The consolidated report of RAINBOW TOURS S.A. Capital Group for the first quarter of 2009 prepared in accordance with IFRS str. 1 CONTENT Content 1. Consolidated quarterly financial statement .................................................................................. 4 1.1. Consolidated balance sheet ....................................................................................................... 4 1.2. profit and loss account ............................................................................................................... 6 1.3. statement of changes in equity ................................................................................................7 1.4. cash flow account ......................................................................................................................8 2. selected explanatory data .......................................................................................................10 2.1. Base of preparing and form of the financial statement .........................................................10 2.2. Information on rules adopted when preparing the quarterly report for the 1st quarter of 2009 ............................................................................................................................................................10 2.3. Seasonal, cyclical and sporadic revenues ...............................................................................27 2.4. Type and amounts of items affecting the assets, liabilities, net financial result or cash flows, which are untypical with regard to their type, amount or influence exerted ...................................27 2.5. Type and estimated value of amounts, which were presented in previous interim periods of the current financial year, if they substantially influence current interim period ............................27 2.6. Issue, repurchase and repayment of equity and debt security ..............................................27 2.7. Dividends paid (total or per share), divided into ordinary and other shares .........................28 2.8. Significant events after the end of the interim period, which were not reflected in the financial statement for the first quarter of 2009 .............................................................................................28 2.9. Description of organization of the Issuer’ s Capital Group, indication of entities consolidated ...........................................................................................................................................................28 2.10. Result of changes in economic entity’s structure within the interim period including mergers of economic entities, acquisition or sales of subsidiaries, and long-term investments, restructuring and abandonment of activity ............................................................................................................29 2.11. Changes in contingent liabilities or assets, which took place after the end of the last financial year ...................................................................................................................................................29 3. Other additional information ....................................................................................................... 29 3.1. Selected financial data including basic items of consolidated financial statement ( translated in EURO as well) .............................................................................................................................. 29 3.2. The Position of the Management Board concerning possibility of realizing previously published forecasts for the given year, in the light of results presented in the quarterly report in comparison to anticipated results .............................................................................................. 30 3.3. Shareholders holding at least 5% of total number of votes at the Issuer’s General Assembly ................. .................................................................................................................................... 31 3.4. Company’s shares or rights to shares ( options) held by persons in the Management Board and the Supervisory Board ................................................................................................................ 31 3.5. Information on significant proceedings concerning the Company ............................................ 31 3.6. Information on transactions concluded with related undertakings ........................................... 32 3.7. Information on credit or loans warranties or guaranties granted by the issuer or its subsidiary to, jointly, one entity or its subsidiary, if total value of warranties and guarantees granted constitute at least 10% of Issuer’s equity .................................................................................................... 32 str. 2 3.8. Other information which are in opinion of the Issuer significant to asses situation of staff, assets and finance and its changes, and information essential to assess possibility of realization of liabilities by the Issuer ............................................................................................................... 32 3.9. Indication of factors, which in the opinion of the Issuer will influence results reached within at least following quarter ................................................................................................................ 32 str. 3 1. Consolidated quarterly financial statement 1.1. Consolidated balance sheet Rainbow Tours Capital Group S.A. Rainbow Tours S.A. Legal basis: IFRS description Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Intangible assets Investment assets Related undertakings Investment in subsidiary Investments in associates under equity method Other financial assets Finance lease receivables Deferred tax assets Other assets Current assets Stocks Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Financial lease receivables Cash and cash equivalents Other assets Fixed assets for sale Total assets RTSA 100% PLN’000 assets D a a 31st December 2008 31st March 2009 13 177 13 040 2 538 2 458 8 386 8 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 000 0 237 16 45 411 4 31 648 125 0 4 282 9 352 0 58 588 2 000 0 232 16 45 167 43 37 413 125 0 1 616 5 970 0 58 207 str. 4 Rainbow Tours Capital Group S.A. Rainbow Tours S.A. 1 Legal basis: IFRS description Equity Authorized capital Spare capital ( without results) Valuation reserves Ownership interest Accumulated profit Accumulated profit (loss) Net profit for the financial period Currency differences of entities operating abroad Shareholders equity in dominating entities Minority interest Long-term liabilities Bank credit and loans Other financial commitments Deferred tax liability Pension liabilities Long-term capital lease obligation Long-term provisions Current liabilities Trade and other liabilities Leave and pension liabilities Current capital lease obligations Short-term bank debt Other financial commitments Short-term provisions Liabilities directly related to fixed assets for sale Total liabilities RTSA 100% PLN’000 liabilities C b 31st December 2008 31st March 2009 17 870 16 751 1 200 1 205 16 860 16 860 5 0 0 0 -2 157 -3 972 6 434 -2 157 -8 591 -1 815 1 530 2 236 17 438 432 1 454 1 017 0 332 26 79 0 39 264 16 953 119 178 3 183 542 18 289 16 329 422 1 430 1 017 0 342 40 31 0 40 026 23 676 127 185 6 053 542 9 443 0 0 58 588 58 207 str. 5 1.2. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Rainbow Tours Capital Group S.A. Rainbow Tours S.A. Legal basis: IFRS description Continuing activity, sales revenues Continuing activity, cost of sales Gross profit (loss) on sales Continuing activity, costs of disposal Continuing activity, general administration costs Continuing activity, other operating income Continuing activity, other operating cost Profit (loss) on operating activity Continuing activity, return on investment Continuing activity, loss on investment Continuing activity, finance revenue Continuing activity, financial cost Net financial profit (loss) Profit (loss) sharing of associates Profit sharing of associates Loss sharing of associates Pretax earnings (loss) Continuing activity, income tax Current tax Deferred tax Deferred tax increase in charges Deferred tax decrease in charges Profit (loss) from continuing activity Profit (loss) from abandoned activity Net profit from abandoned activity Net loss from abandoned activity Net profit (loss) For shareholders in dominating entity For minority shareholders RTSA 100% PLN’000 account C 0 1st March 2008 c 1st March 2009 34 985 26 530 8 455 4 105 44 888 38 559 6 329 3 580 3 625 4 485 544 206 1 063 33 91 -1 794 0 0 73 91 -18 0 0 0 -1 812 -13 0 -13 13 0 -1 825 0 0 0 -1 825 -1 815 -10 119 10 109 0 1 172 -235 313 0 3 81 937 0 937 1 066 -129 str. 6 1.3. