada, "Rainbow Children" opened the show, but three European
concerts saw a completely different beginning. One show was launched with Prince at the piano for "Delirious," a second concert
with a mini-set with Prince accompanying himself on acoustic guitar, and a third with a piano segment. Following these unusual
openings, the set returned to "Rainbow Children" and the normal sequence of songs. "Muse 2 The Pharaoh" followed on from
"Rainbow Children" like in the US and Canada, but Prince sometimes dropped the song in favour of "Pop Life," occasionally playing
both "Muse 2 The Pharaoh" and "Pop Life." The early segment of the show, from "Muse 2 The Pharaoh" or "Pop Life" until the trio
of songs "Mellow," "1+1+1 Is 3," and The Ohio Players' "Love Rollercoaster," was quite loose, featuring between two and five songs
chosen from "The Work, Pt. 1," "Extraordinary," "Xenophobia," "Money Don't Matter 2 Night," "A Case Of U," and "Purple Rain."
The subsequent segment included several numbers not played in the US and Canada : "Housequake," "D.M.S.R.," James Brown's
"Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine," "The Ride," "Strollin," the new song "U Want Me," "Gotta Broken Heart Again," and
"The Other Side Of The Pillow." The show then returned to the format of the US/Canadian legs with "Strange Relationship," The
JB's "Pass The Peas," and "When You Were Mine." The next segment was new since the US and Canadian legs. Prince chose
from five of his own songs, "Bambi," "Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)," "Sign O' The Times," "The Question Of U,"
"The One," and three covers, Alicia Keys' "Fallin’" (from Songs In A Minor, 2001), Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" (from Led
Zeppelin II, 1969), and Paul Desmond's '60s jazz standard "Take Five" (made famous by the Dave Brubeck Quartet of which sax
player Desmond was a member). This portion of the show featured between one and seven of the eight songs, with "Sign O' The
Times" being the most frequent selection. The ending of the main set was the same as previously : "Family Name," "Take Me With
U," "Raspberry Beret," and "The Everlasting Now." The piano segment usually included between five and 10 songs. Most
commonly played were "Adore," "Diamonds And Pearls," "The Beautiful Ones," "Nothing Compares 2 U," "The Ladder," and "How
Come U Don't Call Me Anymore." Prince left out the piano medley once in Europe. The piano repertoire was expanded with 10
tracks since the US and Canadian shows : "Delirious" and "Automatic," "The Ladder," "The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker," "Shake !",
"Power Fantastic," "U're Gonna C Me," "Empty Room," the new "Eye Love U Baby, Like U Have Never Known" (tentative title), and
a cover of Jerry Lee Lewis' "Whole Lotta Shakin'." At the same time, eight songs performed in the US and Canada were dropped
altogether from the piano medley. The European tour introduced an acoustic guitar set, which opened one concert and replaced
the piano segment during another show. The guitar set included "Alphabet St," "Elephants And Flowers," "7," "Pink Cashmere,"
"One Kiss At A Time," "Don't Play Me," "The Truth," "A Case Of U,"and the unreleased "Telemarketers Blues," which Prince
introduced during the "Xenophobia" celebration concerts. The encore segment was also changed a great deal from the previous
shows. In Europe, it featured one to five songs, with "Days Of Wild," "Anna Stesia," "All The Critics Love U In New York," "A Love
Bizarre," and "Alphabet St." being the most frequent inclusions. The latter song occasionally evolved into a jam with the theme
song from the US '60s television series The Beverly Hillbillies. The song is actually called "The Ballad Of Jed Clampett" and was
composed by country musicians Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs. Less common were "Peach,” "Joy In Repetition," "America," "Prince
And The Band," and Parliament's "Flash Light."
London Soundcheck
Power Fantastic (Instr.) / Days Of Wild
There just are no words 2 describe the recent gigs at Hammersmith Apollo..... I felt very privileged and overwhelmed when on
Thursday I walked towards the stage at the sound check with the member pass around my neck and a big smile... Prince joked 'I bet
your a fan ?!' I completely ignored him because I thought he can't possibly be talking to me, in my wildest dreams.... My pal told me
later he was talking to me doh ! If I had known I would have given him a wink.....! All the fans are great as well including the great
singers at Fridays sound check..... Prince... Funny, talented and gorgeous, he truly has it all. London loves you and hopes you pop
back very soon... You have been gone so long.
Due some troubles with the seating of the NPGMC the checking in lasted a wee bit longer than supposed, lots of member s were
allocated seats way back and they didn't take that ! It took Prince himself 2 arrange 4 the NPGMC 2 be seated in front ! (so the show
started with some chaos). Due 2 the delay Prince and band only played a very funky Days of Wild and disappeared from the stage.
SOUNDCHECK it was so cool to came down stage to talk a little bit with us, it's a real pleasure to see you like this very close. I like
the way how you sang on 'Days Of Wild', it was loose but funky :)
I feel so lucky to have been there and shared this experience with the people I love, you are back on form, I truly appreciate the
moments such as the 'Thank You For Talkin' To Me Africa' jam in the soundcheck, there are many of us still out there who know our
music history and love and respect the Maceo Parker's of this world. It's really great to see you keeping great music alive - it was a
privilege to be there with you and I know in my heart that I felt it deep within my soul.
I have only just recovered from the most amazing musical nite. I have loved the man and his music 4 20 years and I was lucky
enough to experience the soundcheck the moment I saw prince about 5ft away will be etched in my memory forever (I am still in a
daze and find it hard 2 speak 2 people in full sentences) to see prince perform with the best band in the world (oh my that horn
section will go down in history) I was there with my best friend Jose and we shared the experience 2gether and we truly ADORED
the evening ! All I can really say is THANX U !!!!! It was everything I wanted it 2 b and more. Please come back soon WE NEED
WOW what an amazing night ! This was a dream come true 4 me. After years & years of getting seats at the back of Wembley I
finally had a second row seat ! Thanx NPGMC !! THE SOUNDCHECK- P was standing centre stage talking 2 band, whom were
playing an instrumental version of POWER FANTASTIC, after a few hand signals and guitar change a thumping drum beat
pounded out from the speakers....... DAYS OF WILD ! The sound was amazing ! Best I've ever heard, then after about 10 funk filled
minutes it was time for him 2 get ready 4 the show. John Blackwell signed a few autographs at the front (thx John !)
I made it to the sound check after a technical hitch with the venue. Prince looked and sounded fantastic. It was so good to see him
up close and personal I was there in the front row and little did I know I would be dancin' on Stage !!!! I will remember my
experience for the rest of my life. You have filled me full of love joy and hope. I hope to see you again Prince.
ā™« London Hammersmith Apollo
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2:45 / Attendance : 3.000 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : £54
(A : One Nite Alone @ The Apollo – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / The Work Pt 1 / Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster) / The Ride
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas (Incl. Give Up The Funk) / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love
Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / One Nite Alone
Adore / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Do Me Baby / The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls / U’re Gonna C Me / The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Empty Room
All The Critics Love U In London
Following a three-month tour break, Prince kicks off the European leg of the One
Nite Alone... tour with the first of three shows at Carling Hammersmith Apollo,
London, England. The concert featured "Bambi," "I Wanna Be Your Lover," "Do Me,
Baby," and "Empty Room," all of which were rarely played on the tour.
This is an excellent document of the opening night of the One Nite Alone
European tour. The sound quality isn't as clean and sharp as many
others, however it is still an excellent audience recording with a nice mix
of audience level and performance. The show itself is a basic ONA show
with a ferocious version of 'Bambi'. The piano medley contains a few rare numbers in the form of 'One Nite Alone'
& 'U're Gonna C Me'. The real gem is the penultimate track of the show with the first public airing (outside of the
Celebration 2002) of the stunning 'Empty Room'. The recording is no
comparison to the actual feeling when you hear it in person, but it's a
great reminder. Overall the quality isn't as good as many other ONA
shows, however it contains SO many quality moments. The
packaging is beautiful, however it is short of actual info on the show
and contains Prince's "A Nation Of Thieves" ramblings regarding the
recording industry.
Thank you so much Prince for this amazing show ! The perfomance you did was
intense, I never heard you sing like this before !! The set list was all new for me,
since I didn't buy any bootleg it was Xtend pleasure for me to discover all these songs LIVE ! (Don't buy bootleg, where goes the
money ?) SHOW I love the three times singing at the end of 'How come you don't call me anymore' , it is so beautiful ! I hope it will
be on your futur live cd ?
SHEER BRILLIANCE ! This was my 4th time that I have seen Prince live and I am still in shock now ! Not only was I close enough
to nearly touch him (normally at the back of 10,000 seater venues) but I cannot get over the high this concert gave me. The
Rainbow Children sounded excellent live, and the mix of songs such as Bambi, Empty Room and The Ladder blew me away ! The
stage set was simple but classy, and suited ONA. The band including Maceo and Candy were tight and entertained us all night ! As
for Prince, as I said at the start - SHEER BRILLANCE- not a note out of tune, not a chord played wrong and he looked more like 34
than 44. There cannot be another artist alive today who could match this ! I just wish I had the money to follow the tour around the
world !
Words cannot describe the professionalism and energy of this show. In my 10 years as a Prince 'fan' I have never experienced so
many jaw dropping moments in 3 nights ! Highlights on Thursday have to be the raw, heavey version of 'Bambi', the beautifully
touching and anthemic 'The Ladder' and a mind-blowing version of 'Empty Room'. Prince commanded the stage and audience and
dazzled with his supreme musical skills and muscianship. It was simply one of the best Prince concerts I have ever had the pleasure
of witnessing. I took my girlfriend with me as a guest and she is a first-timer. Whenerver I mention the show now she smiles like a
cheshire cat, shakes her head and says 'amazing'. My girlfriend was the one who rushed over and stroked your arm as you walked
through The Click at the after-party ! She is now going to join the NPG MUSIC CLUB herself rather than sharing my music, as she
wants to support the venture. Anyway thanks to Prince and the NPG for the best 3 nights of my life. Please, don't leave it 4 years
until you return to these shores again !
O.k. so who's still smiling a great deal days after the event.... well I am and so are the people who attended these amazing shows
with me, the high is still there - it just won't go away. The first show in London was one of, if not the best I've ever seen - I qualify
this with never having seen the Parade / SOTT / Lovesexy shows, although I have viewed them on video and are among my
favourites of all time, although I have been at some interesting one offs such as the Cafe de Paris & London Hippodrome shows and
this summer's Xenophobia 2002 Celebration. With that in mind, loving the funk as I do and also sharing a love of great [and of
course tight] horn arrangements and runs, it was an amazing show. The horn section have really been drilled, the band are having
such fun up there now. The enthusiasm from Prince himself was infectious, the crowd were deafening and it was one of those nights
where he played like his life depended on it, part concert, part aftershow, and with all of the best pieces of this summer's
Celebration melded together, it just seemed to me like he was desperately trying to cram in as much great material as he could while
the feeling lasted. I kid you not by the time he played The Ladder I felt tears beginning to well such was the emotion of the occasion.
To my ears and from what I've heard over the years on video and CD, on the 3rd October and at points during the aftershow at the
Marquee on the 5th, Prince was as good as anyone has heard him in 15 years I'm quite sure of that. High standards have been set,
but he was so happy he even called out to the crowd "I'm back London", it was such a statement of intent and for many people in
that crowd who hadn't seen or heard of him for years and of course hadn't seen a concert for almost 10 years, it was something
special. There was no nonsense, just wall to wall happy jamming....not to mention incredible intimacy, good humour and great
guitar throughout - I feel for lovers of music who weren't at one of these shows, whether in America or Europe. My mother stood
like a rabbit trapped in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle during the show, we danced near the aisle of the NPGMC section and
during an incredible version of The Ride she lept to her feet spontaneously, superb stuff. The last show she saw was in Edinburgh at
Meadowbank stadium and being only a short thing she struggled to see, what a feast she had on the 3rd, I still can't believe how
good this show was. Prince if you're reading this, you're now in a very special place alongside all of your great idols in my opinion we know who they are we don't have to list them like we're collectors of experience, it is sad that the media and the general public
just haven't had the patience to stick with you, but there is no-one on this earth in popular music who pays homage to all of the
great forms of music as you do.
Although the average age of the audience was 35, we were still making a lot of
noise in anticipation of our hero's arrival... like every Prince concert I've been to in
London... all 12. And last night I stood proudly on tippy-toes, clapping and
whooping, in my *Parade* concert t-shirt ! So, the stage was the most simple I've
ever seen from him. The band was the smallest I can remember him playing with.
Just one drummer, one bassist (Rhonda), one keyboard player (who's was new to
me) and 3 horns... including the lovely Ms Dufler and licking-stick-god Maceo
Parker. The lighting was very good, and worth a mention... or maybe I don't go to
enough gigs, but I was very impressed. He came on, with surprisingly little
ceremony, in a suit. Yes a suit. Very smart, perhaps Versace, but not what you'd
except from Prince. Very handsome, good to see him looking his age I thought. The
first few songs, from *The Rainbow Children*, seemed to relax everyone, it wasn't
the usual whipped up hysteria of previous shows, but an upbeat jazz session,
presented with such class and grace. I was amazed how calm we all were, listening,
enjoying and taking it all in. Then time for relaxing was over and we got ready to
do *The Work* - so very funky. He pulled up 3 people from the audience for a
dance contest... "I'll be giving out prizes"... tho he didn't, except the prize of being
in aura-distance of the purple-paisley-god himself. After a few more *Rainbow
Children* numbers... he, as if with his thanks, treated us to a splendid set of *Take
Me With U*, *Raspberry Beret*, *The Beautiful Ones* (which was just superb,
almost reinacting the film performance of the song), *Strange Relationship*, and
*Nothing Compares 2 U* - fantastic !... lots of singing and dancing. He kept asking
for the house lights so he could see us, clearly enjoying ourselves. Other pre-encore
(I think) highlights included a wonderful rendition of James Brown's *Pass The
Peas* and some early songs from the late 70s / early 80s... *Gotta Broken Heart
Again* and *Bambi* spring to mind. Before *Strange Relationship*, he had a
humorous dig at the English press, especially Murdock's crowd... which may not
have been the power move... however did add "I can't be done with all that, I'd
rather spend my time with y'all". He usually gets a tough time when he comes
here... but as Oscar Wilde said, "better to be spoken of badly rather than not to be
spoken of at all". Hmm, maybe not ? Anyway. The first encore... well, how utterly
exciting... after an apparent technical problem, Prince came out, sat at his piano
keyboard, in new suit, and said "take a seat I'll sing you a song"... so we all very dutifully sat down, and for the next 20 minutes or
so, he and his piano blow us away with a dozen or so classics - by classics of course I mean B-sides / album tracks - oh, and *I
Wanna Be Your Lover*... after which he ordered us to sit back down again ! He did short busts of songs such as *The Most Beautiful
Girl In The World*, *Diamonds & Pearls*, *Condition Of The Heart*, *Adore*... which was very funny... "you can smash up my
ride" which he added something along the lines of - "baby, you smashed up my ride ?, not the Lexus ?... are you okay ?...you've got
a headache ?... I got something for that !... but it was my favourite car... oh well Alicia Keys will buy me a new one"... he then,
shamelessly, went in to *How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore* - his version, which sort of went into her version, with band joining
in. When he followed this with *The Ladder* I thought I was going to burst... how much does this man think we can take in such a
short space of time !... excitement overload ! Without doubt the highlight of the show, the best 20 minutes a self-respecting Prince
fan could ask for. Just deliriously happy, marvelling at how damn talented this one man is, and just how many stonking tunes he's
got ! However, at one point during a quiet piano moment, some idiot behind us shouted out "do *Purple Rain*" - Prince previous
said "if you've come here tonight to get your *Purple Rain* on, you're in the wrong house". I read the reviews, on this site, of a New
York gig earlier, and was moved by one of the reviews that spoke of Prince doing *Purple Rain* relating it to September 11th. This
lead me to think, yes, a time and a place, it's such a beautiful and moving song, but every show?, give the guy a break The show
ended with the usual up-beat, all funked up jam - almost threatening to break into *It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night* but not quite.
Songs I can remember of the finale were *All The Critics Love U In New York* to which he sang "London" and *Everlasting Now*...
all this going on while 30 or so people were pulled up on stage to dance... curse my Circle seats ! He was on great form, sounded
great, looked great, was jokey, and generally looked like he was having as good a time as we were. We UK fans probably all woke up
the next morning, as I did, with a sore throat and aching limbs, blissfully basking in the knowledge that we have lived to "see the
dawn" and it's pretty cool over here :)
Just reading all of the reviews and wanted to throw in my praise for the man. Having since missed 2 !!!! shows in my hometown of
Milwaukee last year, I went crazy trying to get a ticket for a show in my new "town" of London. £75 and one concert later I feel I still
got the better of the deal. You are such an amazing performer, with a stage presence and sense of humour that puts some of these
new kids to shame. Thank you for the excellent evening of music and memories, and hopefully it won't be another 4 years until I get
to another show. Peace.
I have loved your music since I was 14 years old and 4 10 years I've never got 2 C U in concert. U were worth the wait. Thank U 4 a
great party and a very special nite.
Thurs 3/10/02 concert - Oh my god ! Thank you John, Renato, Rhonda, Maceo, Candy, Greg, and finally Prince, for giving me one
of the best nights of my life ! This concert was nothing short of amazing. The band was tight, the songs were off the hook, and the
atmosphere was electric ! I never imagined this concert would of had this much of an effect on me, but still 24 hrs after the concert,
I'm still on a purple high. Prince, for me you are the most gifted and talented musician of my time. The mixture of new Rainbow
Children grooves, old school classics like The Beautiful Ones and Strange Relationship, to the total shockers like Empty Room (!!!)
left me breathless. Once again thankyou for an amazing concert, and PLEASE don't make me wait another 4 years to see you again !
Prince and the NPG - Thank You. We had the furthest seats back (actually standing behind the seats) in the house and still the vibe
was as hot as at was on stage with you. This was the 12th time I've seen you perform - you get better everytime !!!! I took my 12 yr
old daughter with me who is now a fully converted Prince fan. Thank you for such a fantastic performance - please visit us again
soon. Just wish I could have afforded a seat nearer you... One day we will meet
One night alone - It could have been ! The intimate nature of the cosy Hammersmith Apollo was a perfect venue to showcase the
lush mix off jazz and funk that proliferated the nearly 3 hour set. Having managed to entice 20 or so work colleagues to come along
to the show spirits and indeed expectations were running high as we knocked back a couple of London's finest ale before taking our
seats. Stand out tracks would have to include : The Ladder / The Everlasting Now. But the crowning moment of my 20 years of
following the man was the awesome spectacle that was Empty Room - I have goose bumps just thinking about it ! What a gem. I
look forward to taking my place with the rest of the NPGMC VIP's tomorrow afternoon and evening rather than watching from the
balcony ! Prince - you are the daddy ! You ripped up the audience last night and I'm sure will continue to do the same as the Tour
moves from shore to shore.
....So I arrive at the venue having spent all day looking at my watch waiting for the concert to begin. As I'm standing there, I'm
trying to tell myself that for a fan who is about to attend his 18th Prince concert, it is not normal to be so excited, and I try to tell
myself that I've seen it all before and that I know what to expect......just be cool ! But I can't. You see every time I've seen Prince in
my life, I can tell you a hundred stories of how great I felt, how great the show was, how many cool and wonderful people I've met,
how many girls I snogged whilst Purple Rain echoed in the background.....truly wonderful times. The time I travelled to Belgium
with my partner in crime in the hope of getting a ticket...(I did, and it was a legendary Prince performance). So where was I ??? Oh
yeah...last night ! I cannot tell you what last night was like. Prince...you are a genius. I am generally not the kind of person to go into
a chat room, but I just wanted to tell you how absolutley wonderful the show was, and to say thank you for all the memorable
moments you've given me in my life so far. You truly are the greatest performer I've ever seen......... Continue to do the great things
you do, and please come back to London again soon.
True, so true. The moment Prince & NPG came on stage, there was magic in the air. It was like God came down to play with us all
for a while. Words r hard 2 find to relate 2 u the xperience I, and most others, felt that nite. It was beauty personified. I hope we can
all learn from him and his music. Whatever he plays, where ever he sings, whatever he wears - we know he is 'The One'. I hope we
meet again. One Nite.
Wow, a truly amazing concert... After all those years of waiting to see the man live and all those cancelled shows in Finland, this
show was defininitely worth the move to London to work. :)
WOW !!! -DETROIT (WHATS HAPPENING) ??? Remembering "Lovesexy" and Where Prince was at that particular time,
performing all the new material and a few previous hits from other GREAT RECORDS...he's released ! Thats Xactly what Last Night
Felt Like...Xcept a much smaller venue, say some 10-15years Later. PRINCE- Man you ROCKED ! JAZZED ! and Delighted ALL OF
US at the Hammersmith Odeon in ANewPowerLondon - Well at least ANewPowerDetroit were in the place to Xperience the Kick
Off Concert Tour of the UK ! 2Xperience.. Empty Room and All The Critics (LIVE) Kicked Major ARSE ! Plus your looking SO
FRESH AND SO CLEAN in those Pinstrip Suites and you know THIS MAN! And how can I 4get about The Ladder,Bambi and
Extroadinary!!!? These were the Newest Additions to the show and We Thank U for an Xperience worth TRAVELING 4! Words
can't describe What I feel about this Tour, I haven't been this Xcited about a Concert Tour since "Act-1&2", but of course this
performance ranks up there with LOVESEXY ! Thank U PRINCE ! Quick shouts2 : TheNPGMC, Luna...and all the
NewPowerDetroit Family : Tamara, Lanette, Eddie, Nancy, David, Geronimo, April, Cinnamon and Crystal. Plus those who
associate themselves with us for events and don't worry we about to hit ya off with some major partying this winter through 2003 !
Keep checking with us at NewPowerDetroit.Com for Upcoming Events and the iN4LINE (734) 473-1248.
Just had to express how much I enjoyed last night's show. As always Prince blew us away musically & treated us with a set featuring
The Rainbow children & later melted into such classics as Strange Relationship & Condition Of The Heart. I must extend my thanx
to Prince & the NPG for making the soundcheck so Personal & welcoming.. It was a really nice touch to see the man himself sitting
amongst us fams as we took to our seats..That's a sight I'll never forget. Also a big thank you to Prince for your hat, Which is sooo
cool.........smells great by the way, Lavender I think... I've been a fam since I was 10 in the Purple Rain days & have grown up with
your music & have been to all of the concerts from Parade through to Nude tour & Lovesexy etc etc & felt that last night's
performance was easily among one of the most entertaining of the lot............. Prince, You looked like you had a ball too, Peace to
you & the NPG... see you on the 5th for an encore, Give us a wave in the front row circle ! P.S - Please dont leave it too long before
you come back to the UK !!
So here's my story... I live in London, UK and my brother is back in my home town of Ottawa, Canada- and he emailed me saying
that Prince was coming to the NAC.... I didn't believe him at first because, well, NOBODY comes to Ottawa- it's always skipped on
Canadian tours !!! But after we established it wasn't a hoax, he said if I could get a flight home he'd buy me a ticket..... hmmmn... let
me think about that for a second... OF COURSE I WANT TO GO !!! So he bought us 8th row seats and I got a cheap last minute
flight (thank god for credit cards) and flew 7 hours, took a bus for 5 more hours and went home for the weekend just to see Prince
(although it scored some major brownie points with my parents too- Father's Day and all that) and was it worth it !!!! DAMN
STRAIGHT IT WAS !!!! Prince is the only artist in the world that you KNOW that you are going to enjoy hearing perform, so you
MUST go to see him if you have the opportunity. Without a second thought, I was prepared to fly half way around the world FOR
THE WEEKEND merely to see him... and every moment spent traveling was MORE than worth it !!! It was the first time I had ever
seen Prince and I was not disappointed the music was amazing, the band was tight and he is SO funny !!! An aspect of him which I
had never expected !!! And my brother accompanied me- who had never been a Prince fan- became a convert and thanked ME for
wanting to go to the concert and making him come with me. 2 days after I landed I was taking off again to jolly old England thinking
that my year was complete, having now seen Prince. So imagine my surprise when I got a phone call a week ago from a friend saying
"Prince is coming to the Hammersmith Apollo on Thursday and I've got you a ticket !!!" TWICE IN SIX MONTHS !!!! I STILL
CAN'T BELIEVE IT !!! And I cannot tell you how much I LOVED last nite's gig !!!! This may sound silly, but I almost didn't go
because I didn't want to taint the memory of the fantastic time I had in Ottawa seeing him in June, but eventually I saw sense and
MAN, I was not disappointed !!!! The set was similar but not exactly the same, the line up had welcome additions (Candy- girl, you
can PLAY !) and I was on my feet enjoying the funk from the word go. There were 3 of us who were up on our feet dancing the whole
way through at the back of the stalls on the left and the music was AMAZING !!! What blew my mind was even though the audience
seemed to be enjoying themselves, they were all standing there hands on hips, staring blankly at the stage- were these people
FOOLS !!! How can you help but move to the music that was played last night !!! To have had the opportunity to be there and enjoy
the jam session going on... AND NOT MOVE ???!!! ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY ??!!! The music was outstanding- especially Prince
centre stage on the keyboard. The Beautiful Ones is such a great song- and it was a magnificent, gut-wrenching performance that
put me in a place of euphoria that drugs could never compare to... with music like this to move the soul and make your heart burst,
who needs stimulants to try and imitate the sensation. Thank you again for a fantastic evening- for TWO fantastic evenings !!! 2002
will be one hell of a year for me to remember ! (And I loved the bit about the Lexus.....)
Dear Prince, This is a TRUE STORY : I am very fortunate to have witnessed your genius last night at the Apollo Theatre, you
manage to convey so many raw emotions leaving all of us amazed by such talent and beauty. 7 years ago, my brother had a car
accident which left him in a coma. The doctors told us that he could die. Having listened and admired your music throught our
lives, I played my brother your albums (especially Purple Rain) while he was lying in his hospital bed. One day, while I was talking
to him, he woke up saying : "Let me guide you to the Purple Rain", I called the nurse, my father, friend and we all ended up singing
along to Purple Rain in that room. He woke up singing the lyrics to the song. I managed to get 2 tickets for this saturday show, I
booked a ticket on the Eurostar for my brother who lives in Paris, so we will both come to listen to your spiritual and healing music,
7 years efter those tragic events. In case you read this letter, It would be a gift if you could play Purple Rain on saturday for my
brother : Marc Taylor. Your music helped my brother wake up from his coma. Amid a Purple sky, it was surely raining on that day,
when he came back alive. This is the Truth, Christophe Taylor.
What can I say the show last nite Thursday 3rd oct in London 1 word ! FANTASIC. Prince u done the most amazing track listing . He
mentioned I’m back, brother u most certainly r . When I got in to the soundcheck and saw him just chillin sittin in the seats where
the fans sit I could not believe it my idol right in front of me wow ! He was about 3 foot away from me I wanted to say something
like when ever is Empty Room gonna b released but I sort of froze . But then 2wards the end of the concert u gave us a live version
of Empty Room. That done it 4 me fantastic. Fantastic u r without doubt the best I wish I was going 2 all 3 nites. Can’t wait 4 the
new live album
Wow ! what a show, and so fantastic to see Prince back in London - the wait has been too long (thank God we’ve had the
celebrations in between to keep us going !) Thanks Prince 'n the band for an excellent show - the setlist was just unbelievable !!
The gig last night was Fantastic. It was just real musicians playing real music. It was my first Prince gig and it was great to see him
just come down and talk to us and see what we could do about the seating problem. It was just great to talk to him and to what he is
like off the stage. The best part about it for me was asking him for his autograph, not know that his hasn't sign autograph since he
started to study the bible which I respect because I read it as well. The music well what can I say there is not enough words under
the sun to say what it was really like. Rhonda Smith you where amassing I have never seen the bass and double bass been played so
well and I have one question for you. Can you give me lessons ?
What can I say are their even words yet created to describe what we all felt last night ! Prince you truly are a genius on and off stage.
It was amazing to be sat in the middle of this big row observing high tension from security (so uk) and listen to the fair view points
of us the fans, there was no light at the end of our tunnel until something made me turn around and there you were, ten minutes
later the situations was in hand and the love was starting to flow. Conversation with strangers and new love4oneandother. What
happened next is still tingling through my body. How can anything compare to last nights show, apart from possibly tonight's, but
then no. You linked into every persons mind and body, a hall of people from all corners of the world united as one because of the
NPG, the TRUTH and your FUNK. I dream of a world standing as one, no war, no fighting just love and respect for every living
thing on this earth. Your sounds, your show, you love gives me hope. Today I am back at work with the vibe still strong and that
magic magnet pulling me back in for more. Peace Love and Harmony. You are the ONE. Mr Blackwell, you made the beats come to
life ! (hold on to your sticks) Candy Dulfer, girl you get us all every time, never stop. Mr Maceo Parker, Words cannot explain the
love that comes from your tunes Mr Renato Neto, Rhonda Smith, Everyone in the NPG your guys are the tightest band in the world
you are the future you have brought MUSIC back to life. Last night you all tore that place apart ! Is it ready for another night !
THE GIG- the atmosphere was electric! the band was very tight and slick, Candy Dulfer and Maceo Parker were fantastic ! This is
about my 30 Prince gig and it was one of the best ! It was the most incredible live performance I have ever seen, his vocals sent
shivers down my spine ! He played loads of guitar and cracked jokes all night ! He spoke a little about that look-alike picture that
was in the papers a little while ago (with names of the papers projected onto the screens) “sat with a blonde I would NEVER be
seen with” every1 laughed. he seemed very happy to there- "London,......... I'm back" he told us, to great cheering and screaming !
Just got home from the London show. Fantastic. 'Real music by real musicians' is a slogan I will use a lot in the next while.
Especially in this city that is sadly devoid of live music. It was truly wonderful to see all the preprogrammed predigested rubbish
pushed aside in favour of good musicianship and true showmanship. Well done !!!
Wasn't sure what to expect. I've been catching Prince each time he hit London since 1986. What can I say ? Wow. Awesome. He's as
sharp as he ever was. I'm sooooooooooo glad I didn't miss this one. Started at 20.25. Finished at 23:00. Brilliant. We were all blown
away. Please can we come back again ?
Just had 2 communicate with u on the show tonight - I first saw Prince on the Parade/Black and White tour many many years ago
and since then have probably seen him another ten times in concert but tonight's show at the Hammersmith Odeon, London had to
be the best ever performance I have had the pleasure to witness and be part of. TRULY a show for the fans, with real thought and
care in the choice of songs and the presentation -It seemed a miilion miles away from the lavish spectacle of the Lovesexy show,
(which had to be the most over the top shows I saw him do !). The showcasing of just about the entire "Rainbow Children" album
really brought home to everyone there just what a fantastic piece of work that record is. The shifts in tone and mood of the show from chilled and jazzy, to soulful funk, to rock and acid rock, and then to the storming endpiece worked really well - the
piano/acoustic set was genius and the repeated encores and fans dancing on the stage just really topped it off - plus there were
songs I never thought I'd hear him play live again - The Ladder, Raspberry Beret, Beautiful Ones, Strollin', Strange Relationship,
Nothing Compares...How come U Don't Call Me, and even Empty Room. Terrirfic to heaa them done so well. Good, also to see that
his sense of humour is intact too ! The band were unbelieveably tight and accomplished, and considering the set lists on this tour
are fairly free form and random, it really did come across as a superbly thought out and executed show. For us brits it has been a LO-N-G wait to have him back and truly truly, this was not a disappointment. Great to see him in such a small venue too(well, for
Prince it is a small venue !!) and even after nearly three hours, we could have stayed to hear them rock all night !
Thank you the concert was amazing. Prince and the NPG is one amazing band. Prince knows how to make everyone feel welcome.
He is very down to earth with great humour and knows how to control a situation also make everyone feel very happy. Prince came
down and mingled with us, he defused a situation, made us laugh, He is the boss and we knew it. Wow, he blew us all away. Mr
Blackwell, u can play those drums, ur totally amazing to watch and listen too. Candy Dulfer, wow girl you get me everytime,
thankyou. Mr Maceo Parker, you sent chills down my spine. Respect to u. Mr Renato Neto, you’re a joy to watch, your facial
expressions. Rhonda Smith, thank you for signing my program. You play like no tomorrow. Mr Guitar Tec guy, you are such a
gentleman. Sorry if I forgot about anyone else, it is late and finally to Prince. Prince, you do it everytime, just when I think it can’t
get better than this, well you proved me wrong. Your voice, your craft is a gift from God. Thank you so much for sharing. You in my
opinion are one of the greatest artist and showman ever. Never let anyone tell you different. I would like to give shout outs to
npgmusiclub members I was on the second row and seen everything, thanks guys for the seats. Unique, Sammy, funkylust and his
girlfriend, Gav, and I think the mans name is grant (he is from Germany). I have total respect for you all; you made this one of the
nicest experience ever. I would never have met you if it was not for Prince and his music we would never have met, your kindness
and making sure my daughter and I were okay is wonderful. love4oneanother is a way of life and these people realy showed it.
Unique and Sammy to see you dance on stage and your smiles, really made my night both of you deserved it, you both showed them
how to dance. Unique, when prince put the mike to you and his face and his smile, boy you are good. Prince i have have never seen
that boy ever smile so much, My daughter was not a fan, she came along to make sure i was okay. Not knowing many of the words
for the songs but she has told me she is now a convert. Her words "now she knows what real music is all about" The band was
immaculate in every way and the music was food for the soul. I have been ill these past few weeks and starting to recover from
pneumonia. All the aches and pain and tiredness was worth it. I will remember this concert for rest of your life. Prince you took us
with you. Total respect to npgmusicclub, prince and the NPG and finally new friends THANKYOU
Hi just thought I’d Tell you the set list for tonight It was nothing short of amazing. The guests were Maceo Parker and Candy Dulfer.
PS this was my first Prince gig and it was well worth the wait (my ears are ringing and my heart is happy) peace and be wild.
The Click Afterparty
An afterparty was planned for Mayfair Club, but bouncers at the club announced that it had been cancelled. Instead, at 1:30 am, a
new location was announced, The Click. Admittance was free for NPG Music Club members. Prince was there, remaining in the
VIP section. DJ Dudley D. played some tracks from One Nite Alone... Live !
AFTERPARTY Thanks again Prince for comming in this bar to say hello to us and play some of your new cd, I'am so happy to see
you :)) I hope one day I will be able to talk with you. long live to the NPGmusicclub !
Oh my God, I SPOKE TO PRINCE !!!!!!!!!!!! At the Afterparty !!! For those of us that were left after the change of venue we went to
the Click Bar. I was with 4 other lads and Prince came and sat right next to us ! He came over and said "Hey fellas, where are your
women ?" We said "they're at home." He laughed. I asked him wether he was going to play, he said he wasn't. Then I asked how he
can sleep for so little ? He said "u sleep when u die" to which I responded "& live tired", he said "I'm never tired." He was very
relaxed with us and laughing, it was just amazing and I want to thank you Prince for not thinking that you're so much above us u
can't relate to us 1 to 1. And the concert... words cannot truly express how great it was, especially Empty Room (1st time I've heard it
!!.) Prince your piano medley at the end helps prove to anyone that u still have the power of performance, humour and great
Was supposed 2 be at a place in the Berkely street so when we arrived there were lots of people queing up, we stood there 4 some
hour and a half when Trevor told us the place was not the place 2 be cuz another party was going on and didn't seem 2 end soon.
The new place was 2 be The Click ! a small discotheque somewhere in Piccadily region. Of course we went there and we got in. We
were hanging in the lounge and in walks Prince. He was neatly dressed and seemed relaxed. he was just a meter or 2 away from me
when he noticed me and walked up2 me !!! He asked me "where r your girls ?" I was with 5 other guys and we were just hanging on
a couch, I replied that she was home in Holland and was like "If i c 6 guys 2gether on a couch and no gilrs I get a bit worried" that
was pretty funny, Then he proceeded 2 talk 2 me about Bootlegging ! He heard that Holland is a major bootleg country and wanted
2 know if I own, sell and or record them. I told him I own some but didn't record them. He was like owning the bootlegs contributes
2 the bootleggers and keeps them in business, he asked me this : If I take your shirt and your pants and give them 2 some1 else
how'd u feel ? I replied I wouldn't like that ! He was like that how it feels 2 him, it's like a record contract u don't own the masters
and the bootleggers make profits, he basically asked me 2 stop buying them, I told him he has a golden oppurtunity 2 sell concerts
thru his NPGMC website and make a lot of money from it, but he got back 2 the bootleg question. I had 2 agree with him cuz in a
fact the bootleggers are stealing his music and as long as people keep buying the boots they'll stay in business...He also added
something 2 the likes of they will be dealt with... needless 2 say the security 2 the concert was pretty tight !! After our little talk he
shook my hand and started talking 2 my other friends. Just wanted 2 share this with y’all.
04-10-2002 : The Independent (UK)
First Night : Prince, Hammersmith Apollo, London
MC, Romeo, guitar hero. And most of all, a great showman
By Gavin Martin
Many music business commentators maintain that Prince lost the plot around the time he painted the word Slave on his face and
began plotting his escape from the industry. Last night's performance suggested something quite the opposite. The venue may be
smaller than the places he played during his 1980s heyday but the atmosphere was every bit as celebratory. Dressed in an
immaculately tailored suit, silk tie, and 'kerchief he looked great, a modern-day Valentino with an impish smirk. He exuded
ebullience. As indeed he should, fronting a ridiculously fluid and versatile band he has patently found the musical freedom he so
dearly coveted. For those expecting him to relive the glory days he had a message : "If you come here to get your 'Purple Rain' on
you're in the wrong building. I'm not interested in what you know, I'm interested in what you can learn.'' In its early stages the
show was a cross between a smokey after-hours jazz session and a modern-day rave. One of the greatest multi-talented showmen of
his generation Prince played a variety of roles. One minute he's master of ceremonies, the next a forlorn Romeo singing a knee-drop
soul ballad, the next he's a fully-fledged guitar hero. He organised an on-stage dance contest between three New Power Generation
members, while the band laid down a hot bed of scorching funk. He followed this with his take on a slow burning delta blues. "How
slow do you want me to go, I've got days,'' he twinkled suggestively. Some of his new songs may not be of the calibre of his most
famous hits. But it hardly mattered. The warmth and infectiousness of the performance carried all before it. The ferociously onform Mayfield Parker, a key member of James Brown's classic era band provided a potent link to one of Prince's many musical
routes. But the band was just as capable of revelling in Duke Ellington-style swing or psychedelic heavy metal on a careering version
of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love". In the latter stages, he even dipped into his illustrious back catalogue. "Strange Relationship"
was dedicated to the media, "Take Me With You" swaggered effortlessly and "Raspberry Beret" was an exercise in pure joy. But a
new song which featured Prince adopting the voice of Thomas Jefferson was weird but powerful stuff. It has never been wise to
write the Prince off, all the evidence is that's as true now as it ever was.
Daily Mirror (UK)
He’s Prince charmless
Pop weirdo hits town with some outrageous demands
His reputation for weirdness is rivalled only by the bizarre antics of Michael Jackson. And on his latest trip to the UK we found out
even more about the increasingly strange world of Prince. The tiny pop idol – who’s now reverted to using his old name – was in
town for the playback of his latest album, One Nite Alone... Live, at The Collection in South Kensington, London. And he arrived
with a huge list of requirements for organisers to arrange. The teeny 44-year-old – who was wearing a dark suit and four-inch heels
– also warned staff that if one unauthorised camera flash went off, he would up and leave. Our source told us : “Prince always likes
to be in control. He’ll usually send his bodyguards to check a venue that he’ll be going to first and he’ll find out about everything –
from the cocktail list to the canapés. On some occasions he’s visited the venue before a party to make sure the aura is right for his
guests. He likes to know what’s happening. Being a vegan he always wants vegetarian food and loves to have all his friends in
just one area.” But at the party this week he had even more requests for organisers thn usual. Our source told us : “He asked that all
of the CCTV cameras in and around the building be covered with black socks so that they couldn’t film him. He doesn’t like being
watched when he’s just chilling with his pals. He also hates swearing and carried a swear box with him all evening. If anyone in
his presence swore then he would make them pay a fine.” But we think that Prince – formerly known as squiggle – may have been
less than happy with the calibre of the celebrities at his party. He was promised the likes of Martine McCutchson, Pink and James
Gooding. In reality all he got were Nall and Christine Hamilton, Alicial Douvall, Ebony and “Lady” Isabella Harvey – and they
weren’t even in the VIP section. But luckily he managed to cheer himself up by going for dinner at Nadine’s restaurant in Soho with
his close friend, model Lucy Mans, and 10 pals. Over dinner, the conversation was a little more relaxed, with Prince opening up to
his friends about his strict dietary requirements. He told the dinner guests : “I eat nothing with a face and as far as I’m concerned
milk is for calves.” Could this man be any more profound ? Just three weeks ago the star was dining at the same restaurant when a
photographer managed to snap him at his table. Not content to just leave the place, he then made a dash for his private jet and flew
straight back to New York. But despite his weirdness, Prince’s sell-out UK gigs which started last night are sure to be some of the
highlights of the year. And it’s good to hear that he’ll still a little peculiar.
London Soundcheck
(A : One Nite Alone @ The Apollo – 7/10)
The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker / Girls & Boys / Manic Monday / Soul Sanctuary / Automatic (Instr) (Incl. Shake !)
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / The Ladder / The Greatest Romance Ever Sold (Instr.)
Thank You For Talkin’ To Me Africa (Incl. Bootzilla)
The added soundcheck recordings from the 4th & 5th October London shows are a nice idea (track-listings
mistakes aside). The 4th October soundcheck features a fair amount of NPGMC members taking over the vocals
with Prince and the band happily playing back-up. 'Soul Sanctuary' is listed as one track performed, however
Prince sings a few words ("Loving you in silence") and it's over - lasting barely 5 seconds. Throughout both
soundchecks he is in a jovial, happy, interactive mood and is constantly laughing and joking with the NPGMC
members present - he points to his sweater asking "What do you call this in England ?", and someone shouts back
"Ugly !!" Pure class.
I had a great time and enjoyed the soundcheck a whole lot. Man, that alone was worth the small sum of $100 4 the membership. I'm
not one to take things for granted, and I know Prince could pull the plug on this club whenever he feels like it. But Prince, please
keep these soundchecks open for the real fans. Don't listen to the snakes that try and tempt your fans into living in the shadow of
hate. The ones who make it got nuthin' but love and that's what matters. I don't care if I'm the only fan left who still wants to be
down, I will be there. You and me, my man. It's all love. London seems a lot colder and gloomier without the NPG around, come
back soon.
It was with much trepidation that we arrived at the Apollo on Friday afternoon. Anne a beautiful Norwegian Prince devotee for 16
years and 57 year old me, who had heard Purple Rain and a few other tracks over the years. Wary because in its former guise as
Hammersmith Odeon, the venue had been a real mixed bag of ifs and buts. I first went there to see The Beatles Christmas Show.
The fab four playing their earliest hits through some Vox amps with no PA system……All we heard was 2,500 girls screaming for an
hour and a half….still great though. In the next decade it was The Kinks, a wonderful dynamic song-driven rock fest. A few years
later came Eric Clapton in his Layla prime……..left half way through due to total lack of effort from “slowhand” no stage presence
leading to abject boredom. Last Odeon adventure was Level 42…..a previously hard little rock band with just about the best white
bass player in the world. But Mark King and his clan had got too fat and comfortable and were all kitted out in white suits and had
turned into a cabaret act. Another early exit for me. So there we were a thirty year journey leading to PRINCE at the Apollo. The
first person I noticed as we arrived with Anne’s club details to see the sound check was a vile beast. I am sure some of you will know
him. He is very fat and scruffy and has a mop of curly black hair. Let’s call him “Slug”. Munching a MacDonalds he blathered “Who
wants Tickets” …….Slug the king of the touts. We remembered him as the man who orchestrated a con when Madonna played Earls
Court last year. More about him later. The next person I noticed was a sweet old lady at the front of the queue complete with her
Zimmer frame….and behind her two girls of about 15. Prince has quite a fan base doesn’t he ? I was asked to leave my lovely Nokia
camera phone in the cloakroom as we were ushered into to the Friday night soundcheck. Within twenty minutes Prince had the four
hundred or so club members spell bound…..just like a private house party….wonderful stuff…..highlight being the American girl
who climbed out of the stalls to do a rendition of “How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore”. An anonymous soul Diva with the voice of
an Angel……as Prince said “You are too good”……too good to win a “Popstars” audition….but plenty good enough to get a recording
The London gigs were the best of my life, I will never ever forget them ! During the soundcheck I had the honour to sing "Shake" on
stage, a dream came true. Thank you Prince, thank you NPGMC, it was well worth coming all the way from Italy ! Join the club
everybody !!!
We picked up our members tickets and laminate, and proceeded into the sound check. I never expected you just to walk on, sit there
and just jam with us. Playing some hits, and even doing a kareoke spot with some members (which has to be said were pretty good
!) I would have been happy with the 50 min sound check.....but the best was to come.
! London
Hammersmith Apollo
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2:30 / Attendance : 3.000 / Sold Out
(A : Rise Up – 6/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Xenophobia / A Case Of U / The Work Pt 1 (Incl. Let’s Work) / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Bustin’ Loose) / The Other Side Of The Pillow / Strange Relationship
Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Avalanche / Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now
Power Fantastic / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U
The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Anna Stesia
Second concert at Carling Hammersmith Apollo, London. The set
included a one-off performance of "Power Fantastic."
WOW - if only Pop Idol / Popstars was like this ! What can I say, I
have seen Prince live many times now since the mid 80’s, basically
whenever he has visited the UK, including aftershows such as
Bagleys and Café de Paris and only my first Prince gig stands up to
what I saw on Friday night at Hammersmith as part of the One
Night Alone tour. When u were mine was as magical as ever, but
seemingly played with a lot more joy than I have previously
witnessed. But even more magical was to hear Power Fantastic and The Beautiful Ones ! And that’s not really the half of it, the
humour ­ ‘you’re gonna see Prince ?’ and the Ozzy impression ! Prince - thanks for the experience, thanks for the NPG Music Club surely the best example of relationship marketing there is, thanks for the music. Please don’t make it another 4 years till you visit
the UK again, but also do please let your fans around the world see this show - places like Australia and even China have been
missing out for way too long. I only wish I had gone with my instinct and ignored my wife and got tickets for all 3 london shows !
Let Me Run the Agenda Thru Ur Hair !!! Man ! What a nite ! 1 nite alone was not enough ! Just reading thru the comments on this
page basically sums up our luv for Prince. The man is a pure musical genius. 2 hear real music from real musicians left me blissfully
contented ! Prince defined that if we wanted to hear the Purple Rain pour, we were in the wrong building ! We were instead treated
2 the live band playin tunes from the amazing Rainbow Children Album. Prince’s new band hit us with a more sophisticated and
mature sound. Hornz stand please ! Prince also gave us some of the originals to funk 2. Damn ! Favorite part for me ? Has 2 b when
Prince got on the Piano with that white suit on to ‘Call me’ ! Damn the brutha is finnneee ! I didn’t get close enough to dance on the
stage this time, maybe next time ? ; o ) . Prince’s sense of humor came shining through and we were treated 2 a sensational ‘Ozzy’
impression. The Fams roared ! Note 2 critics : no bat in sight ! Prince left the ugly lights on most of the show, fams everywhere felt
connected. The fams truly enjoyed themselves, there wasn't a :o( face in the building, but more importantly Prince was enjoying his
self 2, he spend a good 3 hours on the stage, and i personally couldn't get enough ! Hence, afterparty here i come ! Come back soon !
What can I say ... another amazing show. Tonight was quite different in terms of the set-list and I greatly enjoyed the inclusion of
Avalanche and Xenophobia. My personal highlights of the night however had to be the truly stunning performance of Power
Fantastic and Sometimes it snows in april which turned into a big sing-a-long which nearly made this grown man cry ! It was also
great to hear that brilliant rendition of The Ladder again and Anna Stesia. I was particularly impressed with the respectful and
genuine manner Prince addressed the crowd regarding spiritual matters. It was never too preachy or out of place and the way he
explained his interest in the Scriptures was very inspiring. I sensed that Prince had taken us all on this spiritual and musical journey
and I for one was very pleased to go along. So thanks once again to Prince and The
Band, no THE Band, for another mind-blowing night ! You are all untouchable.
What can I say ? Thank U thank U thank U ever so much for the magic U gave us in
London ! Its the best concert I've seen yet, jazz, funk, lots of impro and of course
your magic touch ! Thank U for letting little me sing How Come U Don't Call Me
Anymore during souncheck (U made my dream come true) ! Not many artists have
the generosity or ability to GIVE so much in one night ! Thanks to all the musicians
for their talent and encouragement (Thanks especially to Maceo Parker for your
encouragements). Thanks to the NPG club for the passes and news and all the rest.
And finally thank U for the love and peacefulness U sent out that night, I only hope
we gave some of it back to you, you certainly deserve it and much more. It just
keeps getting better and better.
It`s 3days later and im still in musical heaven. With an unbelieveable sound check
lettin` fams singing prince tunes and having the best band playing the music was
incredible. Then the gig.....MAN THE GIG !!!! What a show. He`s still got it and
the band were amazing. Just how do they keep up with Prince !? Prince`s guitar
rocked, Rhonda’s bass funked, as for the rest the band was flawless. What a funny
man Prince is. The Ozzy impression, `you gonna see PRINCE ?` and the other one
liners was hilarious ! And to top it off at the end of the night at the Embassy sitting
at a table meeting some of Princes band and then seeing him walk past my table
was unreal. `oh there goes Prince !!!`. what a night. Just wished I had bought more
tickets to do it all again. Thanks NPGMC, Prince and the NPG. Come back soon
I was so happy that of all the music out there Prince still knows what we the people
want. Prince you are truely the # 1 out there. I am so happy that so many have
enjoyed the shows. I came ot of the shows on a natural high. Thank God that we
have Prince the NPGMC and all those who can still open their minds and not
swallow all the spoon fed crap that is out there. Prince keep doing what you are
doing because there is no one else who can do what you do. You are the only
ARTIST. Hope you live to see the dawn, and let me see them with y'all. Thank you
is not enough for what you have given me and all the other fams. Peace.
Report on the show at the Hammersmith Apollo on Friday 4th October. You could listen to Prince’s music for eternity and still not
fully appreciate it or understand what it was about. You would never begin understand the beauty of the person that makes it. And
whether we like it or not, to reach the fullest awareness of an artist’s music involves understanding the passion, drama and drive of
the individual who created it. That’s why in order to truly ‘see’ Prince’s music it must be witnessed in the presence of the man
himself as he creates it there before you. On Friday night, many people, including myself, crossed the line for the first time to a
deeper understanding of Prince’s music. On that stage he showed us the true depth of his gift. True, the man has made many
stunning albums. But his gift possesses such a mysterious power that half of its true magic is in the very air carrying it. And on
Friday night the magic of Prince’s music was like never before. For reasons mostly unknown he has once again become possessed by
the spirit of true passion, spirituality and belief in his own genius that characterised his finest works. Once again, Prince is pushing
at his own boundaries, stepping into territories even he hasn’t yet mapped. This time, it’s into smooth sexy jazz lead by Muse 2 The
Pharaoh, The Rainbow Children and others. On that stage, the conclusion is unmistakable : Prince believed in every song he played
that night. His playing is as much for himself as for his audience. Surely such a thing in performers today is rare, especially for
someone who has been in the business for so long. However, Prince has lost none of his energy - for him, music is life and life is
music. Money, material possessions, fame; none of them are essential to Prince; it is music which flows through his veins. Prince
seems to radiate a kind of beauty. It’s difficult to appreciate just who is standing there in front of you. The man whose life has
achieved so much for so long is standing there right before you. It’s surreal. Prince’s technical abilities have become yet stronger
still. When will it stop ?! He is now at a career high. His falsetto still retains a purity in A Case Of U, unchanged from his earlier
years. His guitar playing still is as ferocious and dexterous as ever, exemplified by the biting solos in Anna Stesia. His showmanship
is still unparalleled; How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore saw Prince as funny, sexy, passionate all in one. And the key to all of this :
Prince enjoys his music and believes in it. Where he has seemed distant and bored in past concerts, tonight he was involved and
happy. However, this time he’s armed with the most talented assemblage of musicians he has ever had. Each one has such stunning
ability on their own instrument. Prince obviously realises this; every musician soloed a number of times throughout the night.
Perhaps one could go as far as to say that their talent on their respective instruments equals Prince’s talent on his own. The truest
genius, however, is how well Prince has woven them together, with perfect control over the band. A mere hand gesture or
instruction and the band changes gear without a lost moment. It’s difficult to believe that a mere quartet of people can create so
much music. There were no backing tracks, all of the sounds came from those people - quite unbelievable ! Prince is the perfect
leader. He understands his place in the band and when to let others shine. It was good to see him stand back and let the band
perform as a solid unit and not as a backing for him. More than ever before, these songs sounded so impressive live that they far
superceded their studio counterparts. In fact, the difference could not be greater. Take all the qualities that make the songs so good
on their respective albums and find those very qualities vastly magnified on stage. Even with guests’ vocals on Shake ! and Girls And
Boys those songs sounded far more exciting than ever before. It’s difficult to put a finger on why exactly the songs sound so radically
superior. Perhaps it was because they flowed into each other so effortlessly, or perhaps they were played with more emotion or
perhaps it was their pure volume ! A satisfying answer is impossible to reach. But when you’re dealing with world class musicians
that’s not surprising - it takes a genius to understand a genius. It’s safe to say that for me, this was in its own way the most
significant night of my life. To finally see the person who is so influential to me was something that can only be understood by
someone by going through a similar process themselves. Only now that I have seen him in the flesh and on top form that I
appreciate a world more about Prince than I did before. His music stills sounds the same to me, yet totally different. At this point,
words fail me when trying to describe how Prince as a person resides in my mind, what I feel about the colossal volume of music he
has made or the gravity of the achievements his career has produced. I can only recall in my own mind something resembling a
realisation of what this man has achieved. And as Prince is now back in control of his ability the future is incredibly exciting. I
cannot even begin to think what he’s going to come up with next. Prince has always been totally unpredictable and when he’s on a
roll, this quality makes being a fan extremely exciting. I could never have predicted the range of emotions that I went through in the
Hammersmith, nor how different everything seems since that night. And neither can anyone else. Hence, my advice : see Prince !
You could never know how your view of Prince will change, and it will, until you do. His genius is only truly recognisable live.
Nothing else comes close. You could listen to his albums all your life and you’d never even touch the surface of what Prince’s music
can do for you. For all the time I’ve been a follower of Prince it’s only now that I feel I’ve actually ‘met’ his music and understood it.
And what a feeling it is ! Thanks for reading this ! I hope Prince brings as much happiness to you as he does to me. Whilst music is
never a suitable replacement for getting out there and living your life it can definitely play a part in reaching greater understanding
and awareness. The One Nite Alone tour book puts it best : "There r still true artists out there who share this intimate knowledge
of what makes us what we r and, thru a single musical phrase or written sentence, can literally open worlds 4 us to explore".
Lastly, a message to you Prince. Thank you for changing the lives of people every night you perform. You could never know what the
effects of your goodness is doing to people around the world every single day. Although history will record you as one of the musical
Greats, I prefer to think of how your gift has touched the lives of thousands of people everywhere. I want to tell you what I am
feeling but words fail me...
Just want 2 say what a great time we had with you on Friday night. Have waited since the Purple Rain time 2 see u - and u didnt
dissapoint us ! Only wish we could have gone 2 the after show party - but we'll be there next time ! Please come back soon - take
care !
The show that night was the hardest funk I have ever seen. Ripples of Blood Sweat and Tears coupled to Average White Band
brass…… How could Mrs Dulfer have known that Candy would play that sweet ! Sexual Saxophony. Who would of thought 2,500
people would applaud a trombonist too ! The drum and bass were the heart of the band they had to hide the percussion behind
Perspex sheets….. small venue, big kit I think. Himself was on fire, as I always say when someone criticises something. Imagine
starting with a blank piece of paper……. what an amazing repertoire Prince has generated. Almost violent rock, beautiful love songs,
sexy stanza with shiver down the back lyrics had Anne glowing next to me. He brought out the child in her, and more than that the
woman. Massive power….. The combo generating a pulsating express train of funk. Filled with keyboards of classical capability and
Candy’s raunchy sexed up flourishes. Just about the best live show I have ever witnessed…… or was it James Brown with a 30 piece
band in Stockholm in the eighties…… come to think of it I think he popped his head round the curtains at the Apollo !! So there we
were. We left with God Is Love on our lips and into the crush at the front of house. God Is Love….not really, more vicious louts
barging people out of the way…. queue jumping for the cloakroom. Swearing and actually spitting at a woman who dared to protest.
Probably a couple of touts who couldn't sell their tickets. But then of course there was always another day…. Saturday. The day The
Slug got his come-uppance ! Off for a cup of tea, tell you about Saturday soon.
BLOWN AWAY is the only way I can describe how I felt after friday night's show. Ever since I walked out that record store with my
first Prince album and sat down and listened to those middle eastern beats and bells and that eerie scream at the beginning of
"Around the world in a day" I've listened.....And what I saw and listened to on friday night was a tight, skilled and talented group of
the finest musicians I think I've ever seen. By far the best band Prince has ever had. I loved the Revolution,never quite got the old
NPG ? but this band....., this band has an understated presence, power and craftmanship of the finest musicians. Their talent and
skill is apparent. The ease of play, and the mood is wonderful, exciting and inspirational. IT WAS A PERFECT PERFORMANCE.
The makers and participants of these popidol, popstars, pop rivals, etc shows should get down to a Prince concert, any Prince
concert, but especially this one and see how it's supposed to be done. Prince, I think you were especially wonderful. I love your
manner. You are an inspiration to me.
Dear Prince, Gig is the wrong word... it was a truly magical and spiritual event, as each and every one of the audience felt a
tremendous connection in what must have been your most playful, emotional and interactive show yet. What a delight to hear you
perform, in full, songs you've previously teased us with one or two lines from - "The Beautiful Ones", "Raspberry Beret" and "When
You were Mine". The stripped down set and lighting only added to the laid-back intimacy as did your hilarious banter with the
crowd. And I thought your silver-grey suit was your most sublime outfit yet. I am and academic and I'm completing a PhD on your
contribution to women's lives and identities in Britain (I've been a major fan since '82 which is no mean feat with so little airplay
back then). As always, you work so closely with women both on stage and in your audience - it is a shame British journalists (mostly
men) still don't get it ! Women adore you... you promote and emancipate us, and for those of us who have followed you since our
teens you have genuinely empowered us. One a more visceral level, there were female gasps on Friday as you clambered onto your
piano pleading "Call Me"...there's a feminine nerve only you can touch. But your phenomenal versatility as a musician, performer
AND commentator will forever ensure you a massive and devoted following in the UK. Your followers' bond with you is profound
and intimate - we all hope and pray you'll come back and see us very soon.
What can I say..... the man is funky and damn funny. It’s been worth the 4 year wait cos Prince and the band rocked. Prince is on
top form and no one can even try and fault him and I feel honoured to have witnessed the man perform with this kind of energy and
conviction. My feet are still numb after all the dancing ! Prince has always inspired me and allowing me to sing in the soundcheck
and dance a few times over the three shows made my night and has given me more confidence in my own performance. Dreams can
come true. His dancing was too good and you could feel his passion exuding from him. The band were tight and looking good.... I
just love the suits man ! Highlights for me will always be The Beautiful Ones, The Ladder, The Rainbow Children (too funky)
amongst so many other fantastic performances. I've met great people and the fans just love to party. Hope everyone else has the
same experience as me as he and the band travel around the world. You are in for some true MAGIC.
What a truely fantastic night ! My second Prince gig ever (the first being way back in 89') and it excelled all my expectations no end.
Thank you Prince 4 playing "Nothing compares 2 u" and "Someimes it snows in april",the latter always brings a tear 2 my eye. And
OH BOY ! You sure know how 2 ROCK ! Looking forward 2 the next album.
It’s been a very strange day today. For me anyway. I would normaly blame it on something like the weather perhaps but I haven't
really taken any notice. Perhaps its because I returned home this morning at 6am in a daze after being taken on a most amazing 2
day rollercoaster journey fuelled by my hero PRINCE and The NPG. It all started on thursday afternoon when myself and my friend
Becky travelled to London, already fully in party mood, to claim our tickets and laminates to get into the concert and sound check
for the long awaited return of 'the one and only'. To think before going into the sound check that we were going to be treated and
genuinely made to feel like we were part of some very close family would have been silly. And yet the relaxed feel of not only the pre-
concert gathering but also the main event was spiritual and tremendously moving. I have been very fortunate in the past to see
PRINCE perform on many occassions {dare I admit over 40 times} in different parts of the world during tours back as far as the
Parade era. Never have I not been blown away. But this ONE NIGHT ALONE tour is up close and personal. As a member of the
club, being able to extend all that electric excitement from the concert to an after party later on that night and into the early hours of
the next morning, was an added bonus. On the friday, both my friend and I had little time to pull ourselves together just to make it
back over to The Apollo to experience it all again. This time as if possible, it was even better. What a sound check ! Prince made us
laugh, sing and dance. As for the few brave enough to go up on stage and solo with him, big respect ! One girl in particular had us all
in awe. Prince too was surprised. The main event was a lot different and was definatly the BEST performance I have seen him make.
Sometimes it Snows in April had the whole place misty eyed. It was all over too soon but HECK, off to another after party where
even the queue was great fun meeting and talking with other friendly and excited people. Alas, at some point it all has to end and for
my friend and I it was that time to return to Brighton falling into beds at 6am this morning. So you see today has been a bit strange
for me. Especially as PRINCE is on stage now as I write this and I wish I could be there too.
Prince & the NPG gave the best live show I ever expect to experience last night (though I'm also going tonight so we'll see), From the
soundcheck (thankufalettinmebemyselfagin - one of myfavourite Sly songs) it was all out & out funk. This band is BAD. Thank you
Prince for coming back to the UK and blowing all my expectations. I have been a fan since 81, have been to every tour in Europe
since & I though Parade & SOTT tours were gonna be hard to beat, but last night you blew me away. Maceo, Candy, Greg, Renato,
Mr B, Rhonda you are the best band EVER !!! NO CONTEST ! Can't wait to get me hands on Xenophobia. Love is God God is Love
boys & girls love God above………………
It was my second concerts in London this time and it was Amazing ! Everything was so different than yesterday's concert (3rd Oct)
!! Soundcheck was totally different. Prince let fans sing his songs with his keyboard ! The concerts had a big difference as well. The
core songs from the Rainbow children remains but a lots of new songs for this European Tour as follows : When you were mine,
Power Fantastic, Starfish and Coffee, Anna Stesia ... and mane more new songs !! Prince was so relaxed and friendly. He allowed
non-NPG fans to go to just front of the stage. I can't wait for tommorow's night Concert !!!
Wow ! what can I say.... Prince, you knocked my socks off !..... at one point I found myself standing there motionless with my mouth
wide open. This gig was just amazing ! My motionless didn’t last long though...as the music was just tooooo funky ! My girlfriend
didn’t know what to expect as she’s not a great fan, but she loved it ! Your main show was wicked ! (in a good way !) The horns were
exceptional, when you want sax you can always call Candy ! When you picked up your guitar(s) I was just awe struck. The main
show was a great set with mainly Rainbow Children and some great oldies, Starfish and Coffee was great, The Beautiful Ones blew
me away !, and Anna Stesia finished the night off brilliantly !
I was at your concert last night and it was amazing ! I've just turned 15 and this was the first ever live concert I've been too and I
expect it will be forever the best ! The music and your performance was out of this world. I was also happy to read in the paper that
you are vegan (I am too). One thing however, why did you drop your microphone on the floor and leave ? Were you annoyed at the
crowd's response ? I hope I'm not being too naive but some other people at the concert questioned it too. Anyway, thank you for a
fantastic evening, I'll never forget it.
Prince 2night u changed my life ..... I have loved your music for many years seen all ur live videos and thought Rave 2 the joy was
amazing but last night u damn near BLEW my mind !! What a band what a sound sheer GENIUS !! U look and sound amazing long
may it continue... I loved every moment from the second Maceo passed by me playing his sax like the pied piper of Old London
town we all followed you are truly the LEADER... The Set list was soooo perfect the funk was all around we dnaced like maniacs...
then u and ur piano soothed our souls and they all soared high above us..
Dearest all, Its 6.25am on the 5th October and I have not slept yet. Why ? Because around 5pm yesterday, I went to the most
soulful, funky, rocking and emotional concert performed by intense and truthful musicians. The sound check wasn't just 'another'
Prince concert, it felt like a family get together around the piano, singing in a lazy days last hours of sunshine. It felt right ! Thank
you Prince for sharing with us that experience. I have been to many concerts, enjoyed them all and have even had the pleasure to
meet you (Prince) but the hands that lovingly keyed out your notes last night did your creations more than justice, they made my
mind explode and my body shake and my soul float, I thank you the band for bringing supreme truth to princes songs of old and
new alike. :-) you got the funk. All the music you played and sang for us last nite was perfect, a few times I turned around to watch
the crowd and share with those behind me, joy brought tears. I sang, I laughed, I cried, I listened, and I thought, and most of all I
loved. And as usual made more new friends of kindred positive spirit. Thank you prince for giving me the oppotunity to dance with
you. I danced all nite, but there was something magical about being in your space that thrilled and inspired me. I don't actually
recall all that you said at the beginning but I do recall something about you being scared of redheads he-he-. ;-) don't be scared I
won't hurt u, I only want u to have some fun ! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, I will not hesitate the next time ! I need to get
some sleep now, me and my friends went on to a club and danced on and on and grasped on to our moments of higher self for as
long as we could, but now my slumber calls. I look forward to seeing you all later today. thank you prince, the band and all of you
that went last nite, Wasn't it alive !
What a concert for all of us ! Danced the night away with my buddies from work James and Simon of the "New Products
Revolution" (as we call ourselves !!!) Truely purpletastic !!! Flushed with the pleasure of hearing all my favourite songs, I dreamed
last night I had "Starfish and Coffee" wearing my "Raspberry Beret - the one I bought from the second hand store...." You are the
man ! Thank you so much for a wonderful concert. It wasn't just the "Doves that cried"
Guys, What can I say - the last time I saw Prince live was at Wembley in '92. Tonight beat that gig ! It was just exceptional. If at all
possible, please extend my thanks for a set to remember. What I loved was the fact that Prince played tunes the fans love, and these
are not necessarily the tunes that chart.
The e mail address is u tell us. So I'll tell U : every second of tonight was a joy. It's 2 late 2 go into detail. But this was the best Prince
gig I've been 2, by a long way. The band brought the Rainbow Children 2 life. Prince was divine. The Horns 2 die 4. Drums
thumping. A bass and a bass player and keyboards like U never hear. The sound check - well just sign up 2 NPG music club now
'cause U don't want 2 ever miss it. The concert - that is truth. A crowd sings God is Love, Love is God. Something's going right.
Embassy Afterparty
There was an afterparty at the Embassy room. Prince attended but remained in a sealed-off VIP section. Some of the band
members mingled with the audience. DJ Dudley D. played the music.
The aftershow party - who else does this kinda thing for their fans - no one ! I even got interviewed while waiting in line outside the
venue ­ if you ever do watch it ­ I’m the blond guy in a kinda of pink stripy shirt !
05-10-2002 : The Times (UK)
By David Sinclair
October 05, 2002, Hammersmith Apollo
If it wasn’t for the internet and concerts like this you wouldn’t know Prince still exists. His last album to be released on a proper
record label, Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic, in 1999, sold a mere 5,000 copies in this country. His current album, The Rainbow
Children, is being sold through his website, the medium by which the artist formerly known as a squiggle now conducts all relations
with the outside world. His performances are unadvertised and critics are expressly uninvited (although those who manage to write
about his shows in sufficiently glowing terms may find their comments posted on his website). His rejection of the demands of fame
extends to the heart of his show itself and it is difficult to think of any other 44-year-old superstar who could get away with ignoring
his core repertoire so completely as Prince did on Thursday night. More than two-and-a-half hours in, the grand tally of hits
performed with the band consisted of Take Me With You, Raspberry Beret and Nothing Compares 2 U (which the audience was
mostly required to sing for itself) while bits of one or two others found their way into a section performed solo at the keyboard.
Whatever else he may be up to on this curiously-titled One Nite Alone tour, the singer who saw the era of the text message coming
was certainly not trading on past glories. Instead, aided by a six-piece band with a distinctly jazz-rock feel, he waded into a set
dominated by material from The Rainbow Children. The dresscode was smooth criminal — suits, ties, a fedora here and there —
with Prince looking like a star from the doo-wap era in his knife-sharp beige suit and floppy hair. “I’m not interested in what you
know, but what you’re prepared to learn,” he told us bullishly, after an incendiary version of 1+1+1 is 3, which like many of the
songs combined a savage funk backbeat with extravagant lashings of faux-Hendrix guitar soloing. Backed by a horn section
comprising Maceo Parker, Greg Boyer and Candy Dulfer, and with bass player Rhonda Smith keeping the foxy female quotient up to
par, Prince sang, danced and played with a knowing sense of regency flash to produce a performance that was more musically
sophisticated than ever, and still dazzling to watch. “Real music by real musicians, huh ?” he declared immodestly, but you could
see his point. The stage was thronged with fans, the houselights switched on and the band still going strong an hour after the show
had “ended”. The man makes up his own rules. Perhaps they are still playing now.
ā™« London Soundcheck
(A : One Nite Alone @ The Apollo – 6/10)
Tamborine (Incl. Freddie Freeloader) / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / DMSR (Incl. Music Lover - Alphabet St) / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me)
The Work Pt 1 / Joy In Repetition
ā™« London Hammersmith Apollo
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2:40 / Attendance : 3.000 / Sold Out
(A : Last Nite Alone In London – 5/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / The Work Pt 1 / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Let’s Work)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me - The Other Side Of The Pillow)
Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Whole Lotta Love / The Ride / Family Name
Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Don’t Play Me / 7
Pink Cashmere / One Kiss At A Time / Telemarketers Blues / Days Of Wild
Peach / Joy In Repetition / Alphabet St (Incl. Water – Pow – Prince And The Band)
Third concert at Carling Hammersmith Apollo, London. The concert
featured an acoustic guitar set comprised of "Don't Play Me," "7," "Pink
Cashmere," "One Kiss At A Time," and "Telemarketers Blues."
The third and final night in London was always going to be a
rather special occasion, and Prince doesn't disappoint with an
extremely rare "acoustic" set added for the first time in the
tour. What is disappointing though is the quality of the
recording - it's perhaps the worst of the entire European leg of
the One Nite Alone tour. The audience level throughout is
extremely loud and very overpowering. The recording also has
a number of slightly annoying flaws which make for frustrating
listening, including some digital skipping and a a mobile phone
in close proximity which beeps every 10/15 minutes. These
things added together really make this recording only attractive
to the people in attendance, or the completists out there. The
tracking on this particular version is also a mess with one song spanning 2 (and sometimes 3) different tracks.
'The Ride' gets a rare performance on the tour, however the most obvious stand-out moment comes in the form of
the excellent acoustic set almost identical to the 2002 Xenophobia Celebration and every bit as enjoyable. The
recording is also slightly incomplete and 'One Kiss At A Time' cuts out and fades back in during the opening of 'Joy
In Repetition' - similarly the closing 'Alphabet St.' jam
fades out prematurely. It's also worth pointing out this
show features the fancy footwork of the (in)famous
Prince community member Toto during 'The Work Part 1'.
It's a great pity, but in all honesty I cannot see this
recording being significant to anyone without a particular
interest in the show as the quality of the recording is
rather poor by today's high standards. Shame.
What a wait. Four years since The Artist played Brixton Academy
and now he returned as Prince. And what a ‘comeback’. The
queues which surrounded Brixton Academy in ’98 were nowhere to be seen at the Hammersmith Apollo as the doors were open and
everyone could just stroll in. What a relaxed atmosphere – before walking into the auditorium. The new merchandise was good to
see, with the ‘Universal Tour’ t-shirt being a favourite for many. The shadow of a pensive Prince in black and white, on a black tshirt made it a classy purchase…. But then this was a classy venue. Prince playing a seated venue, more like a theatre. This was
going to be a different kinda show. Or was it ? Into the auditorium, and the greeting was made by a magnificent ‘Rainbow Children’
backdrop. At the back of the stage, were three mikes for the brass section, with keyboards either side of the stage also. And a drum
kit that needed a major portion of the stage ! The realisation began to sink in that this funky, jazzy album was about to get a good
airing. But first, who was going to be the support ? No mention of support on the tickets, were we going to get a surprise ? Indeed
there was a surprise. The pleasant surprise of no support and just three solid hours of Prince-invented jazz-funk. The Man casually
strolls on stage in a finely tailored suit, smiling. He is looking relaxed as he opens with ‘Rainbow Children’. And that’s just the start.
OK, let’s say you’re going to see Prince tomorrow. Excited ? Well get onto www.npgmusicclub.com and read the reviews of the other
shows. Now that should put you in the mood. So when you arrive at Hammersmith Apollo the one thing you should not expect is for
your show to be like all the others. The reviews will tell you what songs and in what order, but wait : His name is Prince, and he is
funky… …so he will do exactly as his artistic mind pleases. And for Saturday 5 th October at Hammersmith Apollo it was for him to
walk off the stage, for the band to stop playing, the lights to dim and for the audience to think, "what next ?". The stage crew come
on, a mic stand is placed in centre stage, a stool, and one of the stand-alone spot lamps is moved closer to the stool. Things are
looking intimate when, an acoustic guitar is placed on a guitar stand next to the stool. All of a sudden it feels like One Nite Alone.