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Rainbow Tours Capital Group S.A. RTSA 100% PLN’000 Rainbow Tours S.A. Legal basis: IFRS statement of changes in equity C description Total equity opening balance Shareholders’ equity in dominating entity opening balance Authorized capital opening balance Issue Other increases amortization Other decreases Authorized capital closing balance Spare capital opening balance Agio Other increases Other decreases Spare capital closing balance Revaluation reserve opening balance Created purposely Other increases Used purposely Other decreases Revaluation reserve closing balance Own shares opening balance Purchase of own shares Other increases Disposal of own shares Other decreases Own shares closing balance Undistributed result brought forward opening balance Results carried forward Other increases Dividend payment Result carried forward “-“ Other decreases Undistributed result brought forward, closing balance Profit in the period Loss in the period Net profit (loss) opening balance Currency exchange differences of entities operating abroad Shareholders’ equity in dominating activity closing balance Minority interest opening balance e 1st March 2008 1st March 2009 25 021 17 870 24 634 17 438 1 200 0 1 200 5 0 0 0 1 205 16 860 0 0 0 16 860 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 275 6 434 2 159 -8 591 0 0 0 0 6 434 -2 157 1 066 1 066 0 1 815 -1 815 383 2 236 25 808 16 329 387 432 1 200 16 725 16 725 str. 7 Other increases Other decreases Minority interest, closing balance total equity closing balance -10 0 422 16 751 609 -222 25 586 1.4. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Rainbow Tours Capital Group S.A. Rainbow Tours S.A. Legal basis: IFRS cashFlow RTSA 100% PLN’000 C description I. Profit (loss) before tax II. Total adjustments Amortization and depreciation Foreign exchange gains (losses) Interest and profit sharing (dividends) Investment profits (losses) Movements in reserves Movements in stocks Movements in receivables, and prepayments and accruals Movements in short-term liabilities, prepayments, except loans, credit and finance lease Other adjustments Net cash from operating activities Income tax paid Net operating cash flow Interest received Dividends received from entities consolidated under equity method Sales revenue from financial assets available for sale Sales revenue from fixed assets Sales revenue from short term-securities/ purchase of short-term securities Sales revenues from short-term securities Purchase of short-term securities Contract (repayment) of loans (credits) Repayment of loans ( credits) Granting loans and credits Inflows from sales of subsidiary/ purchase of subsidiary Inflows from sales of subsidiary Purchase of subsidiary Contracting/repayment other Contracting other 0 e 1st March 2008 d 1st March 2009 1 172 -3 703 138 108 8 1 -17 1 -1 812 -3 565 151 0 65 0 -20 -39 25 -2 018 -4 046 -1 881 79 -2 531 -140 -2 671 177 -5 377 0 -5 377 3 0 0 59 0 -373 0 373 0 0 0 0 0 0 -874 0 874 0 0 0 0 0 str. 8 Repayment other Cost of fixed asset acquisition Net cash from operating activity Inflows from issue of shares Contracting /repayment of loans/credits Contracting credit /loans Repayment of credits/loans Other contracting/ repayment Other contracting Other repayment Finance lease repayment Dividends paid Interest paid Net cash from financial activity Increase/ decrease in cash and cash equivalents Net change in cash Movements due to foreign exchange gains/losses Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 8 -63 0 52 -49 0 2 870 2 870 0 0 0 0 43 0 67 2 760 -4 150 -2 666 -4 150 -2 666 228 -1 416 0 0 55 0 15 190 4 282 11 040 1 616 str. 9 2. Selected explanatory data 2.1. Base and form of preparing the financial statement Presented quarterly financial statement was prepared in accordance with IRS 34 “Interim financial reporting”, and requirements of Minister of Finance ordinance of 19th October 2005 on current and periodical information filed by issuer of securities. (Journal of Law No 209 item 1744). 2.2. Information on rules applied while preparing the quarterly report for the first quarter of 2009. When preparing the quarterly report for the first quarter of 2008 the below mentioned accounting policy was used, created on the basis of the Accounting Act of 29th September 1994 (with amendments) and records of International Financial Reporting Standards and interpretation issued by International Accounting Standards Board, and also International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) in the shape approved and published by EU. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES OF THE CAPITAL GROUP BASIC PRINCIPLES Recognition of economic transaction: Economic transactions are recognized in accounting books at the moment of their appearance and recognized in the respective period. Historical cost principle The base of recognition in the accounting books and recognizing for the first time each asset and liability as historical cost. They are subsequently valued according to presented below rules of this policy, differently for different assets and liabilities Superiority of economic content over the legal form Transactions are recognized in accounting books and reported in financial statements according to their economic content, and not only legal form of the transaction. The Company up to date analyzes economic content of agreements and transactions concluded and registers them in way that ensure true and reliable reflection of the entity’s economic situation. Materiality concept Financial ( or not financial information) is regarded as significant if not included or distorted ( in accounting books or notes to financial statement) could influence economic decisions taken on the base of financial statement by their users. CONSOLIDATION The consolidation is aimed at presenting the assets, financial situation and financial results of entities within the Capital Group, in a way if it was one entity. Rainbow Tours S.A. Capital Group consist of dominating entity and its subsidiaries: Entities related with the Company are as follows: str. 10 1. Entities, which directly or indirectly through one or more agents, control or are controlled, or jointly controlled of an entity (they are dominating entities of Capital Groups, subsidiaries, or subsidiaries within the same Capital Group) a. Have share in entity, which allows to significantly influence the entity, or b. Jointly control the entity 2. Entities affiliated with this entity ( within the meaning of IRS 28 “Investments in affiliates) 3. Joint-ventures, in which the entity have shares 4. Members of key management personnel of the entity or dominating entity 5 Close relatives of the persons mentioned in point 1and 4. 6 Entities, over which persons mentioned in point 4 and 5 have control, joint control, significant influence, or directly or indirectly share in voting rights. The dominating entity is an economic entity which possesses one or more subsidiary. A subsidiary is the economic entity, which is controlled by the dominating entity. It is assumed that the subsidiary is controlled, if the dominating entity have directly or indirectly – through its subsidiaries – more than half of voting rights in the subsidiary. The company have control if the dominating entity have half or less of voting rights in subsidiary and if: Have more than half of voting rights pursuant to agreements with other investors Is able to manage financial and operating policy of subsidiary pursuant to Statutes or an agreement Is able to appoint and dismiss members of the Management Board of the subsidiary, or Has majority of votes at the meetings of the Management Board of the subsidiary An affiliate is the entity, which is significantly influenced by an investor, and is not entity dependent on the investor, and a joint- venture with the investor. It is assumed that significant influence is exerted , if the investor has directly or indirectly, through its subsidiaries 20% or more votes in the entity, in which it invested. The significant influence of the Investor on the affiliate may take following forms: 1. Being a member of the Management Board of the entity, 2. Participation in creating strategy of entity’s operations, including decisions concerning dividend payment, 3. Significant transactions between the investor and the entity, 4. Mutual exchange of the management personnel 5. Providing access to significant technology information Obligation to prepare consolidated financial statement and exclusions from consolidation. The subsidiaries of Rainbow Tours S.A., which are dominating entities towards their own subsidiaries do not prepare consolidated financial statement if the following conditions are met: 1. Minority shareholders in dominating entities were informed about this fact and did not object, 2. Debt and equity securities issued by the dominating entities are not traded at the official market. str. 11 In order to determine the list of entities included in the consolidated financial statement and the list of entities excluded from consolidation, quality criteria are applied supplemented by quantity criteria. Relating connections between the entities within the Capital Group to these criteria is the base of stating whether given entity is insignificant with respect to correct presentation of the Capital Group as a whole , and if it can be excluded from consolidation. The entity cannot be deemed insignificant, if: 1. Provides goods and services, which are consistent with core- business activity of the dominating entity or other entities within the Capital Group, and the absence of this entity can negatively influence economic situation of the whole Group, 2. Is for the dominating entity the source of long-term funds or funds supporting its core business activities. 3. The entity runs a great risk related with possession of this entity or the assets which could bring greater benefits from this activities 4. Carry out activities on behalf of the dominating entity in conformity with its economic needs Investment valuation in subsidiaries, associated units and shares in joint-ventures In non-consolidated financial statement prepared by the companies of Rainbow Tours S.A. Capital Group investments in subsidiaries and interests in joint-ventures are valued as at the balance sheet date at the purchase price according to rules of consolidation exemptions described below. Consolidated financial statement of the Capital Group The consolidated financial statement is the financial statement of the Capital Group prepared in a way , as if it was a financial statement of single economic unit. The consolidated financial statement is prepared by dominating entities. The consolidated financial statement consists of following components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated profit and loss account, Consolidated cash flow account, statement of changes in equity, additional information. Transactions excluded concluded between companies within the Capital Group. The consolidated financial statement should present operations between companies of Rainbow Tours S.A. Capital Group and external units. To achieve this objective following should be done: 1. identify in each company accounts, on which operations of other companies within the holding are recorded, 2. make reconciliation of balances and turnovers between each consolidated company 3. include operations concerning: a. value of share (stock) acquisition by the dominating entity in subsidiaries (exemption from the financial statement of the dominating entity, str. 12 b. parts of subsidiaries’ equity corresponding with share of the dominating entity in properties of these entities ( exemption from financial statements of subsidiaries) c. intercompany receivables and liabilities and other similar settlements of entities consolidated d. revenues and costs of transactions concluded between entities consolidated e. profits and losses, which are results of economic transactions between entities consolidated; they are included in value of assets consolidated. Goodwill of subsidiaries in the consolidated financial statement. Goodwill of subsidiaries in consolidated financial statement is a surplus between value of share in subsidiary’s assets at the price of acquisition and its fair value determined as at the acquisition date. Goodwill of subsidiaries is presented in separate item of assets in the consolidated balance sheet. Goodwill of subsidiaries is not amortized, however less possible impairment charges. As at the end of every financial year an impairment test on the goodwill with respect to subsidiaries is carried out. Impairment test on the goodwill is carried out as the other balance sheet dates as well, if there are circumstances which would suggest the necessity to carry out the test. Negative difference, if any , between value of share in net assets of subsidiary at the acquisition price and its fair value determined as at the acquisition date and recognized in the financial result for the period when the share was acquired. Translation of foreign companies’ financial statement When the functional currencies of financial statements of companies within Rainbow Tours S.A. Capital Group differ from presentation currency, then financial statements are translated to presentation currency as follows: a) assets and liabilities are recognized at closing price ruling on the balance date. b) revenue and costs in profit and loss account are stated at the average of closing prices ruling as at the last days of months in the given financial period. c) All the currency translation differences , which are result of this situation are recognized as separate component of equity. Valuation of assets and liabilities of the Company. Intangible assets Recognition of purchased/manufactured intangible asset in the accounting books. Purchased intangible assets are recognized in the accounting books at the moment of their purchase or manufacturing. The entity purchase only those intangible assets, from which it expect to gain economic benefits. Purchased intangible assets are recognized in the accounting books in the moment of purchase or manufacture. The entity purchases only such intangible assets which, from which it expects to gain economic benefits. str. 13 Lost ability to generate economic benefits in the periods after the purchase is reflected through impairment test on intangible assets. Determining the period of intangible assets’ useful life The Management Board of the company determines whether intangible asset is indefinite or definite period of useful life. The indefinite period of useful life refers to intangible assets, for which, as at the date of their acceptance to use , the entity could not determine the period of economic benefits gained. This situation may refer to successfully accomplished development works, production technologies, or brands purchased. Intangible assets of indefinite period of useful life are not amortized. As at every balance sheet date the entity: Reviews assets with respect to permanent diminution, Verify whether the assumption concerning indefinite period of usufruct is still justified General amortization period for intangible assets. Period of intangible assets’ useful life used pursuant to the agreement is equal to duration of the agreement or shorter if the entity intends to use intangible assets described in the agreement shorter than defined in the agreement. If the agreement can be renewed period of useful life include renewed periods only when there is possibility to renew the agreement and no additional costs are incurred. The entity amortizes intangible assets on the straight line basis. The amortization starts in the month after the month, when the asset was available to use . The entity stops the amortization in the month when the intangible asset is recognized as noncurrent assets available for sale according to IFRS or is withdrawn from usufruct (liquidated or sold). Amortization period of particular categories of intangible assets. Software 5 years Goodwill Goodwill is the surplus of acquisition cost over the fair value of Company’s share in possible to identify assets, liabilities, and contingency of acquired entity as at the date of acquisition. The entity recognized in the financial statement only the goodwill arisen in economic transaction of acquisition concluded by the entity. The goodwill is not amortized. An impairment test on goodwill is taken annually. Intangible assets are tested on impairment when there are circumstances. Goodwill is recognized in the balance sheet at cost less impairment losses. Impairment loss, if any is not reversed in the subsequent periods. str. 14 Impairment test is carried out with respect to intangible assets when there are favourable circumstances, or annually in case of intangible assets of indefinite period of usufruct. Tangible fixed assets Recognition of purchased, manufactured assets in the accounting books. The entity recognizes fixed assets in the accounting books if there is probable inflow of economic benefits, and