Prince walks on stage, and it’s his stage. He picks up the guitar and then begins a real treat. Part way through one of the acoustic
ballads, a guy in the stools shouts, "We love you Prince !". He stops playing. "I don’t mind if you wanna tell me you love me, but
only if you’re a woman. And if you’re a guy and you wanna tell me you love me, then do it in one of the loud, funky songs when I
can’t hear ya." Hammersmith was filled with many people laughing and smiling faces, Prince’s unique humour reaching all of us
once again. And as for those funky songs, there were plenty. Family Name, Everlasting Now, 1+1+1=3 all seriously funked up. This
was a party to be at. For the last number, and in true Prince style, fams were invited up to the stage. This being the first UK tour
since the inception of the NPG Music Club, it was members who were in poll-position. There seemed to be a swarm from the stalls,
as many fams made their way onto the stage, and for a while you couldn’t see Prince for all the fams up there. Over the funky music,
Prince said to the audience that he was going to go to an after-show party with his friends, and while saying this he gestured
towards the front rows of the stalls. Then he began to sing over the music with the words, "Join the club, join the club". The message
was clear… But three hours felt like three minutes, and very soon a voice came over the P.A. system giving the location of the aftershow party. A journey across London had to be made, with no guarantee of entry to the after-show. But that didn’t taint the evening.
Waiting at a cold Waterloo Station for the first train, it didn’t feel as if Prince was in town. Perhaps going to all three London shows
may have cured that, but then, no Prince concert seems long enough even though they’re three hours in length… Back at the office,
Monday morning, my work colleagues ask me, "How was the Prince concert ?". "Real Music by Real Musicians", I replied. So the gig
ended with Prince singing "join the club, join the club", and for those on stage - already members of the NPG Music Club - the
benefits were clear. All the British gigs sold out within days, leaving some fans to purchase their tickets any which way they could.
With the ‘official’ ticket vendors sold out, a black market existed for two weeks before the actual gigs. Advertisements for One Nite
Alone tickets could be found in the classified section of the music press, and on many internet sites. The auction site ebay had many
tickets on sale by many who would seem not to be Prince fams, just money-makers. It would be easy to have vengeful feelings
towards such ‘business’ persons, but at the same time, they provided an opportunity for those who were unable to get tickets for the
gigs. Certainly, after a matter of days, all the good seats had sold leaving plenty of circle tickets for sale – if you wanted a view from
the ceiling. So while making a ‘quick buck’, the seller’s on such internet sites clearly had a market, and one that could be exploited
right up to the night of the gigs – with some sellers offering to meet the winning bidders at the venue to hand over the tickets. There
was an example of standing tickets at the rear of the stalls being sold for £70 each, yet their face value was just £30 – the same price
as the Brixton Academy tickets four years ago. And in the final few days leading up to the London and Manchester gigs, £70 was
going to be cheap. On looking through some of these adverts, some were describing ‘FRONT ROW TICKETS’. What they weren’t
telling avid Prince fans, is that the tickets were in the front row of a block….. in the circle. Was anyone misled by this ? Let’s face it,
Prince does not need to advertise touring anymore. He tours outside of America so rarely, that we non-Americans are eager for his
next appearance and the tickets disappear with haste. But then, there is the alternative. www.npgmusicclub.com. And at the end of
the Saturday gig in London, anyone who wasn’t a member was perhaps wishing they were. Were you a non-member before the One
Nite Alone gigs, and have since joined ? Or perhaps you had to pay over-the-odds for your ticket ? Did you miss the gigs completely
because you didn’t hear about them ? Either way, The Dawn Experience wants to hear from you.
ā™« London Marquee Aftershow
* Start : 2:00AM / Duration : 1:00 / Attendance : 1.200 / Sold Out
(A : Winnipeg & London Aftershows – 7/10)
Instrumental / Automatic (Incl. Shake !) / Instrumental (Incl. Movin’ – Psychoticbumpschool)
Dolphin / Sign O’ The Times / Tambourine / Sexy Dancer / The Work Pt 1 (Incl. Soul Power)
Soul Power (Incl. Ain’t It Funky Now) / Bustin’ Loose / Johnny
Prince plays an aftershow at The New Marquee, a newly opened London club. Famous
as a music venue in the West End of London for decades, the Marquee club had recently
moved to brand-new premises right in the middle of a shopping mall. At around 2:00 am,
John Blackwell started the set with a percussive beat over which Renato Neto started
playing keyboard and Prince guitar. The number turned into a jazzy instrumental featuring
multiple guitar and keyboard solos, ending with a drum solo. It was immediately followed
by "Automatic," which Prince started on guitar. Retaining the groove of "Automatic," the
song segued into "Shake," which evolved into a lengthy jam with several horn solos.
"Take it to E, y'all," Prince cued for a key change halfway through the song, which was
also the cue for Rhonda Smith on bass to copy the guitar lick that Prince was playing. The
ensuing jam had the horns incorporate lines from both Brass Constructions "Movin" (from
Brass Construction, 1975) and Bootsy Collins' "Psychoticbumpschool." Then came a
version of "Dolphin" for which the crowd provided the chorus vocals although quite a few
had trouble remembering the lyrics. The song ended with Prince improvising on guitar a
bit, before launching into a blistering version of "Sign O' The Times," which included
scratching by DJ Dudley D. The audience took the lead voice on the second verse. After this, Prince started beatboxing a beat,
which Blackwell copied on drums before Prince began singing the chorus of "Tamborine." "I just wanted to check and see if the
funk was in here," he said, before cueing a key change by telling the band to "put it in G, y'all" and launch into "Sexy Dancer." This
turned out to be more of a short instrumental jam, with Prince inserting chants of "Sexy Dancer" here and there. After a drum solo
by Blackwell, the band went into "The Work. Pt. 1," which saw Prince passing over the microphone to a female audience member
that provided powerful vocals towards the end. The horns introduced the lick of James Brown's “Soul Power" (from Revolution Of
The Mind, 1971), after which Prince sang some of the Iyrics. Also included was a bit of "Ain't It Funky Now." The audience
contributed a chant of "I got a lotta work to do." Next was a Go Go-style jam with a "Bustin' Loose" chant, which evolved into a jam
based loosely around “Johnny," complete with "ah-oh-oh” chants. Prince left the stage after an hour, ignoring shouts of an encore.
Dearest Prince and THE Band. Its now tuesday evening and I am still floating after seeing, hearing and feeling y' all on the 3rd and
4th October, London. I want to shower you all with glorious gratitude for the supreme performance you gave on saturday night in
London. Not that Friday wasn't fabulous, Hey it was a personal revelation for me that night ! (Dancing on stage for/with you). But
Saturday was just as funky and THEN SOME !!! How do you all do it ? A pre concert, then a three hour set then an after show. You
all have taught me so much about Fun stamina and determination in one night ! Everything I have read on the NPG reviews are
spot on, I'm sure I speak for many when I say 'Thank for inviting me to your party'. When Alphabet ST started and you asked for
dancers, I approached cautiously and awaited your approval as the usher wasn't too sure. How wonderful it was to be dancing with
you in your space (a lucky second time) and with many others right in front of the band. When I danced alone on the friday it was
an indescribable feeling, though I felt I was dancing 'for' you. On saturday I was in a party of funky beautiful ones where you played
the music, and I danced right close up to all the musicians and you ! I so love to hear music right up close, I felt like I was at a gig at
the jazz cafe, the vibe was electric. And we all created, that was clear but it was initiated by you, thanks again. Every instrument was
so perfectly and soulfully played, I thought John’s drums were going to explode,
'go John' I was screaming ! And there are no words to describe Prince playing
guitar when you hear it on a cd let alone Live !!! He astounds my synapses.
(Talking of which my synapses are still saturated, am going to have generate some
more receptors !) Seeing the horns pass me by, down the left aisle, is a scene I
shall never forget ! I heard the raw notes ! If Prince was any closer to me when he
sat on the chair behind me I would have crowned him. The party rocked with joy
and passion. There are no words to convey the vibe. If you are reading this and
haven't got tickets, make sure you don't miss out next time, please, its for your
own good now ! Thank you singing Joy In Repetition, it has always been one of my
favorites. Thank you for DMSR, Strollin', The Ride, Extraordinary, 1+1+1 Is 3,
Pink Cashmere (the best acoustic !) and your really funny TBF (acoustic). Thank
you also for Tambourine and Dolphin and Sign o The Times at the aftershow. YOU
ARE 3 FUNKY ! And thanks to the dj ! he really helped the time pass while we
waited, me and Kalam funked to Erotic City and Partyman big time ! Thank you to
John, Candy and Greg and Maceo for the chat after the Marquee Show. I just
wanted to show you my gratitude in person. Sorry I missed Rhonda and your new
keys player, I didn't hear his name. I loved his solos too. mmmm strolling ! My
first concert was Diamonds and Pearls. I was too young for the others and
unfortunately my parents were not down for taking me. After seeing some of the
others on video I always felt that I missed out. However I can see that you (Prince)
haven't lost any essence. I saw the showman, but I also saw a mere musician
trying to reach to the hearts and souls of the ears that listened. And I am truly
grateful, I don't feel that I have missed anything. I'm sure others too feel that they
have shared the most spiritual and positive experience of music ever ! I got all
your messages and was happy to see that you understand the media at its political
corporate level. I wonder how many really understand the way of the world today.
Keep on opening their eyes, its what we can do best ! Keep on going O funky1,
don't ever stop. Hope you had a good time in Manchester and take home
enchanting memories of England. Good luck to you all with the rest of the tourl,
hope to catch up with you somewhere sometime. And greg, thanks for the voice remedy, It works. Thank your friend for their curing
cocktail ;-)
06-10-2002 : The Guardian (UK)
Prince among men
By Kitty Empire
Prince Hammersmith Apollo, London W6
He's close enough to touch. It's one of the more amazing aspects of this 'intimate' show by The Artist Now Once Again Known As
Prince. We're accustomed to witnessing his gyrations from a stadium distance or through the never-never veil of the video screen.
And yet there Prince Rogers Nelson is, all 44 years of him, giftwrapped in a dapper grey suit, close enough for us to see the sweat.
The name-changing, label-fighting, misspelling egomaniacal grotesque of recent memory ? He's somewhere else tonight. The maths
of stellar decline dictates that the man should now only be able to play ever cosier venues. Prince's One Nite Alone tour is easily
read as a calculated retreat from his old pulling power. More worryingly, rumours suggest raunch is off the menu since he became a
Jehovah's Witness. Not a bit of it. If ever a pop star could get away with leading a jazz band in a small space and then, after twoand-a-half hours of non-stop workouts, leave you desperate to find out whether there is an aftershow jam, it's this one. Well before
he became the reclusive eccentric, Prince was a multi-instrumentalist funk prodigy. Tonight reminds you of that. It's as though he is
simply made of music, whipping his band through a (lengthy) jazz-funk set which becomes a priapic rock show, which later
becomes a good-natured singalong of 'Nothing Compares 2 U'. There's a stunning interlude where he turns electric bluesman and
segues into Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love', which sees men of a certain age actually quaking with awe. The first encore ? A solo
soul set, with Prince at a piano emitting a seamless flow of yips, whoops, snarls and moans of finely turned ecstasy. It's a relief to
find that reports of Prince's bowdlerisation have been exaggerated. The lurid crotch-grabbing routine has, admittedly, been refined.
But 'I Wanna Be Your Lover' is as hormonal and direct as ever, the jealous lust of 'The Beautiful Ones' intact and riveting. He
loosens his tie with a smirk and it's suggestion enough. 'If you come here to get your "Purple Rain" on you're in the wrong
building,' he laughs (laughs !), in the middle of one of the absurd funk jams that begin the evening. 'I'm not interested in what you
know, I'm interested in what you can learn.' From a lesser figure, this would be self-indulgent twaddle. As it is, the portentous
introductory songs from his last album, The Rainbow Children - 'Muse 2 The Pharaoh' and 'The Work Pt 1' - become party tunes,
and the obscurities - 'Extraordinary', 'Gotta Broken Heart Again' - reason to marvel at the back catalogue's depth. The crowdpleasers do come out near the end : 'Take Me With U' and 'Raspberry Beret' are a double whammy of happy nostalgia, and their
inclusion feels natural, ungrudging despite Prince's earlier defiance. Granted, it is a trial by jazz at times. Saxophonists Maceo
Parker and Candy Dulfer are given ample leave to solo, and the band weigh in whenever Prince leaves the stage. The dance contest
for members of the fanclub also feels superfluous, and Strange Relationship's tirade against the media isn't artistically interesting.
At the end, members of the fanclub throw shapes onstage as Prince, at the back, plays a house piano rave-up. They're obviously
under orders not to mob him but, as the second encore winds to a halt, one girl reaches out and just brushes his shoulder. As
performances go, though, Prince's is untouchable.
07-10-2002 : Manchester Apollo Theater
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Attendance : 2.700 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : £60
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Xenophobia / A Case Of U / The Work Pt 1 / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Housequake) / The Other Side Of The Pillow / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Girls & Boys
Diamonds And Pearls / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Adore / Starfish And Coffee /
Sometimes It Snows In April / Nothing Compares 2 U
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / The Beautiful Ones / The Ladder / Empty Room / Purple Rain
First concert at Carling Apollo, Manchester, England. "Empty Room" was
Only one fault with this concert, and that was that it had to end and sooner or
later I'll have to get down off this cloud ! What a downer ! How am I gonna fill
this empty room ? You were all truly magnificent, and Prince, yes, you are sheer
perfection. I'm choked until next time.....
This was my first Prince concert. Its now two days later I am still shaking from
the sheer excitement of the thing I didn’t reckognise some of the songs so if
anyone has a set list I’d be grateful. I couldn’t believe how brilliant he was.
Purple Rain was orgasmic. Every single musician on ther was amazing. What a drum solo as well. Actually what a good sax solo.
And bass…… I only regret two things : One not getting the number of the girl next to me. Two not getting tickets for the second
night. Cant wait till the purple one returns
Wow ! What can I say ? Words cant describe how amazing monday 7th of october was for me. Truly fantastic ! Prince and NPG are a
real band who play real music. It was the best gig I’ve ever bin too !! and I don’t think anything will ever come close to it ! Nothing !
Unless you come back again. I’m still speechless. Rainbow children and everything else was super duper funky !!! just amazing ! So
thank you thank you thank you !! Please come back soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god ! What a night ! Prince and the NPG you rocky my world baby ! You guys are so good 2gether ! Just a small complaint,
'GET JOHN OUT 4M BEHIND THOSE DRUMS ! HE IS SERIOUSLY CUTE !' I was one of the 'lucky' ones that was chosen for the
dance comp. I am so sorry to let the side down but when Prince came down and walked right up to me and asked if I could dance I
thought I was going to die ! As it happens I have no recollection of what happened up on stage so if anyone can fill me in I will be
most grateful ! Oh and Prince, I really don't care if we spend the night at your mansion !
I've been to the Apollo to see lots of bands, I can honestly say I have never experienced a crowd that was so excited as on Monday. It
was a master class in music and it makes all other "musicians" around today seem insignificant by comparison. Loved the new stuff,
loved the old stuff but most of all I loved the style of whole thing. Prince is right this aint 1984, the music and the performance is
even better than it was then. Two days on and I am still on a high. Manchester loves Prince and I think Prince knows that now.
Maybe the ONA tour should end in Manchester.
I'd just like to say one thing : unbelievable, the master was on top form, the band were incredible, it was a night that will stay in my
memory until I die. I was a guest of one of the members of the fan club and loved the benefits. I was a little disappointed u didn't
show up for the sound checks or at the after show party but the show made up for that. Thank u for doing Sometimes It Snows In
April, that song has personal meaning to me as my daughter was born in April and it snowed on that day. Prince u r an unbelievable
artist and proved it in Manchester please do not stop entertaining your fans.
Where do you start...this intimate, tactile setfile was filled with an aromatic haze that made you want to sequel like a headless
chicken when the chance for audience participation arose. The real treat as I write this was the latter half, but given time, the new
styles at the start will without doubt become part of the new classics. This was in total contrast to the 'bigger venue' shows NEC etc
and for my money simply awesome ! It flowed like ink from a Montblanc Fountain Pen and with such exclusivity of passion that one
sometimes felt that we were members of a very private club, and in fact we are and indeed really quite honoured ! Dublin be
warned, when you're asked is it better to give than receive, make sure you're the loudest to reply with "GIVE" and you might be in
for a special treat ! To simply say thank you is not enough, so you can be sure of a new member to npgmusicclub, but "thanks" as
well to you and your whole crew !
Tonite I just witnessed the funkiest show on earth, Prince u and your band r the greatest. Thanx 2 Greg u blew me away, Rhonda
funky funky bass, Renato where did u find this guy, Maceo somebody stop me parker, Candy soooo sexy, John must b from another
planet Blackwell and last but not least the untouchable Prince u bring so much colour 2 my life, thanx once again 4 a unforgetable
nite, my foots still a tapin.Oh and nearly forgot thanx 2 all the rainbow children u surely did rise
I just wann say thank you, for makein the 'One Night Alone' tour organised and hassle free 4 me. I liked the way NPGMC members
didn't have 2 que up or wait 2 get in and wait 2 get there tickets. Seein Prince again, was like livin again, special thanks 2 Prince.
What a nite, my ears r still ringing from what was the best show I’ve ever seen, The Rainbow Children sounds even better live, REAL
MUSIC BY REAL MUSICIANS is what prince said and boy he wasnt kidding what a band. What an encore 2 finish a stonking
version of Purple Rain. So 2 PRINCE, JOHN, MACEO, RHONDA, CANDY, RENATO, GREG and all the NPG members thanks 4
making it such a beautiful nite words r 2 weak 2 define just what u mean 2 me.
Had a great time at school last night !! Prince is undoubtedly THE greatest guitarist an audience has ever experienced. The band
were tight as a drum, Candy, Maceo, wow... Real music by real musicians.
One of the best Prince concerts I have been to. A fantastic mix of material played with brilliance, wit and style. Loved the version of
"The Other Side of the Pillow" and The Rainbow Children songs were amazing. Having Candy and Maceo in tow just put the icing
on the cake. Great seats as well....thanxs NPGMC. Don't leave it so long till you return.
What a fantastic night had by all - I would have paid the admission just to hear Purple Rain - it was superb - Prince - you are such a
tease !! I will be joining NPG next year so make sure you don't leave it sooo long before you tour again !!
Wow ! Thank you thank you ! Just the best concert ever ! You completely blew everyone away. I've been a Prince fam since I was 14
years old - your music is the soundtrack to my life ! My life is fantastic ! What a nite ! Thank you thank you ! Thank you !
Thank You Prince I believe I just witnessed the greatest live show ever, the performance was beyond my expectations ! The future is
funky ! I cant believe I was so close 2 u on stage it was unbelievable, I’m still shakin' with excitement ! Plz tour again soon, without
the live experiences I think I would shrivel up and die 4ever Love41another
I travelled from Scotland (Glasgow) to witness the BEST gig I have ever seen ! This was my sixth Prince night, and it was by far the
most intense and intimate concert I've seen from him. He played so many of my favourites, including those ones that tug at the
heart-strings because they mean something to ME. We all know the ones, right ? Those songs he just had to have written for you - in
your current situation - because they sum up exactly how your feeling right now. He was good enough to sing "How come you don't
call me anymore ?", "A case of U" and "When U were mine" just for me !! (Well at least it seemed that way to me...) Purple Rain was
amazing. His performance was perfection, as usual, and the band excellent. If I had to sum up his performance, it would be : "He
seemed to enjoy it as much as we did !" I don't think I've seen him smile or laugh as much in any previous show ! Prince and
npgmusicclub, thank you. The aftershow party was great, and even though I drove all night to get back home in time for work this
morning, my head is still buzzing and I'm still smiling ! Come back to Scotland soon. I'm off to see if I can get some tickets for
another show in Europe ! School has never been so much fun. Peace.
Manchester 7th October 2002. This truly was a night for seasoned Prince fans. Having seen prince in 1986 ‘Parade’ tour through to
the current One Night Alone tour. For the first hour we were treated to the sublime jazz of 'The Rainbow Children'. The following
back catalogue was sprinkled effortlessly upon us for the following two hours. The crowd went wild when again the band took to the
stage… we were not prepared for the final encore of Purple Rain… No one was prepared for such a treat of enormous magnitude.
Finally we all left stunned and somewhat happy !!!!! Hearing Sometimes it snows in April again has put a smile on one fans face at
least !! After all the night was a night full of giving and receiving..
Hi NPG and Prince. Thank you for coming to England to play for us. Wow ! Wow ! and double Wow ! with a cherry on top, what a
band. Renato when are you going to release your own solo album, can I pre order a copy ? You're one funky, talented fella. Prince,
as always you blow me away. You're so charming and funny; how a real man should be. I came home from Manchester last night
and found bruises on my hands from clapping so much, sad or what ! My family and friends think I'm crazy liking you (it always
goes just like you said), but I know I was blessed the day I brought home my first Prince CD.
Wow ! What more can I say ? He's a funky man !... But that's enough about Nick :o) Prince, cheers for a fantastic night. I've been to
4 different tours now, and last night was by far the funkiest yet. Plus, Candy & Maceo- you were smokin'! And as if an amazing gig
wasn't enough, I got to meet up with some old friends that I've not seen for years, so thanks for that 2 ! NPG Music Club- Worth
every penny.
After Saturday’s concert and aftershow I thought it couldn't get any better, but then I went to Manchester !! Although there was no
soundcheck, the concert was worth the ticket price : The Beautiful Ones, Adore, Other Side Of The Pillow, Nothing Compares 2 u thank u ! Please don't leave it another 4 years !
No matter how many other artists I go and see none will ever match the concert I saw last night, the music was out of this world.
With the chains of the record companies broken Prince is back with his freedom of exprecion, and his message at the end "we all
need to come together" said it all.
Thank you for a brilliant night. Of all the Prince tours I've seen (Lovesexy - Nude and Diamonds and Pearls) this one stands out
through sheer intimacy, honesty and dazzling musicianship. It was fan-funking-tastic !
What can I say…THE MOST FANTASTIC SHOW I HAVE EVER SEEN about sums it up…Both the band and Prince were on another
planet and the performance was the best I have ever seen him deliver. As for the play list it ranged from some of the old classics,
Christopher Tracy’s Parade was one of my favs, 2 the latest ‘future’ classics. Then just when I thought it couldn’t get any better we
got Purple Rain !!!
AWESOME !! That's all I can say about last nights show - it totally blew me away. Different to other concerts he has done but was as
good if not better. I took my 2 daughters, aged 8 and 12, and they loved every minute and were dancing, singing, screaming,
clapping, etc. Can't wait 4 2nite !
Wow. I am still stunned and am finding it hard 2 find words that will truly encompass the feelings I experienced last nite. 2 witness
the greatest musician 2 walk this earth perform like a god, 2 have the whole audience in the palm of his hand, begging 4 more, 3
times we clapped and cheered 4 15 minutes nonstop waiting 4 him 2 return, each time he did, each time we were blown away. How
can he b so amazing, I was awstruck, could I truly have experienced such greatness, u always know he is a genius-but 2 c him live- u
know. Thank god we have him, and pray that he comes back again.
Macca is right - Lucky is a great word for the night. A beautiful performance from seven inspirational musicians and my jaw ached
all the way home from smiling and singing for nearly three hours. How much fun was Prince having in that lovely intimate
atmosphere ! Got to be 20 years since I felt like this after a show. Thank you to everyone involved :o)
WOW.....u blew us all away, we went 2 school last nite. U gotta come back soon 2 c what we learned. I never thought I'd hear Purple
Rain, however...push the new vibe. Rainbow Children is by far the best work u ever put out and the concert really brought it 2 life.
This has 2 b the way forward. U should have got me dancin up there last nite, I got some wicked moves, I would have also played
y'all the fonkiest keys solo 2. Renato's the man, how busy was he ? He was playing solos, colouring the trax and triggering samples
2. Rhonda, what an angel. I could feel her groove from way back in the balcony. John Blackwell...u all no bout him, don't need me 2
tell. What a hornz line up...Maceo, u blow yo horn. Prince, always hits the right notes. The voice of a TRUE artist.
The Kid was HOT tonight. Did he really sing "The Ladder ?" - My dream come true.
This was an amazing concert, the band was tight and prince was definitely on form. It really was a case of real music by real
musicians. I dunno whether it was the size of the venue or being so close but it felt like an up close and personal experience. I felt so
lucky to be so near the front (in the fourth row) - thanx NPG Music Club. Thank you so much Prince for all the guitar work (a big hit
with my fella). It's so refreshing to hear fresh new music played with obvious passion, so much better than listening to those bands
who churn out the tired old crowd pleasers. I'm not gonna say it's the best concert of my life (yet) as I'm going to do it all again
tonight and I really can't wait.
The best I’ve ever seen from Prince, and what a band, real musicians playing real music and sounding so damn funky. And Prince
himself seemed so happy, he really seemed to be enjoying himself which made everything so electric, so alive. He made the
Manchester Apollo his house last night ! Prince I thank u and please come back soon.
Just got in from the greatest gig ever I’ve been to an after show and to Paisley Park but tonite was the pinnacle, the band is the
funkiest ever and Prince his most charming. I brought along some musician friends who are still in shock !
Just a quick note to say thank you. When anyone has asked me how was the concert I just say LUCKY. I am just lucky to be here to
watch and listen. Please thank all the NPGMC staff for ticket allocation and thank you to Prince for making it all happen. See you
next time. Maybe back in Birmingham would be nice.
This was just the best night ever. You just get better and better. No concert I go to again will ever compare to you tonight. The band
were fantastic, and your voice was unbelievable. Thank you for singing The Beautiful Ones, it’s got to be my favourite. And, what an
ending, I really didn't expect Purple Rain. The atmosphere in the audience was absolutely incredible, words cannot describe. Thank
you Prince, for making me H.A.P.P.Y. I screamed, sang, smiled, laughed and cried tonight. What a rollercoaster of emotions. You
were so friendly, i'm sure you were enjoying every minute, and you were really funny. Please pick me out next time to dance with
you, i'll try to do better than Nick !
Life Afterparty
An afterparty was held at a club called Life.
Afterparty was great fun too, everybody came together as 1 Just awesome... still grinning maniacally now!
??-10-2002 : Proper Magazine (UK)
"Y’all gonna make me moan tonight Manchester !"
Prince Manchester Apollo 7/10/02
By Neil Summers
Don't you hate whingers ? There we were outside the Apsley Cottage pub enjoying a pint and wondering whether he'd be in sequins
or a suit whilst laughing at the reptilian queue for tonights gig that actually went past the door of the pub and was largely filled with
thirtysomethings with a variety of hairstyles/suede boots and that's when I met the whingers, a couple sporting dubious attire and
very questionable hair-styles (probably hairdressers from Runcorn) after having asked them for a light they struck up a
conversation with a very worried look on their faces... "Have you heard he only plays a few of his old songs as he's become a
Jehovahs Witness ?" "Erm....no" (Feeling very un-informed not having read about or listened to 'Prince' for a number of years)
"Well it was in a review or something" "Oh well then we might as well all go home now then might'nt we ? next you'll be telling me
he's had some ribs removed so he can...." "Well actually..." I was livid, I didn't come to a a Prince gig to hear his greatest hits, I came
to see the man, the legend, the person who made me realise you can wear high heels frilly shirts, sing falsetto and still pull beautiful
women (though not in the White Lion in Stockport perhaps), in fact Prince is one of the very few artists I can think of that in my
own purple-tinged opinion (despite going a bit weird in the late nineties) has never made a bad record, I could list all the songs
Prince has written that make me want to sing, jump up and down or cry my eyes out but we'd be here all week wouldn't we ? My
point was, you go to a Prince gig with an open mind don't you ? You have to trust him, remember Sign O'The Times ? So anyway we
finished off our Stellas and ambled into the Manchester Apollo, a fantastic old school theatre with an upper circle and a high ceiling
in case you've never been, we were positioned slap bang in the middle of the Stalls with a cracking view of the stage, it would appear
we were just in time too as just after 8 O'clock the band started up, "wow how prompt we'll be out of here for half nine" I foolishly
pondered. There was a good ten minutes of build-up jamming from the dazzling array of backing musicians featuring Maceo Parker
and Candy Dulfer (remember 'Lily was Here') in the Horn section and the most talented drummer I have ever seen in my life who
could spin his sticks and check his hair in the mirror (he actually did this) in the time it takes me just to say 'Drumstick', the
keyboard player and bassist were equally accomplished. Then his majesty appeared, no airs and graces, he just joined in the jam for
another ten minutes dropping in the occasional very, very, very deep voiced line into the tune (think 'Bob George' on the Black
Album). It sounded like the song could go in a number of directions at any minute and I hoped it would maybe be 'Sexy MotherFucker' despite having resigned myself that this was a forward looking Prince and I shouldn't be so sentimental and no it didn't. We
were having fun anyway and the audience (the first ten rows of which were from the NPG fan club) were going bonkers, it may have
been the Manchester Apollo 2002 but the atmosphere and music could have been the Harlem Apollo 1962 getting down to James
Brown, it was that energetic. Then came a few "How y’all doin Manchester ?" and "You gonna need the Police to get me outta here,
I aint leavin" which naturally sent everyone a bit daft. Then the bombshell was dropped as he sang..... "If you came here tonight for
Little Red Corvette.....yall better 'get'.....an if you came here looking for Purple Rain.....you better go NOW !..... THIS IS NOT POP
MUSIC BUT THERE WILL BE A POP QUIZ !" The crowd loved it as he went on to explain he was taking us all to 'school',
presumably the same school where Bo Diddley, James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, Curtis Mayfield, George Clinton, Sly Stone and all
those other funky bastards were music teachers, this was beyond ace this was real American Soul music that mere mortal 'stars'
would sell their own mothers for a slice of. It was then time for some audience participation as he questioned us with... "Is it better
to Give or to Receive ?" A variety of answers flew back, so Prince pointed at a guy in the front row and asked him.. "You, is it better
to Give or to Receive ?" "To Give ! To Give !" "Well if you're in such a givin mood why don't you give up your front row seat for
somebody over there ?" The audience were in stitches especially after realising that Prince wasn't joking and made the geezer swap
seats ! Whilst on his way to his new inferior seat he was summoned onto stage by his purpleness, who came out with.. "You see you
gave something there, so I'm gonna give you something.....a guitar solo !" To which he out-Hendrixed Jimi for a good ten minutes
whilst his fan sat back on the stage in awe at the performance with the rest of us. It was shortly after this that he played 'Strange
Relationship' which got everyone thinking (well at least I did) 'Hmmm maybe this is a one off or maybe he'll do more ?' either way
the crowd loved it. The showmanship just continued, he had another three fans on stage dancing (all very well), did a version of
'Whole Lotta Love', got us to sit down so we could have a rest whilst he played a slowy or two before introducing us to some of his
new dances, the first and funniest being the 'Ozzy Osbourne' a fantastic shaky armed shuffle that was just missing the obligatory
'Sharonnnnn !' to make it a dead ringer for the Metal nutter. Seeing Prince in such an intimate setting is a unique experience, he has
no ego but total star quality, he cares for his audience whilst at the same time makes them earn his respect, it's a real joint effort
though admittedly Prince does most of the hard work along with his super-band whom all get their five minute solo somewhere in
the show (you know like proper soul bands used to do ?). After the first hour and a half and a suit change it seemed we had proved
ourselves worthy by enjoying Prince’s new stuff and we were treated to a cavalcade of classic album tracks that sent the place
crackers (I saw people waving lighters) such as 'Take me with you', 'Starfish and Coffee', 'Girls and Boys' the list goes on, you get the
distinct feeling that none of it is planned as he sometimes stopped halfway through or sometimes even before the first line of some
songs deciding he didn't want to play that particular song, this was done in a very humourous way and was taken that way by the
adoring audience who seemed overjoyed just to hear the first keys of a classic anyway. He also did two encores the first of which I
swear we were waiting ten minutes for but it was probably nearer five and Prince made us sit down again (so thoughtful as my feet
were aching) and played 'Sometimes it Snows in April' all on his own on the piano with a snowy background and an 'ahem' each
time he flicked his music sheets over just to get a laugh and then from out of nowhere he played 'Nothing Compares to U' which
most of the audience sang for him, a truly beautiful moment (I think I had something in my eye at that point). At the end of the
second finale he launched into the intro of 'Purple Rain' before stopping and saying "I said I wasn't gonna do this song tonight !"
before talking about the state of the world at the moment and how we all need to concentrate on the things that unite us rather than
divide and how there is only one God, he then played Purple Rain like he'd written it yesterday in fact most of the old songs he
played were instantly recognisible but with a slightly new slant to keep things interesting. What more can I say I have always loved
Prince dearly but I did have my reservations, having not kept up with him over the past five or six years, I'm glad to say he is even
more unbelievable in the flesh as he is on a CD or celluloid, ab-so-lutely un-believeable a true 'Living Legend' one of the best gigs I
have ever seen in my life and without a doubt the longest too, if you get the chance to see Prince live, grab it with both hands, it's a
whole lotta fun(k).
08-10-2002 : Alive.co.uk
Manchester Apollo, 8th October 2002
By Simon Netherwood
What was it the tabloids said ? Prince is mad. Yeah, right. So ‘mad’ means ditching your fatcat record company, giving the front
rows at your concerts to loyal fans rather than industry fools, using the internet to create a direct relationship with the fans and
releasing last year's masterpiece 'The Rainbow Children' (one of his finest albums). If all this adds up to ‘mad’, then we live in a very
odd world indeed. You can imagine his former bosses at Time Warner scoffing at his plans for an online record label, then looking
at their accounts a few years later and realising that that damned symbol fella had been right all along ! Tonight's set is half 'The
Rainbow Children' and half classic tracks from 1980 to 1991. For those not lucky enough to have heard his latest album, it's a very
mellow, soulful and jazzy epic, taking in funk and some seriously rocking guitar solos along the way. Tonight, armed with his finest
backing group ever (including Candy Dulfer, Maceo Parker and the best trombone player I've ever heard), the newest material rips
free with some wild jams and solos. When they break into 'The Work pt 1', the album's funkiest moment, he pulls 10 fans up onto
the stage for a dance contest. Now, if he was really a paranoid egomaniac, would he allow 'ordinary mortals' to dance side by side
with him ? The man's relevance is still as obvious today as it ever was. To hear him sing 'Hey now, maybe we can find a good
reason/ 2 send a child off 2 war/ So what if we're controllin' all the oil/ Is it worth a child dying 4 ?' on 'Money Don't Matter 2
Night' is a real hair on the back of the neck moment in this day and age. However, it's not an 80's nostalgia experience when he dips
into his substantial back catalogue. When he hits us with old classics 'Gotta Broken Heart Again' and 'Sign O The Times' they are
substantially reinvented for today. You can still sing along, but the backing tracks are brilliantly reworked. The sound quality
tonight is also amazing, the bass being the clearest I've ever heard at a concert, and the light show is so good that you don't mind the
bar being shut - it's intoxication enough. This is the best funk gig, the best soul revue, the best rock concert and the best pop show I
have ever seen. Make Prince headline Glastonbury and he'll conquer the world again.
Carlinglive.com (UK)
Prince – live at Carling Apollo, Manchester – Wednesday 8th October
On a stage decorated with towering purple velvet and NPG style graffiti, Prince addresses the audience for the first time. “I’m not
interested in what you already know, I’m interested in what you can learn” states the reverend of funk, letting the audience know
exactly what they should expect as he launches his versatile and incredibly talented band into another jam from his latest album,
‘The Rainbow Children’. Tonight is not another washed up artist trawling through their back catalogue, keeping the crowd happy –
this is an education in music and true display of genius. Looking relaxed and happy to be playing in more intimate sized venues,
Prince spends the evening inviting fans from the front rows (mostly members of his NPG music club) onto the stage to dance for
him. Mixing in classics like ‘When You Were Mine’, ‘Money Don’t Matter 2 Night’ and more obscure numbers like ‘Extraordinary’,
Prince tries his hardest to make sure everyone is up and dancing as he constantly demands for the house lights to be switched on.
With the sheer funkiness of James Brown and the godlike guitar playing of Hendrix, Prince takes old classics and grinds them
though the funkmill, unearthing the kind of grooves than nobody could stand still to. ‘Housequake’, ‘Pop Life’ and a breathtaking
version of ‘Take Me With U’ are all bursting with a newfound energy. An implausibly funky version of ‘Alphabet Street’ has another
20 fans on stage dancing around him as Prince takes to his keyboard to jam another jazz-tinged workout giving his horn-section
(Candy Dulfer, Maceo Parker and Greg Boyer) time to show their skills. With his powerhouse drummer triggering ass-slapping
sounds complimenting the funkylicious beats, Prince drips with magnetic sexuality gliding round the stage in his unique style. ‘Take
Me With U’ and ‘The Beautiful Ones’ are performed with an amazing air of irresistibility as he teases the crowd asking, “Somebody
go get me another suit, I’m sweating this one out”. Mixing in a few more serious issues amongst the fun, ‘Sign O’ The Times’ sobers
the audience, performed in complete darkness except for a chilling blue glow. Dedicating ‘Strange Relationship’ to the media, Prince
projects a list of all the newspapers that have caused him offence onto the stage. ‘Raspberry Beret’ gives a chance for Prince to drag
up an embarrassed girl to join him on stage (that’s what happens when you go so far as wearing a raspberry coloured beret at one of
his gigs), before Prince takes his foot of the accelerator for the song that gets the biggest reaction of the night. ‘Nothing Compares 2
U’ still sounds as amazing as the first time you heard it, with the entire Carling Apollo singing the chorus’ as Prince helps the crowd
with the lyrics. Touching briefly on his love of religion, the audience react as if at a Gospel church session, although tonight the
euphoria has clearly been brought on by the divine intervention of one man, his band and two and a half hours of unbelievably good
Manchester Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.55
Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / 1+1+1 Is 3 (Incl. Housequake) / The Question Of U (Incl. Fallin’) / Pop Life / Sign O’ The Times
The soundcheck was awesome ! Money Don't Matter 2Night, Pop Life and Sign O the Times !!!! My jaw dropped ! I look forward to
the next album - I can't wait !
I managed 2 get the same front row seats on both nights & on Tuesday the soundcheck started at about 6 & lasted about 45 mins.
Prince came on with his cup of tea & the band started 2 play the likes of "Money Don't Matter" & "Pop Life", then I just turned 2 my
mum & kept saying WOW ! Prince, U must be very maticulous on choosing your band members as U all sound so tight 2gether.
Why oh why R we subject 2 such manufactured c*** when such talent as U & the NPG exist, I will never know !!! But U know the
saying "IF ALL YOUR FED IS BEANS THAT'S ALL YOUR GONNA EAT" I guess. The audience seemed a little shy, in awe of U I
suppose. Anyway it was a Chunky Funky s/check & I was so pleased 2 be there I thought my head would fall off !!
It was yet another great night. This was my third show , Thursday and Monday being the others, so I was hoping for third time lucky
with a soundcheck !!!!! He did not disappoint , we got in - 4th row , great view again most of the band were on stage and after 5 or
10 mins Prince strolled onto the stage, talking to the band and glancing once or twice at us. He sat at his piano and asked us if there
was a party last night ? "Any good" he said "I was asleep". He then played Money Don`t Matter Tonight, awesome, then a funky
jam starting with 1+1+1 Is 3, with a snippet of Housequake in , then The Question of U starting at the piano and then to a rapturous
reception he put on his guitar , they then played Pop Life (which is one of my favourites) and finally an absolutely blinding Sign Of
the Times. The songs were excellent, at times he would break off and give the horn players some guidance or change the tempo,
slightly - it was great to watch him putting them through their paces the songs themselves sounded incredible. He had a good
interaction with the crowd as well. It was a joy to watch and more than made up for the other 2 soundchecks. I got a feeling he was
in a party mood. I thought to myself , some artists could have made a career out of those songs in the soundcheck - he rarely plays
some of them ! It was that good , that if the show was subsequently cancelled I would have gone home happy. There was a great
atmosphere in the hall and the bar. Anticipation was sky high.
Manchester Apollo Theater
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.15 / Attendance : 2.700 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : £65
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster) / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Pop Life
All The Critics Love U In England / Alphabet St (Incl. A Love Bizarre) / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker / The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
What can I say ? I'm still speechless. My foot is still tapping on the
"2 n 4" ! Prince U R the Greatest live performer ! The concerts
were amazing ! The best I've ever been to ! I would like to thank
Prince & the NPG for a brilliant time as it wasn't only a concert
with REAL MUSIC BY REAL MUSICIANS but also one big party
(“Turn the house lights on !" "In the balcony, on your feet !").
To whom it may concern ! Hammersmith 3rd and 4th,
Manchester 7th and 8th October 2002. Sometimes the words
Thank you don't seem to convey the enormity of the gratitude felt,
but this thanks is truly from the heart. I have been blessed over the years to attend many Princes concerts, dating back to 1986
Parade, and have come to know that from the time Prince takes to the stage you witness that this man's whole being exudes his
purpose, music ! This was again so very evident in Hammersmith and Manchester. Whilst watching him perform I am transported
somewhere else, all my worries, fears and problems leave, and are replaced with all that's good. I have to attend as many concerts as
possible just to make sure these feelings sustain me till the next time I see him live. He never fails to make me move my body, make
me sing along and most importantly, smile. In today's climate that's no mean feat! It didn't matter that I attended three concerts
alone, I certainly never felt it ! I queued in line with, and sat near, some really nice people swapping lots of Princely stories and
experiences. So I thank you again, more specifically for the smiles, Sexy Dancer, A Case of You and Empty room. The last two I have
never heard before but desperately want to hear again soon! You Fancy Me, was no question - it was a definite statement... and
from where I was sitting the man wasn't wrong !
Hi !! This time I had 2 write 2 thank u 4 what must have been the greatest week of my life. I was at all the London and Manchester
shows, front row every nite ! Even front row at the aftershow. I’ve now seen a total of 13 Prince shows this year cuz of the npgmc,
plus soundcheck access, which is priceless. U would’ve thought a person would b bored seeing the same artist play 5 nites in a row,
but each nite was different in a number of ways, from setlist 2 vibe and atmosphere. Personally I thought saturday was the greatest
day, the band seemed particularly tight I noticed. I was surprised 2 b passed the mic by Prince during the 1st nite in London when
he was singing How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore, but I seemed 2 have impressed my friends ! Not only that but I got 2 dance up
onstage again, which I love doing. I really noticed that the quality of the sound was particularly good, there was no noticable
feedback or distortion, and for the type of music being played, it really made a big difference. As each nite elapsed I got more and
more in2 the Rainbow Children part of the set being played live. I feel this tour could do down in history as a particularly important
ledgendary tour, so im glad I was a witness 2 events and become a small part of it by dancing onstage. Asides from the concerts
themselves, I had a blast just hanging out with fellow fans outside each nite, Prince fans r completely different 2 any other group of
fans I’ve met, it was a real social event. I came back from the gigs completely worn out, but with a whole new bunch of friends.
There is a whole line of ppl I would like 2 thank 4 helping making a fantastic week, but I’m scared I’m gonna 4get some1, but those
ppl knew how they were. But I must thank Prince & the band, the tour manager, Takumi & roadies, and security who were all really
cool in an above duty kinda way. Prince was particularly cool and relaxed during the shows, which is all down 2 the fans being cool.
I just can’t wait 4 next years celebration, and I can’t wait 2 meet all the fans again.
October 7th 2002 was the second best night of my life and only because the 8th was best when I actually fulfilled my ultimate
ambition and got to dance on stage with Prince. The memories of both nights will remain with me forever. The venue was a perfect
size for the most intimate, passionate even moving yet also relaxed and fun filled performance I have ever been blessed to be part of.
And I did feel involved, a real part of the atmosphere, mainly thanks to the fellow fams who by their friendliness and enthusiasm
made the night even more special. The lack of soundcheck on Monday was more than made up for with a performance of what
appeared to be totally effortless in its excellence. The rest of the band, well what can I say - 'real music played by real musicians'.
This is undoubtedly the most talented and accomplished band Prince has ever had. Candy - if you'd been my teacher at school I'd
never have skipped class !! And John Blackwell - thank you for the drumstick - you are a star !! When Prince asked - 'is it better 2
give or 2 receive ?' Javed in the front row said 'give' and it was me who received the biggest prize when Prince told him to 'give' up
his seat and I got to sit in the front row all night. A great big thank you to Takumi who gave me a cushion and even let me sit on his
seat for the piano medley. All that is left to say is when is that tour bus heading up to Aberdeen - Scotland misses you !!!!!
Just got home from seeing Prince at the Manchester Apollo (8th Oct) and Dublin's The Point (10th Oct). I last saw him in London
(Wembley Arena and Astoria) 7 years ago. He has said in the past that life runs in 7 year cycles and I have to say that now I believe
him. I delared that he was an indisputable genius then and nothing has changed...he remains in my opinion the world's greatest
living musician. It has taken me a while to take to the Rainbow Children material but now having experienced the tracks live they
have a new resonance...I'm diggin' them big time ! The entire experience was incredible. The band was excellent, particularly Candy
Dulfer (rrrrowrr !) and Maceo Parker (Pass the Peas !). An unusual mix of offbeat old tracks, classics and the new stuff permeated
each gig...and while there was some crossover there was enough diversity between concerts to satisfy any fan. Manchester had no
aftershow, but he made up for that with an incredible mini-gig at Dublin's Spirit Club. I got to shake the great man's hand and
Takumi (the sound technician) gave me a plectrum :) Seven years ago I was lucky enough to see TAFKAP (as he was then) three
times in one month and I described it as the experience of a lifetime...well now I've had that experience repeated and, unbelievably,
improved upon. Thank you Prince for the greatest gigs I have ever seen. Oh, and if you're reading this, please, please, please
consider coming to Wales next time. You've done England, Ireland and (I think) Scotland, now your many fans in Cardiff would
love to welcome you to our fair city. It was well worth the wait but I hope next time it's sooner than 7 years from now ;) Thanks
again. Peace and be wild !
Prince-what 2 say..?....... I travelled all the way from Aberdeen 4 the 2 Manchester shows (was hoping 4 another Glasgow one, but
hey-cant have it all). My 3 thank u's 4 2nite were 4 – Extraordinary (SO FINE !) Sign O' The Times (2 FUNKY !!) and Gotta Broken
Heart (Just like the old times !) You made ALOT of people happy P. Please don't leave it so long again-U R missed !
Prince.. you give far too much away.. What is perhaps ironic is that one night alone is hardly that at all. We're introduced to
seasoned musicians who jam and funk like nobodys business. The Apollo is a great venue and I only hope that Prince comes back
again soon.
Saw the Manchester concert on the 8th and was astounded.the music was out of this world, Prince’s guitar solos execellent, the
hornz section amazing, Rhonda is by far one of the best bassists around and the rest of the band just blew me away. When you
played "Nothing Compares 2 U" I almost cried, lump at the back of my throat. Bring music back into schools absolutley. There's
simpley no-one else like him out there. I tip my hat to you Prince and the almight NPG. Fantastic, Manchester loves you.
I have been a fan for as long as I can remember ~ I am now 26 years young, and everytime I see U I am totally blown away. Being
nearly four months pregnant I only hope that my unborn child appreciated such an experience @ Manchester on the night of 8th
October, and I can only hope that they are as gifted as U at bring such joy to millions. I love U and allways will, despite what the
critics say !!! Don't make us wait so long next time !!
Yo the show was wkd !!!! I have been wanting 2 c u for at least 10 years now, last night I was not disappointed !!!!!!!! MORE PLS
I have to tell you about the greatest night of my life. 35 yrs young, took him indoors with me who was less enthusiastic after having a
weekend with some legendary rare soul acts @ Togetherness. I thought someone had electrically charged me, and basically there
was no stopping, soundcheck awesome, performance by all breathtaking, dancers on stage well one of em was me and I'm not
telling you which, I shook the main mans hand and touched his face left him with body glitter everywhere, I was lost in a world of
perfection. My man who is now converted has finally realised what all the fuss is about and is eager to join the family ! Those that
preach don't necessarily no the truth - to all who just don't get it. A W E S O M E!!!!!
Thank u Prince & the NPG for a truly great concert on Tuesday. It was a privelage to be allowed in to the soundcheck & to witness
Prince and the band playing & having fun with the NPGMC members. Also it was something special to hear so many numbers I’d
never heard live before, my favourite moments were "Gotta Broken Heart Again" & I loved the part when Prince had a dig at the
British press. Just wanted to say that the whole performance was amazing & hope it won`t be too long before you come over to
England again.
WOW and THANK YOU to Prince, the NPG, the Audience and all the unseen people who made Tuesday night totally exhilerating, it
was great to see so many people as one. The sheer intamacy of the night was so much more than I could have dreamt of, I just wish I
could of shaken my funky stuff on stage. Did anyone else just want to close their eyes and get swept away but didn't dare take their
eyes off the stage ? What a fantastic feeling. Prince, please come back to the UK soon, you always leave it a happier and funkier
place, just remember to bring those Hot Hornz.
Just wanted to say what a mind blowing show Tuesday night was. My husband and I were at Paisley Park for the celebration in June
and that was amazing. It was great to hear so much past music. But I was suprised not to hear anything off "One Night Alone" The
music and the singing is truly inspirational and awesome and the performnce, well, I dont think there are words to describe THAT
!!! It was wonderful to hear Prince so confident in his faith and love of God, why shouldn't he make it clear to us how he feels about
God ? He has always done so through his music - and no one ever complained before !! KEEP THE JAM ALIVE !!! IT AINT OVER,
1st THANK YOU for the best birthday ever, it was my 1st time seeing you, and I was blowen away. 2nd Thanks to all the members of
the NPG who signed my program. The show was amazing and I got to dance on stage, I was the one in the blue jeans and short pink
top with the coin chain who sang a bit on A Love Bizzare and who u smiled at when I asked you to play happy birthday b4 I left the
stage, u made my day with your big smile :) Candy where do you get all that puff ? You were amazing I’m gonna go get ur CD.
Rhonda you are the best I bought ur album and I love it. John thanks for the stick and ur an unreal drummer. How did u manage to
play in a shirt and tie ?!? Please come back to the UK again soon.
I got 2 see both Manchester shows but the 2nd night had 2 be the best 4 me. I loved Prince’s Ozzy Osbourne impression, it really
touched my Northern sense of humour. I stood there and nearly peed my pants with laughter. Funny guy ! On both nights Prince,
your mood seemed to be mischievious & playful. THE GIG : Won't give a tune list as it's been done but "Gotta Broken Heart" was 2
die 4 and I never heard your voice falter once. I could have closed my eyes & it could have been your CD playing. The smaller venue
was definately more intimate & relaxed. And U weren't just singing by numbers, u gave your soul on that stage & I know that can
make U feel vulnerable & bare sometimes. After following U And your music 4 the last 17 years towards the end of the show I was
blessed 2 be signalled by Maceo to join 15- 20 people 2 dance with U on stage. I kept my distance, but bumped & grinded in line
with U as U played on your guitar. I noticed some people touch u uninvited & U seemed uneasy with this. Anyone who is lucky
enough 2 B invited up needs 2 respect that U don't want 2 B mauled and although they R in your space, U still need YOUR space ! U
then sat & jammed "All the Critics" & "Love Bizarre". I turned & looked down at my mum in the audience, shrugged & mumbled
"Don't get much better than this" U gave me much more than I could wish 4 & maybe next time U might pass me the mike & let me
jam with U. Fingers crossed !! Prince U R my religion and therefore U R my cup of tea !!! Decaf, milk & 1 sweetner please. Thank U.
Back 2 reality now I guess. C U in June.
Tuesday Nite, Manchester will never be the same ! ou looked so chilled !!!!!!!!! My wife and I have been fans since the 80's and still
talk about the Maine Road, & G Mex concerts, once again you blew us away. The set was so awesome, people were just blown away.
Did u c how many young fans were there, and the knew every song ! I can't believe that one human being can be so talented. The
Beautiful Ones was better than the film/cd versions ! 1 question.......where is the symbol guitar ? I know you have moved on, but
that was one hell of trade mark. Always remember that whatever direction you take, you will always have a loyal following, you must
know that you R the most gifted person on the planet.
That performance was the most spritual, creative event I have ever witnessed. I never thought I'd hear "The Question Of U" again.
That guitar solo {oh lord} The show was the bomb. You look like you are having fun, man you had some scary {dancers} on that
stage, too much rump to bump !!!! hopefully see you in june ?
My 21 year old girlfriend thinks you're too sexy. She has been converted, she was gutted she didnt know the words to half the songs
and was dying to join in with the rest of the fans. She borrowed "Around The World In A Day" to listen to The Ladder. You're giving
me a run 4 my money. I should say stay away but it was my first time seeing you live and I was blown away there just isnt enough
time in one night 4 you to play all the songs I had hoped to hear so I’m gonna have to beg you to come back soon even if it does
make her swoon at the thought of seeing you again. Thanks to Maceo and Candy, they should have got much more respect from the
crowd it was fantastic to hear so much funky sax. Much respect to all the NPG and the Apollo venue very good choice. Prince you
were awsome last night cut me, cut you both the blood is red we dig it.
I must be one of the many that had travelled miles just to get to Manchester for the big occasion. I have seen all concerts since
Lovesexy but unfortunately missed the last one 4 years ago due to being on holiday in Turkey (poor substitute, I know) Hey but was
that worth the wait or what. How cool it is to see the main man absolutely having the time of his life and being absolutely free with
his music. I felt privileged to be there witnessing, what I can only call the best live experience anywhere in the world. Put Prince up
there on his own against any bands of today and he would simply blow them away. Thanx for a fantastic night and like everybody
I have been to about 20 Prince concerts before but last night's was the greatest. Prince was so friendly. He invited people to go on
stage and dance which, of course, I did. He seemed so happy with himself. All the Music Club members were like old friends. It was
a truly great night. My friend and I are flying to Dublin tomorrow - hope that show is as good as the Manchester one.
What can I say ? I've waited a long time to get this close, and last night made me realise that no matter how much money and fame
you have underneath you are just like us, searching for answers, in a world filled with greed. what you said about championing our
similarity's makes perfect sense, why can't we share our energy instead of having to feed of everybody else's. I thank you Prince for
rejuvenating my faith in *Jehovah* and hope for the world.
Just writing about the Manchester gig, and I would like to say that I thought that the band was as tight as a duck's a**. I loved every
minute of it (especially the jazz jams). I was impressed with all of the band but did feel a bit sorry for Rhonda as Prince had funked
her out so much she had to sit down at the end of the gig to play. (I wish I could play like her) I also enjoyed Prince's Jerry Springer
type final thought, and emphasise that he tastefully and tactfully evangelised throughout the entire show. God bless, please come
back soon.
I have seen you twice before and I knew I was in the presence of something special, last night though you completely blew my wife
and I away. Not sure what was the best bits, the guitar, the voice, the keyboard - the classics ! I am pretty lost for words other than
to say I witnessed a pure musical genius at play in a world where the charts are filled with manufactured pop that has no soul. It is
something that I will remember, until the next time when I am sure you will raise the bar further. Thank you for coming to the UK
from the bottom of my heart you could tell from the reception you got that we love ya and that you will always be special to us all.
Wot can I say. Totally Xhilerating. It was worth every penny jus to see the guitar solo at the end of "Rainbow Children". Totally
amazin and a true genius. The NPG were totally out of this world (Candy keep blowin' that horn) ! Don't wait too long b4 u come
back please as we all love u here ! I'll be a lot closer to the front next time as that show has definately persuaded me in2 joining the
The show itself was closer for the first hour or so to Thursday nights (with a few less songs - if that makes sense), and had a
definitley funkier vibe than Monday night which was jazzier and had had lots of incredible guitar play (couldn`t get onto the site
Tuesday AM to write about Monday ). Highlights were Strollin` with that amazing extra bit, Money Don`t Matter, Sign Of the
Times, Pop Life, Alphabet Street (clearly the ultrafunky mix), All the Critics, Gotta Broken Heart, his vocal on The Beautiful Ones,
his pop at the media, "they would rather report I`m mad than review my concerts , I don`t feel mad today , I`m not dressed mad
today". He did The Ladder to close, this was by far the best version of the three I had heard and his speech was beautiful, he simply
stated his beliefs and his faith in God and if we agreed fine, if not that was cool also. It was sincere and heartfelt and genuinely
moving. I heard a few grumbles going out, "we don`t want to hear preaching at a concert". I was too high to argue, but they are so
wrong. His faith has been a constant feature of his work and without it would be flat and empty, what he said was short sweet and
true and straight from the heart. If there is another world war (with potentially catatrophic results) it will be a war fought because
one side believes in one God and the other side believes in another, surely there is only one God ? which was all he was saying. So
after 4 years when my enthusiasm has waned a bit, I have had three of the best days of my life. Maybe it`s the long wait since the
last time he came, maybe I was just ready to see him again, but these shows were the best I have ever seen him, even better than
Lovesexy, the mix of songs, the intimacy of venue, the musicianship of the band, his genuine joy, he looks so happy and relaxed - no
one comes close when he is like that - how can one man have so much talent and make it look so effortless ?
I have enjoyed many concerts over the years but last nights "party" topped them all. The whole feeling was one of fun and
togetherness and I felt I was invited to a private party. Many talk the talk but very few walk the walk. Prince is King ! Come back
Just seen Prince in Manchester on Monday. Just 2 say he + the band were fantastic. Every 1 really enjoyed the show.
What a band. What a Sound. The feeling was just pure joy ! Most of the time we just danced or stood in awe of this musical assault
on our senses and our hearts. On behalf of myself and my friends Nick, Bebs, Sue, Nathan and Anna....Thank U so very very much.
I've travelled to see Prince and the band in London on the 3rd with a friend and went to Manchester last night with my wife, London
was amazing but last night brought a lump to my throat ! I've converted my wife to a real fan, that's how hot the night was ! 'REAL
MUSIC BY REAL MUSICIANS' indeed guys...I paid good hard earnt money 4 my tickets, and the return ? GOOD HARD LIVE
MUSIC ! Prince seemed more at ease last night than in London and even decided to come off stage into the crowd, stopped to stand
right next to me, and chose a guy to get funky on stage with the crew. I've never heard 'The Rainbow Children' sound so good and to
agree with a guy below, it does sound better live. GOOD MIX OF OLD AND NEW PRINCE....THANKS. By the way, you asked what
god's name is, well it's 'JEHOVAH' but I think you already new that. I think you can guess how I know !!!
Another amazing gig ! A privilege to be at the sound check, thank you. Very different to last night but of the same high ! I know the
rest of the world will be blown away ! Please dont wait too long to come back !
Did that really happen ? It all seems like a dream now. Prince, you and your band blew my mind. All that jazz was out there and to
hear pearls like 'Pop Life', 'Sign O The Times', 'Raspberry Beret', 'Gotta Broken heart Again' and 'Alphabet Street' was just
trancendental. The dance competition just added to the feeling that this was a party not a concert. The girl in the 'Love' t-shirt
definitely won. Come back soon, Prince. Please ?
We've just got back from a truly magnificent evening. My husband has been to most of your concerts and he says that "this is the the
best yet". Even my mum and Dad loved it . They are now your newest fans !!!!! Everything you did and said made perfect sense, you
are truly a lovely individual with lots to offer the world. You are and always will be the inspiration behind lots of people in the world.
When my husband lost his father at only 14 over 16 years ago he found comfort in your music. Your music is his saviour today, you
kept him sane in the face of adversity. You are the most talented musician, songwriter and "performer extrodinaire" this universe
has ever seen. NOTHING COMPARES TO U !!!!
10-10-2002 : Dublin Soundcheck
Sign O’ The Times (Instr.) / Pop Life / Automatic (Incl. Shake !) / Manic Monday / Sometimes It Snows In April / Empty Room
The Ride (Incl. Dolphin) / Hair (Instr.) (Incl. 777-9311) / Thank You (Faletinme Be Mice Elf Again) (Incl. Days Of Wild) / Pop Life (Instr.)
I arrived in Dublin after travelling down by train from Limerick at 11am, I was very lucky in that a member of the NPGMC who lives
in Dublin contaced me and offered to take me as his guest. He sometimes posts to amp as Enivri, Bill...thank you very very much for
doing this for me, and for giving me a bed for the nite, you are a cool and kind hearted person and someone I will be looking after as
only I know how. After spending an hour or so playing Bill some music I brought up with me and giving him my promised "gift" we
took a taxi direct to the Point Depot. At around 12:30pm less then 10 fans were queing up outside, security were setting up the
barrier system still, the next 3 hours were spent "networking" with fans, many from England who had traveled and another fan
called Susan Foley from Florida. You guys should know Susan, she has seen Prince for all his European shows thus far, lovely lady.
The fans are all sweethearts, I very much enjoyed sharing stories with them and they doing the same, like to say thanks and hi ! to
the guys from Preston and London I chatted to, the fan from Australia who flew in with his wife. Belive it or not...Prince has alot of
NPGMC members, someone said at least 100 out of the list of 152 were Irish members, trivia et al. The fans spoke about the
nonsense and stunts about queing that happened in London, well let me say this...NOTHING like this happened in Ireland, no raffle
tickets...no numbers or lists. I simply must give respect and gratitude to the security and staff of the Point Depot who were
professional and were fully informed as to what and how things would go down. We were told that a list of 152 NPGMC members
were on a prepared list, we would be allowed into the foyer of the Point Depot at 4:30 pm, if you were not on the list you would not
be allowed in. No one made any fuss...we all qued and stayed right where we were, we all had a good time and chatted to each other,
no one skipped or made any fuss...Dublin set an example to London and I hope this will follow for all the upcoming concerts.
So...we were first searched for "recording equipment" and cameras, then proceeded to que outside the point itself before being left
into the foyer...while we waited outside Prince soundchecked "Sign 'O The Times", but NPGMC members were still queing and
waiting to be let in. Prince started the soundcheck at approx. 4:35pm...at around 4:50pm we were let into the foyer, while all along
Prince was soundchecking, members received a very cool green laminate which was different to all other shows in London and
Manchester, and we all got green wristbands. We had to get the signal then from Prince that we could take our seats, while all along
Prince was working out on "Pop Life", he did several takes, Candy was also warming up and doing some improv. stuff...we waited 20
minutes or so. At 5:10 Prince gave the signal to Takumi to let us in, and Takumi came down and told us to be cool and walk to our
seats...lol, it was the fastest damn walk I have ever made. Yet again I got my ass front row, center stage, but Prince noticed that his
field of vision was taken up with all male geeky fans, so he asked us to move a few seats to the right as he wanted some ladies in his
field of vision. We smiled as it was sorta quirky request and moved, Prince spoke with some of the members, one fan commented
that it had been 7 years since he played in Ireland, Prince didn't seem to remember himself and said, "has it been 7 years...seems
like 7 days, or 7 minutes". I then said...welcome back to Ireland, he responded with a polite "Thank U". Several others fans spoke
and made some jokes etc, one funny part was where I asked him, "what kind of show can we expect tonite ?", and his reply was,
"what are you a journalist ?". hehe, see I had my notebook and pen out, to take notes of the setlist, he saw this and kinda
thought...well, you know. I guess at this stage I should give the setlist for the soundcheck which lasted from 4:35pm to 6:10pm...but
we were actually seated for the "official" soundcheck for 60 minutes, 5:10 - 6:10pm:
Where do I start ? Queueing outside the point in the cold, hearing Sign O the Times, finally getting in and seeing the man himself
sitting down playing keys, laid back chat and jokes, talking to Takumi about guitars at the end of the soundcheck (thanks for the
info) and meeting some really nice fellow Prince fams ! If you are questioning whether or not to join the club, stop thinking ! The
sound check lasted about one hour.
The soundcheck was the best part of the day. An hour gig in its own right. He was already on the stage when we came in. Looking
casual in his rollneck sweater and woollen hat he was already happy with the sound and so just started playing. Some stunning
renditions of Days Of Wild and Pop Life can anyone remember the other tracks ? He talked with us, sat in the audience to check out
the sound from the floor and was about as relaxed and calm an individual as you could imagine.
Dublin The Point
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Attendance : 8.000
Intro / Rainbow Children / Xenophobia / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake – DMSR) / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine
Sign O’ The Times / Famiy Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore / I Wanna Be Your Lover
Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U /
The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / All The Critics Love U In Dublin / Pop Life / Anna Stesia
Concert at Point Depot, Dublin, Ireland. The show included the only performance of
"D.M.S.R." on the tour.
The main concert started at 8:15pm, and ended at 10:50pm, in total we got a 2 hour 35
minute show which was amazing, some fans who attended London and Manchester said
it was the best so far they had witnessed. Prince was in such a happy mood...he reacted
soo well to the people in the NPGMC section and those on the ground floor, we were all
jamming and dancing like crazy, Prince had to work to get the folks in the balcony off
their asses, but Dublin showed Prince how funky we are, which he commented on many
times. Highlights for me were too many, I think Prince did alter the setlist for the Irish
fans, more "hits" were played...and the audience did seem to really enjoy it and even
though they may not have all known song from TRC album, they did none the less
witness a classy performance. During "All The Critics Love U In Dublin" Prince brought
some 40 fans, mostly female, on stage to dance and get funky...during "Xenophobia" one
fan was asked "r u a leader or a follower ?", he was savvy to say follower, so Prince brought him on stage to dance and he stayed on
stage till the end of "The Work" which was long and very very funky. I could go on and on here, but you guys should know it was the
best show I have seen to date, and I've seen many. The aftershow was announced over the PA and took place at a club called
"Spirit", we got a taxi down to the club which already had a huge long ass que, but luckily NPGMC members were left in ahead of
everyone, entry was free to members, 50 Euro for guets...which I glady handed over with a big grin.
It's been a week since the ONA tour graced Dublin with its presence. It has taken me that long to fully realise what an amazing
spectacle we have witnessed here ! In the space of one day, we saw a cool, relaxed and friendly soundcheck, a peerless concert and a
truly phenomenal aftershow. It has taken seven long years, but The Funk came back to town - and how ! Prince and the NPG (and
Maceo and Candy) are in the best form ever and everyone in Dublin realised they had seen something very special. The radio
stations here are still talking about it and the newspapers are still writing about it.
It has been almost a week since the concert and it is still all I think about during the day. Fifteen years I've waited for this ! For one
reason or another I never managed to attend Prince's concerts. I thought I was cursed ! And then finally there I was... as all great
events in my life the excitement hits me with a delayed effect. Don't get me wrong, people around me couldn't believe I danced and
sang with such vigor all the way through the concert (my feet were killing me at the end), but let's just say I was still in disbelief...
The concert was..... amazing ! I wish I could go to another to really appreciate the moment! I've been a Prince music fan ever since I
was 14. The complexity of the sounds, the emotions that come through... Noone else can quite interpret my love for music like you
do. I wonder if you really know how important you are in the life of kids like I was.... teen years really are the ones you remember
for ever.
Hi all at npgmc, I just wanted 2 let u know my thoughts after the Dublin show on thursday. I just wanted 2 say thanx 4 wonderful
show, Prince is just totally on top4orm, and it was an un4getable experience. The main thing 4 me wasnt the music, it wasnt the
songs, it wasnt the band, but it was the message which Prince spoke of, the message that we r all equal, all important 2 God, all
gifted in some way by God and thats what really touched me more than any song ever could. What I saw on thursday was a man
who was finally walking in what God has called him 2 do, playing music and using it as an influence to spread the meassge that God
is love and God loves us all, that made me feel important it made me feel useful again, I 2 have a gift from God, I dunno what it is,
but I’m working on it ! But that’s what touched me and impressed me so much about Prince, I think he has finally found inner peace
and it was so evident in the way he per4ormed in Dublin, he made it look so easy, I just wanted 2 let u all know what was it touched
me, I thought it would b a bit of a differnet response than ur normal fam report, pls dont think I’m wacky !! But that’s the way the
show touched me, thanx 4 all ur work and thanx 4 taking the time 2 read my mail, Prince, come back soon !!!.....Many r called, but
few r chosen.
Time and time again Prince has broken the boundries to lead his fams into a new music revolution. What I witnessed in Dublin last
night surpassed any expectations or dreams I have had of what music is all about. Live music "played" by the worlds greatest
musician, leading a band who look like their instruments were an extension of their person. Each song touched me in a different
way from the dizzy heights of 1+1+1 is 3 where I didn't want to stop dancing to the inner peace of The Ladder to the deep meaning of
Adore where I just wanted to hold my wife's hand 4ever. I was there at the soundcheck. What a guy. No superstar ego present there
just a superstar guy. Just like a bunch of friends (with everyone wanting 2 b like the cool kid and hanging on his every word !)
Empty Room what a joint, I've carried that tune in my head for seven years. Aftershow party, what can I say, I've waited all my life
for that. Prince and the NPG u just blew everybody away. Thank u Prince, The NPG and the NPGMC for again knowing what we
need to make our dreams come true.
"Talent does what it can - Genius does what it must" Dublin is still shaking after this performance. Where do you begin ? I'm sure
there have been enough reports on the show itself but the after show was just awesome. Prince is a true musical genius &
undoubtedly the greatest performer of "all" time. The man can send out emotions through his instruments like nobody else can.
Sound check, Concert, After show - I won't stop smiling for months :)
The Show - 2 Funky, but Prince.... I have a wife and 2 kids since you played in Ireland last. Please don't starve us of the funk 4 so
long. (P.S. - My 4 year old son sings Endorphinmachine 24/7 so I promised to bring him 2 your next gig here.)
A really wonderful night. Myself and everybody in the Point were spellbound by what we were witnessing - a true genius (and I
don't use that term lightly !) in our midst, playing an awesome blend of new and old, with, beyond a shadow of a doubt the BEST
band to grace an Irish stage. I have never seen a performer enjoy himself as much as Prince did Thursday night, and he brought us
all on a rollercoaster ride with him. Incredible. And 2 Maceo, thank u ! - u are a wonderful musician and a real gentleman. U took
time to shake my hand and say hello as u were about 2 start the show - u're gesture made me the happiest man in Dublin.
Oh my God !!! I can't think of words to explain thursday night - the soundcheck, the gig, the aftershow party..... 3 words - JOIN
THE CLUB !! The best money I ever spent. The gig was about two and a half (worth of incredible music and fun) and the aftershow
party about another hour, following by ten minutes of solid screaming and shouting and roaring, to which Prince and the band
responded to with another half hour of funk ! Prince & the NPG THANK YOU for bringing some much needed funk to Dublin, one
thing though - don't leave it so long the next time !! To all of you in Europe and Japan waiting for your turn - get ready for the time
of your life !
I travelled from Scotland for this gig. I was annoyed that Prince wasn’t coming back to my home country for this tour but we’ve seen
him on the last three tours and it was obvious Dublin was well overdue a visit. The gig itself was over two and a half hours.
Raspberry Beret was the song that got me into Prince all those years ago and in one of those unique concert moments he not only
sang it but by chance looked straight at me and pointed whilst singing the first verse. Maybe it was because I had jumped in the air
with the first few chords or maybe it was just one of those things but it will be one of those cool moments I will always remember.
And seeing Maceo Parker doing Pass The Peas was worth the admission price alone. That sound is from 1972 folks, who would have
thought you would see that on stage in Dublin in 2002 !
Prince Baby. It's been 2 days and I'm still on a high after seeing you again, You played all my favourites and I had shivers down my
spine most of the night As for your dancing - man U can Funk ! You took my breath away.
Have just witnessed the consumate artist ! What music, vibe, emotion, sex, theatre, ....I'm lost for words to describe what I saw last
night. The groove generated was awesome. The musicians were incredible. Prince, come back soon. You just realise what is missing
in your life when you see THE real artist at work...
If you're one of these people who think that Prince is a memory or has somehow lost his sparkle over the years,then you obviously
weren't in attendance at last nights show which was a testimony to musical excellence, taking an art form to it's limits. The man is a
living genius and the point he was trying to make onstage about "manufactured bands and singers ripping off true musicians with
sampling" never hit home before like it did last night because.......quite simply.......this man can back it up. Why would you want to
go to a gig (and I've been to a lot) where it's a constant barage of drum machines and samples when you can have the real deal ooze
talent live on stage ???........I was so funked out by the end that I almost crashed the car on the way home.....and if I had.....so what
?? It would have been worth it. I'm not even going to go into detail about the songs because after the first chord was struck,
everyone around me just settled into a groove and couldn't get out of it......and I think that was the beautiful thing about his gig. You
don't have to sit around waiting for the hits because every song just seems to kind of blend into each other and it just gets funkier by
the minute......he traps you and you can't get out......you've got to funk. You could power Dublin with the energy he gave
off..............Was there a downside to the gig ?????? Yes.....unfortunetely there was. It came from the twenty or so people he invited
up on stage and the revelation that Irish people can't dance. But hey......we came to party.............and we missed you brother,don't
be a stranger for another seven.