when their cost may be reliably assessed. Purchased or manufactured within one’s capacity fixed assets are recognized as at moment of purchase or manufacturing. The entity purchase only those fixed assets, from which she expect to gain economic benefits. Lost ability to generate economic benefits in the period after the purchase is reflected by analyzing impairment of fixed assets. Subsequent inputs are included in the balance value of given fixed asset or recognized as separate fixed asset only when it is probable that this item will result in inflow of economic benefits for the Company, and the cost of this item may be reliably assessed. All other expenditures for repair and maintenance are recognized in the profit and loss account in the financial period when the expenditures were incurred. When part of the fixed asset is replaced, the replacement cost of the part of the fixed asset is recognized in the balance value of the given assets, and at the same time balance value of the replaced assets is removed from the balance sheet, irrespective of the fact that it was separately amortized or not. Net value of the removed assets is recognized in the profit and loss account. Fixed assets in the entity are depreciated in the determined for them period. The amount to be depreciated is the difference between acquisition cost of fixed asset and its residual value ( the mount expected by the entity to receive from sales after its period of useful life). This amount and the period of useful life is determined by the Management Board, or unit responsible for purchase of fixed assets, in the moment of obtaining the invoice for purchase of the fixed asset before it is recorded in the accounting books. If the residual value determined in such way is insignificant in relation to value of fixed asset ( constitute no more than 10% of acquisition cost), it is assumed that it amounts to zero. For assets of useful life longer than a year, for which acquisition unit cost is insignificant in relation to all fixed assets of the given group, the entity makes single capital allowance of such fixed asset, in the month when it was recorded in the books. Limit of value to recognize fixed asset as subject of single capital allowance is the amount of PLN 3.500. In the moment of fixed assets purchase, the unit responsible for this purchase determines whether fixed assets purchased comprise elements of varied period of useful life. In case of identification of such elements, they are separately recorded in fixed assets register and depreciated within individual period of usufruct. Acquisition cost of these assets is determined by the unit responsible for purchases as cost percentage of the whole fixed asset. str. 15 Selecting valuation method of fixed assets owned. The entity applies a cost model to assess net book value of fixed assets. The cost model is the initial recognition of fixed asset at the acquisition cost and its subsequent depreciation to residual value within the period of useful life. Overall depreciation periods for particular categories of fixed assets. Periods of depreciation of particular categories of fixed assets are as follows: Acquired perpetual usufruct of land 20 years Buildings 40 years Appliances – computer hardware 3-4 years Means of transport 3-5 years Other fixed assets 5-8 years Value of depreciated fixed asset is apportion throughout the period of useful life. The period of their usufruct and the residual value is verified at least once a year. Depreciation starts in the month after the month when the fixed asset is available for use. Deprecation ends when the fixed asset is withdrawn from useful life ( liquidation or sale). Fixed assets for sale. The fixed assets are classed as fixed assets for sale, if economic benefits will be gained by sale of these assets, not their further useful life. Decision to change the classification taken by the Management Board is binding. The assets are classed as fixed assets for sale if their immediately available for sale. The period from the classification till sale should not exceed one year. Valuation method Fixed assets for sale are recognized in lower value of: a) Book value b) Fair value less sales costs Fixed assets for sale are not depreciated. Fair value of assets for sale is determined on the base of comparing prices of similar or the same asset transactions. Such information are gathered by unit managers which are responsible for the given asset. This is accomplished in the following way: a) Based on the expertise concerning price behaviour of similar assets; b) Based on information received from agents, which services the entity intends to use; c) Based on purchase offers received. str. 16 Determined in this way fair value is lessen by indispensible sales cost, which are in particular: a) Assessed commission payable to agents related to sales, b) Assessed cost of repairs, which must be done before sales, c) assessed tax and other fees connected with sales transaction, which the entity is obliged to pay pursuant to legal provisions or a sales agreement, d) All the fees not paid yet connected with dismantling and transportation of assets to a purchaser. Financial instruments Financial instruments - financial assets for sale Assets for sale are nonderivative financial assets which are not included in financial assets recognized in fair value in the profit and loss account, loans, account receivables and assets maintained till maturity date. Assets for sale are shares and interests in companies, which are not subsidiaries, associated companies, not traded at the active market, and they are current or noncurrent assets. Recognition and derecognition in the balance sheet. The assets are recorded in the books as at the transaction completion date, and derecognized in the balance sheet when contractual rights to cash flow with respect to financial assets expire, or the asset is transferred together with the whole profit and benefits related with this asset. Valuation rules. As the date of recording in books, they are valued at the fair value plus transaction cost, whereas as at the balance sheet the assets are valued at the fair value including impairment charges recognized in revaluation capital. In case of debt instruments, difference between an instrument value determined by using effective interest rate and fair value is recognized in the revaluation capital. Profits and losses from changes in fair value of the assets are recognized directly in equity. Assets for sale, for which there is no active market, and which fair value is impossible to assess; are valued at the purchase price less impairment charges, and results of valuation are recognized in the financial result. Rules of determining financial instruments fair value. Fair value of assets or liabilities is best reflected in available market price at the active public stock exchange. Active market means that transactions are completed enough regularly , that the price determined at the market does not have to adjusted due to changing economic conditions, and in such amounts which guarantee the following: a) That the price determined is not result of off-market agreement of parties completing the transaction, str. 17 b) That it is possible to sale financial instruments owned by the entity without significant influence on the market price. When the market fail to meet criteria of the active market, the entity while evaluating financial instruments will reflect changes in the economic environment ( with regard to credit rating of the instrument issuer, changes in market return, changes of basis risk and others) and adjust in this way price, which was previously determined on the market. If the instrument is not traded at the stock exchange the entity: a. The instruments with the right to share ownership will be valued at the acquisition cost adjusted by impairment loss, if there are circumstances for the loss b. Will take into account prices of owned financial instrument transactions off the regular market ( if such information will be available) and adjust by information on changes in economic environment influencing the instrument price; If off regular market price will not be available the entity will use generally recognized valuation methods of given financial instrument, the methods which will be used by market participants to determine the price of the given instrument in market transaction. A debt instrument value, in particular, is assessed using effective interest rate calculated on the base of all cash flows from the given financial instrument. Any value assessed in this way is tested for impairment, if there are circumstances for impairment. Value assessment of instruments for sale by effective interest rate. Instrument for sale value determined by effective interest rate is assessed in the same way as are loans granted by the entity. If the original maturity date of the debt instruments do not exceed twelve months, then settlement of discount and interests, unless the difference is insignificant for the financial statement with respect to owned instrument value. Account receivables Trade receivables are recognized in the date, when services, materials, and goods are sold according to policy of sales revenue recognition. Trade receivables are recognized in a nominal value. The entity up-to-date monitors receivables recoverability. In case, when receivables recoverability is improbable a valuation allowance is created, which checks the value of recoverability in relation to value recoverable. Cash Criteria of recognition assets as cash. Cash on hand and demand deposits are recognize as cash by the entity. Other monetary assets (cash equivalents) are current investments of high liquidity. They are considered cash equivalents if they are easily convertible for determined in advance amounts of cash, they are in a little degree exposed to risk of value change. The entity recognizes as cash, except cash on hand and cash, and cash at bank, in particular: str. 18 Bills of exchange and checks received , Treasury bills and other money instruments of original repurchase date not exceeding 3 months if there is active market for them, Prepaid expenses In case of incurred expenditures concerning future reporting periods the company makes cost prepayments and accrued income. To costs accounted in time the Company include costs of organizing events, incurred commission payable from events and catalogues, which refer to sales in subsequent financial year, insurance and the subscription in the following year. valuation Value of this costs is valued at the value paid including prudence. Equity Authorized capital Recognition of the authorized capital in the financial statement. Authorized capital is recognized in the financial statement at the moment of its registration in the National Registry Court. Valuation of the authorized capital. Authorized capital is recognized in the nominal value of shares delivered in exchange for payments or contribution made. Surplus of payments over the share nominal value or surplus of fair value of contribution over the nominal value of shares delivered is recognized as spare capital. Amounts of unpaid capital with respect to shares delivered are recognized in minus as decrease in equity , in liabilities. Authorized capital arisen of share issue surplus over their nominal value. Spare capital is created from surplus of share issue price ( or fair value of contributed assets) over their nominal value. Currency translation differences of entities operating abroad. This capital serves to recognize currency translation differences which are result of different currency rates applied to translate the balance sheet and profit and loss account of the companies within Rainbow Tours S.A. Capital Group, for which functional currencies differ from presentation currency. Liabilities Definition of a liability A liability is a current obligation of the entity to make benefits in consequence of future events which will result in outflow of economic benefits from the entity in the future. Method of determining liability value in case of significantly deferred payment date str. 19 In case of liabilities, which payment date is extended enough, that delivery contains funding element of the entity ( the entity assumes that liability payment date should exceed 12 months, so that delivery could contain funding element) the entity recognizes liabilities in the nominal amount less discount inputed according to effective interest rate, which is as follows: a) Embedded in an agreement, if a price of delivery was determined at the level different than would be determined, if delivery was paid for immediately, b) Is result of interest rate assessment of loan, which would the entity be granted, if it would like to finance such purchase by loan, if embedded in the agreement rate of return does not exist or does not meet market conditions. The difference between nominal amounts to be transferred to deliverers , and the value of acquisition cost is recognized is financial cost. Method of determining capital lease obligation Value of capital lease obligation as the moment of concluding the agreement is equal to discounted value of finance lease payments by discount rate embedded in the lease agreement. In the subsequent periods value of obligation is lessen by capital part of every payment determined by deduction from whole payment value of finance part resulting from multiplying obligation value as at the end of previous period by determined discount rate embedded in the lease agreement. Provisions Provisions are created when the Company has legal or customary obligation resulting from past events, an d it is probable that in order to fulfil the obligation an outflow of resources must follow, and the amount of outflow can be reliably assessed. Provisions are created and classed according to their purpose of creation to following groups: 1. Provisions for liabilities, in particular with agreements which incur liabilities, for guarantees granted and results of legal proceedings, 2. Restructuring provisions. Provisions for future operating losses are not created. Provisions for agreements concluded, in which unavoidable costs of executing the agreement will execute expected economic benefits coming from the agreement, the entity recognizes loss which will be referred to the agreement in the period, when the cost surplus was stated. The entity creates provision for the above mentioned loss in the following amount: a) Entire loss coming from the agreement – if till balance sheet date recognized revenue exceeded costs incurred; b) Difference between the loss from agreement and the surplus of cost incurred over revenue achieved - if till balance sheet date costs incurred exceeded recognized revenue. Way of identification and determining the amount of other provisions str. 20 Other provisions are recognized in the balance sheet if as at the balance sheet dates exists obligation to make financial consideration in the future, which date or payable amount is not currently known. The entity assess provisions , in particular, for: Unfavourable results of litigation, in which the entity is a defendant ( if liabilities arising on this situation are not recognized in different items) if unfavourable result of a trial is probable for the entity. Provision value is assessed by the Management Board of the entity based on the opinion of the legal expert., Costs of provision, which were not invoiced, for services sold in the financial year, which entity will be charged by the tour operator at the beginning of the following year. Employment benefit Identification and valuation of short-term employee benefits As at the balance sheet date the entity assesses employee costs related with receiving additional economic benefits with regard to unused part of paid holidays by the employees. Additional cost is recognized as accrued expenses in value of paid holiday working days in the given year or in previous years including due mark-ups. Revaluation of costs settled in times takes place when the employee acquire the right to transfer unused holiday leave to the following year (31st December). Unsettled liabilities in this respect as at the balance sheet date are not discounted. Identification and valuation of other long-term employee benefits The entity does not have any regulations concerning jubilee payments or deferred earn-out payments, therefore the entity is not legally or customarily bound to provide long-term benefits in this respect. Payment obligation of severance pay provision is a result of binding legal regulations. The provisions are created in the amount assessed by the accounting department using individual method including significance criteria. Identification and valuation of termination benefits The entity created provision if she has clear obligation to terminate a contract of employment with current employees without possibility to withdraw or provide termination benefit. The entity discounts the benefits, if maturity date is longer than a year starting from the balance sheet date. Deferred tax Definition of deferred tax assets and liabilities Deferred tax assets are determined in relation to deductible temporary differences or unused tax losses in the amount, which is probable that taxable income reached will allow to use these assets. str. 21 