Was there last at the Point, Dublin Ireland. it was so good to have Prince back on tour again. Its the energy that is "generated" from
his performances. its like a tonic, it gives you a natural high. I tell you people if you haven’t been you are missing out big time. And
oh did I want to dance those "Ushers" better known as Bouncer's stopped me from getting up on stage when Prince asked for 10
girls to come up, funny I saw boys there too, also apologies for that PLANK of girl who asked for a request, she could barely speak,
no doubt drink was taken, and apologies for that other PLANK who tried to shake the Saxophone players hand while he was
playing, some times we just let ourselves down as a nation by being over familiar, ignorant and not Appreciating the PREFORMERS
fully. Not to sound like a cliché but dancing & singing in the days (my friend and I would put on our walkman’s and blast Prince into
our ears, dance around the room and then hit the town boy were we charged, who needs alcohol) to Prince was something of a
performance, (am too old to be doing it now but do I care) and if you didn't know the moves you were just not FUNKIE, I think I
must of been dancing for those nearly 3hrs last night, apologies to the people beside me, I must of driven them mad, but it was
crucial, that I got on down and got and danced all the troubles away, lets face its a happy, happy feeling coming from a concert like
that, with a strong helping of Sexy. Umm um
Hi all I’m just back from Dublin last night and I’m in a state of sheer shock, I have never in my life witnessed anything like I saw last
night. I am lost 4 words 2 describe the show, mere words just wouldnt express what I need 2 say. I have been so spiritually touched
by the message Prince wove in2 the concert last night that I have a deep sense of how important it is 2 use the gift that God has
given u and use it 2 its fullest. What I saw last night was a man who is doing what he was gifted 2 do, Play, write and per4orm music
and also integrate the message that God is Love and we r all equal b4 him and are all set on this earth 4 a purpose and 4 a plan, as
Prince sang last night, everybodys looking 4 the ladder !. Prince was just amazing last night everthing was done with ease but with
sheer excellence, the band was amazing, the set list just couldnt have been any better and the mind blowing Anna Stesia at the end
was like nothing I’ve ever experinced, the crowd were fantastic and Prince just had us all eating out of his palm all night, I apologise
4 not using the correct words 2 describe this per4ormance, but I just cant find ones good enough 2 explain. Prince please come back
soon we love in Ireland, both North and South, thank u 4 a wonderful spiritual message, delivered with music which touches our
very souls and expressed by a man whos talents r God given and God inspired, thank u.
This was my first ever Prince concert and I'm just totally converted. My partner has been an avid fam from the womb ! This is the
first tour that Prince has done since I met my partner, so my first chance to see him. We were overwhelmed by the whole nite. Dave
(partner) has always told me what a brilliant live entertainer Prince is, but I had to see it for myself. I felt like Prince was singing
and performing directly to me, he was so personable. He is a real showman and I felt a little connection with him.
Well, all these other reviews sum up how great an evening it was perfectly but there's no harm in joining them ! I can honestly say
that it was one of the best nites of my life - seeing Prince onstage, so close, was completely surreal. It's funny, at the height of Purple
Rain Mania I was only 1 - I wonder if my parents could have known that when they were watching him sing Let's Go Crazy on TV all
those years ago that here I would be, 18 years later, writing about such a fantastic concert. I only really discovered the man about 6
months ago, so admit I didn't know quite a few of the songs, but that didn't make the evening any less wonderful. The onslaught of
brilliance was just unrelenting - Strange Relationship, Raspberry Beret, Take Me With U, The Beautiful Ones, I Wanna Be Your
Lover, Housequake, Money Don't Matter 2nite, Anna Stesia, Starfish & Coffee, Pop Life, When You Were Mine, Nothing Compares
2 U, How Come You Don't Call Me Anymore, Adore........ The best by far though was Sign O The Times - when the opening chords
started I think all around me heard me cry out "YES !!!" with the vigour of someone who's just won the lottery. His guitar-playing
was unreal and the band were sensational - all in all, an amazing evening. I can't thank you enough Prince, please come back to us
Vintage Prince. Fourth time for me and by far the best. Never seen or heard anything like it in my life. Real music from a real
musician. Don't leave it so long the next time.
Hey folks, if you're looking here, you were probably there last night - wasn't that just the dogs ? And to that guy who kept showing
off his guitar collection- For a spectacular gig, For a great band, For a fab aftershow, 2 words - THANK YOU !
What can I say........the man is a genius ! The Dublin concert was long overdue but Prince & the NPG made up for lost time ! Sliding
effortlessly across his more than two decades of funk, nothing sounded dated ! And the band..................each a star in their own
right, with a horn section to die for, percussions from heaven and Rhonda's deep bass booming rhythm ! WICKED ! Reclaiming
"Nothing Compares to U" in Sinead O'Connor's home town made it clear to everyone who the song belongs with ! "Sign of the
Times" was inspired and "The Beautiful Ones" a fantastic blast from way back in 1984, when we were all younger but already alive
to the musical virtuosity of this man ! My daughter is one year old, keep playing man so that I can have her share the experience one
day. Teach the children about music, let them hear real musicians !
The people I were with didn't get the spiritual side of things.. but yet again Prince bought GOD to my house ! I was moved by the
talking of the Truth, I was praying, just standing there praying.. I felt the spirit within me and that made me cry. It renewed my
faith, Prince introduced me to GOD the world took him away.... and Prince renewed him in my Soul. I see alot of influences in the
music from Gospel now. More so then I seen before. When I was in Minneapolis with the Blackshires I learned to praise though
music with them.. but I must say I did miss Kip on stage...! Everybody was talkin about how relaxed Prince felt and how funny he
was. My friends never saw this side of him before but I was blessed with it in Paisley Park. I would of given anything to be the guy
sitting on the stage at the start....!!! The funk was in Town last night ! And praise GOD I was there to Witness it...
To all who witnessed, As I sit here, the morning after the night before, I can still feel that buzz I had last night at the Dublin concert,
long may it last in my memory. I have been a fan of Prince since I was 17 and have followed his music and inspiration these last 18
years and to see him perform so fantastically with the NPG has confirmed that he is the master musician and performer that I had
always believed. The stage show was incredible, with a brilliant fusion of lights and music, his voice is as strong and melodious as
ever and his zest for life was so apparent through each of the songs he performed. The memories he provoked made me smile and
the energy he sent out made me dance 'till my feet hurt - a concert that has surpassed any other I have attended. His great respect
for musicianship will long live in my memory and through my children his testimony shall pervail for their good and for us all -may
we all RISE and thank Prince and the NPG for a wonderful night, one that I will take with me always.
Manchester on the 8th was brilliant. Dublin on 10th out of this world. The soundcheck, show and then the aftershow - absolutely
unbelievable. Everyone was so friendly, Prince certainly made the house rock and again, after the soundcheck, the NPG Music Club
members sat chatting to each other. You had to be there to feel the atmosphere at the sound check. One of my favourite moments
during the main show was when Prince sang Sign of the Times - brilliant. Hope we don't have to wait another four years for Prince's
next visit. What a treat is in store for the rest of you who have yet to see the show. Again, a million thanks. Last night's show will
keep my energy level high for months.
We were in the presence of greatness last night ! Thank you so much PRINCE & the NPG !.....It was SO AMAZING !! I have loved
Prince since I was 16 c. 1984 and it was the first time I had seen in him in concert. I knew it was going to be mind blowing & HOW
!..... what an experience it was. I felt like I had been lifted to another plane of experience. Prince had the crowd eating out of his
hands and standing in awe of his incredible musical genius !...the whole gig had a dreamlike quality !....It was like no concert I have
ever been at. It was a sexy, funky Prince in the driving seat and what a ride he took us on ! Prince was in charge and boy did he know
what to do !........I loved every minute of it ! I didn't want him to stop........I am still on a high today, I am tired & my body is aching
but....I am so happy to have witnessed such a concert. It was so uplifting and my faith is renewed ...I LOVED IT !! Please come back
soon !! THANK YOU
Prince. News that he was to play Dublin was met with some excitement amongst my circle of friends. Memories of the Purple Rain
days were inevitable. I can still remember one of my school friends introducing me to the original 12"LP record (was that really 18
years ago ?). Was I expecting this and a rerun of old hits ? Not at all. Those who identify great artists with only one piece of work
often deny themselves the pleasure of experiencing the rest of their music. Prince's output since those early days has been
phenomenal. Not being as familiar with his newest work, it didn't take long to appreciate that here is an artist who refuses to rest on
his laurels. Seeing him live in concert one recognises (if you didn't already) what a talented musician he really is. A guitar virtuoso,
brilliant behind the keyboards and with an amazing voice, Prince looked completely at home upon the stage, a master of his craft.
With an equally skilled band, it was a pleasure to watch real musicians creating real live music. You have to respect an artist who
can perform almost 3 hours of material as diverse as jazz-funk, rock, ballads and impro seemingly effortlessly. It was also refreshing
to hear a so called mainstream artist express views on the music "industry" which we all share. Industry controls most of the music
products we are forced to hear. Style over substance, profits before artistic integrity, manufactured to a formulae musak instead of
original work by artists. Thank goodness there is still an alternative. The Point security staff tried in vain to impose their sense of
authority, threatening the people in the top tier seats to stay seated, reminiscent of some East European scene before the Wall came
down. However the music driving rhythms and Prince's interaction with the crowd made more sense and it wasn't long before
everyone was on their feet, where they stayed for most of the night.
Just got back off the plane and had to write and say "WOW", we thought the 3 London nights rocked but Prince n the band just tore
up the place last night - the soundcheck was brill, the concert just 110% funktastic - surely one of the greatest Prince shows ever !
and the Aftershow... well words just can not sum up the performances on that tiny stage - thanks for a brilliant night - tiring but
100% worth it.
I wanted to write and say thank you for coming to Dublin. I moved here 3 years ago from DC to escape the madness that is America.
While I still love my home country I completely agreed with you that it is a scary time in history and growing up in the US (Hartford
CT) you are taught about the differences we are supposed to have and not the things that we share - love and humanity. I never
thought I would get the chance to see you play live again but you came through like always. Have a great tour and please promise us
that you won't ever stop the funk !
What a Funktacular event I witnessed at The Point in Dublin. Almost 3 hours of pure entertainment from the world’s greatest
musician. A genius, a gentleman ! This was my first Prince concert, I drove 150 miles from the North to experience him and I was
not disappointed. The word speechless springs to mind. The Rainbow Children had me groovin', Take Me With You had me singin'
and The Beautiful Ones............ well, let’s just say that to see Prince perform it in the flesh right before my eyes was an unforgettable
moment. I could go through the whole set saying how each song touched me in different way. But all I can say is it was the greatest
show on earth !! Please Please come back to Dublin soon and fill the City with the sweet sound of your funkadelic bliss. Ps. Prince U
R so Sexy !!!
Greetings from Ireland, Prince & the NPG. I’ve been a huge fan of Prince since back in the early days of the 1999 record. I have been
2 all your tours since the Nude tour. I gotta admit that last night’s gig at the Point Depot in Dublin just blew me away man !!!! The
NPG rocked Ireland last night, much respect 2 the amazing lighting & sound at the Point, although it was a toned down version of
previous shows. Even the funk has been "cleaned up". Heh heh, no more Sexy MF or Pussy Control. Never the less I had the time of
my life with u last night. I was up in the left balcony & I had a bird’s eye view of the most entertaining show I’ve ever seen since the
Diamonds & Pearls tour which up until last night was my favourite memory of seeing u in concert. U looked & SOUNDED fantastic
as did all the band, but it wasn’t till I got 2 the Spirit club did u have a very special treat in store 4 me !!!
Well, I managed to get myself back to Cork over 100 miles away from Dublin this friday evening tired but glad I made the trip.
Prince...unbelievable (but every1 knows that the dictionary doesn't have a word to describe u). John Blackwell...what planet are you
REALLY from.. no human should be able to play drums like that. We were just below the balcony that Bono and the Edge (U2) were
sitting and u could c that Bono was only itchin to be part of an event like that, he was constantly rockin back and 4th 2 the
music....the LIVE music ! Prince, Ireland needs a regular injection of Funk..u are the man to do this...come back soon.
After a long absence Prince was back to perform in Ireland. From the moment he walked on stage it was made perfectly clear to the
awaiting disciples , that tonight was 'all about the Funk'. He bombarded the funk starved fans with an onslaught of ferocious
grooves and riffs. Each performance from the maestro offers something new and refreshing every time you see him. He captures the
essence of space and time like no other artist I know. With a performance that contained tracks from 4 decades of material, this
concert was almost a re-awakening to this mans vast and varied catalogue of music. Some of these tracks were interlaced with some
of the most amazing guitar playing I have had the privilege to witness from Prince - only matched by the aural splendour of the
1988 Lovesexy shows. Tonight was all about being part of something special, feeling a connection to something real. There is a
Power greater than all of us out there - tonight Prince helped us see The Dawn once more.......
Just back from seeing the best concert I have ever witnessed. Prince back in Ireland for the first time in a long time. 7 years is too
long. Please don't wait that long before coming back again. Music-wise it was all I could have hoped for and more.....a lot more. The
Rainbow Children never sounded as good as it does now. Over 2 1/2 hours of bliss rounded off with a version of Anna Stesia that
made me cry. If I didn't have to work night's I would be front row center of his 'Aftershow' a few minutes away from where I am
now. I can faintly hear a jazz-fuelled jam or am I just reliving the show from a few hours ago ? The band were a joy to behold. As
tight as any band Prince has ever worked with. The horn section gave me chills and what a drummer !!!! Rhonda blew me away
again like she did on CD. Prince and the NPG are definitely back. I can't wait for the return visit. My CD player will be on Prince
overload for the forseeable future. LOVE IS GOD, GOD IS LOVE - GIRLS AND BOYS LOVE GOD ABOVE.
I have been a Prince fan as long as I can remember and I don’t even think there are words to describe the concert in Dublin tonight.
I don’t even think words such as excellent, brilliant and amazing even come close to the performance, and the time I had while
watching the show. I was totally in awe of the performance and totally blown away by the musicians and the amazing voice of
Prince. Now that I'm sitting at home, the whole experience seems like a distant dream. I’d like to thank you all for truely the best
night of my life.. you have restored my faith in the music industry and live performances and hope to see you again in my native
Dublin Spirit Aftershow
* Start : 1:45AM / Duration : 1.15 / Attendance : 650
Instrumental / Joy In Repetition / Instrumental / A Love Bizarre / All The Critics Love U In Dublin / Prince And The Band
Dolphin / Calhoun Square / Peach
The second aftershow of the European tour takes place at Spirit, Dublin. The gig was announced over the PA at the Point Depot
concert. NPG Music Club members were left in ahead of everyone (entry was free to members). There were between 500 and 800
people in attendance. The aftershow began at 1:45 am with an instrumental jam with just Renato Neto and John Blackwell onstage
for the first few minutes before Prince and the rest of the band hit the stage. The jam was frenzied and fast-paced. This was
followed by "Joy In Repetition." Prince was very relaxed, smiling and getting the audience to participate. At one point during "Joy In
Repetition," he held up a Bible that the hotel had in one-hand, then in his other hand he held up his Bible and said how strange it
was the text differed from one version to another. Prince gave the hotel Bible to a member of the audience and had her read a
passage, which in turn he quoted from his own Bible. The audience didn‘t seem to appreciate the preaching, but he moved on
quickly and sang the song and played his guitar. An insrrumental jam followed, going into "A Love Bizarre" and "All The Critics Love
U In New York." He continued with a full-length rendition of "Prince And The Band." "Dolphin" closed the set, but Prince and the
band returned for a guitar-heavy "Calhoun Square.“ Prince left the stage for 10 minutes, only to return once more to finish of the set
with an extended 20-minute workout on "Peach." Blackwell's drums pounded through the club and everyone could "feel" the man.
Prince added some "It Ain't Over" chants. The aftershow ended at 3:10 am, lasting around 75 minutes (without breaks).
The aftershow started at 1:45am and ended at 3:10am, taking out the 10 minutes or so when he left the stage after playing "Calhoun
Square" for an ancore, of and very extended 20 minutes workout on "Peach", in total the aftershow lasted 75 minutes approx.
Amazing to witness this, the stage area was VERY small...the band were all squashed together like sardines, but you could tell he
was into it and by god...did he play guitar. He was very relax, smiling and getting the audience to participate, one point during "Joy
In Repetition" was weird, he held up a bible that the hotel had in one hand, then in his other hand he held up *his* bible and said
how strange it was the text differed from one version to another. Prince gave the hotel bible to a member of the audience and had
her read a passage, which in turn he quoted from his own bible. The audience didn't seem to appreciate the preaching, nor did
I...but he moved on quickly and sang the song and played his guitar till it burned up. This aftershow was heavy on the guitar all
through, the horns ripped shit up and it was a very relaxed and informal jam session, only "real songs" played was a slowed down
version of "Dolphin" and guitar heavy "Calhoun Square". "Prince & The Band" was full length, full lyrics but different
instrumentation then what I have heard him play at the Celly and other shows, the jam on "Peach" was incredible...John Blackwell's
drums pounded through the club and everyone could "feel" the man, he tore shit up for 20 minutes on that song. Again I could go
on and on, it was a million times better then The Pod back in 1995, or the other aftershow I saw in 1993...stunning stuff. I saw
Scottie hand over the DAT of the aftershow to Trevor right after the gig. Once again Dublin not only got the real funk...but the
longest aftershow so far on this tour, I think Prince will come back to Ireland, I have a good sense he appreciates the Irish crowd, for
me as a fan this has been magical experince, something that will always be with me.
I caught both shows in Dublin on Thursday-the main gig and the after show. The main gig was a very long affair with a generous
encore. Love the new funky version of "Sign O'The Times". There was loads of U2 banter as well-they must have been in the
audience. The piano medley displayed his vocal range admirably but, when it was all over and done, and the last trippy visual on the
screen had faded I felt that I had only witnessed a great party from a distance. So, onward to the after show. When I got to the
venue, "Spirit", the venue formerly known as "HQ" on Abbey St., my spirits dropped as there was a queue a mile long. I went off to
drown my sorrows but later decided that I couldn't miss out on this fabulous opportunity. When I came back there were still
queue's, but I dutifully fell in line and after only fifteen minutes I was in. Apparently the downstairs club was open for all the
heathens who didn't know about the musical treat they were missing upstairs. The upstairs venue proper which Prince had
commandeered for his performance was buzzing but not overly packed. To my astonishment the small stage where the band were to
play still had plenty of space around it. I got a drink and hovered over to the side of the stage, near the stage door. Just as I was
thinking to myself "I hope I don't have to wait hours to catch a glimpse" I turned to my right hand side and froze. Standing no more
than three feet away from me was the man himself. I drank in every detail of his face-I think I even offered a pathetic "hey man".
Looking every bit the rock star you would expect in impenetrable black shades and full length dark trench coat I suddenly knew that
every cent of the admission price had been worth it for this kind of access. My actual initial reaction was to go over and touch him
but I thought better of it (I'm a guy, after all). A young lady had the same idea but was politely asked to step back by a very tall
security member who appeared from nowhere. It appeared that Prince was just checking out the venue before going on stage, he
was nodding his agreement at something his partner was saying. About two minutes later he was on stage-without bothering to take
off his imposing looking coat, which was only discarded a few numbers in to reveal his very noticeable NPG medallion, the shades
stayed firmly in place. He picked up his Fender and begun to play. Everybody stayed motionless. Nobody pushed or shoved. Elbow
space was not at a premium, everyone seemed content to view proceedings from where they were. I have never been at a gig where
this was the case. Standing within range of eye contact, I could not believe I had such fantastic access at such an exclusive party.
Other band members such as Candy Dulfer laughed and joked just off stage right. As for the set selection it was clear this one was
for the fans. I was so transfixed that the only two songs I can remember were "Joy In Repetition" and "A Love Bizarre". He didn't
repeat any songs he had played earlier. "Joy" was a real highlight, a very firm favorite of the true fans the guitar work was heavenly.
I also loved the bit where he boogied around with a set of shakers (which we could all hear without the mike), climbing up the
hastily applied steel walk way to the second level stage left and stage right before shimmying back centre stage to give them out into
the audience. The expression on his face throughout this little endeavor suggested "I can do anything I like and make it look cool". It
did. We even got an encore before he disappeared out the stage door for the last time. My strong advice to any fans out there is to
make sure you bring the money to attend the after show. That's were the real action is at...
WOW everybody, what about that, I have seen Prince 11 times, and I have to say this was the Ultimate live experience. The hour
long soundcheck inc. Empty Room, The Ride and an amazing medley of Thanku4lettinmeBmicelfagin/Days Of Wild, then the two
and a half hour show, followed by that amazing aftershow in Spirit nightclub. He sung songs that I thought I would never get to
hear him sing, I can't remember the exact set list for the aftershow, a few covers and Instrumentals, but he done Calhoun Square, A
Love Bizarre/Erotic City medley, to tell you the truth I was buzzing that much just being there, and hearing and seeing him that I
just cant remember the details. I brought my 4 friends along who are not really into the man, but every one of them had a brilliant
night, inc the aftershow, and they would all definately go back to see him, anyway I just want to thank him for the best concert and
aftershow Ireland has ever seen, and hopes he will not take near as long to come back again, even though wherever he plays we will
go and see him if we can. People I'm still buzzing, see ya. OH - Can anyone tell me why to hell 3 members of Westlife were at the
Prince aftershow, don't figure, maybe they were looking for some tips from the master.
The aftershow was just a long jam where the band generally wound down and chilled out. Except for a certain drummer who gave
the Duracell bunny a run for his money. And that last all-out rendition of Peach … what a way to go out. The membership was worth
it just for the gig. The soundcheck, best seats in the house for the concert and free admission to the aftershow (we even managed to
skip the queue and it was pretty big). Amazing. Thanks to Tim and Martin for keeping me company on what would otherwise have
been a long day. I saw your post Tim, don’t ever stop the funk. And lets hope you are wrong and we do get to see him again in
Ireland and Scotland.
The "AFTERSHOW" just took my breath away !! I was 10 feet away from the NPG. WOW !! I consider myself 2 b 1 of the luckiest ppl
in the world 2 have witnessed such a very special & momentous occasion. U just cant beat that special feeling of being up close &
personal. I would like 2 take this golden oppertunity 2 thank Prince & the NPG 4 1 of the best nights of my life. Maceo & Candy not
2 mention Greg were a real extra bonus cause they really added the funk last night. Rhonda Smith...."WILL U MARRY ME ??"
Rhonda u really kick a** on the bass darling. Renato & the wonderfull John Blackwell just make the NPG rock "N"roll. Much
respect 2 all the behind the scences staff such as all the technicains. They really worked hard rigging the stage 4 the aftershow with
such a limited amount of time 2 do it in !! All in all Prince u have the best band in the world with u right now. The NPG are THE
BIGGEST BAND IN THE WORLD 2DAY & THATS A FACT. I want 2 thank Prince 4 comming over 2 ireland & I hope u come back
2 see the Irish ppl real soon. U will always receieve a "CEAD MILE FAILTE" in Ireland, that in English means a "THOUSAND
Just as I thought the end was nigh, a deep booming voice announced "after show party at Spirit" I nearly exploded with numerous
emotions. I sat, mesmerised, on a podium at the back of the dance floor because I had too many blisters to dance and was also in
disbelief that Prince was actually standing right there, opposite me, being the detective ! Prince you weren't cool that night, you
were HOT ! Please come to Liverpool, the capital of music, where we will give you the warmest of welcomes.
13-10-2002 : ā™« Frankfurt Soundcheck (0:44)
(A : Frankfurt Soundcheck 13-10-2002 – 7/10)
The Stick (Incl. 777-9311) / The Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Raspberry Beret
Beautiful Strange / Bambi / Don’t Play Me
I'm a fam since the "Purple Rain" era - I've seen every european tour since 1986.
I've decided to make the road from Paris to attend the Frankfurt concert as a NPG
Music Club member. It was my first concert of the One Nite Alone tour and I was
impressed - I loved the idea of getting to the soundcheck, and having a reserved
area in front of the stage for club members is absolutely great. Besides gettin my
CDs it worth my membership ! We were treated with a version of "Don't Play Me"
backed by the full band.
Thank U so much for this wonderful concert. I was so happy to be so close to the
stage like never before (NPGMusicClub worked very well !!) The highlights started
already with the soundcheck : BEAUTIFUL STRANGE brought a "mulitple goosepimple attack" over me...........and looking in ur eyes during DON'T PLAY ME called
for tears in mine.....
It’s almost 10:00 Monday morning now, and it’s 4 hours after I went to sleep !!
How am I gonna keep this up until the end of the week ? I still have 2 more concerts
this week and 1 concert at October 27. This will kill me, but I don’t care. Well
anyway, let’s try to write down a report for you guys… We arrived at the Festhalle at
12:15 and we were numbers 19, 20 and 21 in the queue !!! At 16:00 some 100 people
or so were present, Actually I couldn’t believe it. Those Germans are funny people. In Rotterdam it will be much more crowded
much earlier at the day, I’m sure. At 15:45 or so, we could pick up our NPGMC tickets and some security guys brought us to the
venue itself. There we had to wait for 2 more hours. As it came closer and closer to 18:00 we started to get convinced that no
soundcheck would be held, because the venue was supposed to open for the “normal” (what is normal ?) people at 18:30. But we
were lucky !!! At 18:00 they let us in and when we entered Prince was standing a little at the far end of the stage, with his back
turned to us. He was playing the bass. I had to think twice, but then it came to me…he was playing The Stick. After that he started a
rehearsal for Pop Life while he left the stage through the audience. That part took some 15 minutes and consisted of several short
takes of the different instruments. This was followed by a rehearsal for Raspberry Beret, which concluded in a full instrumental
version of this song. At that point Prince returned to the stage, and without a word, he started a 10-12 minutes performance of
Beautiful Strange, including some awesome guitarwork !! Man, he was in shape. He continued with Bambi, probably not the best
version he ever played, but still very worthwhile. The final song of the soundcheck was played at the piano and it took the audience
a little while before we recognized what he was doing. It turned out he was doing Don’t Play Me, on piano ! We’ve never heard this
before and everybody agreed : this was phenomenal !! He then asked us : “What time is it ?” Somebody shouted “7 to 7”, and he
replied “Well you know, for me it takes a while to do my…” and then he left. Great. During the soundcheck he wasn’t very talkative,
and sometimes he was annoyed by his technicians. So at a certain point we were a little afraid that this would ruin his humour. But
the concert proved otherwise !
ā™« Frankfurt Festhalle
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.35 / Attendance : ? / 10.000 / Tick. Price : €60.90 / €52.30
(A : Frankfurt 13.10.02 – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia (Incl. Bustin’ Loose)
Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Purple Rain
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake – Love Rollercoaster - DMSR) / Sign O’ The Times
Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World / Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls
Delirious / Adore / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April / Days Of Wild / Peach
Anna Stesia
For the most part this is a fairly representative concert from the
European leg of the One Nite Alone tour however it has to be said
that with only 4 tracks played from The Rainbow Children, it's
certainly more "hits heavy" than most others. The recording is very
impressive and a few screaming female audience members
shouting their approval aside, there's nothing really worth being
too critical over. The sound does slightly waver during a few of the
early tracks and 'Raspberry Beret' is missing a few seconds as it
spans both discs, but these are minor gripes considering the
quality is as good as a number of the pressed bootlegs from the
tour - not as sharp or clear in parts, but very respectable indeed.
The show is as good as the recording and this is a mighty fine
performance from Prince. 'Xenophobia' is a little shorter than many
other shows, but includes the "I feel like bustin' loose" chant.
'Purple Rain' is played and lasts a little under 14 minutes admittedly including a little speech mid-way through, but still very lengthy for the tour. The piano medley is
equally impressive and not only includes a rare (criminally brief 10 second long) 'The Most Beautiful Girl In The
World') but also a loose jam on 'Delirious' before Prince segues back into the closing bars of 'Adore'. Most
definitely one of the better fan releases from the tour in terms of both quality of the recording and quality of the
Sarcasm, too, can be a stimulus. The world is in trouble, but Pop’s a healing power: Prince singing and philosophizing at Frankfurt
concert. Perhaps the greatest art of Pop music is the fashioning of moments - and turning them into eternal memories. Over the
decades this art has been lost, as the industry took over music and forced it into rituals that nowadays are only being accepted as
constitutional because noone remembers any better. The basic pattern works this way : The artist releases a record and goes on
tour. At the concerts the audience will accept the new songs as the price for hearing the old ones once again. That way every new
release will automatically turn the formerly new material into new classics. There is no easier way to achieve an aura of eternity
than through Pop. And that might be music industry’s most eminent art. Now Prince, Popstar from Minneapolis, whose old and
new creations have always differed from other’s, climbs the stage at the Festhalle in Frankfurt as first stop of an impromtu tour, and
provokes fans to yearn for his hugest hit "Purple Rain". As calls for it arise, he plays it down. No, he won’t play 80ies material in
2002, which makes sense, just like his recent statement of having correctly predicted todays conditions in the song "1999" 20 years
ago. Yet him playing "Purple Rain" not merely ten minutes later, does not surprise anybody, as it’s surprising. Prince’s greatest art
is his skill in immediately successful self-reference. The second pillar of his art are his musical competence and instrumental
versatility. He is nothing less than his very own Pop-organism. He sings, plays and breathes music, always present in the very now,
yet with a hint of irretrievable uniqueness, from which Pop legends spring. With each performance Prince generates his work as
Oeuvre anew. This can not be emphasized enough, since Pop’s reproductional machinery uses reinvention in a minor and
subordinate way. That night, "Purple Rain" sounds like it has just been invented - with crackling splinters of guitar playing from the
stage and floating choirs from the audience, as well as additional facets to all his other hits : Faster, higher, more colorful. An
evening with Prince is always exciting in a new way. The amount of old material in his concerts is of no consequence, since
everything sounds fresh. That, too, sets the 44 year old apart from other artists as Madonna or Michael Jackson, to whom at the
beginning of his career he was often compared to. Artistically he has long ago left them way behind him. The fact that his star never
sparkled just as bright along the way, may have its cause in the bizarre perception of his own position in the music industry, which
he notoriously questions - thus sometimes putting himself into an offside position. For most of the nineties he strifed to accentuate
his independence from Pop market’s structures, going as far as abandoning his stagename: In a way an act of artistical suicide,
because his music did not get the right attention. Nowadays he takes the stage as if nothing had happened. He is Prince again, not
the stylized symbol in the desert of Pop, that he sported for a while. Instead the gestures on stage have grown. He says the world is
in big trouble, then asks 10 people in the audience to dance in front of him on the podium. They do well and are afterwards asked to
step down again - one people, one love, one God. It seems as if Prince even discovered sarcasm as an additional drive in his Popuniverse, irony adds new dark colors to his concert. Musically, the disparate blends and sounds homogenous. Gospel, Blues,
Hardrock, Funk - all styles unite and still remain unique. Fuse after fuse is laid by the seven musicians of the "New Power
Generation". The songs explode in bright flashes. What remains, are the melodies.Their true beauty becomes apparent in their own
echoes. They resemble veins in the infinity of the nightly sky. LOVE !
Hey !! Hello to the fans who I met in Frankfurt (I'm
Christophe's fiancé, the all colored hat girl) Thanks for the
café when I was so cold after 7 hours of waiting... I'm not a fan
I didn't know the songs but so the shock was real... It was my
first concert and now at university I often sing Rainbow
Children...:-) I don't know if Prince himself read sometimes
what people say here but I just can hold it any longer : he must
know that thes roses -I know it may sound stupid- which he
got in Frankfurt were from Simba, the only slovaquian Npg
memeber... She travelled so far !!! This flowers had a story and
it was very important for me to tell it... .Thanks for the show,
my fiancé was very happy ... I often look behind me in
Frankfurt and I saw the fans' eyes... But only one word for too
'extremly" fans : one girl said to me 'I like his music and travel
so far' cause he's doing things we'll never do'... No !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listen to the songtext and you will see that you're special that
you have 'rise up' Do something, the thing that is deeply in
you, which you dream from and you 'll surely make so warm at other's heart like Prince ...He just do what it is in him and gives it to
you Everybody have a part to develop and give to his brothers and sisters. Thanks to the people I've met !!!!
4days ago I was at the Concert in Frankfurt. My first time with Prince life ! It was not what I expected but he's always good for an
surprise. I'm 36 and two things accompanied me all my Life trough good and bad times : Prince and God. I had the desire to get
closer to the stage just to see your eyes, it was'nt possible but I injoyed every minute. That night I had a dream in which you kissed
me (nothing romantic or sexual) just as a friend. You touched my heart and my soul.
Yeah man this was one of the best concerts in Germany, it was great to see that you enjoyed the concert like we do, it was a very
pleasure to entrance before the concert started. And thanks for the little session when you played Bambi, Beautiful Strange & more.
And the concert was very very cool you played all the songs that I love most & much respect to Maceo, Candy, John Blackwell & the
rest of the band it was incredible & believe me keep doing what your doing.
Only saturday I decided to travel down to Frankfurt the next day as I couldn't wait till Oberhausen on 10/27. And it sho' nuff was 1
of the best shows I've been with. it's been so so long since they've been in Germany that all songs they played were live like new
songs to me. Finally I've had the Days Of Wild and some Rainbow Children funk, let alone the classics. Get together in Oberhausen
again for some new newsuperheavyfunk.
I saw my first concert of this tour in Frankfurt and I thank God everyday because I get 2 attend 5 more this year. Just want 2 say
thank U 4 the way things R arranged 4 the members. U’re taking such good care of us ! During the soundcheck Prince told us he
wouldn’t play Purple Rain and 4 some reason that was kind of a relief. Not that I don’t like it anymore, but we’ve heard it so many
times. I can imagine he’s doesn’t want 2 play it when there’s so much new music 4 him 2 share with us. He played it anyway,
because he doesn’t want 2 disappoint those who R seeing him 4 the 1st time I guess. I was surprised by my reaction. It wasn’t just
the song, it was the connection 2 God that did it 4 me. It touched my soul so much it made me cry. Even typing this brings tears 2
my eyes. He also played Anna Stesia. More tears of course and again my heart and soul jumped up and down. Never thought I’d
hear him do that one again. Maybe this emale should just say “Thank U ! Thank U ! Thank U !” He’s so relaxed these days. And he
really looks happy, which makes us happy, which results in Prince giving everything he has 2 give. And that’s a whole lot, isn’t it ?
I dont know where to beginn, maybe start with saying, that I cannot stop humming some songs, and my friends and collegues dont
know how to stop me :-)))) it was gorgeous to be there, I wish that I had earlier birthday so I would have get the tickets earlier for
the concert. I am hearing Prince since 1987. I still remember my first song "Under the cherry Moon". We were on vacations in
Croatia, and I forgot to take my MCs with me, so I bought there my first Prince MC without knowing that once it will become my
passion to hear. Although being a fan for so long, it was my first time being on a Prince concert. And I must say it was well
organised, well carry out. I was sitting in the left corner to the stage and had a very good sight, but as I saw that fans were asked to
come to the stage, I wished to be there down to have a chance to get on the stage. And I would have given a better answer than "I
don’t Know" it was a shame. There are not so many chances to be on the stage with the great Prince and dance !!! I won’t miss the
chance and would have remove my coat earlier. I must say although the germans need time to get involve and get out from
themselves, the music and atmosphere and of course Prince finally got them get funky. I was astonished that finally they were
singing the chorus lines of the songs. I want to say here a big thanks for giving a great show, Prince is not only a great singer but
also a great show master. I loved the way he involved the public in the concert. I wish that one day I have the chance to have a
conversation with the man, whose songs touched my heart very deeply. I really would like to know how is really behind the
masquerade. Does not matter in which situation, is it as I felt sad, and the description of my feelings was in "Nothing Compares 2
U". Which was thanks god, also played in the concert. Or my feeling as "When Doves Cry" ....like my mother, she never satisfied,
this is mostly the saying of my father about me, so whenever he says it to me I don’t mind it that much, as I see it "positivety " that
he reminds me of a nice song. But the two lines I love most are from the song "If I Was ur Girlfriend".. would u come to me if
somebody hurts u, even if this somebody was me...... The best thing that happend was, as Prince asked about any suggestions to
play , thanks god he played "Times", I was not sure, if my shouts will be heard, but obviously it worked.
I'm now back from Frankfurt, because I live in Italy, but I went to Frankfurt (my native City) for the last weekend to see this
extraordinary concert. Thank You Prince, for calling me on stage, I can't express with words what I'm feeling inside. Your music and
NPG where GREAT, a POWERFUL POSITIVE energy , just that what we all need in this cloudy days. You and Npg speak with your
funky music a very special language that reach some chords that everyone of us have deep inside heart & soul, giving us a lot of joy
and delight. But I think you know that. Much to my regret I see that so much people won't hear these chords, life is too precious and
short ..... Eraklide 2500 years ago said : "everything flows ..." I like your new sound very much, I think it's more jazz a funky mix of
sensual and spiritual REAL music, made by REAL musicians. Grazie Maceo Parker & Npg music club. Thank You, Prince for
existing and for this great night in Frankfurt, hope to see you all soon.
Dear Prince, maybe it sounds a little childish because I'm almost 34 years old, BUT I WAS ON STAGE, I WAS ON STAGE, I WAS
ON STAGE !!!!!! Imagine dancing to "Prince-Music" while you are playing your guitar right next to me ???!!! That was like ... I got
no words !! ... dancing with the other girls and boys ... everybody smiling ... ... and all the people !! 8000, I think. That was so much
fun ! But the best thing was that my friends were with me having so much fun during the whole concert. My brother and his wife
who were never before at a Prince-Concert said after the concert : "That kind of music was pretty amazing ..." I don't really cared
what songs you are playing (Sure, I got some LIEBLINGSLIEDER) - I just thought : " Don't stop playing, please don't stop playing
..." Thank U so much P & the band (Remember me ?) Thank you also for talking about how worst our world is and that there should
be LOVE and GOD and HARMONY. That was something everybody remembered after the concert. See ??!! With all my love and a
big hug, yes, a big hug !
He started at 8:00 and played until 10:40. The audience in the sold out Frankfurt Festhalle gave him the warmest welcome possible,
what he responded with the by far best concert we ever had been able to participate. What an incredible genius this human being !
We would have loved to stay for the after show party, but our 3 year old son would not sleep without his humming happy parents...
Thanks for all the feelings and memories you gave us.
Real music by real musicians……... Prince - U said : “We all need 2 come 2gether” and yesterday we did. Thank U 4 a beautiful
evening of true music, lovely memories and 4 sharing Ur gift. Thanx 4 an up close and personal Xperience of attending the
soundcheck - with a cool flavoured and amazing version of “Beautiful Strange” (which was one of my personal highlights last nite).
But there was one thing I missed at the show : 2 c U more dancing Urself ! But in respect of Ur advanced age I could understand ....
hey man, just kidding ;-) A special thanx to the band - so tight. John ­ “what did they put in2 Ur drink ?” :-) - wow - just incredible.
Candy ……. super-“saxy” as always …. good “blow-job” :-) Maceo - keep on blow Ur horn and all the best 4 Ur upcoming solo tour.
Can´t wait 2 C U all in Oberhausen on Oct. 27 again. So keep on the spirit and the funk.
The concert itself was great, but as I've often read the reports here I was not so surprised by the quality of the show. I was sure it
was the bomb ! I particularly loved the inclusion of "Money Don't Matter 2-night" and "Sign o The Times", the latter including a
very good guitar solo. "Delirious" into the piano medley was also great fun, and the whole piano medley was awesome. I found "The
Ladder" beautiful. About the band members - I've heard alot about Blackwell and he isn't ruining his reputation. I remember
Rhonda's groove on "Xenophobia" (what a jam !), and the horn section did a perfect work. I don't even know what to say about the
performances of Candy, Greg and Maceo. Renato was "a little bit behind the beat" but "just enough to turn me on" :-)
It was incredible... it was a contrast bath of fellings... it was funny... and when he played Purple Rain I had tears in my eyes... this
man is a genius; you can't imagine the feelings I had at this concert... and especially this cool mix of jazz, pop, soul and when he
played on the piano... great. Rise up... hope you come back soon
Great show. Prince said he won't play Purple Rain but he did. To my surprise he also played the fantastic song Sign Of The Times.
This was the best concert since Diamonds and Pearls. Perfect night, thank you ! Next time, please also play my favorite song GETT
OFF !!!! Looking forward to the Live Album ... and the next tour
What can I say ???? I came from Luxembourg to Frankfurt as all the concert in Belgium was already sold out, this was my 15 concert
of Prince… one better than the other… there are really no words to express the feeling U get while jamming with Prince and the
Love and Peace for a great musician and his work - what in this world can touch a heart so deeply, truly like you did last night... we
love your music - it is Love. it¹s Magic. It¹s Truth. Thank u for the memories and this unforgettable show !
We came all the way from Zagreb, Croatia to witness this mindblowing show. Although it was my ninth show, my girlfriend and best
friends helped me realize that every show is the first. And best. Because he tops it each time. I am now preparing to get myself ready
for another "first" show. I´d like to thank those who spiritually led me to Prince and those who enabled me to attend another 6
I just want to pick out some of my favorits : SIGN'O'THE TIMES-my primer P-song, THE LADDER, THE BEAUTIFUL ONES,
ADORE, SOMETIMES IT SNOWS IN APRIL : all in exceptional touching versions. And then all this moving Funk played by such a
tough group of excellent musicians appreciated by a great audience made this night unforgetable I don't want but have to be
impudent : Prince keep touring all ur life so we can see & hear U here in Europe every year !!! I hope that U & the NPG are enjoying
ur time here in Europe for the rest of the tour ! And I hope that I will be able to see another concert of ONA, maybe Rotterdam (or
Amsterdam on 2.Nov ??)
After a fab Celebration at Paisley Park, this was another "Beautiful Xperience"
First of all I would like to thank YOU, Prince, for giving me so much joy, pleasure and LUV in my life ! It is definitely better to GIVE
than to receive ! Your concert in Frankfurt was again absolutely gorgeous and I so much hope to see you again here VERY SOON !
Please don't make me/us wait too long ! And I promise that I will be standing again in the front row like I was at the concert 1998 !
This time I was sitting upstairs which was really not a good idea especially because I wasn't able to sit still anyway. I would have
done anything (maybe not really ANYTHING) to get on stage and I promise that I would have given you a somewhat more
"intelligent" answer than "I don't know" (sorry girl but you seriously had a little chance to have some kind of conversation with HIM
- the MOST TALENTED ARTIST EVER !). I hope that one day I get the chance to do so - I'm sure we would have a most spiritually
inspiring conversation ! I dream of sharing thoughts with you PRINCE ! And of course I would have loved to party with you one
stage 4 a little while and do the HOUSEQUAKE ! Just to mention very few - I enjoyed "1+1+1 is 3" which is one of the funkiest songs
and of course I adored "ADORE" and "Anna Stesia" (I cried tears of joy because I have always loved that song for its expressive
lyrics) ! THE RAINBOW CHILDREN is one of the best albums you ever did - it truly is a MASTERPIECE (although nobody
COMPARES 2 U one could say YOU are the Mozart of this century !! or better THE ARTIST - a living genius !). Besides, why didn't
you play MELLOW ? I would have wanted to get lost in the MELLOW of your mind ... Hope to see U again very soon - don't forget
your German fams LOVE and NEED you !!! ... and we all understand & AGREE - LOVE is GOD GOD is LOVE GIRLS & BOYS LOVE
GOD ABOVE – Peace !
After a black day in 199? when I could not get into the Concert of the Diamond and Pearls tour and a huge disappointment, when
the Cologne Arena sound on the last tour was a desaster and Prince finished the show after horrible 90 minutes (he did right), this
show on Sunday was it !!!!! He played "Starfish and Coffee" ,one of my all-time favs !!! I wished he would have also played more new
stuff, but i think this was a compromise to the german "mainstream" audience... What about more from the Truth or Hallucination
Rain ? I wished the merchandise would have offered more CDs from NPG records. So I just bought the Rhonda CD, which is great !
I guess I will join the club soon.
What an amazing show ! Nothin more to say. I'm a fan since 1985 and this was my first soundcheck and I saw and heared what I
ever wanted to see and hear ;o) Th@nx a lot Prince
Already hours passed, but still I am on flying cloud, my funk ship did not even landed - I guess this will happen end of month, when
Zurich gig is over as well (and I witnessed 3 regular shows, some rehearsal, and maybe (I pray 4 it) an aftershow) so while Berlin is
approaching - I am still thinking about what happened in Frankfurt - the 13th gig I have been 2 in my purple life - and after a 2 year
break (celebration 2000) - a long awaited moment ! I enjoyed every minute ! Words r missing 2 describe, not bcos I am not english
native, neither that I am 2 lazy - one thing I can say : it was off the hook and I will never 4get it ! Especially bcos I was one of the
lucky ones who had the chance 2 enter the stage 4 the dance contest - when I was up, PRINCE himself spotted/adressed on me and
said (was such a great ! moment in my life) something like this : “aah, ah, look @him, look @this silver shoes !” (had some fonky
silver sport sneakers on) “hey u ! start dancing NOW !” I almost p.... in my pants... cos it was first time I danced in front of 7000
peeps (just realized my friends in front row) and next, behind, in front of p & the NPG ! as well as Maceo and Candy ! Way 2 much 4
me ! I even "found" - (hey prince was not my goal 2 steel it !), a white transparent which says : "thank u so much, p & the band" and
spotted it in the air, around my fonky hips and all my body ;-) - lots of love was in the "air" and while leaving the stage i said 2 the
band : Switzerland is awaiting u ! and thanked them warmfully 4 this great experience !
Wow ! There was never a doubt about it and yesterday we once again got the proof : Prince is not only a musician - he is an ARTIST.
And he never stops rising. And what an experience (hopefully for him 2) to celebrate that night with an audiance of accomponists
from the first hour until now. We're willing to do the work, aren't we ?
At 20:00 sharp (yes really, he started on time !) the concert started with a long intro to Rainbow Children. At this point I have to
say, that I stood with my nose against the stage, so I had the best place I ever had during a Prince concert. Man, I can tell you…the
experience is not to be compared with that when you are standing somewhere further backwards ! For us the opening was great, but
the German crowd is not very noise making (compared to Dutch standards) and I think Prince had the same opinion. So after 4
songs he had a little chat with Rhonda and Renato, and then he started a traditional 10 minutes guitar version of Purple Rain. On
the one hand you could say that he choose for the easy way to get the crowd going, on the other hand you also can state that he gave
the audience what it needed ! In comparison to the US concerts he played less TRC songs and he left away the complete WNPG part
of the show. Well again on the one hand one could find it a pity that he didn’t play those new songs, on the other hand the changes
to the set caused of course some surprises, even for the NPGMC members. For me, the concert was great…he played almost
everything we wanted to hear (the little group I was in, decided that we wanted to hear Bambi, DOW, Anna Stesia, Xenophobia, The
Ladder and Joy In Repetition; except for the last one, he played them all !). Highlights for me were Xenophobia (what a great song),
Pop Life (after all these years such a song can grow to you more than you would expect) and Money Don’t Matter Tonight (a really
long version with much audience interaction). During the piano medley he did a great Delirious (the first time during this ONA
tour), a full blown, complete The Beautiful Ones (with band) and he ended that part of the concert with (YES !!!!!) The Ladder,
during which he had the audience sing the chorus for maybe 10 times. Man, this is what we all want Prince to be !! And of course,
and I think everybody will agree, the main outstanding, special highlight was the super heavy version of SOTT. The intro alone….it
took us 2 minutes to figure out what he was doing; man what a great surprise. And what an awesome guitar work ! The final part of
the song was a guitar solo, while he was sitting on his knees and the guitar was laying on the floor ! Guys, I was waiting for the glue
and the lighter. As far as I am concerned we would have had the perfect Jimi on stage, if he had put his guitar on fire !!! Now it was
“only” 99,99% Jimi, LOL. OK, now for the ending of the show. After The Ladder, almost immediately the famous bass beat come
across….Days Of Wild, with a long intro ! Purple300 almost lost it on that one (haha Francesco, how are you now ?). This was the
sign for the crowd to do a little more of “The Work” and everybody went for it. This one was followed by Peach and a very playful
and long “It ain’t over” chant… Prince sang “It is over” and the audience shouted back “It ain’t over”. Man, how many times did I
write the word “great” so far ? And of course the best was, that indeed it wasn’t over. He re-entered the stage for the final song :
“Anna Stesia” including the Rise Up outro. I won’t use the “G” word anymore, but you know what I mean !! All in all, it was a perfect
night. Finally an “afterpartyshow” was announced, but as we arrived in the club we immediately found out, that he could not play
here. So we left after having some drinks with Harry and some of his friends.
Thank u for a WONDERFUL nite at the Festhalle in Frankfurt ! I loved The Ladder, The Beautiful Ones, Purple Rain, Sign O The
Times (!!!) and all the others. Hope 2 c u soon back here in Germany !!!! p.s. of course it`s better to give than to receive ... I was just
too nervous to remember that when I was on stage :-)))
I have 2 say that I STILL have not yet come down from the natural high of attending last night's show at the Frankfurt Festhalle. I'll
be brief : once he hit the stage, Prince almost looked surprised from the welcome he received, looking extremely pimpish and cool in
a grey pin-striped suit with a flipped-up collar, reminiscent of the GOLD EXPERIENCE period. I did NOT expect him 2 do so much
of his vintage stuff, a lot of which I had never heard live. Although most of the people there were strangers 2 me, the whole vibe
seemed like we were all family members who haven't seen each other 4 a while. The energy was all over the place....and so was the
love. Prince had some important things in his mind and heart 2 share with us about the condition of one's spirit in the world 2day
and I think we needed 2 listen.
What a h*ll (positive) of a trip through time, present and past. For me it was like every time he is in the Frankfurt area. I never find
words to describe my emotions for those special nights. It was about time for him 2 please us with his live performance. And that
Band, wow !! Maceo, and Candy, even Angels cry when they hear you play that Sax. Hey Candy, hope to see you soon back in Mainz
!! Also the rest of the Band.... thx.... Big THX for Purple Rain !!! since 88 I follow all your concerts in the Frankfurt area, and like
every time you let us feel that marvelous song. You leave me breathless. After songs from "The Rainbow Children" came the past,
from "Raspberry Beret" over to "Anna Stesia", "The Ladder" and so on and so on. If you missed that Show, you missed Prince !! Thx
again for that pleasure you´re giving us. (And for a cool and superb Soundcheck)
Welcome back to Europe like I said during the soundchecks in Frankfurt !!!!! You and the band are on the vibe of excellency and
love !!!!! The show was the greatest thing I could see.... You smiled at me and my girfriend (she had a multi colored beret) during
Raspberry Beret (we were at the very front)... So many songs and ahhhhhh you played Beautiful Strange during the soundchecks !!!
and Xenophobia..... I felt the love inside and outside I am still on the cloud of this truly wonderful experience you offered us.... It's
better to give yeah and you gave us so much but what can we give you to thank you ? "Maceo, blow your horn !!!!"
If anyone wants 2 learn about playing real music should better go and watch Prince & his band live. This guy is always surprising...
he plays the guitar like he´s born with it and also the piano ... I loved that part of the concert. Great audience, great show and a very
good moody Prince who seemed to have a lot of fun last night...(wished we could have seen u on screen), showed that he´s still "the
man". Can´t think of anyone in the showbusiness who is even close 2 be able 2 compared with him after all these years not hearing
so much of him in the media. 7.000 happy people were saying "Thank u" 4 a great night. Come back soon
Thank U Prince and the New Power Generation !! The organisation for the members was great ! During the soundcheck Prince was
very funny, he made some jokes and played 40 minutes soundcheck ! The concert was the best I have ever saw !! This is real Music
and it`s the best music on the planet, I love the song Xenophobia, he played Days Of Wild, Peach and Purple Rain. The guitar solos
were wonderful, Maceo Parker and Candy Dulfer were wonderful and of course the rest of the incredible band ! I said thank u for
the Musicclub; it`s a great idea !!
PEACE, LOVE and one GREAT bash ! Finally, after 4 years of waiting (we sure did miss ya !) the most soulful, funky and rockin'
housequake anywhere. My girl, a friend of ours and me were simply blown away by his charisma and talent. People, these are truly
the days of the wild. RISE UP ! and thank y'all !
Thank You 4 this night of Freedom Music and Love ! You played Purple Rain the first time on the European Tour and no joke I
started 2 cry ! Special Thank 2 the Band and Candy and Maceo, Jiiihhhaaaa very hot ! See you at Oberhausen and Rotterdam and
Maybe Sometimes it Snows in April (GREAT)
Oneninety Afterparty
An afterparty was held at 190east with Prince in attendance. He remained mostly in a closed-off VIP section. Some tracks off One
Nite Alone... Live ! were played.
After the show we went straight to the afterparty and i was next to the DJ booth when Prince came and asked to play a track from
the "One Nite Alone... LIVE" CD. This sounds very promising and I can't wait to get it in my mailbox.
Oneninety club in Frankfurt-Prince showed up to put on Joy In Repetition & Alphabet St. I hope you are reading this, Prince : You
make God so real
I was next 2 p in front of the dj booth in 190east club while he shaked the new CD in the air.. everybody was exhausted... I count the
days till its release ! And meanwhile I keep on dreaming (despite of the work this week) cu soon in Berlin and Zurich ;-) I wanna say
big thxs. 2 p & the band ! ... and mister Blackwell - ur 2 much 2 handle ! outerspaced ;-) peace N love also 2 all the nice peeps I met
(ash man !!!)
I EVEN MANAGED 2 GET IN THE AFTERPARTY....4 FREE !!!!!!! A laid-back, cooler vibe than the show but just being inside was
enough. Prince popped up about 20 minutes after I walked in and just hung out behind the dj booth....10 feet from where I was
standing. He didn't stay long but the crowd wanted 2 dance the night away, bumping and grinding 2 the Minneapolis sounds. I had
a chance 2 meet some NPG CLUB members (wassup TINA from Stuttgart and FAB from Zurich) and chit chat, then I headed home,
feeling happy 2 be alive. Thank u, UR ROYAL BADNESS once again.
The Independent (UK)
He : "London, are you in here tonight ?"
We : "Yes !"
He : "Are you ready to get your Purple Rain on ?"
We : "Yes !"
He (having apparently misheard) : "Me neither ! I'm not interested in what you know, but in what you're ready to learn. This is
In case London was under any illusions, the city now knows that One Nite Alone will not be a mere live re-enactment of Prince –
The Hits. That's just fine. When the little feller's on this kind of form, if the ticket read "Pay £45 to come and see Prince being
funky", you still would. Cards on the table. I'm a confirmed atheist. However, the existence of Prince Rogers Nelson consistently
challenges my disbelief. Not because he keeps telling us to give ourselves over to the Lord. Oh, he does plenty of that now he's a
devout Jehovah's Witness. It's just that his sheer musical genius – the greatest of the 20th century – is so staggering and god-kissed
that it beggars belief that it could come from a mere mortal. When I first heard "When Doves Cry", it was so other-worldly it
frightened me, and it sends a chill to this day. It helps that he's a Dorian Gray-like physical freak too, apparently untouched by the
ageing process (at 44 years old, with no apparent recourse to rhinoplasty or botox, he looks not a second older than the day Purple
Rain premiered). Knowing his popularity, he could easily switch to autopilot, take the money and run. Instead, I've never seen
Prince being so open, so friendly (lifting punters onstage and offering "Can I get you some refreshments ?"), or so funny (a wicked
impersonation of Ozzy Osbourne's zombie-like gait). The first half of the show consists of songs from his recent Rainbow Children,
available only via import or internet. Since his 1996 EMI release, Emancipation, you've had to work hard to find Prince records in
shops. He gripes about this tonight, proposing his own WNPG radio station and thanking us for supporting him "despite my
troubles with the system". However, it's when Prince sits alone at a piano and sings a succession of solo ballads in that falsetto, that
he absolutely slays the Apollo. When he starts "Sometimes It Snows In April" then stops after one line, a barrage of booing
convinces him to continue. "You sound like a lynch mob. I really got scared for a second !" As he closes with the exquisitely glacial
"Anna Stesia" – imagine an alienated Mahler – people are crying. I'm welling up too. I don't believe in God, but I believe in Prince.
Die Welt (D)
"This is 2002" : Prince all over Germany
Many many years ago at the climax of Prince-adoration, the master gave a fabulous concert in NewYork, which was aired live within
the "Rockpalast" (an ancient music show in Germany). At any time Prince shouted "Germany" into the mic, what lead Albrecht
Metzger who was with the "Rockpalast" to mention very proud that Prince also paid attention to his germany fans. In the broad
festival hall of Frankfurt, filled to 3 quarters, after a jazzy intro Prince is also shouting "Germany" into the mic and after the more
lascivious aspirated question "Did you miss me ?" is following a wild guitar solo. Jazz, Funk, Rock, Soul one more time it really
counts. This way the binges/carousals/wassails of the gods start. The birth of music out of the sould of improvisation. The now 44
year old Prince has left the music industry behind him and interim with it his large community. But the whole "The Artist Formerly
Known As The Artist Formerly Known As Prince" is like forgotten. On stage he is again the wizardrous genius. who without effort
melts the styles of music, who exceptionally gifted entertains the audience and plays with it. Who brilliantly improvises and within
seconds turns from a guitarloving erotical-Rocker into a melancholic diva on the piano on to a seducing lover on top of the
speakers. On this evening Prince rises feathery above all heir apparants of black music. Hard to say if this will last. Party-Time. All
the time. The concert is following his last only available on the internet record "The Rainbow Children", which is mixing Funk and
Jazz and preaching Vocoder-nonsense : Prince mixes songs, arranges them new and pushes them forward in a funky style. Start and
end are new, in between the real Prince, not like the last time with many truncated pieces, he denies to play anymore because of
slave contracts. And Prince speaks : "One question : Are you here to listen to Purple Rain ?" As the elation arises, he advises the
masses : "These are not the eighties. This is 2002. You will be surprised." Prince preaches his style, is justly convinced of his effect.
Let's name it rebellious-aesthetical Funkism. "Real music by real musicians" snarls Prince. His Band is like always fantastic, and
that he besides. Saxophon-player Candy Dulfer also signed the legendary Jazz-Saxophon-player Maceo Parker as band members
(and Parker accepting this) is saying it all. But the biggest surprise of the concert is that Prince in between really takes the guitar
and sings smiling a 15min version of Purple Rain. It seems that Prince isn't pushing the signs of the times away from him anymore,
the big crisis is over and it is the fantasical melting of music that lasts. "Sign o' the times", "Pop Life", "Nothing Compares 2 u", the
hits and the reflections about the good and the bad, god, belief and understanding are alternating. Then sweat pouring funk-orgies
made longer with nothing than exeptional rhythms, high vocals, cheerings and sharp horns. Then half an hour alone at the piano.
For "Sometimes it Snows in April" it snows little lightspots and Prince is thoughtful lowering his head. After 2,5 hours Prince
advises the audience a last time to follow harmony and his beliefs. Tacky spirituality and music of a preacher has rarely been that
fantastic. Pure culture.
Jan (Hamburg, Germany)
14-10-2002 : NPGMC
One Nite Alone : London Articles
Several readers have provided us with links 2 the following articles on Prince & The NPG's recent London appearances :
Prince among men, Guardian Unlimited Observer, October 6, 2002
Prince, The Times Online, October 5, 2002
First Night : Prince, Hammersmith Apollo, London, Independent.co.uk, October 4, 2002
Prince, Apollo, London, Independent.co.uk, October 13, 2002
15-10-2002 : ā™« Rotterdam Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.45
(A : Funkschool Rotterdam – 6/10)
Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) / Calhoun Square (Instr.)
Thank You For Talkin’ To Me Africa / he Greatest Romence Ever Sold (Instr.) (Incl. Muse 2
The Pharaoh – A Love Bizarre – Come On) / The Stick (Instr.) (Incl. 777-9311 – Peach)
During the soundcheck Prince said that he wanted everybody to have a party
tonight, and he made sure we all had one ! We arrived at Ahoy around 13:00 and
some people were handing out numbered tickets (I had number 82) for the
queue. Also we were lucky, because all NPGMC members could wait inside the
venue. At the same time I felt a little pity for the people that were lying outside
(some of them had spent the night there) to be sure that they would be in front.
Obviously still some people don’t know the NPGMC, and the organization of
concerts nowadays. So they had a bad surprise when they heard during the day,
that those people that came in rather late, and were relaxing inside, would be the
ones with the best places. But maybe also here Prince would say : “I’m not
interested in what you know…I’m interested in what you want to learn !” Now,
to my big surprise, the queue worked !!! We got in line according the numbers to
get our tickets and after that to get into the building. Once we stood in front of a
black door, the miserable part of the day started again !! Waiting, waiting and
more waiting in an increasing very hot room. It took us more than 2,5 hours
before they let us in. Again (like in Frankfurt) I thought that no soundcheck would be held, because it was 19:20 at the time we
entered. Very short before we entered however we already heard part of the soundcheck. It was difficult to exactly hear from behind
a door, what they were playing, but some people around me agreed on Let’s Work and Power Fantastic. Any other opinion is equally
as good ! But once we were in, all misery was gone immediately, and I was lucky to be in the exact same position at the front as I
was in Frankfurt. Well the soundcheck once again was great. It lasted for some 45 minutes and thus it was a little shorter compared
to Sunday. But then again Prince stayed on stage and played during that complete span of time. It’s a little difficult to remember
exactly what he played, but this is what I can make of it : Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) (with the lyrics to the first
verse) – Calhoun Square (short instrumental take) – very short intro to Voodoo Chile, followed by a great rendition of
Thanku4lettinmebmicelfagain (Prince on bass) – Muse 2 The Pharao (sequeing back and forth to A Love Bizarre) – a 15 minute
jam, built on some heavy bass riffs from 777-9311 and The Stick). I could easily have forgotten something, please correct me if
necessary. The absolute highlight of that part was the alternative version of Muse 2 The Pharao. We recognized the song only
because of the lyrics. It was great. I would qualify that one as the “Muse 2 the WNPG Remix” and especially incorporating parts of A
Love Bizarre, made this something to remember ! Furthermore, another highlight was that Mr. Eric Leeds entered the stage during
the final jam, and played for a few minutes. As we understood, Eric was present during the complete show, to get prepared for
taking over Maceo’s part, when the latter one will start his own European tour later this week.
Well what a party after 2 hours sitting in a little hall we finaly get in.And there he was busy with the soundcheck. What a amazing
experince especialy it was the 1st time that i was that close by the stage. Prince looked very relaxed. Then he went away and I talked
2 some fams that I met on a chatbox. Than he came up. I dont now the setlist in order but the songs were great .
Oh what a night. Defenitely a beautiful experience ! Even though we had 2 spend more than 2 hours in a hallway without airco, the
soundcheck was the Max. Some people have 2 grow up though, entering the front of the stage as if their mission was 2 take over the
castle. They thought they were leaders...
As we arrived at about 16:45 last night one of the pro’s of being a NPGMC member, immediately became clear. “Regulars” waited
outside, members inside. Glad I brought a print of the order for the tickets. Seemed that the mentioned photo ID wasn’t enough. It
took until about 19:00 when we got in though. But there was food and drinks available. And the possibility to relief yourself in
-private- should nature call. I think they started playing and then ordered the doors open. We were about half way down the line. So
it took some excruciating 5 minutes or so before we also got through security & into the theatre. We could hear a song with a searing
guitar solo. Still enjoyed some minutes of the first jam though. After that, like many times during the concert, a pause. While
waiting the Artist treated us to some stand up comedy. “How many (meaning few) black people are there in Holland…(pointing
and counting to the audience). 1,2..3….?” And “Were you already members or did you just join only for the ticket ?” The “valet’ in
the suit who during the concert, handed him his guitar, also got some. The Artist grabbed him during a change. He’s probably is still
wondering what the -beep- that was for. All the while other friends of mine were outside, probably in the rain, waiting. During the
last jam at about 19:20 he asked if they should open the doors. Sadly I have to admit, most said & I was thinking “NO”. But I did call
my friends by mobile phone to give them a listening peek.. The final jam was awesome, Renato’s episode made me realize the guitar
solo in the first jam wasn’t The Artist on guitar but Renato on keyboards !. As they peeked, the last jam ended abruptly and left us in
awe… 19:30 probably the time the doors opened for the “regulars”. Soundcheck ? I think not. A special treat for 1200 NPGMC
members and their guests ? Probably so !
ā™« Rotterdam Ahoy
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : 10.394 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €65 / €60 / €55 / €50
(A : Funkschool Rotterdam – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / Purple Rain / The Work Pt 1/ Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me)
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore / Condition Of The Heart
Diamonds And Pearls / Delirious / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Starfish & Coffee
Sometimes It Snows In April / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Days Of Wild
I just wanted 2 say it in 1 word, but that wouldn´t be right. Here
R some more... P erfect R eal funk I credible N PG C U 2
november E ver lasting love. What a performance !!!!! Please
don´t wait another 4 years 2 come 2 Holland again....
I’ve had the opportunity 2 attend many concerts in Holland B4,
so I know it’s always something special because of the
enthusiasm of the audience. What a concert ! I just wish every
single member could have attended this 1. Isn’t there a way 4
Prince 2 B everywhere at the same time ? ;-) Thumbs up 4 the
NPG. What a band ! I hope they enjoyed the show as much as we
Your performance in Rotterdam was a highlight in musical
experience. Even my boyfriend, who doen't usually dance, was
funky. Especially during "Purple Rain" we had goosebumps all
over, and tears in my eyes of emotion. The new songs were cool, sound was perfect, and the way you handled your guitar was
amazing. We're looking forward to see your next show in Holland, don't keep us waiting too long, please. Let's hope everyone
understands your message.
Hmmm, can there be life after Holland ??? Of course I’m not the most neutral person in the world (I’m Dutch !! LOL), but
HOLLAND ROCKS THE HOUSE every time Mr. P enters the country. Now on the concert…what can I say without repeating myself
? Both Holland and Prince were in optimal SHAPE ! We all know that Prince is the best live performer alive on this planet. But
yesterday I decided that we’ve seen the first great bandleader of this century. Miles Davis once stated that Prince has the potential
to become a worthy successor of Duke Ellington, and I can image that Mr. Ellington, from heaven or wherever, went to sleep
yesterday with a big smile on his face. Now he can rest in peace ! The setlist was a little different from the one in Frankfurt, but in
Rotterdam he also played a traditional version of Purple Rain. I guess he put this one on the basic set for the European tour.
Highlights were Housequake (he played a major part of that during 1+1+1=3) and a beautiful Strollin’ followed by a perfectly sung
Gotta Broken Heart Again. Compared to Frankfurt he also added When You Were Mine (Carin, are you happy now ?) before he
played the heavy version of SOTT (which was great again, man he really loves playing it like that I guess). Again for the crowd, The
Ladder was a big surprise. During the piano medley the crowd sung along with every song and the harmony Prince strived for, really
came into effect at that point ! The concert ended with a great 20 minute performance of Days of Wild, in which he included some
lines of America (on bass, WOW !) and which he ended with the It Ain’t Over chant. In itself the ending of the show was great….this
funky crowd got the the best funk Prince could give them. For some of the NPGMC members the ending was a little strange, as we
expected another song to finalize the show. But then again….it’s the surprises that change normal days into special days.
What a party !!!!!!!!!!!! I’m one of the followers and I will gladly led you lead me to the world called music !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be there
again in November , but this time I will be standing right in front of you (I hope) . I know you have a whole list of songs but if its
possible can you sing : GOD Thank you so much . Greetings and hugs.
Yesterday was a day for Princes in the Netherlands. In the morning we could all witness the funeral of our queen’s husband, Prince
Claus, and almost every prince from every European monarchy was here to attend the funeral. In the morning we remembered the
dead, but in the evening we celebrated LIFE with the one and only TRUE Prince ! Having seen almost every concert in the
Netherlands (only missed 1998 one) since I first 'fell' for U and your music in 1984/1985, One Nite Alone again was outstanding,
refreshing, surprising, challenging and much, much too short (about 2:45 hours, but still always too short) ! Not a 'greatest hits'
concert, but a performance for real music lovers. I loved to hear the new(er) songs and the long instrumental jam's as well as songs
like Sometimes it snows, Adore, Strollin', Starfish & Coffee, How Come U Don't Call Me, Beautiful Ones, Raspberry Beret , Money
don’t Matter, Nothing Compares 2 U and the other familiar songs in totally new arrangements ! Candy and Maceo were excellent
and U and the entire NPG were rocking and jazzing and funking ! Real musicians making real music together and we were the lucky
ones who were allowed to witness that. I totally adored it when U sat down at the piano (flat heeled shoes and all !) and sang some
beautiful songs, just for us. I am usually more a leader than a follower, but I will keep on following U gladly as long as U stay who U
are and do your thing ! Please, keep on surprising us. We too have a very special place in our hearts for U and U will always find a
warm welcome here. Please, don't wait too long before you'll visit us again with a new tour and THANK U very much for this one !
I have seen many shows and every time I think, this was the best show ever. But what went on yesterday was extraordinary. No
glamorous decor, no jumping up and down, no nonsense. The only thing that went on was the music. It was really One Night Alone
with Prince. And I have learned. ( Leaders !! tsssssssssss) It ain't over.
To the absolute # 1 disc-jockey in the world: U said u are not interested in what we know, but only in what we are willing 2 learn.
Well, I never have been more willing 2 learn than yesterday night in Rotterdam. Thanks 2 make me follow for the rest of my life.
This is the way... 2night we saw the musician Prince ! What a great show. Thanx 4 playing The beautiful ones... It made me cry... It's
my most favourite Prince-song ever and never expected you 2 play it... Words can´t describe the way I still feel 2day and will feel in
dayz 2 come... I´m glad 2 B a follower !
Wow what a night ! Today feels like a bad hangover after whitnessing u last night.Prince; U r the greatest ! Maceo and Candy played
the roof off the house ! Rhonda really kicked some ass on her bass and John Blackwell; momma, lock up ur children ! Have been a
fan since 1984 and been to all ur concerts here in Holland but this 1 was even better than before. So intimate and relaxed but yet so
FUNKY !! Please don't let us wait another 4 years.
Let me start with this : what a musicians ! This band is arguably the best band Prince played with. With these musicians he is really
able to play the songs in the style of James Brown, Parliament/Funkadelic : uncut funk. It's been a while since I've been to a Prince
concert, missing the concert in Utrecht in 1998, so my last prince concert was in 1995. My expectations were high, considering the
fact that the last album, The Rainbow Children, have in my opinion many great & funky songs (The Work, Family Name, etc.), all
played with real instruments in stead of using drum computers. The concert starts with The Rainbow Children, very loose with the
house lights still on, and Pop Life. The band shows itself on its best. Especially Pop Life is perfect with a new, fresh and funky
groove. Other highlights in the first part of the show are in my opinion Housequake/ 1+1+1 =3, The Work, Pass The Peas (Maceo
Parker !), a funky Take Me With U and the transformation of Gotta Broken Heart Again in to a slow ballad. I only missed some
more new songs from The Rainbow Children (Family Name). But not all was perfect. After the main set prince played on the piano
(keyboard), like he did in previous concerts in 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1993 (and more ?). The concert looses a bit of its tense in this
part of the show, the tense which was perfectly built up in the first part with many uptempo songs interspered with some ballads.
But also this part had it's highlights. Especially The Beautiful Ones and Starfish and Coffee (note the jazzy groove). Unfortunatly the
last part was cut short with only two songs. Days Of Wild was rearranged with the horn section having a prominent place in the
song and a groovy bass solo by Prince. The jam continued with It Ain't Over, which ended a bit abrupt. But after two hours and 30
minutes (approx.) I left the Arena, bearing in mind that seven years without a Prince concert is way to long !
Since I am dating my boyfriend (now for 2.5 years) I have been listening to your music because he is a big fan of you guys. He took
me to your concert yesterday and I can understand my boyfriend now why he loves you and your music sooooo much. You and your
band are really amazing musicians. Thank you for a wonderful experience and I hope I will see you again next time you are in
Holland. Keep this up and you will have us there everytime you come to the Netherlands.
As encoure he played a piano medley with one off my favorit songs in it Sometimes its snows in April. It was a funky jazzy emotional
amazing. Sign o the times was really cool the way he played it this time. Well in one word it was an amazing show. Looking 4ward 2
the 2nd off november :-).
Can I use any more superlatives to the stuff I read before on this site ??? Well, I don’t know, becuz the shows Prince showed his fans
during his concerts in England, Ireland and Frankfurt last Sunday seemed to be the absolute top of performing ever !!! Still,
yesterday’s gig in The Ahoy in Rotterdam was really awesome !!! The best I’ve ever seen in my entirely life !!! There’s no doubt
about it. The Nude shows in 1990 were the first Prince-concerts I ever witnessed and I was knocked of my feet back then. Then I
went to almost all the Dutch shows during the Diamonds & Pearls-tour and I knew that the Nude-shows were just the beginning of a
rising climax ! Then, in 1993, I went to London to see the man perform at the Wembley Stadium. Finally he got me something I
really missed till then. THE HORNZ !!! A real must for funky music ! And again those shows in 1993 were much better than
anything I saw before ! In 1995 I really went nuts during the Gold-Experience tour… Sure, it is always great to see the man do songs
like Kiss, Purple Rain and Raspberry Beret, but those Gold-shows were really overwhelming. I saw the pure funk in all this new
songs. And again the top of the climax wasn’t reached yet. His tour with Larry Graham was so much fun. The music was so
important than ever before and the band really blew me away. There was so much perfection and everything I saw back than
couldn’t be better… no way !!! And yet, now I know for sure that yesterday’s night was the best ever. There are no words that could
describe how great the man still is. I've been 2 the Ahoy several times be4, but yesterday the sound was so perfect. I heared all my
favorite songs. It started with Rainbow Children and then the following songs : Pop Life, Xenophobia, Money Don't Matter 2Nite,
The Work Pt. 1, Purple Rain, Housequake, 1+1+1=3, Rollercoaster, Strollin', Gotta Broken Heart Again (at least he sang those lyrics,
but it was such a different jazzy version, that I don't know 4 sure if it was the same songs as on the Dirty Mind album), Strange
Relationship (again such a great version of a great song !), Pass The Peas with Prince playing his guitar in the back, while Maceo,
Candy and Greg Boyer were on the front of the stage doing their thing... When U Were Mine, Sign Of The Times... it took me a while
be4 I really recognized this one... the music was so different, with lots (and I really mean A LOT) of guitarplaying, Take Me With U,
Raspberry Beret (the first time I heared the whole song live in stead of just the first verse), The Everlasting Now. Then after several
minutes Prince came back and sat just after his piano 2 do Adore, Condition Of The Heart (there was a girl in Paris... no, let me do
that again, there was a girl in Holland), The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker, Delirious, Diamonds And Pearls (with the band again), The
Beautiful Ones, Nothing Compares 2 U, The Ladder, How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore, Starfish And Coffee, Sometimes It
Snows In April and finally Days Of Wild (it ain't over)... But it was over... wow, what a great night... I just can't wait till november
2nd to see his second perfomance in Holland...