Deferred tax liabilities are recognized in relation to taxable temporary differences in the amount of income tax payable in the future. Book value of assets and liabilities is the value defined according to International Financial Reporting Standards. Tax base is the value on which deferred tax liabilities are based. Deductible temporary differences appear, when: Book value < tax base Book value> tax base For assets For liabilities Taxable temporary differences appear, when: Book value> tax base Book value < tax base For assets For liabilities Main items , which influence the appearing deductible temporary differences are among others: Using lower amortization rate for tax purposes than for accounting purposes, Calculated but not paid loan interests under agreement concluded, Calculated, unrealized foreign exchange losses Losses resulting from receivables discounting, Asset valuation allowances, which will decrease tax base in the future Created provisions for liabilities expected and accruals , for which is certain that when they are used tax cost will appear. Tax losses and advantage to be used in subsequent reporting periods. Main items affecting the appearance of taxable temporary differences are among others: Using higher amortization rate for tax purposes that for accounting purposes Applying towards interest not received on granted loans and other financial assets Calculated, but unrealized taxable temporary differences Asset revaluation in order to reach fair value exceeding acquisition value of these assets If the difference between book value and tax value will not cause in the future decrease in tax liability ( a permanent difference), it is assumed that tax value of such balance sheet item is equal to its book value. str. 22 Tax rate adopted and recognition of deferred income tax results. The entity calculates the value of deferred tax assets and liabilities including income tax rate in the year when the tax obligation appeared, as sum product of ( respectively taxable and deductible ) temporary differences and income tax rate valid in the year when tax obligation arose. Deferred tax from revenues and costs directly recognized in equity is also recognized in equity. Contingent assets and liabilities Contingent liabilities are as follows: A probable liability, which is a result of past events, and which presence will be confirmed by occurrence or absence of one or more uncertain future events, which are not controlled by the Company, or Present liability, which is a result of past event, but is not recognizable, as: o Inflow of benefits in order to settle liability is highly improbable o It is impossible to reliably assess the amount of this liability. Contingent assets are probable assets, which are the results of past events, which existence will be confirmed by occurrence or absence of one or more future event, which are not controlled by the Company. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency. The functional and presentation currency is Polish zloty. The rule of determining proper exchange rate for particular group of assets and liabilities as at the balance sheet. Balance sheet components classed as monetary as at the balance sheet date will be valued at the closing price on the balance sheet date. this in particular refer to the following groups of assets : receivables, liabilities, loans granted received loans and credits, cash. Balance sheet components classed as nonmonetary valued at fair value are translated to Polish zloty at the average rate ruling on the date of determining the fair value. If the Company will be determining fair value as at the balance sheet date, then it will be applying the exchange rate valid for the given currency on the balance sheet date, to translate nonmonetary balance sheet components valued at fair value. If the fair value of the given balance sheet component will not be determined as at the balance sheet date, its value translated into Polish zloty will be determined using the exchange rate ruling on the day, when the fair value of balance sheet component is determined for the last time, if the difference will be significant to the financial statement. This situation refers particular to components of fixed assets for d sale. Other balance sheet components ( nonmonetary components valued at historical cost or modified historical cost) will be as at the balance sheet date valued at the exchange rate ruling on the transaction date of acquisition given component. str. 23 In order to make matters simpler, for practical purposes the entity uses as closing rate an average exchange rate published by NBP. The rule of determining proper exchange rate for particular groups of assets and liabilities during a year and recognition of currency translation difference results. Transactions and balances denominated in foreign currencies are translated into functional currency at the exchange rate ruling for transaction settlement. Profit on exchange and foreign exchange loss referring to settlement of these transactions and valuation of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognized respectively in profit and loss account, on following conditions: o o They are not deferred in equity, when they qualify to be recognized as cash flow hedge and hedging the share in assets, and Does not refer to construction in progress built, within funding period – up to amount of interest cost adjustment. Foreign exchange gains and losses concerning transactions related with obtaining external funding ( credits, loans, lease agreements, cash and cash equivalents) constitute financial costs. Currency translation differences arising on nonmonetary items, such as equity instruments classes as financial instruments for sale are recognized as revaluation of capital with respect to fair value. Currency translation differences concerning funding of manufactured fixed assets – up to interest cost adjustment less revenues in this respect are subject to capitalization in fixed asset value. Currency translation differences with regard to other transactions ( completion and balance sheet valuation of trade settlement ) increase or decrease revenue or cost items of related operations. Leasing Lease classification The entity classes leasing as at the lease beginning date, that is at date of concluding lease agreement. Leasing is classed as finance lease, when conditions in the agreement transfer in principle all potential benefits and risks connected with ownership to lessee. All other types of leasing are treated as operating lease. The entity treats a lease agreement as a finance lease agreement, when: a) Lease agreement transfer ownership of lease object to the entity within lease period. b) Lease agreement includes purchase option of lease object at the price enough favourable in relation to value of lease object, that using this option is highly probable, c) Lease period is similar to period of economic useful life of lease object d) current value of lease payments is similar or higher to value of object lease at the moment of entering into agreement e) lease object is highly specialized and only lessee can take advantage of it, str. 24 f) in case of breaking the agreement by the lessee , the lessee cover all losses of lesser, which are related with agreement breaking g) all fluctuations of lease object residual value are reflected through modification of lease amounts; h) lessee can continue lease after original period under the agreement, and lease amounts in this additional period are significantly lower than market leases. Valuation of lease subject initial value Assets used under the lease agreement , which are treated as Company’s assets are valued in fair value at the moment of concluding the agreement, however, not higher than current value of minimal lease payments. Lease subjects depreciation When the agreement is classes as finance lease agreement, the entity recognizes the lease object as its asset and amortizes it within lease period, or proper for given group of assets period of useful life, however , only then when it is certain that the lessee will obtain ownership and will use asset in the period longer than the period under the agreement . Settlement of lease payments Lease payments are distributed among financial costs and decrease in lease liability balance, in such way that effective interest rate of the rest of liability balance was constant value. Financial costs are recognized directly in profit and loss account. Rules of determining financial result Net financial profit In Rainbow Tours S.A. financial profit comprise as follows: o o Profit (loss) from operating activities Gross profit (loss) on sales – profit