First half of the show the man showed himself a Duke on a Prince level, therefore he led the way on guitar, bass, cowbell and very
Duke-ly the piano. Second half of the show it was funk hour : a mix of old and new songs brought 2 us "learning style".
This is the way... 2night we saw the musician Prince as a part of the band...! What a great show. Thanx 4 playing The beautiful
ones... It made me cry... It's my most favourite Prince-song ever and never expected you 2 play it... Words can´t describe the way I
still feel 2day and will feel in dayz 2 come... I´m glad 2 B a follower !
I thought that, after beïng at The Celebration this summer, there wouldn't be any surprises yesterday night, but he did it again !
They played Get Wild and The Ladder and the rest of the show was as amazing as ever ! I was curious to see how the audience would
respond to the new stuff, because us musicclub-members are still about only 10 percent of the rest of the audience, but I'm sure that
after this, there will be a lot more new members ! (Which I actually don't like very much, 'cause I still wanna get into soundchecks
next time around...!) The only suggestions I can think of for the next time you come to Holland on the 2nd of november (where I
will be as well for sure !) is; - please play a brand new song that nobody (in the audience) has heard before (the best gift you can give
to hardcore fams !) - please perform at the next aftershow ! (It was still a blast, but everybody hoped for you to pickup the guitar
once more...) Thanks so much again for being a positive inspiration in my life. Besides giving me the best musical experience
possible, you also keep enlighten me spiritually every time I meet you.
My legs still hurt, my throat is still sore... and it's all because of a great concert. Just couldn't stop singin' and dancin' and singin'
and dancin' and ... Got tears in my eyes from laughter, got tears in my eyes from emotion. The fact that it was a large venue
disappears when you are 2 metres away from the stage. Then, it's just One Nite Alone with Prince and the band. I have also been
able to witness the saturday show in London, and as expected, this one was totally different. The funk was there with Maceo, Candy,
John, Greg, Rhonda, Renato and Prince. WNPG defined the setlist and it was all good. Schools in....
Hi all, best show so far with a few of the best (Maceo, Prince) Maceo gave me the chills the way he playd the sax,when I think back
the tears of joy r tumbling down, my heart beats like thunder wanting to come out of my chest and fly around in a place of joy and
happiness. Thnx for 1 of the best days of my life. God be good to him funk it up one more time (2 november) hope to see you sooner
then last time.
Hurricane Prince blew the ceiling of Ahoy and gave da funk 2 every1 inside. What a night of musical delight. I was lucky 2 witness
Prince and the Revolution at the same venue back in 1986 and 2 some extent a comparison can b drawn between the Parade Tour
and One Nite Alone with Prince. On both occasions a stylish but rather sober stage gave room 2 the fattest funkbands of their time
starring Atlanta Bliss, Eric Leeds, Wendy, Lisa... in 1986 and Rhonda, Maceo Parker, Candy Dulfer and co in 2002. Both shows
were hosted by the all times lightweight champion of funk, Prince. And what a host this man is, serving us nothing but impeccably
played, 24 carat fat musical diamonds and pearls. Among so many terrifying tokens Prince to me is a sheer glorious sign of the
times we live in.
Hi there the show was great, you’re such a great musician, you let the guitar cry (I did get chickenskin all over) I did see you many
times now but this was the best show I ever see, my favorit musician's Maceo, Rhonda and of course our Candy and U playing guitar
(where was you thumb-bass ????) I will be there on 2 november and hopfully I can see the aftershow now I'm a club-member !!!!!!!
Hope that you will be there in dec-jan-feb-mrt-april enz.
Dear Followers, Like I yelled during the show, this was my very first Prince-show so I didn't know what 2 expect. Yet I certainly
didn't expect anything like this ! Prince....thank U for my best birthday-bash ever. I hope 2 C U do a aftershow on november 2nd.
Thank U playing every song I really want 2 hear. Including : Days Of Wild, Take Me With U, Stafish And Coffee, Purple Rain, When
U Were Mine and many, many others. Indeed like U said there are too many songs 2 choose from. Like an other mail asked, I also
would like 2 hear the "Question Of U" Again thank U for a night well spent !
Hello there, Just woke up....... I visited Prince & The Band last night @ Ahoy, Rotterdam and it was amazing !! I was one of the lucky
ones to get within 2 meters from the stage ! ("why is the stage so high ?" P : "cuz I'm so small !") I saw the jammin'soundcheck... I
saw 2 3/4 hours of pure music. I'm a fam since the I heard the first tunes of "1999" back in 1984. I saw many concerts, but this just
BLEW me away !! I had a big fat smile on my face the whole concert through ! 1+1+1=3 : WOOOOOOOOO !!!!!! 2 Funky ! Days of
Wild : It ain't over ...STILL ! We continue November 2 OK ????????? Purple Rain : Never heard it like this, tears in my eyes.... Pop
Life : Everybody got that thrill P ! Me and the crowd definately learned something yesterday : We NEED DA FONK ! We
LOOOOOOVE DA FONK !!!! Man, u rule ! Prince : Biggest smile in years....and wo...the guitar ! Renato : Playing the keyboards like
a man should play a woman. John : Bang those drums son !!!! Greg : HONK ! HONK ! Maceo : The teacher taught me something :
There ain't no funk without the hornzzzzzzzzzz Rhonda : Sexy lady plays sexy bass ! Candy :.....U were the bomb ! Love those pants
!!!!! I saw u looking ;o) The DJ : Spinn that wheeeeeeel !!! Once again : a big hug 2 Prince & The Band !!! C U @ Antwerp,
Oberhausen and Ahoy again !
Best show EVER !!!! One big nice JAZZ cafe. Today (wednesday) i'm still high on the groves. And the message was very clear :
Harmony create's the one.
Wat mij betreft het beste concert EVE !!!! Het was een groot knus Jazz cafe Vandaag (woensdag) zweef ik nog steeds. De boodschap
was luid en duidelijk : Harmony create's the one. Love2all
The band was great, old songs in new arragements were great, Candy was great and MACEO PARKER was outstanding ! Older fans
took their kids to Rotterdam last night. The atmosphere was poor though, I've seen many Prince shows but this time the audience
didn't get wild like a Prince audience used to do. Thank U 4 playing a James Brown tribute ! I'm sure you can place yourself in the
same league as Earth Wind and Fire, Sly & the family Stone & George Clinton.
It's hard to discribe what I felt last night. I've been a fan for about 18 years, even learned to play music by listening to all the albums
every night, over and over again. Unfortunately we (and I guess a lot of fams) got disconnected for a long time... Untill yesterday
night ! I had a great time ! When I saw Prince doing his thing, I just found that lost funky vibe again !! That bass ! Those beats !
Your guitar... your energy !? Man, I almost cried. I know, being sentimental here, but hey, It's been a long time. So Prince, visit us
more often ! And please don't forget the old fams, even when they're not a clubmember.
Yesterday was the day we've been looking forward 2 since the moment we found out that Prince and his incredible NPG (with of
course "our" girl Candy, Maceo and all the others) were coming 2 Rotterdam...it was worth waiting cuz we've enjoyed every minute
of it. It's my boyfriend's 5th concert and my 1st, but from now on I'm hooked !! It was amazing 2 see Prince and his band having so
much fun, the audience went crazy ! There was a very positive vibe in Ahoy and I've never seen so many people smiling. It was all
about the music and Prince and his band showed us what real funk's about. Our whole family was there last night, but we were the
lucky ones standing at the front. It was so cool 2 be able 2 see everything from such a short distance. NGPMC-membership really
gives something back 2 the fans. We'd like to THANK each and everyone who made this possible ! Thanks for an unforgettable
concert, we hope 2 welcome you guys back in our little country soon !!!
Wow ! It was my first Prince-concert, and I was swept of my feet ! What a show, what a power, what an artists !!!! Not only the
leader himself, but all the others were also fantastic, and a big-big-big compliment to the sound-mixer of the show. Ahoy is a
terrible place to get the sounds right, to make it sound like you're really in the music, but this guy or girl did it ! I guess this won't be
my last Prince-concert, but please, don't let me wait for four years...!
Thank u 4 a great evening. U were in a fantastic form, and the setlist was amazing. Especially 'Sign "O" the times', but i can't just
pick out songz, the whole evening was truly magic..... My sister (who saw u 4 the 1st time) really enjoyed it 2, when u played
'Sometimes it snows in April' u really touched her heart.....what a beautiful song ! I could go on and on..... See u next time.....and
please don't make us wait four years...... PEACE AND B WILD........
I really enjoyed the show. He played "Sign 'O' The Times" in a different and very nice way. It was a FUNKY show, a lot of people
were dancing, they just couldn't resist the interaction. For me it was the first concert ever and that's mainly because most artist
don't really rock my world. I really like the music of Prince for a long time now and I was having a real great time yesterday evening
in Rotterdam. I heard also "Sometimes It Snows In April", one of my favourites. He can really put up a show. No doubt he's a
genius. He did talk about The One and using the bible as a guide to follow God. Nobody can deny the fact that he's a musical genius
and his preaching is also a result of intellect. So he's now a real musical member of the JWs. Send my praises to Prince, he did really
rock/funk my world yesterday in Rotterdam. All you folks who didn't buy a ticket yet, buy one, he is and probably will always be a
musical genius, his music is his life and that's what gives his show warm colours.
Is he ever going to stop amazing us ? Prince was on his very best last night, and everyone who's ever been to one of his concerts
knows what that means. He told us the radio don't play real music anymore. Well, real music is what we got. Prince played the
guitar superbly and his voice was great, no matter if he sang Adore or Money don't matter 2night or Housequake. He started of with
The Rainbow Children, followed by a fabulous guitar performance. After that Ahoy exploded when the band kickstarted Pop Life.
Cuz let's be honest : Prince was His Royal self, but the band deserves a lot of credits too. Especially Maceo Parker and 'home girl'
Candy Dulfer easily stole all our hearts. The NPG is without the doubt the best band Prince ever had. Funk, jazz, rock, ballads, you
name it, they played it. Everything from a rocking version of When you were mine to tender versions of Do me baby and Sometimes
it snows in April, which he played in the second part of the show. That was after a 10 minute break in this two and a half hour treat
to his fans. This second part showed Prince mostly behind his piano, like he once did in Dortmund, even singing a lot of songs of
those days like Strange relationship and Starfish and coffee. Before the break funk ruled, with new songs like 1+1+1=3 and
Everlasting now. But he also gave us Sign o' the times and Purple rain; Raspberry beret and Take me with U and even Nothing
compares to U, Condition of the heart and a piano only version of Delirious. It all ended with Days of wild, followed by The ladder.
As if a musician could possibly climb any higher... Although, past experience with his concerts shows that The Man probably will !
Thank U Prince, I will never forget you. I've been a fan for over 15 years now and I know I'll be a fan 4ever. Cuz' friendships like this
DO last.
One word. GREAT. Perfect mix between old and new songs. The Man rocked tha House. And our Candy Dulfer on Sax. She blew her
hat off for us. C U All November 2nd.
Left Ahoy totally speachless/flabbergasted... I've been a 'fam' for 16 years now , lost count of how many times i saw you live, even
had the pleasure to dance on the same dancefloor with you in 'de Kroon' in Amsterdam a few years ago. But this topped it all, thank
you for inspiring me, and others, with your music. See u friday in Antwerp...
Thank you NPG ! This was really an outstanding performance. I specially liked the man behind the piano in the second part of the
show. Finally I got a chance to listen to a live performance of Condition of the heart. It was all I hoped for during the last 4 years. If
we all live to see the dawn please join us at that time and play your music to comfort us... P.S. Did Candy join the NPG for the entire
European tour ?
Prince : it was great. Listening to the soundcheck was very special. I am very proud that Candy Dulfer is in the band. Hope to see
you and the band in Holland again 2 november. And maybe than playing in the after show in Nighttown ?
Thank you for beautiful : Sometimes it snows in April. You made me cry again... In the stadium (Kuip) you did it with Purple Rain
also. Yeeeee, you rock....and you´re so sexy. Still got the moves and the grooves !
Dear Prince, Thank u so much for this wonderful night ! It made me realize again that u are and always will be the one and only.
First of all, thanx for letting the members enjoy the concert in the front, starting with the soundcheck. And what about the concert
!!! Wow, about 30 songs from When you were mine to Rainbow Children, a very nice mix of old & new songs. To be honest I would
have liked to hear more from the Rainbow Children. Especially after the remark "the eighties are over, it's 2002 !!!", cause a lot of
stuff from the eighties was played, but hey...........I'm not complaining as Prince was catching up songs from the past like : Condition
of the heart, Sometimes it snows in April, Pop Life, The Beautiful Ones, How come U don't call me anymore, Delirious and Sign of
the Times (5 more songs from that album). And sure Prince "did the work" and the concert is in my head... "everlasting now". Yes
this was crazy, funky, well.......it was the Prince I was hoping to see. As time will pass and the amount of songs increase, where will it
end, where will it end...4 Hour shows ?. Maybe over 5 or 10 years Prince will play oldies from "Gold Experience", "Emancipation",
"Rave Into the Joy Fantastic", I think I'm not the only one in Europe who would like to hear more songs from those albums...live.
2 whom it may concern… WHAT A NIGHT WE SHOULD DO THIS MORE OFTEN !!! NO PROMISES, JUST DO IT. Same time,
same place, same boogie, next year. Ahoy filled up and gladly about 20:40 the concert started. Seemingly before every one was in
and seated. Later on we discovered why. Only at 23:15 One Nite Alone, ended, so they had to start early. This was a different concert
than the ones I was able to attend. No theme concert like “Sign “O” the Times or Lovesexy”. Nor a “new album” tour; new stuff
added with yesterday’s favorites. The title “One nite alone…” (=1 Nite all 1 ?) said it all. The Artist & the NPG were not doing a
concert but an aftershow. “Let’s do the aftershow right here” he repeatedly also said. This time the club wasn’t Astoria , DNA,
Paradiso or Nighttown but Ahoy. It was mostly jazzy, with also fierce rock, raw funk and passionate ballads. Craftsmanship
musically everywhere…. The people in the audience were mostly the same as the ones who started attending since 1986 or so. One
of his questions was funny and characteristic. At one moment he asked people who have never seen him before, to raise their hands.
Some did, hesitantly. Then the people who did see him before. On which the majority proudly, raised their hands. The message
though was “It is not about what you already know, but what you are willing to learn”. Reason he explained why there would be
no “Little red Corvette”. So we were served old school craftsmanship; what a keyboard, a bass, drums, a saxophone a trombone
could sound like. Of which Renato’s and John’s demonstration were my favorites. Earth Wind and Fire, George Clinton, and James
Brown were also examples he mentioned. The message “It is not about what you are already know, but what you are willing to
learn” had a second layer. He asked who wanted to be followers, then who wanted to be leaders. Most people were probably
thinking, “We are the New Power Generation” and to be a positive example to the world. So “leaders” got the most votes. The Artist
explained we need 1 set of rules, 1 leader. Like the musicians on stage, only then there can be harmony. Again, as we’ve seen
repeatedly through the years, his 1 passion is for us to follow 1. Not him, but Him, God. We need to follow 1, 1 set of rules to be in
harmony. So one guy who voted “followers”, was invited on stage. To have a seat in the cushions on the left the Artists playing the
gentleman host. “You OK ? Need anything ? Food, something to drink ? Maybe some merchandise ? No ? Some dancing ladies
then…….” He admitted it was far to long since he jammed with us in Holland. Said he has special place in his heart for us “because
you’ve been always here for me.” So he gave us “Nothing compares to U” and “Purple Rain” He said to have been practicing “Purple
Rain” and gave, in stead of a quickie as a part of a medley, the full version… I’ve seen shows where the whole house rocked,
everybody constantly up and down. This was not such a night. Could be most people added some years. The Artist also isn’t freaking
up and down the stage like he used to. In this case I think it’s because of the selection of songs, the type of show. Because with songs
like “Get Wild”, things definitely changed, we got wild funky & freaky. Very freaky
Wow ! After nearly 4 years Prince was back in Holland and in damn fine shape on the stage of Ahoy in Rotterdam where he got a
more than warm reception of maybe his biggest fans in Europe. Holland does love Prince and Prince does love Holland. There is no
doubt about that. I don't know what it is but being at a concert of Prince has a very specific atmosphere compared to other major
concerts and believe me, I have seen a lot. I'm a admirer of Prince for some 12 years now. I first saw him in '93 (killer show in Den
Bosch), '95 (a great first half but a bit dissapointing second half also in Den Bosch), '98 (a great aftershow in Rotterdam Nighttown
although people seem to got a bit lost during the performance of The War) and '98 again (absolute magnificant show in Utrecht).
One Nite Alone with Prince was an artisticly brilliant show ! Praise Prince ! I'm a big fan of jazz (rock) and funk. And you jazzed,
funked and rocked up the place in Rotterdam ! Music as it's supposed to be. The older songs had great arrangements and were
played with very much enjoyment by the brilliant band and ofcourse Prince himself. Jesus, I knew he could play that guitar but
what he showed this night was mad !!! Benson and Hendrix were looking over his shoulders. I enjoyed myself very much. I can't
wait for the release of the One Nite Alone box set. Thank you very much Prince and like many fans around Europe said before :
please, don't let it be that long again...
Amazing ! Breathtaking ! Prince, at his best these days..... I'm a fam for almost 18 years now and this was one of the best concerts
ever. he was so relaxed. Everything was great : the soundcheck, the gig AND the afterparty, on which Prince 'n the band came by to
let us hear the new album. What a party was going on. My God ! I think the fams in Holland are the best and I'm pretty sure Prince
has the same opinion about that. It ain't over ! Prince and the band : c u soon in Antwerp and again in Rotterdam !!!
I just want to say THANK YOU !!! It was great, never saw a show like this. Please...dont`t let us wait for another 4 years !! lot`s of
It's 2 a.m. in the morning, and I just can't sleep. Just came back from the concert in Rotterdam. I have been following you for 18
years now, have seen 6 concerts so far. There are no words to describe this one........... You gave me energy for a couple of years.
And.. I will be back on November 2th !! Could you play "the question of you" please ? Like you said, you have so many songs, you
could play on all night long.
Thank U Prince 4 giving the people what they need : MUSIC. Thank U Prince 4 giving the world what it needs : LOVE. Leader or
follower....U were leading Ahoy tonight.....in name of the one and only..... PEACE.
It ain't over till the Saxlady sings ! Listening 2 outstanding shows like Parade; Sign 'o' the times; Lovesexy and the Tvdocumantry
Musical Portrait with the hottest aftershow snippits ever, without a doubt One nite alone continuous in a jazzyfunkrockflavour that
really makes my heart tick. But....why not play the beautifull titlesong ?
Prince, the man rocked Holland. What a night. Cut in half because after one hour I got a nosebleed and had to go to the hospital.
Can you imagine. Prince in town and this happens. I did see the atmosphere, the creativity and the joy of the master of ceremony.
Prince you were great, Have to buy the upcoming boxset to enjoy the whole show though. Who cares, I was there.
Nighttown Afterparty
An afterparty was held at Nighttown, where DJ Dudley D. played some tracks. Prince and the band attended and danced on the
small stage for a while. No performance was planned.
The aftershowparty was pretty funny. We were on the balcony, so we had a good view on what was going on. Prince and the NPG
joined the DJ on stage and everybody stopped dancing and acted like they expected something from them. So Prince started
pretending he was gonna stagedive, he danced a bit and played some airguitar. Really funny 2 C him do that.
After the show an afterparty at Nighttown was announced and we went there. Unfortunately no aftershow was given, but Prince and
the band showed up and also appeared on stage. Prince handed the DJ the new Live CD set and at least one song was played (don’t
remember which one, though). Prince also handed over some other cd’s and stayed on the stage for some 25 minutes. Especially
Maceo, Candy and Greg were having a lot of fun and kept dancing all the time, with several people from the audience. All in all it
was a nice ending of the day, although an extra concert of course would have been what we all wanted. But then again….do we have
reason to complain ???
Then after the show we went 2 Nighttown 4 a afterparty. We danced on some funky tunes and then Maceo and Candy came on the
stage. They shaked hands and than Prince came the dj putt a cd in the payer with i think songs from the One Nite Alone Live cd. It
sounds great but I hope that Prince will play the next time . Prince danced abit in the background and chatted with the
bandmembers. After that we went 2 our homes. Thank u Prince your songs are good 4 me .
The afterparty in Nighttown was really cool : purple music and acte de presence of Prince and the NPG. No aftershow, but what do
U expect : 2night he plays in Germany. C u in Antwerpen !
After the show an afterPARTY for members only, was announced at Nighttown. Before the show, we heard from a reliable source
close to The Artist, there wouldn’t be an aftershow tonight. Reason being they would play in Germany (probably as I’m writing
now,) the next day. We looked for and found Nighttown anyway. Waiting in line (how did about 500 people get there so fast ?) we
overheard someone talking on a mobile phone. He/she on the other side was just going through security. Once through and inside
the friend called back. Yes there was a stage, with DJ, no instruments. So we called a night. I’m hoping November 2nd will be a
second chance. And have an afterSHOW before they fly to Japan. Fams of Europe, U want this again next year ? Yeah ? Me too !!! I
propose we take action. Let’s set a date : Week 42 about October 15th Email, write and/or call for the Artist next year at the NPG
MC. Let them know we want it every year. I am open to sugggestions 4 another "D-day"dates... B Well.
??-10-2002 : Oor (NL)
In the latest edition of Dutch music magazine “Oor” I’ve found this review of the Prince concert in Ahoy, Rotterdam 15 October
2002. I have translated it as good as possible :
The day one prince is buried (for you non-Dutchies : Prince Claus, husband of the Dutch Queen Beatrix) another Prince has risen.
This time without alter ego’s like “His Royal Badness” and the “Sexy MF”. Prince Roger Nelson is all the way into Jehova nowadays.
This led to reli-jazzrock that seldom excites at his latest record, which even the most loyal royalist doesn’t want to hear live. But
what says our own Candy Dulfer ? What you already know we don’t have to play. You are here to learn. Though to keep Diner inside
the stomach. Prince too has an annoying sermon about followers and leaders, but the next moment he starts to play Pop Life. On a
sober stage, where theater and effects aren’t as important anymore. The main focus nowadays is the “music”, especially the fat funk
that was brought by Maceo Parker himself. Prince’s “final match” turns out to be a grooving funkrevue, Maceo and Candy excell and
Prince easily maintains his status as a master-performer. He makes his guitar sing, swing, rock and touch hearts. With subtile DJscratches, a monstruous deep rolling bass and Prince wailing on the guitar we are served a magnifique Sign ‘O’ The Times. When
Doves Cry is played as well, in a heavenly version. Unfortunately a little bit too literally, the built-in gospel starts to irritate more
and more. If the little man from Minneapolis saves his big happy (religious) message for the for the next “EO-Jongerendag” (big
Christian youth-event in Holland) we will declare him totally holy…
I’m not quite sure if there even was a reporter from “Oor” because When Doves Cry was never played, but nevertheless it’s quite a
positive review. Except that this reporter (Gerrit Bremer) doesn’t seem to like the sermonizing during the concert…
16-10-2002 : ā™« Hamburg Soundcheck (0:35)
* Duration : 0.40
(A : One Nite Alone In Hamburg – 7/10)
Instrumental / Pop Life / Santana Medley / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker / 4
The Question Of U (PA)
The tracks recorded at the Hamburg soundcheck (tracks #1-5)
could be classed as an audience EX- recording as the quality is
slightly less good than the main show. That said, they are
surprisingly impressive and contain an interesting, but short
soundcheck. Running at a little over 30 minutes the main focus
is on rehearsing the horns for both 'Pop Life' and 'The Ballad Of
Dorothy Parker'. There is slightly less interaction with the
NPGMC members than on most other circulating soundchecks,
however Prince does talk to them on a few occasions and
recounts a funny tale from the previous nights show
concerning someone taking photographs. Track #9 is also a PA
recorded track, this time played to the audience prior to the
main Hamburg concert, and originates from the Xenophobia
Celebration at Paisley Park on 25th June 2002.
Just came back from the Hamburg concert - whew ! This was a
comparably small (and with Prince, this means : expensive) concert, but
I tell you, it was all worth it. Prince rocked the house and when you
looked at him you could tell that we rocked him, too ! He was definitely
feelin’ us. At 4:30 pm they opened the doors and let the NPGMC members in; everything went pretty smoothly – organisation left
less to be desired than at many of the other gigs. We had to wait again right outside CCH 1. (There are several stages of different
stature at the CCH, #1 being the biggest.) The soundcheck started a little late – at 6:20 pm. We managed to get central seats among
the first four rows... sooo close to Prince’s mike. When we walked in, John Blackwell sat in the first row, talking to Takumi. The
other band members also came on soon, including Eric Leeds, who did not play that night, though. He just took part in the
soundcheck. Prince appeared in a white sweater and a white cap, wearing sun glasses, no socks and sandals (!). He waved and went
back to the soundboard. Mr. Blackwell looked quite worn out. The band started to rehears “Pop Life,” playing parts of the song
several times, probably to give the house sound a final touch. After that was accomplished, Prince came up on stage and kicked the
“Santana Medley”. Carlos would have been proud of him, if only he had been here. Our man joked around a little after this second
song, before performing “The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker” on keys. They didn’t play the whole song. Instead, they worked on that riff
from Madhouse’s “Four” for some minutes. When it was time to rehearse some horns’ parts, Blackwell almost seemed to drop over
and fall asleep right there on the spot. They must have partied hard during the earlier steps of this lengthy European tour. Prince
then waved us goodbye. The whole soundcheck was about 40 minutes long.
Hamburg CCH 1
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : 3.000 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €103.27 / €94.65 / €71.65
(A : One Nite Alone In Hamburg – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Xenophobia / The Work Pt 1/ Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster – Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose) / The Other Side Of The Pillow
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine
Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore / Girls And Boys / Purple Rain (Intro)
Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April
Purple Rain
An excellent release from Sabotage of an extremely
enjoyable One Nite Alone European show. The quality of
the recording is surprisingly clear and definitely a match
for any others from the European leg of the tour. The
audience are audible throughout but in no way interfere
with the show which is to the fore of the recording. The
audience also add a great atmosphere to the show which
is sorely lacking on some others - the audience singing
in unison on 'Purple Rain' is a personal highlight. Disc 1
& 2 contain the show which is surprisingly basic for such
an enjoyable concert. 'Extraordinary' is a great addition
which was played slightly less frequently, as is 'Whole
Lotta Love' which also contains the guitar feedback
segment to close. The piano segment of the show
contains a rare performance of 'Girls & Boys' however it
consists of the chorus only and lasts barely 30 seconds. This is followed by the brief intro to 'Purple Rain' before
Prince moves on to the more regular 'Diamonds And Pearls'. 'Purple Rain' does make an appearance as a final
encore to close out the show and is followed by Renato's keyboard outro. The packaging for this Sabotage release
is stunning and contains a beautiful 12 page booklet with a nice report of the Hamburg concert along with various
pictures mainly taken from the tour book. Personally I think this is one of the better One Nite Alone tour releases sure, I could easily have lived without the PA tracks on Disc 3 as their inclusion doesn't make this release any
better - however the main Hamburg show and the Hamburg soundcheck are fantastic from beginning to end.
Some great music came over the PA before the actual show started, employing DJ Dudley D at the turntables who obviously knew
what he was doing. Among his “set” was a remix of “Come On”. There also was something that sounded like a smoking new version
of “The Question Of U”, some NPGMC tunes, a bunch of hip-hop tracks that we didn’t recognize.. and some stuff that could have
been taken from the still unreleased “Xenophobia” album. The main show started at 8:25 pm, and lasted well over two and a half
hours. Most memorable moments were a super-cool version of “The Work”, a dive into Prince’s old days – “Gotta Broken Heart
Again”, a rocking version of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love” with Prince’s super-cool falsetto vocals, and his ’85 hymn from
“Around The World In A Day” : “The Ladder”. The closing number for this night became a full blown version of “Purple Rain”.
ā™« Mojo Afterparty
From PA : All The Critics Love U In NY / Calhoun Square / Pass The Peas
An afterparty was held at the Mojo Club. Prince and the band members showed up at around 1:45 am. Tracks from One Nite
Alone... Live ! were played.
Tracks #6-8 were recorded from the PA at the Hamburg afterparty, and come from a performance at the
Xenophobia Celebration at Paisley Park on 25th June 2002. The quality of the recording leaves a little to be desired
as the audience members from the afterparty are audible throughout.
A few hours after the main show had ended, Prince appeared at a famous Hamburg club, called the Mojo. In the meantime, this
location closed its doors, since the building might be torn down soon, but it has been one of Hamburg’s places for jazzy house music
ever since it appeared. When Prince came in, it became obvious pretty soon that there would be no real aftershow. Instead, Prince
had the DJ play some select songs from a live CD he had with him. There were “Alphabet St,” “Calhoun Square,” “All The Critics
Love U In NY,” tentatively recorded on June 25th 2002 during the Xenophobia Celebration at Paisley Park. Prince also presented to
us a live recording of “Pass The Peas” by Maceo Parker with additional musicians Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis, Rodney Jones, Larry
Goldings and Kenwood Dennard. Except for “Alphabet St,” these songs are included on Disc 3 of this release as bonus track. During
“Pass The Peas,” you can hear Prince talking over the PA during the intro of the song. A funny thing happened while he was up on
stage at the Mojo that night : Prince accidentally dropped the CD from his CD case. The disc lay immediately at his feet, but instead
of picking it up himself, he told his bodyguard to do that for him. The scene says a lot about how he sees himself and his employees,
I think. Still, the songs played over the PA were really great, and it’s a pity that these two tracks didn’t make it onto Prince’s live CD
set from the ONA tour. At least he could have performed “Calhoun Square” a little more often and not just during aftershows.
18-10-2002 : ā™« Antwerp Soundcheck
* Duration : 2.05
(A : Lost And Found – 6/10)
The Greatest Romance Ever Sold (Instr.) / Gotta Broken Heart Again (Instr.)
Rainbow Children / Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) (Instr.)
The Question Of U (Instr. Fallin’ – Take Five) / Housequake (drums)
Santana medley / Who Knows / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love (Incl. In Time)
Empty Room / Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
The Question Of U (Incl. The One – Fallin’ – Take Five)
Them from New York, New York (Incl. Take Five)
The Greatest Romance Ever Sold
Our taper was delighted to witness a wonderful purple day
: A unique soundcheck and an excellent show. On a natural
high, our taper couldn’t believe what she just witnessed,
and - impatiently, while still at the venue - went on to
make sure that everything was archived on the DAT. A
playback check revealed a truly shocking result : The tape
was blank ! Frustrated and angered by LOSING such a
magical moment, the taper LOST her mind - and later
believed that she’d thrown the supposedly blank DAT away
at the venue… Many years later - let’s just say that we let
it marinate in the vault for a while - while going thru some
dusty boxes of old DATs, up came this strange tape with no
label or indication whatsoever. DAT player on, tape popped
in, and play… what is that ? Sounds like a soundcheck…
One Night Alone tour. Wait a minute ?! Could it be…? Really, is it possible ? New York, New York ? This is it !!
Wow. FOUND ! Silence. This was a moment like holding the Holy Grail in your hand. Alas, the DAT had a lot of
technical errors. The tape was not easily playable, with lots of glitches, drop-outs and diginoise. This most
probably led to the “blank” playing at the venue. Our team went the whole nine yards of magnetic tape to bring
you a clean and complete transfer, in the quality it deserves - by buying expensive special gear, while ensuring
that we wouldn’t destroy the tape in the process... So here, with big proud, we present : A clear, glitch-free
transfer of this historical event for your listening pleasure. We FOUND and uncovered a lost diamond, right here
for you. Relive this magical day ! A soundcheck full of lengthy, inspired jams and perfect musical collages :
Brilliant, exceptional, outstanding, dazzling, marvelous - and most of all : Reloaded. The beginning of the show is
also included on this release, in the same excellent sound quality as the soundcheck. Unfortunately, the reminder
of the show is not available in the same quality/from the same source. The hypothesis goes that this is in fact the
tape that got LOST at the Sportpaleis. So for that part, we relied on a good and circulating free release, to offer
you the complete experience in chronological order.
It all started with a full 90 minutes soundcheck featuring Prince kidding around with both the fans and the band, an extended salsaSantana/edge cutting Hendrix workout, a medley of reMastered versions of The Question Of U, The One, Bambi... probably the best
warm -up anyone could have wished and hoped for.
The soundcheck was da bomb ! It was indeed a pre-concert (has there ever been a soundcheck that lasted almost two hours, with
Prince participating for 1 hour and 15 minutes ??!!). It was sheer joy and fascinating. First the band rehearsing and slowly but surely
coming into a GROOVE. Then the man : not spoiling any words, just music. Guitar ruled first 45 minutes. In yer face with Hendrix,
Led Zeppelin, Santana and above all : Prince ! Oempff ! It seemed he wanted to finish then. Somebody shouted : “Empty Room”. He
changed his mind and did Empty Room. Then into a fantastic jam : Question of U changing into The One changing into Fallin'
(Keys). Ultracool ! And it wasn't over... Maybe the most fascinating part was yet to come : Prince as a real bandleader teached the
band what he wanted with Take Five (the famous jazz-piece). He was a bit suprised that Eric Leeds didn't directly know the tune
("Hey Renato, You know this right ? You play this on your weekend jobs !") What followed was a musical lesson for every
bandmember. He taught Renato to stress a particular note. He told John to play a certain rhythm. And was working real hard on the
horn section. Finally it worked and a short jam concluded the lesson that was just learned. Again fascinating to watch. As a real nice
dessert we were offered a tight 'Greatest Romance Ever Sold' with a functional contribution of the DJ. To be honest : when I had to
go home right then, I would have been more than satisfied. But there still a show !
Dearly Beloved, what I witnessed last night under the roof of the "Sportpaleis" was simply Heaven, let's begin from the beginning :
did he said "soundcheck" or "private concert" ? - guys let me tell u that it was 2 hours private concert ...
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (100$ membership !!! and so what ?!) He puts such power and such passion in his music, he was in a
really good mood and so we were.
I was standing in the back of the NPG Music Club Section on the right side. The soundcheck was awesome...first the NPG were
rehearsing alone and u can tell the band was tight and having a great time together (much props to J. Blackman-THE
MAGNIFICENT !!!). And as soon as Prince walked in we got a a private pre-show. Highlights were Bambi, Question Of U, Whole
Lotta Love, Empty Room and .....The One, which was turned in a heavy rock song.
ā™« Antwerp Sportpaleis
* Advert. Start : 8:30PM / Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : ? / 17.500 / Tick. Price : €53
(A : Lost And Found – 6/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia (Incl. Do That Stuff) / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Purple Rain
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster – (Eye Like) Funky Music - Sex Machine)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me - The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship (Incl. Give Up The Funk)
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Delirious / Adore
I Wanna Be Your Lover / Do Me Baby / Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U
The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April
Days Of Wild (Incl. Give Up The Funk – Housequake - Caravan – Stretchin’ Out (In A Rubber Band) – Take Five - America)
Concert at Sportpaleis, Antwerp, Belgium. The set included the
rarely performed "Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine," "I
Wanna Be Your Lover," and "Do Me, Baby."
U kept your promisse, NPGMC makes us feel like VIP's. Great
show, great band, small body, big man !
Prince and the NPG are the best, that is for sure ! I saw Prince in
Ghent a few years ago and considered him the best performing
artist, so now I saw him again in Antwerp. My opinion about him
is reinforced. He still is the best !! he performed for about 3 hours
(I have never been to concerts lasting that long) and Prince didn't
even seem to get tired at all ! "You'll have to kick me out of here !"
he said... It was impossible to fall asleep and we continued
dancing, singing, screaming, yelling and clapping for 3 hours untill we got a soar voice. I really hope to be there again the next time
Prince and his NPG band come to Belgium !
Four years after my first Prince concert in Ghent, Prince came back, in this time in my own home town Antwerp. I was really
nervous, but hey, I had my reasons. When I was reading the reports from the previous concerts, I know that I was going to see the
best concert ever. And Prince loves Belgium, we all know that. He called us 4 years ago "the funkiest place on earth", much more
than Holland. And we proved it again last night. Who said Belgium doesn't know how to party ?? He played a lot of songs I really
wanted to hear, like Housequake, Sign 'o' the times and Purple rain. I really liked When you were mine, the piano medley and Days
of Wild. Just like all the other European fans, I also want that it wouldn't take another 4 years for him to come back to us. 4 years is
much too long. One remark though, I really wanted him to play something from the "ONE NITE ALONE demo cd", but hey, the
concert was so great that it didn't really matter. Prince was great, the band was great, the crowd was great. I was really proud to be a
Belgian, the crowd was terrific. Thank you Prince & the NPG for another jam of the year. It was no music, it was a trip, and I'm still
tripping today.
Glorious ! Waking up this morning with last nights music still lingering in my head.... After the house had completely filled up to the
rim we received a gift beyond any Xpectation : he took us on a funky journey through his repertoire playing mostly less evident
songs but also brilliantly reworked classics... as he stated afterwards "so many songs, so little time..." Let's just hope some also took
up on the message he was trying to get across.
I'm so grateful for last night show ! Thank u so much for this steaming funky evening ! It was fantastic ! I was wishing it would
never end ! I hope u'll be back soon.
What can I say ? Last night was incredible. Musically, it was the best show I've ever seen. The NPG was so tight ! I Finally got to
hear some new material, like Rainbow Children, 1+1+1 is 3 and The Everlasting Now live. Those jams are keepers ! I was
dumbstruck at hearing Sign 'O' the Times. P, the sounds that came out of yo 6-string were plain ol' funky ! The beautiful Ones, Pop
Life, Strollin', Days of Wild (to end the perfect 3-hour show),... there's just too much to name. One of the many highlights for me
was definitely The Work, pt 1, which got all the people in the balcony get up and shake their booties like it was out of everyone's
control !!! Much love and respect to the band; John... you're already a legend; Eric... you blew the horn like you was starting a fire;
Rhonda... I think I'm in love;-) your base playing in Strange Relationship was another highlight for me; Renato.. wicked, wicked;
Greg... you were fantastic; Candy... goed gedaan meid. Finally, Prince... your picture belongs in a dictionary next to the word 'talent'
and/or 'music'. Full stop ! And I can assure you that you got the recording industry and the media that treat you unfair by the b*llz !
In one word , Superfunkycalifragiamazing ! Oh ye ! Don't be a leader , be a folower . Don't believe the media , because we are all
crazy ! But in the end it doesn't matter, because we are all One !!! Just listen to your hart and you will find the truth.
Antwerp ! It was completely different from Rotterdam. He was defenitely in a good mood ! The joy of the man and his band filled
the hall. More or less the same set as Rotterdam. But there was much more dedication in it. To my opinion he was much more in to
it. Asking people to dance on stage. Less preaching, more playing. The Days of Wild jam on the end : it seemed like it lasted
forever... With an excited Prince first throwing his bass guitar away and after that his microphone. Beng !
Thanks. I don’t have to tell you how good the show was, I think you already know. You inspired me. To be just the best at my job.
Like you are at yours.
Whaaaaaw ! I thought it was 'just' gonna b the new songs of 'The Rainbow Children' but na'ah, the whole repertoire from 'I wanna b
your lover' over 'Condition of the heart' 'till 'Diamonds and pearls' and 'Housequake', it was all there !!! Never been more exited in
my life ! Thanks for such a mindblowing night, you even made us forget what a mess the world today looks like. May we live 2 C the
dawn, and maybe, just maybe see you back on a following gig ASAP ! We àre 1 !!!
Simply thank you for this night. We enjoyed to be one night alone with Prince. Come back very soon, we 're waiting for you.
This was the 10th time that I saw Prince perform live in Belgium and the only thing I say after each concert is : Prince was, is and
always will be the greatest performer of the 20th and the 21st century. I hope we don't have to wait another 4 years to see him play
live again. This was as expected a great concert. Thank you Prince !! Hope to see again soon !!
Hello all u Belgium fans :)) Im glad you had a great time just like we did in Holland. I've seen all the shows starting with Sign o the
Times in 1988 and this one was great. Hmmm, so Prince said u funkier than Holland hmmmm ?? Im so glad we get a second chance
to proof him wrong ..... See all u orange fools again on the 2 th November ;-))
The main show was incredible, this guy is always in move (up, down, right, left) and the music is a continuous flow of Positivity and
Funk (WE WANT THE FUNK - oh yeah we want it and we got it) At one moment he told us that no matter what kind of religion we
follow, 2night we must b ONE and that's what we did and as far as I'm concerned I choose my "religion". Prince U R The One and
Man ...... what a show again. After Rotterdam this was my second show this tour. The setlist was almost the same but the show was
like always unique. Thank you Prince for introducing Candy again on sax. Lets see on November 2 in Rotterdam which country is
the most funky.
One more jam, one more jam... say One more jam for Prince & The Band... There is no word 2 define The Greatest Gig we had last
night... As U told us that night WE were ONE dancing, singing, funkiyng... Every time eye see U, from the first second 'till the last
from the concert, eye feel like it is the first time eye see U... U R the One, the Only & by the way the Funkiest man in the World... U
Thank you very much. In '86 my mom died. Last nite "Sometimes it snows..." made me cry 4 her. Thank U 4 reminding me how 2
find such pure emotions....again. The audience shocked the temple, Ur music thrilled my soul. Vital
I was astonished to see this true musicianship again and again. Veni Vidi Vici like Julius Caesar said in the Roman Empire. This
man is blessed with so much talent and soul that words can not describe. I was very happy with the audience's general reaction on
Prince and Band, (don't forget !!), first I tought that I big venue like this (15000 people) would turn out in his disadvantage. But
after 5 minutes it was clear that the heat was on...The roof was almost on fire, this funked up man knows how to FUNK, ya know ?.?.
IT AIN'T OVER TILL IT's of course over....It's over that's for sure, but don't wait too long for Belgium, it would be cool to have a
nice aftershow in Antwerp (next year or so...) The treatment of your 'NPGMC' was very well done. A nice afterparty, I couldn't dance
anymore, my feet hurted like hell. And an awesome soundcheck that lasted for about 2 hours....Are you smoking a cigarette ?.? Put
it out and come back, I don't smoke, I can't stand smoke... After next week, Paris (very funky 5 years ago) and Rotterdam, Yeah....
It was great, it was nice it was fantastic ! We are 1, so said Prince, and I hope that become true. Thank you for giving such a
wonderful night. I shall always remember it !!
The concert was a fest !!! He got all the Sportpaleis with him and u can tell he was pleased and was very relaxed..OK he played many
of his old songs, but the way he played them sounded very fresh and inspired. I got goosebumps all over my body when he played
Sometimes It Snows In April and then got heated up during DOW (can u say PARTAY !!!) This gig was my 100% membership more
than worth it, and sure they can count me in for year 3 !!! Also...Much props to my girlfriend who isn't a Prince fan at all but took
the risk of coming with me to the gig..and was surprised that Prince could play so good....she liked his concert a whole lot more than
his records (can u blame her ? )... The next time she will be there 2 (Yihaa)
Bought the 7" single of "1999" when I was 12 and it sure wasn't my last purchase. Saw Prince first live in 1988 and witnessed him
yesterday in Antwerp and IT sure AIN'T OVER ! After a more than one hour soundcheck, including "Question of U", "Bambi" (loved
to hear that again) and "Whole Lotta Love", I was blown away once more by the main gig which filled my heart and soul with pure
joy. Hearing Prince perform songs again like "The Beautiful Ones", "Adore", "When you were mine", "Sign o the times" just gave me
plain chills and thrills ! But also new songs like "1+1+1=3", "The everlasting now", "The work", ... were mindblowing during this 3
hour live performance.
I woke up this morning an I still had the feeling "we r 1", I saw u before but this time I had the feeling we were closer. The music was
great and funky. "America" on bass seemed a bit symbolic. Thanks for comming back to earth, thanks for comming back to us. Also
a big hand for the NPG band, the music was funkier then ever.
Beautiful strange ... how time flies when you're having fun. Thank U for an outstanding soundcheck en concert performance. But, it
ain't over, it ain't over, it ain't over ...
Just thank you for the wonderfull evening ! This is just another prove that you are the best in what you do ! You make people wild !
Greets to everyone off the band, there are no others like them !
Antwerp : unbelivable soundcheck and great show. FOUR hours of music.... No need to say more. Except : thanks to Prince for
having a great time with us. I'll always remember jumping pretending to grab and steal the mic from the man (during the Ain't Over
chant) and his reaction was.... a big laugh and a high five back to me !
Great concert Prince, We are ONE , thanks. See you next time in Belgium.
father ,my sister ,my brother and like my mother. Just there ........ He told us : "we are 1" and I had to agree we were 1 The NPG was
fab. The Club was great, a real family. We have been waiting for almost 4 years. And finally he came, and for the truth ....... So did I
(joke) Please come back next year. And we'll beat holland again. I will be member then , no doubt about that. I will not miss a
aftershow party again...I was there with my new girlfriend I think, no.. I am certain u have a new fam member.
Despite my wheelchair I came from Paris to see the show in Antwerpen, and whaaoouuuu I had the best time ever. 2 hours of
soundcheck and then a 3 hour show. It was so amazingly funky jazzy, rock..... I thought I was going to go out of my wheelchair. You
have the best band ever, you have driven me crazy with all the incredible music. peace, god bless you (but when we watch you we
know he already did and that he is still doing it)
Many thanks for an excellent evening in Sportpaleis Antwerpen. It was my girlfriend first time to see you and we had an excellent
evening. From now on she can tell people she have funk in her life. C ya in Rotterdam !!!
I saw Frankfurt. It was incredible! I saw Antwerp last nite. It was HEAVEN ! Thank U soooo much.
Prince was great ! By moments I thought James Brown was playing, sometimes I thought Jimmi Hendrix was back alive . I even
thought for a second during sign of the times, he's gonna play the strings by his teeth, and by his feet when he laid the guitar on the
floor. Thanx for doing Sex Machine, Xenophobia, Sign Of The Times and 20 minutes of Days Of Wild. I hoped for these songs ! Like
a paper this week said, on disk he's an emperor, live he's the KING. Thank you for this great show and :-) , it's now official :-) , we're
funkier than Holland. Prince said it after Purple Rain so it must be the truth.
Just a simple Thank U from me to U...It was amazing...18.000 people rocked as ONE...Prince I love U From the soundcheck to the
actual concert, it was all pure gold. The band was so tight and U were in a good mood ! Never seen u play so relaxed ! I go to sleep
now with a comforting thought...Funk is Alive ! Funk was in Antwerp Tonight !!!
Oh what a gig. But after that, man what a night. The soundcheck was just what I have all dreamed about. Prince seemed to be so
relaxed an enjoying his time with his fams and the band. The main show, the best I have seen and heard from Prince so far. You
could here Rock, Pop, Funk and Jazz. It’s all about the music. Thanks to the NPG band with John (what a drummer), Renato (the
keyboard never sounded this good), Rhonda (but’s the bass in your face), Greg and Candy (smooth and Hard), Eric (respect) and
the Dj (wick wick tschhhh). Prince is the best Guitar player in the world and plays the piano like an angel. And once again big
thanks to Prince and the NPG for such a memorable night.
Just one thing : THANK YOU ! Do I need to say more ? No, I don't think so ...
The concert in Antwerp met all my expectations and then some. Thank you NPG Music Club for making it an unforgetable night.
And Thank you Prince and the NPG for playing the soundtrack to my life :)
Great Show, The soundcheck was perfect, finally I heard Empty Room live (Thanx P)
Prince, thank U for the great Nite you gave me. As long as I'm alive, I'm gonna come back each time U play in my country. As U said
it yourself in the beginning of the evening, U may not speak the language of the people of Belgium, but MUSIC is your language and
that's the language we all understand and that's what UNITES us. Your music makes us feel one, not only for the "One Nite" we
spend with U but every single time we hear your work !
Please let us proof 2night in Antwerp that we can shake 'n funk a temple up harder than them orange fools in Holland. Luv ya girls'n
boys...but 2night he's ours !
Red & Blue Afterparty
An Antwerp club called Red & Blue housed the afterparty. Prince arrived at 12:45 am, remaining at the club for an hour. Other
members of the band as well as Manuela also attended. DJ Dudley D. took over the DJ booth and played some remixes amongst
tracks from One Nite Alone... Live !
Been to the afterparty afterwards at the "Red & Blue". Met people there I saw during the concert in the NPGMC section, and we all
agreed upon a thing : "We really felt as ONE !". Thanks Prince for a great night ! Don't let it take you another 4 years to return.
19-10-2002 : ā™« Berlin Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.00
(A : One Nite Alone In Berlin – 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Instrumental / Here On Earth / Jazz Instrumental
Jazz Impro / A Case Of U / A Case Of U (Instr) / Jazz Instrumental
The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker (Incl. 4) / Santana Medley
Beginning with the soundcheck I would like to thank the
NPGMC people who did organize everything in a perfect way.
Sitting in the members section felt very special and was a real
treat. Thank you Prince ! The soundcheck felt very relaxed and
it was a plesure to see you and the NPGMC jam in such an
It was so beautiful to be so close Prince with the sound check.
It is unbelievable, how pleasant and nice Prince was conversed
with us. Prince is a so strong musician : Each second felt I its
soul and its heart in the hot music. I was in Trance. Constantly
one could feel this intensity and strength, which Prince & and
its musicians transferred to the guests.
At the soundcheck Prince first played the drums a little bit,
then he walked down and seated himself mid-theather, from
where he directed the band and gave commets to the band in
the ear-plugs where they all got their monitor sound. He was
clearly joking and made the band members laugh several
times. First it was just Renato, Rhonda and Blackwell playing,
then came the horn players. Eric Leeds got a very warm
ovation when he came on stage, you could definately tell that he'd been missed a lot by the fans. The sound check was more of a
'real' sound check than I'd espected. They rehearsed a bit of 'The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker' over and over. The whole atmosphere
was very relaxed and the club members had a truly great time and got an experiance out the ordinary. Some band members were
signing autographs after the sound check.
ā™« h Berlin ICC (feat. Eric Leeds)
(2:52 / 2:15)
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 3.05 / Attendance : 4.500 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €71.50 / €54.25
(A : One Nite Alone In Berlin – 7/10 * V : One Night Alone In Berlin – 6/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Pop Life / Xenophobia / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / A Case Of U
The Work Pt 1 (Incl. Give Up The Funk) / Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster - Give Up The Funk – Bootsy ?) / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / When You Were Mine
Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / One Nite Alone / Adore
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World / Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U
The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April / Purple Rain
V : Filmed by an audience member from the upper
balcony slightly left of center stage. When the zoom is
used, the picture is sharp and clear. Unfortunately the
amazing camera work only makes up for half the
show. The other half is made up of the camera wildly
shaking about, or the back of the woman in front's
head. I don't like to criticize audience filmed shows, as
the person has obviously put themselves in danger of
being caught and thrown out, or having to film the
show instead of enjoying it and jumping around like
everyone else..........however, this could have been a
stunning show, but with all it's faults it's very
frustrating to watch. The video cuts off halfway
through The Beautiful Ones. The complete audio is on
Hello, I am back from Berlin. I just want to say THANK YOU today I know that we have to dream ... sometimes our dreams
come true... even if we have to wait a long time.. It was a magic
nite... Thank you very much for your music, for a great show...
for unforgettable 3 hours... Thank you all. Hope to see you in
Warsaw !!!
After seeing Prince and The NPG in Hamburg and now also in Berlin, all I can say is that Prince said it best himself : "Nothing
compares 2 u." All I can say is, thank u. Thank u Prince, Rhonda, Renato, John, Candy, Maceo, Greg, Eric, Takumi, all the
technician and all the funky people at the concerts !
What a nite, what a band, it was great ! Thanx 4 bringing this kinda pure,
uncut Funk into town. So much joy, some tears (snowed in april !), still can´t
get enough (sorry, but couldn´t afford another 20 bucks 4 the aftershow). Now
it´s proved : Move ur a** and ur mind will follow !
Counting the 7 days of the celebration 2002, Berlin must have been the 20th
concert I have witnessed so far and it was a pleasure so see Prince and the
Band enjoy an enthusiastic crowd of 9100 people. The concert itself was more
than I expected. I did hope that Prince and the NPG would not play a greatest
hits concert and boy all my dreams did come true. The first half of the concert
was very jazzy and dedicated to a big portion of the TRC album. Strollin was
fantastic ! Most interestingly, although Prince played all his new material and
assuming that most of the people do not know TRC the Berlin crowd was on
their feet right from the beginning of the concert. Sitting in the 6th row it was a
joy to see how much Prince and the Band enjoyed playing Berlin. Every band
member had a big smile on their face and you could tell, that it was special for
them too. Rhonda I will never foreget the happiness on your face when you
played Purple Rain. Renato you are great, John B. you are absolutely amazing
and the horn section is a treat ! Prince what can I say, Whole Lotta Love was
fantastic and I guess everybody's heart was filled with love and compassion
last nite.
I saw Prince yesterday in ICC (International Congress Centre) in Berlin with
this delicious backline-band, and -oh whow- with Candy Dulfer on Sax. And
with a drum battery which was superspicious.. In my opinion It was one of the
best gigs, he gave us ever. Me, myself, I saw him many times in Berlin in
earlyier years. It was always an open secret, that Prince love to make a gig in
the 2nd row of night, after finishing main concert. So everybody, who knows
this fame of Prince, waits for success, to meet him anywhere in Berlins
nightlife, making a 2nd secret gig, whereever. But now I am fourty years old,
and I wait for my my 4th child and the common babysitter wants to go to
home. How old are we now, and how young have U been, instantly. U have to be brave and extraordinary, but tears of remembering
good old times. The audience was fulfilled mixed and we heart old Led Zeppelin classicals with paraphernalia colours on stage. This
Prince was rough, straight, direct and so compentent in making free, more jazzy, funky stuff ever before, the multiprofessional and
it was totally free of any pop-star-attitudes. To compare Frank Zappa’s and Prince’s music, has to decide, that Princes is the more
musically one. There are big comparisions between them both, but naturally not..because he is the _only_ one. And I read in Miles
Davis autobiography about his last years and his (Miles Davis) big wishes to make some musical stuff with Prince together. How far,
the opening phase of concert (the pre-concert ?) was filled with Miles stuff. However Prince was in Berlin some years before and the
pre-concert was filled with Andreas Vollenweider. Is there a order of him to fill such pre-phases of his concerts with the stuff he
himself prefer ? No tour before I saw him making so many direct contacts to concert-guests like on this tour. Is this now the poeplenearest Prince we ever had ? My deep respect and all my love to this wonderful artist, I love him over many more years, I really
remember exactly, Mr. Prince Roger Nelson, all the best from Berlin and from a real great fan of Your lifes work, and sorry, if this
english is so horrible to read, those where the things, U decide to leave knowledge afterwards, to let the feeling bleed....
How or where to start to describe this amazing and wonderful night
best !!?? How to describe someone as gifted and great as Prince
without sounding trite ??!! It won't be easy, but I'll try my best !! :-)
It had been ten years since I last saw Prince in concert here in
Berlin (I hope he won't make us wait another ten years until he
decides to come back to grace us with his wonderful presence !!)
and having been to two other concerts of his, I just knew it would be
great, but.... I can't even begin to put into words how wonderful,
great, amazing, awesome, uplifting, inspiring, just plain WOW...
(get the point ?? lol) this evening has been for me. It has definitely
surpassed all my expectations and then some !!! I have never seen
Prince so relaxed, so at ease with himself and his audience and so
much fun to watch and be with... a sight to behold !!! It was just too
bad I'm not a fan club member (...yet, but something that will be
remedied very soon !! lol) and therefore didn't get to enjoy the
sound check or the after party. But I shall next time !!! :-) The
concert left me feeling high on life and everything positive in it (and thank God there are things left in life to feel positive about !!)
Even now on Monday morning sitting at my desk at work I have to smile every time I think about Saturday night !! It was kind of
like getting re-acquainted with an old and very dear friend I hadn't seen in ages, but felt at ease with right away upon seeing him
again !! :-) Prince, my dear keep your wonderful music coming !!! Don't ever stop doing what you're doing best and come by to visit
again real soon...hear ??!! :-)
Thank you Prince for the best concert I ever saw. Your band is great. The feeling during the concert was great. The soundcheck was
great (and very funny !) The video projections and the light was great. What can I say more ? Nothing, I´m speechless. Please come
back soon to germany, you saw, your fans love you. (espacially the girl who wants to be a sound engineer....) For all others : Join the
npgmusicclub !
Finally I could experience Prince live. For a long time I waited for experiencing this musician in the concert. On 19 October this
dream became finally in Berlin true. For weeks I was pleased on this concert and was already very strained. But which I experienced
on 19 October in the ICC, was simply unbelievable. The concert in Berlin was indescribably and absolutely marvelous. Nearly 3
hours of party and funkyness !! I will never forget and in my heart will always carry this experience. A bubbling beat is served. Love,
luck, Funk....! From each pore of Prince passionate music pours. We experienced finally an unusual of concert that so fast no more
musician determines delivers. A musical change bath... Hot, really hot, glow-hot. We were allowed to hear wonderfull
interpretations of its classical and new pieces : A benefit ! It could have in such a way continued still hours. We missed you and are
so glad that you played finally again in Germany. This fine breath-robbing Live-Music was missing to us in such a way ! And it is
true : Real music from real musicians. Thanx for your music !! Thanx for this great party !! Thanx for this beautiful experience !!
Thanx for these hot minutes full luck !! O N L Y O N E F I N G E R ... B-E-R-L-I-N ...!!
I only can say "thanks Prince" !!! I have see 4 concerts from you, but this concert, was very... no words !!! It was really "one night
alone with you" !!! Thanks, you have very help me. Please come back to Berlin soon. I don`t will wait for 8 years again !!!
The basic facts : The show lasted 3 hours and blew everybody away. The ending of the show was emotional and theatrical in a
positive meaning of the word, with he whole audience of 9500 people singing together in both 'The Ladder' and 'Purple Rain', and
Prince making speeches about caring for each other and us all being One in spite of differences in color and religion etc. The concert
made all those who haven't yet purchased 'The Rainbow Children' crave for the cd.
Soundcheck (6:30 ? 7:30)
Regular show (8:40 ? 11:45)
THE SHOW, SONG BY SONG : "The Rainbow Children" was awesome. As jazzy and groovy as it comes. "Muse 2 the Pharoah"
featured some great singing. "Pop Life" came next as a nice surpise to most and Renato played a very long and very jazzy solo.
Prince walked around as if he didn't really know what to do but seemed to dig the fantastic piano solo though. "Xenophobia" was
smokin'. I hope we get the to hear it on an album later. "Money Don't Matter 2Night" featured Prince on piano and the crowd sang
the chorus. "A Case of U" ? fantastic vocals again, and the grooving part of the song ? which fades out on the cd ? was extended and
had some great solos from the band. During "The Work" some guys in the members section hold up a banner that said that a friend
of them had birthday. The birthday guy was onstage to dance along with three others from the audience, and Prince stopped the
music and told the sign guys to show the sign to everybody. He then explained that he don't celebrate birthdays and spoke about the
differences between birthdays and holidays/happy, then he went "..two, three" and the band kicked in again with a vicious funk
groove. "Extraordinary" ? again some amazing vocal work from Prince. "Mellow" was a high point of the concert. Prince delivered
the song so we got goosebumps, his voice so clear and smooth it blev everybody away. Very sensual and moving. "1+1+1=3" included
bits of 'Housequake' and went into Ohio Players' "Roller Coaster" and from there into an extended 'B.E.R.L.I.N. Funk Jam' based on
a P-funk groove with a horn riff that sounded like Parliament's "Up For The Downstroke". During this extended jam no less that 20
people from the audience were dancing on stage ! "The Ballad of Dorothy Parker" was cool as Dorothy herself in the song, the
arrangement was pure jazz with solos by Prince on the Rhodes, then Eric Leeds, then Renato, then Prince again on guitar, then
Candy Dulfer and last but no least John Blackwell on the drums. "Strollin" ? Prince threw a great jazz guitar solo in here again.
"Gotta Broken Heart Again" was totally re-arranged into a classic jazz ballad. The whole instrumentation, the riffs and the vocals
just came together as a perfect song. "Strange Relationship" had a straight forward funk arrangement. "When U Were Mine" made
people go wild. It's always a crow pleaser and definately one of Prince's greatest little rock songs. "Whole Lotta Love" ? loud,
expressive, dirty cover of the great Led Zeppelin track. Frenzy guitar solo by Prince. "Family Name" had Prince back at the
keyboards again, good groove. "Take Me With U" ? 9500 people sang along. Even the security people's lips moved simultaneously
with the words. "Raspberry Beret" was another a sing-along. "The Everlasting Now" was crazy. During this song we experienced a
true housequake: people were jumping up and down so the ground below the members section was shaking so much that Takumi
(Prince's guitar technician) had to hold the guitars to prevent them from falling to the floor from their stands in front of the stage.
"One Nite Alone (first few lines)" went into "Adore" ? another high point of the night with Prince in vocal shape like I have never
heard before (and I have bee to many concerts) ? follwed by "Condition Of The Heart" which came to it's right, and "Diamonds &
Pearls" went into a fantastic "The Beautiful Ones", probably the most moving ballad that Prince ever wrote and here performed with
all the guts and gusto you coould dream of. "Nothing Compares 2 U" was of cause a sing-along, and so was (more surprisingly) "The
Ladder", during which Prince made a speech about love and peace and being One together with others united in music, love and
God. "Starfish and Coffee" ? nice, nice, nice. "Sometimes It Snows In April" also had Prince on piano and sounded different without
the usual acoustic guitar. Prince then said "I know I said from the start that I wasn't gonna play this one, but I always end up
doing it" and played the into to "Purple Rain" on piano, the band kicked in and Prince sang, and then switched to guitar and played
a mean solo. Everybody in the building was standing up, singing, having a marvelous time and Prince almost looked like he still
wouldn't want to stop the show. It had lasted three hours by now, so when Renato stood alone on stage and played the long string
outro everybody was happy and relieved and grateful. I was in the member's section so I wasn't exactly the first to leave the venue,
but when I left I noticed many people sitting around all over the venue like they couldn't really leave, very moved by the show,
holding each other, hugging, some people even crying. It had been a fantastic night in the name of music and love. It's not news to
people on this site but Prince is still a truly amazing performer - a gifted, warm, positive, and generous artist. His Berlin concert was
I would like to thank Prince and the NPG for the show last nite. It was a new experience for me, cuz I saw him the very first time live
on stage, in real. As a matter of fact, he has a nice voice and a cute face, I'm overwhelmed. The show was approximately 3 hours long
! It started with plenty songs from TRC, then one or two songs from "One Nite Alone CD" and finished with "Purple Rain" of course
! Next time, I wanna sit a few rows closer to the stage, I could really cry, I was too far away from Prince, I couldn't see him laughing
and joking with the audience. I'm instatisable, where's the next jam ? ;-) Prince, I wish u all the best -you brought me so much joy- ,
may you live for ever, God bless you.
I am writing this under fresh impression from one of the best musical performances I have seen. My girlfriend wants me to come to
bed now, but heck I have get rid of this first. Prince was in an excellent mood during the whole show, I trust that this was partly
because of the great audience he faced in Berlin. Other guys will report the entire playlist, I just like to mention the nice live version
of “Housequake”, still one of my favourite tracks by the man, and not too often heard as of late. The concert lasted a solid three
hours and a quarter. Worth every cent of hard earned money for the ticket. All I can say is thank you Sir. And see you soon ! Funk
on, Jazz on, Rock on
Tonight, I saw that his spirit goes on ! A few minutes further, I was not able to realise. But now sitting in my room, reminding the
last three hours of pure life-music, it works ! PRINCE has Berlin ! A great compliment to the drummer. He was wonderfull ! But,
what should I say, the whole band is great ! NPG ! Happy to see Eric Leeds, superfunkysaxophonic ! Prince, in my life I saw you
three times befor in this town, the last time was at the Brandenburg Gate, a short gig by the MTV European Awards, but this
evening, I saw a musician, bringing us the F*U*N*K, but also talking to us as man of mankind. Harmony, we are all the same !!!
Thank you for this great evening. Hope to see you soon in Berlin ! (The last time I have to wayt to many years)
Tranenpalast Afterparty
20-10-2002 : NPGMC
One Nite Alone : Manchester Reviews
Several readers have provided us with links 2 the following articles on Prince & The NPG's recent appearances in Manchester, UK :
Prince - Manchester Apollo, alive.co.uk, October 8, 2002
Prince - Live at Carling Apollo, CarlingLive.com, October 8, 2002
Bruce Springsteen @ Berlin
Remaining in Berlin, Prince attends a concert by Bruce Springsteen at the Velodrom Stadium in Berlin. Having been invited by
Springsteen, Prince watched the show from the side of the stage, standing with Springsteen's manager Jon Landau.
21-10-2002 : Die Maerjische Allgemeine (D)
Prince defrauds the paying audience to eventually win it though discords and potato crisps
Quite a beginning, man. Half the audience of the ICC in Berlin had already been against Prince before he even played a note. The
reason was actually a laudable idea : the 1st 8 rows were reserved for his fanclub. If he only thought of it earlier ! So the buyers of
expensive tickets had to go to rows in the back. "Now that's why I queued for hours," somebody yelled angrily with tickets for the
2nd row. Understandable trouble : If tickets cost up to 80 euros, even a Prince should treat the audience more respectfully. When
Prince started with a 45 minutes delay, he didn't make it easy for his fans again : First were the songs of his last album "the rainbow
children" that was only available via import in germany. Old classics were not to be played : "If you've come for Purple Rain, you're
at the wrong party !" Said it and played for nearly 2 hours rather unknown songs of his repertoire. The audience listened friendly to
the maestro's jazz excursions. Different to the frankfurt show was that Maceo Parker did not play but so you could meet Prince's
band old timer Eric Leeds who outplayed without problems the so called "special guest" Candy Dulfer. But as Prince knows what is
proper he finally played hits as "Raspberry Beret" and "Nothing Compares 2 U" as encore. Even "Purple Rain" wasn't left out. It
could have been a wholly successful concert, had there not been the discords about the front row seats in the beginning. By the way,
there was also an aftershow : for 20 euros more you could watch Prince at the Tränenpalast [=palace of tears] in the v.i.p. area
eating his potato crisps.
Het Nieuwsblad (NL)
Prince geeft fans royale traktatie.
By Thomas Lowette
ANTWERPEN - Twee uur ver in de show sluit de kleine het eerste deel af met een grote bek : "My name is Prince, and I'm funky."
En gelijk had hij. Haast meer dan ooit. Zelden was Prince beter dan vrijdagavond in Antwerpen. Laat er geen misverstand over
bestaan, Prince, zoals we TAFKAP sinds een jaar of twee weer mogen noemen, is nooit minder geweest dan goed. Maar kon hij nog
of opnieuw briljant zijn ? Niemand die het op voorhand wist. Toch was het Sportpaleis in een mum van tijd uitverkocht. "Hebben
jullie me gemist ?" vroeg de 44 jarige retorisch. "Ik jullie ook". Een beetje Prince z'n eigen schuld. Sinds hij de platenboel bereddert
buiten de bestaande industrie, is Prince een niet altijd gemakkelijk te volgen internetartiest. Wie kent "The Rainbow Children", 's
mans jongste cd ? Nochtans zijn eerste goeie sinds een eeuwigheid. De 17.000 "gewone" Princefans voelden zich in elk geval
uitverkoren door de royale behandeling die ze kregen. Jazz zoals Carlos Santana latin swingt, soul zoals James Brown funk van een
pompend hart voorzien. Yes met ballen en ballads zoals geen ander ze uit het strotje knijpen kan. Kortom : Prince op z'n best. De
nieuwe songs schurken zich met mondjesmaat maar zelfbewust tegen de klassiekers aan, in het decor met visuals á volonté maar
zonder camera. Een sprankelend Pop Life, een uitmuntende Candy Dulfer op sax in The Work, een werkelijk ijzingwekkend Purple
Rain. Prince mag dan al een nieuwbakken Jehova Getuige zijn, preken deed ie niet, funken des meer : Housequake spatte als een
blindganger open waar je het niet verwachtte, Sign O' The Times had een monstrueuze impact op de zaal Raspberry Beret,
Sometimes It Snows In April, de tijd vloog, de adrenaline pompte, de drie uur waren zo om.
Gazet Van Antwerpen (NL)
Koppigheid moet wijken voor hits.
By Stef Vanwoensel
ANTWERPEN - Geen hond die zijn nieuwe cd's nog koopt, maar live blijft Prince (44) een publieksfavoriet. Een eerste Belgisch
concert in vier jaar bekoorde vrijdag het uitverkochte Antwerps Sportpaleis met een ongeziene reeks hits. Lange tijd liet hij zich
aanspreken als The artist formerly known as Prince. Net als het woord slave, tijdens concerten op zijn voorhoofd geschreven, een
symbool van verzet tegen de platenfirma die hem zolang uitbuitte. Tijdens concerten kregen oude songs nauwelijks nog een kans.
Geen probleem, zo bleek jaren geleden al: zelfs in een urenlange jamsessie kent de artiest uit Minneapolis zijn gelijke niet. Tijdens
deze concertreeks prijkt opnieuw de naam Prince op de affiche en staat de poort naar het verleden wijd open. Na een koppige intro
zijn nieuwe cd's bevatten nogal wat Zappaëske jazzfunk zet Pop Life de toon voor wat volgt : een schier oneindige reeks hits, slechts
af en toe door wat onbekendere songs of een streepje jazz onderbroken : Money don't matter 2 night, Purple rain, Housequake,
James Brown's Sex machine, Strollin', When you were mine, Strange relationship, Sign o' the times, Take me with u, Raspbery
berret, Nothing compares 2 U,... The New Power Generation met saxofoniste Candy Dulfer begeleidt Prince vakkundig door zijn
nostalgische tocht, maar slaagt er slechts deels in de opwinding van weleer op te roepen. Prince zelf flirt met het publiek, predikt
voor waarheid, geloof en eenheid tegenover de vijand: politici, de media, de duivel. Sfeer is er genoeg, maar nooit de verzengende
ambiance van de vorige tour, waarin tussen de jams nauwelijks plaats was voor oude songs.Prince stelt zichzelf voor een dilemma.
Blijft deze man gewoon zijn zin doen, al verkoopt hij daardoor nog nauwelijks platen ? Of moet hij de geschiedenis zijn rechten
gunnen ? Wellicht ligt het antwoord ergens middenin. Maar met concerten als dit zal Prince, ondanks een uitdovende carrière, zijn
oude fans nog heel lang aan zich binden.
La Libre Belgique (FR)
"My name is Prince !"
By Dominique Simonet
* En concert à Anvers vendredi, Prince assume à nouveau son nom, signe d'équilibre retrouvé ?
* Durant près de 3 heures, l'artiste est en démonstration.
Que devient l'auteur de "1999" à l'aube de ce siècle ? Prince Roger Nelson ne va pas trop mal, à en juger par sa prestation scénique,
vendredi soir, devant un Palais des Sports anversois plein à ras bord... Le Kid de Minneapolis, né là le 7 juin 1958, est cependant
dans une étrange situation. Enorme vendeur de disques dans les années 80, sa période de création la plus féconde, il en est
aujourd'hui à devoir batailler pour diffuser ses albums, après s'être fâché méchamment avec plusieurs multinationales. A cet égard,
il se retrouve dans la position d'un artiste "culte" qui, sur le plan des ventes, n'est pas loin d'un artiste en développement... Sa
Majesté n'a cependant pas eu de difficulté à remplir le Palais des Sports, preuve qu'il n'y a pas toujours un rapport direct entre
ventes d'albums et de tickets, preuve aussi qu'il reste, dans le chef du public, un performer et un entertainer hors pairs. Il n'est
d'ailleurs pas qua cela, comma le confirme le début totalement instrumental de son concert anversois. "Je suis là, où êtes vous ?
Puis je jouer de la guitare ?", lance l'Artiste, avant de se lancer dans une démonstration de virtuosité. Musicalement, il se situe à la
confluence de Miles Davis pour le côté fusion, et de Frank Zappa, folie guitaristique incendiaire. Bien que réduit, le groupe qui
l'entoure assure comma il faut. Dans sa version réduite, le New Power Generation comporte notamment Candy Dulfer et Eric Leeds
aux saxophones. Il ne fact pas non plus s'attendre à du grand spectacle. L'on est loin des fantastiques constructions scéniques
époque "Sign 'O The Times" ou "Lovesexy", qui hantèrent ces mêmes lieux, fin des années 80. Quelques tentures, des éclairages pas
tape à l'oeil et des projections psychédéliques, quoi de plus classique de nos jours ? Dans les lumières, le violet domine; sur les
écrans, des billets de banque dégringolent, "Money Don't Matter 2 Night". Progressivement, Prince entre dans le vif du sujet, et
s'affirme comma le maître de cérémonie qu'il sait être, ordonnant savamment le chaos funkadélique par lui orchestré. Pas avare de
paroles, il joue la provoc' en expliquant que, question ambiance, les Hollandais ont fait mieux hier. Faut pas le dire deux fois aux
Flamands ! Gringalet magnifique, freluquet triomphant, il jubile lorsque le public le suit massivement sous la "Purple Rain". Et il
continue de parler. "Belgium !", aime t il lancer de sa voix nasillarde. Deux thèmes reviennent dans ses propos : son amour pour la
funky music, et l'Unité à laquelle il aspire : "We are one !" répétera t il maintes fois. Depuis toujours, on le savait mystique, mais là,
il semble avoir touché un point de non retour... Par contre, la crise identitaire s'éloigne. Celui qui rejetait le nom de Prince et tout ce
qu'il véhiculait pour se faire appeler The Artist, The Symbol ou encore "Celui anciennement connu soul le nom de Prince", dame
bien fort : "My name is Prince !" Quant aux multinationales du disque et aux médias, ils en prennent toujours pour leur grade, ni
plus ni moins assimilés au diable. Pour sûr, il y a de quoi s'amuser dans un concert princier ! Mais le verbe n'enraye pas le
tourbillon musical des hits enchaînés : "Strange Relationship" (1987), "When U Were Mine" (1980), "Take Me With U" (1984), les
époques se télescopent, les styles se fondant en fusion. Sonorités métalliques, jazz à la guitare Gibson, soul à la Stevie Wonder,
citation frénétique de "Sex Machine", mélange infectieux de cuivres funky et de guitare rock sur "Sign O' The Times", emballage
final avec "Nothing Compares 2 U" : en démonstration pendant près de trois heures, Prince s'impose comma chauffeur
De Standaard (NL)
Van de Prince geen kwaad
By Sasha Van der Speeten
PRINCE speelde vrijdag in het Antwerpse Sportpaleis een meesterlijk concert dat zijn reputatie als geniale supermuzikant voor eens
en altijd bevestigde. Prince begon nochtans zeer flets met een freewheelende versie van "The rainbow children", het titelnummer
van zijn meest recente, wisselvallige album. Die cd is al de zesde in het rijtje van een reeks middelmatige albums die critici hebben
doen besluiten dat Prince zijn beste tijd heeft gehad. Ze vinden dat het genie van weleer uitgeblust is en enkel nog
overgeproduceerde cd's vol ongeïnspireerde songs kan maken. Van vergane glorie was in het Sportpaleis echter geen sprake. Alleen
al de wijze waarop de man uit Minneapolis gracieus over het podium schreed, liet vermoeden dat er maar één de grootste kan zijn.
Prince deed zijn nukkige reputatie alle eer aan door vooraf te verkondigen dat wie was gekomen voor de monsterhit "Purple Rain",
op zijn honger zou blijven. Het eerste deel van de show speelde Prince inderdaad veel van de onbekendere songs uit zijn oeuvre,
zoals een elegant "Strollin'" doorspekt met machtige gitaarsolo's s. Of hij eerde zijn zwarte muziekhelden zoals James Brown of The
Ohio Players. Maar kijk : de uitzinnige massa liet een goedgeluimde Prince besluiten om toch maar een paar hits te spelen. "Purple
rain" kwam uiteraard als een verrassing, zeker in een majestueuze versie van tien minuten. Toen het publiek de hoge zang aan het
einde overnam en door het Sportpaleis liet galmen, moet zelfs Prince kippenvel hebben gekregen. Ook met "Raspberry beret" en het
luid meegezongen "Take me with you" ging het hele Sportpaleis uit de bol. Met een piano medley raasde Prince vervolgens door zijn
allermooiste ballads, virtuoos gespeeld en hemels gezongen, met een glasheldere, bluesy falsetstem. Het was opvallend hoe de ooit
zo mensenschuwe superster met het publiek dolde : Prince vroeg verbouwereerde fans op het podium voor een praatje of een
dansje, plaagde zijn muzikanten of schudde even snel handjes met de voorste rijen. Op een gegeven ogenblik hekelde Prince ook
even de media die hem afschilderen als een excentrieke gek. "Strange relationship" volgde, terwijl over een scherm een lijst van de
vermaledijde (vooral Britse) kranten rolde. Geschift of niet: geen artiest kan tippen aan de goddelijke, bezielde shows van Prince
Rogers Nelson.
Het Laatste Nieuws (NL)
"Zijne purperen hoogheid" geeft stomend funkfeest in Antwerps Sportpaleis.
By Jan Claeys
Prince is weer koning.
"Wat de media jullie ook voorliegen, ik ben niet gek !" Heel veel heeft het alleszins niet gescheeld. Prince maakte ruzie met zijn
platenbonzen, noemde zichzelf 'The Artist Formerly Known As Prince' (afgekort tot TAFKAP) of 'Slave' en identificeerde zichzelf
met een vreemdsoortig teken. Maar tijd heelt alle wonden, ook bij het kleine wonderkind uit Minneapolis. Hij is weer gewoon
Prince en speelt opnieuw live al zijn klassiekers. Het Antwerpse Sportpaleis kreeg vrijdagavond meer dan twee uur lessen in funk.
De achttienduizend 'gelukkigen' die het Sportpaleis tot in de nok vulden, wisten niet wat ze konden verwachten. De klassiekers ?
Een hete jamsessie ? Of vooral werk uit zijn onbekende en enkel via Internet te verkrijgen laatste album The Rainbow Children ?
Prince begon jammend, maar maakte met `Pop Life' meteen duidelijk dat hij het publiek ging geven waarvoor het gekomen was:
hits. We hadden het u graag getoond, maar 'His Purple Highness' wilde liever geen fotografen in de zaal. Hij zag er nochtans
opvallend patent uit. Knap maatpak met olifantenpijpen en daaronder zijn getrouwe naaldhakken. Prince heeft het juk van de
platenfirma's van zich afgegooid en dat was er duidelijk aan te zien. De man genoot, speelde spelletjes met het publiek en liet fans
op het podium om mee te dansen. Een feest zoals in de grote dagen. Prince reeg de hits aan elkaar. Na Money Don't Matter 2 Night
liet hij in Purple Rain zijn onlangs tot Jehovah getuige bekeerde hart spreken : Open the bible and let God guide you. Maar hij
merkte dat het publiek daar niet op zat te wachten. "Ik ga jullie niet vervelen met eindeloos gepredik, laten we feesten. Want ik ben
funky. I'm so funky, I can't sleep with myself." Waarna hij James Brown’s Sex Machine speelde en alle lichten tijdens Sign O' the
times deed uitdoven. Na een korte pauze nam Prince plaats achter zijn piano voor wat veel meer werd dan zomaar enkele
bisnummers. Delirious, Do Me Baby en het onvermijdelijke Diamonds and Pearls volgden elkaar wondermooi op. Tijdens Nothing
Compares 2 U kwam The New Power Generation met supersexy saxofoniste Candy Dulfer in de hoofdrol weer meespelen voor het
slotoffensief. "Holland was fantastisch, maar jullie zijn nog leuker om voor te spelen", klonk het gemeend. "Ik kan niét stoppen, ze
gaan ons uit deze zaal moeten duwen." Jammer, maar dat maakte hij niet waar. Een kwartiertje later, na een feest van meer dan
twee uur, hield hij het voor bekeken. Meteen was een kandidaat winnaar voor `concert van het jaar' bekend. Vier jaar geleden
schreeuwde TAFKAP nog uit dat Prince dood was. Van een verrijzenis gesproken.
De Morgen (NL)
By Koen De Meester
Prince geeft de mensen wat ze willen. De gigantische zaal van het Antwerpse Sportpaleis zat vrijdagavond afgeladen vol en werd
door een opvallend goedgeluimde Prince op de wenken bediend: in tegenstelling tot de berichten kregen we een set vol classics,
goed gespeeld maar weinig avontuurlijk, laat staan eigenzinnig. Prince Roger Nelson (44) was één van de belangrijkste artiesten van
de jaren tachtig. Zijn crossover van zwarte en blanke muziek werd voor de rest van de volgende twee decennia driftig gekopieerd. De
formule is nu gemeengoed, maar hij mengde toen als één van de eersten stomende funk met opwindende rockelementen als
flitsende gitaarsolo's en powerdrumwerk. De man uit Minneapolis werd wereldberoemd met zijn in 1984 verschenen Purple Rain,
een baanbrekende plaat die een hele blanke generatie naar zwarte muziek deed luisteren. Later bracht hij onder meer de classic
Sign O' The Times uit, maar in de jaren negentig ging zijn ster aan het tanen. Als hij in dat decennium toch nog de kranten haalde,
dan was dat vooral door juridisch gekibbel met zijn platenfirma of de capriolen rond zijn naam. Niet dat er sinds 1992 (het begin
van alle troubles) geen cd's meer verschenen, maar enkel een harde kern fans haalde die in huis. Zijn platen verschijnen nu eerst op
zijn eigen website en worden later verdeeld door plaatselijke firma's. Sommige cd's kun je zelfs enkel kopen als je lid wordt van zijn
fanclub (wat 100 euro kost). Zo was er onlangs een cd uitsluitend voor de fans met solodemo's van Prince aan de piano. Van zijn
recentste studioplaat The Rainbow Children (2001) zijn er amper 150.000 stuks verzet, wat voor iemand van zijn kaliber ontzettend
weinig is. Zalige muziek en goed gedaan, maar van Prince verwacht je net iets meer weerspannige kost. The New Power Generation
stak vrijdag van wal met het titelnummer van The Rainbow Children. Tijdens een eerste tenorsaxsolo van Eric Leeds struint Prince
(chic zwart pak met grijze krijtstreep) rustig het podium op en even later demonstreert hij zijn virtuoze gitaarspel. De sound laveert
mee met de songs en nergens krijgen we radicale herwerkingen te horen. Op de uitvoeringen valt echter weinig of te dingen zoals
blijkt uit 'Pop Life' waarin de Nederlandse saxofoniste Candy Dulfer voor de eerste keer schittert. Na het nummer verkondigt de
Purperen Pekkie : “Did You miss me ? I missed you too” en het is inderdaad al vier jaar geleden dat hij in België optrad. De
ellenlange funkjams die volgen, klinken wat obligaat, maar de man zelf is goedgeluimd, betrapt zichzelf op preken en weet het
publiek perfect te bespelen. Vanaf 'Money Don't Matter 2 Night' besluit hij dan ook om zijn fans te geven wat ze willen : hits, hits en
nog eens hits. Daartussen een prachtig 'Purple Rain', wat de zanger na afloop doet uitroepen dat we `too much love' uitstralen.
Enkel de media moeten het ontgelden : "Als we iets anders lezen over deze show dan wat wij vinden, dan weten we dat de media
liegen." Tot zover de vrije meningsuiting. Een ijzersterk 'Sign O' The Times' en een triomfantelijk `Raspberry Beret' maken dat de
set knap naar een eind toegroeit. Pas na tien minuten keert Prince nog terug voor de bissen met onder meer flarden van `Condition
Of The Heart' en `Nothing Compares 2 U'. Zalige muziek en goed gedaan, maar van Prince verwacht je net iets meer weerspannige
kost. `Money Don't Matter 2 Night' ? Prince lijkt voor het eerst wel degelijk rekening to houden met zijn portemonnee. ONS
OORDEEL : In tegenstelling tot de berichten bracht Prince een set met heel veel classics. Goed gespeeld, maar weinig avontuurlijk.
La Dernière Heure (FR)
Un bon Prince en exil à Anvers.
Même s'il ne vend plus de disques, le kid de Minneapolis reste toujours impérial cur scène.
ANVERS - Prince est toujours en guerre. Contre MTV, contre les radios formatées qui ne passent plus ses nouvelles chansons,
contre les photographes qui n'ont pas pu travailler et surtout contre les maisons de disques. Vendredi soir, lors de sa prestation au
Palais des Sports d'Anvers, sa Majesté a fustigé à plusieurs reprises le diktat du business au détriment de la liberté artistique. Mais il
a surtout montré qu'il demeurait un musicien hors pair, un grand interprète, un entertainer né et un magicien de la scène, expert
dans la science du break, de l'improvisation et du groove. La dernière actualité musicale de Prince consiste en The rainbow children,
album qui n'a été jusqu'à présent distribué qua via son site Internet. Profitant de sa tournée européenne, le distributeur belge Bang
! commercialisera ce CD le 28 octobre. Qualifié de concept album par Prince, The rainbow children combine des éléments de jazz,
de funk, de R'N'B, de rock et de pop. C'est ce même cocktail qu'il nous a servi vendredi. Au début du set, on a eu franchement peur.
Epaulé par un excellent groupe, il a, en effet, lancé les débats par de longues plages jazz/funk (The rainbow children, Money don't
matter 2nite) qui viraient trop souvent à la démonstration technique. Mais, entre deux séquences muzak, les quelque 13.000
spectateurs ont pourtant senti que le show n'avait besoin que de quelques étincelles pour décoller. Après vingt minutes, l'explosion
est venue. Magistrale, brillante, émouvante. Prince qui nous avait déjà balancé quelques solos de guitare hallucinants a chambré le
public en lui disant qu'il était bien moins enthousiaste qua l'assistance hollandaise du concert donné la veille à Rotterdam. Les
Belges (essentiellement flamands) ont montré qu'ils étaient là pour la party et la party a alors vraiment débuté avec une version de
plus de dix minutes de Purple rain. La suite a alors oscillé entre versions revues et corrigées de ses perles d'antan et nouveaux
morceaux aux structures plus complexes. II a cité le Sex machine de James Brown, offert une interprétation funky funky de Sign of
the times, multiplié les pas de danse, invité des membres de l'audience à venir se trémousser et, en rappel, offert une grande
démonstration de ses talents avec une séquence medley en solo au piano et un enthousiaste Nothing compares 2 U.
Le Soir (FR)
Prince a rempli le Sportpaleis d'Anvers vendredi soir
Let's go crazy... tonight !
By Thierry Coljon
Prince étant un être d'exception, il n'est finalement pas étonnant qu'il puisse encore remplir le Sportpaleis d'Anvers sans coups férir
alors qu'il ne vend pour ainsi dire plus de disques. Son dernier "The rainbow children" est passé totalement inaperçu l'an dernier
(même qu'il va ressortir chez un autre distributeur indépendant) et son dernier tube remonte à pas moins de huit ans ("The most
beautiful girl in the world"). Qu'à cela ne tienne, Prince a beau avoir changé de nom aussi souvent qua de look, sa renommée
scénique est restée intacte et "One night with Prince", cela reste pour quinze mille personnel au moins l'assurance de passer un
sacré bon moment en compagnie d'un des meilleurs "performers" qui soit. Prince s'est calmé. Sobrement vêtu d'un costume noir,
sur une scène dépouillée de tout décor, sinon des tentures pourpres, il attaque d'emblée par quelques pièces musicales
instrumentales qui semblent, depuis quelque temps, avoir sa préférence. On pense à Miles Davis, Weather Report, Frank Zappa...
avec un jazz funk d’une grande musicalité, celle là même qu'on retrouvait sur le méconnu "Rainbow children". Mais contrairement à
ce que nous avions vu à Montréal l'an dernier (une heure instrumentale, un break, une heure de tubes), Prince ne cherche pas à trop
dépayser ses fans et place assez vite des perles pop comme "Pop life", "Money don't matter 2 night" ou même "Purple rain" qui
permet au public de se donner à gorge déployée. Après le jazz, après la pop, arrive le funk avec la meilleure partie du concert : un
emballage bien secoué de "Housequake" suivi du "Sex machine" de James Brown qui a tant influencé son Altesse de Minneapolis.
Prince ne se fait pas prier pour puiser abondamment dans ses anciennes heures, de "Strollin'" à "Strange relationship" (réglant au
passage ses comptes avec la presse anglaise qui le prend pour fou) et, après "Sign of the times" et "Raspberry beret", ne peut que
reconnaître : my name is Prince. Fini les idioties sur son nom. Prince est redevenu musicien. Passant de la guitare aux claviers, il se
contente d'un New Power Generation réduit à sa portion congrue (aux cuivres, heureusement que le vétéran de The Revolution, Eric
Leeds, est là pour contrer un peu l'épuisante Candy Dulfer), se préservant ainsi plus d'espace pour étaler ses talents
d'instrumentiste. Showman assagi, il assure néanmoins un max avec un rappel interminable (tons ses slows passant avant
d'accueillir une dizaine de spectateurs sur scène, histoire de faire la party avec lui) qui pousse le concert largement au delà des 150
minutes. Incroyable machine à faire danser, Prince relève le pari de faire vibrer un Sportpaleis qu'il avait connu, dans ses années
flamboyantes (le "Lovesexy tour" de 88), et qu'il a retrouvé avec un réel plaisir... partagé.
Berliner Zeitung (D)
Sex With God
By Jens Balzer
Prince & The New Power Generation celebrated a mass at Berlin’s ICC
Prince is called Prince again, and he is doing fine. With a new series of resurrection ceremonies, the artist that was formerly called
The Artist Formerly Known As Prince currently celebrates his regained identity. The Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ,
eliminated all his sinful doubts about his ego-gone are all those arrogant “Am I A Prince Or Not ?”-games he used to spend time on
in the past decade. Only as Prince, he was told in a recent revelation, would he be able to unfold his true musical talents for the
praise of The Lord. And… what do you say ? Praise The Lord ! The musical mass that Prince Rogers Nelson and his “New Power
Generation” of 8 celebrated last sunday in Berlin’s ICC, was nothing less than an epiphany, a very great and rare and precious
moment. “No more war, no more fights,”- was the message of the lecture Prince gave to his audience at the very beginning of that
evening to be spent together, - “just real music by real people.” The bass lady should go and play her bass, and the drummer his
drums; the horn players should blow their horns, and he himself should be doing whatever he was best at : Everything at once sing, scream and moan; make his guitar sing, scream and moan along; sit at his piano and sing,while rubbing his body against,
across and over it, screaming and moaning, and piously sprawling behind it. What a musician ! What an entertainer ! What a pity
that before this realization he had to waste the fat chunk of ten years with futile squabbles. In the early 90ies Prince got into a
quarrel with his record company, gave up his name and identity, because he no longer wished to represent a brandname in music’s
industry. He called himself “The Artist Formerly Known As Prince”. Later he requested to be represented by an unpronouncable
Symbol, so unspeakable, that in the end he refused to be addressed by any name at all. He cut off all connections to the cultural
industry as well as all other earthly parts, converted into a Jehova’s Witness, and commenced to release all of his new work via
internet (www.npgmusicclub.com). Only through there his new LP “The Rainbow Children” can be obtained : It’s some kind of
broadly orchestrated Funk-Rock theme-related work, about the tribe of the Rainbow Children and their search for the promised
land. “The law must be interpreted anew”, Prince starts, bawling at his listeners in a lowered Vocoder voice : “We must build a new
nation.” One nation under a groove, so to say, for while in the ensuing fourteen “chapters” the Rainbow Children follow their call to
the promised land, break their chains of slavery and withstand a variety of temptations (Wickedness, Devil, women) , the ensemble
around Prince perform their music in rich, saturated sounds, yet at the same time with such famished whipping rhythms, that
George Clinton or some other master of Funk might very well have acted as their orchestra leader. Big Band Funk with some (as
often happening with Funk) negligence to songs’ stagecraft: Although the arrangements - that is, the overlap of vocals and
instrumentation, the interaction of soloists and the rhythm section - are complicated and yet lucid as rarely a former Prince
creation, there are overall only few really terse melodic lines; few structures, that could intensify themselves into a song in the
memory of the listeners. At the concert the album was performed almost completely. It started with the title track and ended, before
the encores, with the second to last song, the jubilant “Everlasting Now”. Whoever was fearing for straining stretches in lenghts and
variations, was in for a pleasant surprise, though. Not only was the audience occasionally treated to some dramaturgically smartly
inserted evergreens : “Pop Life”, “Raspberry Beret”, and finally for an encore a truthfully breathtaking 15-minute version of “Purrple
Rain”, but, on top of all that the new songs seemed to be musically more comprehensible and precise in their live arrangements.
Only once in a while, one of the soloists took the freedom to stretch the end of a song with it’s leitmotiv. This was not so grand
coming from one of the three sax - or horn players, but it was outstanding, whenever Prince himself provided for the lenghtenings
on his Prince-guitar. Whatever he dilates is not being strained (and vice versa), but rather explodes into a multifariousness of all
sorts of sounds and keys, exquisite harmonies or pure noise. And when Prince takes over the instrumental leading theme, the old
mothafucker takes reign over the new Christian yet one more time. Then his serene preaching habit is suddenly overcome by the old
motorial hysteria, the maniacal convulsions and the self-handling, from which his sex-appeal and his awe-inspiring erotical
inaccessibility are nurtured. However, - and this was in actual fact most interesting about Prince’s performance - there was no
visible distinction between that smuttyish popstar-aura and the newer preacher - ethos, Eros and Jesus. On the contrary, both sides
have combined with the awareness that only the ecstatically adored, the perfect entertainer, can make a successful preacher. Or,
back to front, so to speak viewed from the unholy side of the matter : Only through the pious submission to the happiness and joy of
his God-created audience, Prince has found the greatness and versatility that makes the true entertainer. And then this incredible
guitar playing ! Like any great Rock guitarist, he has always been going about his business as in an act of masturbation. But while
one would not like to watch other masturbating guitarists if only for the amount of sweat they emit, with Prince the only sweating
participant is his guitar itself. Reason for that is the coolness of its master : Never do his hands linger for one second longer than
necessary on the kneaded and milled fingerboard. Excitement and denial become one : One minute the instrument is worked
exceptionally hard, the next it dangles from the back of the artist, heartlessly disregarded by him. Who of us, being a guitar, would
not be driven into a frenzy ? Each touch tears out another creature-like sound, an unearthly screaming and begging, as though a
complete ensemble of guitarists was competing with each other for the most penetrating sound. So much horny noise, so much
sexuality - all of this in the name of the Lord ? That was the one big, all-encompassing question that you took home with you. The
God that is pleased by such ungodly activities you really would like to meet.
Copenhagen Falkoner (Cancelled)
Oslo Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.50
Instrumental / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker (Instr.) / Santana medley / With You (Instr.) / Xenophobia (Incl. Atomic Dog)
Amazing… I’ve been to quite a few concerts over the years, but never a sound check. With more than the usual anticipation I sat
down on row 2 waiting for something to happen. And not even my highest expectations could prepare me for such an amazing
performance. The band was superb, the atmosphere was perhaps the best I’ve experienced in Oslo, and seeing Eric Leeds again
really took me by surprise. Having the opportunity to attend this event was perhaps the funkiest music experience of my life. And
despite that, the show was even better.
Oslo Konserhuset
* Advert. Start : 9:00PM / Duration : 2.25 / Attendance : 1.616 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : NOK950
Intro / Delirious / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Extraordinary / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Housequake - Sex Machine) / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love
Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) / Sign O’ The Times / The Question Of U (Incl. The One – Fallin’) / Family Name
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me) / When You Were Mine / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Purple Rain
Concert at Konserhuset, Oslo, Norway. The show started unusually with "Delirious."
Several rarities were played, including "Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine,"
"Bambi," "Whole Lotta Love," "Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)," "Sign O' The
Times," "The Question Of U," "The One," and "Fallin."
Thank U 4 the show in Norway the 21st. An absolute mindblowing x-perience, and we hope
that u visit us again real soon (as you promised). My life is better 2day !
First I want to say that I’m proud of being a Prince fan. I have never had so high
expectations b4 a concert, and honestly I thought I was going to get a bit disappointed, but
no. We had some discussions here in Norway about the record companies and their role in
the music industry. The music industry and the press actually blamed the record company
for the bands missing success. To see an artist do what Prince and the NPG does today
without any record company to back them up actually gives me hope for the future. It gives
me hope that we’ll still get great music, and that the music industry still is about music, not
just delivering a product for a specific target group. Money don’t matter 2nite ! The timing
for this kind of tour in Europe is amazing. I think Prince has proven him selves as an
innovative artist and once again and he has put him selves at the very top of the list of great artists/musicians in the world 2day... in
many ways. Prince has clearly grown since last time he was here. He is obviously enjoying his freedom. Now back to the show.
WOW ! I’ve never been funked like I was funked that nite. That version of Sign O The Times... I have now words to describe it. The
whole set was amazing ! The press in Norway loved the show too. Full score in every paper that writes about music in a serious way.
Oh my goodness, what just happened ?? I have never been so blown away in my entire life, and I've been places ! :-) What an
incredible concert, what intense energy and what amazing joy of music ! Darling Prince, you rock...both THE world and mine. I
have been to all three of the concerts you've staged in Norway, and although the last two were great, this one really was in a league
of its own. To be honest I didn't expect it to be, but was totally surprised by how you *shared* with us all. It didn't feel like a
*performance* as much as a joint experience, and I'm sure you felt how connected we, the audience, felt with you while you were
playing. Thank you so much for being who you are, and proving to anyone who may have been straying that you've still got what it
takes...more so than anyone in the music business that I can think of. There is no musician like you, and your band is just fantastic.
Even Eric Leeds is still going strong, cool ! :-) And Candy Dulfer, where's she been ?
Yesterday night we have seen one of the most impressive concerts I could think about. We have been 1400 people only - seated !
Most of us have seen Prince before - back in the eighties and early nineties - to the most of us this concert was related to some kind
of memories, personal history. The concert-hall already took me by surprise - intimate, discrete - and the show was exactly like it.
Like many other people said - there wasn't a pop-star around, there wasn't someone on stage who was in an urgent need of getting
confirmation from the audience - this was an evening of a musician, an evening of someone who has talents and most important
someone who wanted to play for us. The band - outstanding, the songs - breathtaking, the show - there wasn't a show - good people
played great music and 1400 people were listening, Prince - absolute charming. Very seldom I have seen someone who did belong to
the biggest act's in his young years - coming back on stage and let the audience participate in the personal development with such
wonderful self-confidence. It was without any doubt something very special - or to say it really simple - a fantastic concert and a
great evening.
I am so exhausted after last night's concert with you. It was a one-in-a-lifetime experience. Being an old fan, it was great to be
reminded of what it is about you that makes me tick. It really felt like a night alone with you. You made us get lost in your music,
which felt amazingly good. Thank you ! Please come back soon. You make me want more !!
So mature, but still playfull and humorous... Thank u Prince and the NPG. This was beyond my expectations, real music by real
musicians allright ! I still can't believe how u play your instruments, and that voice is just intoxicating ;-) Nothing is better than 2
watch people perform when u see how much they enjoy doing it. Must say i'm blown away by this experience, being only 16, 2 have
seen such an amazing band play together. Thank u !
A big thanks to Prince and the Band. I have been to lots of Prince concerts and I must say that the energy in the room last night was
pretty high. The audience was obviously missing Prince (you have to visit more often :-) The One Night Alone Show is such a
beautiful and intimate experience with Prince and his music that you just have to love it. I have been a NPGMC member since the
beginning and I am enjoying the ride. I brought my sister with me to the concert last night and she was overwhelmed by the concert
too. The only disappointment was that we missed a jam with Prince and the Band at the afterparty.
The variety of song blew me away - Broken Heart, The Q of U, Bambi, Sex Machine, 1+1+1=3, Nothing Compares 2 U and The
Ladder. The Ladder is one of your most beautiful songs, and this was the first time I’ve heard it live. It sent chills down my back,
and really moved me. Not that many songs do that, except The Cross and, of course, Purple Rain. I want to thank you for giving us
an experience for a life time, and I promise we’ll shout even louder the next time you come back. Please don’t make it another 9
This was live music by live musicians... We were only 1400 people, but we gave U all of our love... and U gave all your love 2 us...
Thank U Prince and NPG for one of the best nights ever ! The show was simply unbelievably great. I especially loved all of it. Getting
to hear “Sex machine” live, together with “whole lotta love” and not to 4get Bambi, and that awesome version of “Gotta broken heart
again” – WOW ! All of U were great, and it was a very nice surprise to see Eric Leeds up there with Candy and Maceo. Hoping to see
U all again very soon.
Thank you Prince ! This was the best concert ever. Your stage performance and the way you play your music is absolutely fabulous.
You have saved the next millennium for me. To bad so many people sat down every time there was a slow song. I kept standing all
the time. To bad about the girl with the camera who messed up the afterparty. I hope you come back to Norway. I will be there,
waiting for you.
Smuget Afterparty
An afterparty was held at a club called Smuget. Prince showed up but left very quickly after someone took a photograph. Tracks
from One Nite Alone... Live ! were played.
The after party was a big disappointment. Some girl with a camera made the band leave before playing a tune. My advise is to
instruct the people that work @ the club’s to confiscate all cameras. Lots of fans where disappointed, and it could easily been
avoided. We made history in Oslo this Monday, thank u Prince and thank you NPG. Next time I see u live will be @ Paisley Park... I
hope =)
PS : That girl from the afterparty better hope her name doesn't get out, or she'll be in for a bit of a hard time - I know there's quite a
few of us who would like to tell her a thing or two about appropriate behaviour. I'm sorry the evening had to end that way, both for
you and all of us who could have loved to experience just a little more of the magic.
Thank U, Master. And da*n that maniac with that cam at the afterparty. Real fans don´t do that. Hope 2 C U soon, perhaps on an
even more intimate consert, 4 example in my livingroom up here in Trondheim ?? Just ask, Friend. The club has my
22-10-2002 : Oslo Konserhuset (Cancelled)
Stockholm Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.50
Instrumental / Take Five / 4 / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker (Incl. 4) / The Question Of U
I´m really glad I got 2 see the soundcheck. 2 see how he works & directs his band. they played an instrumental jazzy jam when we
were led into the arena. I sat down just infront of Prince where he was directing the band from his keyboard rig. He greated us
welcome & asking if everything went ok out there while waiting. He then said "Y'all so quiet !, well that´s nice 4 a change", which
made everybody laugh. This is what I remember him playing : instrumental jam / Take 5 (the old jazzclassic) / Madhouse 4 (long
version with many solos) / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker / Madhouse / The Question Of U - really cool version with some
improvised lyrics & incredible guitarplaying. / he then said that maybe it´s time 2 get ready 4 the show & open up the doors 4 the
rest of the audience he joked about if we would B the only ones there "hmm my career is not going so well these days"
ā™« Stockholm Annexet
* Duration : 1.30 / Attendance : 3.950 / Sold Out
(A : Funk, Sweat And Tears – 4/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia (Incl. Bustin’ Loose)
Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 (Incl. Housequake) / Purple Rain
The Ride / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster – (Eye Like) Funky Music)
Strollin’ / The Other Side Of The Pillow / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret
The Everlasting Now / One Nite Alone / Adore / Condition Of The Heart
Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
Starfish And Coffee / Delirious (Incl. A Night In Tunisia) / Days Of Wild
A very enjoyable One Nite Alone show, and a very respectable
audience recording. The quality of the recording is a little thin
overall and is certainly rougher and not as impressive as some
others from the European leg. The opening 'The Rainbow Children'
has an annoying tendency to crackle slightly in places when Prince's
vocal is rather loud, and there are a few (very) minimal drop outs
during the show, however these really are minor. The show itself
features nothing out of the ordinary, but it is still a great show. An
extraordinary version of 'The Ride' contains some sublime guitar
work, as does the usual Sign O' The Times. Unfortunately there's no
'Family Name' during the show, but a slightly extended piano
segment with an
unusual version of
up for it, as does the closing jam of 'Days Of Wild'. There are
better quality recordings, and more interesting set lists in
circulation - however this is an enjoyable, above average quality
Prince !!! Thank U !!! Ohh, what a night !! Just got back from Stockholm and I'm still dancing. A beautiful show with lots of
adorable, outstanding music ! It's absolutely amazing to see Prince in the mood he's in today. He's glowing, he's living, and he
seams to love playing 4 us all. Finding the "truth" has obviously turned him into a better man and a better musician. I love the way
he is trying to help us understand that there is a way to cope with the life situation in the world today ! His new personality and his
music will definitely help those who "want" to understand that there is more to life than chasing money and being negative towards
people from different cultures. He's spreading love 2 ya'll and like my friend said; He makes me feel so good !!! And the band, what
an extraordinary good band. John is the ultimate maestro on drums, Renato is pounding the keys so lovely it's unbelievable,
Rhonda is a godess on bass. 100% love to Candy, Eric and Greg. And Kirk, Rock on bro... Wonderful musicians !!! Thank U so much
4 playing "Days of wild" at the end and 4 letting the little "guy" dance on the stage so long. U made him so happy and it was
beautiful 2 see ! I saw the show in Oslo 2 and it was just as good as the one in Stockholm. Can't wait til Friday and the show in
Copenhagen !! Prince !! Don't worry about some of the critics out there. Most people didn't/do not understand Jesus either and
what U believe in now. The Rainbow Children is a wonderful album with lyrics that could be placed anywhere in the BIBLE !!
After seeing every concert with Prince in Sweden, buying every record ever released by Prince, yesterdays gig at Globen, Stockholm
gave me a musical rush that cannot b described. We were not in the house of Prince as he said, we were in the house of God. Please
dont let us wait another 8 years til you get back here. One day I would be honored to shake hand with the greatest, most talanted
singer, songwriter, musician ever born, Prince.
Hello everybody ! My name Mattias and yesterdays show was amazing !!! The concert u have been waiting 4 and more !!! I will hope
4 that the man himself and the NPG will return VERY SOON 2 Stockholm.
I don´t know what to say. Except that Prince never leaves a true fan disappointed. Last night at Annexet in Stockholm was pure
magic. Ever since I saw you for the first time at Roseland, NYC, on January 11th 1997 I´m a huge fan. And listening to you live is
always a true adventure. Your way of interacting with the audience never stops amazing me. Only an artist with true love for his
audience would do that. Thank you for Raspberry beret. For Adore. For Diamonds and pearls. For Nothing compares 2 U. For
Purple rain. And for all the other songs you blessed us with last night. Thank you, thank you, thank you for a wonderful evening last
night. Cannot wait to see you when you get back to Stockholm. Which I hope will be really soon.
I just came home from a fantastic trip. I mean, I´m still shakey. Prince was in such great form & in such a good mood. the funk just
flowed of him & it was fantasitic 2 witness it from the first row. THE SHOW : (what I remember right now) The Rainbow Children /
Pop Life (he really got the crowd going on this 1) / Xenophobia (sooo cool when Prince played that really nasty distorted Rhodes
piano) / Money Don´t Matter 2night / The Work / Housequake - he got everybody 2 do that housequake dance. Then he made the
hilarious Ozzy Osbourne dance !!! / Purple Rain (starting off with piano, then full band). A real crowdpleaser but this was the best
version of all my previous Prince-concerts. / The Ride / The Other Side Of The Pillow / 1+1+1=3 / Love Rollercoaster / Pass The
Peas (even though Maceo wasn’t there they did this 1). Prince played some really funky guitar. / When U Were Mine - great
powerful version / Strange Relationship - this was the bomb ! Prince had this intro playing Rhodes and asking us what we thought
about swedish radio. Everybody screamed at the same time "IT SUCKS !!". Prince laughed saying that the radio need 2 put out some
mo funk & 2night Prince was our radiohost. / Family Name / Everlasting Now / then they moved his pianorig 2 the center of the
stage. After 10 min Prince came back on stage alone by the piano / Adore - everybody screamed. He did not do the whole song
though. / Diamonds & Pearls / Condition Of The Heart – beautiful ! / Delirious (not really sure about if this is when he played it) /
Starfish & Coffee (not really sure about this either) / The Beautiful Ones - awww. With full band & full version with Prince
screaming his heart out at the end. Massive response from the audience / Nothing Compares 2 U - very soulful / Strollin / Take Me
With U / Raspberry Beret / Sign O´ The Times - holy sh** !! This version was the bomb. Really different. More psychadelic. Vina !
U´d really love this 1 I´m sure. / The Ladder - THE HIGHPOINT !!! sooo incredibly powereful. It really moved me deeply.
EVERYBODY sang along 2 the chorus. Breathtaking ! / Days Of Wild - total jam with lots of people onstage. Prince took Rhonda’s
bass & Rhonda played the Rhodes. She is sooo beautiful & sexy !!!
Debaser Afterparty
There was an afterparty at Debaser, but neither Prince nor any of the band members showed up. DJ Dudley D. was there, taking
care of the music.
Afterwards I went 2 the afterparty. I´b brought with me cd´s of my band "da silva", hoping 2 get a chance 2 maybe give some 2 the
bandmembers. I didn’t got the opportunity 2 that but I gave Prince´s dj a copy at the party where he was playing. No sign of Prince
or his band though, but I left before 3.am and the party´s going on ´til 5 so I don´t know. I´m gonna try 2 get some sleep now & 2
all the Stockholm fans I just want 2 say that it was great meeting y´all and U´re very welcome 2 the "da silva"gig at "lydmar" at
sturegatan(by humlegården) oct 30 10pm.
23-10-2002 : Aftonbladet (SW)
What a great finale, Prince
4 points out of 5
Place : Annexet, Stockholm
Most parts of the beginning hour is repulsive. The new age-difficult fusionjazz that makes the latest album "The Rainbow children"
an unbearable experience dominates. Confusing images of roads, eyes and what looks like sperms impregnating eggs is shown on
three big screens, the 8-piece band - where among others the saxofoneplayer Candy Dulfer is one - is doing drum , keyboard and
trombonesolos that never ends and Prince himself is jerking off on his guitar in an extended blusnumber. And is some strage way
manages His Royal Badness to do a completely magical "Purple rain" and a merry "Pop life" in the middle of this mess. But if it
hadn´t been for the fact that the ticketprices had been 850 kronor (85 dollars) plus administration costs, I am convinced that some
of the spectators would have escaped from the concert arena and stamped their feet on the ticket. After that Minneapolis´ Greatest
is flowering in an incomparable cavalcade. The funk is sometimes as spiritually lifting, rock hard and intense as on D´Angelos
classic ceremony at Cirkus in Stockholm a couple of years ago - the contact with the audience is as direct, the groove as
overwhelming. Prince does brilliant versions of direct poptunes like "Strange relationship", "When you were mine", "Take me with
you", "Raspberry beret", and lets the audience do the singing in the poisonous "Sign O´the times". He sits down by the piano, uses
his most eardrum-shredding and gentle falsetto voice and does long or short versions of "Adore", "Diamonds and pearls", "The
beautiful ones" and the wonderful "Nothing compares to you". Then he and the rest of the New Power Generation plays around
through a jazzy "Delirious". Then the short artist picks up a bass and imitates Larry Graham in this night´s long, Sly Stone-inspired
finale. The show has almost passed three hours. A bunch of spectators is dancing on stage and the show doesn´t want to end. It´s
24-10-2002 : ā™« Aalborg Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.20
(A : One Nite Alone… Aalborg Soundcheck – 6/10)
Instrumental Jazz Jam / When The Lights Go Down
This release appears to come in two different versions. The first is 16 minutes
long and contains only the 'Instrumental Jam' and 'When The Lights Go
Down', and the second version features the same two tracks along with the
complete recording lasting 31 minutes - added to the opening two tracks
makes this second version almost 48 minutes long (confused much ?). The
reason for the complete 31 minute recording being edited down to simply the
16 minute version is that for a large portion of the soundcheck, Prince is
talking to the NPGMC members in attendance and it's almost an impossible
task trying to hear him. He is very, very quiet, but at full volume, and with a
little concentration, one can listen to him as he shares a joke about the
amount of shows certain people have attended (including asking somebody
who has seen 300, "have you heard of the MTV show Fanatic ?"), along with
other off-the-cuff remarks. The recording really is superb and the soundcheck
is clear and upfront with no discernable audience input other than some
clapping during 'When The Lights Go Down'. The recording has a really nice
bass level and the opening 'Instrumental Jam' benefits greatly as Rhonda's
bass has a nice juicy bite, matched only by a thumping, heavy drum solo by
John Blackwell. It's not the complete soundcheck, but what is here is interesting enough. The opening 10 minute
lazy, jazzy instrumental bears a passing resemblance to 'The Rainbow Children' before moving onto a a 6 minute,
complete performance of 'When The Lights Go Down' - itself something of a rarity. Overall a short and sweet
release of an interesting soundcheck in overall excellent quality. The complete main show is available on, amongst
other releases, Global Funkschool's 'From Aalborg With Live'.
ā™« Aalborg Kongresscentre
* Duration : 2.45 / Attendance : 2.600 / Sold Out
(A : From Aalborg With Live – 6/10)
One Nite Alone / Adore / Condition Of The Heart / U’re Gonna C Me
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World / Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life
Xenophobia / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Purple Rain
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Housequake) / Strollin’
The Other Side Of The Pillow / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship
Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Joy In Repetition / Girls & Boys
Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Anna Stesia
Concert at Kongres & Kultur Center, Aalborg Hall, Aalborg, Denmark. The
concert began with a piano set, which incorporated "U're Gonna C Me."
Hi all ! Just wanted to tell everybody what a great show Prince put on for us
last night in Aalborg, Denmark. I've been to a couple of his other shows in
the past but this was, by far, the best performance I've ever seen. Prince
seems to be more alive and present than ever, his band rocks, and Candy D.
...... the way she plays the Sax [and looks in that black suit] ;-) oh boy !!
[kinda makes you wanna be a saxophone for just a few hours] Last night was
AMAZING ! He played for app. 2 hours and 30 minutes. The new versions of
some of the really old material was really surprising and great, nice to hear
that it's possible to make an old hit become a new hit... with style. Prince, it's
great to have you back, in style. I just wish you'd drop by Europe more often
;-) I can't remember all the songs (there were so many) but Purple Rain was
absolutely fabulous (the roof lifted, the audience went nuts, and sang from
their hearts), by far the best live-version i've ever heard. Strange
Relationship was a superb funk bomb, Sign 'O' The times (didn't expect that one) really, really cool, Take Me With You, can't get
enough of that this song - live, The Work Pt. 1 : Wow funk master Prince did it again. Housequake : hello, another very loooong funk
version and Prince invited people on stage. I could go on, but... Copenhagen, you're in for a huge surprise 2nite !
Me & my gierlfriend were at the show last night in Aalborg. Words can't describe... And Prince you were right, we both miss you
already. Come back soon.
Thanks to Prince and the NPG for a incredibly experience on 24-10-02 in Aalborg Denmark. It was just nice to see the way you
handled the whole concert and your way of treating the audience, with such an contagious enthusiasm and joy getting everybody
following you through the entire concert. Before the concert I was pretty nervous, beeing a fan of yours for more than 15 years I was
going to see you live for the first time, and you didn’t disappoint me. It was fantastic to join you through your univers of music so
varying and incredibly talented. p.s. Hope to get the opportunity to see you another time.
The Time @ San Diego
The Time @ Los Angeles
25-10-2002 : Stockholm Annexet (Cancelled)
ā™« Copenhagen Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.00
(A : Funkin’ Copenhagen – 7/10)
Alphabet St (Instr.) / Pink Cashmere / Poor Goo / Empty Room / Whole Lotta Love
Calhoun Square (Incl. Red Hot Mama) / Copenhagen (Incl. Jean-Pierre)
The soundcheck was amazing and really special because Pink Cashmere
was played in a jazzy style with lots of solos and Empty Room which
sounded soooo gooood.
Copenhagen starts with an incredible soundcheck where Prince is rocking
from the second we came in. He's in an extremely good mood and plays
among lots of other songs, "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. He's
making jokes, asking questions, and just makes us all feel very welcome.
This is by the way what a musicclub should be all about. After almost 2
hours he's checking the time and of course Prince and the Band has to go
out and change 4 the upcoming main event. We're being able to stay in
our seats, walk around by the stage or check out the lobby outside. I
wanna hand out a serious "Thank U" to the NPG Music Club, who has
made this arrangement work out perfectly in each country they're visiting.
Last night seeing you at the soundcheck, experiencing you as a human
being made out of flesh and blood like the rest of us was breathtaking. To
have eye contact and see how you just love to give, give and give was so
beautiful and honest and made my heart pound so fast and strong...I feel
like I want to embrace the hole world and let them know, that if you can just give love you´ve come a long way.
We came in and the band and Prince was playing. It was some great, to sit row 2, right in front of Prince and the band. They joked
around and was having a great time. I always thought that I kind of knew Prince. Always thought that if I sat down and talked to
him, it would be like talking to one of your best friends. Because of his lyrics and music that is. His guitar playing is telling so; a
direct voice from his soul. It was great to experience the other members; U were all great, and there was a nice and relaxed vibe
before the soundcheck; no pushing or hectic behaviour; great. The soundcheck lasted for about an hour.
Copenhagen (Live) * - C-Note
Empty Room (Live) * - C-Note
Copenhagen was initially released as a members-only download from the NPG Music Club on 29 October, 2002, only four days
after it was recorded. This initially-released version includes a horn line interpolation from Miles Davis's track Jean-Pierre. As an
"experiment", the song was released by an e-mailed link to European members only, as the track was recorded during the
European leg of the One Nite Alone... Tour (during an NPG Music Club members-only soundcheck on 25 October, 2002, where a
version of Empty Room was also recorded). Four days later, a slightly shorter version (with a fade-in at the beginning) replaced the
original file, without the interpolation of Jean-Pierre (likely due to licensing reasons). In 2004, this shorter version was included as
the first track on Prince's third live album C-Note (a compilation of the five soundcheck tracks). No studio version of the track is
known to exist.
ā™« Copenhagen Falkoner
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.55 / Attendance : 2.150 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : DKK950
(A : Funkin’ Copenhagen – 7/10)
Elephants & Flowers / 7 / Don’t Play Me / Prince & The Band / The Truth / A Case Of U / Alphabet St / Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life
Xenophobia / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / The Work Pt 1 / Purple Rain / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / The Ride / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore
Condition Of The Heart / Nothing Compares 2 U / Girls And Boys / Delirious / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Starfish & Coffee
Days Of Wild (Incl. America - Times Squared)
Concert at Falkoner Salen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Prince launched the concert with an acoustic
guitar set, including the rarely performed "Elephants And Flowers," "Don't Play Me," "The Truth,"
and "7."
The concert was a little bit special : Prince had played in Aalborg the night before and had
received two very negative newspapers reviews in Denmark's two biggest tabloids... to cut a semilong story short : they were angry and disappointed that he’d charged 125 $ for a ticket to a show
with far too little of his well-known old hits and a lot of jazzy jam things going on. They called him arrogant and claimed that he
didn’t give a shit about the fans. Prince was definately aware of those reviews since he made hints to them several times during the
evening, eg. when he said "I don’t care what they papers say, I'm having a party !" However he also proclaimed early in the
concert that he "didn’t come to remenice the past but to contemplate the future" - which would indicate that he WASN'T gonna play
hits - but then the concert turned out to be the least Rainbow Children-oriented on the whole tour so far ! Take a look at the setlist
and see how many of his old songs there are. Does it look like the past the future ? Well, it's definately the past - but in Prince's case
that is also just perfect !!! He played really well, more guitar and less keyboard than the average ONA show, I guess, and the
audience in the small and quite intimate venue (only 2100 seats !) were going crazy right from the beginning. Prince had to ask
people to sit down couple of times but he seemed to enjoy the fact that the crowd was clapping in a funky manner and singing along
at his smallest wink. Highlights where : The whole first 20 minutes of the show, just Prince's voice and a guitar. Wow ! Xenophobia
(smokin' - great horn solos), The Work (incredibly funky, Prince foolin’ and dancing), The Ride (8 minutes of dripping musical
sexiness and MEAN guitar soloing).
This is the day after one of the best nights in my life - The concert with Prince and the NPG. Prince, you have a special gift to give us
all you have. The experience brought happy tears to my eyes ! I went to a party last night. I sat down and listened to beautiful songs
and stood up and danced to the best funky music. I released my expectations and learned so much from you all. Your music is NOT
just music. It is a journey filled with all kinds of emotions. Your bring me hope that the world can be a better place. You inspire me
to be positive and do my best. You convince me that negativity is a waste of good energy. Thank you for playing 'The Ladder' which I
had never hoped to hear you play live. I have seen you at all your european concerts since 1986. The concert last night overdid it all.
Please keep coming back. There are no words to express the respect I have for Prince and the NPG. Thank you so much for giving
me an experience I will carry with me 4ever !
COPENHAGEN - WE'VE BEEN SHAKIN' !!!!! If I thought Aalborg was da bomb - Copenhagen...Ahhh - U should have been there.
Soundcheck was a killer. Prince joked his way through 1 hour of pure pleasure. There was something in wait 4 the show. Almost 3
hours with all the jams u wanted but were 2 afraid 2 ask 4 ! But it wasn't over... Vega was the chosen venue back in '98 (although it
didn't cost 45$ back then) and the NPG took the stage around 01:45. After all the jams u 4got about during the show had been
spilled all over us, Prince and the NPG left after 75 minutes... 2 all the rainbow children : Copenhagen - we've been shakin'...
The best music night ever !!! After seeing excellent shows with Prince and the Band in Oslo and Stockholm, I finnished my tour
around Scandinavia in Copenhagen Friday. I will never forget it. NOW, the concert starts with Prince walking in by himself dressed
in a Purple suit and a just as Purple hat. Beautiful ! His playing his acoustic guitar and to tell U the truth, after all these shows, I
can't remember what song he started with but it was followed by a wonderful 7, continuing with Don't play me and the Truth. The
band comes walking in 2 and U can just feel the power building up. Rainbow Children is xcellent, beautiful and important. Pop Life
and Raspberry Beret is filling the house with joy. Prince does one of the best versions of Purple Rain that I've ever seen/heard (and
I've seen/heard a few). He totally loves this song tonight and makes the words about God and the Bible sound just as important as it
is. Hopefully People are listening !! Song after song is flying out of Princes mouth and my friends around me and the whole house is
dancing, screaming and clapping. People are invited on to the stage and dance, my fríend Niclas jumps up and he's definitely
kicking Elvis of the stage, ha, ha.. Prince is telling us that no matter what the press wrights, he is having a great time and we’re
showing him that we all feel the same way. Ohh man, it all feels like heaven in here toninght. Prince is finishing off with a super
different but great version of Days of wild and everybody is dancing so hard I thought the floor was gonna drop. It ain't over he
shouts and it wasn't.
Thank you for the most beautiful and giving experience of my life. Wauuv !!!!!! Prince, you´ve always shown me the way to love, but
from a distance, so in other words like some kind of icon. The concert was SO wonderful, and wauuv what a band, each and
everyone of you touched my soul. You touched my soul, Prince, and I really believe you made everyone feel special.
Waauh what a soundchek, what a concert, what an aftershow. Prince was absolutly fantastic in copenhagen. the concert: I was
having very high expantations to the show, having read all the reports from other shows. So I was kind of worried that I could be
disapointed; WHAT A FOOL I WAS. It was beyound words; absolutely great, warm, loving, fun and inspiring. Prince simply opens
up and lets the music flow. This transcends to every single soul in the house. At one point though; Prince stopped the music,
pointed at a couple at the balcony; they were sitting down !!! We all booooo'd !!! (in a loving humoristic way), just to care about
them saying; Hey, we want u to join the party to. I don’t know if they did; or maybe they were from the press !! At the end of the
concert Prince made a comment about som bad rewiews from danish newspapers from the Aalborg gig. He did say something like;
“I don’t care what the media says; I had a great funky time.” Of
course the respond he got on that was telling that we did to. Peace be
with the reporters that write bad about the show, the clearly didn’t get
what is was all about. Prince played so many great songs and so much
great music; it is impossible for med to mention some highpoints; I
guess that the whole experience was a highpoint. The band was so
good, they seems so alert and focused, responding on every wink from
prince. It is clear that he is in total control in a inspiring way. The
concert lastet for about 3 hours.
ā™« Copenhagen Vega Aftershow
* Start : 1:40AM / Duration : 1.30
(A : Vega Lyrae – 10/10)
Who Knows (Incl. Voodoo Chile) / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love
The Question Of U (Incl. The One - Fallin’ - Take Five) / Brick House
Skin Tight / 777-9311 / Hair / Peach / Copenhagen Jam / Prince And The Band
All The Critics Love U In Denmark / Dolphin
Prince plays an aftershow at Vega, Copenhagen. Prince and the band
walked on stage in the dark at 1:40 am and started playing right away.
The guitar was very loud and Prince opened with a bit of Jimi
Hendrix's "Who Knows." He yelled for the soundboard guy to turn his
guitar up even louder, "I wanna feel the guitar." He also inserted snatches of Hendrix's "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)." Continuing
in the guitar mode, "Bambi" and Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" were raw and loud, with long solos. Prince was obviously letting
off some steam as he was sweating a great deal and screaming when he sang. The tempo slowed down for "The Question Of U,"
which Prince sung with passion. He then started singing "The One" over the beat. The band fell in gradually. Prince's vocal stood
out naked and clear, backed by some delicate organ playing by Renato Neto. Prince took the guitar, still to the same beat, and
used the wah-wah pedal to insert a few lines of Alicia Keys' "Fallin," while singing the words along with the guitar lines. The band
then added some jazz flavour to the funk by playing Paul Desmond's "Take Five." This led to Prince, now on Rhonda Smith's bass,
playing a version of The Ohio Players' "Skin Tight," which included some incredibly funky horn parts and a trombone solo by Greg
Boyer. Besides Boyer, the horn section for the night included Candy Dulfer and Eric Leeds. Prince continued with a snippet of the
"777-9311" bass line, just to show off on the bass a little bit. He also played bass on "Hair." Prince then switched back to the guitar
and the band started grooving in a hard rocking way which led to some chants, "One more jam, for Prince and the Band" and
"Copenhagen, we'll be shakin'," etc. The "Prince And The Band" jam evolved into a raunchy 10-minute "Peach" with plenty of
soloing and chanting. "All The Critics Love U In New York" was renamed to fit Denmark (despite the fact that some critics did not
love Prince's show). The show ended, and Prince said, "We love you, thank you for supporting us." The lights went out and the DJ
started spinning The NPG's "Return Of The Bump Squad." People were still chanting at the top of their lungs and clapping and
stomping their feet, so after a few minutes Prince came out on the stage again in the dark and started rapping the new song "Prince
And The Band" over The NPG record. The band then came on stage too, wrapping up the show with a full long version of "Dolphin"
with Prince one last time rocking the house with his loud, wild, and powerful yet funky and refined guitar playing. Prince said, "We
are the New Power Generation. Thank you all for listening," and left the building.
After a short appearance by DJ Duddley, Prince hits the stage by a guitar solo that surely woke up Hendrix, interpolating “Who
Knows” and “Voodoo Chile” in a straight fuzzy guitar-hero opening, then the core band is on the stage for a wonderful rendition of
the Hendrix Band Of Gypsy’s classic : “Who Knows”. John, Rhonda, Renato... The band is tight, hot as lava in fusion, awwww
shucks these guys play so good ! Then Prince drives the band to one of the best renditions of “Bambi” and “Whole Lotta Love” he
ever did ! (Pay attention 2 all notifications Prince gives 2 the band or sounds engineers : “Guitar up,” “On the one,” a break, “Neto
gimme some,” or this up, this down. Prince does his mix and gives all direction. He manages everything). Man, these 3 firsts songs
rock ! 8 years after this show, and 4 a loooong time 4 sure ! Just listen 2 them... Nothing more 2 say. After this devastating version
of “Whole Lotta Love,” Prince chills out the stage with a 16 minutes uncalculated jam consisting of “The Question Of U / The One /
Fallin’” with some brilliant participation from Candy but more surely from Eric Leeds (wonderful, with Prince interacting with
some public clapping), and 2 soli by Renato “THE” Net-O ! (The second one with piano-organ is just... enormous !) Prince takes the
bass then 4 funk medley with “Skin Tight / Brick House / Hair”. Just bring the groove on ! The next one is a 12 minutes version of
“Peach” !! Extended and guitaristically jammmmed ! Copenhagen we B shakin’ ! 4 sure ! The rendition of “Prince And The Band” is
quite funny 4 the lyrics’ interpretation but... between sound problems on stage, and John Blackwell that didn’t quite hear the DJ
and loose tempo... this is kinda “anecdotique”. The last 2 songs R simply excellent ! “All The Critics Love U In Denmark” funks his
mother out ! Once again Renato is on the stratosphere, exploring new territories in soundz. Followed as a closing to the exceptional
aftershow is a sublime version of “Dolphin” where Prince delivers us a Santan-esque guitar part. Smoothy, soft, the perfect joint 4 a
perfect aftershow !
The aftershow vas played at VEGA, where Prince also played in 1998 (the only known live performance of Violet The Organ Grinder
!?). They simply walked on stage in the dark and the guitar was LOUD, Prince playing the paint off the walls with the ultra funky
and dirty lines of Jimi Hendrix' Who Knows (from Band of Gypsys/Live at Fillmore east - check it out, it’s DA BOMB). Prince was
tearing me shit apart, yelling for the sound board to turn his guitar up even loader, "I want to FEEL the guitar !" he said. The crowd
was going nuts. Bambi and Whole Lotta Love was awesome with really long and dirty solos, Prince obviously letting off some steam
he was sweating good and screaming when he sang. The Question Of U was sang with passion and the guitar work once again was
amazing, Prince really had a good night now, and he seemed to enjoy every second as he played his guitar. He did the "break it
down" trick, and he started singing The One over the beat, the band fell in but still keeping it way down - and Prince's vocal relly
just out and created what turned to be the perhaps most soulful moment of the whole evening in Copenhagen. Prince took the
guitar (still in the same beat) and played and with the wah pedal a few lines of the Alicia Keys’ "Fallin’" singing the words along the
guitar lines. Nice little detail there ! The band then threw in a little bit of jazz flavor to the funk by playing Paul Desmond/Dave
Brubeck’s Take Five which led to Prince (now on Rhonda’s Fender jazz Bass) played and sang a more than skin tight version of Skin
Tight with some funky horn parts, 777-9311 (just to show off on the bass a little bit), and Larry Graham’s heavy funk classic Hair
which he also sang in a nice deep and shaky voice. Prince graped the guitar again and the band started grooving in a hard rocking
fashion which led to some chants : "One More Jam, For Prince and the Band," “Copenhagen, we'll be shakin’” etc. the jam emerged
into a raunchy 10-minutes Peach with lotsa soloing and chanting. The mean Minneapolis funk groove that the band then hit made
the crowd even more ecstatic and after a lengthy funky jam thing with Prince chatting together with the audience, All The Critics
Love U In New York was off cause renamed to fit Denmark, where the critics actually absolutely did NOT love Prince. He was joking
about it once again but it seemed it had actually provoked him and he was now making a point of proving the stupid critics wrong.
Anyhow he tore the place apart with ATCLUINY where he once again played his guitar so loud and dirty that some people might
have been scared. The beautiful night ended with a full long version of Dolphin... Prince said "We are the New Power Generation.
Thank you all for listening", and left the building...
Around 2 in the morning he's playing 4 us again at club Vega in downtown Copenhagen. He's coming in taking a seat at John’s
drums and start banging the set to a song that the dj is playing while we were waiting. Supercool he's walking to he's guitars and
starts playing song after song again. When does he ever sleep ?? The whole band is kickin' and it's just as good as the main show
was. Peach, All the critics love U in Denmark and Prince beating Rhonda’s bass doing a master version of "Brick House". And then a
grand final doing a Dolphin I can't even begin to describe. The soundcheck, the consert, the nightgig.. Thank U Prince and the band.
This made me happy and I'll be happy 4 days 2 come because of the KING from Minneapolis. See U all at Paisley Park ?? P.S. Super
Buu to the bouncer who ran off the stage instead of doin' some funky moves when Prince asked him 2. But like Prince said, u're
fired, he, he.
Vega was announced as the place to go. Me and my friend didn’t know if they were going to play. We did relax; went to eat som
falaffel and hommous, then went to Vega. When we got there there were hundreds of people standing in line. We went right in; so
great being a member. The show was fantastic. It was pure rock and roll, deep funk and soulfully playing from prince and the band.
I was a bit tired, but as soon as Prince went on stage; I was like; Here we go again jumping, singing, dancing, smiling and claping.
COPENHAGEN U CAN SHAKE IT. I was feeling that this show was very special; everybody was into it and Prince was clearly
having a great time to. At one point he told some people to stop taking pictures, that he had a warm hotel bed waiting; he did that in
a funny loving way, and they actually stopped. I thing that Prince enjoyed the response from Copenhagen. When we thought that
the show was over he came back and continued for a long time. And that’s when it was even more special; deep deep funk fantastic
bass playing, guitar playing and keyboard playing. I KNOW that this is 2002, but it was at times like I was standing in the middle of
the Purple Rain movie; it was that kind of scene and feeling, in other words; TIMELESS. The aftershow lastet for about 90 minutes.
26-10-2002 : The Time @ Seattle
27-10-2002 : ā™« Oberhausen Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.30
(A : One Nite Alone In Oberhausen – 7/10)
Everywhere (Instr.) / With You (Instr.) / Housequake / Something In The Water (Does not Compute) (Incl. Superstition)
All The Critics Love U In NY (Incl. Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic) / The Greatest Romance Ever Sold (Incl. 18 And Over) / Santana medley
Who Knows / She’s Always In My Hair / Santana Medley / The Rainbow Children (Incl. Delirious – A Night In Tunisia)
The Yormeister (both of us) is just back from Oberhausen : very good and funky show !!!! Thank you for all the fun !! The things we
could hear while waiting in the corridor : there was a lot of talking while we were waiting, many more was played, but we couldn't
hear it clearly - familiar guitar riff (can't quite place it) - Let's Go Crazy outro - Honky Tonk Woman - What I'd Say (on piano) Lean On Me (on piano) While the members were entering the hall in groups, Prince was already awaiting us - Piano Jam + drums With U (instrumental) - Housequake on keyboard + drums - Prince fooling around on the keyboard with sounds - 1+1+1=3 beat on
keyboard - Prince fooling around some more on the keyboard, with a 'death metal' imitation and somebody in the audience
providing the deep voice to go with it (very funny, Prince was amused, he even replied in a death metal voice 'What Ya Wanna
Hear' - Prince asking who played the venue before him, somebody said Chris Deburgh and Prince wanted to play a funky version of
Lady In Red, but the people didn't let him - Something In The Water with Superstition lyric line, it also contained a solo by sax solo
by Candy, a drum solo and a sax solo by Eric Leeds - People Without which turned into All The Critics Love You In NY (with solo by
Renato and Eric) - Prince fooled around on the keyboard which eventually led into a very nice uptempo piano improvisation with a
Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic chant - Prince starts a loop and gives the mic to somebody in the audience, somebody said 18 & Over,
but Prince didn't want to, he began The Greatest Romance Ever Sold instead (very short), the loop continued, Candy did a solo,
Prince played some piano, Eric did a solo, Prince then took the tour book by JeePee (a Dutch member), Prince showed the pictures
to the band and the audience and seemed to be very amused, he eventually called JeePee on the stage to tell a story (that didn't
work to good - we guess you were a bit nervous JeePee) Then somebody popped the big question : 'Why Are The Paris Tickets So
Expensive ?', the soundcheck was put on hold and Prince started to reply to questions from the audience. He explained very vaguely
why the tickets for the Bataclan late night concert were so expensive (bonus for the crew), there was a discussion why people
shouldn't go and see more than just 1 show (Prince doesn't seem to realise that some people go to more than 1 concert - (Prince, FYI
: The Yormeister will have seen 11 concerts of the current European Tour and if we could we would have gone to more) The Q&A
lasted about 15 minutes I think (might have been a bit less though) Near the end Prince talked to somebody's girlfriend on a cellular
phone. The soundcheck continued : - Santana Medley - (?) They Don't Know, Like I Know (don't know the title of this one, sounded
Jimi Hendrix like) - She's Always In My Hair - Santana Medley. Prince walked over to the soundboard in the middle of the hall and
looked at the band playing : - The Rainbow Children – Delirious - Prince did some 'Check 1-2's' from the soundboard and then
walked back. End of soundcheck
ā™« Oberhausen Arena
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.45 / Tick. Price : €57.70 / €51.38
(A : One Nite Alone In Oberhausen – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / The Work Pt 1 / Purple Rain
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster – (Eye Like) Funky
Music) / Money Don’t Matter 2 Night / Peach / The Question Of U (Incl.
The One – Fallin’) / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore
Condition Of The Heart / Delirious (Incl. A Night In Tunisia)
I Love U Baby (Like You Have Never Known)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow)
Gotta Broken Heart Again / Diamonds And Pearls
The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
Days Of Wild (Incl. Lines)
Concert at Konig-Pilsener Arena, Oberhausen, Germany. The
piano set included "Eye Love U Baby, Like U Have Never
Known." The concert featured rare performances of "The
Question Of U," "The One," "Fallin’," and "Take Five."
Greetings from Oberhausen Germany by way of Chicago, IL !!
It was my great fortune to be able to fly to Europe with my pal
April (the Celebration "Hat Girl") to see Prince and the NPG
rock the European Experience. This was our first trip to
Europe... I always knew that somehow, Prince was gonna make
me see the world ! We flew in to Paris and hit the road for the
drive to Oberhausen. We got SO LOST ! Roaming around the
European countryside like little chickens with our heads cut off
! At one point, I started to get worried that we were gonna miss
the soundcheck ! My worries were ON POINT !! We did miss it, and from what I heard, it was GREAT ! Friends in Oberhausen say
Prince was in such a great mood... he laughed and chatted up a storm with them ! I heard the soundcheck lasted around 2 hours !
But "trust the timing of the universe" is what my friend April always says. We
will get there when we are supposed to get there ! And we did finally get
there.... right at the beginning of the opening song, The Rainbow Children !
Prince was in great form, dancing and smiling all over the stage ! I love his
smile !! I'm not one to give set lists in my reviews. Just suffice it to say that he
played up a storm ! I was especially happy to hear that medley he did during
one of the nights at the Celebration.... the one where he did "The Question of
You", then went into "The One" and then goes into A. Keys "Fallin". It floored
me back in June and it floored me again in Oberhausen. At one point, Prince
hopped on top of one of the speakers and was dancing, singing and still
smiling. He sees me and I'm dancing and pointing at him, smiling from ear to
ear. I'm wearing a cool airbrushed shirt with a beautiful picture of Prince on
the front, and the members of the NPG on the back, given to me by my dear
friend Ricco ! He also sees April and she has on a jersey with "Chicago" on the front, and "April Lynch" on the back... a name that
Prince gave her in Washington, DC. When he sees me he looks almost surprised ! He looks me dead in the eye and starts pointing at
me as he dances on the speaker in front of me !! He Saw Us ! He Knew Who We Were !!! At the end of the show as he's doing the
finale "Days of Wild", Prince tells Candy Dulfer to "bring those two on stage" !! Candy extends a hand to me, then to April and we
climb on stage ! I extend my arms so the crowd can see the front and back of my airbrushed shirt cuz it looked sooooo cool ! Me,
Prince and April then commenced to tear the stage up together during the finale in Oberhausen ! Can you imagine what a thrill that
had to be for us ?! It is no secret to anyone who knows us just how we feel about Prince. He is OUR MAN, we love and respect him
to no end and his music has brought us more happiness than we can sometimes stand !! We came a long way to see him and to have
him acknowledge us the way he did was the nicest and the coolest thing he could've ever done ! We now know, without a doubt, that
He Knows Us !! Thank you JB for being the friend that you have been to us ! Thank you Takumi for being so nice, so professional
and a perfect gentleman ! Thank you Neto and Rhonda for just being so funky ! Candy Dulfer - there should be a A LAW on how
much funk you blow out of that Horn ! That goes for you too, Greg Boyer ! And thank you Prince ! I don't think I can adequately put
into words the good feelings you bring to us and the love we have for you ! Getting lost in Germany was worth every moment after
experiencing what we did with you in Oberhausen ! You personify excellence in music and as long as you keep playing, me & April
are gonna keep coming !! Now it's on to Paris !!!! It Ain't Ova !! It Ain't Ova !! Have a great "rest of the tour" and we'll be waiting
when you get back to the USA ! 2 Much Love !
Hi, U told us that GOD made U. No need to tell us. Who else is creating "something" so fantastic. Thx 4 the beautiful experience.
Come back soon.....U R welcome...
Thank u & a big kiss 2 PRINCE & 2 the NPG & 2 the people which has been involved this wonderful light in2 the athmosphere. U
have toughed my heart again deeply. Has given me inspiration & Courage - 4 going further 2 do the work - The concert on the 27.
October 2002 (sum of digits of a number = 5 = the number of happiness) was just a amazing musicality treat for the ears !
Bewitched lika a fragrant intoxicatingendes bath-experience with the feeling : Being a baby relaxing in the warm amniotic sac feeling well in mother´s lap - - in the bowels of the earth - - having sunk into oblivion - - in the lap of the gods - everything is going 2
be fine - Thanks 4 this marvellous show and 2 everybody, who was involved 2 create it & thank u 4 the security, what u all have
given 2 me. It was a impressing event !!!!!!
Hi, I just want to thank Prince and the NPG, for one of the greatest show they ever made. The German Fam´s have been waiting so
long but it was worth it. It was a wonderful and amazing night for all of us. Before the concert started some of us had to wait in the
stormy rain outside, but after starting the first sound, I can´t remember the hard rain in my face. I had a feeling of coming
home..after a long journey. Problems of all day living were blown away, there was only funk, love and the feeling of you. This
monday morning at work was not the same as last monday, cause I had a big smile in my face, and I´ll keep it since I see you again.
Hopefully it wouldn´t take so long......... In moment I´m not a member of the npgmusic club, but I will be. This is only one of the
massages I´ll keep in my mind. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Prince, I wish that God keeps his hand over you and all
the NPG´s, ....I wish you love, I wish you heaven...
...First I would like to say It was great show in Oberhausen, I thought is this real or am I dreaming ! It was just tooo cool. And we all
saw again Prince and NPG are the greatest live band on planet ! Seeing them in concert is a such an amazing experience. Thank you
so much Prince for this great show. ...Well, I´ve seen him last Germany Concert in Cologne and I did it again in Oberhausen last
sunday, I´m a lucky person. Because I´ve been following Prince over 10 years and Living In Germany for 5 years, I got chance to see
Prince after I moved from Turkey to Germay. Well Prince and NPG fans are all over the globe and he should perform anywhere,
where there are fans ! Why not c´mon !!! How about Turkey tour. Turkey is waiting 4 U !!!! PS : Prince is the best thing since Sex.
Thanks for a wonderful Sunday evening ! The rain outside
wasn’t purple - but inside the Arena it was. I loved your
shows during the Sign Of The Times and Lovesexy tours.
Great performances, great choreography. This time it was
hardly more than the music. But that’s all we need : funky
music. What a great version of Peach. Days Of Wild could
have gone on and on for hours. Not to mention the
ballads. Although I like my radio station (talk radio, haha)
I’d replace it by WNPG right away. The band : maybe you
never had a better one. Bringing Eric back in was my
personal highlight of the evening. I didn’t even miss
Maceo (shame on me !). I’m already looking forward to
the next tour. Don’t let it take 4 years ‘til you return. P.S.:
But please tell the sound man that there’s a difference
between loud and good !
If you say eleven I can say its seven or heaven ! Nice Concert. Thanx 2 Prince and the band. See u in Rotterdam again !
Hi there, Just wanted to thank U (Prince) for taking the time to chat with the NPGMC-members during the Oberhausensoundcheck. Because U did, this concert has become very special to me. Maybe a nice way to kick of future concerts ;-) ? I also want
to apologize for the people that kept nagging about the prices for the Paris (Bataclan) tix. Unfortunately most of those people where
Dutch (like me). Perhaps you can take comfort in the fact that we Dutch are renowned worldwide for being cheap :-) ?! Anyway, a
child can do the math... Every concert costs money : band members, crew, security, transportation, and of course Prince himself
would like to bring home some cash. These costs don't differ much between a big venue (like Zenith) and a small one (like
Bataclan), they might even be higher for the 2nd gig because of bonuses and overtime that have to be paid for working past
midnight. Probably the only costs that will be somewhat lower are the costs for renting the venue itself. So what do we have ? Total
costs that are probably only somewhat lower, and that will have to be covered by the revenue of a mere 2,000 people instead of
20,000 people. Like I said... a child can do the math ! So, my fellow-members... Please stop nagging the man. If U think it's too
expensive then JUST DON'T GO !!! And let's all think of somewhat more intelligent questions we would like to ask Prince, in case
he decides to chat with us again...
High ! It's 3.15 am and I've just come home from the One Nite Alone show in Oberhausen and it was fantastic !! The improvisation
between Renato and Prince in 1+1+1=3 was DA BOMB !! Prince must have been surprised by the funkyness of the people in
Oberhausen, but I can tell you why... ...because at least half of them were Dutch ! Thank you Prince, for taking the time to sit down
and talk with us during the soundcheck ! "Empty Room..." (little inside joke !) It was really fun to talk with you. Remember to
change the setlist for Nighttown and to make it a very lóóóóóng show, like you said ! ;-) Thanks again and see you Saturday !
28-10-2002 : Liberation (FR)
Par Alain Orlandini
Une production discographique désormais
reléguée dans les bacs import (ou à
npgmusicclub.com) ; des performances
qui tiennent de la kermesse (comme The
Celebration, raout funk annuel dans les
studios Paisley à Minneapolis) ; un nouvel
album jazz-funk discutable (The Rainbow
Children)... Prince, qu'on avait fini par
trouver irritant, crée contre toute attente à
nouveau l'événement avec une tournée
mondiale affichant complet. Tempo en
pièces. «This is jazz ! This is jazz !» Les 5
Congress Center de Berlin n'ont pas vu
Candy Dulfer tapie au fond de la salle. Sax
en bouche, la voilà qui fend la foule. Et
Prince surgit. Tunique blanche tombant
sur pantalon également blanc, il saisit une
guitare tendue par un roadie en complet
veston et aligne d'entrée deux solos
successifs crépitant d'effets électroniques.