from core-business activities Profit (loss) from other operating activities Financial and investment operations Obligatory income tax charges to financial result paid by the Company, and payments equal to them , according to separate legal regulations, Profit on abandoned activity Sales revenues The revenue is recognized, when inflow of future economic benefits to the entity is probable. Sales revenues are recognized in the fair value of payment received or due, less goods and services tax , rebates, and discounts. The moment of sales is the moment of receiving of services or goods by the recipient. The Company recognizes as revenues from goods sales above all fee earned on: Tourist services str. 25 Agency In case of organizing tourist events fee earned is recognized as the date of the tourist event ending. The entity makes simplification with regard to short durations of touristic events, and assumes that the date of origination of sales revenue is the date of completing the service also for those tourist events, which began at the end of one financial year, and end at the beginning of another financial year. Service prepayments received are recognized in balance sheet liabilities as received prepayments for services, which will be provided in future periods. Origination date of revenues from agency of tourist events, airline and coach tickets, and insurance sales, is the date of entering into agreement by the recipient of service. Received payments are the base to assess due revenues. Final amounts of actual commissions on sales above mentioned is determined at the moment of settlement of sold services with a carrier or tour operator. Costs of goods and products sold Costs of goods and services sold are recognized in the income statement according to matching principle ( cost with revenues), and costs referring to the same transactions are recognized parallel. Profit on other operating activities Revenues and profits directly related to operating activities include as follows: Profits (losses ) on disposal of fixed assets , construction in progress, and intangible assets, Write-down of outdated, amortized, and uncollectible receivables and liabilities Creating and reversing provision other than related to financial activity Creating and reversing asset valuation allowance and their adjustments, which are result of changes in estimated values, except write-downs charged to costs of services and goods sold or financial costs. Compensation, penalties and fines. Transfer or obtaining free of charge, including as donation , assets. Finance revenues and financial costs Company’ s finance revenues and financial costs include: Interests on assets owned Interests on loans and credits granted Currency translation differences on loans and credits Interests arising from purchase or sale on prolonged payment conditions, Loss on derivatives, which are recognized in profit and loss account Interest on finance lease payments – recognized using internal rate of return method Profit (loss) on sales of investment All interests and other financial costs are recognized in the period, to which they refer. Dividend revenue are recognized as the rights to receiving payments are obtained. str. 26 Income tax Current income tax which is charged to financial result of the reporting period is determined in the amount of tax due arising from tax declaration for a current reporting period. Deferred income tax charged to financial result of the reporting period is classified as changes in assets and provision for deferred tax , which are a consequence of events recognized in financial result of this period. 2.3. Seasonal, cyclical and periodical revenue Activities of the Group with regard to its character are seasonal. Below there is a presentation of revenue value from sales of tourist services for 3 months of 2009 and comparable period. Values presented refer exclusively to the dominating entity. The entity resigned from comparing consolidated data with regard to different date of taking control over subsidiaries and tighter cooperation of all entities, and subsequent exclusions of mutual transactions. 2.4. Type and amounts of items affecting the assets, liabilities, net financial result or cash flows, which are untypical with regard to their type, amount or influence exerted In the first quarter of 2009 the situation on the currency market worsened in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2008. This decreased the profitability of Rainbow Tours products. The Company took some adjustment actions in order to restore assumed profitability level through, among others, renegotiating purchase agreements with contractors, adjusting the amount of the offer and internal activities , which would lower current costs of Company’s functioning. However, these actions failed to level completely negative market trends, which persist since October 2008. Until publication date of this report once can observe temporary stabilization, however, at high levels which affect the current costs of the Company. The Issuer took some actions in order to secure currency rates ( above all Euro rates) at possibly low level; and for this purpose concludes forward and corridor transactions. Moreover Rainbow Tours S.A. renegotiated purchase agreements with contractors ( air transportation, lodging), which would level the increase in service costs. This actions helped to restore operating profitability of most of tourist services provided; sudden weakening of Polish zloty resulted in loss of profitability of tourist services provided in November and December 2008 (negative margin). Simultaneous expansion of own sales agency network ( at the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009) will allow the Company to reach better result in the following periods. 2.5. Type and amounts of estimated values, which were presented in previous interim periods of the current financial year, if they substantially influence current interim period No significant changes in estimated values took place in the presented period. 2.6. Issue, repurchase and payment of debt and equity securities str. 27 In 2008 Rainbow Tours S.A. started introducing Share Incentive Plans. The rules of new Incentive Plan was resolved at Ordinary General Assembly of 6th June 2008. The Plan comprise years 20082010. The main goal of the plan is a stronger motivation of bigger number of personnel, in order to increase Company’s goodwill for shareholders and introduce a factor enabling to retain key persons in the Capital Group for a long time. On 8th September 2008 a conditional increase of share capital by the amount not higher than PLN 20 thousand by issue of ordinary bearer serried D shares of nominal value PLN 0.10 each was registered in National Registry Court. Series D share will be subscribed by authorised persons from Issue A subscription warrants. On 30th October 2008 52 thousand registered series A subscription warrants were distributed (“series 2008”). On 15th December 2008 the Management Board of Polish National Depository for Securities by resolution 684/08 took to deposit up to 200.000 series D shares of nominal value PLN 0.10 each issued within conditional share capital increase of Rainbow Tours S.A., on condition that the company which run regular market will take a decision to trade the shares on this market. On 31st December WSE Management Board adopted resolution No 992/2008 concerning admission and introduction to trading at the WSE Main Market ordinary series D bearer shares of Rainbow Tours ( 52 thousand of ordinary series D bearer shares of nominal value 0.10 each). According to the above mentioned resolution it was decided to admit, as of 7th January 2009, in usual way, to trading the shares on regular market; on condition that the shares are registered by Polish National Depository for Securities on 7th January 2009 and marked with code: “PLNRNBWT00031”. On 6th January 2009 the Operating Department of Polish Depository for Securities published an information concerning the registration, and therefore the shares were admitted to trading. 2.7. Dividends paid (total or per share), divided into ordinary shares and other shares. Dividends were not paid in the first quarter of 2009. 2.8. Significant events after the interim period, which were not reflected in the financial statement for the first quarter of 2009. Till publication date, except situation at the currency market described in point 2.4 of this report , no other events were identified which could substantially influence future financial results of the Capital Group. 