On comprend vite avec The Rainbow
Children, élagué des choeurs en
surimpression de la version studio, que quelque chose se trame. «This is jazz ! This is jazz !», hurle Prince, qui, ce soir, la joue
instrumental. Ou presque. Une ballade, Muse 2 the Pharoah, calme le jeu. Mais déjà Prince, installé au piano, semble s'être mis en
tête de tailler le tempo en pièces et ouvre une brèche gigantesque sur le jazz-funk des Headhunters en se justifiant : «This is real
music played by real musicians !» Ce qui n'empêche pas ensuite un Pop Life, guilleret et fédérateur, bénéficiant du retour d'Eric
Leeds, saxophoniste de The Revolution, menacé par le batteur John Blackwell, qui s'empresse de lui chiper la vedette. Motivé par
les clameurs, l'intéressé se livre à un numéro à la Morris Day. Mais cette pantalonnade n'entame pas le raffinement de la prestation,
qui se poursuit par un chapelet de pop songs jazzy Money Don't Matter Tonight, Strollin', Extraordinary (rutilant de sexualité),
Gotta Broken Heart Again et A Case of You, repris à Joni Mitchell, avec un piano à la Keith Jarrett en sus du scat bensonien. Prince
glisse The Work, posé, mais sur Housequake, Rhonda Smith, sa bassiste, se fend d'un solo puissant qui fait remonter la pression : le
nain chic riffe sur When You Were Mine, ose un solo avec les dents, comme Hendrix, sur le Whole Lotta Love des ancêtres Led
Zeppelin. Et Raspberry Beret et Take Me with U ramènent le show à de plus soutenables proportions, avant un final mêlant funk
maison (Pretty Man) et reprise du modèle Carlos Santana (Toussaint l'Overture). Seul au piano, Prince revient pour un medley
lounge (la tournée ne s'intitule pas One Nite Alone with Prince pour rien) : Adore, Condition of the Heart, Sometimes It Snows in
April, The Beautiful Ones... Le répertoire, qui change tous les soirs, a été retravaillé
de fond en comble. Il y a quinze jours à Londres, l'artiste paraissait réduit à
cabotiner. A Berlin, la forme vocale éclatante enterre le souvenir des vocalises
éraillées à la Billie Holiday, et, une fois le groupe subrepticement remonté sur
scène, Purple Rain porte le coup de grâce. Un dernier regard vers l'assistance, et
Prince, ruisselant, lâche : «Je ne sais pas où j'en suis.».
Le Parisien (FR)
Halte parisienne pour Prince
Moins présent que dans les années 80, décennie qui en fit une superstar internationale, Prince revient à l'occasion d'une tournée
européenne qui fera halte lundi 28 octobre au Zénith à Paris, unique étape en France de son périple actuel. L'étoile publique de
l'enfant de Minneapolis - 44 ans depuis le 7 juin - a pali depuis qu'il a rompu avec Warner, la maison de disques qui a accompagné
son ascension, à la fin des années 90. Une présence médiatique atténuée qui ne l'empêche pas de jouer à guichets fermés à Paris, les
6.000 billets s'étant vendus en l'espace de quelques heures, selon Daniel Colling, directeur de la salle. Mécontent du traitement qu'il
accuse Warner de lui infliger, le musicien apparait à partir du milieu des années 90 le visage fréquemment barré du signe "slave",
expression censée traduire sa situation vis à vis de la "major". Sa production discographique devient de plus en plus erratique, à
l'image de son comportement. Caprice final : Prince décide qu'il ne répondra plus au pseudonyme qui a assis sa notoriété et exige,
au grand dam des typographes et des correcteurs, qu'on le désigne désormais sous la forme d'un hiéroglyphe mêlant les symboles
féminin et masculin. "L'artiste anciennement connu sous le nom de Prince" passera ainsi l'essentiel de la fin des années 90 à
ruminer l'ingratitude de l'industrie du disque dans le secret de ses studios de Paisley Park, dans la banlieue de Minneapolis. Coup
de théâtre, il y a quelques mois, Roger Nelson (son patronyme) décide de redevenir Prince et de quitter sa retraite pour renouer
avec la scène. Au printemps dernier, il commence une tournée au Canada qui le conduit cet automne sur les scènes des principales
métropoles d'Europe. Le "nain pourpre" ne s'est toujours pas réconcilié avec les maisons de disques. C'est désormais sous sa propre
enseigne (New Power Generation Records) qu'il publie ses enregistrements. Le dernier d'entre eux ("The Rainbow Children"), paru
au printemps, n'est toujours pas distribué en France, où il n'est disponible qu'en import. Le musicien a choisi de contourner les
maisons de disques en s'adressant directement au public, via l'internet, inventant un nouveau mode de rapport au public. Un de ses
derniers travaux ("One Nite Alone", une suite de ballades interprétées seul au piano) est réservé aux abonnés de son site
(www.npgmusicclub.com). Les abonnés ont droit à un traitement de faveur : pour cent dollars (autant d'euros) par an, ils ont la
possibilité de télécharger une heure de musique par mois et de recevoir par la poste 4 disques hors commerce. Et pour 250 dollars
supplémentaires, les plus mordus obtiennent le "Graal" : un ticket "Celebration" qui leur ouvre pendant une semaine les portes de
Paisley Park, avec l'opportunité de voir le maitre dans son travail quotidien, entre travaux d'enregistrements et concerts en petit
comité avec des invités qui ont pour noms Norah Jones, Maceo Parker, Rachelle Ferrell. Et si Prince, en concert ce soir à guichets
fermés au Zénith, était dans le vrai ? Lorsqu'il a décidé au milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix de se passer des services d'une maison
de disque et d'assurer lui-même - via Internet - la promotion et la distribution de ses albums, beaucoup ont, pourtant, crié au fou.
C'était sans compter sur l'attachement hors du commun porté par ses fans. Des fans qui, en France, se sont arraché les 6 000 billets
de son unique concert parisien en moins de deux heures et continuent à suivre, coûte que coûte, la carrière de l'artiste. Toujours
aussi productif, Prince, 44 ans, est en marge des circuits habituels : on ne l'entend presque plus à la radio et ses clips - mis à part
quelques vieilleries - sont absents des chaînes musicales. Son nouvel album acoustique, « One Nite Alone », n'est, pour l'instant,
accessible que sur son site Internet, tandis que le brillant et jazzy « The Rainbow Children », sorti l'hiver dernier, est enfin
disponible à partir d'aujourd'hui en magasins à un prix décent. Certes, on est encore loin du temps de sa splendeur, ces années
quatre-vingt où il enchaînait disque sur disque, se jouait de tous les styles, le tout en fondant une grande oeuvre à la stupéfiante
cohérence. Fin guitariste, mélodiste hors pair et chanteur suave, Prince a alors signé nombre de classiques - « 1999 », « Purple Rain
», « Around The World In A Day », « Parade », « Sign'o The Times »... -, tâté avec un bonheur inégal du cinéma, mais en restant
intouchable. Au début des années quatre-vingt-dix, même s'il inventait, au passage, le R&B moderne avec l'album « Diamonds And
Pearls », tout a basculé. Mécontent de sa maison de disques Warner, il décidait de changer de nom (choisissant de s'appeler
Lovesymbol), semant la confusion et sortant des albums plutôt moyens. Puis, en fin de compte, cet apparent suicide commercial a
fini par payer, même si l'étoile de Prince - qui entre-temps a retrouvé son nom - a quelque peu pâli. Sa méthode, qui consiste
désormais à jouer à fond la proximité avec ses fans, fonctionne pourtant à plein. Sur son site Internet, pour peu que l'on débourse
100 dollars par an (soit presque autant d'euros), Prince se fait cajoleur. Grâce à cet abonnement, il est possible de télécharger une
heure de musique par mois, de recevoir quatre albums par an et, enfin, d'être prioritaire pour acheter les places de ses rares
concerts. Ou encore de se rendre, pendant une semaine et contre une rallonge, dans le saint des saints, à savoir ses studios de
Paisley Park, à Minneapolis. Seul problème : une partie du charme de Prince a, longtemps, reposé sur le mystère d'un personnage
inaccessible, muet, virtuose, presque autiste. Mais, alors que ce temps-là semble définitivement révolu, l'attrait demeure....
ā™« Paris Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.05
(A : One Nite Alone In Paris – 7/10)
Sweet Baby / With You / Xenophobia (Incl. Sweet Baby) / Cool
Automatic (Incl. Shake !) / Underneath Your Cloth / Instrumental
Santana Medley / Pass The Peas / Prettyman
After a lóóóóng drive from Haarlem to Paris (and sight-seeing
Belgium) we arrived at the venue at 15:30. There we heard the news
that there was an aftershow at the Bataclan and that the pre-sale was
over. For some reason eye didn't receive the e-mail containing the
news about the Late Night gigs. Lucky we were April and Joe from
Chicago (I thought we made a long trip 2 C Prince....) had 2 tix 4 us
(thx again girls !!!). Soundcheck: After a 1+1+1=3, some jammin', the
rainbow children and Power Fantastic, we could go in and were told
that we had '2 stop running, cause nobody's chasin' us. So we did
(NOT ;-) and had a perfect place right from the stage, near the
pillows. They continued playin' for about an hour. Sweet baby, With
U, some jammin', some Candy (!!) and the most funniest Shakira's
(underneath your clothes) immitation I ever heard. C-O-O-L,
Automatic, Santana medley and Pass the Peas.
We went to see Prince in Paris and this is about what happened.
While waiting in the corridors, we heard the beginning of the
soundcheck : - 1+1+1=3 (work on the drums) - other drum things keyboard stuff - horn parts - a full band jam - The Rainbow Children
with some improvisation - more keyboard things - Prince saying 'Check 1-2' a lot of times - Power Fantastic (band) - beginning of
Power Fantastic twice on piano - Power Fantastic (with Prince this time) - not complete - Power Fantastic (with Prince) - complete
and with a solo by Renato. We were allowed in, but not all at the same time (mess up by security ?) - Prince shouted 'stop running'
more than once - Sweet Baby (on piano) - With U (on piano) - Xenophobia beat with song that might have been called 'Stand Tall
Baby' or 'Sweet Baby’ (but not the one we know), it continued with a solo by Candy and Greg - Drums and keyboard improvisation
which had a 'Paris, We Come 2 Get Down' chant, another Candy solo followed and then something 70's funk-ish 'nothing's gonna
stop us down' (?) - Cool with keyboard improvisation by Prince, Candy did yet another solo - Automatic which had the Shake bit in
it and a solo by Candy and Greg - Underneath Your Clothes (title repeated twice in high voice) - 'new age improvisation' on piano
with sax solo by Candy, Prince then took his guitar and continued the song on it - Santana Medley with Maceo comming onstage to
say hello to everybody - Pass The Peas with Maceo solo and some improvisation. The soundcheck didn't last that long, but it wasn't
bad at all NPGMusicClub members were also given a chance to sit (probably in some unsold seats, in section N of the venue), we
thought it might be something else to do this, so after the soundcheck we followed the concert from way up in the hall.
ā™« Paris Zénith
* Advert. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 1.35 / Attendance : 6.700 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €61.50
(A : One Nite Alone In Paris – 8/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Xenophobia / Purple Rain / The Work Pt 1 / Mellow
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake – Love Rollercoaster – Give up The Funk) / The Other Side Of The Pillow / Strange Relationship
Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Pop Life
Delirious (Incl. A Night In Tunisia) / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again
Condition Of The Heart / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee
Sometimes It Snows In April / Days Of Wild (Incl. Prince And The Band)
Concert at Le Zenith, Paris, France. The set included the only European tour performance of "Prince And The Band."
Dear NPG Music Club, dear Prince, I really
want to thank Prince 4 his invitation on
stage in Paris. He invited me to dance with
him ! Believe me, it felt GREAAAAAAAT on
stage, me with my artist looking at all Prince'
fans shaking, yelling, singing together. U do
have to know that I'm your fan 4 at least 22
years now (yeah, I know, I'm already 34 but
still feeling young...) and I can tell that this
concert was the best he ever performed. I
never saw Prince like this, smiling, enjoying,
(playing from 6pm till 5:30am !!!!) being
with us, touching us, feeling us, this close to
us ! IT WAS AMAZING ! Thanx, Prince,
thanx 4 your 11 hours of FUNK. I do like your radio-station. No other artist can do what U're bringing ! Thanx 4 realising the dream
of my life : being next to U, close to U ! U're THE BEST. Shake ! It ain't over yet, because I'm coming to the late concert in
Rotterdam this saturday !!!
How beautiful do the words have to be..... to descibe what
amazing Nite we spent with U Prince and the NPG ! First
thank you for the sound check ! What incredible review of
Sweet Baby ! How can U make this sweet ballad so Funky !!
Secondly, the One Nite Alone show.... the rainbow children is
so good Live ! I really wanted 2 see U playing Muse and
Xenophobia and that was exactly what U did !! It is so good to
see this band, John how many hands have you ? Candy... too
sexy... brrrr. Greg new style in old fashion, Maceo You killed
me, Renato how many fingers ?! Rhonda : I'm in love, would
you marry me ? ;-) to the DJ. Prince, U said U missed France
and I'm sure that "Le Zenith" makes U wanted to comeback
sooner than last time (21/08/98).
First off, I thought I was pretty funkin' nuts to have traveled to
Paris, France from Nantucket Island Massachusetts, U.S.A.
just to see a Prince concert, but I was pleasantly surprised to
find out that there were several hundred others folks that were
just as nuts as I was to travel from their countries as well.
Secondly, despite being packed like a sardine for several
hours, and waiting in a hideous line at The Bataclan and being
the shortest guy in the standing area at the show, that was the
best night of music I have ever seen, and probably will ever
see. Maceo comes to Nantucket every couple years, and I can't
wait to rush him next time he's here to let him know that the
NPG kicked serious ass in Paris. Thanks again for a dream
come true. I have lived to see the dawn !!! P.S. Prince, perhaps
you should take a hint from Maceo and join him next time he
comes to Nantucket !?! Just a suggestion.
I went about 30 times to see Prince in concert since 1986. I
saw a lot of great, very great shows and aftershows. But this
time, ladies and gentleman, it was something else. The Zenith was a perfect show for big audience with a lot of emotion. But the
Bataclan was from somewhere else. Sounded like the future. Prince, don't stop, that's why we are here 4. That's why we follow you.
I'm from Paris and I can tell you something : the 28th of october 2002 we'll stay in the history of the Parisian nightlife. Everybody
will remember. Now, it is part of Paris's history. Le bataclan is your house.
Waouh ! It was AMAZING ! Prince & the Band are the Best !! The Regular show & the LateNite Show was INCREDIBLE ! Prince is
the King of Funk ! Special thanks 2 Candy & Rhonda, U R too sexy & too funky !
It was the greater live in Paris that I've never seen before ! Great Soundchecks, Great Concert, Great Aftershow !!! 6 hours of Jazz
Electro Funky music (JEF Music), it's INCREDIBLE... I hope It's just the beginning for the future of your sound !!! Many thanx for
French Fans to our composer, producer and greatest ARTIST. And Special Dedicace to Candy Dulfer, Rhonda Smith, John
Blackwell, Renato Neto, Greg Boyer, and Maceo Parker (the best NPG group). NPG in the Funky House !! Prince played music by
real musicians for real fans !! I haven't no more words to describe what I've seen .... ;-)))))
WOW ! Just woke up after the most exciting experience ever ! Six hours of funk, rock, jammin' and slammin' (da base guitar like I
never heard him doin' that !). Prince was definitely overloaded with energy and it all exlpoded that night !
"Whose House is Paris ?" "Prince's House !!" And for sure, Paris was all his last night !! AND he brought all NPG fans to his amazing
trip ! He's got a gift of God, and to share it for over 5 hours of Rock, Funk, Jazz and Blues à la Prince is just the greatest thing you'll
ever experience in a life of music. Cool staff of his as well just great people, bravo ! Where does he find this energy, power and love ?
There will never be enough words in any language to tell every single feeling you have as the notes and chords reach your ears.
I haven't slept for 36 hours and I have never felt so healthy, dynamic and happy. Prince !!! You and your amazing band you have
given to us so much good music, inspired only by a force above. Each song heard during the soundcheck, during the regular show
and at last during the bataclan was different, inspired and so in advance before the future. I have to tell you that during the version
of "dolphin" my eyes were full of tears because of the beauty (I wish I were a dolphin ;-))) Thank U Prince from the bottom of my
heart for all the amazing music and PLEASE COME BACK AS SOON AS YOU CAN !!!!!!!!
I went to the Zenith, not bad ...but Prince was going in automatic overdrive...if you compare it to the Antwerp show.I had the feeling
that he was eager to play his funk at the bataclan. I can imagine after almost doing 20 'similar' shows that a late night show is more
inspiring than doing his ONA show over and over...
WHAOH, WHAOH, WHAOH !!!! what can we say... the two concerts were unbelievable, during this moment time suspended his
way, I've never seen an aftershow like this before ! God is inside each of us, but his energy has lighted the stage of the Bataclan this
night. Don't forget keep on following the voice of love. It's time to get funky !
Soundcheck + Show + Second show = 7 hours of great music ! Prince definitely loves Paris, and he gave all of his heart last nite !
The show featured great versions of "Xenophobia", "Pop life", "Delirious" "Everlasting now" (what a fantastic song !) and "Sign of
the times" ...and Le Zenith went crazy !
What a trip - this is not music this is a trip, we decided my girlfriend and me 2 do a trip in Paris but we didn't go 2 Paris in fact : we
went 2 HEAVEN. What we have witnessed these 2 last days was beyond all expectations. Some people had complaints about the
high price of the second show (and so did I but on the 29/10 at 6 AM I really felt such a fool) We did enjoy the main show, but let's
talk about the second show (aftershow, afterconcert, trip, heaven,...whatever u want 2 call It ) : words cannot describe what we have
witnessed last night. My girlfriend is 2day still in "shock" (me 2). WE WANT THE FUNK !!! WHAT TIME IS IT ? IT'S TIME 2 GET
FUNKY !!! IT AIN'T OVER !!! These r the words that r still pumping in r heads again and again and again. Now I know that we all r
Prince's witness. P.S. these words 4 the people who hesitate 2 attend the second show in NIGHTOWN : please there is no time 4
hesitation at all bcause u r gonna miss the time of ur life. Peace
I heard real music from real musicans and it was the best concert I have ever saw. Thank you for these hours of joy, NPG. POP IS
Thanks again for an exceptional evening ! I never thought it could get better than London, what a fool I was !!! 6 hours of music
HOW do U guys do it ? So once again thank U thank U thank U, to all of the NPG and especially to Prince who made me cry last
night at the first AND SECOND concert. Thank U for playing The Question Of U (my eyes tear up when I reminisce !) and so many
others. U R truly the Prince of FUNK !
From the beginning of the ONA tour, I've read here many reports about people enjoying the shows and saying words like
"incredible", "fantastic", "amazing", etc... I thought maybe they were just too foolish. I've seen Prince live since the "Parade" Tour
when i was only 15-year-old, and even if I enjoyed every tour he did in Paris since then, I thought nothing could make me more
stunned than his first appearance at Le Zenith in 1986. I was wrong.
What a deep experience... Prince from 5 pm to 5 am, tea-time to breakfast, Guitar to keybord to bass, jazz to rock etc... The Zénith
concert was a amazing performace, a beautiful set with some sightly different versions (sign o the times, the work...) Good mood for
a good public, but the most terrific experience was held in Le Bataclan... What a show ! A heavy sound, lots of solos from all the
band members some never heard tunes, some rarities and Prince on the bass !! And what a housequake !! Give us some tunes from
that Paris late night show, america must knows....;-)
Well, I am voiceless...The music speaks for itself , there's nothing more 2 say...This was just genius...The most amazing night of my
entire life ever... U brought tears to my eyes singing "Sometimes it snows in April"...I never felt so happy...Thanx 4 sharing ur talent
with me... Nothing compares 2 U...I can still feel it...This thrill down my spine,this chill in my bones, this transcendental power that
makes me feel so high...For the first time in my life I feel so alive...And this is thanx 2 U : PRINCE & THE NPG... Thanx 4 ligthing
up my darkest thoughts...Thanx 4 giving me hope again...Thanx 4 making me breathe...Thanx 4 love...Thanx 4 life...Thanx 4 the
music -the real- that lifts me every time... Thanx 4 this incredible and unforgettable night...U R the music...This is the best day of
my life...
It was 2 FUNKY. U'R the ONE !!!! U've killed us in the Bataclan's aftershow. I've never heard and seen someting like that... U'r
music is in my head.
What a day it was in Paris ! A 2h30 concert in Zénith first with Prince in great mood, having fun to play in front of us. An interesting
soundcheck, an amazing concert, Prince and his band just didn't want to stop. It was also the greatest day in my life as he took me
up on stage and made me sing "The work" with him : "I performed with the funkiest sexy man in the world" ! I can't talk about the
2h20 late night show in Bataclan where he played jazz, electric guitar and made Paris wanting funk all night long. I saw many
Prince's concerts and was believing to have seen already the best but yesterday I went to bed on my knees, with no more voice and
lots of dreams. I've given him so much love for years and I want to thank him so much for the love he gave us yesterday : Live4Love.
Just a word to say that Prince's show in Paris was HUGE, there are no words to describe it, or maybe PERFECT. There's no doubt
that he is one of the most talented artist of all time, that guy is simply a genius. And by the way thanx for the aftershow, that was as
good as the performance. I didn't have the chance to touch the guitar nor the bass, but I already felt lucky to be there !!!
High, there is no words to describe what happend last night in Paris, the soundcheck was nice (One Nation Under A Groove), the
concert was excellent, Renato and John Blackwell, u were amazing but the aftershow wow !!! absolutely crazy, unbelievable !!!!!!
Prince u said that we know u love Paris but now u KNOW that we love u in a very crazy way . Thanks Prince & the NPG 4 what u
give us last night/morning, the FUNK was in his house !!!
ā™« Paris Bataclan Aftershow
* Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : 1.200 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €100
(A : Whole Lotta Love 4 Paris – 8/10)
Instrumental / Guitar Jam / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name
Somethig In The Water / The Question Of U (Incl. The One – Fallin’ – Take Five – Ain’t
No Sunshine) / She’s Always In My Hair / Peach (Incl. Shake !)
I Don’t Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing / The Work Pt. 1 / 777-9311 (Incl. The Stick
– The Walk) / Hair (Incl. Psychoticbumpschool) / Brick House / Skin Tight
Cool (Incl. 2 Nigs United 4 West Compton – Sax-A-Go-Go) / Bass Jam
Keyboards Jam / All The Critics Love U In Paris
Alphabet St (Incl. The Ballad Of Jed Clampett)
Johnny (Incl. All The Critics Love U In NY) / Body Don’t Wanna Quit / Dolphin
Santana Medley / Come On / Housequake
Prince plays an aftershow concert at Le Bataclan, Paris. The show was
announced a week beforehand through the NPGMusic Club website and
unlike regular aftershows, where Music Club members got in without charge,
$100 tickets had to be bought in advance. The start of the concert was
peculiar, as Prince came on and just laid on his back while there was a piano
and drum jam, followed by a drum solo and a jam with the horns section.
Then Prince "awoke" and launched a guitar jam with a "good morning to you"
chant. He clearly was in a "rock guitar" mood and proceeded with "Bambi"
and "Whole Lotta Love." Then came "Family Name" and "Something In The
Water (Does Not Compute)." The next songs were played uninterrupted, in
sequence : "The Question Of U," "The One," "Fallin,” “Take Five," and "Ain't
No Sunshine." The concert continued with "She's Always In My Hair" and
"Peach," which featured a nice horn part and a keyboard sample. "Peach"
also had a solo by Greg Boyer as well as an "it ain't over" chant and a bit of
"Shake !" thrown in. Candy Dulfer provided a saxophone solo. Prince changed gears from rock to funk with James Brown’s “I Don't
Want Nodody To Give Me Nothing (Open Up The Door I'll Get It Myself)," which merged with "The Work, Pt 1." Prince grabbed a
bass and continued with "777-9311," inserting snippets of "The Stick" and "The Walk," before moving on to a trio of funk classics,
"Hair,” "Brick House," and "Skin Tight." They continued with "Cool," which included some jamming on the bass by Prince and
snatches from "2 Nigs United 4 West Compton" and Dulfer's "Sax-A-Go-Go" (from her Sax-A-Go-Go album, 1992). After a break,
the band returned for some further jamming and a bit of "All The Critics Love U In New York" with Prince at the keyboard. Renato
Neto joined in after a while. John Blackwell played a drum solo, which was followed by "Alphabet St." with a bit of The Beverly
Hillbillies theme incorporated. The audience took part in "Johnny," chanting "NPG in the motherfuckin' house." However, Prince
didn't like this and changed it into "NPG in this funky house." Next up was "All The Critics Love U In New York." which was changed
to "All The Critics Love U in Paris." Prince added a chant of "body don't wanna quit, need another hit." They proceeded with a
rearranged "Dolphin" and the Santana medley. Another break ensued, after which Prince and the band played "Come On" with
Prince on keyboard and Blackwell on drums. Neto eventually took over the keyboard and Prince launched a "party 'til the sun
comes up" chant. Then came a slowed-down version of "Housequake" with a chant of "it's time to get funky." Following a
saxophone solo by Maceo Parker and an outro, it was all over. Apparently, "Prince And The Band" was going to be played
afterwards (the lyric book was set up), but all of a sudden the crew started breaking up the stage.
We were already inside the venue along with only about 15 others – and we saw a real soundcheck… with instrument tuning that is.
Prince came on and just laid on his back while there was a piano and drum jam. Then came a drum solo and a band jam that
included the horn section. Prince introduced us to a guitar-heavy rock jam with a prominent “Good Morning 2 U” chant
throughout. Next up were “Bambi” and “Whole Lotta Love” with Renato soloing on keyboards, followed by “Family Name.” During
“Something In The Water (Does Not Compute),” Candy took some solo. This lead into “The Question Of U” with more prominent
keyboard work by Renato Neto, segueing into “The One,” “Fallin’,” “Take Five,” another Neto solo plus one by Maceo Parker. Next
in line came “Ain’t No Sunshine” and “She’s Always In My Hair”. “Peach” was slowed down and extended quite a lot – with a very
nice horn part and a bright keyboard sample in it. It also had a solo by Greg Boyer and the typical ONA-chant “It ain’t over,” a bit of
“Shake !” and a solo by Candy Dulfer. James Brown’s “I Don’t Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing” came along with Prince’s Brown
style “The Work,” again with a solo by Maceo Parker. Then the horns just stopped while Prince gave a cue to do a solo. “The Work”
continued with one by Candy on saxophone, and then John Blackwell on drums. Prince jammed on his bass during a brief “7779311” / “The Stick,” which flowed into “Hair” with Renato soloing, and then “Brick House” with another solo by Maceo. The show
continued seamlessly with “Skin Tight” and then “Cool” with Greg on solo trombone and with an extended bass jam, featuring
Prince and Rhonda. After a short break, the jamming continued with Prince on keys, joined by Renato after a while. Then it was
Blackwell’s turn again with a drum solo, followed by “Alphabet St” with the “Beverly Hillbillies Theme” incorporated. On top of the
instrumental groove for “Johnny,” the audience started singing “NPG in the MF house” : Prince didn’t like that and changed it into
“NPG in this funky house.” Candy did another solo, then Greg and Renato were given some. “All The Critics” returned – this time
with a changed refrain, claiming that all the critics loved Prince in Paris instead. Maceo delivered a solo here, while Prince chanted
“Body don’t wanna quit – need another hit.” “Dolphin” and “The Santana Medley” with 2 solos by Renato ended this segment of
the gig. After this final break, “Come On” was up – with Prince on keyboards and John on drums. Renato eventually took over the
keys and Prince launched a “Party ‘till the sun comes up” chant, followed by a slow version of “Housequake” with “It’s time to get
funky” chanted along and another solo by Greg and by Maceo. This remained the show’s closing number, and after the outro ran,
we noticed that apparently, “Prince And The Band” had been intended to surface net : Prince’s lyric book was set up… but all of a
sudden the crew started breaking up the stage and the night was over.
Renato Neto gives the band that bossa nova sway, a bland that fits the jazz mould , but he knows when to get tight just the same.
One firm funk jam gets updated into this century when he inserts three simple notes, making the jam so tight it hurts. There was a
shifting of tectonic plates right then and right there and the Bataclan quaked. Prince seemed to have given his band some room to
play and seems to trust Renato a lot. What can l say about John Blackwell ? He’s young, he’s eager. Not afraid of following the lead,
but certainly not afraid to take off either, with the rest of the band in tow. And he indeed can make those sticks disappear. You are
skeptic when you read about it in reports until he actually does the trick and accelerates. We have lift off.... Rhonda Smith in the
back, bass to the fore. A good bass player isn’t heard, but felt. In your tummy. My tummy still rumbles. She loves playing so much it
spreads around the club in flows. The shaking starts with her. Maceo Parker doesn’t need to play, now does he ? But when he does
he’s indeed the teacher. If l had a teacher like that in school l wouldn’t have disliked some lessons that much. He’s cool enuf to take
a step back and let his fellow brass players stand in the spotlight. Him just being there makes the stage ooze with contentment.
Candy Dulfer totally links with Mr Parker. They are sort of old buddies, as they played together before either of them joined this
band. They have a similar way of enjoying the music. When she doesn’t play she dances, when she doesn’t dance she helps out with
the backing vocals. She smiles. Her solo’s are bursts of that joy, filling the cracks laid open by the tectonic quaking of the rhythm
section... And then there is that fella straight from the jook joint, Mr Greg Boyer. He’s a kewl dude, but a charmer too. He holds the
instrument that made the show jazz. His hips do that minimalistic thang. His trombone ain’t afraid to pull the band back to that
jook joint. He knows that is how nitty gritty the band could be. Looved the (soundcheck) pants, btw. He the dude. Mr Nelson.
Finally old and wise enuf to stand back and enjoy what he brings together. Happy and not afraid to share. His anger at the previous
show neatly transmitted out of his system with some long guitar solo’s that made my day. Props. Again.
How come Prince can perform so long ? Even if I didn’t see the rehearsals, I witnessed the singer (who I appreciate since 1984)
during his Paris show and aftersow !! The aftershow was great with very different songs of the main show but Prince was just
fantastic and didn't seem tired at all. He was just enjoying his time with his audience until 5 am !!!! During all these years I've seen
him on many concerts, discovering new songs and being kicked by Prince's talent. I like so much the way he plays so many different
instruments and his ability to create new music. I respect the man and for myself I think that Prince deserves his fame. Thank you
so much for bringing me so much happiness. May U always be yourself...
Aftershow: This was definitely the best aftershow I've ever seen ! Almost 2 and a half hours (again !!!). No doubt, it WAS more than
worth it to pay $100,- 4 the ticket ! Bambi (Yessss!), The Question of U, Whole Lotta Love, Family Name, She's Always in My Hair,
777-9311, Hair, Brickhouse, Skin Tight, Cool, Something In The Water, Alphabet Street, All The Critics Love U in Paris, Dolphin,
Santana Medley, Come On, Housequake. Thanx NPG, thanx Prince. Can't wait to see ya in Rotterdam !
Finally the Aftershow... "Le Bataclan" : That was my first after show and U make it Unforgettable ! 2 hour and a half of totally Jam
session ! Man ! When U took the Rhonda's Bass my head Xplosed (sorry darling) ! 400% of total joy ! Everybody was soo tired, we
waited since 12, but U bring so much energy that even @ 5 in the morning all Paris was singing It's Time 2 get Funky, It's Time 2 get
Funky, It's Time 2 get Funky !!! Amazing !
The Bataclan was more than fantastic.!!! It's a pitty Prince can't do his music always this way. This was a musical trip in all his
colors and blends.... Man you play bass, guitar, clavinets, etc...like not many did before...I'm really jealous..on your band tooooo !!!
The reason why my voice was not so clear ?.? Because too less sleep in my brain.....
Second show was a superb 150 minutes marathon, featuring fab jams and rare renditions of "Housequake" (10 minutes blues
version), "Skintight", "She's always in my hair" and more ! What to say ? Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !
Thank you Prince and Npg for this special morning in Bataclan. In Frankfurt you have calling me on stage asking me some
questions, excuse me but at first I were like in trans, being on stage with you in front of so many people I thought it couldn't be real
... .. maybe I'm too shy , I'm sorry for that. Than came Bataclan it was like being in another universe, in a temple of real free
authentic powerful funky music, peace and love was in the air, and what a groove !! I took a look around me and I saw that everyone
where on the same wavelength like in a spell, enyoing this precious moments with you and Npg , it's a special link a chemical
reaction I can't explain it . Besides some little tecnical problems and the heat in Bataclan it was a great performance. I never saw or
heard U playing bass like that before (I like how you do "Dolphin" and "The Question of You"), Renato plays keyboard in a very
special way and the hornz and drums, what a power ..... I profoundly respect your professionality and the truth that you put in your
works. I'm 35 years old and I hear music since I can remember a great range of music , I also play piano and I can garanteed that
nobody is like you, nobody is himself in his music becoming part of his emotions and feelings like you around 360°, I'm sure that
you make music only for the pleasure and joy you have doing it. Its like a mother with her child, they are living in Symbiosys joined
by the navel cord. However for me it was the last time that I saw you in the ONA tour, because I can't be in Milan (my country)
tomorrow. Thank You Prince and Npg and the club organisation at Paisley Park for all the love and joy you giving us every day.
I've been to the Zenith concert of course, and then right after we headed to Bataclan. And there, we've been treatened with 2hrs30
(!!) of incredible work. Prince gave us much more than what we wanted. Today, the words are not enough to describe what
happened to us last night. Prince wrote the future of music in front of us - played by real musicians !! I've never seen him going so
far into the "experience" of music... this combination of jazz / electro feel is incredible, and Prince is still amazing playing guitars,
keyboards and bass. What a night ! It was much more than an afershow. It is the future. Show the love - for Candy Dulfer, Rhonda
Smith, John Blackwell, Renato Neto, Greg Boyer, and the teacher Maceo Parker. At more than 5:00am, Paris was still demanding
for one more jam with Prince and the band.
29-10-2002 : Le Parisien (FR)
Prince set Le Zenith on fire...
By Sébastien Catroux
At 8:45pm, after his parisian gig, last night, had already been going on for a half hour, Prince, 44, was already singing "Purple
Rain", the song which in the early 80's made him a star. And despite showing it, this is what the 6000 person had been waiting for.
That's the advantage with the american Roger Nelson, alias Prince, even if his recent productions have been only accessible through
the internet, and are more so on the jazzy side, he never fails, while in Paris, playing his older tunes. After starting with long pieces
of "The Rainbow Children", his new album, he didn't deprave himself by digging at the bottom of his immense repertoire, just as a
twirl of funk with unique energy. After "Purple Rain" which made everybody in le Zenith stand up at once, Prince elegantly dressed
in a pinstripped suit played a visitor, revisiting between rock and funk, funk and jazz, jazz and pop. With the help of veteran Maceo
Parker directing the horns section, he mixed all his themes, "Housequake", "The Work" in an irrestibly dancing sensual spiral. He
then followed with older hits, "Sign O The Times", "When U Were Mine", "Pop Life, "I'll B With U" and other "Raspberry Beret"
many classics sang and known by heart from his fans before a few encores based on his most torrid ballads, such as "Nothing
Compares 2 U" previously given 2 Sinnead O'Connor. Enough to cheer the ones wondering how to get the exorbitantly priced tickets
120Euro for his second nightly show scheduled at Le Bataclan.
30-10-2002 : Le Parisien (FR)
Après concert
By Sébastien Catroux
Avec Prince jusqu’à... 5 heures du matin au Bataclan
PRINCE, lorsqu'il est de passage à Paris, fait mener grand train à son public. Alors que son renversant concert au Zénith se
terminait, lundi soir, après un best of de ses plus grands succès long de 2 h 45, une voix exhortait la salle à continuer la soirée au
Bataclan, la salle de dimension beaucoup plus modeste (1 200 places) du boulevard Voltaire. Là-bas, fatalement, c'était la
bousculade des grands soirs pour accéder à l'intérieur et le prix des places, après moult rumeurs et retournements de situation, était
finalement de 100 €. Le chanteur, qui se passe des services d'une maison de disques, privilégie dorénavant le contact direct, sans
autres formes d'intermédiaires qu'Internet, avec son public. Ce contact, à travers ces traditionnels et intimes « aftershow » suivant
chacune des dates de sa tournée européenne, se fait à l'ancienne, dans la grande tradition des margoulins du rock'n'roll avec une
billetterie floue et des tickets - payables uniquement en liquide - récupérés intacts par les ouvreurs... Pour Prince, la liberté, c'est
donc aussi l'argent. Heureusement, il s'est fait royal avec ceux qui ont attendu son arrivée sur scène, vers 2 h 20 du matin. Exit le
Prince enjôleur et charmeur entre tubes millésimés et medley de ballades moites du Zénith, place au Prince « guitar hero ». Après
une version explosive de « Bambi », un de ses titres les plus rock, il s'est alors lancé dans une reprise du « Whole Lotta Love » de
Led Zeppelin, un des morceaux fondateurs du hard rock. Prince s'est joué, une nouvelle fois, de tous les styles, entre funk assené à
grands coups de solos de guitares saturées et digressions jazz, toujours accompagné de son groupe à l'énergie et à la précision
stupéfiantes. Une succession de rappels et de faux départs plus tard, ce concert s'est terminé dans un déluge d'électricité vers 5
heures du matin. Prince s'en est alors allé vers d'autres aventures, laissant ses sujets sur le trottoir, fatigués, les oreilles meurtries,
mais heureux.
Le Monde (FR)
A Paris, les retrouvailles de Prince avec son public et sa légende
By Stéphane Davet
L'artiste, en concert au Zénith, a revisité "Purple Rain", l'hymne qui avait fait sa gloire.
A une époque, les entrées en scène de Prince s'inspiraient des revues funk de James Brown. Aujourd'hui, elles tiennent plus du
Cotton Club. Sur fond de swing jazz, le groupe New Power Generation accueille son leader en costumes croisés. Devant un Zénith
bouillonnant de ces retrouvailles – Prince n'avait pas joué à Paris depuis 1998 –, la star tricote quelques solos de guitare. Un
échauffement qui fait craindre l'équivalent scénique d'une dérive discographique. Figure majeure des années 1980, le chanteur a
passé l'essentiel des années 1990 à perdre le fil d'une production pléthorique. Séparé de sa maison de disques, il ne semblait plus
capable de trier les éclairs de génie des brouillons. De meilleure tenue, son récent album, The Rainbow Children, n'avait pas
totalement dissipé ce malaise. Soulagement quand, sous une pluie de lumière pourpre, une version imposante de Purple Rain –
tube fondateur de la légende "princière"– prouve que, loin des pseudonymes fuyants de Love Symbol ou The Artist, utilisés la
précédente décennie, Prince assume comme jamais son nom et son œuvre. Ce sens du patrimoine passe par une célébration du
funk. Manière aussi de régler des comptes."De la vraie musique, jouée par de vrais musiciens", clame le chanteur, déçu par la
digitalisation des musiques noires, qu'il aura pourtant influencée. Autre cible, les médias, surtout les radios de la bande FM. "Où
sont passés George Clinton, Earth, Wind and Fire et Chaka Khan ? Où est passé le funk ? Laissez-moi être votre DJ ce soir !",
harangue-t-il avant de se lancer dans une démonstration de groove et de laisser la parole au saxophone de Maceo "The Teacher"
Parker, complice mythique de James Brown, dans une reprise de Pass The Peas. On retrouve au sommet de sa forme scénique le
génie hybride, capable de fusionner avec une énergie excentrique héritée de Sly Stone, la classe de Duke Ellington, la science
mélodique des Beatles, la virtuosité charnelle de Jimi Hendrix, celle, plus cérébrale, d'un Frank Zappa. Entre deux jams sudatoires
(Housequake, It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night) jaillissent des saillies pop (Raspberry Beret, Pop Life), des mutations grandioses
(Sign O' The Times), un hymne funk transformé en rock'n'roll primitif (Delirious). S'il ne fait plus le grand écart, Prince reste un
ambianceur hors pair. Plus sobre qu'au faîte de sa gloire, il pétille pourtant de générosité musicale, dosant savamment hits et
morceaux rares pendant plus de deux heures et demie. Il revient au rappel tout habillé de blanc pour une succession de titres plus
intimes. Nothing Compares 2 U, The Ladder, The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker, en suspension entre puissance gospel et falsetto sexy.
L'admirateur d'Al Green prend des accents de prêche. "Que personne ne vienne se mettre entre ma musique et vous." Un message –
contenu aussi dans le nom de la tournée "One Night Alone With Prince"– adressé à son public et à l'industrie, dont il aime
boycotter les intermédiaires (en fond de scène, l'adresse de son site Internet : npgmusic-club.com). Tout à son enthousiasme, Prince
conviait les fans à prolonger cette nuit au Bataclan, à 1 heure du matin, pour un concert surprise.
Zurich Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.25
Let’s Work (Incl. Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic) / Controversy / Superstition / See You
The concert of Zurich was astonishing, the sound excellent, and Prince's voice a true treat !! At the time of the soundcheck a small
girl of 10 years looked at Prince with marveled eyes, I will have liked to see a concert of Prince at this age and with such a concert I
believe that she will listen to "real music played by real musicians" until the end of the her days truly......... Prince and the NPG you
have delight us this night and in what concerns me after the the concerts of the Zenith and the Bataclan I really don't regret to be
part of the NPGMC, on the contrary I achieved one of my dreams : witness a soundcheck and been to an aftershow (that must be
one of the biggest moments in Prince's career) !!! Thank u so much !!!!!!!!!
ā™« Zurich Hallenstadion
* Adv. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.20 / Attendance : 12.460 / 12.800 / Tick. Price : CHF80
(A : One Nite Alone In Zurich – 7/10)
Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Money Don’t Matter 2Night / The Work Pt1
Purple Rain / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster – (I Like) Funky Music
– Do That Stuff) / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – The Other Side Of The Pillow)
Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret
The Everlasting Now / Adore / Delirious (Incl. A Night In Tunisia – Whole Lotta
Shakin’ Goin’ On) / Girls & Boys / Automatic / Shake ! / Nothing Compares 2 U
The Ladder / Starfish & Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April
Days Of Wild (Incl. I Want To Take You Higher)
Concert at Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland. "Whole Lotta Shakin'" and a
medley of "Automatic" and "Shake !" were played.
You brought the funk back 2 Switzerland, over 2 hours of the best funk from
the greatest artist of all time. I love the mixture of songs, from "When You
Were Mine" to "Rainbow Children" everything was there, and of course
PURPLE RAIN, I love the way you play your guitar on that song, men you're
the best, that same goes for your band - pure funk !! Keep going and come
back soon !!
After a so long time was a really plesure to discover the new Prince. I find
him more mature, and for the first time i felt a 2-ways-communication
between him and the public. I remember that he didn't use to speak with us
as he made yesterday. For the first time I felt that all we were in Prince's bed
(as he said). The concert was great, as always, and to hear some song as "The
Ladder" or "Nothing Compares 2 U" make people getting with shivers......I took with me a friend that was her first Prince's concert,
and now Prince has a new fans.......looking forward to see him back in Europe.
More than 2 hours of great music, played by real musicians !! It was
unbelievable, it was magic ! It's not easy to fill the whole stadium from
Zurich with music, love and harmony, but you (Prince & the NPG), you
did it !!!! Thank you for this wonderful time !!! p.s.: thanx for the
organisation of the tickets for the place in front of the stadium. It was
great to be there !!!!!!!
Thank U Prince, it was the first time I saw U in a concert : it was so
beautiful and I will never forget this incredible night !! I hope to see U
one more time in my life (and I hope more than one !!!). Love and
Kaufleuten Afterparty
There was an afterparty at the Kaufleuten (Clubsaal). Prince appeared on stage
for a short while. Meanwhile his bodyguard ran around catch people with cameras
and threw them out. There was no performance.
31-10-2002 : ā™« Milan Soundcheck
(A : Exclusive European Soundchecks – 7/10)
The Everlasting Now / The Rainbow Children / Strollin’ / Santana Medley
Prince Talks / Thank U (Incl. 777-9311 – The Stick)
We went at the venue from Bologna, queued for 15 minutes and attended the
soundcheck. There were on stage Neto, Candy, Maceo, John, Greg ......... and
Sheila E. (for the first time in this tour) !!!!! Then Prince appears from behind us,
without bodyguards and it was beautiful to see him so free. He first played guitar
(a Santana medley, I guess) with the band, then the bass .... he and Sheila (on
drums) alone. He announced us that it would be no afterparty 'cause they should
face the journey to the next city, but someone told me that he would prefer to meet Donatella Versace & co. (sigh !) that night.
ā™« h Milan Palatucker (feat Sheila E)
(2:20 / 1:37)
* Adv. Start : 9:00PM / Duration : 2.20 / Attendance : ? / 9.000 / Tick. Price : €35
(A : One Nite Alone Milano – 6/10 * V : One Nite Alone In Milan - 5/10)
Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia / The Work Pt. 1 / Purple Rain
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me –The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Gotta Broken Heart Again
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas (inc) (Incl. Give Up The Funk) / Whole Lotta Love
Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore
Diamonds & Pearls / The Beautiful Ones Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder
Starfish & Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April (inc)
Days Of Wild (Incl. Give Up The Funk)
After the concert, while roadies were packing the stage, Prince was spotted
exiting the arena through the back side of lower tier, with Manuella Testolini.
Being greeted by some remaining fans, Prince nodded, waved and left the
A : A fairly typical One Nite Alone European show and a great audience
recording of it. The concert itself is pretty straightforward with nothing
surprising in the set-list. Sheila E guests for the show, however is
most evident on both 'Xenophobia' and 'The Everlasting Now', where
she gets her own percussion solo. The recording is slightly less than
excellent, although still worthy of the EX- rating given. The crowd are
very vocal throughout, and the crowd surrounding the person
recording are audible constantly - although not to the detriment of the
recording in my opinion. The guy who taped the show really should
have switched his mobile phone off though (you know who you are).
High, This is a report about friendship, real friendship. This
was my 1st Prince concert in ITALY... Prince and his band were
super... I loved all the songs he sang... The peak 4 me was
when he sang Purple Rain with Sheila E on drums. I really
cried.. As I repeated many times I love Prince so much... I say
Thanx Prince 4 everything !! But I noticed how much love
there is in everyone from the US. I have physcal problems. My
friends helped me 2 get 2 the 1st row and they were so sweet,
they told me 2 go inside 1st 2 get the best place. The whole
time, they were my bodyguards ! The love was tangible in the
NPGMC SECTION... I do rembember alot of songs Prince
played but I was wondering how much love was in that lil
section. I want 2 say thanx PRINCE but I can't 4get 2 name :
BIBBA, LORE, MONICA, my personal bodyguard FAB, and the
others I was with !! I MUST ALSO THANK TAKUMI who gave
me Prince's guitar pick. When Prince sang PURPLE RAIN I
really cried. Takumi saw me and he gave it to me after 2
songs... I would love 2 think that it was the guitar pick Prince
played Purple Rain with !!
Milan : UNFORGETTABLE ! Just come back home from the
Milan gig, absolutely stunning ! A big surprise : special guest
was Sheila E ! She played percussion in almost all the tracks
and drums in Purple Rain ! Prince was in very good mod and gave a very energetic show !!! What can I say ? I would have never
imagined such an energetic show, Prince yelled italian words often and a "Milan it's funky" chant was often sung by the man. It was
a gift for us, we've waited for him for 12 years and he really rocked the place... 10.000 people jumpin'up and down ! It was
marvellous to see Sheila again, she played percussions as hell, she can funk men !
It was fantastic ! A BEATiful xperience to see U in Milan. Yesterday night I was
dance all the night. U and all the Npg (welcome home Sheila) bring all the people in
a jam unforgettable. Thanks for all
Dear Prince, just a few words to let u know u made me feel feel "alive" again ! I felt
such strong emotions during the concert, I'll never forget ! I must pay you and your
band many compliments 'cos the show was just fantastic. I had forgotten the sound
of your voice (LIVE) and just hope u'll make us the gift of coming back soon, maybe
playin' 4 more than 1 nite alone...... Yesterday we all wished u'd come out again after
the lights were turned on, but u didn't : u definitely have to come back to Milano
soon then ! One last thing : when you performed Purple Rain the energy in the Hall
was incredible : did u realize it ? I bet u did. I wish u all the best , to u and your
Thank U PRINCE 4 coming to Italy. 12 years of waiting ... It has been hard to survive for
all this time in a country where the 95% of music you can listen to on radio and on tv is
commercial rubbish. But my faith in U, and, through U, in something HIGHER, after all
these years has been rewarded. What a wonderfull Experience I had last night. Prince,
Sheila E., John, Rhonda, Candy, Renato, Maceo and Greg were pure NRG shaped into
Music. Thanks to all of U. And I agree with Prince that "sooner or later all the human
race will have to play in same Key in harmony and peace !!! As U and I did last night !!
Like a Big Wave in the Deep Desert YOU comes to us and refresh our thirst ! You have
experienced the italian people and transformed Milano in a funky melting pot. I can
write 4 many hours but only a things is what you can read from my words... Gratitude. So
in a deep, deep silence I wanna to say you with only a breath.
Ohhhhhh guys what a night ! We were waiting for Prince for so long, and our waiting has
been rewarded with one of the best shows of the tour ! Prince was in the right mood, I
think I really missed the Italian audience, and we ahll have hopes to see him as soon as
possible. Thanks for sharing your energy and your gifts with us ! Italy loves U Prince !
I was at the first line (at the place of the funn club), with my little cartel, that said, "we
love U till the end of times" but because I feel one with U, and the band. You say a lot of
trues, a lot of jokes, U make us dance, and the most beautifull thing that U were with
your friends, we really apreciate the presence of Sheila E, Maceo Parker, Candy Dulfer.
You said, that you were not going to play all songs...only the future..but you surprise us,
and we sing a lot. Thanks to make us hope in a future were the humans go in armony like
the music...we need 2 belive that. I wait a lot 2 see u , I feel that I been 2 hours and a half
alone with U.
CIAO BABY ! I need to say u that your show it was **SUPERB !!!!!!** Hey guy u are the real God !!!!! It was an extraordinary
experience that it will be very very hard to forget !!!!!!!!!!!! *THANX FOR EVERY SINGLE GOOD VIBRATIONS THAT U MAKE
ME FEEL !!!!!!*
What to say ? It was a great show, Prince and the
band are gorgeous. And, what a band ! Beautiful
jazzy funky music for 2 and a half hours, Prince
playing at a couple of meters from the fans...
Needles to say, I hope to see NPG back in Italy
soon... Please before 2012 ! What about a late
night show coming back from the Japan tour ? It
would be extraordinary !
(until now) to have her in the NPG !
First of all I want 2 thanks Prince 2 give us, after
12 years, the opportunity to make only few km to
see him live...I (with some friends) have travelled
a lot 2 see him live in Europe !!! What can I say
about the show ....just (as always) great, u make a
small club atmosphere, but with 10.000 people !!
...next time please we need more soundcheck (2
songs are not enough) and an aftershow... Italy as
u know is FUNKY....and is waiting 4 u again !! I
want 2 thanks Sheila E 2 give Italy the
opportunity 2 be the only European ONA show
What can I say ? Tonight I have no slept ! I'm thinking about u ! Yersterday was my first night "with u" and the NPG, I came from
Rome alone just to hear and see you. Great show man ! I was just 3 or 4 meters about u, about "the music", the NPG, Sheila, "u",
what incredible night ! "Sometimes it Snows in
april", maybe my prefer song, I cried thinking
about my mother died 3 years ago. "Pop Life", I
think is the hymn of everyone. "The Everlasting
Now", WOW.... what great jam, really, pressing
rhythm, warm music, horn, your guitar, bass pump
my heart ! I wanna express all my love about u,
your music, your guitar, your incredible ideas, and
all the GREAT components of NPG (good DJ, who
is him ?). Thank u for yesterday, I hope to see u
again, please come back soon, Italy missed u
!!!!!!!!! Don't make us wait for another 12 years
please ! Let the sound and the rythm visit again my
life. I wanna feel live again.
Words wouldn't be fit here anymore it's 12 a.m.
and till now nobody was allowed to talk to me,
'cause I'm still in a delirium to process last night's
events... I probably was one of the youngest
spectators, hoping that you would play Partyman,
knowing that you wouldn't. By the way, maybe the
two young guys from Munich, could, if they ever read this, write their e-mail address to dan.pucher@gmx.de (I'M from kaprun),
just to keep the contact. If I had one minute to talk to Prince, I would probably say, "thank you, that you are. Without you my life
wouldn't be half as much worth living, you're the only one, that can make my good times rollin' ! Thanks for your laugh, thanks for
every band member that has ever joined you, thanks for your justice, thanks for your power, thanks for the music. Thanks to
Renato, whose style reminds me of Esbjörn Svensson, whom I adore, too. Thanks to John, who is so unbelievably friendly, I could
fall in love with the guy ! Thanks to all the other musicians, for the smiling faces and an forever indescribable feeling of gratitude
and bliss." At first I only wanted to write the first sentence, but I hope you understand better now, with all the stuff underneath p.s.:
now I understand, why there was no afterparty - the one in Zurich lasted until five !
Finally, after 12 endless years ! Welcome back, Funkiest Man !. It was marvellous, during the show, to see Prince singing at the
piano, playing the guitar, the bass, preaching, slapping his guitar, climbing the stairs to excite the rest of building (there were
10,000 people in the sold out Pala). At the same time, it was bad to see him not dancing like he used 2 (not even during Housequake
...... damn !). Was the stage too short ? Was the age too long ? No, I guess that it was what he wanted for this intimate tour (real
music by real musicians, he said), that's ok 4 us ! The performance of the entire band (Neto's talent on keyboards struck me) and
obviously Prince was astounding. He is really ... willing and able, more than anyone !
Dear Prince, we have experienced one of the most beautiful nights in our life. We have been waitin' 2 see you in Italy for so much
time and now all has become reality. Thanks..... what else can we say to express all the love we feel now inside our soul. You are with
no doubts one of the most incredible people sharing this life with us. Tonight U made me and my wife feel special. U made us sing,
dance, scream, cry (tears of joy) and also laugh (what about making those guys dance with you on the stage...didn't they look like
N'Sync ?.... wow). And we also received the gift of seeing an old friend of you playing again in your group. Please don't let so many
years pass again to visit our
lifes, creating music for your
fans, for your friends.
Tonight I saw a nice show, very
minimalist and intimate with a
lot of jammin'and funky music.
Prince was in great form and I
could see him doin' the best
with his guitar. It was a concert
4 friends who didn't see from
years...I think it's impossible to
contain a man like P in cd's or
videos and absolutly essential 2
see him in concert 2 have an
idea. Tonight on the stage there
was a man with his band and
they played REAL music, the
kind of music u can only make
with heart. I understand P's
new direction but I expected
more old songs, a different
songs list...However it was a
great performance. THANK U ! comebacksoon
I was tonight in Milano, the first time for me .. with Prince.. ;) beautiful, beautiful, a huge, warm, mad feeling all over the place, I
think I'll always remember everything as one of the greatest experiences of my life... Thank you Prince, thank you NPG, lovely
Sheila and Candy....for this night..
Prince, It's 2:30 in the morning but I won't go 2 sleep b4 I tell U dis : The Milan show's been the greatest musical xperience in my
whole life. I'm a huge fan since I was 10. Now I'm 24, I'm gonna b a jurist but music's been always very important in my life -in my
xtra time I play piano and guitar, I studied composition. Ur music's been the soundtrack of my life. The concert's been my first
Prince-live xperience : after 12 years U sold-out Milan without a record in the charts, with little promotion and with a show with few
"greatest hits" : amazing. There would be 2 much 2 say but the jazzy "Gotta Broken Heart Again" was WOW ! "Did U missed me ?"
Italy definitely missed U. That band is Phat !!!!!!!!!! Hope the warmth of italian audience will convince U 2 come back soon. Don't
make us wait another 12 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back. U're welcome back anytime. There was pure NRG, there really was
LOVE in the air 2night........... Thank U, Prince and the band. C U soon and God bless U.
Arena Di Verona (ITA)
By Giulio Brusati
The show starts with Rainbow children, the song that gives the title to his latest album...but this is not a promotional showcase, so
Pop life is next, from the "Around the world in a day" album, a cd that The Beatles would have loved. The stage is filled with pillows,
and Prince climbs often over the amplifiers to tease the crowd. The stage is the sanctuary of a man who has decided to fight against
the majors and the commercial logics. He invites on stage 4 fans to make them dance with them, and after their awful performance
he calls them "The N'SYNC" ! Then he puts everything in its place with "Purple Rain", singing with maybe too much pathos, maybe
to avoid to be overwhelmed by the crowd's chants. He holds a guitar shaped as the symbol he chose in the 90's to flee from his rcord
company and shock the world of pop. He says "Do you like radios ? Neither do I !" and proposes a new imaginary radio station for
all his fans. After Strange Relationship he proposes his version of Pass the Peas by the Jb's with the immortal Parker's sax line, and
a Whole Lotta Love with a solo "à la Jimmy Page", including the orgasmic interlude, rich of percussions. This is the best radio
station you can imagine. When Sign O The Times starts, the place goes wild... Feel free to label Prince : over, relic, madman, a Don
Chisciotte...The truth is that on stage nothing can be compared to him !
Nov 02
01-11-2002 : Corriere Della Serra (ITA)
L’artista di Minneapolis accompagna novemila fan lungo 25 anni di carriera
By Andrea Lanranchi
Prince a Milano vola libero tra jazz e funk
MILANO - Libero. Di non rispettare le regole imposte dallo show business. Di pubblicare i dischi come e quando vuole. Dopo anni
di liti con le case discografiche, Prince ha scelto di fare da solo e gestisce la sua carriera da un sito Internet. Ieri sera al Palavohls
(unica data italiana del tour) ha dimostrato che la libertà si può anche avere su un palco. Libertà di mischiare generi, stile ed epoche
diversi in un mix unico e irripetibile. Pantaloni e giacca (sciancrata e con abbottonatura alta) neri su camicia bianca, l'artista di
Minneapolis ha aperto il concerto con una trascinante « intro » strumentale : 12 minuti fra jazz e funk accompagnato dagli ottimi
New Power Generatlon («Questa è vera musica suonata da veri musicisti : non quella che si sente in radio», dice a un certo
punto), prima di cambiare regstro su «Pop Life» e chiamare sul palco dei ragazzi scelti nelle prime file per accompagnarlo in un
balletto e poi stendere tutti con la sensuale «Purple Rain» (dove suona la chitarra forgiata come il suo segno grafico, quello che
unisce il simbolo genetico maschile a quello femminile, la freccia alla croce), il suo più grande successo. E per tutte le oltre due ore e
mezzo di show, gioca con i 9 mila in platea portandoli, a spasso lungo 25 anni di carriera senza mai risultare prevedibile o scontato :
alterna pezzi trascinanti, dove è il ritmo a guidare, a momenti pacati con atmosfere da pianobar di lusso, gioca con la voce passando
come se nulla fosse dal recitato al falsetto, salta dai successi che negli anni '80 ne fecero un Michael Jackson per palati tini ai più
recenti album lanciati attraverso il sito www.npgmusicclub.com pubblicizzato sullo sfondo della scenografia. Per avere i suoi cd in
anteprima, înfatti, è necessario iscriversi al fun club online (e sono 100 dollari ogni anno); ieri in platea «The Ralnbow Children», il
suo ultimo cd realizzato in studio, era venduto a 25 euro e i biglietti, da 30 a 80 euro, non erano certo popolari : anche la libertà (e la
qualità) hanno un prezzo.
02-11-2002 : ā™« Rotterdam Soundcheck
(A : Exclusive European Soundchecks – 6/10)
Automatic / Prince Talks / Santana Medley / Flashlight / Xenophobia / A Case Of U / Don’t Play Me / Guitar Interlude / The Truth
Telemarketer’s Blues / The Ballad Of Jed Clampett / Santana Medley
Hey Prince & the Band :D You were funk-tastic ! What a virtuoso performance on the guitar(s), bass and piano ! The sound check –
wow ! Don’t play me, The Truth and A Case of U, which my girlfriend absolutely loves !!! Thanks for the great performance - Mr
Nelson you sang from the soul !!! On Diamonds and Pearls u sang in perfection from high to deep and made it look so easy to us !
And you are welcome in the Netherlands anytime !!! (We have a spare room btw LOL) I was the fonky baldhead in the 2nd row on
such a high from your music - thanks for the opportunity to get so close to the funkafying, the legendary, the hard working and the
awe-inspiring musical/ poetic /spiritual action !
When we came in the arena Prince was already there and the soundcheck started. With even an acoustic part. And a FUNKY very of
Don't play me with the whole band. Just GREAT.
ā™« Rotterdam Ahoy (Feat Sheila E)
* Adv. Start : 8:00PM / Duration : 2.20 / Attendance : 10.394 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €65 / €60 / €55 / €50
(A : Rotterdam We Come 2 Jam – 7/10)
Intro / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Purple Rain (w/ Sheila E) / The Work Pt. 1
Mellow / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake) / Diamonds And Pearls / The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee
Sometimes It Snows In April / Piano instrumental / WNPG Speech
Strange Relationship / The Ride / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Sheila E percussion solo / 7 / Alphabet St
All The Critics Love U In Holland / Flashlight / Anna Stesia / Days Of Wild / Outro
Prince finishes the One Nite Alone... tour of Europe ar the Ahoy, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands. "Flash Light" was played for the only time on the tour.
After the first Rotterdam gig, the Antwerp show, Berlin and Oberhausen we
first didn’t intend to go that early to Rotterdam that day. Eeeeeuuuuurrrr...
WRONG ! The evening of November 1st, the five of us sat down in a local bar
called LandView, talkin’ about how much fun we already had so far. We all
agreed it was one of the best tours the little man did. Lots and lots of euro’s
later, the last Xperience was at hand. So the next day we did go early ! Not
for the reason to take place in the first row but to see and talk to other fans,
something we like to do very much, since we haven’t seen some of them for
four years. The show itself was something different from the other four
shows we had seen. The piano part was quite early and Prince hesitated to
pick up his acoustic guitar, because some fat guy standing next to me
shouted that he should. Then
the thing happened we were
waiting for : he DID pick up the acoustic guitar ! We waited for him to do that for
almost 10 hours of shows and soundchecks. The news he started the encore of the
last London show with an acoustic set reached us and we’ve been longin’ 4 that
eversince. Just Awesome what happened there. Later Candy Dulfer picked me and
my brother’s girlfriend (a fanatic 23 year old newbie in P) to join them on stage and
dance. Believe me, it’s a rush 2 c thousands of people facing the same point and
waving their arms ! The feeling the little guy must have every night he performs... Pffffew ! It was a great moment to enjoy when we
were almost halfway the night (with the Nighttown gig coming up !). And hey everybody, while on stage, I took a peek at this
excellent drummer Mr. Blackwell... 4get the rumors... he DOES sweat !
Prince, What a wonderful night yesterday. I'm still on a high ! Thank you so much for playing Anna Stesia; one of my favourites. The
audience was perfect. In times like these it's nice to see a large number of people being as one. I sure hope we don't have to wait for
another four years to see you perform again in The Netherlands. Thanks again, you're a great inspiration for me (since I first seen
you play in 1988).
The experience that we have been trough tonight, was incredible. Prince, your concert at the Ahoy / Rotterdam was the best ever
!!!!!!!!! It seemed that you were in a VERY GOOD mood, maybe because it was the last concert in Europe and you wanted it to make
it very, very special. And what a surprise there was.......... SHEILA E !!!!!!
Prince I want 2 thank U 4 a wonderfull night, full of harmony. Harmony of funky people and the Harmony 4 2 and a half beautifull
Funky Music !!!!
High everyone, Awww awsome what a Saturtday evening !!! Starting with the soundcheck then the Ahoy concert and than the
afterparty............. Almost to much funk for one day :))) I got home at 6 in the morning and I’m still in the funk zone. Thank you
Prince .......... how did you like the balloons ?? U're the best !! and it was so good seeing you again youre still as sexy as ever hehhehe
Rotterdam witnessed the last gigs of the 'One Nite Alone' tour in Europe. Brothers & Sisters, what an experience was that ! After a
fantastic soundcheck and the best concert performance since the LOVESEXY tour, we went to NIGHTTOWN. Prince, I have no
words !!! The gig at 'NIGHTTOWN' was the greatest experience of my life. Please release the show on CD ! Renato, Rhonda, John,
Greg, Candy, Sheila E, Eric Leeds, Maceo Parker, everybody at NIGHTTOWN, Nathalie, Jochem and Prince...........You are the best !
What an evening and a night.... during The Ladder I was nailed to the ground. I stood there with my girlfriend in my arms, my eyes
closed, I was crying the whole song..... thanx for that beautiful moment in my life. And then the afterparty... what can I say, WHAT
CAN I SAY ? You are the beautiful strange, PRINCE ! Thank you for open up my heart.
It was really amazing what I've seen Saturday night ! Great sound and fantastic performing ! And what a surprise, Sheila E. was
there again. A gift to Holland ! Lovely songs, Starfish and Coffee, The Beautiful Ones, Strange Relationship, Sign of the times, Days
of Wild, Alphabet Street and Anna Stesia. >{? I enjoyed every minute of it. The crowd was crazy about Prince. I have seen every tour
here, from 1986 in Rotterdam til now. May this last for many many years...
Wow It’s Monday now and I am still recovering from the
best Prince experience that I had in my life. The
soundcheck was so much fun I enjoy how relax Prince was.
He was totally in the mood. The show was 2 funky man. I
danced my life away. And the aftergig wow it rocks. Well u
are the best musican in the world I know that before but u
proved it again. I can not wait another 4 years :-). Thanx
Prince it was amazing .
Saturday 2 November we went to the concert in
Rotterdam..... And yeah.....we came to jam !! On of the
best concerts I have been to in the last 10 years ! It was
great ! And for three hours !! Prince is a real artist and the
suprise of Sheila E. and Candy being there was even
greater. What a great band it was; real music with real
people, something you hardly see these days ! Pure music !
We had a wonderful time and we have danced like never
before. Thank u for playing our high school sweetheart
song "Sometimes It Snows In April".....we were very
happy.... "It definitely ain't over !!!!!!!"
I just want to thank U, Prince and the New Power
Generation. I've never seen such good music, fun, purity
and love all at once. U did it and showed to me, which
makes me feel very humble and grateful. I saw U on 15th
and thought that was a great concert. But now I saw U In
Ahoy and Nighttown on the second of November and I was
"flabbercasted". How well U all played !!! And Sheila was
the best suprise of the evening... Unbelievable, that girl
can funk !!! Of course our "hometown girl" Candy blowed
the horns as if it were her last time... U amaze me, girl !
But the whole band is great and very, very talented. I have
also a lot of respect for the drummer.... U played
Nighttown very well, my friend ! Was very funky & funny. I
just want to say I really really am grateful to U, Prince, and
I'll always adore U.
HIGH, JP here from Holland here. After being 2 some
shows across Europe, Rotterdam was the show in my own
Country. I was very pleased that the end of the tour was in
Rotterdam. And that there was an Midnight Concert in
Nighttown. The HighLight of the show was for me Anna Stesia that song is so great and should be on WNPG over and over again
wow just heaven.
Brilliant. That`s the only thing I want to say about the concert. Haven`t heard U go so much freestyle in a long time. Mix of old and
new numbers was exceptionnel. Thanks for playin` Sometime it snows in april. One of youre most special songs ever, and never
heard before in 14 years attending youre concerts. Thanks. Hope you`ll be back soon for a lot more !
“With the actual understanding of God and his law they start 2 build a new nation the Rainbow Children.” With that 1st frase the
show started and Ahoy will never B the same again Prince played his best show of the European leg of the One Nite Alone tour.
Sheila E. was a PERFECT addition 2 the band. I wished she was there for the whole tour. But at least I saw here ones. The Show was
tight and the band was tight Prince was tight and the crowd.
Wow.......This is unbelievable. I have been listening to your music for over 20 years now. Seen all the live shows. But the strange
thing is that they are getting better and better each time (how do you do it ??). You proved it again in Rotterdam. The older
numbers you played have grown and matured. I Especially liked the Sign Of the Times version you played at the Ahoy. It was just
one big "Jam in Rotterdam". You know how to throw a party !!! But above all, I loved the 2nd show at Nighttown. Man, you rock...!!!
I do not have the words to describe it. It was a trip.
Tell me... is this heaven or am i still alive !?!?!?!? I had the most awsome day in my life, if this aint funky I really don't know what is.
At first The Ahoy : The rehearsal started off slow, and was build up to magnificent orgasm, off funk/rock and jazz. The main show,
we all knew !!! [we felt this in our bones], was gonna get funky. The band was havin' a good mood, and the audience was ready 2
give everything and 2 finish this european tour with a BANG. I heard so many songs I really can't tell what was played, but I can
assure u, they played many. I think this band [Rhonda, Greg, Candy, Sheila, John, Renato and Prince] is the most funkiest band in
the world. Please Prince... keep everybody 2getter in the band, because this is an opportunity 2 get loved by ALL the critics in the
world and like u said, u know that "we already love u in HOLLAND". All hypped up, the show in Ahoy ended, and we felt "it aint
over", and it wasn't, on our way 2 Nighttown in the car, we where all stunned and askin' ourselves, how is he gonna beat this, this
must and gonna b the greatest aftershow in the whole tour.
I've been a believer since '84... seen numerous shows... then strayed for some years... but since saturday I remember why I was a
believer...: Baby... u're a st(*)r...! I found my way back...!
I have been to 3 shows before last night and I thought I knew what to expect (greatness) and still I was surprised ! The show and
soundcheck in Ahoy was fantastic and hearing Dont play me and The truth was amazing. The band is even better then great and
Sheila was a real treat. I would also like to take this moment to ask Prince to take Candy with him on tour again next time (hopefully
it wont take 4 years this time). I really have a hard time believing that our little country could produce such greatness as "Candy so
sweet" :)
Dear Prince and the NPG, WOW, what an evening ! I had great expectations, but what you gave to us in Rotterdam was way beyond
our wildest dreams. It was groovy, funky, jazzy, orgasmic ...It's just THUNDER when you're on the mike (and on the guitar and the
piano and whatever !). You gave us goose bumps and at the same time made us feel HOT : what a feeling ! The way you introduced
Sometimes it snows in April, when you asked if we also knew about loss, I yelled at you that I did (but you probably didn't hear me),
but what you gave to me (us) with your voice and your piano was pure love and it made me cry and through your music I was with
my father who I lost a few years ago... And well this might seem sentimental but what the f... It has been 1 great evening, 1 we will
not slightly forget, you made us feel like Rainbow Children. Hope to see you again very very soon and hope you will read this
personally ! (And maybe you can invite me to 1 of your after party's then, because I missed this one again !!!)
First of all .. thank you Prince for visiting Europe after (very long) 4 years. I went to see the show in Antwerp and those in
Rotterdam (both Ahoy and Nighttown). I took a friend, who is not a member and just a casual listener to your music as my guest to
Antwerp. She told me next time you are coming to Europe she’ll be there as well. And I did the same thing for the gigs in Rotterdam
.. guess what, she smiled all the way through the concerts and promised me that next time you are coming to Europe, she’ll be in
attendance as well. I think this proves the power and energy that comes from your concerts .. I’ve seen all the people I invited 4
years ago to the shows in Brussels and Ghent at the Antwerp concert this year. Music might be the one and only force that can all
bring us together as one .. I haven’t seen so many smiling faces at one place together as at
your concerts. Oh, and by the way .. next time you decide to break your guitar .. you can
always give it to me ;-) Just kidding, keep on doing what you do best .. you know we will
keep on supporting you for, as we all hope, many years to come .. love, peace & respect to
Prince, NPGMC and everyone else who shares the love !!
What an amazing night it was ! I think I'm still in a daze after the NPG performance in
Nighttown. Even though I have seen U so many times ever since I was 15 years old (the
Parade-tour), each and every show lifts my spirit up so much. But I guess that is one of
the most important reasons why I always go ;) I wasn't a fam yet, but your first show in
Ahoy this year made me sign up immediately, because in my opinion true musicians
deserve all the support they need ! And the reward was there immediately because I got
the opportunity to be at an aftershow for the first time. I really didn't know what to
expect, even though I heard so many stories about it... It was such an unbelievable
experience ! U could really see that the whole band was enjoying themselves so much !!
Renato, John (what a wicked drum solo !!!), Rhonda, Greg, Candy (jou zien en horen is
een genot voor het oog en oor !), the joy of all of u was showing the whole night and
captured the audience. Not to forget about Sheila, what a wonderful surprise to see u
again and still no one plays percussion like u do ! (and your smile at me when you walked
past the bar is still making my heart glow). And Prince, the way you played the guitar that
night was so mindblowing ! Especially in the last song your emotion transcended to the
whole audience ! But the most memorable song that night was he song you guys played
when u came back after the break was the funkiest and grooviest experience I've ever had.
Simply couldn't stop moving... And my sister, who is also already a fan for years (even
more than me most of the time) said she's never heard anything like it and she had a huge smile on her face all night. Thank u so
much NPG for this unforgettable experience and I hope u will all come back to visit us again real soon !
High, U can wake me up now ! I think eye was dreamin' last night. This was the most exciting concert experience ever. That's 4 sure.
Man, U were tha bomb. From the beginning till the very end. I can't find the words... Soundcheck : thanx for listening 2 us. Hope
security does something about it next time... U still own us a cup of tea. The way U played "A Case Of U", man... Concert : U were
MAD !!! Damn. Anna Stesia, Alphabet st., Housequake... Nighttown : in the front line again !!! U play the guitar like no-one else
can. Thanx 2 the band and Sheila. Hope 2 see U soon again.
Great Party ! I LOVE the funky music. It was the first time I went to see u and band live on stage. It was nice to hear the old songs especially Purple Rain !!. It was even more great to hear/experience your latest music. I hope u will come to Holland more often in
the future. The band was fantastic ! Great percussion by Sheila E. and good play by Candy and all members !! Thank you for giving
your love to us !
Now it's definitely over, at least for Europe. I went seeing you all in Antwerp, Paris Le Zénith and Le Bataclan....And Ahoy,
Nighttown at Rotterdam. You were all awesome, nothin' but really nothin can be compared to this. 8 years ago I read in Miles Davis'
autobiography written by him and Quincy Troupe, that Prince back in 1987, still had to grow as a musician, well in these past years
you definitely did, as far I'm the one that can judge that...You all were spectacular at Nighttown, Prince you can be happy with the
people that surround you, they're sincere ! Keep continuing !!!!!!!!
I only want to let you know that this is the best concert I have a been to. It was great. Sound, voices, everything was perfect. Old
stuff, new stuff... And two-and-a-half hours !!! Prince, you are a big artist. But also are the people of your group. Good message.
Concert was Fantastic ! Prince is back again !
We had the time of our lives last night !!! It feels like a wonderful dream ! Great Music, the BEST musicians ! Nobody can touch his
BAND. Thanks 4 coming Sheila E, ya just gave it that extra funky feeling touch. Thanks 2 Prince and The NPG. You guys exited
outta Europe with a FUNKY BANG !!!!! May I suggest moving Paisley Park to Europe for a little while ?
What-up ALL ? I am a Prince Fan from way back. I am 37 years old and was born and raised and still live in the San Francisco Bay
area. I have seen I believe 7 or 8 Prince shows over the years. Including an encore with Carlos Santana at the Shoerline. I work as a
field service engineer and I travel all over the world. I foud out last week that another Rotterdam show was added, and althought
the pre-sale for the show was over. The aftershow was available. I logged on and confirmed the sftershow. I drove like 800
kilometers from Ansbach Germany to Rotterdam. I bought a ticket for the AHOY stadium show. Prince was in rare form, and 3
songs in he introduced the special guest for the evening. Sheila E.. For me this was pretty crazy cause Sheila is a SF Bay Area girl
and we probably were the only two in the house from there. You could tell Prince and Sheila were diggin playin together again.
ā™« Rotterdam Nighttown Aftershow (Feat Sheila E)
* Duration : 1.50AM / Attendance : 1.000 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : €100
(A : 2nigsunited4WestRotterdam – 7/10)
Instrumental Jam / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / When You Were Mine /
Bambi / The Question Of U (Incl. The One – Fallin’ – Take Five)
1+1+1 Is 3 / Jam (Incl. Funky Stuff – Bustin’ Loose) / Alphabet St
2 Nigs United 4 West Rotterdam / Dolphin / Calhoun Square / Beautiful Strange
Prince plays an aftershow
ar Nighttown, Rotterdam.
Like with the Bataclan
show four days earlier,
$100 tickets had to be
bought in advance for the
concert. The concert began
with a soundcheck, which
had Prince doing some
"one-two” testing at the
microphone. The set began
with an instrumental jam
with Prince on guitar. He
moved on to play some
percussion with Sheila E.,
before returning to the
guitar, he closed the jam
with some bass playing.
Then came "Whole Lotta
Prince and Candy "duelling" on guitar and saxophone. Next came "Family Name"
and a guitar-oriented segment of "When You Were Mine," "Bambi," and "The
Question Of U" going into "The One," a bit of "Fallin" and "Take Five." Following a
drum solo, there was a 20-minute break. The concert resumed with "Soul Power"
featuring a "Rotterdam, we come to jam” chant and solos by Neto and Dulfer. The
funk continued to flow with a bit of "1+1+1 Is 3" and a solo by Greg. Then Sheila E.
took over on percussion and leading the crowd in chants, including "Can’t get
enough of that funky stuff" and "Feel like bustin' loose." "Alphabet St." was next,
before Prince launched an instrumental jam which gave Candy a chance to solo.
Prince yelled out "two nigs united for west Rotterdam !" The concert continued with
"Dolphin" and "Calhoun Square," before the set closed with "Beautiful Strange." Prince threw down the microphone, threw his guitar
in the air and left (he seemed upset about something). It was a somewhat odd ending to a wonderful show.
And then your performance by the aftershow in Nighttown, with a lot of great songs : Alphabet Street, The One, Question of
U..........and a lot more. 2 hours of great FUNK !! With great performance from your band Candy, Sheila E, Rhonda, John, and Greg.
Thanx for the wonderful One Nite Alone Tour and don't let us wait for another 4 years
Then we went 2 Nighttown where the aftershow started it was FONKY !!! with some highlights I must mention like : * 2 nigs united
in west Rotterdam * Calhoun Square * Beautiful strange - his BEST version ever and that was the end Prince left us and 1 thing left
in my mind and I still hear it over and over again.
At 03.00 the show in Nighttown started, and it was loud, started up with some jamming on the guitar, and a solo by every band
member, soon it looked like that it was gonna b guitar night [and this must be played at loud volume], Men !!!!...... that this sound
just comes from 1 guitar and played by only one men [pffffhhh] my ears r still ringin'. At one moment, I think in the middle of the
show, a girl behind me grabbed me, and closed her arms around me, and said she wanted 2 dance with me, the music took us true
the whole song. [D... :-(, I can't remember the song, but it felt GOOD]. So if this is what u mean by become ONE, Prince we have 2
do this more often. At 04.30 or somewhat near this time, show ended and the same as in Ahoy, it ended with a BANG !!! Prince
throwing is his blue guitar in the air and dropped it on stage, and lettin' the snares finish, his performance. I just wanna say thank u,
to the band and 4 giving me a day 2 never forget and i think this day, must b a reason, 2 come back every year.
Been around since Lovesexy 1988. Never been 2 a aftershow though. After 25 big shows through tha years I was hopin' 2 hear
something different this time. Boy o boy did my dreams come true. I stood 1st row 2 the left and almost got hit by the microphone
wich he threw away. The jams where awesome. This band is put 2-gether 2 play stuff like this in a place like Nighttown. This one
would be a nice present under tha christmas tree.... I have seen 2 main shows (the first Rotterdam Ahoy, and Oberhaussen).
Nighttown really was the cream on the cake 4 me. Thanx 4 the experience. I'll Come back again next time....... if my wife let's
I want to tell you that I loved your show in Nighttown. I coud not be there in Ahoy that night but I was there alredy at 15 october. In
Nighttown you set everybody on fire and I loved that very much. I waved at your tour bus I hope you have seen me.
When the show at Ahoy was
over I felt so lucky that I had 2
tickets to Nighttown so we
hurried to the club. After
some waiting the pleasure
went on with some amazing
guitarwork ! Before I went I
thought the price was high but
now I know that it was a
bargain. I think I would have
happily paid the price for just
Calhoun Square or to be able
to watch Candy and Prince
have a sax/guitar "fight". I
dont think I will ever forget
this experience. So thanks to
NPGmusicclub and everybody
who made this possible. And
of course a big thanks to the
man ! Its all about the music
and the music ROCKS ! Loved
it, thanks. Don’t listen to
negative sounds because this
club works and it proved it
again this tour !
The aftershow was .....in a word Amazing. I got there early and posted up against the stage 10ft right of Prince Directly in front of
Sheila...The club was small but the cramkmed like 1500 people in. Prince played what I believe I can tell was what he enjoys the
most all out freestyle. They played Led Zepplin, Stones, James Brown, Graham Central Station, mixed in with his own music. Every
song was an amazing display of Prince's all out Guitar skills, along with solo's by the band that were all freestyle. There is no one on
Earth that can play like Prince and he was in seriously Rare form last night. It was worth every minute of the 16 hour driving I did
alone, I will never forget the experience. One thing I have to say about the fam's in Holland. Im not really sure that they were
familiar with all the songs he played, but they too were amazed by the pure Funk and skill of the show, and they do LOVE and
ENJOY the man. I’m a FUNK minded individual, and I have seen the Funkiest man on Earth in the right place at the right time. I
highly reccommend it if at all possible in yer lifetime..... Thank you Prince and NPG.... P.S. I hope Sheila reads this and remembers
Another amazing night...we went to the gig in Nighttown and it was unforgettable !!! It's hard to find words to describe what this
night meant to us.... This last concert in Nighttown was the best reward you could give your fans (and you know that the Dutch fans
are your biggest fans around the world !) especially because it was the last one in Europe. We loved to hear "Bambi" and "When you
were mine" and all the other songs ! Unfortunately the crowd was not as loud and enthusiastic as we hoped they would be, but we
screamed and sang along all the way, so you must have heard us.... Thanks to Sheila E., that was such a nice surprise. Also thanks to
Renato and Greg who were very kind after the show and all the other band members ! We are a little sad now 'cause there are no
concerts to come in Europe anymore, but we definitely hope to see you and the band again soon. Like so many people said before :
don't let us wait for another 4 years...that's way too long. The European tour might be over, in our hearts "it ain't over" and we'll
keep on supporting you !!
End of ONA Europe Tour
After the US, Prince took the show overseas, first to Europe and then to Japan. I only saw two shows (and one rehearsal and
aftershow) of the European leg of this tour, both in London, and wish I’d attended more. On the second of three nights at the
Hammersmith Apollo, I went as a regular punter : the seats were bad and we were openly mocked by Prince for not being members
of his club. The next night I went back with a friend who was a member of the NPG Music Club and enjoyed the best Prince
experience I’d had to date (there would be better to follow). The rehearsals he was letting fans into were less rehearsals than miniperformances in themselves, with Prince joking and bantering with the crowd (a couple entering late were shocked to nearly bump
into him in the aisle). From the back on the first night, surrounded by audience members intolerant of Prince’s latest sound, it felt
as if the new material was falling flat; up front the next day, it felt as if he only really cared about the dedicated fans in the first few
rows, who’d been prepared for what to expect by the rehearsals. The after-show that night wasn’t epic; the best after-show in
Europe was an extraordinary night in Copenhagen when Prince and his band ranged freely through styles, going from an
extraordinarily heavy version of ‘Whole Lotta Love’ to a cover of ‘Take 5’.
11-2002 : Daily Yomiuri
Prince takes the pulpit
By Paul Jackson
"It's not what you know, it's what you're prepared to learn." This is the pearl of wisdom Prince has been espousing on his latest
world tour. It seems he wants everyone to relate to the here and now and cast aside all references to the eccentric name-changing,
prodigious libido and overused royalty and purple metaphors. Prince's latest incarnation is the jazz-influenced Jehovah's Witness
that surprised many with a slick and challenging release, The Rainbow Children, at the end of last year. And it is this material that is
likely to provide the core of his forthcoming dates in Japan, the first in six years. According to reviews so far, Prince is performing
better than ever. He's more focused on the music and he's cut back on the endless costume changes and the gymnastic theatrics that
left some fans awestruck by his outrageous dancing and others irritated by his breathlessness at the mike. Instead of playing with a
troupe of semiclad dancing musicians struggling to squeeze on a prop-filled stage, Prince's band will be a pared-down outfit
featuring bassist Rhonda Smith, pianist Renato Neto and drummer John Blackwell. Greg Boyer, Eric Leeds and Maceo Parker will
comprise the all-star horn section. Although the band is one of Prince's smaller touring outfits, all its members can dazzle on stage
and cope with their leader's vertiginous musical changes from ax-wielding rock to sizzling funk to lighthearted pop or any of the
other styles on which he has built his career. And with fewer players on stage the sound is likely to be a little less indulgent than in
the past. Judging from the material on Rainbow Children, the style is likely to be jazzier, too. Perhaps this relatively intimate
musical outfit will also give Prince more of an opportunity to showcase his underrated talents as a ballad singer--his fragile, almost
vulnerable vocals remain as poignant as ever as witnessed on
the track "She Loves Me 4 Me" on Rainbow Children. This
cut and others from the unusual album are likely to comprise
a large part of his repertoire in Japan, although he may also
tease the crowd with a few of his biggest hits. But Prince
seems determined to show that the music he is producing
today is more relevant than his rich pop legacy, including
songs such as "Purple Rain," "Sign 'O' The Times," "Kiss,"
"Alphabet Street" and "Cream." Those who claim Prince is
now a musical irrelevance should be reminded that a string
of sellout shows proves that the musical overachiever from
Minneapolis, Minn., has maintained an outstanding appeal
among music fans despite minimal promotion and a marked
distancing from the workings of the commercial pop music
business. Indeed, Prince seems bent on asserting his
relevancy by demonstrating how irrelevant the entertainment
industry itself is. The logic of reclaiming his name after his
last publishing contract expired in 1999 was symbolic of
Prince's desire to take full control over of his artistic output,
and while he can no longer boast the multimillion-dollar
promotional support of a major label, he can now release as
many albums in a year as he likes. The output for this year
alone is scheduled to reach four discs. None of them, though,
is currently on sale in record shops. Instead, they are all due
to be delivered free to members of Prince's fan organization,
the NPG Music Club. Members have to pay to join, of course,
but the attractions include downloads of exclusive tracks,
inside information on after-show parties and preferential
seating at gigs. All these benefits seem part of Prince's
philosophy to make direct contact with consumers of his
work and sidestep the regular workings of the music biz.
"How long...before a critical mass of established artists
realize that it is in their best interests, both artistically and
commercially to leave the system for good ?" posits "A
Nation of Thieves," a controversial article posted on Prince's
official Web site. This article and others on the site explore a
whole range of issues relating to the music business that
make it abundantly clear that Prince feels he hasn't been the
only musician exploited by the music business. But is all this
pontificating and apparent generosity merely another sign of Prince's eccentricity ? Perhaps not. Look at Prince's contemporary,
Michael Jackson. His last album Invincible sold 2 million copies in the United States alone--far beyond the sales of Rainbow
Children. But Sony thought this figure too low, reportedly prompting the company to ask Jackson to repay some of the 20 million
dollars they spent on promoting the album. Maybe Prince has a point after all.
05-11-2002 : NPGMC
Request It Now ! :
COMMON'S new joint with MARY J. BLIGE will have brothas TEARIN' UP their pimp cards ! Check 4 it on the local stations...or
even better : REQUEST IT NOW !
It Takes More :
MS. DYNAMITE'S video 4 the jam "It Takes More" is light years ahead of all the U.S. wannabees. 2 bad it will never c the light of
these years 4 BET is afraid of CHANGE.
08-11-2002 : The Time @ Detroit
13-11-2002 : NPGMC
Something FUNKY ur way COMES !
One Nite Alone : Asia Preview
Several readers have provided us with links 2 the following article on Prince & The NPG's 4thcoming appearances in Asia :
Prince takes the pulpit, Daily Yomiuri Online, November 2002
15-11-2002 : ONA Japan Tour
Prince takes the One Nite Alone... tour to Japan, launching a nine-date tour at Kokusai Forum Hall, Tokyo. The tour was actually
the most extensive tour of Japan that he had undertaken, having previously played four shows in 1986, eight in 1989, five in 1990,
four in 1992, seven in 1996. The show and band remained the same as in Europe and there were only a few set list modifications
made for the Japanese tour. As in Europe, the piano segment usually included between five and 10 songs, but one concert in
Japan featured only one song and another Japanese show two songs in the piano medley. Most commonly played were "Adore,"
"Diamonds And Pearls," "The Beautiful Ones," "Nothing Compares 2 U," "The Ladder," and "How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore."
Prince left out the piano segment four times in Japan. Two Japanese shows included Prince’s take on Nikki Costa's "Push And
Pull" (from the Blow soundtrack and Costa's Somebody Got Their Something, both from 2001). One show in japan included the
Santana medley after "When You Were Mine," while another Japanese concert skipped "When You Were Mine” in favour of a
unique segment : Graham Central Station’s "Hair" / "777-9311"/ "The Stick" / Graham Central Station's "Water" (from Ain't No 'boutA-Doubt It, 1975) / The Commodores' "Brick House" (from Zoom, 1977). The encores in Japan were similar to Europe, with the
exception of the addition of "Last December," which closed three shows and opened the encore portion once. "A Love Bizarre," “All
The Crirics Love U In New York," "Alphabet St.," and "Last December" were the most frequent encore selections.
ā™« Tokyo Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.35
(A : Japanese Soundcheck Sampler – 8/10)
Last December / Gimme Some More / Last December
It’s been 5 years and 309 days... (Sing along in the key of “Nothing Compares 2 U”) Prince
and the NPG are back in Japan ! It’s been too long of a wait ! The first concert of the
Japanese leg of the tour was last night. It was AWESOME ! Prince really blew the crowd
away ! The gates were supposed to open at 05:30PM for the public but it was delayed due
to sitting trouble for NPGMC members. Finally the NPGMC members were let inside of
the hall around 06:00PM for a brief 30-minute soundcheck. When we began to enter the
hall, the NPG was already playing “Last December”. After NPGMC members got to their
seats, Prince arrived ! Prince was greeted loudly with a standing ovation. Two songs were
played during the soundcheck, which was very intense and completely instrumental.
Songs performed were “Last December” and a funky song with horns that included parts
of “Let’s Work” and then going back to “Last December” with Prince just playing the
guitar for the close.
High ! Prince and NPGMC. Welcome back ! We had been waiting 4 a long time. Eye really
appreciate Prince 4 remembering my name "TUNA". (Eye was funny guy at First Nite of
Xenophobia Celebration) Eye was so surprised when Prince said "Where is Tuna ?" at the
sound check. Eye couldn't believe my ears...but soon Eye rose my hand up and answered.
Then Prince joked "Eye came all the way over 4 U. U must be there." Need less 2 say,
what more could Eye want ? Eye was so blessed. Eye want to send my graditute 2 Prince to put me up on a stage again next 2 U.
ā™« h Tokyo Kokusai Forum
(2:39 / 2:00)
* Adv. Start : 6:30PM / Duration : 2.35 / Attendance : 5.012 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : ¥11,000
(A : Get Funky Tokio – 7/10 * V : One Nite Alone Kokusai - 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Purple Rain / The Work Pt. 1
1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster) / Mellow (Incl. Bootzilla – (I Like) Funky
Music) / I Got A Woman / The Other Side Of The Pilow / Strange Relationship
Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Adore / Starfish And Coffee / Girls And Boys
Automatic / Shake ! / Condition Of The Heart / Sometimes It Snows In April
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore / Empty Room
Anna Stesia (Incl. The Greatest Romance Ever Sold)
The show started about 07:10PM and finished at 9:50PM. As usual, John
Blackwell’s funky drum solo started the show ! Prince was highly motivated from
the first song “Rainbow Children” and was so COOL and GLOWING. His positivity
brought us joy & excitement and really blew us away ! Unfortunately we didn’t
have an afterparty, but we understood that Prince and the NPG needed some rest
because of the time difference. We’ll have plenty of opportunity for one later. I
have to mention that “TUNA”, who was on stage the first night of “Xenophobia”,
was called up on stage by Prince and danced under the big spotlight ! And when
Prince asked the guy in the front to sing a sensitive part of “How Come U Don’t
Call Me Anymore”, the “call me...” part, the guy groaned badly way off key “CALL
ME !” Prince with a surprised look on his face jokingly called for security ! We
really laughed out loud ! Prince asked for some simple call out responses like
“TOKIO-WO-O !” several times. He must like it a lot ! He thanked us several times
as we enjoyed his music, showing him lots of appreciation and love. At last,
NPGMC members had big troubles getting seats due to the misdirection by the Japanese promoter and many people could not
enjoy the whole show due to security reasons. But I must say
that Prince & NPG staff and NPGMC volunteers helped us a
lot. We can work things out with the “Love 4 One Another”
spirit ! I personally enjoyed the show itself very much ! I’ve
never had such a good seat in my whole life and appreciate
Prince & the NPG for giving me an opportunity for such a
good seat.
What can I say ? Where can I start... There R not enough
words 2 express how great the show was and how I feel after
experiencing it. The first show in Japan/Tokyo at the
Kokusai Forum... I just want 2 thank U Prince, for a
Unbelievable performance. It was more than I dreamed of. I
knew it was gonna B a nite I wouldn't forget after U said "I'm
feeling kinda hyper 2nite" at the soundcheck. Just 2 C U
right there made my heart soar ! And then the Show !!!
"Purple Rain" "Take Me W/U" "Raspberry Beret" "Pop Life"
"Girls & Boys" "Anna Stesia" "Sometimes It Snows In April"
"The Ladder"..... I didn't want it 2 end. You made me laugh,
smile, sing, dance, and cry... I 'm still soooo excited and high
off UR prezence I can't sleep ! 2 more shows in Tokyo... And
hopefully an after party (Pleeze !) I can't wait 2 C U again...
High, It's almost 6 years since Prince came to Japan last (Jan 1996). We had been waiting so long !! All
Japanese fams welcome all of you and hope you enjoy the stay in Japan. Simply but emphatically I say
that THE SHOW WAS AWESOME !!! Prince & NPG really blew us away !!! I proud myself I am a
NPGMC member. When Prince showed up on the stage at the sound check, he was greeted with loud
cheers and standing obeisant. The sound check was very tensed. NPG played "The Last December" and I
really wish that Prince sing this song to us. Because many of us love this song, and this was big hit in
Japan. As the summery for the concert, I have to mention that TUNA, who was on the stage at the first
night of Xenophobia, he called up on the stage by Prince and danced under the big spot light !! "TUNA,
get fonky ! TUNA, get fonky !" Unfortunatly we didn't have after party or after show for the first night.
But I believe that we will have a plenty of opportunity for it. This is just a begging ...You know !! ;-)
Hi Prince & NPGMC ! It's good to have
you back to Japan, Prince. I can hardly
express my feeling ! I don't know what
should I say ? I'm poor at English, but I'd
like to share you our experiences of One
Night Alone tour at Kokusai-forum today.
We'd been waiting for a long time that
Prince came to Japan. Some of us could
go to the CELEBRATION, but most of us
couldn't go there. But I've been to the CELEBRATION twice times.
Anyway, this time show was a little different from One Nite Alone at
P.P. Prince played the sound check and the show as soon as he reached at Narita airport. Prince spoke slowly & simply for us. We
have to say thank you so much. And Tuna was backed on the stage, or it was just my imagination ? (I hope I could dance on the
stage someday.) Any way we love you. We're proud of you, Prince. Thanks again. See you soon.
Welcome 2 Japan, Prince ! "LAST DECEMBER" on soundcheck had no vocal, but Eye believe he will sing the song during Japan
Tour ! Eye love the horn phrase of Mr. Greg on "POP LIFE" TO-KI-O-AHH-OHH fits so well on "SIGN 'O THE TIMES (2 Heavy 2
4get)". When somebody moaned on "HOW COME U DON'T CALL ME ANYMORE" in strange voice, he called the security &
everyone was laughing. "EMPTY ROOM" knocked me out. We will have 2 more nites in Tokyo, there would b lots more songs 2
come ! And we r looking 4ward 2 aftershows ! (Please do !!) Love, Peace & Truth.
Welcome back 2 Japan, Prince ! I went to your concert in Tokyo today. I'm really happy to see you and your great performance here
in Japan again. I'd thought I wouldn't be able to see your live until today... the very time I first heard that "funky" sound ! The
concert was just amazing ! I'm still on high and cannot sleep because I am soooo excited. I feel really energized and spiritually
healed. Thanks for the wonderful "One Nite Alone Tour." Please don't forget the fans here in Japan. We all are always waiting for
your great performance. Thanks to Prince and band members for the greatest performance ever been sold. Luv ya...
17-11-2002 : Hamamatsu Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.20
Instrumental / Peach
ā™« Hamamatsu Act City Hall
* Duration : 2.10
(A : Whole Lotta Love – 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Pop Life / Purple Rain
The Work Pt. 1 / Mellow / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster) / The Question Of U
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Joy In Repetition
All The Critics Love U In Japan (Incl. A Love Bizarre)
The concert was, to say the least, mesmerizing. From the sound check till the
house lights went up, the place was jumping. I have never been to concert that was
so electrifying ! Thank you so much for letting my fiancé and I get up on stage and
dance. She was thrilled. She talked of nothing else all the way home. A great big
thanks to Doug for making our entrance to the sound check smooth and easy. He
deserves a raise ! See you in Nagoya !
2day is the special day 4 (ou)r family bcuz one & only day we bought tickets 4 r
children. Entrance was superfunkycarifragismoother than first day. Mr.Prince,
thanx a lot 4 calling my daughter Mana on stage & letting her dance next 2 U !!!
Also Thanx 2 Mr. Takumi 4 giving Prince Logo Kids Maraca 2 children ! The stage
was filled with lots of NRG & love during the concert ! So many NPGMC dancers
on the stage & floor. They got their groove on. "Hamamatsu ! Oh-We-Oh-We-Oh
(from Jungle Love)" was fun-fun-fun. From the first moment when Rhonda &
Renato alone started play their instruments, Eye noticed "Wow, they'll play "Joy
In Repetition" !” It was different arrangement from the song played @ L.A. Kodak
Theater Show in April. "The Work pt.1" was also different arrangement from
House Of Blues version 7 months ago (Eye was there). Eye can't choose which ones r better, but THE DIFFERENCE of them always
blow me away ! Yes, it's about Real Music by Real Musician ! One has 2 wonder... Y the MIDRIFF-BARING CRAZE hasn't hit the
Japanese women yet...nor the propensity 4 obesity. In America, sometimes these 2 go hand-in-hand.(funkface goes here !)
HAMAMATSU : Guess PRINCE got his snooze on, cuz he sho ROCKED Act City, like t'wasn't no 2morrow ! Whoever said
Hamamatsu don't party- was smokin' crack, cuz those freaks got BUSY ! Speaking of crack- did u'all c that last dude who was
dancing so far ahead of the beat- he was in2 his next LIFE ? HE WAS COOL !
18-11-2002 : ā™« Tokyo Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.00
(A : Living 4 The City – 6/10)
Tokyo / Money Don’t Matter Tonight / Living 4 The City / Uptown Up / Drum Solo
Also Sprach Zarathustra / Time 2 Get Funky
The “Tokyo” instrumental was released on C-Note.
High ! It's us again. This was the first day of Budokan. They per4med 4-5 songs
(including Partyup & Money Don't Matter 2nite) @ the soundcheck (tho we couldn't
listen all bcuz of isakana's job).
Tokyo (Live) * - C-Note
ā™« Tokyo Budokan
* Adv. Start : 7:00PM / Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : ? / 10.000 / Tick. Price : ¥9.800
(A : Everlasting One – 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia / Purple Rain / The Work Pt. 1
Mellow / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster) / The Question Of U / Drum Solo
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / The Ride / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Condition Of The Heart
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World / Diamonds And Pearls / Adore / The Beautiful Ones
Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee / Sometimes It Snows In April
Days Of Wild
BLAST ! Budokan raised the roof due
to Prince & the NPG with tunes from
Rainbow and the past, with the
Master letting his guard down to
allow the freaks on stage. I saw the
same ones 2 nites in a row and was
happy to hear Him refuse the same
dancers up...except for the TARO or
TUNA dude. Oh well, he gave us all another chuckle... Loved it when HE shoved the
'dancin'freak' away from THE MIC, you show 'em whose house it is !! Gotta a complaint
about the Japanese staff tho...Prince, u gotta tell 'em to loosen' UP !! My seat was last in the row, and they kept poloitely telling me
to stay inside while I danced...C'MON ! U know there ain't enuff room to dance b/w rows and there's NO WAY I'm not gonna get
down during a PRINCE show, no *******way ! PLUS, they wouldn't give a res.ticket for my spouse who couldn't make it to the
soundcheck ontime. Turns out, they gave her a ticket for the next section over, and 2 rows back. (Special Thanks to the Japanese
guy who switched seats with her after the show started, appreciate it dude !)
I'm a Korean fan living in Seoul, Korea. I flew to Tokyo to see Prince and NPG concert on Sep.18. Because Prince has never come to
Korea and has no immedate plan, I had to go abroad to see his concert. Well, the concert was entierly worth my flying to another
country. I have been Prince's fan for almost 20 years. It was 20 years itch ! I found Prince was as fresh as 20 years ago. Thanks for
making my dream come true ! That night, as he shouted, Budokan, Tokyo was totally his house ! It made me happy to find Maceo
Parker's face. I went to Maceo Parker's concert at Boston in '94. It's a pleasant expectation to wonder to which country Prince leads
me next time. Let me keep checking your web site and select next venue !
We have been to Budokan many times but this was first time that the theater physically shook. By the fams dancing footsteps. From
the beginning we were electrified to see P appear playing the drums. P also played the guitar, keyboard, bass and of course vocals.
This was not a common concert where the audience mainly listens and claps sometimes; every single fam was dancing and singing
all the way along. Some of the fams danced on the stage, can U dig it ! I never heard a tune so funky when P started to say ‘I can’t
stop’ while playing the guitar along with Maceo’s sax. Let me give a word for all the Japanese fams who are a bit shy to write in
English. All of them would like to xpress their gratitude and love to P & NPG. At the moment the Japanese Fam’s sites are going
crazy. Everyone who went to Budokan is saying that the music has not stopped in their heads so they can’t sleep or work.
Yowza ! saw this one from up above the snowline on the second floor of shakeyobootykan and although the air was rare the sound
travelled and we were treated to 2 and a half hours of funkenstuff. Yeah. Absolutely loved what he did with all the new stuff-it all
sounded so rich and real. and did I mention funky ? Even had a little burst of Love Rollercoaster by the Ohio Players in amongst it
all. But it was definitely about the future and evolving this music to make us all feel alive. And I haven't felt so vibed and alive since
Me'shell Ndegeocello played at the Blue Note here in Tokyo. Still
got the stoopid smile on my face !
4 the fist time I stood in a line 4 about 7 hours. And of course, it's
worth too much ! For I was in the 2nd row (!), very close 2 him.
At SC time, at first, he played the bass (sittin' at the edge of the
stage). We got so nervous and excited, we sat down, and quietly
listened him playing. Suddenly, he stopped playing, smiled,
pointing one peg of the bass. There was a little pig doll on that
peg. We got relaxed, and then he let us stand up, and gave us a
present,"PEACH". So cool ! The whole show was Amazing ! I
wished it could be everlasting. I almost began 2 cry when "POP
LIFE" started. I thanked everything for my knowing and loving
his music.
Last nite I was FUNKED !!! Thank you Prince & the NPG ! This
was the second show of the One Nite Alone tour that I got to be a
part of (first one was Vancouver in May). I wondered what the
audience response would be like here, because of the language
barrier, but I should've known Prince can rock any crowd,
anywhere, anytime !! This crowd could not get enough, 2 encores
and people still lingered after, just hoping for more. The best part
was that I believe Prince was really having a lot of fun ! A healthy
dose of Sign o' the times and Maceo Parker walking out on stage,
from the crowd, playing his sax was definitly enough to satisfy
this truly adoring fan (if it was the last concert of my life) but it
didn't end there... What a thrill ride !! A deaf man could've heard and felt that music !
Tokyo's Budokan was Prince's house last night. Our fearless DJ guided us thru the best thing to hit these shores in a long time !
Maceo - tasty lix had me lickin my fingas. John - chops 4 dayz - I know U amazed us ALL & made em shake dey booty the band as a
whole are tight as ever. Not a band out there that can touch em' and Prince himself ?? Yeah, heard people round me sayin "that guy
can do anything" damn right ! All worries about the Rainbow Children album not selling in Japan did not matter has real fans filled
the place & P rocked the joint hard. We Luuved the jazzy arrangements, props to Prince for the dope arrangements. And yeah, he
did seem to tailor the show to the Jpn crowd, playing lotsa hits in medley form on his piano. But the new music was especially
fonkin' & gave all those who haven't head TRC a good taste of the newstuff that Japanese radio will not play. It’s not only the US as
Prince said during the show "radio in America – BAD !"
Thank you for the day. It was a full of FUNK and never wanted the show to end. All these music and the voice of Mr Prince, and
NPG musicians had hit all of our hearts and soul. That's the real music ! NOT BUSSINESS ! Plese let me A for the Q of Radio
WNPG. If it would be the last concert in my life, I would be so satisfied. Thank you for all of your real music and the music to come.
We have already xperienced three Japanease concerts in 4 days & setlist kept on changing. Xenophobia appeared at last ! The Ride,
Housequake (in 1+1+1=3), The Most Beautiful Girl In The World, The Beautiful Ones (Long !), Days Of Wild !!! also appeared. The
Work Dance Contest was very fun. One Prince-Look-A-Like-Guy was invited 2 stage among 5 people, and Prince treated him like
"Hey, who's this strange guy ? Watch out people. Don't go closer 2 him." When the guy walked near P, Prince pretended 2
runaway. And after the dance contest, crowd praised him with the biggest clap ! The first song in Piano Encore was "Condition Of
The Heart" ! This is Japanease people's favorite besides "Sometimes It Snows In April". We surpised with Adore was performed
WITH John Blackwell. We think Prince change the order & arrange 4 Japanease people. Real Music by Real Professional Musician ?
Prince made us shout "Shake ur booty call !" during "Days Of Wild".
2 Face Afterparty
Afterparty was held @ 2 Face. We left there b4 Prince came. Eye hope someone will post about it. And since we're on the subject... Y
did the Tokyo Club members peaceably CHECK their cameras when asked, as opposed 2 SMUGGLING them in2 the establishment
and trying 2 snap shots incognito ? Needless 2 say, security was pleasantly surprised !
Tha afterparty wuz kool BUT Prince, would of hurt ya to say a few words to the crowd ?? I know the maj. would've understood u,
their E ain't that bad. Can hardly wait 4 the LIVE cd and thanx for the intro to ur new wife, u look good 2gether ! Hey Prince, is
there anything u CAN'T do ?? (I'm still waiting for ur next movie, c'mon man, u know u got the talent bro !)
To tell you honestly, I am having difficulty to write this myself since my wife and I attend the After Party at Two Face. The rainbow
music is still running in our heads. Believe it or not, we danced through the night with P as DJ. One more thing, P’s smile was so
nice our souls are full of love right now. I have never seen my wife so happy since she had her operation a month ago. Thank you for
the One Nite Alone.
19-11-2002 : ā™« Tokyo Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.00
(A : Living 4 The City – 6/10)
Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) / On Broadway / My Favorite Thing / The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker (Incl. 4) / Adore / Use Me
Prince Talks / A Case Of U / When You Were Mine / Last December
ā™« h Tokyo Budokan
(2:13 / 2:02)
* Adv. Start : 7:00PM / Duration : 2.30 / Attendance : ? / 10.000 / Tick. Price : ¥9.800
(A : Rise Up ! – 7/10 * V : One Nite Alone In Japan - 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Purple Rain / The Work Pt. 1
The Other Side Of The Pillow / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake) / The Question Of U
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine
Gotta Broken Heart Again / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / Last December / Peach / Alphabet St
All The Critics Love U In Tokyo (Incl. A Love Bizarre) (Incomplete)
I was deeply impressed by your live at BUDOKAN. Please come to Japan
again ! We will welcome you anytime. I am very happy to live same age
with you. Thank you, PRINCE. Please go on to be brilliant for ever.
I'm so glad I decided to travel to Japan for some shows ! I think what
really made these three shows in Tokyo so great was the audience ! It
was such a great thing to see fams that truly RESPECT Prince and the
band ! I can't remember any show in the US, Canada or the UK where
the piano medley was so beautiful as in Tokyo on the 15th and 18th !
This was the first time he made it through without people yelling out or
being obnoxious. It was simply beautiful ! This is not to say that these
fams were overly conservative ! They do know how to get funky ! I
thoroughly enjoyed watching the dancers each night ! Speaking of
dancing.........thanks for the offer to dance, Prince. It was a nice gesture,
but, maybe next year ! I need to work on a little thing called confidence !
John......Thanks for taking the time to talk to us ! You really know how to
make the members feel special ! And the new solo was great !
Greg.......Wow ! You made my night twice ! Prince......Thank you for
three more fabulous nights ! The music is the best thing for my soul and
I can't explain how powerful it is when I get it live ! I hope
that you can see it in my eyes ! (I think you have) Tokyo
npgmc...... Thank you for your hospitality ! This was
definitely among my top three cities this year ! You are all
very kind and it was great to see people line up and treat
everyone with respect ! It was nice to come home without
feeling beat up........emotionally or physically ! Your home is
a beautiful place ! Thank you again !
I really thank u 4 the greatest musicians. John
Smith·······Thumb of LARRY ! Renato Neto······Water flows
Greg Boyer······An Elephant, there was,,,, Mr Maceo
PRINCE·····The GREATEST musician in the world, WOW !!!
The show was almost perfect ! except someone who shouted
Prince's mike on the stage during dance contests !! Prince
did not play some pretty songs from his latest album which
he usually played. Muse 2 the pharaoh, Mellow, and also
Xenophobia............. As he put off these melodious songs from set list, I think that the show became more tight and funky. Actually,
it seemed that he wanted to play more and more funky. He tried to communicate whith us quite often. And when he made a lot of
audience took up to the stage to let them dance, he looked like enjoy and really happy. Especially as I surprised, Prince started the
end half show with Last December ! Today was the first day that he played this beautiful and spiritual song in Japan.....Maybe all of
the world. From this point, the show was completely different than any other performance that he had been played in this tour.
Prince played Peach, Alphabet st, A Love Bizzare, All the critics love in NY (Tokyo) etc. with hard and cool and funkyheavy guitar,
and incredible keyboard, (no one can't play like him !) instead of Condition of the heart, Starfish and coffe, The ladder, Sometimes it
snow in April... At the end of this show, it was a real funkyparty !! He made to turn all the lights on and made us screamed, shouted,
jumped and danced. I felt that I was in the mood of his aftershow !! somewhere in the small club........... I'm quite satisfay about one
of the greatest show ever been peformed. And I had really expected one more another funkytight show at SIBAURA Two-face.
Welcome back to Japan, Prince ! All of the fams in Japan really happy
and had been waiting for you for 6years ! I went to the 3 nights of the
shows in Tokyo. I felt that different impression from him each day.
We were deeply struck by him and his play. And we had a really really
enjoyed his music and his world...And what a smile !! He was so cute
and so nice ! His smile makes us so happy and so excite ! On 19th
night, fortunatly I got on the stage ! I'll never forget this in my life !!!!
I just wanna say thank u Prince & The NPG. I always appriciate that
all you do for us. One Night Alone Tour (this is good party, right ?)
still continue in Japan. It ain't over !!!!!
Finally you made it ! Last time I reported was
about Sun Jose jam last summer and asked you to
come to Japan then. Anyway, I went to the 2nd jam at Budokan. The band was so cool and the show was so cool
and you were soooo cool ! Everything was just perfect. You did come to Japan to Party ! THANK YOU SO MUCH
! and yet, it ain't over ! Waiting for next time.
Oh my God he played Peach !! Also my favorite The other side of the Pillow, It ain't over, and on and on...me &
my friend just kept dancing and dancing like crazy, waving our hands in the air the whole time !! Towards the
end he let all lights in the place right up and kept on jamming for about 30 minutes. It was like whole BUDOKAN
turned a big afterparty !! He shouted "eye can't stop" a couple times, & so were we !! We couldn‘t stop dancing
because everytime we put down our hands, the one & only Prince would go scare me off asking "Can I Go Home
?" !!! Lord, H*** NO !!! (sorry) God, That was a fantastic night. It was more than a concert, it was more than a
dream, something much, much more...eye felt his Power, his Love, Pride, an honest will to deliver us fams the
real music, were sprinkled over us like a gorgerous golden shower of light-----it was a beautiful experience. And
guess what ? Eye now joined NPGMC & now am a happy member !! :-)
High ! Last night was the last show in Tokyo. Prince & NPG jammed SO FONKY and We did not want it to end. The show was
started by Prince's drum solo (so as Hamamatsu & Budokan 1st night), and flowed into "The Rainbow children". They are SO REAL
and GORGEOUS. I have to mention you that they played "Gotta Broken Heart Again" and "The Last December". I love this song !!
They played so badly at this song and I almost fainted. ;-) Instead of piano medley, we had a fonky dance time !! They played
"Peach", "Alphabet St.", "A Love Bizzare", "Sexuality" and "All The Critics Love U In TOKYO". We went SO WILD for dancing !
Fortunately I got on the stage !! I'll never ever forget this for my life !! As I wrote that we had some troubles for seating at the first
night, but we worked things out with cooperation by NPGMC staffs and the Japanese promoters. We did not have any problem from
2nd show (Hamamatsu). I really appreciated to whoever worked hard on this issue. We still have more days for the Japan tour and
after party !! IT AIN'T OVER !! T'was cool 2 c PRINCE tappin' the skins again ! He started both the Budokan shows from behind the
drumkit...BamBam !!!
Budokan Afterparty
Because after party was anounced at BUDOKAN. Prince appeared with Maceo, but he didn't give us another play....... The artists
stayed in VIP room where the upstairs for a long time.......... He only looked around the audience with smailing from upstairs while
a couple of times. Didn't even come downstairs to meet us (Thanks Maceo, you came down one time ) .......... .But It's OK ! cause we
know well how he is ! That was his private. Although he didn't play, we could have a prety good time with some funkymusic by DJ
who has a cool hair style. Particularly, I was so moved live version of The Rainbow Children and 1+1+1=3. That was really cool ! Disc
was deliveried by security from VIP room to the DJ, and after play these songs, the precious disc was back into thePrince's
room....... Anyway, Thanks again. Prince and real musicians, we always love you. See you soon in somewhere on the planete.
21-11-2002 : ā™« Sapporo Koseinenkin Hall
* Adv. Start : 6:30PM / Attendance : 2.062 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : ¥11.000
(A : ONA In Sapporo – 6/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Mellow / Purple Rain / The Work Pt. 1
Power Fantastic / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Housequake – Give It Up Or
Turnit A Loose) / The Question Of U / Santana Medley / When You Were Mine
Gotta Broken Heart Again / The Ride / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
The Everlasting Now / Alphabet St / Pass The Peas
All The Critics Love U In Japan (Incl. A Love Bizarre – Irresistible Bitch)
An extremely impressive recording of a very decent Japanese One
Nite Alone show. The audience recording is of surprisingly excellent
quality, with the absolute minimal amount of crowd noise. The only
let-down comes during parts of the show where the sound levels
have a tendency to be at their peak - the heavy guitar distortion
during 'Sign O' The Times' is a prime example of this - and the
recording begins to crackle and skip. Considering the quality overall
this is a minor compliant, but it does perhaps explain why this
release is not as highly praised by collectors as it should be. The
show itself unfortunately doesn't contain the piano segment,
however there is a rare performance of 'Power Fantastic' and a
unique version of the 'Santana Medley'. 'The Ride' is unusually short
and appears to be beset by problems with the lighting which leads to
Prince barking out orders continuously to various engineers.
'Raspberry Beret' is also strangely not performed. These things all
add up to a better, far more interesting listen, and the fact the
recording is of such high quality makes it all the more enjoyable. An excellent fan release.
My Sapporo xperience. Eye was very surprised at Eric Leeds was there with
Maceo & Greg. "Power Fantastic" featuring Eric & full vocal by Prince was the
climax 4 me. Also Eye could listen 2 "Money Don't Matter 2nite" 4 the first
time. The Santana Medley reminded me of my Emporium (London) experience
in 1996. The atmosphere of the venue was very intimate. Eye felt like Eye was
@ a friend's house. In the last song "All The Critics Love U In Sapporo", so
many audience was invited on the stage & couldn't see Prince on his keyboards
High, Prince and the NPG. Do U remember me ? I am the man with the black
cap on backwards. YES I was on the stage dancing in front of JOHN.. Sorry 4
my poor dance but I couldn't stop myself dancing 2 the sound. It was FUNKY
enough 2 shake all over Japan !!!!!! I believe MACEO, GREG and JOHN remember me !! Thank U JOHN 4 rewriting Autograph 4
me (and sorry 4 wiping the first one) Thank U PRINCE 4 beckoning me 2 ur mic and using my Tambarine during "All the critics" I
was the same man who shouted "PRINCE U'R THE BEST !!" right behind U on the stage at the second show of BUDOKAN. U show
me the REAL MUSIC the way no other artist will do. I really enjoyed the show in my home town, SAPPORO. It's been 12 years since
U came here. Only 48 NPGMC members there, and there was no soundchecks... But the show was really fantastic. That must be the
JOY FANTASTIC !! and the hall was PRINCE's house !!!! I was so happy 2 c ERIC LEEDS plays the POWER FANTASTIC, one of my
favorite. Double saxophone between MACEO and ERIC sounded really great !!!! Nothing more 2 say about the show it was just
beyond my xpectation and I can not find any word 2 desribe the feeling I got. I can not wait until "the ONA..LIVE" box set arrive !!!
I watched only three shows of the tour but every shows were just beyond great. U better release every single shows of the tour thru
the NPGMC 2 the FAMs Hope U injoy the rest of shows in Japan and come back to show ur different sides soon again. Of course..
do not forget SAPPORO !!!! We want Prince....more and more !!!!!
Sapporo quaked with his performance ! Although a bad cold snowstorm struck Sapporo on the day, the venue was packed with the
enthusiastic audience until six o'clock. And the Artist blew such people with his power ! From HIS drum solo to the last encore, all
the people didn't stop dancing with his music. NPGMC fam in Sapporo were only 48 people. (Considering that Hokkaido has bad
internet conditions, and the railway fare is more expensive than the any other area in Japan, I don't think the number is too small. I
will add some of the member came all the way from Tokyo. It must cost them at least another $400 to come.) We waited the outside
of the Kosei-nenkin Kaikan in the icy blizzard for hours. Around two o'clock in the afternoon, a kind organizer opened the first door
before the foyer and give us a small space to shelter. We waited another hours between the doors that lead to the entrance hall, and
at last all of us had excellent seats. I was excited to see Eric Leeds in the horn section. Nobody expected that the horn section would
be three on the day. And John Blackwell's drums were soooo cooooool ! And Prince guitar performance.... I can't find any words. I
watched him on the stage from the first row, and sometimes I forgot to even breathe. Power Fantastic was gorgeous ! It was my very
first time to see him play the song, and I was fully fascinated. The time flashed by so quickly while we shake our body, swing the
hands... It was a kind of wonderful dream ! We didn't leave our seats until all the lights were turned on and staffs began to clear off
the stage.
Thank U soooo much 4 the hottest night U gave to the fans in snowing Sapporo !! We've been really waiting so long to C U again !!!
Prince was music itself. I was convinced that music was originally not 4 eyes, but 4 ears & soul. Does it sound funny ? But showy
shows, which particularly thrive here in Japan, often lead people 2 the secondary satisfaction. From the point of view, Prince
showed us the great power of music. His guitar was amazingly kaleidoscopic !!! And of course, I got my inactive volcano rocked &
erupted again !!! Since the first Japan tour in 1986, I've never been able to stay away from Ur concerts and now, I hope 2 C U again
sooooooon !!
King Mu Afterparty
Afterparty was held at "King Mu", which was the neatest club in Sapporo. We had another good time until the midnight. Some of
fam had chances to talk with the band members. (Thank you !) Still the outside was twirling outside with strong wind and snow, but
the Club was swinging with delight !
22-11-2002 : ! Sendai ZEPP
(A : Up Sendai Up – 3/10)
Uptown Up / enophobia / Push And Pull / Bambi / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name
Take Me With U / The Everlasting Now / Purple Rain / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake – Love
Rollercoaster – (I Like) Funky Music) / The Other Side Of The Pillow / Strange Relationship
Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Sign O’ The Times / Gotta Broken Heart Again
The Work Pt. 1 / op Life / Anna Stesia (Incl. The Greatest Romance Ever Sold)
Days Of Wild (Incl. Bootzilla) / Last December
Firstly, the sound quality of this recording is pretty poor in comparison to
the other One Nite Alone releases - in fact, it's surprisingly poor. The
audience (or at least the ones closest to the person recording) are VERY
loud. Prince is audible above the audience level, but the sound is very
bassy. It reminds me of many of the shows recorded from the 1995 era - a
far cry from the usual Japanese high standards. There are also a few
noticeable sound problems on the recording (clicks/pops, etc|). What makes
this show so interesting is the set list. There is no actual opening song (note
NO 'The Rainbow Children'), and because of this, the show takes a while to
get going. By the time Prince roars into 'Bambi' the show really starts. The
concert itself appears to be a lot of fun, and Prince mentions that they have
been the most responsive crowd of any of the Japanese One Nite Alone
concerts. The closing 'Last December' is something of a let down, as barely
a verse and a chorus is sung before Prince says he has to go.........and leaves ;-(
23-11-2002 : The Time @ Boston
24-11-2002 : NPGMC
Shipping of One Nite Alone... Live ! to NPG Music Club members begins. The three-CD set contains over three hours of music
recorded during eight One Nite Alone... shows (discs one and two) and three aftershows (disc three) berween March 11th and May
1st 2002. A bonus for NPG Music Club members was an additional copy of the One Nite Alone... album. Critical reception was
enthusiastic and the general viewpoint was that One Nite Alone... Live ! succeeded marvellously at documenting an exciting time in
Prince's touring career. Indeed, by combining a superb band with a show focusing on musicianship rather than showmanship, the
One Nite Alone... tour was possibly the best choice to immortalise on record.
Sendai, Japan :
According 2 one of the NPG bandmembers, this gig was one of coolest Japanese dates ! The crowd went crazy !! Loud as rioters in
'68 ! PRINCE veered from the normal sequence (again) and stretched out on most of the songs. Another highlite was the debut of a
sure 2 b future concert staple : "Push and Pull"- the NIKKA COSTA gem.
26-11-2002 : ā™« Fukuoka Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.30
(A : Japanese Soundcheck Sampler – 6/10)
Hair / Instrumental / Push And Pull / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me) / Sunshine Of Your Love (Incl. Hear My Train A Comin’ – The Truth)
Out of the about 50 NPGMC members I was the only NON-Japanese one there so I HAD to talk, a few times Prince asked us all
question and they didn't understand anything so they just stayed silent LOL - There was one guy who could speak a little English
and after Prince asked a question they didn't understand he said "What did you say ?" Prince said to him "Can you sing a song ?"
This guy obviously didn't want to sing LOL so he just said "I'm sorry". Prince and everyone laughed. Later Prince got a woman to
come and interpret for him ... But still they were to shy to answer haha even in Japanese.... Concert started at 7.10pm and finished
at 9.30pm. Including the breaks m a 2 hour show. BUT we had a 3 hour soundcheck !!! Started 3.30pm They had had a 4 day break
before this show so they were ready to funk it up ! They practiced alot of stuff they would play that night... They were already
jamming on one song for 20 minutes before we were let in to the theatre... We could hear it clearly waiting outside but it was just a
jam, not any recognizable song, ... I think that really WAS the soundcheck... They worked on Hair (Larry Graham) for about 45
minutes, especially on the hornz and drums.. and the outro of Pass the Peas and then into Hair.. which they would play this very
night. They worked on Push & Pull (Nikka Costa) for about half an hour. About an hour was just soundcheck afer these songs, he
complained that he couldn`t hear Renato`s keyboard strings. He said “This is what I was talking about on the tape from the other
night, you can`t hear the strings in the house” SO then he went back to sit in the middle of the theatre and directed the soundcheck
from there for about an hour. They also did work on Strollin` - U Want Me for about half an hour with him sitting back there. When
he came back to the stage I said to him .. "You NEED to release the Xenophobia album" ! He said "What are you ... My manager ?"
everyone laughed ..hehe I said "Yeah I`m your manager and you HAVE to release that album !" He said "Come on up here." I went
up on the stage and he was just picking up his new orange Fender bass guitar. "Managers....."he said ".....play bass ?" I said and
then he said "Yep, If you can`t play bass you ain't got no business being a manager !" and just before I got to play there was some
electrical problem with the bass, it was overloading the DI so my chance was gone.. Then when Takumi was fixing his bass Prince
said ... "I left the record companies to get away from people like you ! Always tellin` people what to do, U gotta do this, U gotta do
that .....Managers !!" Everyone laughs again. He told us he went shopping for guitars in Tokyo on his 4 days off and he showed us
his 4 new guitars. One was an orange Fender 4 string bass with white scratchplate, that was the one that had the problem. Another
bass - this one is totally clear, you can see right through it ! It has a small handle on it like his Awhite Auserwald ? guitar from the
Nude tour. Very cool bass. Another was a very small guitar, it was so small, it was dark purple and in the shape of a heart. I have
seen it around before in guitar stores... It was probably about 40/45cm long... And here is the cool thing, he also bought this aqua
Fender Strat and told us that Sonny T had the exact same guitar when they used to jam together when they were 14 years old... He
said he had to buy it "just for the memories alone". I just thought it was a really cool story. Then he played it and said - "They don’t
play so well... but I just like the look of them." They finished up with a 10 minute jam on Sunshine of Your Love (Eric Clapton) and
Hear My Train A Comin` (Jimi Hendrix) and the first of The Truth thrown in just for good measure. All played on the new aqua
Strat beecause I guess they were some of the songs they used to play when they were younger ? maybe .....anyway ....finishing up at
6.40pm just as the doors opened...
ā™« Fukuoka Sun Palace
* Duration : 2:40 / Attendance : 2.322 / Sold Out
(A : God And His Law – 7/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Money Don’t Matter 2Night
The Work Pt. 1 / Push And Pull / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake) / Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me –
The Other Side Of The Pillow) / Pop Life / Purple Rain / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas
Hair / 777-9311 (Incl. The Stick – Water) / Brick House / Sign O’ The Times
Take Me With U / The Everlasting Now / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Last December
Doors opened to the public at 6.45pm and then the show started about 7.10pm. For
Most of the show Prince was wearing this sort of apricot suit again with the high
collar. Prince Drum Intro - He played the drums for about 2 minutes, it was very
cool, there was a delay on the drums which made everything he did sound even
better...the lighting was amazing, great start to the show. The Rainbow Children The usual start with Maceo playing, walking from the back of the theatre down
through the aisles, I read about it many times but it is a very cool way to start a
show....(Long with alot of jamming and solos) Prince played his yellow Telecaster
for this song 2. Mellow (cool solos by Eric Leeds and & Prince on his piano) 3.
Money Don`t Matter 2 Nite (Prince played this on his piano and another great solo
by Mr. Eric Leeds) 4. The Work Pt.1 (Long jamming version) Maceo did his second
solo of the night - 2 Guys and 2 Girls got up to dance with their turn in the spotlight,
it was funny. 5. Push & Pull ( Nikka Costa cover ) Played on the new aqua Strat. NO
hornz on this song. The way he played it made it sound like When Will We B Paid.
Very laidback and same guitar sounds... 6. 1+1+1=3 - Housequake He sang the
chorus AND VERSES of Housequake ! Some great chants of Fukuoka - we party ... This was maybe the funkiest part of the night as
far as I can remember. Solos by Greg & Maceo on this and Eric Leeds was cool as usual. 7. Strollin' - U Want Me He played this on
the guitar George Benson gave to him and signed. Very jazzy version of Strollin. Alot of solos on this, as Prince went off stage.
Renato, Eric, Greg... Then Prince came back on stage as the band went into U Want Me... 8. Pop Life (Pretty standard version really
- I think he's getting bored with this song now, he's played it alot recently and there isnt much you can do with it ...) Solos by Eric
and Renato 9. Purple Rain Started on piano then moved onto the purple symbol guitar for the 2nd verse. Amazing guitar solo on
this... 9. Strange Relationship Extended version with a long piano solo by Prince 10. Pass The Peas Prince played his blue cloud
guitar for this one. Prince let this one guy come up and sit on the pillows for about 3 songs .. This version wasn`t very long because
they had to make way for... 11. HAIR - 777-9311 - The Stick Played on Prince`s new orange bass guitar. Long versions with alot of
jamming. Rhonda had a solo, followed by Maceo, Renato, Eric then... A Bass duel between Rhonda and Prince, it was very cool, they
were both laughing so much .. SO MUCH BASS- this lasted about 8 minutes ... 12. Brick House Great funky version and what a
surprise, even the band didn`t know he would play this, he had to tell them what key it was in ... 13. Sign O` The Times Cool start
with Prince beatboxing and Justin (that FONKY??? Baldhead doing some scratching) Before starting the song on guitar.. 14. Take
Me With U - pretty standard version. Good singalong by Fukuoka crowd.. 15. The Everlasting Now Solos - Renato, Eric, Greg,
Maceo, Cool long version, I thought this was the end because he was really stretching it out but it would have been a way too short
concert - And he said Goodnight many times in this song and Thank you ... SO I thought OH NO ! there was abreak after that , it
seemed like an eternity.. 17. Gotta Broken Heart Again After about a 10 minute break and endless clapping, he came back on ... as
Renato did a piano solo, which sounded alot like 'With You" and then went into Gotta Broken Heart Again The room was absolutely
silent for the song, his vocals were totally amazing and the acoustics in this place were great... Maceo did a solo in this song...and
started doing a funny dance which made Prince laugh. I never liked this song before but this version was so good... 18. Empty Room
He played his purple symbol guitar for this one. Cool guitar solo but it wasn`t loud enough, to hear very well... which was
disappointing. After this song they moved his piano to centre stage. 19. How Come You Don`t Call Me Anymore Cool version, the
guy who sang `Call Me` was actually good, so Prince sang something else and this guy copied it almost exactly, it was great ! Then
Prince did ... wait you can hear it for yourself hehe I cant give ALL the secrets.... 20. Anna Stesia - Rise Up Started on piano and
then he moved to his Habibi. This was a fairly long version with some great guitar solos The Rise up section was long too ... And that
was it ... the house lights went up and they started dismantling everything for about 15 minutes..... Then Prince strolls slowly out
with his acoustic guitar, with house lights up , about a quarter of the people had left they all came running back in when he started
the intro to... 21. Last December Short version on acoustic guitar alone, about 2 minutes long... And that really WAS it ... DJ Justin
was scratching on most songs but I could only actually hear it about 5 times in the entire show hehe.. Something that surprised me
was that Prince was dancing during the funky songs... Guess his leg is better now.
Q’s Afterparty
An afterparty was held at Q's Club in Tenjin, Fukuoka. Prince arrived at about 12:30 am, remaining in the VIP section most of the
time. At some point, he came down into the DJ booth and played "1+1+1 Is 3" and "The Everlasting Now" from One Nite Alone...
Live ! He sang along to the tracks, using a microphone in the booth. He left at 2:30 am. DJ Dustin played mostly Prince music
throughout the night.
The Afterparty was at Q`s Club in Tenjin, Fukuoka. It was a cool little club, all the upstairs section was VIP for him and his
entourage. He arrived at the afterparty about 12.30am but he stayed upstairs most of the time and he came and waved a few times
but he knew we weren`t going anywhere so he came down into the DJ booth was on a small stage and played a few tracks from ONA
live (1+1+1=3 & The Everlasting Now) and sang along with the mic ... it was cool and of course he teased us with the cd pretending
to throw it into the crowd a few times... He was there on the stage maybe 20 minutes jamming to ONA live CD He left about 2.30am
DJ Justin from the Fonky Baldheadz was the DJ for the night and played mostly Prince stuff. I have to say there were some fine
Japanese women in that club. Ohh... Rhonda danced on the DJ stage for about 20 minutes and after Prince had left, alot of the
people left after Prince did, there were probably only 30 people left in the club Rhonda and her sister ? (they look exactly the same)
danced with everyone 3.30 then the place closed up so we all had to go out. I asked Rhonda about going to Australia she said "I dont
know yet" so I had some hope until I asked Renato "2 more shows right ? then back to USA ??" he said yep all done. I said "YOU
gotta go to Australia man" He just shrugged and said something like "It’s not up to me" I also asked DJ Justin and he mentioned
Hawaii and Australia in January but I dont think he was serious. He just said he didnt want to be in MPLS for the winter LOL SO
then me and this Japanese guy I met, we have to wait until the trains start again at 6am ? 6.30am ? so here we are in this internet
cafe typing this right now ...
27-11-2002 : NPGMC
One Nite Alone : Las Vegas
Prince & The NPG will bring the One Nite Alone Tour home 2 Las Vegas, Nevada on Sunday, December 15th at the Aladdin Casino.
Tickets go onsale 2 the general public on Saturday, November 30 at Ticketmaster.com
Members-only presales begin Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29. Check the MEMBER site in the CONCERTS section
4 details.
Matthew Lankford lawsuit
Prince settles his copyright infringement complaint against Matthew Lankford of FreeMyHeart.com out of court. In exchange for
Prince dropping the $7.5 million lawsuit, Lankford admitted to posting links to downloads of "unauthorized songs" and agreed to
cease and desist doing so.
28-11-2002 : ā™« Osaka Soundcheck
* Duration : 1.00
(A : Osaka Funkcheck – 4/10)
Hair / 777-9311 (Incl. The Stick – (I Like) Funky Music)
Thank You For Talkin’ To Me Africa / Instrumental / If You Want Me To Stay
When Doves Cry / Alexa De Paris / Osaka
An edited down version of the “Osaka” instrumental was released on CNote.
An excellent soundcheck, with far more emphasis on actually
playing as opposed to interacting with the audience, which is
minimal. The undoubted highlight is the closing track (listed as
'Instrumental') which was later released in edited form by the
NPGMC and titled 'Osaka'. Why they have edited out Prince's
lengthy ferocious guitar solo which builds up to the climax of the
song is (as with most decisions) a mystery to me, as it is inspired
and clocks in at double the length of the official release. The
reminder of the soundcheck features only vocals by Prince on 'Hair'
and 'If You Want Me To Stay', the remainder of tracks performed
are instrumental, including the two VERY brief snippets of 'When
Doves Cry' and 'Alexa De Paris'. Unfortunately the quality of the
recording doesn't match the content. The mic gets moved around
during the opening minute or two, which leads to some bumping,
and overall the sound is rather muted. The bass level is very high
throughout, however even with those flaws I really enjoy this fan
Thank you for the miraculously splendid night. The soundcheck of relaxed performance extended for one hour. As for the longest
concert of this Japan Tour, Prince seemed to be happy really.
Osaka * - C-Note
ā™« Osaka Castle Hall
* Duration : 1:55 / Attendance : 10.500 / Sold Out
(A : R U New Power Generation ? – 6/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Money Don’t Matter 2Night
The Work Pt. 1 / Purple Rain / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Housequake - Love Rollercoaster)
Strollin’ (Incl. U Want Me – (I Like) Funky Music) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Interlude
All The Critics Love U In Osaka (Incl. A Love Bizarre – You Can Make It If You Try)
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / When You Were Mine / Guitar Impro
The Ride (Incl. Honky Tonk Women) / Sign O’ The Times / Take Me With U
The Everlasting Now / Adore / The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Condition Of The Heart / Do Me Baby / I Wanna Be Your Lover / Diamonds And Pearls
The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee
Sometimes It Snows In April / Drum Solo / Peach / Days Of Wild (Incl. The Stick)
Alphabet St / Last December
Eye didn't bought the NPGMC ticket, but Eye couldn't help buying the normal
ticket of 2day & taking SHINKANSEN (Japanese hamouse xpress) 2 Osaka 4
the show ! We'r Osaka, but we ain't su**er !! It was worth the coming. Of
course the seat was worse than NPGMC seats, but the show was so great like
mentioned NPG Newz, Eye enjoyed & Meoyed Money Don't Matter 2nite,
Strollin' (with xtra lyrix "U & Me" ?), 1+1+1=3 (xtra horn parts) etc, etc, After
house lights were turned on, a few people left the venue, he was coming with
the song Peach ! And end of the song, he watched audience with little smile &
threw it away on the stage (but we knew he didn't get angry !). Days Of Wild
with his new orange bazz was also 2 fonky. After these jamz, they were gone.
All the people @ the venue (Arena 2 2nd floor) were standing & clapping their hands. But with shouts & claping from audience, he
returned with his acoustic guitar ! He started "Alphabet St." & suddenly he stoped the song sayin' "Eye don't like 2 play this song !"
& changed the guitar 2 "Last December". People sang the chorus of the song... So beautiful. Prince said "SAYONARA (good bye in
Engish)" & left the stage. Hope this show gets released ! (like mentioned in Paisley Newz)
Thank you so much for the fabulous night in Osaka. It was just marvelous. I just danced the night away with Prince & NPG !!! I've
been great fan of your music but I had never been able to go to your concert until yesterday. Please please come to Osaka again - as
you can guess from yesterday's endless encore calI, we want to get funky with you again.
Triangle Park Afterparty
An afterparty was held at a club in Triangle Park (American Village), Shinsibashi. Prince showed up with a mini-DV player/LCD
containing footage from the Castle Hall performance, which was plugged into the club's sound system and video screen. Prince left
at around 4: 30 am.
In the aftershow, Prince stood in the DJ booth and pleased NPGMC members with video of this night concert and a little play with
DJ. In all scean, we were given luxury as much as possible to enjoy. Thanks all NPGMC members ! Thanks all staff ! Thanks Prince
and the NPG ! OSAKA, OSAKA, OSAKA... 3 HOURS and some change...PRINCE and the NPG tore the the place down !!!...IT's a
Stone Cold Gas 2 c the people in JAPAN act like folks in Oakland ! "It Ain't Ovah !" Well, almost. ;( hope this show gets
released...ah, 2binthaclub !
The afterparty was in at a club in Triangle Park (American Village), Shinsibashi. At first, they were only admitting NPGMC
members (who had attended tonight concert.) Then it changed to wrist band and lamies. Very cool club, even had a chill room with
beds ! Prince came very early to the party (even before most of the people could get to the club and get in) and was up in a 3rd
glassed, VIP room (with a private hot tub and full bar) overlooking everyone. He would come to the window and wave, make funny
faces and hold up a mini DV player/LCD that he was reviewing the video of tonight’s show on. Later, they plugged his video player
into the club’s sound system and video screens and played a few songs for tonight’s show for everyone to see. Crystal clear video and
soundboard audio. At one point, Prince came down to the dance floor and up on the DJ stage, sang along to a few of his songs that
the NPG DJ was playing (from CD and vinal), adding harmonies and crowd chants. About 4am Prince was having a long and VERY
HEATED discussion with guy from radio FM 820 /Japan. Prince was very animated and invasive… it seemed so out of character
from what we know as his public image. The man has so much energy ! He outlasted almost EVERYONE at the party and didn’t
leave until 4:30 am.
29-11-2002 : ā™« Nagoya Soundcheck
* Duration : 0.50
(A : Japanese Soundcheck Sampler – 7/10)
Instrumental / Superstition / Tell Me Something Good / Higher Ground / Nagoya
The Nagoya instrumental was released on C-Note.
Nagoya (Live) * - C-Note
ā™« Nagoya Century Hall
* Adv. Start : 7:00PM / Attendance : 3.012 / Sold Out / Tick. Price : ¥11.000
(A : I’m Here – 6/10)
Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Muse 2 The Pharaoh / Pop Life
Money Don’t Matter 2Night / The Work Pt. 1 / Extraordinary / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster
- Housequake – Soul Man - Kiss) / The Question Of U / Gotta Broken Heart Again
Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / Whole Lotta Love / Family Name / Take Me With U
The Everlasting Now / Purple Rain
A pretty disappointing concert compared to other One Nite Alone shows.
The sound quality is a little less 'polished' than the other Japanese shows,
however it is still an excellent audience recording. This is the final date of
the One Nite Alone Tour, and judging by Prince's usual tour finale shows one would expect it to contain either some rarely played material, or to be
a flat-out kick-ass concert. It's neither. In fact, it has to be one of the
shortest of the tour. There are MUCH better shows circulating, with FAR
more interesting set lists than this. Good, but in comparison with other
shows - not great.
End of ONA Japan Tour
Props and Pounds 2 FUNKY 802 FM OSAKA...they let DJ. Dustin spin PRINCE jams directly after the concert...including a freshly
pressed "$ Don't Matter 2nite/The Work" CD !!! (recorded just hours b4 at the concert ! "We're turning Japanese...eye think we're
turning Japanese..."
Y We Do What We Do...
emale from a member :
"Eye sit here at my computer after having read the freedom part 1 and 2 commentaries and eye just want 2 say thank u. Eye will
admit that as of late eye have been a little disillusioned by what eye perceived as the clubs lack of caring, but after reading these
commentaries it gives me a whole new prospective of how eye view the way the club operates. Thank u for the enlightenment and
the renewed faith n the club. Eye think the freedom commentaries should b a daily or weekly event, it would get me 2 visit the site
sight more often. This is exactly what eye want to read when eye come 2 the site, eye like this feeling of being empowered by the
commentaries. Eye enjoy reading articles that r not only informative but thought provoking and honest/sincere and that is what eye
came away with after reading the freedom commentaries. Eye think eye already said this, but it's worth repeating, eye really want 2
see more article like these on the site and as often as possible. Please keep the knowledge flowing because the more we understand,
the more informed we are, the better choices we can make."
30-11-2002 : The Time @ Las Vegas
Dec 02
01-12-2002 : The Time @ Oakland
03-12-2002 : Unknown Website
By Brendan Patrick
I own over 70 sets of live Prince bootleg material covering the best of every single concert tour of Prince’s career. However, I only
own one “One Nite Alone” bootleg (Chicago), so I will not be comparing and contrasting all of the various shows and performances
against this set, nor will I be questioning why he chose this particular performance over that particular performance. I’ll leave that
for those who have the tools for such a large task. I also won’t be going into excruciating detail of the description of every nuance of
every song, as I don’t have the time or inclination. {I’ve been to many Prince arena, theater and Paisley Park performances over the
years. I think Prince hit his highest artistic point between ’86 and ‘88 and his lowest from just after the writing of the very personal
“The Truth” in late ‘96 and early ’97, until the release of the terrific “Rainbow Children” project ended his long slumber in late 2001.
During that long lull the only new Prince material that made it out of Paisley Park was “New Power Soul” (a glorified side project at
that) and “Rave Unto the Joy Fantastic”. That right there should have been enough to make even the most ardent of believers, me
included, start to doubt that any great creativity could be left in Prince’s tank...}
Disc 1 (One Nite Alone…Live !) / 63:47
1 - Rainbow Children [11:48] - Washington D.C., March 31st
2 - Muse 2 the Pharaoh [4:50] - Indianapolis, IN, March 11th
3 - Xenophobia [12:40] - Portland, OR, April 30th
4 - Extraordinary [5:02] - Portland, OR, April 30th
5 - Mellow [4:31] - Indianapolis, IN, March 11th
6 - 1+1+1 is 3 [6:06] - Lakeland, FL, April 4th
7 - The Other Side of the Pillow [4:46] - Indianapolis, IN, March 11th
8 - Strange Relationship [4:13] - Indianapolis, IN, March 11th
9 - When U Were Mine [3:48] - Los Angeles, CA, April 19th
10 - Avalanche [6:05] - Portland, OR, April 30th
Disc 2 (One Nite Alone…Live !) / 62:00
1 - Family Name [7:18] - Portland, OR, April 30th
2 - Take Me With U [2:54] - Oakland, CA, April 24th
3 - Raspberry Beret [3:27] - Portland, OR, April 30th
4 - Everlasting Now [7:41] - Portland, OR, April 30th (Encore)
5 - One Nite Alone…[1:13] - Seattle, WA, April 29th
6 - Adore [5:33] - Houston, TX, April 14th
7 - I Wanna Be Your Lover [1:22] - Portland, OR, April 30th
8 - Do Me, Baby [1:57] - Houston, TX, April 14th
9 - Condition of the Heart (Interlude) [0:40] - Houston, TX, April 14th
10 - Diamonds & Pearls [0:41] - Portland, OR, April 30th
11 - The Beautiful Ones [2:11] - Portland, OR, April 30th
12 - Nothing Compares 2 U [3:48] - Portland, OR, April 30th
13 - Free [1:07] - Seattle, WA, April 29th
14 - Starfish & Coffee [1:08] - Seattle, WA, April 29th
15 - Sometimes it Snow in April [2:41] - Seattle, WA, April 29th
16 - How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore [5:07] - Portland, OR, April 30th
17 - Anna Stesia [13:13] - Los Angeles, CA, April 19th
Disc 3 (One Nite Alone…The Aftershow : It Ain’t Over !) / 55:41
1 - Joy In Repetition [10:58] - New York city, April 9th
2 - We Do This [4:42] - New York city, April 9th
3 - Medley : Just Friends (Sunny) / If You Want Me To Stay [4:27] - New York City, April 9th
4 - 2 Nigs United 4 West Compton [6:15] - Los Angeles, CA, April 20th
5 - Alphabet Street [2:55] - Los Angeles, CA, April 20th
6 - Peach (xtended jam) [11:19] - Portland, OR, April 30th
7 - Dorothy Parker [6:17] - Los Angeles, CA, April 20th
8 - Girls & Boys [7:00] - Los Angeles, CA, April 20th
9 - The Everlasting Now (vamp) [1:50] - Los Angeles, CA, April 20th
Total runtime for entire set: 3:01:28
At the opening of the third disc Prince takes the stage and asks the audience, “How long you all been waiting ?” The New York club
crowd grumbles and growls a bit but comes up with no comprehensible or conclusive answer. But to those who are now holding
onto and listening to this first ever live set - a 3-disc box set no less - the answer comes far easier : “Almost 25 years, Prince !” And
after that ridiculously long absence of a live album from one of the greatest live musicians of all time, it’s quite remarkable and
much to my HUGE surprise to announce that it manages to live up to and be worthy of this gigantic wait (and weight).I feared and
mostly expected the worst with this live set; that being that it would end up sounding like an aural patchwork of superimposed
perfection so clinical as to render it impotent as a live document, but my worries could not have been more misplaced. The sound of
this set is just the best I’ve ever heard, ever, from anyone. To own a great sound system is to have Prince and the NPG at your beck
and call. The technicians/engineers behind this sound (primarily Scottie Pakulski, but also Femi Jiya, Joeseph Lepinski and I’m
sure others) deserve a standing ovation. According to the liner notes this set was recorded directly from the soundboard to 2-track
for release with minimal overdubs. The only studio manipulation I can detect at all (and it’s REALLY minor at that) is of course the
melding of the different concert performances together in a way that makes it feel like a singular experience. “Xenophobia” appears
to get the worst of any meddling, as it sounds like maybe the music portion and talking portion are taken from two different nights,
but to be honest it’s so well done I’m not even sure I’m right about that piece of speculation. “Joy In Repetition” is also possibly
overdubbed with singing from the crowd from a completely different night. I’ll leave it to experts in the field of sound engineering to
decipher any imperfections and completely take me to school later. It’s very possible I’m not capable yet of hearing them because
I’m still so concentrated on listening to and enjoying the music. It’s not perfect like if it were just one continuous take of a single
concert, but I can assure you that it doesn’t sound the least bit like a bunch of unconnected live performances stacked one upon
another that should only be listened to and taken in as individual events. In short, the extreme purists will certainly find things that
break their unwritten code of conduct, but almost no one else will care. Perhaps Prince the perfectionist has finally gotten
comfortable enough with his playing skills and the level of playing he has found with his current band to leave well enough alone.