2.9. Description of the Issuer’s Capital Group, entities consolidated As at 31st January 2009 the entities, in which the issuer have below mentioned percentage share are as follows: - Rainbow Tours Ukraina Sp z o.o. - 100% Portal Turystyczny Sp. z o.o.- 65% Rainbow Tours - Biuro Podróży Sp. z o.- 50% TravelOvo Sp. z o.o. – 56% TravelTech Sp. z o.o. – 56% ABC Świat Podróży Sp. z o.o. – 100% str. 28 Comparable data for 2008 does not indicate consolidation of ABC Świat Podróży Sp. z o.o., as the control over the company was taken in June 2008. 2.10. Results of changes in economic entity’s structure during the interim period, including mergers of economic entities, acquisition, sales of subsidiaries, long-term investments, restructuring and abandonment of activity. No acquisition, mergers and other transactions concerning Capital Group structure took place in the first quarter of 2009. 2.11. Changes in contingent liabilities and assets after the end of the last financial year. On 5th January 200 the deposit for the amount PLN 870 thousand was released, which was a bank guarantee for related undertaking Rainbow Tours – Biuro Podróży Sp. z o.o. The guarantee was submitted by accredited agent which is Rainbow Tours – Biuro Podróży Sp. z o.o. to International Air Transportation Association. The guarantee was valid till 31st December 2008. This item is not presented as at the end of the first quarter of 2009. 3. Other additional information 3.1. Selected financial data including basic items of consolidated financial statement ( translated into Euro as well) To translate the below items following foreign exchange rates were used: - Average Euro exchange rate ruling as at the last day of the period, set by National bank of Poland ( as at 31st March 2009 – PLN 4.7013, as at 31st march 2008 – PLN 3.5258) – for asset and liabilities - arithmetic average of exchange rates set by National Bank of Poland ruling as at the last day of every finished month of the financial period ( 1st march 2009 – PLN 4.5994, 1st march 2008 – PLN 3.5574 ) – for profit and loss account and cash flow account items. Description Average exchange rate set by NBP Euro Weighted average exchange rate by NBP Euro Continuing activity sales revenues PLN Euro Profit (loss) on operations PLN Euro Profit (loss) before tax PLN Euro For shareholders of dominating entity PLN Euro Net operating cash flow PLN 31st March 2009 31stMarch 2008 3.5258 4.7013 3.5574 4.5994 34 985 9 834 44 888 9 760 1 063 299 -1 794 -390 1 172 329 -1 812 -394 1 066 300 -1 815 -395 -2 761 -5 377 str. 29 Euro Net cash on investment activities PLN Euro Net cash on financial activities PLN Euro Net Increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents PLN Euro Total assets PLN Euro Long-term liabilities PLN Euro Current liabilities PLN Euro Equity PLN Euro Authorized capital PLN Euro Number of ordinary shares ( with respect to dividend) PLN Euro Book value per share PLN Euro Diluted profit ( loss) per ordinary share Net profit (loss) Element diluting the number of ordinary shares PLN Euro Book value per share PLN Euro -751 -1 169 -1 416 -398 -49 -11 -63 -18 2 760 600 -4 150 -1 167 -2 666 -580 49 338 13 993 58 207 12 381 1 413 401 1 430 304 22 338 6 336 40 026 8 514 25 587 7 257 16 751 3 563 1 200 340 1 205 256 12 000 12 052 0.09 0.02 -0.15 -0.03 2.13 0.60 1 066 1.39 0.30 -1 815 1 066 -1 815 0 12 000 0 2.13 0.60 0 12 052 0 1.39 0.30 3.2. The Position of the Management Board concerning possibility of realizing previously published forecasts for the given year, in the light of results presented in the quarterly report in comparison to anticipated results The Management Board of Rainbow Tours S.A. did not published the forecast of financial results for the 1st quarter of 2009. str. 30 3.3. Shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes at the Issuer’s General Assembly. Shareholder Sławomir Wysmyk Number shares held of Number of votes per each share Percentage of the number of share at the General Assembly of the Company Share percentage in the share capital of the Company 2.336.000 4.226.000 22.18 19.38 2.92.000 4.147.000 21.77 19.02 2.019.700 3.664.700 19.24 16.76 1.990.000 3.600.000 18.90 16.51 1.000.000 1.000.000 5.26 8.30 Adam Grzegorz Baszczyński Remigiusz Cezary Talarek Tomasz Czapla Piotr BRIDGE CAPITAL Spółka z o.o. 3.4. Company’s shares or right to shares (options) held by the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board. Company’ shares as at the 31st march 2009 are held by following persons: Grzegorz Baszczyński – the President of the Management Board Remigiusz Talarek – the vice-chairman of the Management Board Tomasz Czapla - the vice-chairman of the Management Board Sławomir Wysmyk – the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Number of shares held and their share in Company’ s share capital, and the number of votes at the General Assembly is presented below: Management personnel, which do not seat in the Management Board or the Supervisory Board do not hold Issuer’s shares or rights to these shares. Four out of five members of Company’s Supervisory Board comply with criteria of Independent Member according to the Statutes. Only the Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Mr Sławomir Wysmyk hold shares , which give him 19.38% share in the share capital of the Company and 22.18 % of votes at the General Assembly. 3.5. Information on significant legal proceedings concerning the Company. The Issuer or its subsidiaries is not a party in any legal or administrative proceedings and the value of the subject matter of the litigation does not constitute 10% of Issuer’s equity. 3.6. Information on transactions concluded with associated units. str. 31 The issuer and associated units conclude transaction which would meet the criteria indicated in the Ordinance. All sales transaction were typical and of routine nature, and were a result of core business activity of the entities. In the first quarter of 2009 the dominating entity granted loans to associated units in the following amount: Travelovo Sp. z o.o. – PLN 300 thousand Traveltech Sp. z o.o. – PLN 50 thousand 3.7. Information on credit or loans warranties, or guaranties granted by the issuer or its subsidiary to, jointly, one entity or its subsidiary, if total value of warranties and guarantees granted constitute at least 10% of Issuer’s equity The Issuer, or the subsidiaries did not granted credit or loans warranties, or guarantees, which would meet the above criteria , in the presented period. 3.8. Other information which are in opinion of the Issuer significant to asses situation of staff, assets and finance and its changes, and information essential to assess possibility of realization of liabilities by the Issuer. In the first quarter of 2009 the Company restored, after sudden weakening of Polish zloty in the end of 2008, operating profitability of services provided by the Group. It is worth to mention that the net loss for the fourth quarter of 2008 amounted as much as PLN 8.6 million and that taking into account negative external factors (crisis, weak Polish zloty) should be considered the beginning of a positive trend. Rainbow Tours S.A. take advantage of two operating credits in Deutsche Bank and Raiffeisen Bank . The credits support current liquidity in low tourist season (November – March); this is also the period of advances payments to contractors for services provided in high season. 3.9. Indication of factors, which in the opinion of the Issuer will influence results reached within at least following quarter Financial results reached in the future key periods will be influenced by following factors: - - Sales of offer : Summer 2009. The sales turnovers will be disclosed in the books starting from May 2009. Currently one may observe reversal of tourist event sales trend. The sales shifted from “first minute” sales ( early advance sale) to “last minute sales”, that is why Rainbow Tours expects significant dynamics growth in the following period, when the summer season begins, Renegotiating purchase agreements with contractors, which increasing in this way profitability of most products, Possible fluctuations at the currency market, which may distort profitability of some products, Cost restructuring in order to lower current cost of Company’s functioning Restoring by the Company profitability of most tourist services offered. In comparison with the fourth quarter the Company reached positive premium, but incurred loss for the first quarter of 2008, which was a result of fixed and financial costs, and this considering negative external factors ( crisis, weak Polish zloty) should be deemed the beginning of the positive trend of retaining net profitability. str. 32 The Management Board of Rainbow Tours S.A. Lodz, 15th May 2009 str. 33