He still of course is presumably too much of a perfectionist to find one single concert that from start to finish meets with his ultrameticulous nature. But at least he was able to create something through multiple concerts that meets his high standards without
manipulating (read : gutting) the actual performances themselves. That’s a start. Now if he keeps this current band together long
enough perhaps one day he’ll find one 3-hour concert performance that meets his high standards and release that mostly
untouched. The artwork is a lot better than it has been, although it still falls short of being great by a long shot. The cover artwork
on both discs (“One Nite Alone…Live !” and “One Nite Alone…The Aftershow : It Ain’t Over !”) is something you can proudly carry
around with you in public. No need to wrap this stuff in a brown paper bag of shame like with the “One Nite Alone” studio album,
“New Power Soul” or “Rave Unto the Joy Fantastic”. The front cover of the “One Nite Alone” jewel case is nothing more than a
serious looking, lowly lit picture of Prince in a light-blue suit with a black turned-up-at-the-collar shirt and black hat that mostly
fades into the black background. A small cursive-like white font reads, “One Nite Alone Live” just to the left of his face. This same
picture also graces the outside of the 6” x 12” box that is otherwise all black with the inside outer edge being wrapped in piano keys.
The aftershow cover is a shot of the entire band performing in a club with Prince pictured just right of center wearing what appears
to be the same suit and shirt from the other cover, but this time he’s styling a dark knit cap. The title of the album appears to be
burnt through the top portion of the CD and the same burned-through white font style on the bottom left reads, “Up Late with
Prince & The NPG”. The predominant color of this cover is a reddish brown. The 56-page color booklet fits snuggly inside the box
and is a real treat for collectors and those who enjoy scanning images for making their own compilation artwork. And it was a nice
touch to include a mini-poster, even if the photo appears to have captured Prince in more of a Malox moment than anything akin to
musical magnificence. People who don’t like “The Rainbow Children”, don’t like Prince’s ballads, particularly played mostly
acoustically at the piano, or don’t like Prince’s new jazz leanings are probably not gonna find much to love on these first two discs.
But there is also a strong chance that those who don’t like “TRC” are going to have their ears opened to it for the first time.
Additionally, those who think live music should be about recreating the studio experience are going to be either horrified by the
third disc or have their brains transmogrified by the possibilities and inspirational powers of live music.
Drum rolls and dark and foreboding digitized sounds gurgle and pop the “Rainbow Children” into ominous action. Four minutes
into the presentation of this song and even the daffiest of individuals would have a hard time missing the serious-musicianshipover-theatrics tone being championed. The version here traces the album version quite closely, from the swinging opening, to
Prince’s attacking guitar solo that grows seemingly bolder and angrier with each reflective strike, to the cool jazz-like bridge that
ultimately shakes something wicked funky before it finally mutates into the Santana-esque orgasmic slop that is the rocking
instrumental coda. This song could easily be renamed, “10 Simple Steps For Touching On All Aspects Of 20th Century Music In One
Groove.” Okay, perhaps that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But the fusion of funk and jazz here is so powerful as to stir memories of the
powerful melding of the disparate worlds of rock and funk in the equally ever twisting and turning apocalyptic masterpiece “Crystal
Ball”. Sounds like Rhonda Smith is playing her Vektor acoustic bass here. And, yes, the God-like voice is present here for better or
for worse, in sickness and in health. I’ve heard many people allude to the “The Rainbow Children” tracks sounding much better live.
However, with the exception of the two laid-back R&B numbers “Muse 2 the Pharaoh” and “Mellow”, both of which are fed with a
welcomed boost of extra protein, I just don’t hear that big a difference. “The Rainbow Children” studio tracks are pretty live
sounding themselves and most are reproduced quite faithfully here. Fusion fans are going to brake their necks when they hear
“Xenophobia” played live. This is a sick and sticky complex arrangement of jazz musings and rock yearnings and probably the
closest the band ever gets to reaching the epic level of playing found on the aftershow disc. And, oh, did I mention that it’s funky as
3-week old drawers ? If Prince could have found a way to incorporate more new “TRC” material and continue in this direction I
think this concert could’ve soared right past legendary status. As it stands he ended up choosing a little safer route, probably fearing
that if he went completely hardcore that the “Purple Rain” people would have stormed the ticket counter for refunds and never ever
returned. His method was to break them in more gently, though the opening 16 minutes seem to go over really well and I’d have to
guess that a majority of the people were sitting there hearing this for the first time thinking, “What the hell is taking place here ?
Did somebody steal our Prince ?” Renato Neto gets time to stretch here as does Maceo Parker, as Prince leads this snaky groove
down paths like that of some demented band leader drunk with power. Before the end of the first section where Prince goes into his
“leader/follower” routine with the crowd, John Blackwell fiercely breaks the skins down in a way that instantly recalls Sheila E. on
the “Sign O’ the Times” tour. Prince then takes the person who gave the right answer (you guessed it, the follower) on stage where
he privately and briefly serenades on guitar. The whole band then eventually returns in full power and glory, led by nasty Prince
guitar work that eventually weaves its way back to the “Xenophobia” theme, and everyone gets sticky all over again. This is one of
Prince’s finest moments. Great art at times definitely challenges you to look at things differently and sometimes that means going
back and revisiting and reassessing your own viewpoint. That’s exactly what has happened to me upon hearing live versions of
“Extraordinary” and “The Other Side of the Pillow”. I always looked at these tracks as good but minor, but now I’m not so sure. Both
tracks here startup in a somewhat conventional sense, only to later be deconstructed and turned into jazz, and both are imbued with
walk-till-you-drop, stand-up acoustic bass by Rhonda Smith. About halfway through “Extraordinary” we get a very mature Candy
Dulfer sax solo, followed by equally serious and mature jazz piano by Prince. On the “Other Side” it’s Najee who solos just before
Greg Boyer so feels the direction that the song is taking he pleads for a piece of the action and his muted and playfully vamping
trombone takes us all back to a 1930s, smoke-filled Harlem jazz club. Who would have expected this from Prince ? This is fun !
Despite the fact that Prince stops the entire “1+1+1 is 3” groove mid-funk and announces that “theocratic order” is what he’s talking
about (good, god, only Prince), it still manages to excite, thrill, and create all kinds of bouncing havoc on those in which it ensnares.
Prince understand that you work the back of the room and balconies first and hardest and the rest will take care of itself, and this
adage is proven here and elsewhere throughout the set. I still think this one is just begging for an 8- to 12-minute P-Funk version,
but unfortunately Prince only allows it to shine for 6 glorious minutes before pushing the stop button. Prince, next time, don’t hit
stop until we drop. “When U Were Mine” (in which Prince goes old school with when he dusts off the falsetto) and “Strange
Relationship” take flight, not because they have been significantly altered with brilliant new arrangements, but because of the power
and energy that the band infuses into them. It takes me back to the days of the “Lovesexy” tour where every song played seemed to
fly just a little bit higher than it ever had previously because of the musicians that were piloting the proceedings. I loved the
punk/funk Prince of the early 80s, but musicianship wise he and his band are light years ahead of that time period and I can’t see
why anyone with diverse musical tastes would want a return trip. People are gonna love Renato Neto, he appears as equally adept at
either hanging old school Minneapolis sound or following Prince into excursions of improvisational jazz. The fact that his presence
already feels like a rock is rather scary when considering the short period of time he's been with the band. Add in the already proven
rhythm section of Rhonda Smith on bass and John Blackwell on drums and you’ve got a core around which you can play and build
literally anything. Hopefully Prince grows old with this band. It’s no grand accident that “Avalanche” is triggered with a large
explosion of sound from the end of “When U Were Mine” (just notice how it’s ingeniously tracked), and it certainly makes you sit up
straight in your seat as the snow comes sliding your way. I truly believe this to be one of Prince’s finest compositions, something
that could eventually become a musical standard, and the version heard here - which brings the first disc to a close - is presented in
an even more stunning and achingly soulful way than on his piano album. I just adore the way the chorus comes rolling in over the
verse like an avalanche while Prince’s falsetto carefully caresses each syllable like his very life depended on delivery without
breakage. It breaks your heart, it really does. Prince’s piano solo at the end of the first chorus is so genuinely heartfelt and sharp in
both content and style that it feels like each key strike is a nail in the concept of slavery and/or perhaps the stinging pain that is still
being felt generations later. Rapturous and glorious. Stops you dead in your tracks even though you damn well know doing so will
cause you to be engulfed in its wrath. (Intermission) Fortunately there are several moments of humor here that counteract some of
the more serious and sometimes even preachier moments. When on “1+1+1 is 3” Prince sings the line, “I ain’t really that hard to
please” you can clearly hear Rhonda Smith on the background responding quite sarcastically with, “Don’t believe it !” Always good
to hear Prince allowing the self-deprecating humor through, as it helps balance that very well endowed ego. “They say money won’t
buy you happiness…but it’ll pay for the search”, Prince deadpans right at the tale end of “Nothing Compares 2 U”. And you won’t be
able to miss how Prince sadistically mimics the name “Rebecca” to the poor women in the front who doesn’t quite understand that
he was asking Miss, I just wanna say, ‘crack kills !’for her last name during the “Name Change” skit. And perhaps one of the funniest
moments comes near the end of “How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore” where Prince - while seated at his piano - catches a glimpse
of some interesting soul in the audience and his immediate reaction is, “” One can’t help but instantly conjure the image of this
person’s state of grace given the rather, um, (clears throat), eccentric characters we’ve all seen at Prince concerts. And fortunately
there are many more great jovial moments of audience interaction scattered throughout that I’ll leave you to find. This is a very
cohesive and agreeable listening experience that is mostly wall-to-wall music. The talking sections, with the possible exception of
the ending speech on the final track of Disc 2, are fortunately fairly abbreviated and mostly unobtrusive. This is especially true when
compared to some of his concerts in the past, most notably the “Purple Rain” concert where I skip the middle, dead-section almost
every time. The horn work throughout this set is consistently brilliant, seemingly always there to fill every nick and cranny, bump
and pump energy into every passage, or fly gracefully on short but purposeful improvisations that seem to add weight to almost
everything they touch. When listening to some of this material one is reminded of the glory days with Atlanta Bliss and Eric Leeds. I
don’t expect anyone to believe me on this until they hear it for themselves, but this collection made-up from pieces of 8 different
concerts have been fused together with such perfection and care that it really does feel like you’re experiencing one concert.
(Disc 2)
“Family Name” kicks of the second disc and is pretty faithful to the album version. Prince is one of the few living musicians bold
enough (and talented enough) to take the greatest funk track Sly Stone never wrote and end it with an enraged fuel of piercing metal
guitar loud and impassioned enough to jolt the guitar metal heads amongst the gathered into reverential disbelief. Another blow to
the segregationist label makers. Yes indeed, I do believe Thomas Jefferson and his funky platitudes have left the building and in his
wake comes the hopeful spirit of Martin Luther King. Back to trying to keep the radio listeners in their seats comes “Take Me With
You” and “Raspberry Beret”, both blessedly receiving full versions. No more of that abbreviated Las Vegas-medley tripe that melded
the two tracks together on previous tours. And just like “When U Were Mine” and “Strange Relationship” before them, they sound
as energetic and lively as any band twice their size has a right to. Rhonda takes the place of Apollonia and Wendy on the vocals
respectively and comes out better than both. Loads of crowd interaction here, or is that just Prince’s new 2000-person backup choir
? “Everlasting Now” closes the main set and manages to nearly match “Xenophobia” in both twists and turns and stunningly unreal,
start-stop musicianship. Once again Prince finds a way to carve out a jazz middle section that both soothes and satisfies and acts as
a fresh stream where more great Prince guitar work can be mined before the original tune is eventually returned and rocked and
funked to submission. A fantastic way to closeout the main set and beckon the masses to cry out for an encore. I’m not a huge fan of
medleys, but this encore, containing a dozen songs, varying from the barely touched to the full-on encounters, is a wonderfully
constructed 27 minutes of bliss. And I guess since all the other songs are fully formed and the medley is isolated to this one location
that it’s much more digestible than constantly cutting songs short here there and everywhere. Completely acoustic at times, quasiacoustic at times, full-on band at times, this run-through of many of his falsetto-drenched, make-the-girls-weak-at-the-knees
ballads gets better - much like this entire set - with each listen, and over time it really does begin to play like one long, compelling
statement. And it also reinforces just how large and varied Prince’s back catalogue is; thicker than one of those Sears jobs your
mamma used to bring home just in time for Christmas wishing. Most of the playing here is just Prince and his voice alone at the
piano, but at times subtle backing orchestrations can be heard that nuance the performance and that Prince himself is probably
triggering via his electric piano. “One Nite Alone” starts things off in very abbreviated form, but it stays around long enough to set
the perfect mood and imagery. There’s a purple spotlight, baby black grand, and the presence of a dancing, twirling feminine spirit
that seems to be provoking the whole sorted affair. And the spirit transforms as we move from song to song and from inspiration to
inspiration. Second up is “Adore” and it gallivants about for more than five minutes, but it’s not all frolicking and cherishing here.
Three minutes in Prince slams the brakes on the romance upon reaching the word “smash” in the “you can smash up my ride” line.
He later finds out his words were ironically prophetic and the twinkling Twilight Zone music paints the picture of a little red
Corvette crumpled beyond recognition. He comes around, though, begrudgingly as it may be, and changes his mood to one of
forgiveness, buys her a new car and finishes the song off with the kind of glorious vocals that this gospel masterpiece deserves; no,
demands. The next 90 seconds are a trip back to 1979 for the hit “I Wanna Be Your Lover”, played with such hard rocking vitality on
the piano that it certainly must have brought the crowd back to their feet, if only for a moment. Now everyone sits right back down
to listen (or is it sing ?) to the gorgeously sexy “Do Me, Baby” for two minutes, a phenomenon of audience participation that will
grow as we go, causing Prince to remark at one point, “Now you know I’m scared of you, right ?” “Condition of the Heart” is only
hinted at next in interlude and serves as the midpoint marker to the piece. The second half of the piece, if you will, begins with a 10line tease of “Diamonds & Pearls” and then we’re quickly scurried off to one of the loudest ovations of the set at the mere hint that
the “The Beautiful Ones” might be visiting. And visit they do until Prince asks the women, “Are you gonna due that to me, Baby ?” in
reference to smashing his picture, at which the ladies scream emphatically, “NO !” and Prince retorts in skeptically cynical fashion
with a, “Yeah, right.” The rapturous bitter sweet “Nothing Compares 2 U” gets near full treatment next and the entire band joins
him shortly after he gets the mournful affair up and rolling. The energy reaches full tilt when Candy Dulfer steps center stage for a
short sax statement powerful enough to kill the dandelions growing in Prince’s loveless backyard. Amongst the diverse gathering,
goose bumps must have been the common denominator. Prince brings this one home with some of the most impassioned vocals of
the set and then abruptly drops it all back down to a simple spotlighted piano, for serious reflective pondering on the human
condition. At the end of this contemplation Prince states in somewhat defeated fashion, “Ultimately what you find out is that…ain’t
none of us really free”. He then jumps right into “Free”, that just like “Nothing Compares 2 U” before it, is delivered as both acoustic
meditation and full-on band supported anthem. We’re only allowed to feel “Free” for a little more than the length of one verse and
one chorus and then we’re all transported directly into Cynthia Rose’s lunchbox, filled with “Starfish & Coffee” and other diverse
and mysterious wonders to the source of joy. This one gets full band treatment and gets people back to moving at least some of their
extremities again, if for only a minute. Things settle down once again with Christopher Tracy’s lament (“Sometimes It Snows In
April”). This ridiculously underrated “Parade” classic melts in the ear for almost 3 minutes before moving off to the final song in the
acoustic set, a 5-minute melancholy speculation on “How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore ?” One wonders if the inclusion of this
last song isn’t influenced at least in part by the recent covering of this song by Alicia Keys on her multi-platinum selling “Songs in A
Minor”, especially since she has also been performing it in concert and has released it as a single. By dividing this song in two
distinct parts new interest is instilled in this now 20-year old composition. The first section allowing for convention, starting with
45 seconds of piano and slight orchestration and then followed by full band, including a laid-back, meandering harmonica (I think a
synth). The famously fierce Prince scream is reached and captured live and then instantly played back for several seconds in echoed
manner as a means of breaking with the song’s convention. From here we move into the second more seductive, gospel-based,
jumpy-but-cool section that contains some wonderfully inspired Al Green-like vocal gesturing that brings this acoustic set to a
beautiful conclusion. Prince cries out, “Oh, Portland, I can’t leave it like that”, referring to the songs fairly trivial nature (at least in
comparison to the seriousness that is to follow) and then the song slowly winds down and moves into the concert closer. “This is
how we want to leave it”, Prince states just before hitting the opening piano chords that signal the rousing and spiritual “Anna
Steisa” which brings closure to the entire event. The full song is played and then eventually breaks down into an extended audienceparticipation groove consisting of a “Rise Up !” call that reminds of Bruce Springsteen’s recent “My City of Ruins” track in both
spirit and moody potential to inspire the audience into action. We hangout here for 8 minutes where the theme set forth in the
concert’s opener is revisited in both feeling and in words; that being, the diversity of mankind embracing and coming together
under our similarities - first and foremost according to Prince being the creator of us all.
Prince chooses at times to speak rather than let the music do the talking for him. When you’re hit with an “avalanche” of sound and
unadulterated energy it can open minds and hearts of all sizes, shapes and backgrounds, but you start preaching and doors will start
slamming pretty quickly. Art is surely partly about pushing buttons and sharing your unique view of the world. However, its impact
is lessened when the language is either so straightforward as to leave no room for other viewpoints or interpretations, or so
cryptically coded (“The Opposite of monotheism is NATO”, “I’m talking about a theocratic order !”) as to be useless as anything
more than gibberish masquerading as importance. Probably also not the smartest move to mix a serious message with the business
of the NPGMC during the final speech on “Anna Stesia”. But Prince does just that by commenting on how “high” the non-members
are seated and turning this into a request to sing “high” on the closing chant of “God is love, love is God, girls and boys love God
above.” This might ruin the experience for some, but by now I’m used to Prince sprinkling in a few kooky, squirm-inducing moves
here and there, as he’s done it to one degree or another on every single tour I can remember. But when you hear him literally cry out
“L.A.” multiple times at the end of “Anna Stesia”, there can be little doubt as to the veracity of his convictions. I truly believe that
there is a passion behind his message and he merely wants to share what has worked so well for him in his life; which like many in
his place, of course, feel will work for everybody. And at the end of the day, I can respect that kind of passion, even if I don’t always
agree with his chosen words or methods. I don’t know how much of a negative this really is, if at all, but Prince references the
WNPG at the start of “Strange Relationship” and then the whole cover section is removed from the concert. In their absence the
booklet has a “WNPG Playlist” section that lists about 50-60 songs that serve as an excerpted list of what the fictional WNPG would
play if they had enough wattage. The length of the concert at 2 hours and 5 minutes is certain to be the subject of some debate, as
the actual “One Nite Alone” concerts were often around 3 hours. I was on the fence on this issue myself, but the more I listen to this
set the more I come down on the side of it being the right length. On the one hand you could argue that there should have been at
least 25 minutes more worth of material to make it feel much closer to representing the actual tour. But the other side of the
argument is that the “SOTT” movie was only 85 minutes long and yet that collection gets tremendous respect, even with the
numerous and obvious overdubs. I think ultimately if the set didn’t have to be divided up on two discs like it is due to CD technology
storage limitations, it wouldn’t feel quite so awkward. It’s just odd if you choose to listen to only Disc 2, as there are only 4 full songs
and suddenly the encore hits you. If you’re going to make a concert that spills over to two discs, it’s important that both discs work
as standalone experiences.
If you took “Small Club” and removed some of the fat (even though the fat on “Small Club” is the kind of wonderful stuff you can
only enjoy on a choice cut of steak) it might sound something like the nearly 1-hour “It Ain’t Over” disc. The musicianship is that
tight and the arrangements - planned and otherwise - are that phenomenally right. If you play this disc first you may never get to
the more standard fair found on the first two discs; it’s that addictive. “It Ain’t Over”, even more so that the first two discs, sounds
remarkably like one concert. But what we have here is really one long run from New York on April 9th and one long run from Los
Angeles on April 20th, interrupted only once with a remarkable 11-minute taste of “Peach (xtended jam)” from Portland on April
30th. And this taste of “Peach” is so unbelievably, preposterously thick and juicy that it certainly must be the forbidden fruit talked
about in Genesis. No doubt a strong candidate for the funkiest moment in Prince history. Your jaw will be hitting the floor on the
beat. “Small Club” has “Just My Imagination” and “It Ain’t Over” has “Joy in Repetition”, that one track you just keep cueing up
over and over again until your ears ache or the police show up to inform you that you’re disturbing the peace. The guitar solo
contained within is the type of awe-inspiring stuff Prince never serves up in the studio (multiple minutes of great guitar work
instead of 5 or 10 seconds here and there). You just aren’t going to believe how spectacular this one is no matter how successfully I
or anyone else describes it, so I’m just gonna leave it alone. Music just doesn’t get any better than this. Now you can just point your
impressed friend at a local record store. No more secret passwords or handshakes and no more having to build relationships based
on trust with some shady character named “Louie” behind the beaded curtain of smoke just to get your sweaty hands on the goods.
Another transcendental moment equaling the greatest moments of “Small Club” occurs on “We Do This”. If one were continuing to
draw parallels this track would be to this CD what “People Without” is to “Small Club”; that is, an unreleased track (George Clinton
track in this case) that might be more of a groove becoming a song on the spot than a finished piece. This one apparently has
already caused a big enough stir that Dallas Austin and other big-name producers have been circling like vultures in hopes of being
the first to lock talons to sampling rights. Handling lead vocals is the master of funk George Clinton. George comes out sounding
like Luis Armstrong with a bad case of laryngitis and a fit of funk to unload, castigating any non-believers in the crowd with, “It
would be ludicrous to think that we are new to this, we do this, this is what we do !” This song crescendos into a magical mix of
Maceo Parker sax, Larry Graham fuzz bass, and Prince guitar driving the whole groove home with some seriously insane, paintstripping metal work that certainly must be hurting those pushed up front near the loud speakers. Clinton sensing finality starts to
cry out repetitiously, “It ain’t over !” in hopes of carrying this orgasmic groove on just a little longer, just a little further. Just
consider for a moment the staggeringly enormous level of talent that was on that stage during this performance. Then consider how
lucky we are that this can now be witnessed by more than just a few hundred lucky New Yorkers. Funk fans take notice, this one
ranks with the classics and the paint ain’t even dry yet. The presence of “Dorothy Parker” on this disc proves two things : This song
is monumentally versatile and Prince is challenging/inspiring himself again to genius-level arrangements. Take the now vanillasounding version that was played on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, throw everything out but the jazz-based impression, then
rebuild the song from scratch until it sounds like it never has before, and like you never thought it could. I think Sheila E. is on a
percussion set for this one and for sure she is seated behind the drums for “Girls & Boys”, the track that follows “Dorothy”. “I want
to sing, but it’s too funky !” Prince announces almost 2 minutes into the instrumental “2 Nigs United 4 West Compton”, and this
could pretty much be the working theme for Disc 3 as well as being a simple fact of physics. This version is so fresh and new as to be
almost unrecognizable to the original “Black Album” version, but the arrangement and musicianship are so tight and right that it
elevates this track nearly to the level of “Xenophobia” live. From the 4th track until the 9th and final track this disc becomes one
gigantically irresistible groove, with the band twisting and turning on a dime, following a muse, or just putting it in a holding
pattern for a moment to enjoy the fruits of their labor. To draw another parallel, this is most like the last 30 minutes of Disc 2 of
“Small Club” where you can’t believe the trip you’re on or that it could possible ever get any better than the present only to have it
change and somehow build and progress further with each step until everyone is pleading against the possibility of it ever ending.
“It ain’t over ! It ain’t over !” chants the audience in L.A., almost as if they had tapped into the residual spirit of George Clinton’s
impassioned pleas from another aftershow 3 thousand miles to their east. The informed out there in Prince’s abilities as one of the
greatest musical talents of the 20th century have finally been handed the perfect tool for dealing with the non-informed. Just hand
them this disc with a sly but slightly knowing smile, a pat on the head and a “Bye bye, now !” They won’t be back to bother you
It’s a well-known show-biz adage that you never follow a kid, an animal act, or a legend. Well, poor Musiq Soulchild has been placed
as the third track on Disc 3 and has the unenviable task of following both Prince and George Clinton, and you can feel the drop-off
in performance skills, even though he delivers a very solid, soulful 3 minutes while holding the lead microphone. Fortunately it
doesn’t at all sink the disc, as the beautiful musicianship and crowd interaction manages to buoy the proceedings until Prince takes
grasp of the sails again. Boy, though, we certainly didn’t need another “Everybody in the house make some noise !” and other cliches
that this current generation never seems to tire of hearing or delivering, but Musiq’s scatting is very nice at the end nevertheless. In
the end, though, you’ll be thankful for this track’s presence, as it’s the only respite your body will get. Some might complain that
with a runtime of 56 minutes that the disc is too short. Perhaps it is. But as incredible as this disc is I’d hate to see its import
lessened to any degree. Of course there are more great aftershow performances out there on this tour, but are there others that
would fit the same vibe and not only keep it going but add to it and take it even higher ? Less is usually more and in this case you’re
left definitely craving more. Disc 3 is perhaps so good that it has the potential to reduce the impact of the first two discs. But that’s
often the disparate reality with Prince in small clubs and Prince in large shows, so it certainly is not surprising to experience it here
as well. I truly fear for people’s hearing as they attempt to climb inside this one.
Fortunately this set is not about putting together a live hits collection for the masses to feed (or is it fester ?) on. That’s what he’s
been doing for the last several years and thankfully he did not chose to release those tired retread “hit” shows as his first live album,
even though from a purely commercial standpoint it would’ve made much more sense. And with Prince’s current stand on curse
words, does anybody really want him messing around with (read : censoring) past great concerts and releasing those instead ?
Hopefully he does that later when he reaches a less extremist viewpoint. Overall this 3-disc set is a fantastic document of Prince’s
live performance skills, not a sterile live compilation showcasing every great song he’s ever written (an impossibility anyway with
only 3 discs). And I think that’s the point. You get jazz, R&B, rock, soul, funk, an acoustic section filled with falsetto balladry,
aftershow adventuring, challenging reworking of songs both new and old, rare extended examples of Prince’s tremendous skills on
both guitar and piano, and rarified musicianship all but a few of the world’s elite could ever hope to match. Several thousand
serious music lovers will find their way to this box set just as they found their way to “The Rainbow Children”. Respect has a way of
traveling underground. RATINGS (out of 4 stars) : One Nite Alone…Live ! (2 Discs) - 2:05:47 *** – The more I listen to this set the
fewer flaws I find. This set falls just short of being the monumental achievement that is the third disc. The musicianship is fantastic
(perhaps the greatest band Prince has ever had if you don’t account for dancing or backup singing) and the overall presentation
great, if not a bit odd in its song selection. But it still falls just a tiny bit short of fully capturing the sustained kind of magic Prince is
capable of live (see Disc 3 for that). In addition, Disc 2 never quite matches the level of Disc 1, first and foremost because it needed a
few more full-length songs before the encore/medley starts. But that is some obsessive nitpicking, because if you listen to the two
discs back-to-back it sounds wonderfully right on. And of course one day this will be stored on one long-play CD, taking away the
only major negative I can possible find outside of some Prince-speak that is less than flattering to his intelligence. This is one of the
finest Prince tours captured in most, if not all of its glory. One Nite Alone…The Aftershow : It Ain’t Over (1 Disc) - 55:41 *** - A
masterpiece of legendary aftershow funk. An absolutely essential disc. Instantly joins the pantheon of greatest recorded live music
ever released. Perhaps jumping all the fantastic bootlegs out there with one gigantic leap, and it’s even legal to buy and sell.
Although anything this fun surely won’t be legal for long. In closing, this box set, taken as a whole, will be rightfully debated for
years to come as the finest thing Prince has ever released. Put simply, Prince’s artistry, “It Ain’t Over !”
04-12-2002 : Eurweb
Prince Will Do One Nite Alone In 'Vegas
The headlines following Prince's One Nite Alone world tour convey fans' and critics' glowing reactions to his stripped-down, jazztinged show featuring both new material and classic Prince gems. With sold-out performances in the United States, Canada, Europe
and Japan, Prince is bringing One Nite Alone back home to the U.S. with a show in the capital of glitterati and entertainment - Las
Vegas ! Following a December 13 performance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in support of his new box-set One Nite
Alone…LIVE, Prince and the NPG will take the stage at the Aladdin Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, December 15, and show fans
what the rest of the world has been raving about. With no bungee cords, pyrotechnics or back-up dancers in sight, Prince will
present a stripped-down show that allows the music to speak for itself. Catering to a sexy, mature audience, the jazz-tinged show
will feature selections that Prince has never before performed (most notably material from The Rainbow Children) as well as classic
hits he hasn't played in years. In a performance littered with piano and guitar solos, nothing will be scripted (including no set list)
leaving the audience to enjoy many spontaneous surprises ! Prince's Las Vegas show will follow a performance on The Tonight
Show with Jay Leno on December 13 to promote the release of his new box-set, One Nite Alone…LIVE. The 3-disc box-set– Prince's
first ever live recording released to the public, will be available for purchase at the Aladdin show. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15TH THE
ALADDIN RESORT & CASINO 8pm Las Vegas, NV Tickets: $150, $100, $75 Tickets for the Aladdin performance at the Aladdin
Box Office. Tickets are priced at $150, $100, $75. For additional information contact the Aladdin Box Office at (702) 785-5000.
Tickets can also be purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets or by phone at (702) 474-4000 or at www.ticketmaster.com. NPG MUSIC
CLUB 2001 marked the inception of Prince's NPG Music Club, where members were connected like "family" and enjoyed an
unprecedented amount of new music, preferred seating at Prince shows and countless other rewards. Well into the second year,
2002 NPG Music Club members have access to even more new music, books, instruments and gear as well as soundcheck access,
after-show parties and at least four new Prince CDs. With a $7.77 Basic Monthly fee and a $100 Premium Annual fee, the 2002
NPG Music Club proves that membership actually does have its privileges. To become a 2002/2003 NPG Music Club member, visit
10-12-2002 : COMMON’ – ELECTRIC CIRCUS Release
Star *69 (PS With Love) (5:30)
Release of Common's Electric Circus, which features Prince playing keyboard and guitar on
a track called "Star *69 (PS With Love)." Common (originally known as Common Sense)
was a highly influential figure in rap's underground during the '90s, keeping the sophisticated
lyrical technique and flowing syncopations of jazz-rap alive in an era when commercial
gangsta rap was threatening to obliterate everything in its path. His literate, nimbly
performed rhymes didn't fit the fashions of the moment, but he was able to win a devoted
cult following.
13-12-2002 : Tonight Show shooting
Prince performs "The Everlasting Now" on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, taped at the
NBC studios in Burbank, California. The appearance was announced through the NPG
Music Club a full month in advance and the 30 guest tickets that were given to Prince's
guests were snatched up rather quickly by Music Club members. Prince declined to do an
interview with Leno. The band was the same as previously (with Eric Leeds and Maceo
Parker on saxophone). In addition, Sheila E. guested onstage to play percussion.
Dominick’s Afterparty
There was an afterparty at Dominick's following the broadcast. Prince spent some time with Renato Neto, John Blackwell, and
Sheila E. along with another woman. Nor more than about 50 people were in attendance. At one point, he called DJ Dudley over
and within 15 seconds, the title track from Xpectation was played. Prince played air drums and kept his eyes focused on the crowd
to see how they reacted to it. After it was over, the entire audience clapped. Later, DJ Dudley also played "Xpedition" from
Xpectation , with Prince once again playing air drums and bobbing his head to the music. The crowd clapped and people yelled
"release it." Prince seemed very pleased with the track and the response.
I flew in to see this taping the nite before the show and waited in line with some real cool people, Bobby made sure everyone got
tickets somehow. After the show, there was a small party for Sheila,was her birthday I think. It was soooo cool. People dancin on
tables, we taught Renato how to dance, shoot Prince was even movin people out the way to watch those dancin on the tables. Very
good to be with friends at that time.
The Time @ Indianapolis
12-2002 : Jazzmag (FR)
Ce Prince qui veut encore être Roi
Par Frédéric Goaty
Il y a ceux, peu nombreux, qui étaient au Palace (Paris 1981). Ceux qui avaient réussi à se procurer une place pour Le Zénith,
millésime 86 ( Ils se souviennent encore de leur nuit magique.) Ceux qui étaient au Palais Omnisport de Paris-Bercy, un an plus
tard, pour l’ouverture de sa tournée Sign O’ The Times. Consécration éternelle. 1988 : concert-revue (automobile, ballon de basket,
piano volant...) – comme on broadway, mais toujours into the groove... 1990 : Prince joue au Parc des Princes : match nul. 1992,
1993 : retour à Bercy. Le corps y est encore, le coeur a comme des ratés, parfois. 1994 : Prince is dead, l’Artiste a des idées noires et
fait sa nuit blanche au Bataclan – les happy few n’en sont pas encore revenus (du passé faisons table rase : que des nouveaux
morceaux !). Adieu la sensualité, bonjour l’hyper-efficacité. 1995-1997 : il boude. 1998 : concert de luxe au Zénith (Chaka Khan,
Larry Graham...). En catimini. On aime, mais on oublie vite. 1999 : voir 1994. (A ceci près : les idées sont plus, lumineuses, Prince
n’est pas loin de ressusciter…) 2000-2001 : Prince is back, l’Internet est son jardin. Une heure de musique par mois pour les
téléchargeurs réunis (members pionniers), une tournée US avortée et puis The Rainbow Children, novembre 2001 ; joli miracle,
retour en grâce, presse aux abois – Quoi ?! Faut l’acheter ?! Pas de services de presse ?! (vivent les notes de frais) – fans en émoi. On
attend la tournée. Il nous la promet jazz, ouverte à tous les possibles. Tout (re)commence là-bas, outre Atlantique, au printemps.
Les pirates (r)assurent : à l’évidence, notre ami a retrouvé le sourire, tout en souplesse, jazzy-funky-soulissime. On apprend qu’aux
rituels aftershows se sont greffés les before-shows, réservés aux membres du NPG Music Club. Prince y joue plus relax, cause ( !)
avec son public... Et puis l’Europe, enfin, pour de vraies retrouvailles. Une vraie tournée, qui cette fois-ci passe par Paris – en 1995
(mini-tournée européenne), Paname avait été rayé de la carte de ses désirs... Avant Paris, votre serviteur a vu Londres. «Veinard»,
lui a-t-on fait comprendre : ses prestations à l’Hammersmith Appollo n’ont finalement pas eu grand-chose à ouïr avec les concerts
suivants. Plus sombres, plus soul, encore un peu figés aussi. Privilèges d’outre-Manche : Avalanche (la chanson préférée de TSF
89.9), Power Fantastic, Family Name, A Case Of You... A Anvers, deux semaines plus tard, la perruque de Larry Lafunk (prince
tourmenté des petites nuuits de Radio Nova, cousin éloigné d’Apollonia 6) n’avait pas encore poussé, mais le ton avait déjà changé,
et c’était bien là la belle surprise de cette tournée One Nite Alone : à chaque soir ses joies (pour 98% du public) et ses peines (pour
les 2% restants, éternels insatisfaits, pseudo jazzeux-distanciés ou fans blasés pleurant telle interprétation de Purple Rain –
moment de grâce – ou de Pop Life, gaiement revivifiée...). A chaque soir son set lst – on commence acoustique, ou très hip hop (un
DJ faisait parfois son bon office scratché), ou franchement jazzy, ou parfois même (mais ça, c’était encore plus récemment, au
Japon, où Prince vient de terminer une mini-tournée) à la batterie ! Prince plus que jamais chef d’orchestre. Le côté jazz de cette
tournée, c’était donc ça : à chaque ville visitée ses «the sound(s) of surprise». Milan (où notre Fin Limier en chef 20-100 a reconnu
Sonny Thompson himself dans la foule...), Zurich, Anvers, Copenhague (où fut interprété, entre autres, le célèbre Jean-Pierre de
Miles), Berlin, etc... Et bien sûr Paris. Pour deux concerts – celui du Zénith (sold out en quatre heures sans publicité ni buzz
artificiel) et du Bataclan (pour fans fortunés : 100 euros la place !), ou plus précisément trois, puisqu’avant le concert officiel du
Zénith, Prince a joué (comme dans chaque ville visitée) devant ses members une petite heure. On se souviendra de Cool (antique
sucrerie funky jadis grouvée par The Time), d’Automatic (1999 : vingt ans d’âge...), du sempiternel mais toujours distrayant Santana
Medley (Soul Sacrifice, Toussaint L’ouverture) et d’un Pass The Peas lâché par un Maceo Parker fraîchement extirpé de sa chambre
d’hôtel... Du concert «grand public», on dira tout simplement qu’il restera parmi les meilleurs qu’ait donné Prince à Paris, et que
2002 valait bien 1986 ou 1987 – certes, le frisson des retrouvailles (avec lui, nous, avec Eric Leeds, Sheila E...) n’est peut-être pas
aussi intense que celui de la découverte, mais qu’importe : on ne voit pas, on n’entend pas, on n’imagine pas, aujourd’hui, de
musicien pop capable de tenir une scène près de trois heures durant sans jamais verser dans le tout-jouant balisé. De nouveau en
paix avec lui-même (était-ce le cas dans les années 93-99 ? on en doute...), souriant, blagueur, tchatcheur, charmeur, Prince fait à la
fois :
* son Miles : déambulant façon cool d’un bout à l’autre de la scène, surveillant ses solistes de près en se faisant obéir au doigt et à
l’oeil – Parker homme-funk éternel, Candy Dulfer charmante davidsanbornette, Greg Boyer tromboniste naturellement jazz-funkblues, et Eric Leeds (qui ne jouait pas à Paris), le plus improvisateur à risques des quatres.
* son James Brown : comment jouer The Work ou Pass the Peas sans se rappeler au bon souvenir du Godfather himself ? (Surtout
quand on est amené à lancer quelques «blow Maceo !»...
* son Jimi Hendrix : sur Sign O’ The Times (sublime relecture bluesy), sa guitare n’est rien d’autre qu’une autre personne, câjolée,
bousculée, haïe, adorée (strange relationship) – jadis, la guitare princière pouvait être symbole phallique (dans les premières
années 80) ; la revoilà désormais obscur objet du désir...
* son Marvin Gaye : costume gris, entrechats saamment esquissés et falsetto cristallin – jusqu’à 3 heures du mat’... (On pense
notamment au Bataclan et à cette version du Whole Lotta Love de Led Zeppelin.)
* son Chaplin chic, enfin : mimiques hyper-expressives, ressemblance parfois troublante – Miles le disait déjà dans les années 80 :
il avait raison, comme d’habitude. Les demi-niais de la presse quotidienne pouvaient bien, une fois encore, parler du «nain», rien
n’empêchait Prince, ce soir-là, de voler. Pas même ses ailes de géant. (Ndr – on salue en revanche le dandy de nos Nuits Blanches en
noir sur blanc : toujours aussi vif et poétique. Belle leçon d’enthousiasme détaché. Bravo.
14-12-2002 : Ottawa Citizen (CAN)
4 discs of purple glory all boxed 4 you
By Lynn Saxberg
One Nite Alone ... Live !
*** 1/2
Prince (NPG Records)
The Prince concert at the National Arts Centre last spring was one of the best shows of the year in Ottawa. The after-show jam with
Prince and his band at Carleton University's Oliver's Pub was probably even better, but we weren't among the Rainbow
Children/fans lucky enough to find out about that show. Oh well. Now everyone can relive the Prince experience in all its purple
glory with this four-CD boxed set of live recordings taken from another leg of that tour. Didn't get to the NAC ? Listen to the two
main CDs, packaged in the same jewel case and titled, One Nite Alone ... Live ! Saw the show but went home and hit the sack ? (It
was, after all, a school night.) Stop kicking yourself and check out the aftershow disc, It Ain't Over : Up Late with Prince and The
NPG. Judging by the similarity of One Nite Alone ... Live ! to the NAC show, it's a safe bet that It Ain't Over is pretty close to the
campus pub aftershow. And for an entirely different side to the little guy, dive into the fourth disc, One Nite Alone ... Solo piano and
voice by Prince. That's my favourite session, partly because it is a distinct change of pace. This is where I should confess that after
catching three shows on Prince's excursion through Canada, my mind was spinning from trying to keep up with the complex swirl of
music I heard each night. The concerts were intense, fiery and challenging - which is well captured on these discs - and it's a rare
treat to go back and listen more carefully. The tracks here are taken from shows in the United States last March and April. The
lineup was the same as the band Prince brought to Ottawa (drummer John Blackwell, saxman Maceo Parker, trombonist Greg
Boyer, keyboardist Renato Neto and bassist Rhonda Smith) but includes saxophonist Candy Dulfer and an appearance by George
Clinton during an aftershow track recorded in New York City. "It must be Saturday night or something," Prince says during a
blistering funk jam on 1+1+1=3 (in Lakeland, Florida). "Somebody get me another suit. I'm about to sweat this one out." The main
set is terrific, although a little disjointed because the producers have taken material from different nights and spliced it together.
"Good night, Portland," Prince declares, just four songs into the 17 track second disc. One reason the stripped-back piano concert
on the solo disc is so good is that it's intact. It was recorded live-to-tape at Prince's Paisley Park studios in Minneapolis so it's a
complete show unto itself. Plus it's a refreshing change from the ferocious intensity of Prince with his band. While you have to
respect Prince and his musicians for that intensity, the other CDs in this boxed set make you realize the limits of their
improvisation. The structure of each show was open enough to allow plenty of jamming within each song, but it didn't give them
much opportunity to stray too far from the set list. Come to think of it, though, that must be how Prince is able to mix and match the
best live tracks and have the final sequence sound a lot like the show we saw in Ottawa. Or the one in Calgary or Edmonton, and
probably every other city on the tour.
15-12-2002 : Las Vegas Soundcheck
Brick House / We Want The Funk / Rainbow Children
Push And Pull / Some Kind Of Beautiful (Incl. Hot Thing)
Hair (3 takes) / Instrumental / 777-9311 (Incl. The Stick)
OK OK OK here is are my brief thoughts about the Vegas ONA finale.
FIRST things first I don`t have a complete set list handy because I
wasn`t taking notes. I will leave that to someone else. SECONDLY for
those few of you whom read my posts know that I feel that TRC is by
far the WORST album Prince have ever done; therefore I will not be
very kind towards my comments of the live TRC material. THIRD I
didn`t go to the aftershow so I cannot tell you anything about it other
than the fact that it was at Studio 54 in the MGM. Finally I like Prince
as a musician and as a showman, but I am not a brainwashed fam;
therefore I will add criticism where criticism is due. With those
thought in mind; let the show begin. The tickets for the NPG music
club members were held at the box office prior to the start of the show.
We were told that starting at 0700 on Sunday morning we could line
up at the theater to get our numerical wrist bands (it was first come
h Sheila E Soundcheck
first serve so the sooner you got there the better seats you were entitled too). When you got your wristband you were told that you
needed to be back at 1400 to be let into the theater for the show (now remember we had to be there at 1400 for a show that was
supposed to start at 2000). After you got in and got your tickets we were all told that there were going to be 3 video cameras there
doing some filming for an "upcoming video release". Now let me remind all of you of some of the other "upcoming releases" from
Prince & NPGMC : Roadhouse Garden, The Kevin Smith Celebration documentary, the 7 CD sampling set, Crystal Ball 2, and the
recently announced XENOPHOBIA set. In other words don`t start watching your mail boxes for the DVD of the show anytime soon.
Now here comes my BIGGEST GRIPE about the entire show. Everyone stood there inside the theater in a hallway for almost 2
hours; with no information from anyone concerning our wait. I knew that with Prince having the ego-monster that he has,
something like this should be expected. Still I find it kinda shocking that we sat there all that time without any info from the people
from the Aladdin or from the people in Prince`s camp. I guess that Prince`s massive Ego trip was a tad bit more pressing than the
60 plus year old mother from San Antonio sitting besides me, or maybe I should mention the young PREGNANT woman sitting
next to me that looked like she was ready to pass out. I think that most of the fans were frustrated with the entire situation; but hey
were the Premium Members right ??? Plus the most annoying part of the show was some dancing JACKASS IN CUSTOM
AIRBRUSHED PRINCE BLUE JEANS from San Fran (I think). He was pretty much the only comic relief of the show; but alas even
the Humpty Dance gets stale after a while. (See I told you that I was pissed). After what seemed like an eternity the doors opened
and we were allowed to get our seats. I myself was in the 5th row right center and I had an excellent view of the entire stage. I must
admit that it was a very intimate setting if you were in the fan section because you were surrounded by other people who shared a
love for Prince and his music. IM only going to touch briefly on the soundcheck because it was very short. Prince and the band only
did 3 instrumental numbers with the best one being XENOPHOBIA (and it was intense to say the least). Also Prince wasn`t very
talkative with the fans. Don`t get me wrong he seemed to be in a good mood; just not talkative. I see nothing wrong with that but
there were some fans mentioning that they "expected" Prince to be a bit more intimate with the crowd. As I mentioned the
instrumental tunes were good and the band was WAY TIGHT !!! The words fine tuned killing machine come to mind. Speaking of
the band it, the line up consisted of the same people as the rest of the ONA show with the exception of Mr. Madhouse Eric Leeds
and the totally hot Sheila E. Overall I would say the that soundcheck last a little over 20 minutes.
h Las Vegas Alladin
* Adv. Start : 8:00PM / Attendance : 7.000 / ? / Tick. Price : $155
Intro / Soundcheck / Prince Drum Solo / Rainbow Children / Pop Life / Xenophobia (Incl. Prince And The Band) / Power Fantastic
Money Don't Matter 2Night / The Work Pt. 1 / Push & Pull / Purple Rain / The Ride / 1+1+1=3 (Incl. Love Rollercoaster – Housequake)
The Question Of U / Strollin' (Incl. U Want Me) / Gotta Broken Heart Again / Strange Relationship / Pass The Peas / Whole Lotta Love
Family Name / Take Me With U / Raspberry Beret / The Everlasting Now / The Beautiful Ones / Adore / Diamonds And Pearls
Condition Of The Heart / Under The Cherry Moon / The Beautiful Ones / Nothing Compares 2 U / The Ladder / Starfish And Coffee
Sometimes It Snows In April / All The Critics Love U In Las Vegas / Alphabet St / 777-9311 (Incl. The Stick) / Days Of Wild
Members pre-sale for this show was on 27 November,
2002 at 10 AM PT,general tickets went on sale 29
November at 4PM PT. Prince plays one final One Nite
Alone... show, at Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts,
Las Vegas. The 7,000-capacity venue was not completely
sold out. The concert was filmed by several cameras
under the direction of Sanaa Hamri; 81 minutes of the
performance was later released on the Live At The
Aladdin Las Vegas DVD. Manuela took photos from stage
left throughout the show. The line-up of the band was the
same as on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, with Sheila
E. guesting on percussion again. At 8:20 pm, Prince
started on the drums. The beginning of "1999" with the
slowed down voice was played over the drum solo. The
lights went down for about a second and taking Prince's
place on drums was Sheila, which caught everyone by
surprise. It almost seemed like they morphed into one.
After the lights went down again, John Blackwell then took
over for Sheila. The band went into "Rainbow Children" and then followed it up with "Pop Life," skipping the second verse. Then
came a shorter version of "Xenophobia" than what was played on the One Nite Alone... tour. Prince pulled up an older lady and
instead of asking her to sit on a pillow, he brought het over to his keyboard and asked if he could sit on her lap. Prince was reading
lyrics off his lyric sheet to "Prince And The Band." Prince told the lady, Vera, to nod her head if he was telling the truth after each
verse of the song he read and since it was hard for her to hear what he was saying, he then told her to just nod her head after
everything he said jokingly, which drew a laugh from the crowd. Prince told Vera to stay seated as he got up, walked to the centre
of the stage and went into "Power Fantastic." Prince walked her back into the crowd and went back onto his piano and started the
band into "Money Don't Matter 2 Night." Prince started singing, getting to the first line of the song and told the band to stop, stating
it was just too slow as he directed the band into a funky version of "The Work, Pt. 1.” Only singing one verse from the song, the
band jammed on it for quite a while. Guesting with The NPG, Nikka Costa sang her own "Push And Pull" with Prince backing her up
on vocals and guitar. After Costa left the stage, Prince went back to his boards and said that he added this next song, which turned
out to be "Purple Rain," during the world tour because so many people requested it. He started playing it on the keyboard, but then
abruptly stopped and said he needed to do it right. The crowd cheered as he strapped on his guitar and started the song off again.
Sheila played drums during "Purple Rain" and continued to stay up there as Prince went
into "The Ride." Sheila kept her eyes focused on Prince since she was not familiar with
playing the song. Prince played to the cameras, smiling a great deal. John Blackwell took
over on drums for "1+1+1 Is 3" and "Love Rollercoaster." Prince announced during
"Housequake'' that he had a new dance chanting "people, people, got a brand new
dance" a few times and then said, "Ladies and gentleman, the Vegas shake." He started
shaking his body left to right while lowering and raising his hands. Prince went back to the
microphone and announced an even more popular dance, "The Ozzy Osbourne," which
saw him putting his hands in front of him as he walked and shook slowly while throwing
weird faces to the crowd. The Ozzy impression went over well with the Vegas crowd. After the music stopped, the crowd was still
going nuts. Renato Neto then started playing keyboard and Prince went into "The Question Of U." Leaving the guitar for his
keyboard, he then did a mellow version of "Strollin’,” which calmed down the audience. Next Prince went into his vast back
catalogue and pulled out "Gotta Broken Heart Again," followed by "Strange Relationship." During the latter song, Maceo Parker
started playing from the back of the theatre while working his way up to the stage. Prince gave Parker props and the saxophone
player immediately went into "Pass The Peas." Prince followed that with a shortened version of "Whole Lotta Love" with
psychedelic images shown on a screen behind him. Next came "Family Name," which did not include Prince asking people what
their family name was. He kicked off "Take Me with U," but instead of segueing into "Raspberry Beret," he jumped to "The
Everlasting Now," after which Prince left the stage. Returning to the stage, Prince began to play "The Beautiful Ones" on the
keyboard, launching a piano medley segment. He proceeded with a shortened version of "Adore," adding new lyrics, "Was I the first
? Well, was I the second ? Was I... ahh, never mind." Prince continued with "Diamonds And Pearls," followed by "Condition Of The
Heart," which he stopped after the first verse to say, "There was a girl from Vegas whom he sent a letter to." By the time he finished
up the song, the band was back as Prince played a short instrumental version of "Under The Cherry Moon." He talked to the crowd
for a little bit before going back into a full version of "The Beautiful Ones," complete with Prince lying down on the floor just like in
the Purple Rain movie. From that, Prince went straight into “Nothing Compares 2 U," followed by a beautiful version of “The
Ladder" and a medley of "Starfish And Coffee" and “Sometimes It Snows In April." He followed that up with a version of "All The
Critics Love U In New York," substituting references to New York with Las Vegas. Next was "Alphabet St." and a medley of
snippets from "777-9311" and "The Stick." The concert ended with "Days Of Wild." Prince invited all the NPG Music Club members
up on stage. The three-hour show finished with the stage cramped with people from the audience, dancing and singing along to a
very funky "Days Of Wild."
After another hour plus wait the lights went down and the show started. It started at 2015 according to my watch and the funk didnt
end until exactly 2325 (thats 3 hours and 10 minutes folks). Prince opened the show with a quick drum solo, followed by a quick
drum solo by Sheila E, and finally one by the Monster John Blackwell. Speaking of Mr. Blackwell I now understand why they have
him surrounded in a Plexi-glass cage; they do that so that he won`t hurt anyone when we goes APESHIT on the drums. In one word
the man is AWESOME. Period. Now I told you guys earlier that I wasn`t going to give you a note for note list of the set because I
don`t have it. However I will mention the tunes that I remember and what I consider the highlights of the show. He started off with
a 9 minute jam of The Rainbow Children and from there went into Pop Life, both of which sounded very good. A surprising move on
Prince`s part was that he mentioned that during the tour he kept getting request for an old song that he never played anymore :
Purple Rain. And with that he jumped into a very stripped down version of the song that included a special appearance by Habibi
(Habibi still looks great after all these years. hehehe). Other highlights were : The question of you, Pass the Peas (WHEW !!!),
Starfish and Coffee, Take me with you, 1+1+1=3, Housequake, The Jam, The Beautiful Ones, Sometimes it Snows in April, Alphabet
Street (with just Prince on bass FUNKY !!!), The Ladder, Whole Lotta Love (by Zeppelin), Power Fantastic (the poor girl sitting next
to me creamed her G-String 3 times !!!), The Ride (with Sheila E on Drums), Adore, Nothing Compares to You, & The Work.
songs were Strange Relationship and Days of Wild. Strange Relationship sounded very similar to the ONA Boxed Set version but I
was still surprised at how good it sounded in person. On the other hand Days of Wild was the finale and it brought the house down
(hell even the security personal were tappin their feet and bobbin their heads). Prince brought up almost all of the NPGMC
members to dance onstage with him during the song. I must admit that the stage was packed with fans with huge smiles on their
faces. Even the aforementioned DANCING JACKASS got his 2.413423121 seconds of fame by getting to dance next to Prince and
sing 2 words of Days of Wild into the mic. SWEET !!! Now a few notes about Mr. Nelson and crew. This is the closest that I have
been to Prince during one of his concerts and I was satisfied with what I saw. During the entire 3 plus hour show a smile never left
Prince`s face (nor mine either for that matter). The man has more
energy that the entire Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. If he wasn`t
dancing then he was directing the band. If he wasn`t directing the
band then he was playing a VERY FUCKING MEAN GUITAR. And if
he wasn`t playing a mean guitar the he was busy getting the crowd
pumped up (by the way am I the only person there who noticed that he
didn`t do the splits at all ??? Is our beloved tiny hero getting old ???).
As always the band was top notch and made very few mistakes (I only
saw 2). Seeing Eric Leeds and Sheila E brought back wonderful
memories of the SOTT and Lovesexy era. You could tell that Sheila was
having a great time and enjoying every second of the show. I loved
watching her prance around the stage with her cymbal in hand. I must
admit that Sheila E is one of those women who get more beautiful the
older they get. But enough of my ranting on Miss E, as I told you
before Prince was in a great mood and it showed. The little man didnt
stop moving once and he still holds the title of the best male dancer in
the business. I sure wish that I could move like that. Inevitably the
argument is going to be brought up as to if the entire experience was
worth $250.00 ($100.00 for NPGMC membership and $150.00 per
ticket). My thought on the issue is this. Personally I don`t think that it
was worth it; however I would spend the money again in a heartbeat
without a second thought. This is only my 6th Prince concert but it is
by far the best concert that I have ever been too (it even beats out the
Feb-14-1994 NIN concert in St. Louis dubbed the St. Valentines Day
Massacre). Furthermore I would like to say that I’m 32 and have been
a die-hard Prince fan (not a fam) since 1987 and I have to say that I
have never been happier nor prouder to be a Prince fan. Being
surrounded by Prince "friends" only heightened the experience for me.
Everyone was friendly and I almost felt as if we were on big extended
family; if only for a night. More importantly the concert was one of
those lasting memories that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
For a little over 3 hours I forgot my troubles and entered the funky
world of Prince Rogers Nelson and his New Power Generation. My
only regret is that my One Nite Alone with Prince didn`t last a lifetime; but then again thats what the memories are for. Thank you
Prince and thank you Las Vegas. IT AINT OVER !!!
The DVD release covering the tour is an even greater disappointment. Billed as the ‘1st official NPG Music Club Concert DVD’ –
and, to date, the last – it’s not that it’s light on Rainbow Children tracks, as it does include ‘The Work’, ‘1+1+1=3’, ‘Family Name’
and ‘The Everlasting Now’ (as well as The JBs cover ‘Pass the Peas’ that was an important part of many of these shows), but rather
that a three-hour show in Las Vegas has been edited down to less than half its length, losing much of its structure and character
along the way. The problem is not just that Prince has dumped half the show, but that he’s edited out the most interesting bits: by
removing ‘The Rainbow Children’ and ‘Xenophobia’, the show immediately becomes a much lighter, more generic experience.
Las Vegas Studio 54 Aftershow
* Start : 1:15AM / Duration : 1:30 / Tick. Price : $100
Some Kind Of Beautiful (w/ Nikka Costa) / Kat Dyson jam / All The Critics Love U In Vegas / 1+1+1 Is 3 / Santana Medley
I Can’t Stand The Rain (w/ Cindy Lauper – Lynn Mabry) / Sign O’ The Times / Xenophobia
Prince plays a concert at Studio 54, MGM Grand Studios, Las Vegas, which is three blocks away from the Aladdin Theatre for the
Performing Arts. NPG Music Club members got in for free, while others had to pay $100. Some guests of NPGMC members were
also allowed in for free. This show was also filmed. A few celebrities were present, including Demi Moore, David Spade, and Mike
Tyson. Prince took the stage at 1:45 am with a wrapped gift in hand. He opened it and it was a box of chocolates, which he started
passing around to the audience, as Prince took his place next to Renato Neto on keyboard. Former NPG guitarist, Kat Dyson was
onstage and got a reaction from the crowd. Sheila E was also on stage along with the same line-up of The NPG as on The Tonight
Show With Jay Leno and during the Aladdin Theatre gig. The concert began with Nikka Costa singing “Some Kind Of Beautiful"
(from her Everybody Got Their Something, 2001) as Prince looked on, directing the band from the keyboard and smiling. Then
Dyson played a jam. Prince bowed to her after her performance as she stated, "He taught me every lick I know." Prince then went
into “All The Critics Love U In New York," with references to New York replaced by Las Vegas, The song was mostly instrumental,
as was the next, "1+1+1 Is 3." Referring to the lyrics of the latter, Prince said, "Take your time and think it through if this is what you
want to do," before he turned away and laid his guitar down by a speaker. His guitar technician Takumi was about to take it but
Prince told him to leave it there. Prince turned around and, while having avoided them the entire show, kicked two bras into the
crowd. The bras had been thrown onto the stage by a few drunken women in the audience. However, when Prince kicked them off
the stage, they hit two women in the face. One of the women was rather upset and shocked, but Prince came over and said he was
sorry and brought her up on stage to dance for a minute or two. Prince then went into a different instrumental, which seemed to be
a continuation of "1+1+1 Is 3” mixed with another song. Prince proceeded with a jam on a loose take on the Santana medley. He
pointed to the audience and put his hands on his head letting them know that they looked sleepy. Prince and the band then left the
stage. Following a 10-minute break, the band started to come back out as Cyndi Lauper made her way to the front of the stage,
Dyson was the guitarist in her band and brought her along. Lynn Mabry, who is Sheila E.’s manager and backup singer (and former
singer ot Parliament/Funkadelic) took a place next to Sheila. The band started playing and Lauper began the Ann Peebles classic "I
Can't Stand The Rain" (covered by many artists, including Tina Turner and Graham Central Station on Ain't No Bout-A-Doubt It,
1975). She started very slowly and tentative, but by the end of the song, she had the hang of it and was very impressive. Prince
was checking her out behind Dyson’s speaker and came out holding his nose, letting her know he thought she was funky. She left
the stage to cheers. Prince then started into "Sign O' The Times," which went on for at least over 15 minutes. Then came a
shortened "Xenophobia." Sheila screamed into the microphone to wake the audience up and tried to get the audience to participate
more in the music. She threw her drumsticks to the ground as she and Prince left the stage. The band followed shortly after. The
90-minute aftershow was over.
17-12-2002 : ONE NITE ALONE Live ! Release
(63:42 / 61:52 / 55:39)
Rainbow Children (11:45) / Muse 2 The Pharaoh (4:49) / Xenophobia (12:39) / Extraordinary (5:01) / Mellow (4:30)
1+1+1 Is 3 (6:05) / The Other Side Of The Pillow (4:47) / Strange Relationship (4:12)
When You Were Mine (3:47) / Avalanche (6:04) / Family Name (7:16) / Take Me With U (2:53)
Raspberry Beret (3:26) / The Everlasting Now (7:40) / One Nite Alone… (1:12) / Adore (5:32)
I Wanna B Your Lover (1:21) / Do Me, Baby (1:56) / Condition Of The Heart (0:39) / Diamonds And Pearls (0:40)
The Beautiful Ones (2:10) / Nothing Compares 2 U (3:47) / Free (1:06) / Starfish & Coffee (1:07)
Sometimes It Snows In April (2:40) / How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore (5:06) / Anna Stesia (13:12)
Joy In Repetition (10:55) / We Do This (4:41) / Medley : Just Friends (Sunny / If You Want Me To Stay) (4:26)
2 Nigs United 4 West Compton (6:14) / Alphabet St (2:54) / Peach (Xtended Jam) (11:18) / Dorothy Parker (6:16)
Girls & Boys (6:59) / The Everlasting Now (Vamp) (1:49)
One Nite Alone... Live ! is Prince's first live album, credited to Prince and the New Power Generation (the first album to receive that
credit since 1992's d). It was available for purchase only as part of a 3CD box-set also including One Nite Alone... The Aftershow :
It Ain't Over ! (the NPG Music Club edition also included a copy of One Nite Alone..., which had previously been released through
the club separately). The CD is the first audio document of Prince's concerts and includes tracks from nine different shows from
eight venues on the One Nite Alone... Tour. The tracklist is fairly representative of a typical night's show on the tour, although it
misses the number of cover versions performed regularly on the tour (such as A Case Of You, Love Rollercoaster, La-La Means I
Love You and Sing A Simple Song), leaving only Prince compositions. The live tracks included on the release covered a large
portion of Prince's career. Six of the album's 27 tracks were originally on The Rainbow Children. Two tracks were originally on One
Nite Alone..., released six months earlier. The majority of tracks were originally from Prince's studio albums between 1979 and
1999. One track, Xenophobia, had not previously been released in any form, other than as a different live version on the One Nite
Alone... Live Sampler promo made available a few months previously. One Nite Alone... The Aftershow : It Ain't Over is the second
live album by Prince, although it is available for purchase only as part of a 3CD box-set also including his first live album One Nite
Alone... Live ! The CD is the first official audio document of Prince's legendary aftershow concerts (video of an aftershow had been
released previously on The Sacrifice Of Victor VHS) and includes tracks from three different aftershows following shows on the One
Nite Alone... Tour. Six of the nine tracks are live versions of tracks originally included on Prince's studio albums released between
1986 and 1994. The Everlasting Now (Vamp) is a short reprise of the track from 2001's The Rainbow Children (a full version of
which is included on the companion album One Nite Alone... Live !). We
Do This and the medley of Just Friends (Sunny) / If You Want Me To
Stay are previously-unreleased in any form by Prince, and both feature
guest vocalists (George Clinton on We Do This, and Musiq Soulchild on
Just Friends (Sunny) / If You Want Me To Stay).
Prince’s One Nite Alone … tour is among the high points of his entire
career, the most musically accomplished and sophisticated series of
shows he’s ever performed. And for once, there is a satisfactory audio
document of the tour. While the Lovesexy tour was only officially
documented on videotape, this time Prince finally released an official box
set which, for all its flaws, is a good souvenir of the US leg of the tour (he
would follow this with stints in Europe and Japan, during which the show
would change). The One Nite Alone … Live ! box set features two CDs
covering the main show and a third intended to represent the aftershows. The first two are compiled from eight different performances from
the US leg of the tour, edited together to represent a typical night. It’s
easy to see why such an approach would appeal to Prince and yet alienate
purists who might have preferred a recording of a whole show rather than
this stitched-together patchwork. I realise this is a regular complaint, and
that musicians like to point to the fact that some of the most acclaimed
live albums of all time are the product of multiple nights of recording and
serious overdubbing, but no matter how much work was done to the recording after the performance, the first CD of the set at least
is among Prince’s finest releases. Although the show, like the tour, focuses largely on The Rainbow Children, it is more than just a
live representation of this material. As with Prince’s best live performances, the set sees him revisiting his back catalogue in an
almost wholly original way. Beginning with sci-fi noises and drums, the opening – the first two tracks of The Rainbow Children – is
even more disorientating than the Rainbow Children album itself, as the audience cheers while Prince intones in his new Darth
Vader manner. His spoken addresses to the audience indicate just how hard he was working to make this new sound work. During
‘The Rainbow Children’ there is a much clearer division between Prince-through-tone-box and Prince singing normally – yet
another representation of Prince’s belief that there is more than one person inside him. ‘Muse 2 the Pharoah’ is much heavier and
harder live, with a lyric change that makes clearer the importance to Prince of ‘monotheism’. But it’s the third track that really
makes this recording essential. This is the only official release of ‘Xenophobia’, Prince’s best jazz-influenced track. Originally
intended as the title track of an album, but removed from that recording after its appearance here, it’s worth buying the set for this
alone. Accompanied live by footage of people being searched at an airport, part of the song (and the title) is clearly Prince’s response
to increased security following the events of 9/11. This is only part of the twelve-minute track, which unlike the unreleased
instrumental studio version, begins with Prince encouraging his audience to surrender to him, avoid ‘dead blood’ and rise up.
Encouraging the audience to chant as Greg, Candy, Maceo, Renato and drummer John Blackwell take turns to solo, it’s a wonderful
example of how to bring jazz to a pop audience, a far greater achievement than any of his later jazz records. After five minutes he
threatens to search his audience; after nearly eight the song becomes much softer as Prince conducts a combination sermon and
trust exercise, encouraging audience members at the front of the stage to give up their seats to those at the back and pulling a fan up
onstage before directing his performance to this lucky individual. This kind of stagecraft was not completely new, but it had a fresh
purpose. The intensity of this opening is broken with a surprising choice : ‘Extraordinary’, from The Vault … Old Friends 4 Sale,
here used as a springboard for continued jazz improvisation, a three-way between Renato Neto, Candy Dulfer and Prince. It’s one of
the best examples of Prince taking a throwaway song and turning it inside out. It also flows perfectly into ‘Mellow’, making it clear
that The Rainbow Children was less of a departure than it first seemed. Prince worked harder in these shows (and on this recording)
than he ever did before (or has done since), and the version of ‘1+1+1=3’ on this record features a continuation of this era’s
extraordinary showmanship. It’s one thing to inspire an audience to get funky; quite another to get them up on their feet and
dancing to celebrate ‘the theocratic order’. The first two ‘hits’ appear towards the end of the first side, although both – ‘Strange
Relationship’ and ‘When U Were Mine’ – are fan-favourite deep(ish) cuts, Prince pretending this music is playing on his WNPG
radio station. Of all the old songs on this album, ‘Strange Relationship’ is one of the few that has the impact of the original. The heat
has definitely gone, but Prince makes up for it with a passionate delivery and scat-singing that hides this, rhapsodising over
Rhonda’s bass line. ‘When U Were Mine’ is less successful, Prince treating the track as if it is a cover of someone else’s newwave
song (he even instructs Renato to play an ‘old-time solo’). As if punishing the audience for their enjoyment of the oldies, he follows
this with the furious ‘Avalanche’, delivered soft and smooth, another wonderful example of Prince voicing harsh sentiment in a
gentle register. The only truly brilliant performance on the second disc is
the opener, ‘Family Name’, another song brought to life through interaction
with the audience, Prince giving new names to the Portland people sitting
up front. Given how much Prince has enjoyed renaming his protégés over
the years, it seems ironic that he now finds this practice so outrageous.
Aside from ‘Everlasting Now’ and a very brief version of new song ‘One Nite
Alone …’, the rest of the second disc is given over to oldies, including a
seven-track piano medley and two attempts to reclaim songs from the
artists who’d covered them (‘Nothing Compares 2 U’ and ‘How Come U
Don’t Call Me Anymore’). The closing rendition of ‘Anna Stesia’ starts
brilliantly: Prince inhabits the song so completely he could have written it
yesterday, before he ruins everything by sermonizing and berating the
audience for not joining his music club. While this box set is a good
representation of the tour, there was one show that was dramatically
different. When Prince arrived in Louisville, he did so without the NPG
horns, which meant a certain amount of improvisation and rejigging of the
set was necessary in order for the show to work, with Prince concentrating
largely on piano instead. It’s the sort of magic night that if Prince was a
different sort of artist would be a perfect archive release, but instead it
passed largely unnoticed, another inspired moment forgotten by everyone
aside from those who were there. The fact that the after-shows on this tour
were largely less interesting than the main shows is also borne out by the third CD of his live set, One Nite Alone … The Aftershow:
It Ain’t Over . Consisting mainly of the highlights of two US after-shows (one from New York, the other from Los Angeles), plus one
track from a Portland show, it does give an indication of the after-show experience, but suffers from the edits and unrecognisable
versions of much-loved hits. The best Prince after-shows – such as the famous Trojan Horse performance – have a sense of
purpose; the worst are given over to guests and formless jamming. This live album falls somewhere in the middle. The CD opens
with a long version of ‘Joy in Repetition’ that Prince used to open the New York after-show, which took place in front of an audience
who’d already watched a George Clinton show that night. It’s a worthwhile performance, opening up the song into a jam without
losing the lyric’s mystique, but I’ve seen him do much better versions of the track live. George Clinton is one of a number of highprofile guests on the CD, performing an unreleased original of his entitled ‘We Do This’. Prince kept this cover but clipped the two
that preceded it – James Brown favourites ‘Talkin’ Loud and Sayin’ Nothing’ and ‘Pass the Peas’ – robbing the show of the building
funk jams that would have been a true representation of an after-show experience (he’d later do something similar with the Indigo
Nights live album). The only other track from this particular two-hour performance to make it onto the CD is a medley from much
later that morning, Musiq Soulchild performing his ‘Just Friends (Sunny)’ combined with Sly Stone’s ‘If You Want Me to Stay’.
Aside from a vamp from ‘The Everlasting Now’, the remaining tracks on the album are all old songs, all in versions that don’t
compete with their originals. Frankly, ‘2 Nigs United 4 West Compton’ could be anything, the only evidence that Prince is playing
this song coming when he shouts out the title. ‘Alphabet St.’ is delivered in the country-and-western style he’s unfortunately
adopted whenever he’s played the song in recent years. ‘Peach’, too, is barely recognisable, at least when compared to the recorded
version. Sometimes when Prince extends or deconstructs a song it’s the most exhilarating part of his performance; other times (as
here), the jamming becomes excruciatingly dull. Chanting ‘It Ain’t Over’ live is great fun; hearing it at home merely makes me want
to scroll to the end of the track and shout, ‘There. Now it’s over.’ The hits are dull on this CD too. All the psychodrama of ‘Dorothy
Parker’ has been removed in favour of Latin stylings – with a Sheila E percussion solo – and ‘Girls & Boys’ quickly turns into yet
another jam that bears scant resemblance to the original song. It’s almost as if Prince was using the CD to blow the mystique of his
21-12-2002 : e Tonight Show (Taped 13-12) - The Everlasting Now
Album Title : One Nite Alone... Live !
Label/Catalog Number : NPG Records 70702
Source : PRINT
Originally Reviewed : December 21, 2002
Having divorced himself from the corporate music
industry structure, Prince Rogers Nelson remains one of
contemporary pop music's most intriguing, elusive, and
enigmatic figures. His seemingly endless repertoire
continues to delight and confound audiences
worldwide. Throughout his chameleon-like, 20-plusyear career, Prince has maintained his reputation as the
consummate live performer. With this sprawling, threedisc live set - the artist's first live recording - Prince &
the New Power Generation emerge spiritually
reinvigorated and musically revitalized. Culled from the
group's spring 2002 tour (and impromptu post-concert
gigs), the stripped-down, jazz-tinged collection
"Avalanche") and classic treasures ("Do Me Baby,"
"When You Were Mine"). Also included is a bonus disc, the acoustic-fueled One Nite Alone studio recording.
28-12-2002 : The Time @ Austin
31-12-2002 : The Time @ Tucson